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Submitting a new brand to LittleLink

Seth Cottle edited this page Aug 6, 2022 · 8 revisions

🆕 If you're submitting a new brand that is relatively niche, consider contributing it to LittleLink Extended instead.

When submitting a new brand to LittleLink, you should think of it's scale regionally and globally. One of the main goals for LittleLink is to keep our defaults to globally and regionally popular services that are pretty traffic heavy and would be a value add for the majority of those using LittleLink instead of a handful.

The core LittleLink repository isn't designed to be a discovery tool to drive traffic to your favored sites or to support every site out there. This is to mostly help first-time users not be presented with an overwhelming number of services to parse through. Given how easy it is to add your own and add more niche services on one's own fork of LittleLink, typically new additions may fall into the "add on your own fork category"!

When you submit a PR to add a new brand to LittleLink, we perform a search to find the impact of that brand. We look at traffic statistics, global rankings, and regional rankings. Just because something is the most popular niche site, doesn't mean it's for the masses that enjoy LittleLink every day. Including these statistics in your PR would greatly help us as we review them.

To help support LittleLink, we do have a sponsorship option for individuals and brands. One of these opportunities does give brands, regardless of their size, a way to have their button placed into the LittleLink repo. View Sponsorship Opportunities

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