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File metadata and controls

37 lines (23 loc) · 1.12 KB

Sketch Sync

Getting Started

  1. npm i -g penv to install penv

  2. penv development to generate the package.json for development environment

  3. npm i to install dependencies and to create symlink of plugin file in Sketch directory

  4. npm run watch for local dev, pair with live reloading setting:

    defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/com.bohemiancoding.sketch3.plist AlwaysReloadScript -bool YES


  1. Install sketch-dev-tools
  2. Use console.log as normal in JavaScript files

Testing in Staging

  1. Use penv staging to generate correct package.json (instead of development)
  2. Follow the same steps on Getting Started


  1. Run penv production to generate the correct package.json
  2. Use skpm publish -h to determine what options to use to match the new version

Also Useful

  • Prevent plugins from being disabled when Sketch crashes (use with caution 😉):
      defaults write com.bohemiancoding.sketch3.beta disableAutomaticSafeMode true