Skeleton object used for representing neurons, adjacent cells, and organelles.
Osteoid is the Skeleton code from CloudVolume refactored into its own library.
pip install osteoid
import osteoid
skel = osteoid.load("skeleton.swc")"skeleton.swc", skel)
from osteoid import Skeleton
skel = Skeleton(vertices, edges, radii=radii)
# you can specify a transform to e.g.
# convert the skeleton into a physical space
# with, in this example, 16x16x40 nm^3 resolution
matrix = np.array([
[16, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 16, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 40, 0],
], dtype=np.float32)
skel = Skeleton(vertices, edges, radii=radii, transform=matrix)
skel = skel.physical_space() # applies transform to vertices
skel = skel.voxel_space() # removes transform from vertices
# skeleton functions
l = skel.cable_length() # physical length of the cable
comps = skel.components() # connected components
paths = skel.paths() # convert tree into a list of linear paths
skel = skel.downsample(factor) # factor must be a pos integer
skel = skel.average_smoothing(7) # smooths over a window of e.g. 7 vertices
G = skel.to_networkx() # converts edges to an nx.Graph()
binary = skel.to_precomputed() # Neuroglancer compatible format
swc = skel.to_swc() # Neuroglancer compatible format
skel = Skeleton.from_swc(swc)
skel = Skeleton.from_precomputed(binary, segid=1, vertex_attributes=[
'id': 'radius',
'num_components': 1,
'data_type': 'float32',
# Cross-format transform from Navis. More efficient than
# using SWCs as an interchange medium. Navis is more fully featured,
# and written with a lot of love by Philipp Schlegel and others.
# Consider using it and citing them:
skel = Skeleton.from_navis(navis_skel)
# remove duplicate vertices and optionally disconnected vertices
skel = skel.consolidate()
skel2 = skel.clone()
# visualize, requires either matplotlib or microviewer+vtk installed
skel.viewer() # select library automatically
skel.viewer(color_by='radius', library='matplotlib')
skel.viewer(color_by='cross_section', library='matplotlib')
skel.viewer(color_by='component', library='matplotlib')
# gpu accelerated, fewer features, colors by component