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Геномный анализ распространения COVID-19. Ситуационный отчет 2020-04-03.
Emma Hodcroft
Cassia Wagner
Sidney M. Bell
Nicola Müller
James Hadfield
Louise Moncla
Richard Neher
Trevor Bedford
Fred Hutch, Seattle, USA; Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland; CZI, CA, USA
Daniel Taliun
Irina Kalita
3 Апреля 2020
Этот отчет использует общедоступные геномные данные для отслеживания распространения COVID-19. Отчеты обновляются еженедельно.
# Резюме

Мы провели анализ 2,544 общедоступных геномов hCoV-19. Сопоставив эти геномы вируса между собой, мы можем охарактеризовать, как COVID-19 перемещается по всему миру и распространяется в общинах. В обновлениях этой недели мы сообщаем:

* Признаки не менее двух разных цепочек передач, циркулирующих локально в Сенегале
* Продолжающееся локальное распространение в Демократической Республике Конго

* Недавние внедрения вируса в Японии связаны с круизным лайнером

* Обширное секвенирование в Исландии демонстрирует степень распространения вируса, связанного с путешествиями
* Истории путешествий предполагают локальную передачу вируса в Австрии

**Северная Америка**   
* Обширное смешивание по всей территории США
* Вероятно, две локальные цепочки передач циркулируют в Онтарио

**Другие части мира**
Мы также получили новые геномы вируса из Южной Америки и Океании. Большинство этих новых образцов разбросаны по дереву и сгруппированы с образцами, собранными в других регионах мира. Однако без дополнительных контекстных данных, мы пока не можем сделать выводы об этих новых последовательностях.
Мы приветствуем группы, работающие над дополнительными данными для этих регионов. Когда станeт возможным сделать более конкретные выводы, мы немедленно поделимся ими.

Мы подготовили некоторые ресурсы, которые стоит прочитать для ознакомления с COVID-19 и вызывающим ее вирусом SARS-CoV-2, также известным как hCov-19. Эта информация поможет в интерпретации данных, представленных нами в этом отчете.

Если вы не знакомы с филогенетическими деревьями, мы рекомендуем вам ознакомиться с брошюрой 'Как читать филогенетические деревья' и вернуться, когда вы чувствуете себя подготовленными.

## Nextstrain Ресурсы

[Как читать филогенетические деревья](  

[Главная информация о коронавирусах](

[Главная информация о недавней вспышке hCov-19](

[Часто задаваемые вопросы](

[Распространенные заблуждения](

## Внешние Источники
[Ситуационные Отчеты Всемирной Организации Здравоохранения](

[Ресурсы центра по контролю и профилактике заболеваний США](

[Освещение COVID-19 в "Нью-Йорк таймс"](

[Наш Мир в Данных](

[Спроси ученого & FAQs](

На данный момент нам доступны образцы, собранные в 53 странах на 6 континентах. Это необыкновенное достижение, так как cеквенирование генома нового крупного РНК-вируса в состоянии пандемии является сложной задачей и возможно только благодаря необычайной работе и своевременному предоставлению данных в общий доступ учеными и врачами со всего мира.

Хотя эти данные позволяют нам предсказывать многие важные характеристики вспышки и отслеживать ее распространение в реальном времени, важно подчеркнуть, что наши выводы ограничиваются доступными данными.

Например, карта показывает очень немногочисленные последовательности с южной части мира. Причина состоит НЕ в том, что COVID-19 не циркулирует в этих местностях, или в том, что эти случаи неважны для понимания, а в том, что мы попросту не обладаем большим количеством данных из этих регионов. Размер каждого круга на карте отображает сколько данных доступно из этой местности, а не реальный размер вспышки.

На этой неделe у нас есть обновленные данные по ситуации в Сенегале и Демократической Республике Конго. Важно отметить, что это не значит, что случаи заражения COVID-19 отсутствуют в других частях Африки; просто только для этих двух регионов у нас есть достаточно данных, чтобы начать делать выводы.

Здесь мы видим два кластера случаев из Сенегалa. Эти кластеры не группируются вместе, что говорит о том, что они появились в результате как минимум двух отдельных внедрений. Каждый из этих кластеров состоит из тесно связанных случаев, отобранных за короткий период времени, что согласуется с локальной передачей.

Кластер, показанный на вершине дерева, состоит из образцов, собранных в городе Дакар между 28 февраля и 4 марта. Это говорит о том, что hCov-19, вероятно, локально циркулирует в Дакаре уже, как минимум, на протяжении месяца.

В центре дерева мы видим кластер образцов, собранных в городе Туба между 10 и 12 марта. Это говорит о том, что hCov-19 может циркулировать в Туба около 3 недель.

На этой неделе мы получили 8 новых геномных последовательностей из Киншаса в Демократической Республике Конго.

Все новые образцы кроме одного кластеризуются с местными очагами вспышки, о которых мы сообщали на прошлой неделе. Это наглядно показывает, что локальная передача продолжается в ДР Конго, и необходимо принять быстрые меры для сдерживания вспышки.

Из 16 недавних последовательностей, полученных из Японии, 10 совершили круиз по реке Нил. После диагностики и выделения последовательностей в Японии, все 16 случаев разделились между двумя кластерами. Интересно, что эти кластеры не связаны с другими японскими или азиатскими последовательностями, а группируются с кластерами, которые в основном были найдены в США и Европе.

Таким образом, эти японские путешественники, вероятнее всего, были заражены штаммами от европейцев и американцев, посещавших Египет. Так как образцы были собраны в середине марта, после того как путешественники вернулись в Японию, это свидетельствует о том, что штаммы, в основном циркулирующие в Европе и США, экспортировались по всему миру в начале марта через глобальные путешествия.

Недавно нам стали доступны 301 последовательности -- от 25% подтвержденных случаев -- из Исландии.

Раскрашивая каждый образец в соответствии с его историей путешествий, мы видим, что примерно половина этих инфекций была получена за пределами Исландии, в то время как вторая половина представляет предполагаемые локально приобретенные инфекции (показаны серым).

Как мы сообщали на прошлой неделе, это подчеркивает, как много смешиваний произошло между вспышками в каждой европейской стране. Для каждого полученного образца мы можем сделать выводы о том, где побывали его предшественники, но не можем исключить возможность косвенной передачи через невыявленный регион.

Это также является ярким примером того, как совместные усилия секвенирования и регистрации поездок в одной стране могут помочь нам понять локальную ситуацию в другом месте, даже там, где данные секвенирования пока не доступны.

Основываясь на случаях, секвенированных в Исландии после поездки в Австрию, мы видим множество кластеров, тесно связанных с австрийскими случаями, полученных за короткий промежуток времени. Это наиболее вероятно согласуется со сценарием, в котором Австрия имела множество внедрений. Мы не можем быть уверены в том, что связанные последовательности представляют передачу в общинах в Австрии или партнеров по путешествиям, группирующихся вместе после воздействия одного и того же штамма.

Как показано серым цветом, количество связей между различными европейскими странами - значительно. Кажется, что в большинстве европейских стран были многократные внедрения, поэтому здесь нет 'простой' истории о том, как вирус распространился по Европе - он, вероятно, широко распространялся несколько недель назад.

По мере того, как мы получаем более полную картину вспышки в США, становится ясно, что эти локализованные вспышки являются результатом обширного смешивания.

В то время как многие ранние случаи были связаны с поездками, более поздние случаи из разных штатов значительно перемешаны друг с другом по всему дереву.

Это подчеркивает, что единая стратегия будет иметь решающее значение в борьбе с этой вспышкой.

Здесь мы видим два кластера последовательностей из Онтарио. Эти кластеры не группируются вместе, и каждый кластер находится рядом с образцами из других стран, что указывает на результат от двух разных внедрений.

Внутри каждого кластера, однако, каждый случай ближе всего относится к другим случаям из Онтарио, говоря о наиболее вероятной локальной передаче в общинах.

На основе этих данных мы делаем вывод, что локальная передача в Онтарио, вероятно, продолжается, как минимум, с 3 марта.

Интересно отметить, что большинство близлежащих последовательностей (блеклые линии) принадлежат Соединенным Штатам, что говорит о значительном смешивании между этими двумя странами.


  • Практикуй строгое социальной дистанцирование.
  • Даже если ты не относишься к уязвимой группе, практикуй социальное дистанцирование, чтобы защитить окружающих.
  • Мой руки так, как будто ты "только что порезал острый перец халапеньо и должен поменять контактные линзы".
  • Оставайся дома, насколько это возможно, - особенно, если ты болен; запасись дополнительными предметами первой необходимости.
  • Если ты работодатель, поощряй своих сотрудников работать на дому, насколько это возможно.

...как должностное лицо

  • Обеспечь бесплатное и широкодоступное тестирование.
  • Установи строгие меры социального дистанцирования.
  • Финансируй и прилагай широкие усилия по отслеживанию контактов и изоляции.
  • Финансово поддерживай тех, на кого воздействуют меры социального дистанцирования.
# Выводы
#### Мы находим доказательства локальной передачи в Сенегалe и ДР Конго. Необходимо принять срочные меры по сдерживанию вспышки в этих уязвимых регионах. У нас пока нет достаточного количества данных, чтобы оценить ситуацию в других частях Африки.
#### Недавние внедрения в Японии связаны с путешествием на круизном лайнере.
#### Обширное секвенирование в Исландии подчеркивает степень распространения вируса, связанного с поездками, и выявляет вероятную местную передачу в Австрии.
#### Случаи в США смешаны по всему дереву, демонстрируя широкое распространение между штатами. Есть также свидетельства смешивания через границу США и Канады с местной передачей в Онтарио.

Мы хотели бы отметить удивительную и своевременную работу всех ученых, вовлеченных в исследование этой эпидемии, особенно тех, кто работает в Китае. Только благодаря быстрому обмену генетическими данными и метаданными стали возможны анализы, подобные этому.

Мы также хотели бы поблагодарить GISAID за предоставление платформы, через которую эти данные могут быть загружены и распространены.

Мы благодарим следующие лаборатории за собранные исходные данные:

* AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* ARS Algarve - Laboratorio Laura Ayres
* Andersen Lab, The Scripps Research Institute
* Arizona Department of Health Services
* Auckland Hospital
* BCCDC Public Health Laboratory
* Bamrasnaradura Hospital
* Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology
* Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology
* CH Jean de Navarre Laboratoire de Biologie
* CHBarreiro Montijo
* CHRU Bretonneau - Serv. Bacterio-Virol.
* CHRU Pontchaillou - Laboratoire de Virologie
* CHU - Hopital Cavale Blanche - Labo. de Virologie
* CHU Coimbra
* CHU Coimbra - Pediatrico
* CHU Gabriel Montpied
* CHUA - Faro
* CHULC - H Curry Cabral
* CHULC - H D Estefania
* CNR Virus des Infections Respiratoires - France SUD
* Cabinet medical
* Cadham Provincial Laboratory
* California Department of Health
* California Department of Public Health
* Center of Medical Microbiology, Virology, and Hospital Hygiene, University of Duesseldorf
* Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
* Central Virology Laboratory
* Centre Hositalier Universitaire de Rouen Laboratoire de Virologie
* Centre Hospitalier Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
* Centre Hospitalier Lucien Hussel
* Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Nantes Laboratoire de Virologie
* Centre Hospitalier Rene Dubois Laboratoire de Microbiologie - Bat A
* Centre Hospitalier Saint Joseph Saint Luc
* Centre Hospitalier de Bourg en Bresse
* Centre Hospitalier de Macon
* Centre Hospitalier de Valence
* Centre Hospitalier des Vals d'Ardeche
* Centre for Human and Zoonotic Virology (CHAZVY), College of Medicine University of Lagos/Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), part of the Laboratory Network of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology - Public Health
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Public Health
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology- Public Health
* Centro Hospital do Porto, E.P.E. - H. Geral de Santo Antonio
* Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Sao Joao, Porto
* Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub
* Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Virology; Institut fur Mikrobiologie der Bundeswehr, Munich
* Chiu Laboratory, University of California, San Francisco
* Clinica Alemana de Santiago, Chile
* Clinica Santa Maria, Santiago, Chile
* Clinical Microbiology Lab
* Clinique AVERAY LA BROUSTE, Med. Polyvalente
* Connecticut State Department of Public Health
* Dasman Diabetes Institute
* Dasman Diabetes Institute and Virology Laboratory Ministry of Health
* Department of Clinical Microbiology
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital, 23 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.
* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma , Italy
* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy
* Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Bichat Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris
* Department of Internal Medicine, Triemli Hospital
* Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
* Department of Medical Microbiology, University Malaya Medical Centre
* Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
* Department of Microbiology, Institute for Viral Diseases, College of Medicine, Korea University
* Department of Pathology, Princess Margaret Hospital
* Department of Pathology, Toshima Hospital
* Department of Pathology, United Christian Hospital
* Department of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Department of Virology and Immunology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Huslab Finland
* Department of Virus and Microbiological Special diagnostics, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
* Department of microbiology laboratory,Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Dept. of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Dept. of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Dienst Gezondheid & Jeugd Zuid-Holland Zuid
* Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine
* Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Zurich
* Division of Viral Diseases, Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases, Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention
* Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre
* Dunedin Hospital
* Dutch COVID-19 response team
* EHPAD - Residences les Cedres
* ErasmusMC
* Foundation Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis
* Foundation Pamm
* Fujian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* GH Les Portes du Sud
* General Hospital of Central Theater Command of People's Liberation Army of China
* Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provincial Public Health
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provinical Public Health
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention;Guangdong Provincial Institute of Public Health
* Guangdong Provincial Institution of Public Health, Guangdong Provinical Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
* H Braga
* H Dr. Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
* H Evora
* H Garcia de Orta
* H Santarem
* HSE Ilha Terceira - Angra do Heroismo
* HUS Diagnostiikkakeskus, Hallinto
* Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Hangzhou Center for Disease and Control Microbiology Lab
* Harborview Medical Center
* Hong Kong Department of Health
* Hopital Instruction des Armees - BEGIN
* Hopital Prive de l'Est Lyonnais
* Hopital Robert Debre Laboratoire de Virologie
* Hopital franco britannique - Laboratoire
* Hopital franco britannique - Service des Urgences
* Hopitaux universitaires de Geneve Laboratoire de Virologie
* Hospital General y Universitario de Guadalajara
* Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
* Hospital Sao Joaquim Beneficencia Portuguesa
* Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol(HUGTiP)/Fundacio Lluita contra la SIDA (FLSida)
* Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron (HUVH) - Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)
* Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
* Hospital Universitario La Paz
* Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal
* Hospital de Talca, Chile
* Hospital of Southern Norway - Kristiansand, Department of Medical Microbiology
* IL Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
* INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS
* Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology
* Instirut Pasteur Dakar
* Institut Medico legal- Hop R. Poincare
* Institut Pasteur Dakar
* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI) Hospices Civils de Lyon
* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI), Hospices Civils de Lyon
* Institute information  KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
* Institute of Microbiology, Universidad San Francisco de Quito
* Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
* Institute of Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
* Institute of Virology, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava
* Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias
* Instituto Nacional de Salud
* Japanese Quarantine Stations
* Jiangxi province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Jingzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* KU Leuven, Clincal and Epidemiological Virology
* KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
* Klinik Hirslanden Zurich
* Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (KCDC) Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases Division of Viral Diseases
* LABM GH nord Essonne
* LACEN RJ - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Noel Nutels
* LACEN/ES - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica do Espirito Santo
* Laboiratorio Fleury
* Laboratoire National de Sante
* Laboratoire Nationale de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
* Laboratoire de Virologie Institut de Virologie - INSERM U 1109 Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
* Laboratoire de Virologie, HUG
* Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Professor Goncalo Moniz  LACEN/BA
* Laboratorio Hermes Pardini
* Laboratorio Simili
* Laboratorio de Ecologia de Doencas Transmissiveis na Amazonia, Instituto Leonidas e Maria Deane - Fiocruz Amazonia
* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorio. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Peru
* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorios. Instituto Nacional de Salud Peru
* Laboratorio di Microbiologia e Virologia, Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
* Laboratory Medicine
* Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences L. Sacco, University of Milan
* Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center fro Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
* Lapland Central Hospital
* MHC Brabant Zuidoost
* MHC Drente
* MHC Flevoland
* MHC Gooi & Vechtstreek
* MHC Haaglanden
* MHC Hart voor Brabant
* MHC Kennemerland
* MHC Rotterdam-Rijnmond
* MHC Utrecht
* MHC West-Brabant
* MSHS Clinical Microbiology Laboratories
* Massachusetts Department of Public Health
* Mater Pathology
* Ministry of Health Turkey
* Minnesota Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory
* Monash Medical Centre
* NHC Key laboratory of Enteric Pathogenic Microbiology, Institute of Pathogenic Microbiology
* NIC Viral Respiratory Unit - Institut Pasteur of Algeria
* NRL for Influenza, Centrum Epidemiology and Microbiology of National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic
* NYU Langone Health
* National Centre for Infectious Diseases
* National Influenza Center - Instituto Adolfo Lutz
* National Influenza Center - National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
* National Influenza Center, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
* National Influenza Centre, National Public Health Laboratory, Kathmandu, Nepal
* National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service
* National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
* National Public Health Laboratory
* National Public Health Laboratory, National Centre for Infectious Diseases
* National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory, Vilnius, Lithuania
* Oslo University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini
* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini, Teramo
* Ospedale San Liberatore di Atri
* Pathology Queensland
* Presidio Ospedaliero "S. Spirito" - PESCARA
* Presidio ospedaliero "Santo Spirito"
* Prince of Wales Hospital
* Providence Regional Medical Center
* Public Health Laboratory
* Public Health Laboratory, Saudi CDC
* Public Health Ontario Laboratories
* Public Health Ontario Laboratory
* Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre
* R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research,  National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
* Regional Virus Laboratory, Belfast
* Respiratory Virus Unit, Microbiology Services Colindale, Public Health England
* Rockhampton Base Hospital
* Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory
* Saitama Medical University
* Saitama Medical University Hospital
* Santa Clara County Public Health Department
* Seattle Flu Study
* Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University
* Secretaria de Salud Medellin
* Serology, Virology and OTDS Laboratories (SAViD), NSW Health Pathology Randwick
* Service des Urgences
* Servicio Microbiologia, Hospital Clinico Universitario, Valencia
* Servicio Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario. Valencia.
* Servicio de Microbiologia. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
* Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University
* Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Immunity, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Disease, Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
* Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
* Singapore General Hospital
* Singapore General Hospital, Molecular Laboratory, Division of Pathology
* Sorbonne Universite, Inserm et Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris (Pitie Salpetriere)
* South China Agricultural University
* State Health Office Baden-Wuerttemberg
* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China 310003
* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China. 310003
* State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University
* Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
* Tai Lung Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
* Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
* Texas Department of State Health Services
* The Central Hospital Of Wuhan
* The Chaim Sheba Medical Center
* The National Institute of Public Health Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
* The National University Hospital of Iceland
* The University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital
* Tianmen Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory
* UW Virology Lab
* Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
* University Hospital Basel, Clinical Virology
* University Hospital of Northern Norway, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
* University of Wisconsin - Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* University of Wisconsin - Madison: Influenza Research Institute
* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratory
* University of Wisconsin-Madison, AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* Unknown
* Utah Public Health Laboratory
* Valley Medical Center
* Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL)
* Viral Respiratory Lab, National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB)
* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratories
* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
* ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology; Human Genome Variation Research Group & Genomics Centre MCB; Bioinformatics Research Group  Department of Virology
* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre
* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre, University of Pecs
* Virology Department, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian
* Virology Department, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
* Virology Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Public Health, University Politecnica delle Marche
* Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.
* Virology laboratory Ministry of Health Kuwait sequenced at Dasman Diabetes Institute
* WA State Department of Health
* WHO National Influenza Centre Russian Federation
* Wales Specialist Virology Centre
* Washington State Department of Health
* Washington State Public Health Lab
* Weifang Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Wellington Hospital
* West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre, NHSGGC
* Wisconsin Department of Health Services
* Wuhan Fourth Hospital
* Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
* Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital
* Wuhan Lung Hospital
* Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory
* Yongchuan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Zhongxian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* deCODE genetics

Эти данные были распространены через GISAID. Мы глубоко благодарны за их вклад.

Справа мы приводим детальный список последовательностей генома, предоставленных каждой из лабораторий.

Геномы SARS-CoV-2 были щедро предоставлены учеными из следующих лабораторий:

* AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
	* USA/WI-17/2020
	* USA/WI-21/2020
	* USA/WI-23/2020
	* USA/WI-24/2020

* ARS Algarve - Laboratorio Laura Ayres
	* Portugal/PT0015/2020
	* Portugal/PT0016/2020
	* Portugal/PT0019/2020

* Andersen Lab, The Scripps Research Institute
	* USA/CA-MG0987/2020
	* USA/CA-PC101P/2020

* Arizona Department of Health Services
	* USA/AZ1/2020

* Auckland Hospital
	* NewZealand/01/2020
	* NewZealand/20VR0189/2020
	* NewZealand/20VR019/2020
	* NewZealand/20VR0206/2020

* BCCDC Public Health Laboratory
	* Canada/BC_02421/2020
	* Canada/BC_0443574/2020
	* Canada/BC_0554880/2020
	* Canada/BC_1318414/2020
	* Canada/BC_13297/2020
	* Canada/BC_17397/2020
	* Canada/BC_25211/2020
	* Canada/BC_35720/2020
	* Canada/BC_37_0-2/2020
	* Canada/BC_3808524/2020
	* Canada/BC_3842755/2020
	* Canada/BC_3968175/2020
	* Canada/BC_3972884/2020
	* Canada/BC_3989992/2020
	* Canada/BC_4078583/2020
	* Canada/BC_40860/2020
	* Canada/BC_4118226/2020
	* Canada/BC_4122951/2020
	* Canada/BC_4143842/2020
	* Canada/BC_4143868/2020
	* Canada/BC_41851/2020
	* Canada/BC_4540462/2020
	* Canada/BC_4799711/2020
	* Canada/BC_5275718/2020
	* Canada/BC_5282984/2020
	* Canada/BC_5306970/2020
	* Canada/BC_5522039/2020
	* Canada/BC_5979789/2020
	* Canada/BC_6004567/2020
	* Canada/BC_6129127/2020
	* Canada/BC_6404889/2020
	* Canada/BC_64686/2020
	* Canada/BC_6489864/2020
	* Canada/BC_6502001/2020
	* Canada/BC_65034/2020
	* Canada/BC_66353/2020
	* Canada/BC_69243/2020
	* Canada/BC_6981299/2020
	* Canada/BC_6997898/2020
	* Canada/BC_7277381/2020
	* Canada/BC_7493713/2020
	* Canada/BC_7515663/2020
	* Canada/BC_7553799/2020
	* Canada/BC_78548/2020
	* Canada/BC_8150537/2020
	* Canada/BC_8159203/2020
	* Canada/BC_83109/2020
	* Canada/BC_83163/2020
	* Canada/BC_8486790/2020
	* Canada/BC_8606204/2020
	* Canada/BC_8622445/2020
	* Canada/BC_8718874/2020
	* Canada/BC_8894200/2020
	* Canada/BC_8896915/2020
	* Canada/BC_8897642/2020
	* Canada/BC_9345042/2020
	* Canada/BC_9345715/2020
	* Canada/BC_9446031/2020
	* Canada/BC_9574898/2020

* Bamrasnaradura Hospital
	* Nonthaburi/61/2020
	* Nonthaburi/74/2020

* Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology
	* pangolin/Guangdong/P2S/2019
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P1E/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P2V/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P3B/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P4L/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P5E/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P5L/2017

* Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology
	* Germany/BavPat2/2020
	* Germany/BavPat3/2020

* CH Jean de Navarre Laboratoire de Biologie
	* France/HF2196/2020

* CHBarreiro Montijo
	* Portugal/PT0021/2020

	* Portugal/PT0032/2020

* CHRU Bretonneau - Serv. Bacterio-Virol.
	* France/CVL2000/2020

* CHRU Pontchaillou - Laboratoire de Virologie
	* France/B2330/2020
	* France/B2334/2020
	* France/B2335/2020
	* France/B2336/2020
	* France/B2337/2020
	* France/B2340/2020
	* France/B2343/2020
	* France/B2344/2020
	* France/B2346/2020
	* France/B2348/2020
	* France/B2349/2020
	* France/B2351/2020

	* Portugal/PT0042/2020

* CHU - Hopital Cavale Blanche - Labo. de Virologie
	* France/B1623/2020

* CHU Coimbra
	* Portugal/PT0017/2020

* CHU Coimbra - Pediatrico
	* Portugal/PT0020/2020

* CHU Gabriel Montpied
	* France/Clermont-Ferrand_650/2020
	* France/Clermont-Ferrand_651/2020

* CHUA - Faro
	* Portugal/PT0039/2020

* CHULC - H Curry Cabral
	* Portugal/PT0004/2020
	* Portugal/PT0006a/2020
	* Portugal/PT0006b/2020
	* Portugal/PT0009/2020
	* Portugal/PT0010/2020
	* Portugal/PT0011/2020
	* Portugal/PT0025/2020
	* Portugal/PT0026/2020
	* Portugal/PT0027/2020
	* Portugal/PT0028/2020
	* Portugal/PT0029/2020
	* Portugal/PT0030/2020
	* Portugal/PT0031/2020

* CHULC - H D Estefania
	* Portugal/PT0007/2020
	* Portugal/PT0008/2020

* CNR Virus des Infections Respiratoires - France SUD
	* France/Pollionay_1733/2020
	* France/RA739/2020
	* France/Valence_425/2020

	* Spain/CastillayLeon201323/2020
	* Spain/CastillayLeon201372/2020
	* Spain/CastillayLeon201437/2020

	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-05/2020

* Cabinet medical
	* France/IDF2561/2020

* Cadham Provincial Laboratory
	* Canada/MB_10/2020
	* Canada/MB_8/2020

* California Department of Health
	* USA/CA3/2020
	* USA/CA4/2020
	* USA/CA5/2020

* California Department of Public Health
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC1/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC10/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC11/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC18/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC19/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC2/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC20/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC21/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC22/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC23/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC24/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC25/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC3/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC4/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC5/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC6/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC7/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC8/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC9/2020
	* USA/CA1/2020
	* USA/CA2/2020
	* USA/CA6/2020
	* USA/CA7/2020
	* USA/CA8/2020
	* USA/CA9/2020

* Center of Medical Microbiology, Virology, and Hospital Hygiene, University of Duesseldorf
	* Germany/NRW-01/2020
	* Germany/NRW-011/2020
	* Germany/NRW-02-1/2020
	* Germany/NRW-03/2020
	* Germany/NRW-04/2020
	* Germany/NRW-05/2020
	* Germany/NRW-06/2020
	* Germany/NRW-07/2020
	* Germany/NRW-08/2020
	* Germany/NRW-09/2020
	* Germany/NRW-10/2020
	* Germany/NRW-12/2020
	* Germany/NRW-13/2020
	* Germany/NRW-14/2020
	* Germany/NRW-15/2020
	* Germany/NRW-16/2020
	* Germany/NRW-17/2020
	* Germany/NRW-18/2020
	* Germany/NRW-19/2020
	* Germany/NRW-20/2020
	* Germany/NRW-21/2020
	* Germany/NRW-22/2020
	* Germany/NRW-23/2020

* Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
	* Taiwan/2/2020

* Central Virology Laboratory
	* Israel/ISR_JP0320/2020

* Centre Hositalier Universitaire de Rouen Laboratoire de Virologie
	* France/N1620/2020
	* France/N2223/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
	* France/HF1465/2020
	* France/HF1645/2020
	* France/HF1795/2020
	* France/HF1805/2020
	* France/HF1813/2020
	* France/HF1870/2020
	* France/HF1871/2020
	* France/HF1986/2020
	* France/HF1988/2020
	* France/HF1989/2020
	* France/HF1993/2020
	* France/HF1995/2020
	* France/HF2060/2020
	* France/HF2150/2020
	* France/HF2151/2020
	* France/HF2155/2020
	* France/HF2174/2020
	* France/HF2234/2020
	* France/HF2237/2020
	* France/HF2239/2020
	* France/HF2393/2020
	* France/HF2405/2020
	* France/HF2496/2020
	* France/HF2586/2020
	* France/HF2595/2020
	* France/HF2597/2020
	* France/HF2601/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Lucien Hussel
	* France/ARA10282/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Nantes Laboratoire de Virologie
	* France/PL1643/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Rene Dubois Laboratoire de Microbiologie - Bat A
	* France/IDF1980/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Saint Joseph Saint Luc
	* France/ARA10163/2020
	* France/ARA10165/2020

* Centre Hospitalier de Bourg en Bresse
	* France/ARA10251/2020
	* France/ARA12253/2020
	* France/ARA12264/2020
	* France/ARA12265/2020
	* France/Bourg-en-Bresse_06678/2020
	* France/Bourg-en-Bresse_06813/2020

* Centre Hospitalier de Macon
	* France/ARA09428/2020
	* France/ARA11980/2020
	* France/ARA11995/2020
	* France/ARA11997/2020
	* France/ARA12269/2020
	* France/ARA12270/2020
	* France/Macon_06756/2020

* Centre Hospitalier de Valence
	* France/ARA09434/2020
	* France/ARA09451/2020
	* France/ARA09686/2020
	* France/ARA10552/2020
	* France/Valence_532/2020

* Centre Hospitalier des Vals d'Ardeche
	* France/ARA094100/2020

* Centre for Human and Zoonotic Virology (CHAZVY), College of Medicine University of Lagos/Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), part of the Laboratory Network of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
	* Nigeria/Lagos01/2020

* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology - Public Health
	* Australia/NSW10/2020
	* Australia/NSW12/2020
	* Australia/NSW13/2020
	* Australia/NSW14/2020

* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services
	* Australia/NSW01/2020
	* Australia/NSW02/2020
	* Australia/NSW04/2020
	* Australia/NSW05/2020
	* Australia/NSW06/2020
	* Australia/NSW07/2020
	* Australia/NSW08/2020
	* Australia/NSW09/2020

* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Public Health
	* Australia/NSW15/2020
	* Australia/NSW18/2020
	* Australia/NSW19/2020
	* Australia/NSW21/2020
	* Australia/NSW24/2020
	* Australia/NSW25/2020
	* Australia/NSW26/2020
	* Australia/NSW27/2020
	* Australia/NSW28/2020
	* Australia/NSW31/2020
	* Australia/NSW35/2020
	* Australia/NSW36/2020
	* Australia/NSW37/2020
	* Australia/NSW38/2020
	* Australia/NSW39/2020
	* Australia/NSW40/2020
	* Australia/NSW41/2020
	* Australia/NSW44/2020
	* Australia/NSW45/2020
	* Australia/NSW47/2020
	* Australia/NSW48/2020
	* Australia/NSW50/2020
	* Australia/NSW52/2020
	* Australia/NSW53/2020
	* Australia/NSW54/2020
	* Australia/NSW56/2020
	* Australia/NSW57/2020
	* Australia/NSW58/2020
	* Australia/NSW61/2020
	* Australia/NSW62/2020

* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology- Public Health
	* Australia/NSW11/2020

* Centro Hospital do Porto, E.P.E. - H. Geral de Santo Antonio
	* Portugal/CV62/2020
	* Portugal/PT0012/2020
	* Portugal/PT0013/2020
	* Portugal/PT0014/2020

* Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Sao Joao, Porto
	* Portugal/CV63/2020
	* Portugal/PT0001b/2020
	* Portugal/PT0003/2020
	* Portugal/PT0005/2020

* Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub
	* USA/CZB-RR057-005/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-006/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-007/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-011/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-013/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-014/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-015/2020

* Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Virology; Institut fur Mikrobiologie der Bundeswehr, Munich
	* Germany/BavPat1/2020

* Chiu Laboratory, University of California, San Francisco
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC12/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC26/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC27/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC28/2020

* Clinica Alemana de Santiago, Chile
	* Chile/Santiago-1/2020

* Clinica Santa Maria, Santiago, Chile
	* Chile/Santiago-2/2020

* Clinical Microbiology Lab
	* SaudiArabia/KAIMRC-Alghoribi/2020

* Clinique AVERAY LA BROUSTE, Med. Polyvalente
	* France/IDF2420/2020

* Connecticut State Department of Public Health
	* USA/CT-Yale-001/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-002/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-003/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-005/2020

* Dasman Diabetes Institute
	* Kuwait/KU17/2020
	* Kuwait/KU18/2020

* Dasman Diabetes Institute and Virology Laboratory Ministry of Health
	* Kuwait/KU09/2020

* Department of Clinical Microbiology
	* Belgium/ULG-2971/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3000/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3162/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3163/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3662/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3665/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3683/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3843/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-4163/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6216/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6457/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6503/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6638/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6649/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6670/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6688/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6732/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6743/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6754/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6939/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6942/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6948/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6950/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6972/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7019/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7134/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7242/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7500/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7626/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7729/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7773/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8532/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8541/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8543/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8578/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8595/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8617/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8634/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8664/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8715/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8808/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8810/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9558/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9572/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9617/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9618/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9619/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9620/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9634/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9641/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9647/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9694/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9714/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9715/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9716/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9719/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9725/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9732/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9735/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9738/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9739/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9741/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9742/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9751/2020

* Department of Clinical Pathology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
	* HongKong/Case23_26012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case27_30012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case29_01022020/2020
	* HongKong/Case30_29012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case31_28012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case32_04022020/2020
	* HongKong/Case33_02022020/2020
	* HongKong/Case34_30012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case35_04022020/2020
	* HongKong/Case36_07022020/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU39-3001/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU40-2801/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU41-0802/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU44-0102/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU52-3101/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU54-0302/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU57-0702/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU60-0802/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU64-1202/2020

* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital, 23 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.
	* HongKong/HKPU63-1402/2020

* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma , Italy
	* Italy/CDG1/2020

* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy
	* Italy/SPL1/2020

* Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Bichat Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris
	* France/IDF0372-isl/2020
	* France/IDF0372/2020
	* France/IDF0373/2020
	* France/IDF0386-islP1/2020
	* France/IDF0386-islP3/2020
	* France/IDF0515-isl/2020
	* France/IDF0515/2020
	* France/IDF0571/2020

* Department of Internal Medicine, Triemli Hospital
	* Switzerland/1000477102/2020
	* Switzerland/1000477377/2020

* Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
	* Taiwan/NTU01/2020
	* Taiwan/NTU02/2020
	* Taiwan/NTU03/2020

* Department of Medical Microbiology, University Malaya Medical Centre
	* Malaysia/186197/2020
	* Malaysia/188407/2020
	* Malaysia/189332/2020
	* Malaysia/190300/2020

* Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
	* HongKong/CUHK1/2020
	* HongKong/CUHK2/2020

* Department of Microbiology, Institute for Viral Diseases, College of Medicine, Korea University
	* SouthKorea/KUMC01/2020
	* SouthKorea/KUMC02/2020
	* SouthKorea/KUMC04/2020
	* SouthKorea/KUMC06/2020

* Department of Pathology, Princess Margaret Hospital
	* HongKong/Case12_22012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case1_21012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case2_18012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case6_21012020/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU42-0302/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU48-0202/2020

* Department of Pathology, Toshima Hospital
	* Japan/TK-20-31-3/2020

* Department of Pathology, United Christian Hospital
	* HongKong/Case17_22012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case19_04022020/2020
	* HongKong/Case20_30012020/2020
	* HongKong/Case28_30012020/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU45-0502/2020

* Department of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
	* Japan/AI-I-004/2020

* Department of Virology and Immunology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Huslab Finland
	* Finland/13M19/2020
	* Finland/13M26/2020
	* Finland/13M27/2020
	* Finland/13M29/2020
	* Finland/13M3/2020
	* Finland/13M33/2020
	* Finland/13M57/2020
	* Finland/13M58/2020
	* Finland/13M60/2020
	* Finland/13M64/2020
	* Finland/13M65/2020
	* Finland/13M69/2020
	* Finland/13M77/2020
	* Finland/13M79/2020
	* Finland/13M82/2020
	* Finland/13M83/2020
	* Finland/14M12/2020
	* Finland/14M13/2020
	* Finland/14M14/2020
	* Finland/14M16/2020
	* Finland/14M20/2020
	* Finland/14M26/2020
	* Finland/14M3/2020
	* Finland/14M32/2020
	* Finland/14M74/2020
	* Finland/14M77/2020
	* Finland/14M82/2020
	* Finland/FIN-114/2020
	* Finland/FIN-266/2020
	* Finland/FIN-274/2020
	* Finland/FIN-313/2020
	* Finland/FIN-318/2020
	* Finland/FIN-455/2020
	* Finland/FIN-508/2020
	* Finland/FIN01032020/2020
	* Finland/FIN03032020A/2020
	* Finland/FIN03032020B/2020
	* Finland/FIN03032020C/2020

* Department of Virus and Microbiological Special diagnostics, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
	* Denmark/SSI-01/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-02/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-03/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-04/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-05/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-09/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-101/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-102/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-104/2020

* Department of microbiology laboratory,Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Anhui/SZ005/2020

* Dept. of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
	* Japan/NA-20-05-1/2020
	* Japan/OS-20-07-1/2020

* Dept. of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
	* Japan/KY-V-029/2020
	* Japan/TY-WK-012/2020
	* Japan/TY-WK-501/2020
	* Japan/TY-WK-521/2020

* Dienst Gezondheid & Jeugd Zuid-Holland Zuid
	* Netherlands/Hardinxveld_Giessendam_1364806/2020

* Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine
	* SouthKorea/KUMC03/2020
	* SouthKorea/KUMC05/2020

* Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Zurich
	* Switzerland/1000477796/2020
	* Switzerland/1000477797/2020
	* Switzerland/1000477806/2020

* Division of Viral Diseases, Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases, Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention
	* SouthKorea/KCDC05/2020
	* SouthKorea/KCDC06/2020
	* SouthKorea/KCDC07/2020
	* SouthKorea/KCDC12/2020
	* SouthKorea/KCDC24/2020

* Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre
	* Canada/NB_6/2020

* Dunedin Hospital
	* NewZealand/CoV001/2020
	* NewZealand/CoV002/2020

* Dutch COVID-19 response team
	* Netherlands/Flevoland_1/2020
	* Netherlands/Gelderland_1/2020
	* Netherlands/Gelderland_2/2020
	* Netherlands/Gelderland_3/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_2/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_3/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_4/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_5/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_6/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_7/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_1/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_10/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_11/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_12/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_13/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_14/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_15/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_16/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_17/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_18/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_19/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_2/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_20/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_21/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_22/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_23/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_24/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_25/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_26/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_27/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_28/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_29/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_30/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_31/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_32/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_33/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_34/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_35/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_4/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_5/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_6/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_7/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_8/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_9/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_1/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_10/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_11/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_12/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_13/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_14/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_15/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_16/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_17/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_18/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_19/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_2/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_20/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_21/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_22/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_23/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_24/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_25/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_26/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_27/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_28/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_29/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_3/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_30/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_31/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_32/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_33/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_34/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_35/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_36/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_37/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_38/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_39/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_4/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_41/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_42/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_44/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_45/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_46/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_47/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_48/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_49/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_5/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_51/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_52/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_53/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_54/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_55/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_56/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_57/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_58/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_59/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_6/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_60/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_61/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_62/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_63/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_64/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_65/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_66/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_67/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_68/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordHolland_1/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordHolland_2/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordHolland_3/2020
	* Netherlands/Overijssel_1/2020
	* Netherlands/Overijssel_2/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_1/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_10/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_11/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_12/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_13/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_14/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_15/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_16/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_17/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_18/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_19/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_2/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_3/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_4/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_5/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_6/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_7/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_8/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_1/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_10/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_11/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_13/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_14/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_15/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_16/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_17/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_18/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_19/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_2/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_20/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_21/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_22/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_23/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_24/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_25/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_26/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_27/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_28/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_29/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_30/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_31/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_5/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_6/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_7/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_8/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_9/2020

* EHPAD - Residences les Cedres
	* France/HF2381/2020

* ErasmusMC
	* Netherlands/Nieuwendijk_1363582/2020
	* Netherlands/Rotterdam_1363790/2020

	* Spain/Madrid201442/2020
	* Spain/Madrid201449/2020

* Foundation Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis
	* Netherlands/Tilburg_1363354/2020
	* Netherlands/Tilburg_1364286/2020

* Foundation Pamm
	* Netherlands/Berlicum_1363564/2020

* Fujian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Fujian/13/2020
	* Fujian/8/2020

* GH Les Portes du Sud
	* France/ARA09588/2020

* General Hospital of Central Theater Command of People's Liberation Army of China
	* Wuhan/WH01/2019
	* Wuhan/WH02/2019
	* Wuhan/WH03/2020
	* Wuhan/WH04/2020

* Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies
	* Panama/328677/2020

* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provincial Public Health
	* Foshan/20SF207/2020
	* Foshan/20SF210/2020
	* Foshan/20SF211/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF012/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF013/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF014/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF025/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF028/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF040/2020

* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provinical Public Health
	* Guangdong/20SF174/2020
	* Guangzhou/20SF206/2020

* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention;Guangdong Provincial Institute of Public Health
	* Guangdong/20SF201/2020

* Guangdong Provincial Institution of Public Health, Guangdong Provinical Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Guangdong/2020XN4239-P0034/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4243-P0035/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4273-P0036/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4276-P0037/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4291-P0038/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4373-P0039/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4433-P0040/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4448-P0002/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4459-P0041/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4475-P0042/2020
	* Guangdong/DG-S2-P0054/2020
	* Guangdong/DG-S41-P0056/2020
	* Guangdong/DG-S6-P0055/2020
	* Guangdong/DG-S9-P0045/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S29-P0051/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S30-P0052/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S34-P0015/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S42-P0046/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S48-P0047/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S50-P0053/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020012-P0022/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020016-P0011/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020080-P0010/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020085-P0043/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020086-P0021/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020087-P0008/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020115-P0009/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020134-P0031/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020139-P0007/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020227-P0029/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020233-P0027/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020234-P0023/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020241-P0013/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020246-P0028/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020258-P0018/2020
	* Guangdong/GDFS2020052-P0025/2020
	* Guangdong/GDFS2020054-P0005/2020
	* Guangdong/GDFS2020056-P0044/2020
	* Guangdong/GDFS2020127-P0026/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202004-P0004/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202008-P0020/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202009-P0032/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202013-P0014/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202015-P0019/2020
	* Guangdong/GZ-S6-P0050/2020
	* Guangdong/JM-S1-P0062/2020
	* Guangdong/MM-S1-P0048/2020
	* Guangdong/SZ-N128-P0057/2020
	* Guangdong/SZ-N59-P0049/2020
	* Guangdong/ZH-N22-P0059/2020
	* Guangdong/ZH-S33-P0058/2020
	* Guangdong/ZQ-S2-P0061/2020
	* Guangdong/ZS-S6-P0060/2020

* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
	* USA/WI-GMF-00049/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF-00227/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF-00228/2020

* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
	* USA/WI-GMF-00018/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF-00232/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF-00237/2020

* H Braga
	* Portugal/PT0018/2020
	* Portugal/PT0022/2020
	* Portugal/PT0023/2020
	* Portugal/PT0034/2020
	* Portugal/PT0035/2020
	* Portugal/PT0036/2020
	* Portugal/PT0037/2020

* H Dr. Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
	* Portugal/PT0041/2020

* H Evora
	* Portugal/PT0038/2020

* H Garcia de Orta
	* Portugal/PT0033/2020

* H Santarem
	* Portugal/PT0040/2020

	* Spain/Cataluna201396/2020

	* Spain/PaisVasco201493/2020

	* Spain/CastillayLeon201061/2020

	* Spain/Galicia201663/2020

	* Spain/PaisVasco201382/2020
	* Spain/PaisVasco201607/2020

	* Spain/Madrid201105/2020

	* Spain/Andalucia201272/2020
	* Spain/Andalucia201373/2020

* HSE Ilha Terceira - Angra do Heroismo
	* Portugal/PT0024/2020

* HUS Diagnostiikkakeskus, Hallinto
	* Finland/FIN-25/2020

* Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Hangzhou/HZ162/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ178/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ185/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ477/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ48/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ481/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ49/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ551/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ576/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ60/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ62/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ638/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ79/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ90/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ91/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0001/2020

* Hangzhou Center for Disease and Control Microbiology Lab
	* Hangzhou/HZ-1/2020

* Harborview Medical Center
	* USA/WA3-UW1/2020
	* USA/WA9-UW6/2020

* Hong Kong Department of Health
	* HongKong/VB20024950/2020
	* HongKong/VB20026565/2020
	* HongKong/VM20001061/2020
	* HongKong/case42_VM20002493/2020
	* HongKong/case48_VM20002507/2020
	* HongKong/case49_VM20002508/2020
	* HongKong/case52_VM20002582/2020
	* HongKong/case78_VM20002849/2020
	* HongKong/case85_VM20002868/2020
	* HongKong/case90_VM20002907/2020

* Hopital Instruction des Armees - BEGIN
	* France/IDF2075/2020

* Hopital Prive de l'Est Lyonnais
	* France/ARA10257/2020

* Hopital Robert Debre Laboratoire de Virologie
	* France/GE1973/2020
	* France/GE1977/2020

* Hopital franco britannique - Laboratoire
	* France/IDF2410/2020

* Hopital franco britannique - Service des Urgences
	* France/IDF2284/2020

* Hopitaux universitaires de Geneve Laboratoire de Virologie
	* Switzerland/AG7120/2020
	* Switzerland/BE2536/2020
	* Switzerland/BE6651/2020
	* Switzerland/BS0914/2020
	* Switzerland/GE0199/2020
	* Switzerland/GE06207/2020
	* Switzerland/GE1402/2020
	* Switzerland/GE1422/2020
	* Switzerland/GE4135/2020
	* Switzerland/GE4984/2020
	* Switzerland/GE6679/2020
	* Switzerland/GE8102/2020
	* Switzerland/GR2988/2020
	* Switzerland/GR3043/2020
	* Switzerland/SZ1417/2020
	* Switzerland/TI2045/2020
	* Switzerland/VD0503/2020

* Hospital General y Universitario de Guadalajara
	* Spain/CastillaLaMancha201328/2020
	* Spain/CastillaLaMancha201329/2020

* Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
	* Brazil/SPBR-01/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-02/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-03/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-11/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-12/2020

* Hospital Sao Joaquim Beneficencia Portuguesa
	* Brazil/SPBR-04/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-05/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-06/2020

* Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol(HUGTiP)/Fundacio Lluita contra la SIDA (FLSida)
	* Spain/Irsi-04/2020

* Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron (HUVH) - Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)
	* Spain/VH000001133/2020
	* Spain/VH198152683/2020

* Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
	* Spain/Madrid_H10_39/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H11_40/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H2_16/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H3_10/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H5_34/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H7_36/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H8_37/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H9_38/2020

* Hospital Universitario La Paz
	* Spain/Madrid_LP10_12/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_LP12_21/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_LP14_3/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_LP15_4/2020

* Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal
	* Spain/Madrid_R10_33/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_R2_15/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_R5_8/2020

* Hospital de Talca, Chile
	* Chile/Talca-1/2020
	* Chile/Talca-2/2020

* Hospital of Southern Norway - Kristiansand, Department of Medical Microbiology
	* Norway/1538/2020
	* Norway/1539/2020

* IL Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
	* USA/IL1/2020
	* USA/IL2/2020

* INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS
	* Italy/INMI1-cs/2020
	* Italy/INMI1-isl/2020
	* Italy/INMI3/2020
	* Italy/INMI4/2020
	* Italy/INMI5/2020

* Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
	* India/1-27/2020

* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology
	* India/1-31/2020

* Instirut Pasteur Dakar
	* Senegal/119/2020

* Institut Medico legal- Hop R. Poincare
	* France/IDF2256/2020

* Institut Pasteur Dakar
	* Senegal/003/2020
	* Senegal/016/2020
	* Senegal/020/2020
	* Senegal/026/2020
	* Senegal/073/2020
	* Senegal/082/2020
	* Senegal/087/2020
	* Senegal/094/2020
	* Senegal/102/2020
	* Senegal/136/2020
	* Senegal/139/2020

* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI) Hospices Civils de Lyon
	* France/Lyon_06464/2020
	* France/Lyon_06487/2020
	* France/Lyon_06531/2020
	* France/Lyon_0693/2020
	* France/Lyon_487/2020
	* France/Lyon_508/2020
	* France/Lyon_683/2020

* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI), Hospices Civils de Lyon
	* France/ARA10170/2020
	* France/ARA10172/2020
	* France/ARA10184/2020
	* France/ARA10188/2020
	* France/ARA10189/2020
	* France/ARA10192/2020
	* France/ARA10876/2020
	* France/ARA10910/2020
	* France/ARA10968/2020
	* France/ARA11036/2020
	* France/ARA11939/2020
	* France/ARA11943/2020
	* France/ARA11949/2020
	* France/ARA11950/2020
	* France/ARA11952/2020
	* France/ARA12125/2020
	* France/ARA12217/2020
	* France/ARA12222/2020
	* France/ARA12238/2020
	* France/ARA12249/2020
	* France/ARA12250/2020
	* France/ARA12260/2020
	* France/Lyon_06042/2020
	* France/Lyon_06056/2020
	* France/Lyon_06573/2020
	* France/Lyon_06625/2020
	* France/Lyon_0668/2020
	* France/Lyon_06820/2020

* Institute information  KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
	* Belgium/JRH-030459/2020

* Institute of Microbiology, Universidad San Francisco de Quito
	* Ecuador/HEE-01/2020

* Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-01/2019
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-02/2019
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-03/2019
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-04/2019
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-05/2020

* Institute of Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF13-20/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF13-21/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF13/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF54/2020

* Institute of Virology, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava
	* Slovakia/SK-BMC1/2020
	* Slovakia/SK-BMC2/2020
	* Slovakia/SK-BMC5/2020
	* Slovakia/SK-BMC6/2020

* Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias
	* Mexico/CDMX-InDRE_01/2020

* Instituto Nacional de Salud
	* Colombia/Bogota78390/2020

* Japanese Quarantine Stations
	* Japan/DP0005/2020
	* Japan/DP0027/2020
	* Japan/DP0037/2020
	* Japan/DP0058/2020
	* Japan/DP0059/2020
	* Japan/DP0065/2020
	* Japan/DP0077/2020
	* Japan/DP0078/2020
	* Japan/DP0104/2020
	* Japan/DP0107/2020
	* Japan/DP0121/2020
	* Japan/DP0133/2020
	* Japan/DP0134/2020
	* Japan/DP0152/2020
	* Japan/DP0158/2020
	* Japan/DP0184/2020
	* Japan/DP0190/2020
	* Japan/DP0191/2020
	* Japan/DP0196/2020
	* Japan/DP0200/2020
	* Japan/DP0236/2020
	* Japan/DP0274/2020
	* Japan/DP0278/2020
	* Japan/DP0286/2020
	* Japan/DP0287/2020
	* Japan/DP0289/2020
	* Japan/DP0290/2020
	* Japan/DP0294/2020
	* Japan/DP0311/2020
	* Japan/DP0319/2020
	* Japan/DP0328/2020
	* Japan/DP0344/2020
	* Japan/DP0346/2020
	* Japan/DP0357/2020
	* Japan/DP0361/2020
	* Japan/DP0438/2020
	* Japan/DP0457/2020
	* Japan/DP0462/2020
	* Japan/DP0464/2020
	* Japan/DP0476/2020
	* Japan/DP0481/2020
	* Japan/DP0482/2020
	* Japan/DP0543/2020
	* Japan/DP0544/2020
	* Japan/DP0568/2020
	* Japan/DP0588/2020
	* Japan/DP0644/2020
	* Japan/DP0645/2020
	* Japan/DP0654/2020
	* Japan/DP0687/2020
	* Japan/DP0690/2020
	* Japan/DP0697/2020
	* Japan/DP0699/2020
	* Japan/DP0700/2020
	* Japan/DP0703/2020
	* Japan/DP0724/2020
	* Japan/DP0743/2020
	* Japan/DP0752/2020
	* Japan/DP0763/2020
	* Japan/DP0764/2020
	* Japan/DP0765/2020
	* Japan/DP0779/2020
	* Japan/DP0785/2020
	* Japan/DP0786/2020
	* Japan/DP0802/2020
	* Japan/DP0803/2020
	* Japan/DP0804/2020
	* Japan/DP0827/2020
	* Japan/DP0880/2020
	* Japan/DP0890/2020

* Jiangxi province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* NanChang/JX216/2020

* Jingzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Jingzhou/HBCDC-HB-01/2020

* KU Leuven, Clincal and Epidemiological Virology
	* Belgium/BM-03012/2020

* KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
	* Belgium/BA-02291/2020
	* Belgium/BC-03016/2020
	* Belgium/BG-030551/2020
	* Belgium/BG-030955/2020
	* Belgium/CG-030158/2020
	* Belgium/DB-03023/2020
	* Belgium/DBA-03032/2020
	* Belgium/DBD-03024/2020
	* Belgium/DHWM-03041/2020
	* Belgium/DWAEE-030954/2020
	* Belgium/FR-03029/2020
	* Belgium/GHB-03021/2020
	* Belgium/GL-030546/2020
	* Belgium/GMH-03022/2020
	* Belgium/GS-030549/2020
	* Belgium/HAA-030953/2020
	* Belgium/Human/CS-031052/2020
	* Belgium/JL-03044/2020
	* Belgium/KA-03042/2020
	* Belgium/LT-030956/2020
	* Belgium/MMJ-03034/2020
	* Belgium/MTR-03021/2020
	* Belgium/MTR-03026/2020
	* Belgium/NKR-030645/2020
	* Belgium/QKJ-03015/2020
	* Belgium/RS-030257/2020
	* Belgium/RT-03035/2020
	* Belgium/RT-030460/2020
	* Belgium/SH-03014/2020
	* Belgium/SN-03031/2020
	* Belgium/SQ-03043/2020
	* Belgium/SS-031047/2020
	* Belgium/UMF-03025/2020
	* Belgium/VAG-03013/2020
	* Belgium/VBK-03061/2020
	* Belgium/VDLH-030548/2020
	* Belgium/VHRA-030644/2020
	* Belgium/VI-03027/2020
	* Belgium/VLM-03011/2020
	* Belgium/VPE-030650/2020
	* Belgium/VRAR-030643/2020
	* Belgium/VS-030542/2020

* Klinik Hirslanden Zurich
	* Switzerland/1000477757/2020

* Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (KCDC) Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases Division of Viral Diseases
	* SouthKorea/KCDC03/2020

* LABM GH nord Essonne
	* France/IDF2278/2020
	* France/IDF2279/2020
	* France/IDF2534/2020
	* France/IDF2684/2020

* LACEN RJ - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Noel Nutels
	* Brazil/RJ-314/2020

* LACEN/ES - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica do Espirito Santo
	* Brazil/ES-225/2020

* Laboiratorio Fleury
	* Brazil/SPBR-08/2020

* Laboratoire National de Sante
	* Luxembourg/Lux1/2020

* Laboratoire Nationale de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
	* Luxembourg/LNS0158952/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2013896/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2128808/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2848109/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS3694003/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS5731562/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS6282845/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS8489624/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9371718/2020

* Laboratoire de Virologie Institut de Virologie - INSERM U 1109 Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
	* France/GE1583/2020

* Laboratoire de Virologie, HUG
	* Switzerland/AG0361/2020
	* Switzerland/BL0902/2020
	* Switzerland/GE3121/2020
	* Switzerland/GE3895/2020
	* Switzerland/GE5373/2020
	* Switzerland/GE9586/2020
	* Switzerland/TI9486/2020
	* Switzerland/VD5615/2020

* Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Professor Goncalo Moniz  LACEN/BA
	* Brazil/BA-312/2020

* Laboratorio Hermes Pardini
	* Brazil/GO0106/2020
	* Brazil/MG0108/2020
	* Brazil/MG0109/2020
	* Brazil/MG0112/2020
	* Brazil/RS0107/2020
	* Brazil/SP0104/2020
	* Brazil/SP0105/2020
	* Brazil/SP0110/2020
	* Brazil/SP0111/2020

* Laboratorio Simili
	* Brazil/MG0101/2020
	* Brazil/MG0102/2020

* Laboratorio de Ecologia de Doencas Transmissiveis na Amazonia, Instituto Leonidas e Maria Deane - Fiocruz Amazonia
	* Brazil/AMBR-02/2020

* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorio. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Peru
	* Peru/010/2020

* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorios. Instituto Nacional de Salud Peru
	* Peru/01/2020

* Laboratorio di Microbiologia e Virologia, Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
	* Italy/UniSR1/2020

* Laboratory Medicine
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-01/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-02/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-03/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-04/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-05/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-06/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-07/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-08/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-09/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-10/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-11/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-12/2020

* Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences L. Sacco, University of Milan
	* Italy/UniMI01/2020
	* Italy/UniMI02/2020
	* Italy/UniMI03/2020

* Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
	* Greece/10/2020
	* Greece/12/2020
	* Greece/16/2020

* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
	* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S5/2020
	* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S8/2020
	* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S9/2020

* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center fro Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
	* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S1/2020

* Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
	* Chile/Santiago_op2d1/2020
	* Chile/Santiago_op3d1/2020
	* Chile/Santiago_op4d1/2020

* Lapland Central Hospital
	* Finland/1/2020

* MHC Brabant Zuidoost
	* Netherlands/Eindhoven_1363782/2020

* MHC Drente
	* Netherlands/Dalen_1363624/2020

* MHC Flevoland
	* Netherlands/Zeewolde_1365080/2020

* MHC Gooi & Vechtstreek
	* Netherlands/Blaricum_1364780/2020
	* Netherlands/Naarden_1364774/2020

* MHC Haaglanden
	* Netherlands/Nootdorp_1364222/2020

* MHC Hart voor Brabant
	* Netherlands/Oisterwijk_1364072/2020

* MHC Kennemerland
	* Netherlands/Haarlem_1363688/2020

* MHC Rotterdam-Rijnmond
	* Netherlands/Rotterdam_1364040/2020

* MHC Utrecht
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_1363564/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_1363628/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_1364066/2020

* MHC West-Brabant
	* Netherlands/Andel_1365066/2020
	* Netherlands/Helmond_1363548/2020

* MSHS Clinical Microbiology Laboratories
	* USA/NY1-PV08001/2020
	* USA/NY2-PV08100/2020

* Massachusetts Department of Public Health
	* USA/MA1/2020

* Mater Pathology
	* Australia/QLDID922/2020
	* Australia/QLDID923/2020

* Ministry of Health Turkey
	* Turkey/6224-Ankara1034/2020

* Minnesota Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory
	* USA/MN1-MDH1/2020
	* USA/MN2-MDH2/2020
	* USA/MN25-MDH25/2020
	* USA/MN26-MDH26/2020
	* USA/MN29-MDH29/2020
	* USA/MN3-MDH3/2020
	* USA/MN30-MDH30/2020
	* USA/MN31-MDH31/2020
	* USA/MN32-MDH32/2020
	* USA/MN34-MDH34/2020
	* USA/MN35-MDH35/2020
	* USA/MN36-MDH36/2020
	* USA/MN38-MDH38/2020
	* USA/MN39-MDH39/2020
	* USA/MN4-MDH4/2020
	* USA/MN40-MDH40/2020
	* USA/MN41-MDH41/2020
	* USA/MN42-MDH42/2020
	* USA/MN43-MDH43/2020
	* USA/MN44-MDH44/2020
	* USA/MN45-MDH45/2020
	* USA/MN46-MDH46/2020
	* USA/MN47-MDH47/2020
	* USA/MN48-MDH48/2020
	* USA/MN5-MDH5/2020
	* USA/MN51-MDH51/2020
	* USA/MN52-MDH52/2020
	* USA/MN53-MDH53/2020
	* USA/MN55-MDH55/2020
	* USA/MN56-MDH56/2020
	* USA/MN57-MDH57/2020
	* USA/MN58-MDH58/2020
	* USA/MN59-MDH59/2020

* Monash Medical Centre
	* Australia/VIC01/2020

* NHC Key laboratory of Enteric Pathogenic Microbiology, Institute of Pathogenic Microbiology
	* Jiangsu/JS01/2020
	* Jiangsu/JS02/2020
	* Jiangsu/JS03/2020

* NIC Viral Respiratory Unit - Institut Pasteur of Algeria
	* Algeria/G0638_2264/2020
	* Algeria/G0640_2265/2020

* NRL for Influenza, Centrum Epidemiology and Microbiology of National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic
	* CzechRepublic/ChVir1630/2020
	* CzechRepublic/ChVir1912/2020

* NYU Langone Health
	* USA/NY-NYUMC1/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC10/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC11/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC12/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC13/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC14/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC15/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC16/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC17/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC18/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC19/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC2/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC20/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC21/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC22/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC23/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC24/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC25/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC26/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC27/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC28/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC29/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC3/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC30/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC31/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC32/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC33/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC34/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC4/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC5/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC6/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC7/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC8/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC9/2020

* National Centre for Infectious Diseases
	* Singapore/12/2020
	* Singapore/13/2020
	* Singapore/14/2020
	* Singapore/3/2020
	* Singapore/4/2020

* National Influenza Center - Instituto Adolfo Lutz
	* Brazil/SPBR-07/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-09/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-10/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-13/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-14/2020

* National Influenza Center - National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
	* Vietnam/VR03-38142/2020

* National Influenza Center, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
	* Vietnam/38142/2020
	* Vietnam/39607/2020
	* Vietnam/CM295/2020
	* Vietnam/CM296/2020
	* Vietnam/CM99/2020

* National Influenza Centre, National Public Health Laboratory, Kathmandu, Nepal
	* Nepal/61/2020

* National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service
	* SouthAfrica/R03006-20/2020

* National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
	* Beijing/IVDC-BJ-005/2020
	* Chongqing/IVDC-CQ-001/2020
	* Henan/IVDC-HeN-002/2020
	* Jiangsu/IVDC-JS-001/2020
	* Jiangxi/IVDC-JX-002/2020
	* Shandong/IVDC-SD-001/2020
	* Shanghai/IVDC-SH-001/2020
	* Sichuan/IVDC-SC-001/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-01/2019
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-04/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-05/2019
	* Yunnan/IVDC-YN-003/2020

* National Public Health Laboratory
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5045/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5047/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5049/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5096/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-6430/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-7554/2020
	* Singapore/11/2020

* National Public Health Laboratory, National Centre for Infectious Diseases
	* Singapore/10/2020
	* Singapore/12Clin/2020
	* Singapore/14Clin/2020
	* Singapore/15/2020
	* Singapore/16/2020
	* Singapore/17/2020
	* Singapore/18/2020
	* Singapore/19/2020
	* Singapore/20/2020
	* Singapore/21/2020
	* Singapore/3Clin/2020
	* Singapore/7/2020
	* Singapore/8/2020
	* Singapore/9/2020

* National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory, Vilnius, Lithuania
	* Lithuania/ChVir1632/2020

* Oslo University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
	* Norway/1379/2020
	* Norway/1380/2020
	* Norway/1443/2020
	* Norway/1493/2020
	* Norway/1494/2020

* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini
	* Italy/TE4836/2020
	* Italy/TE5052/2020

* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini, Teramo
	* Italy/TE5056/2020

* Ospedale San Liberatore di Atri
	* Italy/TE4880/2020

* Pathology Queensland
	* Australia/QLD01/2020
	* Australia/QLD02/2020
	* Australia/QLD03/2020
	* Australia/QLD04/2020
	* Australia/QLD09/2020
	* Australia/QLDID919/2020
	* Australia/QLDID924/2020
	* Australia/QLDID925/2020
	* Australia/QLDID926/2020
	* Australia/QLDID927/2020
	* Australia/QLDID928/2020

* Presidio Ospedaliero "S. Spirito" - PESCARA
	* Italy/TE4925/2020

* Presidio ospedaliero "Santo Spirito"
	* Italy/TE4953/2020
	* Italy/TE4959/2020

* Prince of Wales Hospital
	* HongKong/case2_VB20017970/2020

* Providence Regional Medical Center
	* USA/WA1/2020

* Public Health Laboratory
	* SaudiArabia/SCDC-3321/2020

* Public Health Laboratory, Saudi CDC
	* SaudiArabia/SCDC-3324/2020

* Public Health Ontario Laboratories
	* Canada/ON_PHL0052/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0141/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0142/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0178/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0539/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0654/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0743/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0976/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0977/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL1083/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL1095/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL1898/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2223/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2259/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2273/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2294/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2653/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3318/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3350/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3380/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3458/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3459/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3476/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3501/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3536/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3575/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3650/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3670/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3680/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3692/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3695/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3741/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3802/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3877/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3917/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3919/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4069/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4088/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4181/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4232/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4464/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5472/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5672/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5694/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5705/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5710/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5756/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5757/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5930/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL6883/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL6884/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL6922/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL6980/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL7512/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL7513/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL7590/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL7972/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL8458/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL8539/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL8580/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL8751/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHLH6415/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHLU8150/2020

* Public Health Ontario Laboratory
	* Canada/ON-PHL2445/2020
	* Canada/ON-VIDO-01/2020

* Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre
	* Canada/NS_13/2020

* R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research,  National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
	* Georgia/Tb-273/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-390/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-468/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-477/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-537/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-54/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-673/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-712/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-82/2020
	* Georgia/Tb/2020

	* Netherlands/Delft_1363424/2020
	* Netherlands/Diemen_1363454/2020
	* Netherlands/Loon_op_zand_1363512/2020
	* Netherlands/Oss_1363500/2020
	* NetherlandsL/Houten_1363498/2020

* Regional Virus Laboratory, Belfast
	* NorthernIreland/HSCNI01/2020

* Respiratory Virus Unit, Microbiology Services Colindale, Public Health England
	* England/01/2020
	* England/02/2020
	* England/09c/2020
	* England/200641094/2020
	* England/200690245/2020
	* England/200690300/2020
	* England/200690306/2020
	* England/200690756/2020
	* England/200940527/2020
	* England/200960041/2020
	* England/200960515/2020
	* England/200981386/2020
	* England/200990002/2020
	* England/200990006/2020
	* England/20099038206/2020
	* England/200990660/2020
	* England/200990723/2020
	* England/200990724/2020
	* England/200990725/2020
	* England/20099079106/2020
	* England/20099107406/2020
	* England/200991076/2020
	* England/201000003/2020
	* England/20100001406/2020
	* England/20100004706/2020
	* England/20100004806/2020
	* England/20100005406/2020
	* England/20100022706/2020
	* England/20100023206/2020
	* England/20100024006/2020
	* England/20100077906/2020
	* England/20100121006/2020
	* England/20100121007/2020
	* England/20100122106/2020
	* England/20100122107/2020
	* England/20102000106/2020
	* England/20102000206/2020
	* England/20102000306/2020
	* England/20102000506/2020
	* England/20102000906/2020
	* England/20102068502/2020
	* England/20102068506/2020
	* England/20102073303/2020
	* England/20102087902/2020
	* England/20102088002/2020
	* England/20102098802/2020
	* England/20102112102/2020
	* England/20102115303/2020
	* England/20104002606/2020
	* England/20104002902/2020
	* England/20104003002/2020
	* England/20104004402/2020
	* England/20104004502/2020
	* England/20104004802/2020
	* England/20104004902/2020
	* England/20104007503/2020
	* England/201040081/2020
	* England/20104008402/2020
	* England/20104008502/2020
	* England/20104008702/2020
	* England/20104008802/2020
	* England/20104008902/2020
	* England/20104009002/2020
	* England/20104009102/2020
	* England/20104013703/2020
	* England/201040141/2020
	* England/20104015302/2020
	* England/20104023103/2020
	* England/20104035803/2020
	* England/20106003303/2020
	* England/20106004803/2020
	* England/20106004902/2020
	* England/20106005103/2020
	* England/20106005303/2020
	* England/20106005403/2020
	* England/20106087206/2020
	* England/20106145903/2020
	* England/20108003202/2020
	* England/20108003302/2020
	* England/20108004602/2020
	* England/20108004702/2020
	* England/20108004803/2020
	* England/20108006003/2020
	* England/20108006603/2020
	* England/20108006802/2020
	* England/20108007002/2020
	* England/20108007302/2020
	* England/20108007402/2020
	* England/20108034006/2020
	* England/20108125106/2020
	* England/20109035906/2020
	* England/20109038906/2020
	* England/20109039306/2020
	* England/20109047803/2020
	* England/20109050106/2020
	* England/20109050306/2020
	* England/20109050406/2020
	* England/20109050506/2020
	* England/20109050606/2020
	* England/20109050706/2020
	* England/20109050806/2020
	* England/20109051806/2020
	* England/20109051906/2020
	* England/20109052006/2020
	* England/20109052106/2020
	* England/20109052206/2020
	* England/20109052306/2020
	* England/20109052506/2020
	* England/20109053106/2020
	* England/20109053406/2020
	* England/20109053606/2020
	* England/20109054806/2020
	* England/20109056406/2020
	* England/20109056906/2020
	* England/20109058906/2020
	* England/20109060106/2020
	* England/20109093606/2020
	* England/20109093706/2020
	* England/20109093806/2020
	* England/20109093906/2020
	* England/20109094006/2020
	* England/20109094106/2020
	* England/20109094206/2020
	* England/20109094506/2020
	* England/20109097506/2020
	* England/20109097906/2020
	* England/20109098806/2020
	* England/20109098906/2020
	* England/20109099006/2020
	* England/20109099106/2020
	* England/20109099206/2020
	* England/20110000106/2020
	* England/20110000606/2020
	* England/20110000706/2020
	* England/20110000806/2020
	* England/20110000906/2020
	* England/20110003506/2020
	* England/20110005006/2020
	* England/20110015106/2020
	* England/20110023706/2020
	* England/20110042006/2020
	* England/20110042106/2020
	* England/20110043706/2020
	* England/20110058706/2020
	* England/20110059306/2020
	* England/20110097506/2020
	* England/20110136302/2020
	* England/20112112106/2020
	* England/20116022902/2020
	* England/20116025603/2020
	* England/20118044606/2020
	* England/20119026102/2020
	* England/20120002102/2020
	* England/20122032802/2020
	* England/20122069402/2020
	* England/20122073102/2020
	* England/20122074602/2020
	* England/20122087702/2020
	* England/20122088102/2020
	* England/20122119202/2020
	* England/20122119302/2020
	* England/20122119502/2020
	* England/20124000803/2020
	* England/20124001202/2020
	* England/20124001302/2020
	* England/20124001702/2020
	* England/20124001902/2020
	* England/20124002002/2020
	* England/20124002102/2020
	* England/20124003502/2020
	* England/20124003702/2020
	* England/20124003902/2020
	* England/20124004302/2020
	* England/20124004402/2020
	* England/20124008902/2020
	* England/20124009202/2020
	* England/20124009602/2020
	* England/20124011302/2020
	* England/20124012702/2020
	* England/20124012902/2020
	* England/20124013202/2020
	* England/20124020402/2020
	* England/20124020802/2020
	* England/20124021002/2020
	* England/20124021402/2020
	* England/20124022802/2020
	* England/20124029802/2020
	* England/20124030003/2020
	* England/20124030802/2020
	* England/20124034002/2020
	* England/20124034102/2020
	* England/20124034702/2020
	* England/20124034902/2020
	* England/20124035502/2020
	* England/20124035702/2020
	* England/20124035802/2020
	* England/20124036002/2020
	* England/20124036202/2020
	* England/20124036902/2020
	* England/20124037102/2020
	* England/20124037302/2020
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	* England/20124048202/2020
	* England/20124049402/2020
	* England/20124086902/2020
	* England/20124094702/2020
	* England/20124094902/2020
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	* England/20124096402/2020
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	* England/20124098502/2020
	* England/20124099602/2020
	* England/20124100002/2020
	* England/20124100602/2020
	* England/20124101102/2020
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	* England/20124101302/2020
	* England/20126003302/2020
	* England/20126003802/2020
	* England/20126003902/2020
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	* England/20126008702/2020
	* England/20126011202/2020
	* England/20126012302/2020
	* England/20126012702/2020
	* England/20126025202/2020
	* England/20126025902/2020
	* England/20126026202/2020
	* England/20126032802/2020
	* England/20126033202/2020
	* England/20126034302/2020
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	* England/20126035502/2020
	* England/20126036002/2020
	* England/20126036102/2020
	* England/20126045602/2020
	* England/20126046602/2020
	* England/20126096502/2020
	* England/20126096602/2020

* Rockhampton Base Hospital
	* Australia/QLDID920/2020

* Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory
	* Canada/SK_4/2020

* Saitama Medical University
	* Japan/SMU-0311S3/2020

* Saitama Medical University Hospital
	* Japan/SMU-0311S2/2020

* Santa Clara County Public Health Department
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC13/2020
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC14/2020
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC15/2020
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC16/2020
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC17/2020

* Seattle Flu Study
	* USA/WA-S10/2020
	* USA/WA-S11/2020
	* USA/WA-S110/2020
	* USA/WA-S111/2020
	* USA/WA-S112/2020
	* USA/WA-S2/2020
	* USA/WA-S3/2020
	* USA/WA-S4/2020
	* USA/WA-S5/2020
	* USA/WA-S6/2020
	* USA/WA-S7/2020
	* USA/WA-S8/2020
	* USA/WA-S9/2020

* Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University
	* Hefei/2/2020

* Secretaria de Salud Medellin
	* Colombia/79256/2020

* Serology, Virology and OTDS Laboratories (SAViD), NSW Health Pathology Randwick
	* Australia/NSW03/2020

* Service des Urgences
	* France/IDF2532/2020
	* France/IDF2533/2020

* Servicio Microbiologia, Hospital Clinico Universitario, Valencia
	* Spain/Valencia3/2020

* Servicio Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario. Valencia.
	* Spain/Valencia1/2020
	* Spain/Valencia2/2020

* Servicio de Microbiologia. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
	* Spain/Valencia10/2020
	* Spain/Valencia4/2020
	* Spain/Valencia5/2020
	* Spain/Valencia6/2020
	* Spain/Valencia7/2020
	* Spain/Valencia8/2020
	* Spain/Valencia9/2020

* Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Shandong/LY001/2020
	* Shandong/LY002/2020
	* Shandong/LY003/2020
	* Shandong/LY004/2020
	* Shandong/LY005/2020
	* Shandong/LY006/2020
	* Shandong/LY007/2020
	* Shandong/LY008/2020

* Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University
	* Shanghai/SH0002/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0003/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0004/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0005/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0007/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0008/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0009/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0010/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0011/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0012/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0013/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0014/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0017/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0020/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0021/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0022/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0023/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0024/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0025/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0026/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0027/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0028/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0029/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0030/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0031/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0032/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0033/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0034/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0035/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0036/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0037/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0038/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0039/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0040/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0041/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0042/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0043/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0044/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0045/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0047/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0050/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0052/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0055/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0056/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0058/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0060/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0065/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0066/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0067/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0070/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0071/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0075/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0076/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0079/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0080/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0081/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0083/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0088/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0091/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0100/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0101/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0107/2020
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	* Shanghai/SH0114/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0115/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0117/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0119/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0121/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0125/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0126/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0127/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0128/2020

* Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Immunity, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Disease, Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
	* Shenzhen/SZTH-002/2020
	* Shenzhen/SZTH-003/2020
	* Shenzhen/SZTH-004/2020

* Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
	* Shenzhen/SZTH-001/2020

* Singapore General Hospital
	* Singapore/1/2020
	* Singapore/2/2020

* Singapore General Hospital, Molecular Laboratory, Division of Pathology
	* Singapore/5/2020
	* Singapore/6/2020

* Sorbonne Universite, Inserm et Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris (Pitie Salpetriere)
	* France/IDF0626/2020

* South China Agricultural University
	* pangolin/Guangdong/1/2019

* State Health Office Baden-Wuerttemberg
	* Germany/Baden-Wuerttemberg-1/2020

* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China 310003
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-010/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-011/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-03/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-04/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-06/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-07/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-08/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-09/2020

* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China. 310003
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-01/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-02/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-05/2020

* State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0014/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0016/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0030/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0031/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0042/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0044/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0047/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0048/2020

* Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
	* Australia/QLDID921/2020

* Tai Lung Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
	* canine/HongKong/20-02756/2020

* Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
	* Taiwan/3/2020
	* Taiwan/4/2020

* Texas Department of State Health Services
	* USA/TX1/2020

* The Central Hospital Of Wuhan
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-02/2020

* The Chaim Sheba Medical Center
	* Israel/ISR_IT0320/2020

* The National Institute of Public Health Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
	* CzechRepublic/951/2020

* The National University Hospital of Iceland
	* Iceland/101/2020
	* Iceland/102/2020
	* Iceland/103/2020
	* Iceland/105/2020
	* Iceland/106/2020
	* Iceland/107/2020
	* Iceland/108/2020
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	* Iceland/99/2020

* The University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital
	* Shenzhen/HKU-SZ-002/2020
	* Shenzhen/HKU-SZ-005/2020

* Tianmen Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Tianmen/HBCDC-HB-07/2020

* UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory
	* Ireland/21023/2020
	* Ireland/21145/2020
	* Ireland/22901/2020
	* Ireland/24042/2020
	* Ireland/24052/2020
	* Ireland/COR-20134/2020
	* Ireland/Cork2/2020
	* Ireland/Dublin-19072/2020
	* Ireland/Dublin-22361/2020
	* Ireland/Dublin-22428/2020
	* Ireland/Limerick-19933/2020
	* Ireland/Limerick-19934/2020
	* Ireland/Limerick-19935/2020

* UW Virology Lab
	* USA/WA-UW100/2020
	* USA/WA-UW101/2020
	* USA/WA-UW102/2020
	* USA/WA-UW103/2020
	* USA/WA-UW104/2020
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	* USA/WA-UW254/2020
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	* USA/WA11-UW7/2020
	* USA/WA12-UW8/2020
	* USA/WA13-UW9/2020
	* USA/WA14-UW10/2020
	* USA/WA15-UW11/2020
	* USA/WA16-UW12/2020
	* USA/WA17-UW13/2020
	* USA/WA18-UW14/2020

* Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-03/2020
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-04/2020

* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
	* Brazil/RJ0114/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0115/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0116/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0117/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0118/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0119/2020

* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
	* Brazil/RJ0113/2020

* University Hospital Basel, Clinical Virology
	* Switzerland/42169171/2020
	* Switzerland/42169310/2020
	* Switzerland/42169471/2020
	* Switzerland/42170345/2020
	* Switzerland/42174724/2020
	* Switzerland/42175075/2020
	* Switzerland/42175213/2020
	* Switzerland/42175220/2020
	* Switzerland/42176216/2020
	* Switzerland/42176229/2020
	* Switzerland/42176560/2020
	* Switzerland/42176753/2020
	* Switzerland/42176771/2020
	* Switzerland/42177236/2020
	* Switzerland/42177430/2020
	* Switzerland/42177434/2020
	* Switzerland/42177472/2020
	* Switzerland/42178712/2020
	* Switzerland/42202619/2020
	* Switzerland/42202622/2020
	* Switzerland/42202805/2020

* University Hospital of Northern Norway, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
	* Norway/1526/2020

* University of Wisconsin - Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
	* USA/WI-15/2020

* University of Wisconsin - Madison: Influenza Research Institute
	* Japan/UT-NCGM02/2020

* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
	* USA/WI-03/2020
	* USA/WI-04/2020
	* USA/WI-05/2020
	* USA/WI-06/2020
	* USA/WI-07/2020
	* USA/WI-08/2020
	* USA/WI-09/2020
	* USA/WI-10/2020
	* USA/WI-11/2020
	* USA/WI-12/2020
	* USA/WI-13/2020
	* USA/WI-14/2020
	* USA/WI-18/2020
	* USA/WI-19/2020
	* USA/WI-22/2020

* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratory
	* USA/WI-02/2020

* University of Wisconsin-Madison, AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
	* USA/WI-16/2020

* Unknown
	* France/BFC2094/2020
	* Netherlands/Coevorden_1363618/2020

* Utah Public Health Laboratory
	* USA/UPHL-01/2020
	* USA/UPHL-03/2020
	* USA/UPHL-04/2020
	* USA/UPHL-05/2020
	* USA/UPHL-06/2020
	* USA/UT-00008/2020
	* USA/UT-00009/2020
	* USA/UT-00010/2020
	* USA/UT-00011/2020
	* USA/UT-00012/2020
	* USA/UT-00014/2020
	* USA/UT-00016/2020
	* USA/UT-00018/2020
	* USA/UT-00019/2020
	* USA/UT-00020/2020
	* USA/UT-00021/2020
	* USA/UT-00022/2020
	* USA/UT-00023/2020
	* USA/UT-00024/2020
	* USA/UT-00025/2020
	* USA/UT-00027/2020
	* USA/UT-00028/2020
	* USA/UT-00031/2020
	* USA/UT-00032/2020
	* USA/UT-00033/2020
	* USA/UT-00034/2020

	* USA/VA-DCLS-0001/2020

* Valley Medical Center
	* USA/WA8-UW5/2020

* Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL)
	* Australia/VIC02/2020
	* Australia/VIC03/2020
	* Australia/VIC04/2020
	* Australia/VIC05/2020
	* Australia/VIC06/2020
	* Australia/VIC07/2020
	* Australia/VIC08/2020
	* Australia/VIC09/2020
	* Australia/VIC10/2020
	* Australia/VIC11/2020
	* Australia/VIC12/2020

* Viral Respiratory Lab, National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB)
	* Congo/108/2020
	* Congo/158/2020
	* Congo/191/2020
	* Congo/73/2020
	* Congo/80/2020
	* Congo/81/2020
	* Congo/82/2020
	* Congo/94/2020
	* Congo/KN-0017/2020
	* Congo/KN-0038/2020
	* Congo/KN-0043/2020
	* Congo/KN-0051/2020
	* Congo/KN-0054/2020
	* Congo/KN-0058/2020
	* Congo/KN-0059/2020
	* Congo/KN-0060/2020
	* Congo/KN-0070/2020
	* Congo/KN-0072/2020
	* Congo/KN-13/2020

* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratories
	* USA/VA-0003/2020
	* USA/VA-0004/2020

* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0002/2020

* ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology; Human Genome Variation Research Group & Genomics Centre MCB; Bioinformatics Research Group  Department of Virology
	* Poland/PL_P1/2020

* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre
	* Hungary/2/2020
	* Hungary/49/2020

* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre, University of Pecs
	* Hungary/mbl1/2020

* Virology Department, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian
	* Scotland/EDB003/2020
	* Scotland/EDB004/2020
	* Scotland/EDB005/2020
	* Scotland/EDB006/2020
	* Scotland/EDB007/2020
	* Scotland/EDB008/2020
	* Scotland/EDB009/2020
	* Scotland/EDB011/2020
	* Scotland/EDB012/2020
	* Scotland/EDB013/2020

* Virology Department, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
	* England/SHEF-BFCB1/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFCC0/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFCDF/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFCEE/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFCFD/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFD09/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFD18/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFD27/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFD36/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFD45/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFD54/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFD63/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFD72/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFD81/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFDAF/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFDBE/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFDCD/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFDDC/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFDEB/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFDFA/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFE06/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFE15/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFE24/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFE33/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFE42/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFE51/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFE60/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFE9D/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFEAC/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFEBB/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFED9/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFEE8/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF03/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF12/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF21/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF30/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF4F/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF5E/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF6D/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF7C/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF8B/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFF9A/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFFA9/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFFB8/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFFC7/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFFD6/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFFE5/2020
	* England/Sheff01/2020
	* England/Sheff02/2020

* Virology Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Public Health, University Politecnica delle Marche
	* Italy/UnivPM1/2020

* Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.
	* Cambodia/0012/2020

* Virology laboratory Ministry of Health Kuwait sequenced at Dasman Diabetes Institute
	* Kuwait/KU12/2020

* WA State Department of Health
	* USA/WA-NH10/2020
	* USA/WA-NH11/2020
	* USA/WA-NH12/2020
	* USA/WA-NH13/2020
	* USA/WA-NH14/2020
	* USA/WA-NH17/2020
	* USA/WA-NH18/2020
	* USA/WA-NH19/2020
	* USA/WA-NH2/2020
	* USA/WA-NH20/2020
	* USA/WA-NH21/2020
	* USA/WA-NH22/2020
	* USA/WA-NH23/2020
	* USA/WA-NH24/2020
	* USA/WA-NH3/2020
	* USA/WA-NH4/2020
	* USA/WA-NH5/2020
	* USA/WA-NH6/2020
	* USA/WA-NH7/2020
	* USA/WA-NH8/2020
	* USA/WA-NH9/2020
	* USA/WA1-A12/2020

* WHO National Influenza Centre Russian Federation
	* Russia/StPetersburg-3524/2020

* Wales Specialist Virology Centre
	* Wales/PHW03/2020
	* Wales/PHW04/2020
	* Wales/PHW05/2020
	* Wales/PHW06/2020
	* Wales/PHW07/2020
	* Wales/PHW09/2020
	* Wales/PHW1/2020
	* Wales/PHW10/2020
	* Wales/PHW12/2020
	* Wales/PHW13/2020
	* Wales/PHW17/2020
	* Wales/PHW18/2020
	* Wales/PHW2/2020
	* Wales/PHW21/2020
	* Wales/PHW25/2020
	* Wales/PHW26/2020
	* Wales/PHW27/2020
	* Wales/PHW28/2020
	* Wales/PHW29/2020
	* Wales/PHW32/2020
	* Wales/PHW33/2020
	* Wales/PHW35/2020
	* Wales/PHW37/2020
	* Wales/PHW38/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23966/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23A81/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23A90/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23ACD/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23ADC/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23AEB/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23AFA/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23B06/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23B24/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23B42/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23B60/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23B7F/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23B9D/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23BAC/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23BD9/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23BE8/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23BF7/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23C21/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23CB8/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23CC7/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23CD6/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23CE5/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23CF4/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23D00/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23D1F/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23D2E/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23D4C/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23D6A/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23D79/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23D88/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23DB5/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23DE2/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23DF1/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23E1C/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23E2B/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23E3A/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23E49/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23E67/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23E76/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23E85/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23E94/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23EA3/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23EC1/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23EEF/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23EFE/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23F19/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23F46/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23F55/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23F64/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23F73/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23FA0/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23FDD/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23FEC/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-23FFB/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-24006/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-24015/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-24024/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-24033/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-240BB/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-240CA/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-240D9/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-240E8/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-240F7/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-24112/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-24121/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-2414F/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-2415E/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-2416D/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-2419A/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-241A9/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-241E5/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-241F4/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-2422E/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-2423D/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-2426A/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-24279/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-24288/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-24297/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-242A6/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-242B5/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-242C4/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-242D3/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-242E2/2020

* Washington State Department of Health
	* USA/WA-S100/2020
	* USA/WA-S101/2020
	* USA/WA-S102/2020
	* USA/WA-S103/2020
	* USA/WA-S104/2020
	* USA/WA-S105/2020
	* USA/WA-S106/2020
	* USA/WA-S107/2020
	* USA/WA-S108/2020
	* USA/WA-S109/2020
	* USA/WA-S113/2020
	* USA/WA-S114/2020
	* USA/WA-S115/2020
	* USA/WA-S116/2020
	* USA/WA-S117/2020
	* USA/WA-S118/2020
	* USA/WA-S119/2020
	* USA/WA-S12/2020
	* USA/WA-S120/2020
	* USA/WA-S121/2020
	* USA/WA-S122/2020
	* USA/WA-S13/2020
	* USA/WA-S14/2020
	* USA/WA-S15/2020
	* USA/WA-S16/2020
	* USA/WA-S17/2020
	* USA/WA-S18/2020
	* USA/WA-S19/2020
	* USA/WA-S20/2020
	* USA/WA-S21/2020
	* USA/WA-S22/2020
	* USA/WA-S23/2020
	* USA/WA-S24/2020
	* USA/WA-S25/2020
	* USA/WA-S26/2020
	* USA/WA-S27/2020
	* USA/WA-S28/2020
	* USA/WA-S29/2020
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	* USA/WA-S32/2020
	* USA/WA-S33/2020
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	* USA/WA-S68/2020
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	* USA/WA-S71/2020
	* USA/WA-S72/2020
	* USA/WA-S73/2020
	* USA/WA-S74/2020
	* USA/WA-S75/2020
	* USA/WA-S76/2020
	* USA/WA-S77/2020
	* USA/WA-S78/2020
	* USA/WA-S79/2020
	* USA/WA-S80/2020
	* USA/WA-S81/2020
	* USA/WA-S82/2020
	* USA/WA-S83/2020
	* USA/WA-S84/2020
	* USA/WA-S85/2020
	* USA/WA-S86/2020
	* USA/WA-S87/2020
	* USA/WA-S88/2020
	* USA/WA-S89/2020
	* USA/WA-S90/2020
	* USA/WA-S91/2020
	* USA/WA-S92/2020
	* USA/WA-S93/2020
	* USA/WA-S94/2020
	* USA/WA-S95/2020
	* USA/WA-S96/2020
	* USA/WA-S97/2020
	* USA/WA-S98/2020
	* USA/WA-S99/2020
	* USA/WA1-F6/2020
	* USA/WA2/2020

* Washington State Public Health Lab
	* USA/WA4-UW2/2020
	* USA/WA6-UW3/2020
	* USA/WA7-UW4/2020

* Weifang Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* China/WF0001/2020
	* China/WF0002/2020
	* China/WF0003/2020
	* China/WF0004/2020
	* China/WF0006/2020
	* China/WF0009/2020
	* China/WF0012/2020
	* China/WF0014/2020
	* China/WF0015/2020
	* China/WF0016/2020
	* China/WF0017/2020
	* China/WF0018/2020
	* China/WF0019/2020
	* China/WF0020/2020
	* China/WF0021/2020
	* China/WF0023/2020
	* China/WF0024/2020
	* China/WF0026/2020
	* China/WF0028/2020
	* China/WF0029/2020

* Wellington Hospital
	* NewZealand/20VR0275/2020
	* NewZealand/20VR0276/2020

* West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre, NHSGGC
	* Scotland/CVR01/2020
	* Scotland/CVR02/2020
	* Scotland/CVR03/2020
	* Scotland/CVR04/2020
	* Scotland/CVR05/2020
	* Scotland/CVR06/2020
	* Scotland/CVR07/2020
	* Scotland/CVR10/2020

* Wisconsin Department of Health Services
	* USA/WI1/2020

* Wuhan Fourth Hospital
	* Wuhan/WH05/2020

* Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
	* bat/Yunnan/RaTG13/2013

* Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-01/2019
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-02/2019
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-03/2019
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-04/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV02/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV04/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV05/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV06/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV07/2019

* Wuhan Lung Hospital
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-06/2020

* Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory
	* USA/CT-Yale-006/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-007/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-008/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-009/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-010/2020

* Yongchuan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Chongqing/YC01/2020

* Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Zhejiang/WZ-01/2020
	* Zhejiang/WZ-02/2020

* Zhongxian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Chongqing/ZX01/2020

* deCODE genetics
	* Iceland/1/2020
	* Iceland/10/2020
	* Iceland/100/2020
	* Iceland/104/2020
	* Iceland/11/2020
	* Iceland/115/2020
	* Iceland/116/2020
	* Iceland/117/2020
	* Iceland/118/2020
	* Iceland/119/2020
	* Iceland/120/2020
	* Iceland/121/2020
	* Iceland/122/2020
	* Iceland/170/2020
	* Iceland/171/2020
	* Iceland/2/2020
	* Iceland/262/2020
	* Iceland/29/2020
	* Iceland/326/2020
	* Iceland/327/2020
	* Iceland/328/2020
	* Iceland/329/2020
	* Iceland/330/2020
	* Iceland/331/2020
	* Iceland/332/2020
	* Iceland/333/2020
	* Iceland/334/2020
	* Iceland/335/2020
	* Iceland/336/2020
	* Iceland/337/2020
	* Iceland/338/2020
	* Iceland/339/2020
	* Iceland/340/2020
	* Iceland/341/2020
	* Iceland/342/2020
	* Iceland/38/2020
	* Iceland/98/2020
	* Iceland/LUH-01/2020