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Intuition for Setting Parameters const and scale

William Silversmith edited this page Aug 8, 2019 · 5 revisions

If you're not familiar with the basics of the skeletonization procedure, check out this visual tutorial!

Newcomers to Kimimaro often lack an intuition for how to set parameters. Most of the time, the defaults are fine and you shouldn't need to touch them, with the exception of scale and const which control the detail capture sensitivity of the procedure. scale and const control the radius of the invalidation sphere according to the equation:

r(x,y,z) = scale * D(x,y,z) + const

Where the units of D(x,y,z) and const are physical units (e.g. nanometers), scale is dimensionless, and the output is in physical units. D(x,y,z) is the euclidean distance to the boundary of the shape at that voxel.

However, what does that mean practically?

Depiction of four different situations where const varies but scale is set to zero.

Depiction of two situations where scale varies but const is set to zero.

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