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Part 3: State: IState<T> and Its flavors

Video covering this part (a bit outdated due to API changes):

You already know two key concepts of Fusion:

  1. Compute Services allow to write functions that compute everything just once and keep the result cached till the moment it either stopped being used, or one of its dependencies (a similar output) gets invalidated.
  2. Computed<T> – an abstraction that's actually responsible for tracking all these dependencies.

The last missing piece of a puzzle is IState<T>, or simply speaking, a "state". If you used Knockout.js or MobX earlier, state would correspond to their versions of computed values - i.e. in fact, state simply tracks the most recent version of some Computed<T>.

Ok, probably it's not quite clear what I just said, but remember that:

  • Computed values are immutable - once created in Computing state, they turn Consistent first, but eventually become Inconsistent.
  • The rules of the game set in such a way that, if we ignore Computing state, there can be only one Consistent version of a computed value corresponding to the same computation at any given moment. Every other version (in fact, the older one) will be Inconsistent.

So IState<T> is what "tracks" the most up-to-date version. There are two implementations of IState<T>:

  • IMutableState<T> is, in fact, a variable with Computed<T> envelope. It's Computed property returns always-consistent computed, which gets replaced once the IMutableState.Value (or Error, etc.) is set; the old computed gets invalidated. If you have such a state, you can use it in one of compute methods to make its output dependent on it, or similarly use it in other computed state. But describing client-side state of UI components (e.g. a value entered into a search box) is its most frequent use case.
  • IComputedState<T> - a computed state that triggers its own recomputation (update) after the invalidation. And if you think what are the "levers" it might have, you'll quickly conclude the only option it needs to control is a delay between the invalidation and the update. And that's exactly what it offers - its UpdateDelayer property references IUpdateDelayer, which implements the delay. Moreover, any IUpdateDelayer also supports cancellation of any active delays.

Let's summarize all of this in a single table:

And finally, states have a few extra properties:

  • Similarly to IEnumerable<T> \ IEnumerable, there are typed and untyped versions of any IState interface.
  • Similarly to Computed<T>, any state implements IResult<T> by forwarding all the calls to its Computed property.
  • IMutableState<T> also implements IMutableResult<T>
  • Any state has Snapshot property of IStateSnapshot<T> type. This property is updated atomically and returns an immutable object describing the current "state" of the IState<T>. If you'll ever need a "consistent" view of the state, Snapshot is the way to get it. A good example of where you'd need it would be this one:
    • You read state.HasValue first, it returns true
    • But a subsequent attempt to read state.Value fails because the state was updated right in between these two reads.
    • Doing the same via Snapshot.Computed property ensures this can't happen.
  • Both IState<T> and IStateSnapshot<T> expose LastNonErrorValue and LatestNonErrorValueComputed properties - they allow to access the last valid Value and its Computed<T> exposed by the state. In other words, when state exposes an Error, LastNonErrorValue still exposes the previous Value. This feature is quite handy when you need to access both the last "correct" value (to e.g. bind it to the UI) and the newly observed Error (to display it separately).

The interface diagram for IState<T> and its "friends" (arrows with no label show inheritance):

Constructing States

There are two ways of doing this:

  1. Using IStateFactory. Any IServiceProvider configured to use Fusion (with .AddFusionCore()) should resolve it.
  2. Subclassing MutableState<T>, ComputedState<T>, etc. and either creating its instance manually, or registering a new type as a service via .AddState(...) method and resolving it via IServiceProvider.

Normally you need just the first option. The remaining part of this document relies on it.

Mutable State

Time to write some code! We'll be using the same "stub" with CounterService and CreateServices here:

public class CounterService : IComputeService
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, int> _counters = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, int>();

    public virtual async Task<int> Get(string key)
        return _counters.TryGetValue(key, out var value) ? value : 0;

    public void Increment(string key)
        _counters.AddOrUpdate(key, k => 1, (k, v) => v + 1);
        using (Computed.Invalidate())
            _ = Get(key);

public static IServiceProvider CreateServices()
    var services = new ServiceCollection();
    return services.BuildServiceProvider();

Here is how you use MutableState<T>:

var services = CreateServices();
var stateFactory = services.StateFactory();
var state = stateFactory.NewMutable<int>(1);
var computed = state.Computed;
WriteLine($"Value: {state.Value}, Computed: {state.Computed}");
state.Value = 2;
WriteLine($"Value: {state.Value}, Computed: {state.Computed}");
WriteLine($"Old computed: {computed}"); // Should be invalidated

The output:

Value: 1, Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(MutableState`1(#63646052) @2AULKFZxjG, State: Consistent)
Value: 2, Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(MutableState`1(#63646052) @2AULKFZxlK, State: Consistent)
Old computed: StateBoundComputed`1(MutableState`1(#63646052) @2AULKFZxjG, State: Invalidated)

Note that:

  • services.GetStateFactory() is a shortcut for services.GetRequiredService<IStateFactory>()
  • Old computed is in Invalidated state at the last line.

Let's look at error handling example:

var services = CreateServices();
var stateFactory = services.StateFactory();
var state = stateFactory.NewMutable<int>();
WriteLine($"Value: {state.Value}, Computed: {state.Computed}");
WriteLine("Setting state.Error.");
state.Error = new ApplicationException("Just a test");
    WriteLine($"Value: {state.Value}, Computed: {state.Computed}");
catch (ApplicationException)
    WriteLine($"Error: {state.Error.GetType()}, Computed: {state.Computed}");
WriteLine($"LastNonErrorValue: {state.LastNonErrorValue}");
WriteLine($"Snapshot.LastNonErrorComputed: {state.Snapshot.LastNonErrorComputed}");

The output:

Value: 0, Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(MutableState`1(#63646052) @caJUviqcf, State: Consistent)
Setting state.Error.
Error: System.ApplicationException, Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(MutableState`1(#63646052) @caJUviqej, State: Consistent)
LastNonErrorValue: 0
Snapshot.LastNonErrorComputed: StateBoundComputed`1(MutableState`1(#63646052) @caJUviqcf, State: Invalidated)

As you see, Value property throws an exception here – as per IResult<T> contract, it re-throws an exception stored in Error.

The last "valid" value is still available via LastNonErrorValue property; similarly, the last "valid" computed instance is still available via LatestNonErrorValueComputed.

Computed State

Let's play with IComputedState<T> now:

var services = CreateServices();
var counters = services.GetRequiredService<CounterService>();
var stateFactory = services.StateFactory();
WriteLine("Creating state.");
using var state = stateFactory.NewComputed(
    new ComputedState<string>.Options() {
        UpdateDelayer = FixedDelayer.Get(1), // 1 second update delay
        EventConfigurator = state1 => {
            // A shortcut to attach 3 event handlers: Invalidated, Updating, Updated
                (s, e) => WriteLine($"{DateTime.Now}: {e}, Value: {s.Value}, Computed: {s.Computed}"));
    async (state, cancellationToken) =>
        var counter = await counters.Get("a");
        return $"counters.Get(a) -> {counter}";
WriteLine("Before state.Update(false).");
await state.Update(); // Ensures the state gets up-to-date value
WriteLine("After state.Update(false).");
await Task.Delay(2000);
WriteLine($"Value: {state.Value}, Computed: {state.Computed}");

The output:

Creating state.
10/2/2020 6:26:04 AM: Updated, Value: , Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(FuncLiveState`1(#66697461) @26, State: Consistent)
10/2/2020 6:26:04 AM: Invalidated, Value: , Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(FuncLiveState`1(#66697461) @26, State: Invalidated)
Before state.Update(false).
10/2/2020 6:26:04 AM: Updating, Value: , Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(FuncLiveState`1(#66697461) @26, State: Invalidated)
10/2/2020 6:26:04 AM: Updated, Value: counters.Get(a) -> 0, Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(FuncLiveState`1(#66697461) @4a, State: Consistent)
After state.Update(false).
10/2/2020 6:26:04 AM: Invalidated, Value: counters.Get(a) -> 0, Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(FuncLiveState`1(#66697461) @4a, State: Invalidated)
10/2/2020 6:26:05 AM: Updating, Value: counters.Get(a) -> 0, Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(FuncLiveState`1(#66697461) @4a, State: Invalidated)
10/2/2020 6:26:05 AM: Updated, Value: counters.Get(a) -> 1, Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(FuncLiveState`1(#66697461) @29, State: Consistent)
Value: counters.Get(a) -> 1, Computed: StateBoundComputed`1(FuncLiveState`1(#66697461) @29, State: Consistent)

Some observations:

  • New IComputedState<T> initially gets a default value (the first "Updated: ..." output)
  • This value gets invalidated immediately (i.e. while stateFactory.NewLive<T>(...) runs)
  • aCounterState.Update(false) triggers its update. Interestingly, though, that this update will anyway happen immediately by default - the very first update delay is always zero. You can check this by replacing the line with Update(false) to await Task.Delay(100)
  • Later the invalidation happens right after the value state depends on gets invalidated.
  • But the update follows in 1 second - i.e. as it was specified in options we've provided.