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Collecting Data for Query Suggestions

"a poor person's approach"

1. Crawl the web

Below, replace SITE.TLD (twice) by the site you will crawl. Replace NAME with your name to announce your crawler properly. Only if you are evil, add -e robots=off. Kill the process once you have enough pages.

wget --timeout=9 --wait=2 --random-wait --level=inf --html-extension \
--recursive --span-hosts --domains=SITE.TLD --no-clobber --tries=2 \
--user-agent='NAME' --html-extension --restrict-file-names=windows \
--reject=jpg,js,css,png,gif,doc,docx,jpeg,pdf,mp3,avi,mpeg,txt,ico \
--no-verbose --no-check-certificate \

2. Get anchor text

find . -name "*.htm*" -type f -exec cat \{\} \; \
| ./ | ./ \
| ./  | sort -f >anchors.txt

3. Score texts (count and normalize score by length)

cat anchors.txt | ./ | ./ \
| ./ | ./ | sort -r -n \

4. Test locally

grep -i -P '\ts' anchors_count.txt | more

5. Run the suggestions engine

java -jar target/searsiasuggest.jar -f anchors_count.txt