This is a simple sencha test example with a Saucelabs configuration.
Debugging using In Browser Mode
Debugging using WebDriverIO Mode
- You'll have to have a trial or be an enterprise customer to try this out.
- This config uses the SauceLabs browser farm. Be sure to change the user and accessKey in ./workspace.json.
Start by logging into the npm repository with the stc-cli packages.
npm login --registry= --scope=@sencha
- Configure the ./workspace.json user and accessKey for Saucelabs.
- Configure the ./package.json accessKey for Saucelabs.
Download the dependencies to node_modules by running npm install
npm install
Run using npm. When running tests against SauceLabs you will have to start a tunnel.
Start the tunnel.
# run the command with NPM or copy the command from package.json.
# Be sure to replace the access key with yours.
npm start
Run the tests.
npm test
Stop the tunnel.
npm stop