- Is taking the mean of an average ok? Should I try with Energy content (that doesn't solve the probably above with electricalProductionLoadDiff)
Fix problems with predictions: test different models:
- Check that I have the correct shape. When using this function in the example repo:
[1, _.size(featureDescriptions)]
Error: Error when checking : expected dense_Dense1_input to have shape [null,12] but got array with shape [12,1].
- Make sure training and test data is lined up correctly (features line up with targets)
- Try LOTS of epochs (50)
- Plot Predicted vs. Actual in Tensorflow examples to compare with this one
- multiLayerPerceptronRegressionModel1Hidden and multiLayerPerceptronRegressionModel2Hidden
- Use and optimize linearRegressionModel layers using DSS
- Understand data normalization better and make sure I'm doing it correctly. XGBoost worked well, but also works well with unnormalized data, which means I may not be normalizing it correctly (gracefully handles un-normalized or missing data, while being accurate and fast to train)
- Use different splits of the data
- Check how validation is done in the current script
- Split battery model into it's own store
- Check that I have the correct shape. When using this function in the example repo:
Fix productionLoadDiff: It should be Total Renewable Power Output - Total Electrical Load Served (won't affect calculations yet)
Add button that retrains model
Save trained model to localstorage: https://js.tensorflow.org/api/0.14.1/#tf.Model.save
- Only add column headers and units when rendering table (don't store those with the data)
- Calculate new combinedColumnHeaderOrder as a computed function in store based on excluded columns
- Add Column Selector to combined table
- Filter columns in combined table
- Store column filters in localstorage
- Make sure table updates on homer or appliance change
- Consolidate tables
- Comment out appliance and HOMER table
- Put battery stats in Battery Energy Content tab
- Have hover tooltip in column indicator. Click turns it on or off
- Turn on or off blocks of columns in with the legend
- Clean up styling in column selector indicator
- Color code dropdown column selector menu (and decrease line height)
- Add Hover on table
- Check that HOMER and Appliance file has required fields (including battery and pvSystem)
- Indicator that we are currently calculating
- Deploy Sentry to production
- Unmet load sums by hour, by day. Try 100% stacked.
- A new bar chart: (histogram by hour)
- New appliance load
- Excess production
- Render appliance summary stats
- Min State of chart is fragile. Find a more robust way of finding the floor
- Add hour offset input(?)
- Parse Table dates
- Show chart by datetime instead of hour of year (toggle between hour and datetime)
- Page through datetime chart by day, week, month
- Show column stats (max, min, avg, std) for HOMER and combined tables
- Reference Lines: http://recharts.org/en-US/examples/LineChartWithReferenceLines
- Load other HOMER and appliance files in the background
- Snake case all header names. I can have a lookup to display them nicely (generic_1_k_wh_lead_acid_asm_energy_content)
- Measure battery capacity in the field and compare with HOMER models. Quantify
- Dropdown of selects for keeping and removing table colums
Speed up calcs by not merging tables - just keep calculated columns in their own data structure. Pass all of those data structures into React Virtualized to display them but not merge them. That will save ~1second per update
Replace combinedTable with calculatedColumns
Consolidate all util functions into a single file
Remove activeHomer.keyOrder and just pass the table. Search for
- activeHomer.tableData and tableData
- activeHomer.keyOrder and keyOrder
[?] Pass in both and calculatedColumns and activeHomer into summaryStats()
Color headers in homer, appliance and combined
Render kw_factor from appliance (and color it) in CombinedTable
Check that combined table matches deployed production app
Color Combined Table columns to show calculated columns
Met and unmet demand didn't change in percent no matter what appliance. It was driven by system type.
- This is working correctly
Round kw_factor, round homer values
Parse all dates to ISO 8606, reformat for display in tables
Create a better error for when a file isn't found (currently it's found in the csv parsing step and things the rows aren't correct)
Sentry should only trigger on production
Make sure all tables update when changing data:
- Appliance table: change appliance
- HOMER table: change HOMER
- CombinedTable: modelInputs, HOMER file change, Appliance file change
- Unmet loads update with modelInput, HOMER and Appliance changes
Add Grid to top of every table, add is loader spinner
Write 'renders without crashing' tests for all components
Rename battery from 'Generic 1 kWh Lead Acid [ASM]' to Battery through
- Pass in battery data and break into training and test data. Refer to https://towardsdatascience.com/train-test-split-and-cross-validation-in-python-80b61beca4b6
- trainFeaturesArray,
- trainTargetArray,
- testFeaturesArray,
- testTargetArray
- Convert to normalized tensors
- Create model of battery State of Charge based on electricalProductionLoadDiff and prevBatterySOC (tensorflow)
- Lay out battery page with
- training progress
- predicted vs actual values
- Sorted Weights
- Score
- Create derived column productionLoadDiff = PV Power Output - Total Electrical Load Served. Instead of pulling from only PV Power Output, it needs to also take into account diesel or other generation. I should probably create an additional variable. So create 2:
- Create new page for battery characterization
- Save trained model to store
- Generate predicted vs actual values
- Chart predicted vs actual
Goal: Calculate Battery SOC for every hour. Use the spreadsheet values without new loads applied to generate the SoC based on loads we know.
The SOC depends on:
- Charge/Discharge rate. These depend on
- Excess
- Demand
- Previous hour's SOC
The predictive model may just want to calculate Charge Rate and Discharge Rate (or Max Charge Rate and Max Discharge Rate)
- Removing
- Available Capacity: Because it depends on Excess Electrical, SoC and Energy Content for the given row.