If you want to contribute to this project, you can open a pull request. You can also create an issue if you have any questions or suggestions.
All kinds of bug reports, suggestions, and feature requests are welcomed. Head to Issues to keep track of the progress, or contribute to it.
You can design a prompt in OpenAI Playground that creates a table such as this:
And then you can turn it into a dictinary form as following example:
# app/classify/parsers/google/google_local_results.py
from app.schemas import *
def commands():
return json_to_pydantic({
"main_prompt": "A table with NUMBER_OF_LABELS cells in each row summarizing the different parts of the text at each line:\n\n",
"data": {
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"temperature": 0.001,
"top_p": 0.9,
"best_of": 2,
"frequency_penalty": 0,
"presence_penalty": 0
"model_specific_token_size": 3800,
"openai_endpoint": "https://api.openai.com/v1/completions",
"explicitly_excluded_strings": [
"examples_for_prompt": [
"text": "Houndstooth Coffee 4.6(824) · $$ · Coffee shop 401 Congress Ave. #100c · In Frost Bank Tower Closed ⋅ Opens 7AM Cozy hangout for carefully sourced brews",
"classifications": {
"line": "1",
"title": "Houndstooth Coffee",
"rating": "4.1",
"number_of_reviews": "824",
"expensiveness": "$$",
"type": "Coffee Shop",
"address": "401 Congress Ave. #100c · In Frost Bank Tower",
"open_hours": "Opens 7AM",
"description_or_review": "Cozy hangout for carefully sourced brews"
# More examples ...
You can add unit tests to your contribution easily with mock_name
Point the results to app/classify/tests/data/results
folder, or prompts to app/classify/tests/data/prompts
folder, depending on whatever end result you are getting inside the unit test.
# app/classify/tests/unit_tests/test_google_local_results.py
# ...
def test_google_local_results_successful_response():
targets = [
for target_filename in targets:
with open(target_filename) as json_file:
target = json.load(json_file)
r = client.post("/classify", json=target)
result_filename = target['mock_name'].replace('.json','-result.json')
result_filename = result_filename.replace('/targets/', '/results/')
with open(result_filename) as json_file:
result = json.load(json_file)
assert r.status_code == 200
assert r.json() == result
assert len(r.json()['results']) > 0
assert ("message" not in r.json()['results'][0])
# ...
should contain the path of the file itself.
# app/classify/tests/data/targets/coffee-shops-successful.json
"path": "google.google_local_results",
"targets": [
"<div jscontroller=\"AtSb\" class=\"w7Dbne\" data-record-click-time=\"false\" id=\"tsuid_25\" jsdata=\"zt2wNd;_;BvbRxs V6f1Id;_;BvbRxw\" jsaction=\"rcuQ6b:npT2md;e3EWke:kN9HDb\" data-hveid=\"CBUQAA\"><div jsname=\"jXK9ad\" class=\"uMdZh tIxNaf\" jsaction=\"mouseover:UI3Kjd\"><div class=\"VkpGBb\"><div class=\"cXedhc\"><a class=\"vwVdIc wzN8Ac rllt__link a-no-hover-decoration\" jsname=\"kj0dLd\" data-cid=\"12176489206865957637\" jsaction=\"click:h5M12e;\" role=\"link\" tabindex=\"0\" data-ved=\"2ahUKEwiS1P3_j-P7AhXnVPEDHa0oAiAQvS56BAgVEAE\"><div><div class=\"rllt__details\"><div class=\"dbg0pd\" aria-level=\"3\" role=\"heading\"><span class=\"OSrXXb\">Y Coffee</span></div><div><span class=\"Y0A0hc\"><span class=\"yi40Hd YrbPuc\" aria-hidden=\"true\">4.0</span><span class=\"z3HNkc\" aria-label=\"Rated 4.0 out of 5,\" role=\"img\"><span style=\"width:56px\"></span></span><span class=\"RDApEe YrbPuc\">(418)</span></span> · <span aria-label=\"Moderately expensive\" role=\"img\">€€</span> · Coffee shop</div><div>Nicosia</div><div class=\"pJ3Ci\"><span>Iconic Seattle-based coffeehouse chain</span></div></div></div></a><a class=\"uQ4NLd b9tNq wzN8Ac rllt__link a-no-hover-decoration\" aria-hidden=\"true\" tabindex=\"-1\" jsname=\"kj0dLd\" data-cid=\"12176489206865957637\" jsaction=\"click:h5M12e;\" role=\"link\" data-ved=\"2ahUKEwiS1P3_j-P7AhXnVPEDHa0oAiAQvS56BAgVEA4\"><g-img class=\"gTrj3e\"><img id=\"pimg_3\" src=\"https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/p/AF1QipPaihclGQYWEJpMpBnBY8Nl8QWQVqZ6tF--MlwD=w184-h184-n-k-no\" class=\"YQ4gaf zr758c wA1Bge\" alt=\"\" data-atf=\"4\" data-frt=\"0\" width=\"92\" height=\"92\"></g-img></a></div></div></div></div>"
"mock_name": "app/classify/tests/data/results/coffee-shops-successful.json"
They will only be created in the initial call not to exhaust credits in testing. Here is an example result:
# app/classify/tests/data/results/coffee-shops-successful-result.json
"results": [
"Address": "Nicosia",
"Description Or Review": "Iconic Seattle-based coffeehouse chain",
"Expensiveness": "€€",
"Number Of Reviews": "418",
"Rating": "4.0",
"Title": "Y Coffee",
"Type": "Coffee shop"