Difficulty: 7 kyu
Link: https://www.codewars.com/kata/56a4872cbb65f3a610000026
Let us begin with an example:
Take a number: 56789
. Rotate left, you get 67895
Keep the first digit in place and rotate left the other digits: 68957
Keep the first two digits in place and rotate the other ones: 68579
Keep the first three digits and rotate left the rest: 68597
. Now it is over since keeping the first four it remains only one digit which rotated is itself.
You have the following sequence of numbers:
56789 -> 67895 -> 68957 -> 68579 -> 68597
and you must return the greatest: 68957
Write function max_rot(n)
which given a positive integer n
returns the maximum number you got doing rotations similar to the above example.
So max_rot
(or maxRot
or ... depending on the language) is such as:
should return68957
should return85821534