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File metadata and controls

123 lines (88 loc) · 5.96 KB


library which wraps webaudio interface and makes it easier to use.

Currently in development phase, so may works little differently than described. Sorry for that, I am making it in my free time.


these function creates various audio nodes and connects them.

  • hb.start() - starts webaudio. Important - you have to call this before using anything from this library!
  • - returns current time
  • hb.clamp(min, v, max) - enforces limits min and max for value v
  • hb.midi2cps(nn, A4=440) - converts nn MIDI note number to frequency (based on A4 tuning value)
  • hb.cps2midi(freq, A4=440) - converts freqency to MIDI note number (based on A4 tuning value)
  • hb.makeOsc(wave, freq, - makes OscillatorNode with waveform wave and frequency freq
  • hb.makeNoiseOsc( - makes noise source (2s of generated white noise sample)
  • hb.generateWaveformBuffer(generator, params={}, len=/*one cycle of C3 note*/) - generates len samples of audio buffer by calling generator function with params
  • hb.generators - generators for hb.generateWaveformBuffer function - sin, sqr, pulse({width:0.1}), saw, triangle
  • hb.makeSamplerOsc(buffer, freq, baseFreq=C3 note, - makes tunable AudioBufferSourceNode which is (partially) pretending to be OscillatorNode with frequency freq, tuned to baseFreq
  • hb.makeSamplerLoopOsc - same hb.makeSamplerOsc, but with looping
  • hb.makeDrumOsc(buffer, - makes AudioBufferSourceNode which is not tunable
  • hb.makeConstantOsc(n) - makes ConstantSourceNode with offset n
  • hb.makeGain(vol=0) - makes GainNode with volume vol
  • hb.makeFilter(type=lowpass, freq=0) - makes BiquadFilterNode of type type and frequency freq
  • hb.makeAdder - TBD
  • hb.makeMultiplier - TBD
  • hb.chain(a, b [, c ...]) - connects a and b or more nodes, stops on first thing which is not AudioNode
  • hb.unchain(a, b [, c ...]) - disconnects a and b or more nodes, stops on first thing which is not AudioNode

audioParam stuff

these functions are for realtime manipulation of AudioParam interface.

  • hb.moveTo(audioParam, target, time) - moves audioParam in time time to target value
  • hb.setNow(audioParam, target) - sets value of audioParam to target value
  • hb.adsrStart(audioParam, env) - starts ADSR envelope env for audioParam
  • hb.adsrStart(audioParam, env) - stops ADSR envelope env for audioParam

Default env definition is {attack: 0.05, decay: 0.01, sustain: 0, release: 0.05, max: 1}. You can supply only partial definition, but you need to supply at least empty object ({}).

MIDI stuff

Function hb.midi2call(midi_data, synth, only_channel) - translates midi_data to method calls on synth instance, if only_channel is set then it uses only this channel and ignore others.

Suported calls are:

  • synth.noteOn(note, velocity)
  • synth.noteOff(note)
  • synth.panic()
  • synth.programChange(program)
  • synth.pitchBend(bend) - note that raw values are recalculated to scale -1 to +1
  • synth.CC(controller, value) - control change
  • synth.start() - starts playback
  • synth.stop() - stops playback

There is a basic support for WebMidiLink. You can call function hb.enableWebMidiLink(synth) and register your synth to receive events via WebMidiLink. Only channel 1 is now supported.


As setTimeout and setInterval notoriously bad at timing, there is metronome in this library. It can be used as base for your sequencers, arpegiators and stuff. It has following interface:

  • metronome = hb.makeMetronome(callback) - creates metronome instance with callback to be called at each tick
  • metronome.setBpm(bpm, div=4) - set tempo to bpm and division of whole note, default is 120 BPM (quarter notes)
  • metronome.setCps(cps) - set tempo in cycles per second
  • metronome.start() - starts metronome
  • metronome.stop() - stops it


these are complex components - synths, effect units and other devices.

Each component has input and/or/nor output, zero or more params and this interface:

  • var component = hb.ComponentName(out)
  • compoment.param(name, val)
  • component.noteOn(nn, vv)
  • component.noteOff(nn)
  • component.plan(at, nn, vv, dur)
  • component.panic()
  • component.input and/or/nor component.output


mixing board strip-like component - it has EQ, reverb, panning and volume.

Parameters are:

  • hi - gain of high frequencies (above 12 kHz)
  • mid - gain of mid frequencies (around 1000 Hz)
  • low - gain of low frequencies (below 80 Hz)
  • pan - panning (-1 hardleft, 0 center, +1 hardright)
  • reverb - how much of sound will be send to reverb (0-1)
  • reverb_len - length of reverb in seconds
  • vol - volume (0-1)

Gain is in dB (safe values are from -20 to +20).


simple component for recording and playing back WAV files. It has following API:

  • tape.record() - starts recording
  • tape.stop() - stops recording/playback
  • - plays back recorded audio
  • tape.loadLocalFile(file) - loads local file for playback
  • tape.loadRemoteFile(url) - loads remote file for playback
  • tape.downloadFile() - download currently loaded file to user's browser
  • tape.makeFilename() - used to generate filename used for recording

Note - this currently requires wave-encoder-polyfill.js as no browser currently implements WAV encoder (in MediaRecorder).

cooperation with other libraries

  • ub - I use custom library called uboot for DOM-related stuff. There is ub.chnget function provided which uses this to watch inputs and use these as params for synth components.
  • JZZ.js, webmidi.js and WebMIDI - use hb.midi2call to translate to synth calls
  • Tone.js, Pizziato.js and others - as these libraries uses audioNode interface it's possible to connect these using hb.chain

coming from CSound