condition that stops the recursive calls and allows the function to return a result without making more recursive calls
region of memory
serves as a mechanism for managing function calls
operates on a Last In, First Out (LIFO) basis
exceeding stack space causes stack overflow
data structure used to store info about function calls in call stack
contains info about function params, local variables, return address and info that needs to be saved across functions
swap elements in order during passes
time complexity: O(n^2)
let a = [6,4,5,10,1]
let i = 0, j = 0;
let ns = true;
while(true) {
console.log("loop ", ++j);
if(i < a.length - 1 && a[i] > a[i+1]) {
let tmp = a[i];
a[i] = a[i+1];
a[i+1] = tmp;
ns = false;
i += 1;
if(i === a.length){
if(ns) break;
i = 0;
ns = true;