ETL tools help Greenplum to load data from external source reliably and effectively.
Pg_dump is a command line tool that can extract data from a database table to a file. It is the official backup solution of Postgres.
pg_dump mydb > db.sql
And use psql to restore the dumped file:
psql -f db.sql mydb
copy can dump the content of a table with required delimiter, escape, header, etc to a file, and vice verse. More importantly, Copy can be executed at a client side, which means it can also use the file that locates on the host of psql against the table on remote server.
copy mytable to '/path/to/file.csv' format csv
If the file is on the client host, then run:
\copy mytable to '/path/to/file.csv' format csv
Latest Greenplum 5.0 enhance the copy feature to allow it to process the file on each segment host, instead of on the master host, if there is on segment
keyword in copy command. This feature works better for some backup restore purpose than gpfdist.