"a poor person's approach"
Below, replace SITE.TLD
(twice) by the site you will crawl. Replace
with your name to announce your crawler properly. Only if you are
evil, add -e robots=off
. Kill the process once you have enough pages.
wget --timeout=9 --wait=2 --random-wait --level=inf --html-extension \
--recursive --span-hosts --domains=SITE.TLD --no-clobber --tries=2 \
--user-agent='NAME' --html-extension --restrict-file-names=windows \
--reject=jpg,js,css,png,gif,doc,docx,jpeg,pdf,mp3,avi,mpeg,txt,ico \
--no-verbose --no-check-certificate \
find . -name "*.htm*" -type f -exec cat \{\} \; \
| ./anchors1_linebreaks.pl | ./anchors2_extract.pl \
| ./anchors3_replace.pl | sort -f >anchors.txt
cat anchors.txt | ./anchors5_count.pl | ./anchors6_clean.pl \
| ./anchors7_adultfilter.pl | ./anchors8_add.pl | sort -r -n \
grep -i -P '\ts' anchors_count.txt | more
java -jar target/searsiasuggest.jar -f anchors_count.txt