title | sidebar |
Credits |
about |
- WorkflowHub
- https://workflowhub.eu/ is based on SEEK
- OpenBIS
- BioVel (archived 2018-02-02)
- BioVel portal (archived 2017-11-12) was based on SEEK
- BiVeS
- SynBioChem
- Virtual Liver Network
- myExperiment
- BioCatalogue
- MethodBox
The scales image zooming a slider was based on source code in a blog post by Mike Thomas and the contribution of Elina Wetsch, the former web developer of SDBV Group at HITS gGmbH.
- Fairdom Logo: Autumn Firefly Design
- FamFamFam icon set (flags and silk)
- Institution icon: from Icon Eden (archived 2015-02-06)
- Test Tube & Flask icons by OCAL on clker
- Crystal Clear Icon Set (LGPL)
- Organism Icon from IconIcon
- Zoom images from Lightbox by Lokesh Dhakar
- Presentation icon (archived 2011-05-08) by David Vignoni at Mr. Icons (LGPL)
- Strain image from Wikimedia Commons
- expand plus icon by Jack Cai, Creative Commons Attribution (by)
- collapse minus icon by Jack Cai, Creative Commons Attribution (by)
- Waiting icon from FatCow Web Hosting
- Font awesome
- Fatcow icons set (Creative Commons Attribution)
scale slider images in app/assets/images/scales/vl-scales
are not allowed to be modified and
redistributed 30dd3f..ee37abd