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sebjf edited this page Aug 4, 2013 · 21 revisions

All the compiled components are contained within one Visual Studio 2010 solution. The MaxScripts are included in the repository but are not added to this solution.

To get a copy of the toolset, download and build the project, either by cloning the repository with your Git client or downloading a ZIP of the latest version from the code page.

Every attempt has been made to keep the project configuration as simple, and as painless to set-up as possible. All dependencies are included in the repository, only one requires installation and that is another Max Plugin. (Except the Daz SDK which we cannot redistribute.)

Getting Ready to Build

Once you have downloaded the project, complete the following 4 steps:

  1. Install the Daz SDK (The Daz 4.5 SDK is the latest one and works with Daz 4.6)

  2. Create the following SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES:

    _3DSMaxInstallDirectory set to the directory containing 3dsmax.exe (e.g. C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\)

    DazInstallDirectory set to the directory containing dazstudio.exe (e.g. C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\)

  3. Under DazExporterPlugin Properties > Configuration Properties > Debugging, set Command to "$(DazInstallDirectory)\DAZStudio.exe" (as this is stored in a .user file that is not under source control)

  4. Under MaxBridgeExporterPlugin Properties -> Debug, set Start Action to Start External Program with the parameter set to the path of 3dsmax.exe (e.g. C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2011\3dsmax.exe)


Once the above has been completed, you should be able to simply hit Build.

When the project builds it should copy all the required files to their correct locations. Starting a debug instance of either project should load Daz or Max with the debugger attached ready to step into the library code once the export or import has been initiated.

To use the bridge outside the development environment, start Daz and Max as normal and transfer exactly as you would if debugging.

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