This is a project to implement Aggregate planning Linear Program in S&OP Supply Chain Management. The project implements a Linear Programming model to solve the aggregate planning problem in S&OP process. The model uses input parameters like cost of materials, cost of hiring an employee, cost of firing an employee, cost of an employee, cost of back orders, cost of inventory, cost of outsourcing etc. The model outputs the minimum cost and other planning parameters like number of employees to hire, number of employees to fire, total orders processed in house, total orders outsourced, overtime etc.
To solve the problem, you will need the glpsol
command from the glpk
First, rename the aggregate_planning.dat.sample
mv aggregate_planning.dat.sample aggregate_planning.dat
Run the command like so:
glpsol -m aggregate_planning.mod -d aggregate_planning.dat -o aggregate_planning_results.out