Soure code for the FLUXOS-OVERLAND model. The original code (named as FLUXOS) was written in Fortran and consisted of the coupling of 2dmb, +QeS2, MODFLOW and MT3DMS.
Modifications (from FLUXOS to FLUXOS-OVERLAND):
- Converted to C++
- Uses: Armadillo template-based C++ library for linear algebra
- Removed: MODFLOW and MT3DMS (currently there is no baseflow)
- WINTRA algorithm was integrated for calculation of runoff-soil interactions and nutrient release (paper)
Reading material:
- main: primary branch with latest verified updates to the working code
- development: used to verify updates from feature branches before merging with main
- supporting_scripts: feature branch for development of supporting Python and MATLAB scripts
- adesolver: Adection-Dispersion-Reaction equation solver was converted to C++ and debugged
- adesolver_wintra: the wintra algorithm was added
- Note that the primary branch (formerly known as "master") was renamed as "main"
- If using a local clone with the previous naming scheme, the clone may be updated using the following Git commands:
$ git branch -m master main
$ git fetch -p origin
$ git branch -u origin/main main
- CMake: CMakeLists.txt is provided
- Library dependencies: Armadillo
- CMake minimum version: 3.10
- Create a folder with name "Results" inside the working directory where the input files and executable are located
- input files (see example in Working_example folder)
- primary input file: e.g., modset
- DEM file (Esri ASCII-format raster with headers removed -> this will be fixed soon)
- DEM of the basin (sub-set of the main DEM file for FLUXOS to know where the boundaries of the basin are)
- Snowmelt timeseries (time,mm/day)
- to execute: ./fluxos_cpp "argument_1" (where "argument_1" is the primary input file)
- Output stored in "Results" folder may be visualized using VisIt:
- Used for post-processing
- See "fluxos_supporting_scripts" folder
- See "Working_example" folder
- Updates coming soon!