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COVID-19 확산에 대한 유전체 분석. 2020년 4월 10일 상황 보고서
Sidney M. Bell
Nicola Müller
Cassia Wagner
Emma Hodcroft
James Hadfield
Richard Neher
Trevor Bedford
Fred Hutch, Seattle, USA; Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland; CZI, CA, USA
Taehoon Ha
Minkyu Kim
2020 April 9
이 보고서는 공개된 유전체 정보를 이용해 코로나19의 전파를 추적합니다. 이 보고서는 매주 업데이트 됩니다.

이번 주, 저희는 한 걸음 뒤로 물러나 유행이 어떻게 전개되어 왔는지를 월별로 추적해 보았습니다. 세계의 지역 전파가 어떻게 이루어져 왔는지에 집중했습니다. 이번 보고서에서는 다음과 같은 내용을 다룹니다:

# 개요

저희는 3,160개의 공개된 코로나19의 유전체 염기서열을 분석하였습니다. 바이러스들을 비교 분석하여 코로나19가 어떻게 진화하고 세계 곳곳으로 퍼지고 지역에서 확산되고 있는지 분석할 수 있습니다.

저희는 보다 구체적이고 지역 중심적인 분석으로 옮겨가는 과정 속에 있습니다. 이 변화와 관련된 보다 자세한 정보는 [여기]( 에서 찾으실 수 있습니다. 도움을 주시고 싶으신 분들은 [여기]( 를 확인해주세요. 이 변화가 진행되는 동안 기다려주셔서 감사합니다.

코로나바이러스감염증-19와 이를 유발하는 SARS-CoV-2 바이러스(또는 hCov-19로 알려진)에 대한 몇 가지 자료를 준비했습니다. 이 정보들은 저희가 이 보고서에서 제시한 내용을 이해하는데 도움을 줄 것입니다.

Nextstrain 관련자료

외부 자료

현재 저희는 6개 대륙, 57개국에서 얻은 분리된 바이러스의 RNA 염기서열 정보를 해독했습니다. 이는 엄청난 성과입니다. 큰 RNA 유전체를 가진 미지의 바이러스의 염기서열 정보를 유행 와중에 얻는 것은 굉장히 어렵습니다. 이는 전 세계의 과학자와 의료인들의 신속한 정보공유와 헌신이 아니었다면 불가능했을 것입니다.

이 데이터를 활용하면 유행의 여러 특성을 실시간으로 유추할 수 있지만 저희의 결론은 현재 활용가능한 데이터에만 국한됩니다.

예를 들어, 아래의 지도는 남반구에서 채취된 바이러스가 매우 적음을 보여줍니다. 이는 그 지역에 코로나19 유행이 없어서도, 다른 지역보다 덜 중요해서도 아닙니다. 단지 그 지역에서 수집된 데이터가 부족하다는 것을 의미합니다. 지도 상의 원의 크기는 그 지역에서 얻은 데이터의 양을 의미할 뿐 실제 유행의 규모와는 무관합니다.

이 슬라이드에는 유행 첫 달인 2019년 12월 중순부터 2020년 1월 중순까지의 사례들을 표시했습니다. 계통수 끝 부분은 감염된 개개인들의 사례들을 의미합니다. 각 내부 노드(또는 분기점)는 수집되지 않은 사례들을 나타내며, 이는 하위 분기군 내 모든 표본들의 조상입니다.

계통수 끝부분은 표본 수집이 이루어진 위치에 따라 색을 다르게 표시했습니다. 노드(분기점)는 조상이 되는 사례의 위치에 근거하여 유추된 (가장 확률이 높은) 지역의 색깔로 표시했습니다.

한 표본이 어디에서 지리적으로 고립되었는지를 이 표본의 조상들이 어느 지역에서 순환했는지와 비교해보면, 어느 지역에서 감염이 일어나고 있는지를 알 수 있을뿐만 아니라 어디에서 전염이 되었는지를 파악하는 데에도 도움이 됩니다.

순환 중인 바이러스의 공통 조상은 2019년 11월 말 또는 12월 초에 중국 우한에서 나타난 것으로 보입니다. 따라서, 이 기간 동안 수집되고 유추된 대부분의 초기 사례들은 아시아에 자리잡고 있었습니다. 이는 주로 중국 내에서 유통되었으며, 일부는 유행 첫 달 동안 다른 아시아 국가로 전파된 사례들과 일치합니다.

유행이 시작된 지 2개월 차에 접어든 동안 (2020년 1월 중순에서 2월 중순까지), 유럽 및 오세아니아에서 개별적인 사례들이 발생하기 시작했던 것을 확인할 수 있습니다. 이런 초기 사례들은 여전히 아시아의 사례들과 한데 묶였으며, 일반적으로 지역사회 전파의 특징을 보이지 않았습니다.

이는 아시아에서의 주된 유행으로부터 전세계의 다른 지역들로 던져진 초기 불씨가 되었다는 해석과 일맥상통합니다. 대부분의 이런 불씨들이 각 지역에서의 유행으로 이어지지는 않았지만, 이 유입들 중 적어도 3건이 지역사회 유행을 촉발시켰습니다. 이로 인해 오세아니아에서의 제한적인 확산뿐만 아니라 유럽 및 북아메리카 내에서 대유행이 발생하게 되었습니다.

같은 기간 동안의 계통수 상단을 확대해 보면, 나중에 유럽 대유행의 시초가 되는 유럽의 조상 바이러스(내부 노드)를 확인할 수 있습니다.

이 시점에 저희는 이 분기군에서 단 1개의 염기서열 자료도 가지고 있지 않았지만, 1월 말 또는 2월 초까지 유럽 유행의 시초를 발견하지 못했다는 것을 보여줍니다.

이와 유사하게, 계통수의 하단을 확대해서 보면, 나중에 북아메리카 대유행의 시발점이 된 북아메리카의 조상 바이러스(내부 노드)를 확인할 수 있습니다.

이 시점에서 저희는 이 사례군에서 1개의 염기서열 자료만을 가지고 있었지만, 1월 말 또는 2월 초까지 북아메리카 내에서 바이러스가 발견되지 않았음을 보여줍니다.

2020년 2월 중순에서 3월 중순까지 3개월 동안 이 두 사례군이 퍼져서 각각 유럽과 북아메리카 내에서 크게 유행했습니다.

이 각각의 지역들에서, 주 경계와 국경을 넘어 광범위하게 뒤섞인 것을 확인할 수 있습니다. 미국의 여러 주와 캐나다의 여러 주의 사례들을 통해 이 뒤섞임을 보여주고 있습니다.

저희는 이와 비슷한 패턴으로 유럽 국가들 사이에서 바이러스 계통들이 빈번히 뒤섞이는 것을 이전에 보고 했던 적이 있습니다.

북아메리카 및 유럽의 사례군들은 각각의 지역들에 국한되지 않습니다. 이 기간 동안, 저희는 남아메리카, 오세아니아 및 아프리카 사례들이 주로 유럽 및 북아메리카 지역의 분기군으로부터 온 것을 확인했습니다. 이를 통해, 해당 기간 동안 대륙 간 유입이 빈번하게 발생했음을 알 수 있었습니다.

흥미로운 점은, 남반구에서 수집한 표본은 계통수 전체에 걸쳐 고루 분포해 있으며, 이 지역에서의 유행은 여러 바이러스 계통들끼리 뒤섞여 나타나게 된 산물이라는 것입니다.

지난 달, 이 팬데믹은 세계를 한 바퀴 돌고 다시 원점으로 돌아왔습니다. 이 슬라이드를 통해 우리는 유럽과 북아메리카에서 아시아로 재유입된 것을 확인할 수 있습니다.

이는 이 팬데믹이 세계적인 싸움이라는 것을 분명하게 알려줍니다. 전세계에서 이 바이러스가 퇴치되는 것을 원한다면, 모두 함께 이 바이러스가 퍼지지 않도록 협조해야 할 것입니다.

지역적인 유행과 국가적인 유행은 서로 깊게 얽혀있을 것입니다.

이 팬데믹은 세계적인 싸움입니다. 전세계에서 이 바이러스가 퇴치되는 것을 원한다면, 모두 함께 이 바이러스가 퍼지지 않도록 협조해야 할 것입니다.

# 우리가 할 수 있는 것들

#### 개인이 할 수 있는 것들

* 엄격한 사회적 거리두기를 하십시오. 특히, 당신이 취약 계층일수록 중요합니다.
* 당신이 취약계층이 아니더라도 사회적 거리두기를 하십시오. 그래야 다른 사람들을 보호할 수 있습니다.
* "당신이 방금 할라피뇨 고추를 썰고난 뒤 콘택트 렌즈를 교체해야만 하는 것처럼" 손을 자주 씻으십시오.
* 아프면 집에 머무르세요. 자가격리를 대비해 필요한 물자를 미리 비축하십시오.
* 당신이 고용주라면 직원들이 아플 때 집에 있을 수 있도록 해주세요.

#### 지도자와 관료들이 할 일

* 검사가 무료로 광범위하게 이뤄질 수 있도록 하십시오.
* 사회적 거리두기가 이뤄질 수 있도록 하십시오.
* 광범위한 접촉 경로 추적과 격리에 재정을 지원하고 실행하십시오.
* 사회적 거리두기로 인해 피해를 입은 사람들을 위해 경제적 지원을 해주십시오.

이번 유행에 관련된 모든 과학자들, 특히 중국의 과학자들의 대단하고 신속한 작업에 감사를 표합니다. 유전체 정보 및 메타정보의 빠른 공유가 아니었다면 이 분석들은 불가능했을 것입니다.

이 데이터는 GISAID 를 통해 공유되었습니다. 그들에게 감사의 뜻을 전합니다.

We are grateful for the data gathered by these originating labs:

* AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* ARS Algarve - Laboratorio Laura Ayres
* AZ Department of Health Services
* Akershus University Hospital, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
* Alaska State Public Health Virology Laboratory
* Andersen Lab, The Scripps Research Institute
* Arizona Department of Health Services
* Auckland Hospital
* BCCDC Public Health Laboratory
* Bamrasnaradura Hospital
* Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology
* Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital
* Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology
* CH Barreiro Montijo
* CH Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
* CH Jean de Navarre Laboratoire de Biologie
* CH VN Gaia - Espinho
* CHBarreiro Montijo
* CHRU Bretonneau - Serv. Bacterio-Virol.
* CHRU Pontchaillou - Laboratoire de Virologie
* CHU - Hopital Cavale Blanche - Labo. de Virologie
* CHU Coimbra
* CHU Coimbra - Pediatrico
* CHU Gabriel Montpied
* CHUA - Faro
* CHULC - H Curry Cabral
* CHULC - H D Estefania
* CNR Virus des Infections Respiratoires - France SUD
* Cabinet medical
* Cadham Provincial Laboratory
* California Department of Health
* California Department of Public Health
* Center for Virology, Medical University of Vienna
* Center of Medical Microbiology, Virology, and Hospital Hygiene, University of Duesseldorf
* Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
* Central Virology Laboratory
* Centre Hositalier Universitaire de Rouen Laboratoire de Virologie
* Centre Hospitalier Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
* Centre Hospitalier Lucien Hussel
* Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Nantes Laboratoire de Virologie
* Centre Hospitalier Rene Dubois Laboratoire de Microbiologie - Bat A
* Centre Hospitalier Saint Joseph Saint Luc
* Centre Hospitalier de Bourg en Bresse
* Centre Hospitalier de Macon
* Centre Hospitalier de Valence
* Centre Hospitalier des Vals d'Ardeche
* Centre for Human and Zoonotic Virology (CHAZVY), College of Medicine University of Lagos/Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), part of the Laboratory Network of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology - Public Health
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Public Health
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology- Public Health
* Centro Hospital do Porto, E.P.E. - H. Geral de Santo Antonio
* Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Sao Joao, Porto
* Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub
* Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Virology; Institut fur Mikrobiologie der Bundeswehr, Munich
* Chiba Prefectural Institute of Public Health
* Chiu Laboratory, University of California, San Francisco
* Clinica Alemana de Santiago, Chile
* Clinica Santa Maria, Santiago, Chile
* Clinical Diagnostics Laboratory, Diagnostic & Experimental Pathology, Lilly Research Laboratories
* Clinical Microbiology Lab
* Clinique AVERAY LA BROUSTE, Med. Polyvalente
* Connecticut State Department of Public Health
* Dasman Diabetes Institute
* Dasman Diabetes Institute and Virology Laboratory Ministry of Health
* Department for Virology, Molecular Biology and Genome Research, R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research,  National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
* Department of Clinical Microbiology
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital, 23 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.
* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma , Italy
* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy
* Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Bichat Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris
* Department of Internal Medicine, Triemli Hospital
* Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
* Department of Medical Microbiology, University Malaya Medical Centre
* Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
* Department of Microbiology, Institute for Viral Diseases, College of Medicine, Korea University
* Department of Microbiology, PathWest QEII Medical Centre
* Department of Pathology, Princess Margaret Hospital
* Department of Pathology, Toshima Hospital
* Department of Pathology, United Christian Hospital
* Department of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Department of Virology and Immunology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Huslab Finland
* Department of Virus and Microbiological Special diagnostics, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
* Department of microbiology laboratory,Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Dept. of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Dept. of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Dienst Gezondheid & Jeugd Zuid-Holland Zuid
* Division of Consolidated Laboratories
* Division of Consolidated Laboratories Services
* Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
* Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine
* Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Zurich
* Division of Viral Diseases, Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases, Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention
* Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre
* Dunedin Hospital
* Dutch COVID-19 response team
* E. Gulbja Laboratorija
* EHPAD - Residences les Cedres
* ErasmusMC
* FL Bureau of Health Laboratories Tampa
* FL Bureau of Public Health Laboratories-Tampa
* Forde Hospital  Department of Microbiology
* Foundation Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis
* Foundation Pamm
* Fujian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Fundacion Jimenez Diaz
* Furst Medical Laboratory
* GA Department of Public Health
* GA Department of Public Health Laboratory
* GH Les Portes du Sud
* Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
* General Hospital of Central Theater Command of People's Liberation Army of China
* Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provincial Public Health
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provinical Public Health
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention;Guangdong Provincial Institute of Public Health
* Guangdong Provincial Institution of Public Health, Guangdong Provinical Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
* H Beatriz Angelo
* H Braga
* H Dr Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
* H Dr. Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
* H Evora
* H Garcia de Orta
* H Guimaraes
* H Santarem
* HSE Ilha Terceira - Angra do Heroismo
* HUS Diagnostiikkakeskus, Hallinto
* Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Hangzhou Center for Disease and Control Microbiology Lab
* Hangzhou Center for Diseases Control and Prevention
* Harborview Medical Center
* Health Board Laboratory of Communicable Diseases
* Hong Kong Department of Health
* Hopital Instruction des Armees - BEGIN
* Hopital Prive de l'Est Lyonnais
* Hopital Robert Debre Laboratoire de Virologie
* Hopital franco britannique - Laboratoire
* Hopital franco britannique - Service des Urgences
* Hopitaux universitaires de Geneve Laboratoire de Virologie
* Hospital General y Universitario de Guadalajara
* Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
* Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE
* Hospital San Pedro
* Hospital Sao Joaquim Beneficencia Portuguesa
* Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol(HUGTiP)/Fundacio Lluita contra la SIDA (FLSida)/IRTA-CReSA
* Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron (HUVH) - Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)
* Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
* Hospital Universitario La Paz
* Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal
* Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves
* Hospital Universitario de Canarias
* Hospital de Talca, Chile
* Hospital of Southern Norway - Kristiansand, Department of Medical Microbiology
* IL Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
* INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS
* Illinois Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
* Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology
* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology, Microbial Containment Complex
* Instirut Pasteur Dakar
* Institut Medico legal- Hop R. Poincare
* Institut Pasteur Dakar
* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI) Hospices Civils de Lyon
* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI), Hospices Civils de Lyon
* Institut pasteur Dakar
* Institute information  KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
* Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
* Institute of Microbiology, Universidad San Francisco de Quito
* Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
* Institute of Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
* Institute of Virology, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava
* Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias
* Instituto Nacional de Salud
* Instituto Nacional de Saude (INSA)
* Ishikawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science
* Japanese Quarantine Stations
* Jiangxi Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Jiangxi province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Jingzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* KU Leuven, Clincal and Epidemiological Virology
* KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
* Klinik Hirslanden Zurich
* Kochi Prefectural Institute of Public Health
* Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (KCDC) Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases Division of Viral Diseases
* L'Air du Temps
* LABM GH nord Essonne
* LACEN RJ - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Noel Nutels
* LACEN/ES - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica do Espirito Santo
* Lab voor klinische biologie
* Labo BM - Site de Juvisy - Hopital General
* Laboiratorio Fleury
* Laboratoire National de Sante
* Laboratoire National de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
* Laboratoire Nationale de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
* Laboratoire de Virologie Institut de Virologie - INSERM U 1109 Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
* Laboratoire de Virologie, HUG
* Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Professor Goncalo Moniz  LACEN/BA
* Laboratorio Hermes Pardini
* Laboratorio Simili
* Laboratorio de Ecologia de Doencas Transmissiveis na Amazonia, Instituto Leonidas e Maria Deane - Fiocruz Amazonia
* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorio. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Peru
* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorios. Instituto Nacional de Salud Peru
* Laboratorio di Microbiologia e Virologia, Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
* Laboratory Medicine
* Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences L. Sacco, University of Milan
* Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center fro Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
* Lapland Central Hospital
* Le Chateau de Seine-Port
* MHC Brabant Zuidoost
* MHC Drente
* MHC Flevoland
* MHC Gooi & Vechtstreek
* MHC Haaglanden
* MHC Hart voor Brabant
* MHC Kennemerland
* MHC Rotterdam-Rijnmond
* MHC Utrecht
* MHC West-Brabant
* MSHS Clinical Microbiology Laboratories
* Massachusetts Department of Public Health
* Mater Pathology
* Max von Pettenkofer Institute, Virology, National Reference Center for Retroviruses, LMU Munich
* Microbiological Diagnostic Unit Public Health Laboratory
* Ministry of Health Turkey
* Minnesota Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory
* Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Lab II
* Molecular Diagnostic Services
* Monash Medical Centre
* NH Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Labs
* NHC Key laboratory of Enteric Pathogenic Microbiology, Institute of Pathogenic Microbiology
* NIC Viral Respiratory Unit - Institut Pasteur of Algeria
* NRL for Influenza, Centrum Epidemiology and Microbiology of National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic
* NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
* NYU Langone Health
* National Centre for Infectious Diseases
* National Influenza Center - Instituto Adolfo Lutz
* National Influenza Center - National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
* National Influenza Center, Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
* National Influenza Center, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
* National Influenza Centre, National Public Health Laboratory, Kathmandu, Nepal
* National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service
* National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
* National Public Health Laboratory
* National Public Health Laboratory, National Centre for Infectious Diseases
* National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory, Vilnius, Lithuania
* Nordland Hospital - Bodo,  Laboratory Department, Molecular Biology Unit
* OR State PHL-Virology/Immunology Section
* Oregon State Public Health- Virology section
* Oslo University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
* Ospedale Civile Castel Di Sangro
* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini
* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini, Teramo
* Ospedale Regionale San Salvatore
* Ospedale San Liberatore di Atri
* Ostfold Hospital Trust -Kalnes Centre for Laboratory Medicine Section for gene technology and infection serology
* Parc des Dames
* PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
* Pathology North
* Pathology Queensland
* Presidio Ospedaliero "S. Spirito" - PESCARA
* Presidio ospedaliero "Santo Spirito"
* Prince of Wales Hospital
* Providence Regional Medical Center
* Public Health Laboratory
* Public Health Laboratory, Saudi CDC
* Public Health Ontario Laboratories
* Public Health Ontario Laboratory
* Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre
* R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research,  National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
* RI State Health Laboratories
* RI State Health Laboratory
* Regional Virus Laboratory, Belfast
* Residence Eleusis
* Residence Villa Caroline
* Residence de maintenon
* Residence les Marines
* Respiratory Virus Unit, Microbiology Services Colindale, Public Health England
* Rockhampton Base Hospital
* Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory
* Royal Darwin Hospital
* Russian State Collection of Viruses
* Saitama Medical University
* Saitama Medical University Hospital
* Saitama Prefectural Institute of Public Health
* Santa Clara County Public Health Department
* Seattle Flu Study
* Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University
* Secretaria de Salud Medellin
* Sentinelles network
* Serology, Virology and OTDS Laboratories (SAViD), NSW Health Pathology Randwick
* Service de Biologie Medicale - BP 125
* Service de Biologie clinique
* Service des Urgences
* Servicio Microbiologia, Hospital Clinico Universitario, Valencia
* Servicio Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario. Valencia.
* Servicio Virosis Respiratorias-Departamento Virologia-INEI
* Servicio de Microbiologia. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
* Servicio de Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia
* Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University
* Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Immunity, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Disease, Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
* Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
* Singapore General Hospital
* Singapore General Hospital, Molecular Laboratory, Division of Pathology
* Sorbonne Universite, Inserm et Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris (Pitie Salpetriere)
* South China Agricultural University
* State Health Office Baden-Wuerttemberg
* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China 310003
* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China. 310003
* State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University
* Stavanger University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
* Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
* Tai Lung Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
* Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
* Texas DSHS Lab Services
* Texas Department of State Health Services
* Texas Department of State Health Services Lab Services
* The Central Hospital Of Wuhan
* The Chaim Sheba Medical Center
* The National Institute of Public Health Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
* The National University Hospital of Iceland
* The Republican Research and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
* The University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital
* Tianmen Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory
* UW Virology Lab
* Unilabs Laboratory Medicine
* Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
* University Hospital Basel, Clinical Virology
* University Hospital of Northern Norway, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
* University of Wisconsin - Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* University of Wisconsin - Madison: Influenza Research Institute
* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratory
* University of Wisconsin-Madison, AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* Unknown
* Utah Public Health Laboratory
* Valley Medical Center
* Vestfold Hospital, Tonsberg  Department of Microbiology
* Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL)
* Viral Respiratory Lab, National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB)
* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratories
* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
* ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology; Human Genome Variation Research Group & Genomics Centre MCB; Bioinformatics Research Group  Department of Virology
* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre
* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre, University of Pecs
* Virology Department, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian
* Virology Department, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
* Virology Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Public Health, University Politecnica delle Marche
* Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.
* Virology laboratory Ministry of Health Kuwait sequenced at Dasman Diabetes Institute
* WA State Department of Health
* WHO National Influenza Centre Russian Federation
* Wales Specialist Virology Centre
* Washington State Department of Health
* Washington State Public Health Lab
* Weifang Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Wellington Hospital
* West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre, NHSGGC
* Wisconsin Department of Health Services
* Wuhan Fourth Hospital
* Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
* Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital
* Wuhan Lung Hospital
* Wyoming Public Health Laboratory
* Yale COVID-19 Biorepository
* Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory
* Yongchuan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Zhongxian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* deCODE genetics

이 데이터는 GISAID를 통해 공유되었습니다. 그들에게 감사의 뜻을 전합니다.

우측에 각 연구실이 기여한 구체적인 서열 정보가 있습니다.

The SARS-CoV-2 genomes were generously shared by scientists at these submitting labs:

* AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
	* USA/WI-17/2020
	* USA/WI-21/2020
	* USA/WI-23/2020
	* USA/WI-24/2020

* ARS Algarve - Laboratorio Laura Ayres
	* Portugal/PT0015/2020
	* Portugal/PT0016/2020
	* Portugal/PT0019/2020

* AZ Department of Health Services
	* USA/AZ_4811/2020

* Akershus University Hospital, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
	* Norway/1495/2020
	* Norway/1694/2020
	* Norway/1811/2020
	* Norway/2113/2020
	* Norway/2114/2020

* Alaska State Public Health Virology Laboratory
	* USA/AK-PHL02/2020
	* USA/AK-PHL03/2020
	* USA/AK-PHL06/2020
	* USA/AK-PHL15/2020

* Andersen Lab, The Scripps Research Institute
	* USA/CA-MG0987/2020
	* USA/CA-PC101P/2020

* Arizona Department of Health Services
	* USA/AZ1/2020

* Auckland Hospital
	* NewZealand/01/2020
	* NewZealand/20VR0189/2020
	* NewZealand/20VR019/2020
	* NewZealand/20VR0206/2020

* BCCDC Public Health Laboratory
	* Canada/BC_02421/2020
	* Canada/BC_0443574/2020
	* Canada/BC_0554880/2020
	* Canada/BC_1318414/2020
	* Canada/BC_13297/2020
	* Canada/BC_17397/2020
	* Canada/BC_25211/2020
	* Canada/BC_35720/2020
	* Canada/BC_37_0-2/2020
	* Canada/BC_3808524/2020
	* Canada/BC_3842755/2020
	* Canada/BC_3968175/2020
	* Canada/BC_3972884/2020
	* Canada/BC_3989992/2020
	* Canada/BC_4078583/2020
	* Canada/BC_40860/2020
	* Canada/BC_4118226/2020
	* Canada/BC_4122951/2020
	* Canada/BC_4143842/2020
	* Canada/BC_4143868/2020
	* Canada/BC_41851/2020
	* Canada/BC_4540462/2020
	* Canada/BC_4799711/2020
	* Canada/BC_5275718/2020
	* Canada/BC_5282984/2020
	* Canada/BC_5306970/2020
	* Canada/BC_5522039/2020
	* Canada/BC_5979789/2020
	* Canada/BC_6004567/2020
	* Canada/BC_6129127/2020
	* Canada/BC_6404889/2020
	* Canada/BC_64686/2020
	* Canada/BC_6489864/2020
	* Canada/BC_6502001/2020
	* Canada/BC_65034/2020
	* Canada/BC_66353/2020
	* Canada/BC_69243/2020
	* Canada/BC_6981299/2020
	* Canada/BC_6997898/2020
	* Canada/BC_7277381/2020
	* Canada/BC_7493713/2020
	* Canada/BC_7515663/2020
	* Canada/BC_7553799/2020
	* Canada/BC_78548/2020
	* Canada/BC_8150537/2020
	* Canada/BC_8159203/2020
	* Canada/BC_83109/2020
	* Canada/BC_83163/2020
	* Canada/BC_8486790/2020
	* Canada/BC_8606204/2020
	* Canada/BC_8622445/2020
	* Canada/BC_8718874/2020
	* Canada/BC_8894200/2020
	* Canada/BC_8896915/2020
	* Canada/BC_8897642/2020
	* Canada/BC_9345042/2020
	* Canada/BC_9345715/2020
	* Canada/BC_9446031/2020
	* Canada/BC_9574898/2020

* Bamrasnaradura Hospital
	* Nonthaburi/61/2020
	* Nonthaburi/74/2020

* Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology
	* pangolin/Guangdong/P2S/2019
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P1E/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P2V/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P3B/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P4L/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P5E/2017
	* pangolin/Guangxi/P5L/2017

* Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital
	* Korea/BA-ACH_2604/2020
	* Korea/BA-ACH_2718/2020
	* Korea/BA-ACH_2719/2020

* Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology
	* Germany/BavPat2/2020
	* Germany/BavPat3/2020

* CH Barreiro Montijo
	* Portugal/PT0052/2020
	* Portugal/PT0076/2020
	* Portugal/PT0077/2020
	* Portugal/PT0082/2020
	* Portugal/PT0083/2020

* CH Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
	* France/HF2306/2020
	* France/HF2748/2020
	* France/HF2946/2020
	* France/HF2948/2020
	* France/HF3138/2020
	* France/HF3141/2020
	* France/HF3290/2020
	* France/HF3293/2020
	* France/HF3295/2020

* CH Jean de Navarre Laboratoire de Biologie
	* France/HF2196/2020
	* France/HF2797/2020
	* France/HF3036/2020

* CH VN Gaia - Espinho
	* Portugal/PT0079/2020
	* Portugal/PT0080/2020
	* Portugal/PT0081/2020

* CHBarreiro Montijo
	* Portugal/PT0021/2020

	* Portugal/PT0032/2020

* CHRU Bretonneau - Serv. Bacterio-Virol.
	* France/CVL2000/2020

* CHRU Pontchaillou - Laboratoire de Virologie
	* France/B2330/2020
	* France/B2334/2020
	* France/B2335/2020
	* France/B2336/2020
	* France/B2337/2020
	* France/B2340/2020
	* France/B2343/2020
	* France/B2344/2020
	* France/B2346/2020
	* France/B2348/2020
	* France/B2349/2020
	* France/B2351/2020

	* Portugal/PT0042/2020
	* Portugal/PT0050/2020
	* Portugal/PT0061/2020
	* Portugal/PT0062/2020

* CHU - Hopital Cavale Blanche - Labo. de Virologie
	* France/B1623/2020

* CHU Coimbra
	* Portugal/PT0017/2020

* CHU Coimbra - Pediatrico
	* Portugal/PT0020/2020

* CHU Gabriel Montpied
	* France/Clermont-Ferrand_650/2020
	* France/Clermont-Ferrand_651/2020

* CHUA - Faro
	* Portugal/PT0039/2020

* CHULC - H Curry Cabral
	* Portugal/PT0004/2020
	* Portugal/PT0006a/2020
	* Portugal/PT0006b/2020
	* Portugal/PT0009/2020
	* Portugal/PT0010/2020
	* Portugal/PT0011/2020
	* Portugal/PT0025/2020
	* Portugal/PT0026/2020
	* Portugal/PT0027/2020
	* Portugal/PT0028/2020
	* Portugal/PT0029/2020
	* Portugal/PT0030/2020
	* Portugal/PT0031/2020

* CHULC - H D Estefania
	* Portugal/PT0007/2020
	* Portugal/PT0008/2020

	* France/IDF2792/2020
	* France/IDF3212/2020

* CNR Virus des Infections Respiratoires - France SUD
	* France/Pollionay_1733/2020
	* France/RA739/2020
	* France/Valence_425/2020

	* Spain/CastillayLeon201323/2020
	* Spain/CastillayLeon201372/2020
	* Spain/CastillayLeon201437/2020

	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-05/2020

* Cabinet medical
	* France/IDF2561/2020

* Cadham Provincial Laboratory
	* Canada/MB_10/2020
	* Canada/MB_8/2020

* California Department of Health
	* USA/CA3/2020
	* USA/CA4/2020
	* USA/CA5/2020

* California Department of Public Health
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC1/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC10/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC11/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC18/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC19/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC2/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC20/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC21/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC22/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC23/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC24/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC25/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC3/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC4/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC5/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC6/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC7/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC8/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC9/2020
	* USA/CA1/2020
	* USA/CA2/2020
	* USA/CA6/2020
	* USA/CA7/2020
	* USA/CA8/2020
	* USA/CA9/2020
	* USA/CA_2602/2020

* Center for Virology, Medical University of Vienna
	* Austria/CeMM0001/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0002/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0003/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0004/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0005/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0006/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0007/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0008/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0009/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0010/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0011/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0012/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0013/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0014/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0015/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0016/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0017/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0018/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0019/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0020/2020
	* Austria/CeMM0021/2020

* Center of Medical Microbiology, Virology, and Hospital Hygiene, University of Duesseldorf
	* Germany/NRW-01/2020
	* Germany/NRW-011/2020
	* Germany/NRW-02-1/2020
	* Germany/NRW-03/2020
	* Germany/NRW-04/2020
	* Germany/NRW-05/2020
	* Germany/NRW-06/2020
	* Germany/NRW-07/2020
	* Germany/NRW-08/2020
	* Germany/NRW-09/2020
	* Germany/NRW-10/2020
	* Germany/NRW-12/2020
	* Germany/NRW-13/2020
	* Germany/NRW-14/2020
	* Germany/NRW-15/2020
	* Germany/NRW-16/2020
	* Germany/NRW-17/2020
	* Germany/NRW-18/2020
	* Germany/NRW-19/2020
	* Germany/NRW-20/2020
	* Germany/NRW-21/2020
	* Germany/NRW-22/2020
	* Germany/NRW-23/2020
	* Germany/NRW-24/2020
	* Germany/NRW-25/2020
	* Germany/NRW-26/2020
	* Germany/NRW-27/2020
	* Germany/NRW-28/2020
	* Germany/NRW-29/2020
	* Germany/NRW-30/2020
	* Germany/NRW-31/2020
	* Germany/NRW-32/2020
	* Germany/NRW-33/2020
	* Germany/NRW-34/2020
	* Germany/NRW-35/2020

* Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
	* Taiwan/107/2020
	* Taiwan/125/2020
	* Taiwan/128/2020
	* Taiwan/170/2020
	* Taiwan/2/2020

* Central Virology Laboratory
	* Israel/ISR_JP0320/2020

* Centre Hositalier Universitaire de Rouen Laboratoire de Virologie
	* France/N1620/2020
	* France/N2223/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
	* France/HF1465/2020
	* France/HF1645/2020
	* France/HF1795/2020
	* France/HF1805/2020
	* France/HF1813/2020
	* France/HF1870/2020
	* France/HF1871/2020
	* France/HF1986/2020
	* France/HF1988/2020
	* France/HF1989/2020
	* France/HF1993/2020
	* France/HF1995/2020
	* France/HF2060/2020
	* France/HF2150/2020
	* France/HF2151/2020
	* France/HF2155/2020
	* France/HF2174/2020
	* France/HF2234/2020
	* France/HF2237/2020
	* France/HF2239/2020
	* France/HF2393/2020
	* France/HF2405/2020
	* France/HF2496/2020
	* France/HF2586/2020
	* France/HF2595/2020
	* France/HF2597/2020
	* France/HF2601/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Lucien Hussel
	* France/ARA10282/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Nantes Laboratoire de Virologie
	* France/PL1643/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Rene Dubois Laboratoire de Microbiologie - Bat A
	* France/IDF1980/2020

* Centre Hospitalier Saint Joseph Saint Luc
	* France/ARA10163/2020
	* France/ARA10165/2020
	* France/ARA12877/2020

* Centre Hospitalier de Bourg en Bresse
	* France/ARA10251/2020
	* France/ARA12253/2020
	* France/ARA12264/2020
	* France/ARA12265/2020
	* France/ARA12996/2020
	* France/Bourg-en-Bresse_06678/2020
	* France/Bourg-en-Bresse_06813/2020

* Centre Hospitalier de Macon
	* France/ARA09428/2020
	* France/ARA11980/2020
	* France/ARA11995/2020
	* France/ARA11997/2020
	* France/ARA12269/2020
	* France/ARA12270/2020
	* France/ARA12626/2020
	* France/ARA12630/2020
	* France/ARA12632/2020
	* France/Macon_06756/2020

* Centre Hospitalier de Valence
	* France/ARA09434/2020
	* France/ARA09451/2020
	* France/ARA09686/2020
	* France/ARA10552/2020
	* France/Valence_532/2020

* Centre Hospitalier des Vals d'Ardeche
	* France/ARA094100/2020

* Centre for Human and Zoonotic Virology (CHAZVY), College of Medicine University of Lagos/Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), part of the Laboratory Network of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
	* Nigeria/Lagos01/2020

* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology - Public Health
	* Australia/NSW10/2020
	* Australia/NSW12/2020
	* Australia/NSW13/2020
	* Australia/NSW14/2020

* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services
	* Australia/NSW01/2020
	* Australia/NSW02/2020
	* Australia/NSW04/2020
	* Australia/NSW05/2020
	* Australia/NSW06/2020
	* Australia/NSW07/2020
	* Australia/NSW08/2020
	* Australia/NSW09/2020

* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Public Health
	* Australia/NSW15/2020
	* Australia/NSW18/2020
	* Australia/NSW19/2020
	* Australia/NSW21/2020
	* Australia/NSW24/2020
	* Australia/NSW25/2020
	* Australia/NSW26/2020
	* Australia/NSW27/2020
	* Australia/NSW28/2020
	* Australia/NSW31/2020
	* Australia/NSW35/2020
	* Australia/NSW36/2020
	* Australia/NSW37/2020
	* Australia/NSW38/2020
	* Australia/NSW39/2020
	* Australia/NSW40/2020
	* Australia/NSW41/2020
	* Australia/NSW44/2020
	* Australia/NSW45/2020
	* Australia/NSW47/2020
	* Australia/NSW48/2020
	* Australia/NSW50/2020
	* Australia/NSW52/2020
	* Australia/NSW53/2020
	* Australia/NSW54/2020
	* Australia/NSW56/2020
	* Australia/NSW57/2020
	* Australia/NSW58/2020
	* Australia/NSW61/2020
	* Australia/NSW62/2020

* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology- Public Health
	* Australia/NSW11/2020

* Centro Hospital do Porto, E.P.E. - H. Geral de Santo Antonio
	* Portugal/CV62/2020
	* Portugal/PT0012/2020
	* Portugal/PT0013/2020
	* Portugal/PT0014/2020

* Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Sao Joao, Porto
	* Portugal/CV63/2020
	* Portugal/PT0001b/2020
	* Portugal/PT0003/2020
	* Portugal/PT0005/2020

* Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub
	* USA/CZB-RR057-005/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-006/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-007/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-011/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-013/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-014/2020
	* USA/CZB-RR057-015/2020

* Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Virology; Institut fur Mikrobiologie der Bundeswehr, Munich
	* Germany/BavPat1/2020

* Chiba Prefectural Institute of Public Health
	* Japan/P2-1/2020
	* Japan/P2-2/2020
	* Japan/P5-1/2020
	* Japan/P5-2/2020
	* Japan/P5-3/2020

* Chiu Laboratory, University of California, San Francisco
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC12/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC26/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC27/2020
	* USA/CA-CDPH-UC28/2020

* Clinica Alemana de Santiago, Chile
	* Chile/Santiago-1/2020

* Clinica Santa Maria, Santiago, Chile
	* Chile/Santiago-2/2020

* Clinical Diagnostics Laboratory, Diagnostic & Experimental Pathology, Lilly Research Laboratories
	* USA/IN-Lilly-IPB0170-4bc20/2020
	* USA/IN-Lilly-IPB0170-4bc21/2020

* Clinical Microbiology Lab
	* SaudiArabia/KAIMRC-Alghoribi/2020

* Clinique AVERAY LA BROUSTE, Med. Polyvalente
	* France/IDF2420/2020

* Connecticut State Department of Public Health
	* USA/CT-Yale-001/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-002/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-003/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-005/2020

* Dasman Diabetes Institute
	* Kuwait/KU17/2020
	* Kuwait/KU18/2020

* Dasman Diabetes Institute and Virology Laboratory Ministry of Health
	* Kuwait/KU09/2020

* Department for Virology, Molecular Biology and Genome Research, R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research,  National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
	* Georgia/Tb-1352/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-1523/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-1679/2020

* Department of Clinical Microbiology
	* Belgium/ULG-10001/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10003/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10004/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10006/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10007/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10008/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10009/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10011/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10012/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10013/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10014/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10015/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10016/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10017/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10018/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10022/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10024/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10025/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10026/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10027/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10028/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10029/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10030/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10031/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10032/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10033/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10040/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10042/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10043/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10044/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10045/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10046/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-10047/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-2971/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3000/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3162/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3163/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3662/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3665/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3683/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-3843/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-4163/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6216/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6457/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6503/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6638/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6649/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6670/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6688/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6732/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6743/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6754/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6939/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6942/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6948/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6950/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-6972/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7019/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7134/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7242/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7500/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7626/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7729/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-7773/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8532/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8541/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8543/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8578/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8595/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8617/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8634/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8664/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8715/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8808/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-8810/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9558/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9572/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9617/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9618/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9619/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9620/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9634/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9641/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9647/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9694/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9714/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9715/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9716/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9719/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9725/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9732/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9735/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9738/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9739/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9741/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9742/2020
	* Belgium/ULG-9751/2020

* Department of Clinical Pathology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
	* HongKong/HKPU102_2802/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU23_2601/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU27_3001/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU29_0102/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU30_2901/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU32_0402/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU33_0202/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU34_3001/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU35_0402/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU36-0702/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU38-3001/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU39-3001/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU40-2801/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU41-0802/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU43-0202/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU44-0102/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU52-3101/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU53-0802/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU54-0302/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU57-0702/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU60-0802/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU61-0202/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU64-1202/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU65-1202/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU70-1302/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU73-0802/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU74-1302/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU76-0802/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU83-1702/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU84-2502/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU86-1802/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU89-2502/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU90-1602/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU91-2002/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU_2801/2020

* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital
	* HongKong/HKPU66-2501/2020

* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital, 23 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.
	* HongKong/HKPU63-1402/2020

* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma , Italy
	* Italy/CDG1/2020

* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy
	* Italy/SPL1/2020

* Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Bichat Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris
	* France/IDF0372-isl/2020
	* France/IDF0372/2020
	* France/IDF0373/2020
	* France/IDF0386-islP1/2020
	* France/IDF0386-islP3/2020
	* France/IDF0515-isl/2020
	* France/IDF0515/2020
	* France/IDF0571/2020

* Department of Internal Medicine, Triemli Hospital
	* Switzerland/1000477102/2020
	* Switzerland/1000477377/2020

* Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
	* Taiwan/NTU01/2020
	* Taiwan/NTU02/2020
	* Taiwan/NTU03/2020

* Department of Medical Microbiology, University Malaya Medical Centre
	* Malaysia/186197/2020
	* Malaysia/188407/2020
	* Malaysia/189332/2020
	* Malaysia/190300/2020

* Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
	* HongKong/CUHK1/2020
	* HongKong/CUHK2/2020

* Department of Microbiology, Institute for Viral Diseases, College of Medicine, Korea University
	* SouthKorea/KUMC01/2020
	* SouthKorea/KUMC02/2020
	* SouthKorea/KUMC04/2020
	* SouthKorea/KUMC06/2020

* Department of Microbiology, PathWest QEII Medical Centre
	* Australia/WA01/2020
	* Australia/WA02/2020
	* Australia/WA03/2020
	* Australia/WA04/2020
	* Australia/WA06/2020
	* Australia/WA07/2020
	* Australia/WA09/2020
	* Australia/WA10/2020

* Department of Pathology, Princess Margaret Hospital
	* HongKong/HKPU12_2201/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU1_2101/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU2_1801/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU42-0302/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU48-0202/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU49-3001/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU6_2101/2020

* Department of Pathology, Toshima Hospital
	* Japan/TK-20-31-3/2020

* Department of Pathology, United Christian Hospital
	* HongKong/HKPU17_2201/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU19_0402/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU20_3001/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU28_3001/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU45-0502/2020
	* HongKong/HKPU92-1302/2020

* Department of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
	* Japan/AI-I-004/2020

* Department of Virology and Immunology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Huslab Finland
	* Finland/13M19/2020
	* Finland/13M26/2020
	* Finland/13M27/2020
	* Finland/13M29/2020
	* Finland/13M3/2020
	* Finland/13M33/2020
	* Finland/13M57/2020
	* Finland/13M58/2020
	* Finland/13M60/2020
	* Finland/13M64/2020
	* Finland/13M65/2020
	* Finland/13M69/2020
	* Finland/13M77/2020
	* Finland/13M79/2020
	* Finland/13M82/2020
	* Finland/13M83/2020
	* Finland/14M12/2020
	* Finland/14M13/2020
	* Finland/14M14/2020
	* Finland/14M16/2020
	* Finland/14M20/2020
	* Finland/14M26/2020
	* Finland/14M3/2020
	* Finland/14M32/2020
	* Finland/14M74/2020
	* Finland/14M77/2020
	* Finland/14M82/2020
	* Finland/FIN-114/2020
	* Finland/FIN-266/2020
	* Finland/FIN-274/2020
	* Finland/FIN-313/2020
	* Finland/FIN-318/2020
	* Finland/FIN-455/2020
	* Finland/FIN-508/2020
	* Finland/FIN01032020/2020
	* Finland/FIN03032020A/2020
	* Finland/FIN03032020B/2020
	* Finland/FIN03032020C/2020

* Department of Virus and Microbiological Special diagnostics, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
	* Denmark/SSI-01/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-02/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-03/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-04/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-05/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-09/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-101/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-102/2020
	* Denmark/SSI-104/2020

* Department of microbiology laboratory,Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Anhui/SZ005/2020

* Dept. of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
	* Japan/NA-20-05-1/2020
	* Japan/OS-20-07-1/2020

* Dept. of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
	* Japan/KY-V-029/2020
	* Japan/TY-WK-012/2020
	* Japan/TY-WK-501/2020
	* Japan/TY-WK-521/2020

* Dienst Gezondheid & Jeugd Zuid-Holland Zuid
	* Netherlands/Hardinxveld_Giessendam_1364806/2020

* Division of Consolidated Laboratories
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0019/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0033/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0040/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0045/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0046/2020

* Division of Consolidated Laboratories Services
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0018/2020

* Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0005/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0006/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0007/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0008/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0009/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0010/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0011/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0012/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0014/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0016/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0017/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0020/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0021/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0024/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0031/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0034/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0036/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0038/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0039/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0042/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0043/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0044/2020

* Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine
	* SouthKorea/KUMC03/2020
	* SouthKorea/KUMC05/2020

* Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Zurich
	* Switzerland/1000477796/2020
	* Switzerland/1000477797/2020
	* Switzerland/1000477806/2020

* Division of Viral Diseases, Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases, Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention
	* SouthKorea/KCDC05/2020
	* SouthKorea/KCDC06/2020
	* SouthKorea/KCDC07/2020
	* SouthKorea/KCDC12/2020
	* SouthKorea/KCDC24/2020

* Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre
	* Canada/NB_6/2020

* Dunedin Hospital
	* NewZealand/CoV001/2020
	* NewZealand/CoV002/2020

* Dutch COVID-19 response team
	* Netherlands/Flevoland_1/2020
	* Netherlands/Gelderland_1/2020
	* Netherlands/Gelderland_2/2020
	* Netherlands/Gelderland_3/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_2/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_3/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_4/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_5/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_6/2020
	* Netherlands/Limburg_7/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_1/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_10/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_11/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_12/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_13/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_14/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_15/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_16/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_17/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_18/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_19/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_2/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_20/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_21/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_22/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_23/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_24/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_25/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_26/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_27/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_28/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_29/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_30/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_31/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_32/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_33/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_34/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_35/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_4/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_5/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_6/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_7/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_8/2020
	* Netherlands/NA_9/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_1/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_10/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_11/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_12/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_13/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_14/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_15/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_16/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_17/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_18/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_19/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_2/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_20/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_21/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_22/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_23/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_24/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_25/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_26/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_27/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_28/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_29/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_3/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_30/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_31/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_32/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_33/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_34/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_35/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_36/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_37/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_38/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_39/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_4/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_41/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_42/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_44/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_45/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_46/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_47/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_48/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_49/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_5/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_51/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_52/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_53/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_54/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_55/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_56/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_57/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_58/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_59/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_6/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_60/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_61/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_62/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_63/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_64/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_65/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_66/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_67/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_68/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordHolland_1/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordHolland_2/2020
	* Netherlands/NoordHolland_3/2020
	* Netherlands/Overijssel_1/2020
	* Netherlands/Overijssel_2/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_1/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_10/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_11/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_12/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_13/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_14/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_15/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_16/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_17/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_18/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_19/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_2/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_3/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_4/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_5/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_6/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_7/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_8/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_1/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_10/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_11/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_13/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_14/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_15/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_16/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_17/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_18/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_19/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_2/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_20/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_21/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_22/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_23/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_24/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_25/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_26/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_27/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_28/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_29/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_30/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_31/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_5/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_6/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_7/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_8/2020
	* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_9/2020

* E. Gulbja Laboratorija
	* Latvia/ChVir2025/2020

* EHPAD - Residences les Cedres
	* France/HF2381/2020

* ErasmusMC
	* Netherlands/Nieuwendijk_1363582/2020
	* Netherlands/Rotterdam_1363790/2020

* FL Bureau of Health Laboratories Tampa
	* USA/FL_6318/2020

* FL Bureau of Public Health Laboratories-Tampa
	* USA/FL_5091/2020
	* USA/FL_5125/2020

	* Spain/Madrid201442/2020
	* Spain/Madrid201449/2020

* Forde Hospital  Department of Microbiology
	* Norway/1951/2020

* Foundation Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis
	* Netherlands/Tilburg_1363354/2020
	* Netherlands/Tilburg_1364286/2020

* Foundation Pamm
	* Netherlands/Berlicum_1363564/2020

* Fujian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Fujian/13/2020
	* Fujian/8/2020

* Fundacion Jimenez Diaz
	* Spain/Madrid201706/2020
	* Spain/Madrid201709/2020
	* Spain/Madrid201738/2020

* Furst Medical Laboratory
	* Norway/1867/2020
	* Norway/1953/2020
	* Norway/1955/2020

* GA Department of Public Health
	* USA/GA_1299/2020
	* USA/GA_1320/2020
	* USA/GA_1445/2020

* GA Department of Public Health Laboratory
	* USA/GA_2741/2020
	* USA/GA_2742/2020

* GH Les Portes du Sud
	* France/ARA09588/2020

* Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
	* Australia/VIC-CBA1/2020
	* Australia/VIC-CBA2/2020
	* Australia/VIC-CBA3/2020

* General Hospital of Central Theater Command of People's Liberation Army of China
	* Wuhan/WH01/2019
	* Wuhan/WH02/2019
	* Wuhan/WH03/2020
	* Wuhan/WH04/2020

* Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies
	* Panama/328677/2020

* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provincial Public Health
	* Foshan/20SF207/2020
	* Foshan/20SF210/2020
	* Foshan/20SF211/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF012/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF013/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF014/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF025/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF028/2020
	* Guangdong/20SF040/2020

* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provinical Public Health
	* Guangdong/20SF174/2020
	* Guangzhou/20SF206/2020

* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention;Guangdong Provincial Institute of Public Health
	* Guangdong/20SF201/2020

* Guangdong Provincial Institution of Public Health, Guangdong Provinical Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Guangdong/2020XN4239-P0034/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4243-P0035/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4273-P0036/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4276-P0037/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4291-P0038/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4373-P0039/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4433-P0040/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4448-P0002/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4459-P0041/2020
	* Guangdong/2020XN4475-P0042/2020
	* Guangdong/DG-S2-P0054/2020
	* Guangdong/DG-S41-P0056/2020
	* Guangdong/DG-S6-P0055/2020
	* Guangdong/DG-S9-P0045/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S29-P0051/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S30-P0052/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S34-P0015/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S42-P0046/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S48-P0047/2020
	* Guangdong/FS-S50-P0053/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020012-P0022/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020016-P0011/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020080-P0010/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020085-P0043/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020086-P0021/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020087-P0008/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020115-P0009/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020134-P0031/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020139-P0007/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020227-P0029/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020233-P0027/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020234-P0023/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020241-P0013/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020246-P0028/2020
	* Guangdong/GD2020258-P0018/2020
	* Guangdong/GDFS2020052-P0025/2020
	* Guangdong/GDFS2020054-P0005/2020
	* Guangdong/GDFS2020056-P0044/2020
	* Guangdong/GDFS2020127-P0026/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202004-P0004/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202008-P0020/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202009-P0032/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202013-P0014/2020
	* Guangdong/GDSZ202015-P0019/2020
	* Guangdong/GZ-S6-P0050/2020
	* Guangdong/JM-S1-P0062/2020
	* Guangdong/MM-S1-P0048/2020
	* Guangdong/SZ-N128-P0057/2020
	* Guangdong/SZ-N59-P0049/2020
	* Guangdong/ZH-N22-P0059/2020
	* Guangdong/ZH-S33-P0058/2020
	* Guangdong/ZQ-S2-P0061/2020
	* Guangdong/ZS-S6-P0060/2020

* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
	* USA/WI-GMF-00049/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF-00227/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF-00228/2020

* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
	* USA/WI-GMF-00018/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF-00232/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF-00237/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF00281/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF00441/2020
	* USA/WI-GMF00466/2020

* H Beatriz Angelo
	* Portugal/PT0051/2020
	* Portugal/PT0055/2020
	* Portugal/PT0078/2020
	* Portugal/PT0084/2020
	* Portugal/PT0088/2020

* H Braga
	* Portugal/PT0018/2020
	* Portugal/PT0022/2020
	* Portugal/PT0023/2020
	* Portugal/PT0034/2020
	* Portugal/PT0035/2020
	* Portugal/PT0036/2020
	* Portugal/PT0037/2020

* H Dr Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
	* Portugal/PT0054/2020

* H Dr. Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
	* Portugal/PT0041/2020
	* Portugal/PT0046/2020
	* Portugal/PT0056/2020
	* Portugal/PT0057/2020
	* Portugal/PT0058/2020

* H Evora
	* Portugal/PT0038/2020
	* Portugal/PT0063/2020
	* Portugal/PT0064/2020

* H Garcia de Orta
	* Portugal/PT0033/2020

* H Guimaraes
	* Portugal/PT0043/2020
	* Portugal/PT0044/2020
	* Portugal/PT0045/2020

* H Santarem
	* Portugal/PT0040/2020
	* Portugal/PT0059/2020
	* Portugal/PT0065/2020
	* Portugal/PT0066/2020
	* Portugal/PT0067/2020
	* Portugal/PT0068/2020
	* Portugal/PT0085/2020
	* Portugal/PT0087/2020
	* Portugal/PT0089/2020
	* Portugal/PT0092/2020

	* Spain/Cataluna201396/2020
	* Spain/Cataluna201397/2020

	* Spain/PaisVasco201493/2020

	* Spain/CastillayLeon201061/2020

	* Spain/Galicia201663/2020

	* Spain/PaisVasco201382/2020
	* Spain/PaisVasco201602/2020
	* Spain/PaisVasco201607/2020

	* Spain/Madrid201105/2020

	* Spain/Andalucia201272/2020
	* Spain/Andalucia201373/2020

* HSE Ilha Terceira - Angra do Heroismo
	* Portugal/PT0024/2020
	* Portugal/PT0060/2020
	* Portugal/PT0086/2020
	* Portugal/PT0090/2020
	* Portugal/PT0091/2020

* HUS Diagnostiikkakeskus, Hallinto
	* Finland/FIN-25/2020

* Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Hangzhou/HZ162/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ178/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ185/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ477/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ48/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ481/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ49/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ551/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ576/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ60/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ62/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ638/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ79/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ90/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZ91/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0001/2020

* Hangzhou Center for Disease and Control Microbiology Lab
	* Hangzhou/HZ-1/2020

* Hangzhou Center for Diseases Control and Prevention
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0012/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0013/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0025/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0048/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0048L/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0049L/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0090/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0090L/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0091/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0091L/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0119/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0135/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0162/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC0167/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC6706/2020
	* Hangzhou/HZCDC6789/2020

* Harborview Medical Center
	* USA/WA3-UW1/2020
	* USA/WA9-UW6/2020

* Health Board Laboratory of Communicable Diseases
	* Estonia/ChVir1982/2020
	* Estonia/ChVir1983/2020
	* Estonia/ChVir1985/2020

* Hong Kong Department of Health
	* HongKong/VB20024950/2020
	* HongKong/VB20026565/2020
	* HongKong/VM20001061/2020
	* HongKong/VM20002493/2020
	* HongKong/VM20002507/2020
	* HongKong/VM20002508/2020
	* HongKong/VM20002582/2020
	* HongKong/VM20002849/2020
	* HongKong/VM20002868/2020
	* HongKong/VM20002907/2020

* Hopital Instruction des Armees - BEGIN
	* France/IDF2075/2020

* Hopital Prive de l'Est Lyonnais
	* France/ARA10257/2020

* Hopital Robert Debre Laboratoire de Virologie
	* France/GE1973/2020
	* France/GE1977/2020

* Hopital franco britannique - Laboratoire
	* France/IDF2410/2020

* Hopital franco britannique - Service des Urgences
	* France/IDF2284/2020

* Hopitaux universitaires de Geneve Laboratoire de Virologie
	* Switzerland/AG7120/2020
	* Switzerland/BE2536/2020
	* Switzerland/BE6651/2020
	* Switzerland/BS0914/2020
	* Switzerland/GE0199/2020
	* Switzerland/GE06207/2020
	* Switzerland/GE1402/2020
	* Switzerland/GE1422/2020
	* Switzerland/GE4135/2020
	* Switzerland/GE4984/2020
	* Switzerland/GE6679/2020
	* Switzerland/GE8102/2020
	* Switzerland/GR2988/2020
	* Switzerland/GR3043/2020
	* Switzerland/SZ1417/2020
	* Switzerland/TI2045/2020
	* Switzerland/VD0503/2020

* Hospital General y Universitario de Guadalajara
	* Spain/CastillaLaMancha201328/2020
	* Spain/CastillaLaMancha201329/2020

* Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
	* Brazil/SPBR-01/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-02/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-03/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-11/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-12/2020

* Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE
	* Portugal/IGC00009/2020
	* Portugal/IGC00010/2020

* Hospital San Pedro
	* Spain/LaRioja201575/2020

* Hospital Sao Joaquim Beneficencia Portuguesa
	* Brazil/SPBR-04/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-05/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-06/2020

* Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol(HUGTiP)/Fundacio Lluita contra la SIDA (FLSida)/IRTA-CReSA
	* Spain/Irsi-04/2020

* Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron (HUVH) - Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)
	* Spain/VH000001133/2020
	* Spain/VH198152683/2020

* Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
	* Spain/Madrid_H10_39/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H11_40/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_1301/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_1502/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_1703/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_1804/2021
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_1905/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_2006/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_2107/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_2208/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_2309/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H12_2410/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H2_16/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H3_10/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H5_34/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H7_36/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H8_37/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_H9_38/2020

* Hospital Universitario La Paz
	* Spain/Madrid_LP10_12/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_LP12_21/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_LP14_3/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_LP15_4/2020

* Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal
	* Spain/Madrid_R10_33/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_R2_15/2020
	* Spain/Madrid_R5_8/2020

* Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves
	* Spain/Andalucia201617/2020

* Hospital Universitario de Canarias
	* Spain/Canarias201495/2020

* Hospital de Talca, Chile
	* Chile/Talca-1/2020
	* Chile/Talca-2/2020

* Hospital of Southern Norway - Kristiansand, Department of Medical Microbiology
	* Norway/1538/2020
	* Norway/1539/2020
	* Norway/1989/2020

* IL Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
	* USA/IL1/2020
	* USA/IL2/2020

* INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS
	* Italy/INMI1-cs/2020
	* Italy/INMI1-isl/2020
	* Italy/INMI3/2020
	* Italy/INMI4/2020
	* Italy/INMI5/2020
	* Italy/INMI6/2020
	* Italy/INMI7/2020

* Illinois Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
	* USA/IL_1293/2020
	* USA/IL_1375/2020

* Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
	* India/1-27/2020

* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology
	* India/1-31/2020

* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology, Microbial Containment Complex
	* India/2020763/2020
	* India/2020770/2020
	* India/2020772/2020
	* India/2020773/2020
	* India/2020777/2020
	* India/2020781/2020
	* India/2020c32/2020

* Instirut Pasteur Dakar
	* Senegal/119/2020

* Institut Medico legal- Hop R. Poincare
	* France/IDF2256/2020

* Institut Pasteur Dakar
	* Senegal/003/2020
	* Senegal/016/2020
	* Senegal/020/2020
	* Senegal/026/2020
	* Senegal/073/2020
	* Senegal/082/2020
	* Senegal/087/2020
	* Senegal/094/2020
	* Senegal/102/2020
	* Senegal/136/2020
	* Senegal/139/2020
	* Senegal/306/2020
	* Senegal/315/2020
	* Senegal/328/2020
	* Senegal/370/2020
	* Senegal/382/2020
	* Senegal/600/2020
	* Senegal/611/2020
	* Senegal/618/2020
	* Senegal/620/2020
	* Senegal/640/2020

* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI) Hospices Civils de Lyon
	* France/Lyon_06464/2020
	* France/Lyon_06487/2020
	* France/Lyon_06531/2020
	* France/Lyon_0693/2020
	* France/Lyon_487/2020
	* France/Lyon_508/2020
	* France/Lyon_683/2020

* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI), Hospices Civils de Lyon
	* France/ARA10170/2020
	* France/ARA10172/2020
	* France/ARA10184/2020
	* France/ARA10188/2020
	* France/ARA10189/2020
	* France/ARA10192/2020
	* France/ARA10876/2020
	* France/ARA10910/2020
	* France/ARA10968/2020
	* France/ARA11036/2020
	* France/ARA11939/2020
	* France/ARA11943/2020
	* France/ARA11949/2020
	* France/ARA11950/2020
	* France/ARA11952/2020
	* France/ARA12125/2020
	* France/ARA12217/2020
	* France/ARA12222/2020
	* France/ARA12238/2020
	* France/ARA12249/2020
	* France/ARA12250/2020
	* France/ARA12260/2020
	* France/ARA12371/2020
	* France/ARA12384/2020
	* France/ARA12388/2020
	* France/ARA12485/2020
	* France/ARA12499/2020
	* France/ARA12524/2020
	* France/ARA12558/2020
	* France/ARA12576/2020
	* France/ARA12759/2020
	* France/ARA1284/2020
	* France/ARA12915/2020
	* France/ARA12973/2020
	* France/ARA1307/2020
	* France/ARA13074/2020
	* France/ARA13095/2020
	* France/ARA13160/2020
	* France/ARA1322/2020
	* France/Lyon_06042/2020
	* France/Lyon_06056/2020
	* France/Lyon_06573/2020
	* France/Lyon_06625/2020
	* France/Lyon_0668/2020
	* France/Lyon_06820/2020

* Institut pasteur Dakar
	* Senegal/610/2020

* Institute information  KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
	* Belgium/JRH-030459/2020

* Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
	* Slovenia/12304/2020
	* Slovenia/4584/2020
	* Slovenia/808/2020

* Institute of Microbiology, Universidad San Francisco de Quito
	* Ecuador/HEE-01/2020

* Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-01/2019
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-02/2019
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-03/2019
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-04/2019
	* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-05/2020

* Institute of Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF13-20/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF13-21/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF13/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF54/2020

* Institute of Virology, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava
	* Slovakia/SK-BMC1/2020
	* Slovakia/SK-BMC2/2020
	* Slovakia/SK-BMC5/2020
	* Slovakia/SK-BMC6/2020

* Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias
	* Mexico/CDMX-InDRE_01/2020

* Instituto Nacional de Salud
	* Colombia/Bogota78390/2020

* Instituto Nacional de Saude (INSA)
	* Portugal/PT0047/2020
	* Portugal/PT0048/2020
	* Portugal/PT0049/2020
	* Portugal/PT0053/2020
	* Portugal/PT0069/2020
	* Portugal/PT0070/2020
	* Portugal/PT0071/2020
	* Portugal/PT0072/2020
	* Portugal/PT0073/2020
	* Portugal/PT0074/2020
	* Portugal/PT0075/2020
	* Portugal/PT0093/2020
	* Portugal/PT0094/2020
	* Portugal/PT0095/2020
	* Portugal/PT0096/2020

* Ishikawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science
	* Japan/P3-1/2020
	* Japan/P3-2/2020

* Japanese Quarantine Stations
	* Japan/DP0005/2020
	* Japan/DP0027/2020
	* Japan/DP0037/2020
	* Japan/DP0058/2020
	* Japan/DP0059/2020
	* Japan/DP0065/2020
	* Japan/DP0077/2020
	* Japan/DP0078/2020
	* Japan/DP0104/2020
	* Japan/DP0107/2020
	* Japan/DP0121/2020
	* Japan/DP0133/2020
	* Japan/DP0134/2020
	* Japan/DP0152/2020
	* Japan/DP0158/2020
	* Japan/DP0184/2020
	* Japan/DP0190/2020
	* Japan/DP0191/2020
	* Japan/DP0196/2020
	* Japan/DP0200/2020
	* Japan/DP0236/2020
	* Japan/DP0274/2020
	* Japan/DP0278/2020
	* Japan/DP0286/2020
	* Japan/DP0287/2020
	* Japan/DP0289/2020
	* Japan/DP0290/2020
	* Japan/DP0294/2020
	* Japan/DP0311/2020
	* Japan/DP0319/2020
	* Japan/DP0328/2020
	* Japan/DP0344/2020
	* Japan/DP0346/2020
	* Japan/DP0357/2020
	* Japan/DP0361/2020
	* Japan/DP0438/2020
	* Japan/DP0457/2020
	* Japan/DP0462/2020
	* Japan/DP0464/2020
	* Japan/DP0476/2020
	* Japan/DP0481/2020
	* Japan/DP0482/2020
	* Japan/DP0543/2020
	* Japan/DP0544/2020
	* Japan/DP0568/2020
	* Japan/DP0588/2020
	* Japan/DP0644/2020
	* Japan/DP0645/2020
	* Japan/DP0654/2020
	* Japan/DP0687/2020
	* Japan/DP0690/2020
	* Japan/DP0697/2020
	* Japan/DP0699/2020
	* Japan/DP0700/2020
	* Japan/DP0703/2020
	* Japan/DP0724/2020
	* Japan/DP0743/2020
	* Japan/DP0752/2020
	* Japan/DP0763/2020
	* Japan/DP0764/2020
	* Japan/DP0765/2020
	* Japan/DP0779/2020
	* Japan/DP0785/2020
	* Japan/DP0786/2020
	* Japan/DP0802/2020
	* Japan/DP0803/2020
	* Japan/DP0804/2020
	* Japan/DP0827/2020
	* Japan/DP0880/2020
	* Japan/DP0890/2020

* Jiangxi Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Ganzhou/JX81/2020
	* Jian/JX129/2020
	* Jian/JX169/2020
	* Jiujiang/JX22/2020
	* Nanchang/JX14/2020
	* Nanchang/JX149/2020
	* Nanchang/JX155/2020
	* Nanchang/JX174/2020
	* Nanchang/JX176/2020
	* Nanchang/JX177/2020
	* Nanchang/JX39/2020
	* Nanchang/JX90/2020
	* Nanchang/JXN3T4/2020
	* Pingxiang/JX151/2020
	* Pingxiang/JX5/2020
	* Shangrao/JX105/2020
	* Shangrao/JX1176/2020
	* Shangrao/JX1177/2020
	* Shangrao/JX1178/2020
	* Shangrao/JX1215/2020
	* Shangrao/JX1948/2020
	* Shangrao/JX1974/2020
	* Shangrao/JX29/2020
	* Xinyu/JX122/2020
	* Xinyu/JX124/2020

* Jiangxi province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* NanChang/JX216/2020

* Jingzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Jingzhou/HBCDC-HB-01/2020

* KU Leuven, Clincal and Epidemiological Virology
	* Belgium/BM-03012/2020

* KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
	* Belgium/030959/2020
	* Belgium/AC-030982/2020
	* Belgium/AGR-0324174/2020
	* Belgium/AKM-030670/2020
	* Belgium/BA-02291/2020
	* Belgium/BC-03016/2020
	* Belgium/BCM-0324160/2020
	* Belgium/BDW-030694/2020
	* Belgium/BEG-0323154/2020
	* Belgium/BEG-0324149/2020
	* Belgium/BG-030551/2020
	* Belgium/BG-030955/2020
	* Belgium/BGM-030444/2020
	* Belgium/BJ-030767/2020
	* Belgium/BJ-0324192/2020
	* Belgium/BJ-0325181/2020
	* Belgium/BM-030687/2020
	* Belgium/BS-030598/2020
	* Belgium/BS-0325183/2020
	* Belgium/CA-0319111/2020
	* Belgium/CCM-0324167/2020
	* Belgium/CD-030679/2020
	* Belgium/CF-0324119/2020
	* Belgium/CG-030158/2020
	* Belgium/CJE-0325178/2020
	* Belgium/CJM-0323175/2020
	* Belgium/CK-0324150/2020
	* Belgium/DA-030691/2020
	* Belgium/DA-0319106/2020
	* Belgium/DAL-030650/2020
	* Belgium/DB-03023/2020
	* Belgium/DB-0323140/2020
	* Belgium/DBA-03032/2020
	* Belgium/DBD-03024/2020
	* Belgium/DBOM-030566/2020
	* Belgium/DCB-0324163/2020
	* Belgium/DCS-030796/2020
	* Belgium/DCS-0325158/2020
	* Belgium/DD-030593/2020
	* Belgium/DHWM-03041/2020
	* Belgium/DJ-030452/2020
	* Belgium/DJMG-0325156/2020
	* Belgium/DLDJ-030569/2020
	* Belgium/DME-0324135/2020
	* Belgium/DMM-0325180/2020
	* Belgium/DNS-0324176/2020
	* Belgium/DPG-0325123/2020
	* Belgium/DRV-0325157/2020
	* Belgium/DV-0324117/2020
	* Belgium/DVBJ-030468/2020
	* Belgium/DVG-0325146/2020
	* Belgium/DWAEE-030954/2020
	* Belgium/EBN-0323116/2020
	* Belgium/EC-0325128/2020
	* Belgium/ECC-030686/2020
	* Belgium/FAE-030948/2020
	* Belgium/FFJ-0324124/2020
	* Belgium/FM-030592/2020
	* Belgium/FMC-0323159/2020
	* Belgium/FR-03029/2020
	* Belgium/GE-030573/2020
	* Belgium/GE-0317105/2020
	* Belgium/GHB-03021/2020
	* Belgium/GJ-030458/2020
	* Belgium/GJJ-0325145/2020
	* Belgium/GL-030546/2020
	* Belgium/GLA-0324179/2020
	* Belgium/GM-0323139/2020
	* Belgium/GMH-03022/2020
	* Belgium/GMJ-0324132/2020
	* Belgium/GOF-030578/2020
	* Belgium/GS-030549/2020
	* Belgium/GSA-030454/2020
	* Belgium/HAA-030953/2020
	* Belgium/HC-030760/2020
	* Belgium/HCM-0324151/2020
	* Belgium/HL-030771/2020
	* Belgium/HP-0319108/2020
	* Belgium/Human/CS-031052/2020
	* Belgium/JJC-0325165/2020
	* Belgium/JK-0305110/2020
	* Belgium/JL-03044/2020
	* Belgium/JLJ-0320101/2020
	* Belgium/KA-03042/2020
	* Belgium/KKN-0319184/2020
	* Belgium/KN-030756/2020
	* Belgium/LD-030597/2020
	* Belgium/LJ-0325148/2020
	* Belgium/LM-030685/2020
	* Belgium/LPDC-0323115/2020
	* Belgium/LT-030956/2020
	* Belgium/LV-0324133/2020
	* Belgium/LY-030575/2020
	* Belgium/MAC-0324142/2020
	* Belgium/MC-030689/2020
	* Belgium/MC-0323129/2020
	* Belgium/MCW-030574/2020
	* Belgium/MF-030546/2020
	* Belgium/MJP-0306100/2020
	* Belgium/MJP-030684/2020
	* Belgium/ML-0324164/2020
	* Belgium/MMJ-03034/2020
	* Belgium/MNL-0324130/2020
	* Belgium/MS-0324134/2020
	* Belgium/MSE-0324121/2020
	* Belgium/MSE-0324131/2020
	* Belgium/MTR-03021/2020
	* Belgium/MTR-03026/2020
	* Belgium/NA-0323141/2020
	* Belgium/NIM-0324161/2020
	* Belgium/NJC-0324126/2020
	* Belgium/NKMA-0324172/2020
	* Belgium/NKR-030645/2020
	* Belgium/NL-030447/2020
	* Belgium/NMA-0324169/2020
	* Belgium/NML-0325127/2020
	* Belgium/OS-0325137/2020
	* Belgium/OT-0319109/2020
	* Belgium/PA-030680/2020
	* Belgium/PAN-030681/2020
	* Belgium/PC-0325147/2020
	* Belgium/PC-0325182/2020
	* Belgium/PJM-0325166/2020
	* Belgium/PM-0324144/2020
	* Belgium/QKJ-03015/2020
	* Belgium/QL-0324173/2020
	* Belgium/QOJ-030751/2020
	* Belgium/RA-030445/2020
	* Belgium/RA-030664/2020
	* Belgium/RC-0324168/2020
	* Belgium/RDC-030961/2020
	* Belgium/RGE-0325122/2020
	* Belgium/RHA-0324177/2020
	* Belgium/RJ-030552/2020
	* Belgium/RJL-030588/2020
	* Belgium/RR-030699/2020
	* Belgium/RS-030257/2020
	* Belgium/RS-030677/2020
	* Belgium/RS-0324138/2020
	* Belgium/RT-03035/2020
	* Belgium/RT-030460/2020
	* Belgium/RYR-030649/2020
	* Belgium/SB-030990/2020
	* Belgium/SC-0319113/2020
	* Belgium/SEM-0324120/2020
	* Belgium/SH-03014/2020
	* Belgium/SJ-030583/2020
	* Belgium/SN-03031/2020
	* Belgium/SQ-03043/2020
	* Belgium/SR-0319112/2020
	* Belgium/SS-031047/2020
	* Belgium/STM-0324170/2020
	* Belgium/TG-030757/2020
	* Belgium/UM-0318103/2020
	* Belgium/UMF-03025/2020
	* Belgium/UNJP-0324125/2020
	* Belgium/VAG-03013/2020
	* Belgium/VBK-03061/2020
	* Belgium/VD-0318102/2020
	* Belgium/VDLH-030548/2020
	* Belgium/VF-030562/2020
	* Belgium/VGA-030672/2020
	* Belgium/VHC-030655/2020
	* Belgium/VHRA-030644/2020
	* Belgium/VHV-0324118/2020
	* Belgium/VI-03027/2020
	* Belgium/VJP-030463/2020
	* Belgium/VL-0318104/2020
	* Belgium/VLG-0325162/2020
	* Belgium/VLM-03011/2020
	* Belgium/VM-0325171/2020
	* Belgium/VMC-030695/2020
	* Belgium/VNP-0320107/2020
	* Belgium/VPE-030650/2020
	* Belgium/VPMV-0325153/2020
	* Belgium/VRAR-030643/2020
	* Belgium/VRJM-0323114/2020
	* Belgium/VS-030542/2020
	* Belgium/VT-0325143/2020
	* Belgium/VWJM-0324136/2020
	* Belgium/WAM-030676/2020
	* Belgium/WWM-030665/2020
	* Belgium/ZF-0325152/2020

* Klinik Hirslanden Zurich
	* Switzerland/1000477757/2020

* Kochi Prefectural Institute of Public Health
	* Japan/P1/2020

* Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (KCDC) Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases Division of Viral Diseases
	* SouthKorea/KCDC03/2020

* L'Air du Temps
	* France/GE2720/2020
	* France/GE2722/2020

* LABM GH nord Essonne
	* France/IDF2278/2020
	* France/IDF2279/2020
	* France/IDF2534/2020
	* France/IDF2684/2020

* LACEN RJ - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Noel Nutels
	* Brazil/RJ-314/2020

* LACEN/ES - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica do Espirito Santo
	* Brazil/ES-225/2020

* Lab voor klinische biologie
	* Belgium/UGent-11/2020
	* Belgium/UGent-12/2020
	* Belgium/UGent-4/2020
	* Belgium/UGent-6/2020

* Labo BM - Site de Juvisy - Hopital General
	* France/IDF3230/2020

* Laboiratorio Fleury
	* Brazil/SPBR-08/2020

* Laboratoire National de Sante
	* Luxembourg/Lux1/2020

* Laboratoire National de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
	* Luxembourg/LNS0000001/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS0156959/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS0366116/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS0591129/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS0641910/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS0716877/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS0756270/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS0945359/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS1234709/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS1612000/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS1870254/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS1874423/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS1909273/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS1918658/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2151006/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2247193/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2614631/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2886370/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2907333/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS3089015/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS3156434/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS3588186/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS3711853/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS3879580/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS4134806/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS4691488/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS4836560/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS4845603/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS5032431/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS5228153/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS5440244/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS6603085/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS7537751/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS7753431/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS7866283/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS7928872/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS8188502/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS8639502/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9080444/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9086704/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9324837/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9512434/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9627078/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9652104/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9862689/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9982497/2020

* Laboratoire Nationale de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
	* Luxembourg/LNS0158952/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2013896/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2128808/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS2848109/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS3694003/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS5731562/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS6282845/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS8489624/2020
	* Luxembourg/LNS9371718/2020

* Laboratoire de Virologie Institut de Virologie - INSERM U 1109 Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
	* France/GE1583/2020

* Laboratoire de Virologie, HUG
	* Switzerland/AG0361/2020
	* Switzerland/BL0902/2020
	* Switzerland/GE3121/2020
	* Switzerland/GE3895/2020
	* Switzerland/GE5373/2020
	* Switzerland/GE9586/2020
	* Switzerland/TI9486/2020
	* Switzerland/VD5615/2020

* Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Professor Goncalo Moniz  LACEN/BA
	* Brazil/BA-312/2020

* Laboratorio Hermes Pardini
	* Brazil/GO0106/2020
	* Brazil/MG0108/2020
	* Brazil/MG0109/2020
	* Brazil/MG0112/2020
	* Brazil/RS0107/2020
	* Brazil/SP0104/2020
	* Brazil/SP0105/2020
	* Brazil/SP0110/2020
	* Brazil/SP0111/2020

* Laboratorio Simili
	* Brazil/MG0101/2020
	* Brazil/MG0102/2020

* Laboratorio de Ecologia de Doencas Transmissiveis na Amazonia, Instituto Leonidas e Maria Deane - Fiocruz Amazonia
	* Brazil/AMBR-02/2020

* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorio. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Peru
	* Peru/010/2020

* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorios. Instituto Nacional de Salud Peru
	* Peru/01/2020

* Laboratorio di Microbiologia e Virologia, Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
	* Italy/UniSR1/2020

* Laboratory Medicine
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-01/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-02/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-03/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-04/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-05/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-06/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-07/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-08/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-09/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-10/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-11/2020
	* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-12/2020

* Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences L. Sacco, University of Milan
	* Italy/UniMI01/2020
	* Italy/UniMI02/2020
	* Italy/UniMI03/2020

* Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
	* Greece/10/2020
	* Greece/12/2020
	* Greece/16/2020

* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
	* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S5/2020
	* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S8/2020
	* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S9/2020

* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center fro Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
	* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S1/2020

* Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
	* Chile/Santiago_op2d1/2020
	* Chile/Santiago_op3d1/2020
	* Chile/Santiago_op4d1/2020

* Lapland Central Hospital
	* Finland/1/2020

* Le Chateau de Seine-Port
	* France/IDF3274/2020
	* France/IDF3276/2020

* MHC Brabant Zuidoost
	* Netherlands/Eindhoven_1363782/2020

* MHC Drente
	* Netherlands/Dalen_1363624/2020

* MHC Flevoland
	* Netherlands/Zeewolde_1365080/2020

* MHC Gooi & Vechtstreek
	* Netherlands/Blaricum_1364780/2020
	* Netherlands/Naarden_1364774/2020

* MHC Haaglanden
	* Netherlands/Nootdorp_1364222/2020

* MHC Hart voor Brabant
	* Netherlands/Oisterwijk_1364072/2020

* MHC Kennemerland
	* Netherlands/Haarlem_1363688/2020

* MHC Rotterdam-Rijnmond
	* Netherlands/Rotterdam_1364040/2020

* MHC Utrecht
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_1363564/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_1363628/2020
	* Netherlands/Utrecht_1364066/2020

* MHC West-Brabant
	* Netherlands/Andel_1365066/2020
	* Netherlands/Helmond_1363548/2020

* MSHS Clinical Microbiology Laboratories
	* USA/NJ-PV09072/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08109/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08120/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08121/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08122/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08123/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08124/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08125/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08127/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08133/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08135/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08136/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08137/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08138/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08139/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08140/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08143/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08146/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08148/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08149/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08150/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08400/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08401/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08402/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08403/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08404/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08405/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08410/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08412/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08413/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08414/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08415/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08416/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08417/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08419/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08420/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08425/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08426/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08427/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08428/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08429/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08432/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08434/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08435/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08436/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08438/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08441/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08443/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08444/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08445/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08446/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08447/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08448/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08449/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08450/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08452/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08453/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08455/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08456/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08459/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08461/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08462/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08463/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08464/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08466/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08468/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08469/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08471/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08472/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08473/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08474/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08476/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08477/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08478/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08481/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08485/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08486/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08487/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08489/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08490/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08491/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08492/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08493/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08494/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08495/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08496/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08498/2020
	* USA/NY-PV08500/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09000/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09006/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09019/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09020/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09021/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09023/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09025/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09028/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09029/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09030/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09032/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09037/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09039/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09041/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09043/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09044/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09046/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09047/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09050/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09056/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09060/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09061/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09063/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09064/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09067/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09068/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09071/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09073/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09075/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09076/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09077/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09079/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09080/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09083/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09087/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09088/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09090/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09092/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09097/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09098/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09099/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09102/2020
	* USA/NY-PV09103/2020
	* USA/NY1-PV08001/2020
	* USA/NY2-PV08100/2020

* Massachusetts Department of Public Health
	* USA/MA1/2020

* Mater Pathology
	* Australia/QLDID922/2020
	* Australia/QLDID923/2020
	* Australia/QLDID929/2020
	* Australia/QLDID931/2020

* Max von Pettenkofer Institute, Virology, National Reference Center for Retroviruses, LMU Munich
	* Germany/BAV-V2010486/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2010492/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2010837/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2010840/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2011376/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2011395/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2011463/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2011672/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2011673/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2011675/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2012612/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2012620/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2012622/2020
	* Germany/BAV-V2012856/2020

* Microbiological Diagnostic Unit Public Health Laboratory
	* Australia/VIC107/2020
	* Australia/VIC108/2020
	* Australia/VIC109/2020
	* Australia/VIC110/2020
	* Australia/VIC111/2020
	* Australia/VIC114/2020
	* Australia/VIC115/2020
	* Australia/VIC116/2020
	* Australia/VIC117/2020
	* Australia/VIC118/2020
	* Australia/VIC119/2020
	* Australia/VIC120/2020
	* Australia/VIC121/2020
	* Australia/VIC122/2020
	* Australia/VIC123/2020
	* Australia/VIC126/2020
	* Australia/VIC127/2020
	* Australia/VIC128/2020
	* Australia/VIC129/2020
	* Australia/VIC130/2020
	* Australia/VIC131/2020
	* Australia/VIC132/2020
	* Australia/VIC134/2020
	* Australia/VIC135/2020
	* Australia/VIC136/2020
	* Australia/VIC137/2020
	* Australia/VIC289/2020
	* Australia/VIC290/2020
	* Australia/VIC308/2020
	* Australia/VIC309/2020
	* Australia/VIC310/2020
	* Australia/VIC311/2020
	* Australia/VIC312/2020
	* Australia/VIC315/2020
	* Australia/VIC316/2020
	* Australia/VIC317/2020
	* Australia/VIC318/2020
	* Australia/VIC319/2020
	* Australia/VIC320/2020
	* Australia/VIC321/2020
	* Australia/VIC322/2020
	* Australia/VIC323/2020
	* Australia/VIC324/2020
	* Australia/VIC325/2020
	* Australia/VIC326/2020

* Ministry of Health Turkey
	* Turkey/6224-Ankara1034/2020

* Minnesota Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory
	* USA/MN1-MDH1/2020
	* USA/MN2-MDH2/2020
	* USA/MN25-MDH25/2020
	* USA/MN26-MDH26/2020
	* USA/MN29-MDH29/2020
	* USA/MN3-MDH3/2020
	* USA/MN30-MDH30/2020
	* USA/MN31-MDH31/2020
	* USA/MN32-MDH32/2020
	* USA/MN34-MDH34/2020
	* USA/MN35-MDH35/2020
	* USA/MN36-MDH36/2020
	* USA/MN38-MDH38/2020
	* USA/MN39-MDH39/2020
	* USA/MN4-MDH4/2020
	* USA/MN40-MDH40/2020
	* USA/MN41-MDH41/2020
	* USA/MN42-MDH42/2020
	* USA/MN43-MDH43/2020
	* USA/MN44-MDH44/2020
	* USA/MN45-MDH45/2020
	* USA/MN46-MDH46/2020
	* USA/MN47-MDH47/2020
	* USA/MN48-MDH48/2020
	* USA/MN5-MDH5/2020
	* USA/MN51-MDH51/2020
	* USA/MN52-MDH52/2020
	* USA/MN53-MDH53/2020
	* USA/MN55-MDH55/2020
	* USA/MN56-MDH56/2020
	* USA/MN57-MDH57/2020
	* USA/MN58-MDH58/2020
	* USA/MN59-MDH59/2020
	* USA/MN60-MDH60/2020
	* USA/MN62-MDH62/2020
	* USA/MN63-MDH63/2020
	* USA/MN64-MDH64/2020
	* USA/MN65-MDH65/2020
	* USA/MN66-MDH66/2020
	* USA/MN67-MDH67/2020
	* USA/MN68-MDH68/2020
	* USA/MN69-MDH69/2020

* Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Lab II
	* Pakistan/Manga-KPK/2020

* Molecular Diagnostic Services
	* SouthAfrica/KRISP_0006/2020
	* SouthAfrica/KRISP_0007/2020
	* SouthAfrica/KRISP_0011/2020
	* SouthAfrica/KRISP_0012/2020

* Monash Medical Centre
	* Australia/VIC01/2020

* NH Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Labs
	* USA/NH_0004/2020
	* USA/NH_0008/2020

* NHC Key laboratory of Enteric Pathogenic Microbiology, Institute of Pathogenic Microbiology
	* Jiangsu/JS01/2020
	* Jiangsu/JS02/2020
	* Jiangsu/JS03/2020

* NIC Viral Respiratory Unit - Institut Pasteur of Algeria
	* Algeria/G0638_2264/2020
	* Algeria/G0640_2265/2020
	* Algeria/G0860_2262/2020

* NRL for Influenza, Centrum Epidemiology and Microbiology of National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic
	* CzechRepublic/ChVir1630/2020
	* CzechRepublic/ChVir1912/2020

* NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
	* USA/NY_2929/2020

* NYU Langone Health
	* USA/NJ-NYUMC83/2020
	* USA/NJ-NYUMC84/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC1/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC10/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC11/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC12/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC13/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC14/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC15/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC16/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC17/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC18/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC19/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC2/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC20/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC21/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC22/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC23/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC24/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC25/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC26/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC27/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC28/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC29/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC3/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC30/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC31/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC32/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC33/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC34/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC35/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC36/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC37/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC38/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC39/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC4/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC40/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC41/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC42/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC43/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC44/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC45/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC46/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC47/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC48/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC49/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC5/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC50/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC51/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC52/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC53/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC54/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC55/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC56/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC57/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC58/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC59/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC6/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC60/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC61/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC62/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC63/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC64/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC65/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC66/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC67/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC68/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC69/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC7/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC70/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC71/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC72/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC73/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC74/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC75/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC76/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC77/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC78/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC79/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC8/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC80/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC81/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC82/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC85/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC86/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC87/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC88/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC89/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC9/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC90/2020
	* USA/NY-NYUMC91/2020

* National Centre for Infectious Diseases
	* Singapore/12/2020
	* Singapore/13/2020
	* Singapore/14/2020
	* Singapore/22/2020
	* Singapore/23/2020
	* Singapore/24/2020
	* Singapore/25/2020
	* Singapore/26/2020
	* Singapore/27/2020
	* Singapore/28/2020
	* Singapore/29/2020
	* Singapore/3/2020
	* Singapore/30/2020
	* Singapore/31/2020
	* Singapore/32/2020
	* Singapore/33/2020
	* Singapore/34/2020
	* Singapore/4/2020

* National Influenza Center - Instituto Adolfo Lutz
	* Brazil/SPBR-07/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-09/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-10/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-13/2020
	* Brazil/SPBR-14/2020

* National Influenza Center - National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
	* Vietnam/VR03-38142/2020

* National Influenza Center, Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
	* India/763/2020
	* India/770/2020
	* India/772/2020
	* India/773/2020
	* India/777/2020
	* India/781/2020
	* India/c32/2020

* National Influenza Center, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
	* Vietnam/38142/2020
	* Vietnam/39607/2020
	* Vietnam/CM295/2020
	* Vietnam/CM296/2020
	* Vietnam/CM99/2020

* National Influenza Centre, National Public Health Laboratory, Kathmandu, Nepal
	* Nepal/61/2020

* National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service
	* SouthAfrica/R03006-20/2020

* National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
	* Beijing/IVDC-BJ-005/2020
	* Chongqing/IVDC-CQ-001/2020
	* Henan/IVDC-HeN-002/2020
	* Jiangsu/IVDC-JS-001/2020
	* Jiangxi/IVDC-JX-002/2020
	* Shandong/IVDC-SD-001/2020
	* Shanghai/IVDC-SH-001/2020
	* Sichuan/IVDC-SC-001/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-01/2019
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-04/2020
	* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-05/2019
	* Yunnan/IVDC-YN-003/2020

* National Public Health Laboratory
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5045/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5047/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5049/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5096/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-6430/2020
	* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-7554/2020
	* Singapore/11/2020

* National Public Health Laboratory, National Centre for Infectious Diseases
	* Singapore/10/2020
	* Singapore/12Clin/2020
	* Singapore/14Clin/2020
	* Singapore/15/2020
	* Singapore/16/2020
	* Singapore/17/2020
	* Singapore/18/2020
	* Singapore/19/2020
	* Singapore/20/2020
	* Singapore/21/2020
	* Singapore/3Clin/2020
	* Singapore/7/2020
	* Singapore/8/2020
	* Singapore/9/2020

* National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory, Vilnius, Lithuania
	* Lithuania/ChVir1632/2020

* Nordland Hospital - Bodo,  Laboratory Department, Molecular Biology Unit
	* Norway/2087/2020

* OR State PHL-Virology/Immunology Section
	* USA/OR_2656/2020

* Oregon State Public Health- Virology section
	* USA/OR_5430/2020

* Oslo University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
	* Norway/1379/2020
	* Norway/1380/2020
	* Norway/1443/2020
	* Norway/1455/2020
	* Norway/1493/2020
	* Norway/1494/2020
	* Norway/2084/2020

* Ospedale Civile Castel Di Sangro
	* Italy/TE5472/2020

* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini
	* Italy/6193/2020
	* Italy/TE4836/2020
	* Italy/TE5052/2020
	* Italy/TE5166/2020
	* Italy/TE5476/2020
	* Italy/TE6195/2020
	* Italy/TE6222/2020
	* Italy/TE6225/2020

* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini, Teramo
	* Italy/TE5056/2020

* Ospedale Regionale San Salvatore
	* Italy/TE5512/2020
	* Italy/TE5780/2020

* Ospedale San Liberatore di Atri
	* Italy/TE4880/2020

* Ostfold Hospital Trust -Kalnes Centre for Laboratory Medicine Section for gene technology and infection serology
	* Norway/2052/2020

* Parc des Dames
	* France/IDF2412/2020
	* France/IDF2414/2020

* PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
	* Australia/WA11/202

* Pathology North
	* Australia/NSWID930/2020

* Pathology Queensland
	* Australia/QLD01/2020
	* Australia/QLD02/2020
	* Australia/QLD03/2020
	* Australia/QLD04/2020
	* Australia/QLD09/2020
	* Australia/QLDID919/2020
	* Australia/QLDID924/2020
	* Australia/QLDID925/2020
	* Australia/QLDID926/2020
	* Australia/QLDID927/2020
	* Australia/QLDID928/2020

* Presidio Ospedaliero "S. Spirito" - PESCARA
	* Italy/TE4925/2020

* Presidio ospedaliero "Santo Spirito"
	* Italy/TE4953/2020
	* Italy/TE4959/2020

* Prince of Wales Hospital
	* HongKong/VB20017970/2020

* Providence Regional Medical Center
	* USA/WA1/2020

* Public Health Laboratory
	* SaudiArabia/SCDC-3321/2020

* Public Health Laboratory, Saudi CDC
	* SaudiArabia/SCDC-3324/2020

* Public Health Ontario Laboratories
	* Canada/ON_PHL0052/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0141/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0142/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0178/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0539/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0654/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0743/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0976/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL0977/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL1083/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL1095/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL1898/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2223/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2259/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2273/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2294/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL2653/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3318/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3350/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3380/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3458/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3459/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3476/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3501/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3536/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3575/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3650/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3670/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3680/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3692/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3695/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3741/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3802/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3877/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3917/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL3919/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4069/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4088/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4181/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4232/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL4464/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5472/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5672/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5694/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5705/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5710/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5756/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5757/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL5930/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL6883/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL6884/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL6922/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL6980/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL7512/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL7513/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL7590/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL7972/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL8458/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL8539/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL8580/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHL8751/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHLH6415/2020
	* Canada/ON_PHLU8150/2020

* Public Health Ontario Laboratory
	* Canada/ON-PHL2445/2020
	* Canada/ON-VIDO-01/2020

* Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre
	* Canada/NS_13/2020

* R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research,  National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
	* Georgia/Tb-273/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-390/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-468/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-477/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-537/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-54/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-673/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-712/2020
	* Georgia/Tb-82/2020
	* Georgia/Tb/2020

* RI State Health Laboratories
	* USA/RI_0520/2020

* RI State Health Laboratory
	* USA/RI_0556/2020

	* Netherlands/Delft_1363424/2020
	* Netherlands/Diemen_1363454/2020
	* Netherlands/Loon_op_zand_1363512/2020
	* Netherlands/Oss_1363500/2020
	* NetherlandsL/Houten_1363498/2020

* Regional Virus Laboratory, Belfast
	* NorthernIreland/HSCNI01/2020

* Residence Eleusis
	* France/IDF2989/2020

* Residence Villa Caroline
	* France/IDF2848/2020
	* France/IDF2849/2020

* Residence de maintenon
	* France/IDF3040/2020

* Residence les Marines
	* France/IDF3029/2020

* Respiratory Virus Unit, Microbiology Services Colindale, Public Health England
	* England/01/2020
	* England/02/2020
	* England/09c/2020
	* England/200641094/2020
	* England/200690245/2020
	* England/200690300/2020
	* England/200690306/2020
	* England/200690756/2020
	* England/200940527/2020
	* England/200960041/2020
	* England/200960515/2020
	* England/200981386/2020
	* England/200990002/2020
	* England/200990006/2020
	* England/20099038206/2020
	* England/200990660/2020
	* England/200990723/2020
	* England/200990724/2020
	* England/200990725/2020
	* England/20099079106/2020
	* England/20099107406/2020
	* England/200991076/2020
	* England/201000003/2020
	* England/20100001406/2020
	* England/20100004706/2020
	* England/20100004806/2020
	* England/20100005406/2020
	* England/20100022706/2020
	* England/20100023206/2020
	* England/20100024006/2020
	* England/20100077906/2020
	* England/20100121006/2020
	* England/20100121007/2020
	* England/20100122106/2020
	* England/20100122107/2020
	* England/20102000106/2020
	* England/20102000206/2020
	* England/20102000306/2020
	* England/20102000506/2020
	* England/20102000906/2020
	* England/20102068502/2020
	* England/20102068506/2020
	* England/20102073303/2020
	* England/20102087902/2020
	* England/20102088002/2020
	* England/20102098802/2020
	* England/20102112102/2020
	* England/20102115303/2020
	* England/20104002606/2020
	* England/20104002902/2020
	* England/20104003002/2020
	* England/20104004402/2020
	* England/20104004502/2020
	* England/20104004802/2020
	* England/20104004902/2020
	* England/20104007503/2020
	* England/201040081/2020
	* England/20104008402/2020
	* England/20104008502/2020
	* England/20104008702/2020
	* England/20104008802/2020
	* England/20104008902/2020
	* England/20104009002/2020
	* England/20104009102/2020
	* England/20104013703/2020
	* England/201040141/2020
	* England/20104015302/2020
	* England/20104023103/2020
	* England/20104035803/2020
	* England/20106003303/2020
	* England/20106004803/2020
	* England/20106004902/2020
	* England/20106005103/2020
	* England/20106005303/2020
	* England/20106005403/2020
	* England/20106087206/2020
	* England/20106116603/2020
	* England/20106145903/2020
	* England/20108003202/2020
	* England/20108003302/2020
	* England/20108004602/2020
	* England/20108004702/2020
	* England/20108004803/2020
	* England/20108006003/2020
	* England/20108006603/2020
	* England/20108006802/2020
	* England/20108007002/2020
	* England/20108007302/2020
	* England/20108007402/2020
	* England/20108034006/2020
	* England/20108125106/2020
	* England/20109035906/2020
	* England/20109038906/2020
	* England/20109039306/2020
	* England/20109047803/2020
	* England/20109050106/2020
	* England/20109050306/2020
	* England/20109050406/2020
	* England/20109050506/2020
	* England/20109050606/2020
	* England/20109050706/2020
	* England/20109050806/2020
	* England/20109051806/2020
	* England/20109051906/2020
	* England/20109052006/2020
	* England/20109052106/2020
	* England/20109052206/2020
	* England/20109052306/2020
	* England/20109052506/2020
	* England/20109053106/2020
	* England/20109053406/2020
	* England/20109053606/2020
	* England/20109054806/2020
	* England/20109056406/2020
	* England/20109056906/2020
	* England/20109058906/2020
	* England/20109060106/2020
	* England/20109093606/2020
	* England/20109093706/2020
	* England/20109093806/2020
	* England/20109093906/2020
	* England/20109094006/2020
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	* England/20109097506/2020
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	* England/20109098806/2020
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	* England/20109099006/2020
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	* England/20109099206/2020
	* England/20110000106/2020
	* England/20110000606/2020
	* England/20110000706/2020
	* England/20110000806/2020
	* England/20110000906/2020
	* England/20110003506/2020
	* England/20110005006/2020
	* England/20110015106/2020
	* England/20110023706/2020
	* England/20110042006/2020
	* England/20110042106/2020
	* England/20110043706/2020
	* England/20110058706/2020
	* England/20110059306/2020
	* England/20110097506/2020
	* England/20110136302/2020
	* England/20112112106/2020
	* England/20114052703/2020
	* England/20114054003/2020
	* England/20114099003/2020
	* England/20116022902/2020
	* England/20116025603/2020
	* England/20116078703/2020
	* England/20118044606/2020
	* England/20118066603/2020
	* England/20118137803/2020
	* England/20119026102/2020
	* England/20120002102/2020
	* England/20120033002/2020
	* England/20122032802/2020
	* England/20122069402/2020
	* England/20122073102/2020
	* England/20122074602/2020
	* England/20122087702/2020
	* England/20122088102/2020
	* England/20122099003/2020
	* England/20122119202/2020
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	* England/20122119502/2020
	* England/20124000803/2020
	* England/20124001202/2020
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	* England/20124001702/2020
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	* England/20124003702/2020
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	* England/20124008902/2020
	* England/20124009202/2020
	* England/20124009602/2020
	* England/20124011302/2020
	* England/20124012702/2020
	* England/20124012902/2020
	* England/20124013202/2020
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	* England/20124021002/2020
	* England/20124021402/2020
	* England/20124022802/2020
	* England/20124029802/2020
	* England/20124030003/2020
	* England/20124030802/2020
	* England/20124034002/2020
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	* England/20124035802/2020
	* England/20124036002/2020
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	* England/20124037102/2020
	* England/20124037302/2020
	* England/20124037902/2020
	* England/20124048202/2020
	* England/20124049402/2020
	* England/20124086902/2020
	* England/20124094702/2020
	* England/20124094902/2020
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	* England/20126006802/2020
	* England/20126007002/2020
	* England/20126007102/2020
	* England/20126007202/2020
	* England/20126008702/2020
	* England/20126011202/2020
	* England/20126012302/2020
	* England/20126012702/2020
	* England/20126025202/2020
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	* England/20128031902/2020
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	* England/20129039902/2020
	* England/20129040102/2020
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	* England/20130000102/2020
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	* England/20132053202/2020
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	* England/20132073702/2020
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	* England/20134010002/2020
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	* England/20136097904/2020
	* England/20138012802/2020
	* England/20138014402/2020
	* England/20139007104/2020
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	* England/20139010904/2020
	* England/20139013406/2020
	* England/20139013706/2020
	* England/20139018202/2020
	* England/20139018302/2020
	* England/20139019902/2020
	* England/20139020106/2020
	* England/20139020506/2020
	* England/20139029904/2020
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	* England/20139030304/2020
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	* England/20139042404/2020
	* England/20139042704/2020
	* England/20139042804/2020
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	* England/20139043604/2020
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	* England/20139062104/2020
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	* England/20140037504/2020
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	* England/20140050604/2020
	* England/20142022504/2020
	* England/20142060404/2020
	* England/20142060804/2020
	* England/20142060904/2020
	* England/20142061004/2020
	* England/20142061304/2020
	* England/20142061404/2020
	* England/20142061804/2020
	* England/20142062204/2020
	* England/20142062604/2020
	* England/20142062904/2020
	* England/20142063004/2020
	* England/20142063404/2020

* Rockhampton Base Hospital
	* Australia/QLDID920/2020

* Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory
	* Canada/SK_4/2020

* Royal Darwin Hospital
	* Australia/NT01/2020
	* Australia/NT02/2020
	* Australia/NT04/2020
	* Australia/NT05/2020

* Russian State Collection of Viruses
	* Russia/Moscow_PMVL-1/2020

	* Estonia/ChVir2148/2020

* Saitama Medical University
	* Japan/SMU-0311S3/2020

* Saitama Medical University Hospital
	* Japan/SMU-0311S2/2020

* Saitama Prefectural Institute of Public Health
	* Japan/P4-1/2020
	* Japan/P4-2/2020
	* Japan/P4-3/2020
	* Japan/P4-4/2020
	* Japan/P4-5/2020
	* Japan/P4-6/2020
	* Japan/P4-7/2020
	* Japan/P4-8/2020

* Santa Clara County Public Health Department
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC13/2020
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC14/2020
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC15/2020
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC16/2020
	* USA/CA-SCCPHD-UC17/2020

* Seattle Flu Study
	* USA/WA-S10/2020
	* USA/WA-S11/2020
	* USA/WA-S110/2020
	* USA/WA-S111/2020
	* USA/WA-S112/2020
	* USA/WA-S2/2020
	* USA/WA-S3/2020
	* USA/WA-S4/2020
	* USA/WA-S5/2020
	* USA/WA-S6/2020
	* USA/WA-S7/2020
	* USA/WA-S8/2020
	* USA/WA-S9/2020

* Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University
	* Hefei/2/2020

* Secretaria de Salud Medellin
	* Colombia/79256/2020

* Sentinelles network
	* France/BFC2709/2020
	* France/CVL3365/2020
	* France/GE2843/2020
	* France/GE3067/2020

* Serology, Virology and OTDS Laboratories (SAViD), NSW Health Pathology Randwick
	* Australia/NSW03/2020

* Service de Biologie Medicale - BP 125
	* France/IDF2359/2020
	* France/IDF2536/2020
	* France/IDF2548/2020
	* France/IDF2936/2020
	* France/IDF3163/2020
	* France/IDF3165/2020
	* France/IDF3170/2020
	* France/IDF3218/2020
	* France/IDF3235/2020
	* France/IDF3236/2020
	* France/IDF3324/2020

* Service de Biologie clinique
	* France/IDF2768/2020
	* France/IDF3345/2020

* Service des Urgences
	* France/IDF2532/2020
	* France/IDF2533/2020

* Servicio Microbiologia, Hospital Clinico Universitario, Valencia
	* Spain/Valencia3/2020

* Servicio Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario. Valencia.
	* Spain/Valencia1/2020
	* Spain/Valencia2/2020

* Servicio Virosis Respiratorias-Departamento Virologia-INEI
	* Argentina/C121/2020
	* Argentina/C1374/2020
	* Argentina/C3013/2020

* Servicio de Microbiologia. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
	* Spain/Valencia10/2020
	* Spain/Valencia11/2020
	* Spain/Valencia12/2020
	* Spain/Valencia13/2020
	* Spain/Valencia14/2020
	* Spain/Valencia15/2020
	* Spain/Valencia16/2020
	* Spain/Valencia17/2020
	* Spain/Valencia18/2020
	* Spain/Valencia19/2020
	* Spain/Valencia20/2020
	* Spain/Valencia21/2020
	* Spain/Valencia22/2020
	* Spain/Valencia23/2020
	* Spain/Valencia24/2020
	* Spain/Valencia25/2020
	* Spain/Valencia26/2020
	* Spain/Valencia27/2020
	* Spain/Valencia28/2020
	* Spain/Valencia29/2020
	* Spain/Valencia30/2020
	* Spain/Valencia31/2020
	* Spain/Valencia32/2020
	* Spain/Valencia33/2020
	* Spain/Valencia34/2020
	* Spain/Valencia35/2020
	* Spain/Valencia36/2020
	* Spain/Valencia37/2020
	* Spain/Valencia38/2020
	* Spain/Valencia39/2020
	* Spain/Valencia4/2020
	* Spain/Valencia5/2020
	* Spain/Valencia6/2020
	* Spain/Valencia7/2020
	* Spain/Valencia8/2020
	* Spain/Valencia9/2020

* Servicio de Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia
	* Spain/Valencia40/2020
	* Spain/Valencia41/2020
	* Spain/Valencia42/2020
	* Spain/Valencia43/2020
	* Spain/Valencia44/2020
	* Spain/Valencia45/2020
	* Spain/Valencia46/2020
	* Spain/Valencia47/2020
	* Spain/Valencia48/2020
	* Spain/Valencia49/2020
	* Spain/Valencia50/2020
	* Spain/Valencia51/2020
	* Spain/Valencia52/2020
	* Spain/Valencia53/2020

* Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Shandong/LY001/2020
	* Shandong/LY002/2020
	* Shandong/LY003/2020
	* Shandong/LY004/2020
	* Shandong/LY005/2020
	* Shandong/LY006/2020
	* Shandong/LY007/2020
	* Shandong/LY008/2020

* Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University
	* Shanghai/SH0002/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0003/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0004/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0005/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0007/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0008/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0009/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0010/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0011/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0012/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0013/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0014/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0017/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0020/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0021/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0022/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0023/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0024/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0025/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0026/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0027/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0028/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0029/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0030/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0031/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0032/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0033/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0034/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0035/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0036/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0037/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0038/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0039/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0040/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0041/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0042/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0043/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0044/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0045/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0047/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0048/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0049/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0050/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0051/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0052/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0053/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0054/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0055/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0056/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0058/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0059/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0060/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0065/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0066/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0067/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0068/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0069/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0070/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0071/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0072/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0073/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0074/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0075/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0076/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0077/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0079/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0080/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0081/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0083/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0085/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0086/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0088/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0091/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0093/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0094/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0098/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0100/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0101/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0102/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0104/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0106/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0107/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0109/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0110/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0112/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0114/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0115/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0117/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0119/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0121/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0125/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0126/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0127/2020
	* Shanghai/SH0128/2020

* Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Immunity, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Disease, Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
	* Shenzhen/SZTH-002/2020
	* Shenzhen/SZTH-003/2020
	* Shenzhen/SZTH-004/2020

* Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
	* Shenzhen/SZTH-001/2020

* Singapore General Hospital
	* Singapore/1/2020
	* Singapore/2/2020

* Singapore General Hospital, Molecular Laboratory, Division of Pathology
	* Singapore/5/2020
	* Singapore/6/2020

* Sorbonne Universite, Inserm et Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris (Pitie Salpetriere)
	* France/IDF0626/2020

* South China Agricultural University
	* pangolin/Guangdong/1/2019

* State Health Office Baden-Wuerttemberg
	* Germany/Baden-Wuerttemberg-1/2020

* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China 310003
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-010/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-011/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-03/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-04/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-06/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-07/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-08/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-09/2020

* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China. 310003
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-01/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-02/2020
	* Hangzhou/ZJU-05/2020

* State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0014/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0016/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0030/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0031/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0042/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0044/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0047/2020
	* Guangzhou/GZMU0048/2020

* Stavanger University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
	* Norway/2065/2020

* Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
	* Australia/QLDID921/2020

* Tai Lung Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
	* canine/HongKong/20-02756/2020

* Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
	* Taiwan/3/2020
	* Taiwan/4/2020

* Texas DSHS Lab Services
	* USA/TX_2039/2020
	* USA/TX_2817/2020
	* USA/TX_2967/2020

* Texas Department of State Health Services
	* USA/TX1/2020

* Texas Department of State Health Services Lab Services
	* USA/TX_2020/2020

* The Central Hospital Of Wuhan
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-02/2020

* The Chaim Sheba Medical Center
	* Israel/ISR_IT0320/2020

* The National Institute of Public Health Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
	* CzechRepublic/951/2020

* The National University Hospital of Iceland
	* Iceland/101/2020
	* Iceland/102/2020
	* Iceland/103/2020
	* Iceland/105/2020
	* Iceland/106/2020
	* Iceland/107/2020
	* Iceland/108/2020
	* Iceland/109/2020
	* Iceland/110/2020
	* Iceland/111/2020
	* Iceland/112/2020
	* Iceland/113/2020
	* Iceland/114/2020
	* Iceland/12/2020
	* Iceland/123/2020
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	* Iceland/125/2020
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	* Iceland/127/2020
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	* Iceland/95/2020
	* Iceland/96/2020
	* Iceland/97/2020
	* Iceland/99/2020

* The Republican Research and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
	* Belarus/ChVir2072/2020
	* Belarus/ChVir2073/2020

* The University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital
	* Shenzhen/HKU-SZ-002/2020
	* Shenzhen/HKU-SZ-005/2020

* Tianmen Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Tianmen/HBCDC-HB-07/2020

* UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory
	* Ireland/21023/2020
	* Ireland/21145/2020
	* Ireland/22901/2020
	* Ireland/24042/2020
	* Ireland/24052/2020
	* Ireland/COR-20134/2020
	* Ireland/Cork2/2020
	* Ireland/Dublin-19072/2020
	* Ireland/Dublin-22361/2020
	* Ireland/Dublin-22428/2020
	* Ireland/Limerick-19933/2020
	* Ireland/Limerick-19934/2020
	* Ireland/Limerick-19935/2020

* UW Virology Lab
	* USA/CT-UW213/2020
	* USA/CT-UW223/2020
	* USA/CT-UW224/2020
	* USA/CT-UW258/2020
	* USA/CT-UW259/2020
	* USA/CT-UW260/2020
	* USA/CT-UW271/2020
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	* USA/CT-UW273/2020
	* USA/CT-UW328/2020
	* USA/CT-UW329/2020
	* USA/ID-UW226/2020
	* USA/ID-UW228/2020
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	* USA/ID-UW254/2020
	* USA/IL-UW350/2020
	* USA/IL-UW351/2020
	* USA/IL-UW352/2020
	* USA/IL-UW381/2020
	* USA/MN-UW243/2020
	* USA/MN-UW257/2020
	* USA/MN-UW264/2020
	* USA/MN-UW334/2020
	* USA/OR-UW54/2020
	* USA/UNKNOWN-UW219/2020
	* USA/UNKNOWN-UW276/2020
	* USA/UNKNOWN-UW354/2020
	* USA/UNKNOWN-UW382/2020
	* USA/WA-UW100/2020
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	* USA/WA-UW179/2020
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	* USA/WA17-UW13/2020
	* USA/WA18-UW14/2020

* Unilabs Laboratory Medicine
	* Norway/1917/2020

* Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-03/2020
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-04/2020

* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
	* Brazil/RJ0114/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0115/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0116/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0117/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0118/2020
	* Brazil/RJ0119/2020

* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
	* Brazil/RJ0113/2020

* University Hospital Basel, Clinical Virology
	* Switzerland/42169171/2020
	* Switzerland/42169310/2020
	* Switzerland/42169471/2020
	* Switzerland/42170345/2020
	* Switzerland/42174724/2020
	* Switzerland/42175075/2020
	* Switzerland/42175213/2020
	* Switzerland/42175220/2020
	* Switzerland/42176216/2020
	* Switzerland/42176229/2020
	* Switzerland/42176560/2020
	* Switzerland/42176753/2020
	* Switzerland/42176771/2020
	* Switzerland/42177236/2020
	* Switzerland/42177430/2020
	* Switzerland/42177434/2020
	* Switzerland/42177472/2020
	* Switzerland/42178712/2020
	* Switzerland/42202619/2020
	* Switzerland/42202622/2020
	* Switzerland/42202805/2020

* University Hospital of Northern Norway, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
	* Norway/1526/2020
	* Norway/1781/2020
	* Norway/2088/2020
	* Norway/2090/2020
	* Norway/2093/2020

* University of Wisconsin - Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
	* USA/WI-15/2020

* University of Wisconsin - Madison: Influenza Research Institute
	* Japan/UT-NCGM02/2020

* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
	* USA/WI-03/2020
	* USA/WI-04/2020
	* USA/WI-05/2020
	* USA/WI-06/2020
	* USA/WI-07/2020
	* USA/WI-08/2020
	* USA/WI-09/2020
	* USA/WI-10/2020
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	* USA/WI-12/2020
	* USA/WI-13/2020
	* USA/WI-14/2020
	* USA/WI-18/2020
	* USA/WI-19/2020
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	* USA/WI-42/2020
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	* USA/WI-76/2020
	* USA/WI-77/2020
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	* USA/WI-79/2020
	* USA/WI-80/2020
	* USA/WI-81/2020
	* USA/WI-82/2020
	* USA/WI-83/2020
	* USA/WI-84/2020

* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratory
	* USA/WI-02/2020

* University of Wisconsin-Madison, AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
	* USA/WI-16/2020

* Unknown
	* France/BFC2094/2020
	* Netherlands/Coevorden_1363618/2020

* Utah Public Health Laboratory
	* USA/UPHL-01/2020
	* USA/UPHL-03/2020
	* USA/UPHL-04/2020
	* USA/UPHL-05/2020
	* USA/UPHL-06/2020
	* USA/UT-00008/2020
	* USA/UT-00009/2020
	* USA/UT-00010/2020
	* USA/UT-00011/2020
	* USA/UT-00012/2020
	* USA/UT-00014/2020
	* USA/UT-00016/2020
	* USA/UT-00018/2020
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	* USA/UT-00020/2020
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	* USA/UT-00089/2020
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	* USA/UT-00139/2020
	* USA/UT-00159/2020
	* USA/UT-00284/2020
	* USA/UT-00287/2020
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	* USA/UT-00289/2020
	* USA/UT-00290/2020
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	* USA/UT-00297/2020
	* USA/UT-00300/2020
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	* USA/UT-00350/2020
	* USA/UT-00352/2020
	* USA/UT-00361/2020
	* USA/UT-00364/2020

	* USA/VA-DCLS-0001/2020

* Valley Medical Center
	* USA/WA8-UW5/2020

* Vestfold Hospital, Tonsberg  Department of Microbiology
	* Norway/1772/2020

* Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL)
	* Australia/VIC02/2020
	* Australia/VIC03/2020
	* Australia/VIC04/2020
	* Australia/VIC05/2020
	* Australia/VIC06/2020
	* Australia/VIC07/2020
	* Australia/VIC08/2020
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	* Australia/VIC11/2020
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	* Australia/VIC113/2020
	* Australia/VIC12/2020
	* Australia/VIC13/2020
	* Australia/VIC138/2020
	* Australia/VIC139/2020
	* Australia/VIC14/2020
	* Australia/VIC140/2020
	* Australia/VIC141/2020
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	* Australia/VIC144/2020
	* Australia/VIC145/2020
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	* Australia/VIC147/2020
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	* Australia/VIC149/2020
	* Australia/VIC15/2020
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	* Australia/VIC168/2020
	* Australia/VIC169/2020
	* Australia/VIC17/2020
	* Australia/VIC170/2020
	* Australia/VIC171/2020
	* Australia/VIC172/2020
	* Australia/VIC173/2020
	* Australia/VIC174/2020
	* Australia/VIC175/2020
	* Australia/VIC176/2020
	* Australia/VIC177/2020
	* Australia/VIC178/2020
	* Australia/VIC179/2020
	* Australia/VIC18/2020
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	* Australia/VIC184/2020
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	* Australia/VIC189/2020
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	* Australia/VIC190/2020
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	* Australia/VIC192/2020
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	* Australia/VIC196/2020
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	* Australia/VIC198/2020
	* Australia/VIC199/2020
	* Australia/VIC20/2020
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	* Australia/VIC202/2020
	* Australia/VIC203/2020
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	* Australia/VIC269/2020
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	* Australia/VIC29/2020
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	* Australia/VIC296/2020
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	* Australia/VIC30/2020
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	* Australia/VIC301/2020
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	* Australia/VIC95/2020
	* Australia/VIC96/2020
	* Australia/VIC97/2020
	* Australia/VIC98/2020
	* Australia/VIC99/2020

* Viral Respiratory Lab, National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB)
	* Congo/108/2020
	* Congo/158/2020
	* Congo/191/2020
	* Congo/214/2020
	* Congo/215/2020
	* Congo/236/2020
	* Congo/241/2020
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	* Congo/KN-0017/2020
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	* Congo/KN-0043/2020
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	* Congo/KN-0059/2020
	* Congo/KN-0060/2020
	* Congo/KN-0070/2020
	* Congo/KN-0072/2020
	* Congo/KN-13/2020

* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratories
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0003/2020
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0004/2020

* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
	* USA/VA-DCLS-0002/2020

* ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology; Human Genome Variation Research Group & Genomics Centre MCB; Bioinformatics Research Group  Department of Virology
	* Poland/PL_P1/2020

* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre
	* Hungary/2/2020
	* Hungary/49/2020

* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre, University of Pecs
	* Hungary/mbl1/2020

* Virology Department, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian
	* Scotland/EDB003/2020
	* Scotland/EDB004/2020
	* Scotland/EDB005/2020
	* Scotland/EDB006/2020
	* Scotland/EDB007/2020
	* Scotland/EDB008/2020
	* Scotland/EDB009/2020
	* Scotland/EDB011/2020
	* Scotland/EDB012/2020
	* Scotland/EDB013/2020

* Virology Department, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
	* England/SHEF-BFCB1/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFCC0/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFCDF/2020
	* England/SHEF-BFCEE/2020
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	* England/SHEF-BFDBE/2020
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	* England/SHEF-BFDFA/2020
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	* England/SHEF-C000C/2020
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	* England/SHEF-C0804/2020
	* England/SHEF-C0813/2020
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	* England/SHEF-C0831/2020
	* England/SHEF-C0840/2020
	* England/SHEF-C086E/2020
	* England/SHEF-C087D/2020
	* England/SHEF-C088C/2020
	* England/SHEF-C089B/2020
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	* England/SHEF-C08F5/2020
	* England/SHEF-C0901/2020
	* England/SHEF-C092F/2020
	* England/SHEF-C093E/2020
	* England/Sheff01/2020
	* England/Sheff02/2020

* Virology Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Public Health, University Politecnica delle Marche
	* Italy/UnivPM1/2020

* Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.
	* Cambodia/0012/2020

* Virology laboratory Ministry of Health Kuwait sequenced at Dasman Diabetes Institute
	* Kuwait/KU12/2020

* WA State Department of Health
	* USA/WA-NH10/2020
	* USA/WA-NH11/2020
	* USA/WA-NH12/2020
	* USA/WA-NH13/2020
	* USA/WA-NH14/2020
	* USA/WA-NH17/2020
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	* USA/WA-NH8/2020
	* USA/WA-NH9/2020
	* USA/WA1-A12/2020
	* USA/WA_5030/2020

* WHO National Influenza Centre Russian Federation
	* Russia/StPetersburg-3524/2020
	* Russia/StPetersburg-RII3992/2020
	* Russia/StPetersburg-RII3997/2020

* Wales Specialist Virology Centre
	* Wales/PHW03/2020
	* Wales/PHW04/2020
	* Wales/PHW05/2020
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	* Wales/PHW07/2020
	* Wales/PHW09/2020
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	* Wales/PHWC-254EB/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-254FA/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-25506/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-25515/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-25524/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-25542/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-25551/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-25560/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-2557F/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-2559D/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-255AC/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-255D9/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-255E8/2020
	* Wales/PHWC-255F7/2020

* Washington State Department of Health
	* USA/WA-S100/2020
	* USA/WA-S101/2020
	* USA/WA-S102/2020
	* USA/WA-S103/2020
	* USA/WA-S104/2020
	* USA/WA-S105/2020
	* USA/WA-S106/2020
	* USA/WA-S107/2020
	* USA/WA-S108/2020
	* USA/WA-S109/2020
	* USA/WA-S113/2020
	* USA/WA-S114/2020
	* USA/WA-S115/2020
	* USA/WA-S116/2020
	* USA/WA-S117/2020
	* USA/WA-S118/2020
	* USA/WA-S119/2020
	* USA/WA-S12/2020
	* USA/WA-S120/2020
	* USA/WA-S121/2020
	* USA/WA-S122/2020
	* USA/WA-S13/2020
	* USA/WA-S14/2020
	* USA/WA-S15/2020
	* USA/WA-S16/2020
	* USA/WA-S17/2020
	* USA/WA-S18/2020
	* USA/WA-S19/2020
	* USA/WA-S20/2020
	* USA/WA-S21/2020
	* USA/WA-S22/2020
	* USA/WA-S23/2020
	* USA/WA-S24/2020
	* USA/WA-S25/2020
	* USA/WA-S26/2020
	* USA/WA-S27/2020
	* USA/WA-S28/2020
	* USA/WA-S29/2020
	* USA/WA-S30/2020
	* USA/WA-S31/2020
	* USA/WA-S32/2020
	* USA/WA-S33/2020
	* USA/WA-S34/2020
	* USA/WA-S35/2020
	* USA/WA-S36/2020
	* USA/WA-S37/2020
	* USA/WA-S38/2020
	* USA/WA-S39/2020
	* USA/WA-S40/2020
	* USA/WA-S41/2020
	* USA/WA-S42/2020
	* USA/WA-S43/2020
	* USA/WA-S44/2020
	* USA/WA-S45/2020
	* USA/WA-S46/2020
	* USA/WA-S47/2020
	* USA/WA-S48/2020
	* USA/WA-S49/2020
	* USA/WA-S50/2020
	* USA/WA-S51/2020
	* USA/WA-S52/2020
	* USA/WA-S53/2020
	* USA/WA-S54/2020
	* USA/WA-S55/2020
	* USA/WA-S56/2020
	* USA/WA-S57/2020
	* USA/WA-S58/2020
	* USA/WA-S59/2020
	* USA/WA-S60/2020
	* USA/WA-S61/2020
	* USA/WA-S62/2020
	* USA/WA-S63/2020
	* USA/WA-S64/2020
	* USA/WA-S65/2020
	* USA/WA-S66/2020
	* USA/WA-S67/2020
	* USA/WA-S68/2020
	* USA/WA-S69/2020
	* USA/WA-S70/2020
	* USA/WA-S71/2020
	* USA/WA-S72/2020
	* USA/WA-S73/2020
	* USA/WA-S74/2020
	* USA/WA-S75/2020
	* USA/WA-S76/2020
	* USA/WA-S77/2020
	* USA/WA-S78/2020
	* USA/WA-S79/2020
	* USA/WA-S80/2020
	* USA/WA-S81/2020
	* USA/WA-S82/2020
	* USA/WA-S83/2020
	* USA/WA-S84/2020
	* USA/WA-S85/2020
	* USA/WA-S86/2020
	* USA/WA-S87/2020
	* USA/WA-S88/2020
	* USA/WA-S89/2020
	* USA/WA-S90/2020
	* USA/WA-S91/2020
	* USA/WA-S92/2020
	* USA/WA-S93/2020
	* USA/WA-S94/2020
	* USA/WA-S95/2020
	* USA/WA-S96/2020
	* USA/WA-S97/2020
	* USA/WA-S98/2020
	* USA/WA-S99/2020
	* USA/WA1-F6/2020
	* USA/WA2/2020

* Washington State Public Health Lab
	* USA/WA4-UW2/2020
	* USA/WA6-UW3/2020
	* USA/WA7-UW4/2020

* Weifang Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* China/WF0001/2020
	* China/WF0002/2020
	* China/WF0003/2020
	* China/WF0004/2020
	* China/WF0006/2020
	* China/WF0009/2020
	* China/WF0012/2020
	* China/WF0014/2020
	* China/WF0015/2020
	* China/WF0016/2020
	* China/WF0017/2020
	* China/WF0018/2020
	* China/WF0019/2020
	* China/WF0020/2020
	* China/WF0021/2020
	* China/WF0023/2020
	* China/WF0024/2020
	* China/WF0026/2020
	* China/WF0028/2020
	* China/WF0029/2020

* Wellington Hospital
	* NewZealand/20VR0275/2020
	* NewZealand/20VR0276/2020

* West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre, NHSGGC
	* Scotland/CVR01/2020
	* Scotland/CVR02/2020
	* Scotland/CVR03/2020
	* Scotland/CVR04/2020
	* Scotland/CVR05/2020
	* Scotland/CVR06/2020
	* Scotland/CVR07/2020
	* Scotland/CVR10/2020

* Wisconsin Department of Health Services
	* USA/WI1/2020

* Wuhan Fourth Hospital
	* Wuhan/WH05/2020

* Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
	* bat/Yunnan/RaTG13/2013

* Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-01/2019
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-02/2019
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-03/2019
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-04/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV02/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV04/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV05/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV06/2019
	* Wuhan/WIV07/2019

* Wuhan Lung Hospital
	* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-06/2020

* Wyoming Public Health Laboratory
	* USA/WY-WYPHL001/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL003/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL004/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL005/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL006/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL007/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL008/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL009/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL010/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL011/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL012/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL014/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL015/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL018/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL019/2020
	* USA/WY-WYPHL020/2020

* Yale COVID-19 Biorepository
	* USA/CT-Yale-044/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-045/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-046/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-047/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-048/2020

* Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory
	* USA/CT-Yale-006/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-007/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-008/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-009/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-010/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-012/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-013/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-014/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-016/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-017/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-018/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-020/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-021/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-023/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-024/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-027/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-028/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-029/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-031/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-034/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-035/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-036/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-037/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-039/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-040/2020
	* USA/CT-Yale-043/2020
	* USA/NY-Yale-022/2020
	* USA/NY-Yale-025/2020
	* USA/NY-Yale-026/2020
	* USA/NY-Yale-030/2020

* Yongchuan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Chongqing/YC01/2020

* Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Zhejiang/WZ-01/2020
	* Zhejiang/WZ-02/2020

* Zhongxian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
	* Chongqing/ZX01/2020

* deCODE genetics
	* Iceland/1/2020
	* Iceland/10/2020
	* Iceland/100/2020
	* Iceland/104/2020
	* Iceland/11/2020
	* Iceland/115/2020
	* Iceland/116/2020
	* Iceland/117/2020
	* Iceland/118/2020
	* Iceland/119/2020
	* Iceland/120/2020
	* Iceland/121/2020
	* Iceland/122/2020
	* Iceland/170/2020
	* Iceland/171/2020
	* Iceland/2/2020
	* Iceland/262/2020
	* Iceland/29/2020
	* Iceland/326/2020
	* Iceland/327/2020
	* Iceland/328/2020
	* Iceland/329/2020
	* Iceland/330/2020
	* Iceland/331/2020
	* Iceland/332/2020
	* Iceland/333/2020
	* Iceland/334/2020
	* Iceland/335/2020
	* Iceland/336/2020
	* Iceland/337/2020
	* Iceland/338/2020
	* Iceland/339/2020
	* Iceland/340/2020
	* Iceland/341/2020
	* Iceland/342/2020
	* Iceland/38/2020
	* Iceland/98/2020
	* Iceland/LUH-01/2020