This document summarizes rules and best practices for contributions to the cuML C++ component of rapidsai/cuml. This is a living document and contributions for clarifications or fixes and issue reports are highly welcome.
Please start by reading
- In performance critical sections of the code, favor
. See corresponding CUDA devblog here to know more. - If an algo requires you to launch GPU work in multiple cuda streams, do not create multiple
objects, one for each such work stream. Instead, expose an_streams
parameter in that algo's cuML C++ interface and then rely oncumlHandle_impl::getInternalStream()
to pick up the right cuda stream. Refer to the section on CUDA Resources and the section on Threading for more details. TIP: usecumlHandle_impl::getNumInternalStreams()
to know how many such streams are available at your disposal.
With the exception of the cumlHandle, cuML algorithms should maintain thread-safety and are, in general,
assumed to be single threaded. This means they should be able to be called from multiple host threads so
long as different instances of cumlHandle
are used.
Exceptions are made for algorithms that can take advantage of multiple CUDA streams within multiple host threads in order to oversubscribe or increase occupancy on a single GPU. In these cases, the use of multiple host threads within cuML algorithms should be used only to maintain concurrency of the underlying CUDA streams. Multiple host threads should be used sparingly, be bounded, and should steer clear of performing CPU-intensive computations.
A good example of an acceptable use of host threads within a cuML algorithm might look like the following
int n_streams = handle.getNumInternalStreams();
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(n_threads)
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int thread_num = omp_get_thread_num() % n_threads;
cudaStream_t s = handle.getInternalStream(thread_num);
... possible light cpu pre-processing ...
my_kernel1<<<b, tpb, 0, s>>>(...);
... some possible async d2h / h2d copies ...
my_kernel2<<<b, tpb, 0, s>>>(...);
... possible light cpu post-processing ...
In the example above, if there is no CPU pre-processing at the beginning of the for-loop, an event can be registered in each of the streams within the for-loop to make them wait on the stream from the handle.
This can be done easily by replacing cudaStreamSynchronize(handle.getStream())
with handle.waitOnUserStream()
for a lighter-weight synchronization. If there is no CPU post-processing at the end of each for-loop iteration,
can be replaced with a single handle.waitOnInternalStreams()
after the for-loop.
To avoid compatibility issues between different threading models, the only threading programming allowed in cuML is OpenMP. Though cuML's build enables OpenMP by default, cuML algorithms should still function properly even when OpenMP has been disabled. If the CPU pre- and post-processing were not needed in the example above, OpenMP would not be needed.
The use of threads in third-party libraries is allowed, though they should still avoid depending on a specific OpenMP runtime.
We have the following supported APIs:
- Core cuML interface aka stateless C++ API aka C++ API aka
- Stateful convenience C++ API - wrapper around core API (WIP)
- C API - wrapper around core API aka
Our C++ API is stateless for two main reasons:
- To ease the serialization of ML algorithm's state information (model, hyper-params, etc), enabling features such as easy pickling in the python layer.
- To easily provide a proper C API for interfacing with languages that can't consume C++ APIs directly.
Thus, this section lays out guidelines for managing state along the API of cuML.
As mentioned before, functions exposed via the C++ API must be stateless. Things that are OK to be exposed on the interface:
- Any POD - see std::is_pod as a reference for C++11 POD types.
- since it stores GPU-related state which has nothing to do with the model/algo state. If you're working on a C-binding, usecumlHandle_t
(reference), instead.- Pointers to POD types (explicitly putting it out, even though it can be considered as a POD). Internal to the C++ API, these stateless functions are free to use their own temporary classes, as long as they are not exposed on the interface.
Using the Decision Tree Classifier algorithm as an example, the following way of exposing its API would be wrong according to the guidelines in this section, since it exposes a non-POD C++ class object in the C++ API:
template <typename T>
class DecisionTreeClassifier {
TreeNode<T>* root;
DTParams params;
const cumlHandle &handle;
DecisionTreeClassifier(const cumlHandle &handle, DTParams& params, bool verbose=false);
void fit(const T *input, int n_rows, int n_cols, const int *labels);
void predict(const T *input, int n_rows, int n_cols, int *predictions);
void decisionTreeClassifierFit(const cumlHandle &handle, const float *input, int n_rows, int n_cols,
const int *labels, DecisionTreeClassifier<float> *model, DTParams params,
bool verbose=false);
void decisionTreeClassifierPredict(const cumlHandle &handle, const float* input,
DecisionTreeClassifier<float> *model, int n_rows,
int n_cols, int* predictions, bool verbose=false);
An alternative correct way to expose this could be:
// NOTE: this example assumes that TreeNode and DTParams are the model/state that need to be stored
// and passed between fit and predict methods
template <typename T> struct TreeNode { /* nested tree-like data structure, but written as a POD! */ };
struct DTParams { /* hyper-params for building DT */ };
typedef TreeNode<float> TreeNodeF;
typedef TreeNode<double> TreeNodeD;
void decisionTreeClassifierFit(const cumlHandle &handle, const float *input, int n_rows, int n_cols,
const int *labels, TreeNodeF *&root, DTParams params,
bool verbose=false);
void decisionTreeClassifierPredict(const cumlHandle &handle, const double* input, int n_rows,
int n_cols, const TreeNodeD *root, int* predictions,
bool verbose=false);
The above example understates the complexity involved with exposing a tree-like data structure across the interface! However, this example should be simple enough to drive the point across.
These guidelines also mean that it is the responsibility of C++ API to expose methods to load and store (aka marshalling) such a data structure. Further continuing the Decision Tree Classifier example, the following methods could achieve this:
void storeTree(const TreeNodeF *root, std::ostream &os);
void storeTree(const TreeNodeD *root, std::ostream &os);
void loadTree(TreeNodeF *&root, std::istream &is);
void loadTree(TreeNodeD *&root, std::istream &is);
It is also worth noting that for algorithms such as the members of GLM, where models consist of an array of weights and are therefore easy to manipulate directly by the users, such custom load/store methods might not be explicitly needed.
Following the guidelines outlined above will ease the process of "C-wrapping" the C++ API. Refer to DBSCAN as an example on how to properly wrap the C++ API with a C-binding. In short:
- Use only C compatible types or objects that can be passed as opaque handles (like
). - Using templates is fine if those can be instantiated from a specialized C++ function with
extern "C"
linkage. - Expose custom create/load/store/destroy methods, if the model is more complex than an array of parameters (eg: Random Forest). One possible way of working with such exposed states from the C++ layer is shown in a sample repo here.
This scikit-learn-esq C++ API should always be a wrapper around the stateless C++ API, NEVER the other way around. The design discussion about the right way to expose such a wrapper around
is still going on So, stay tuned for more details.
- An ML algorithm
is to be contained inside the folder namedsrc/<algo>
. <algo>.hpp
contain C++ API declarations and definitions respectively.<algo>_api.h
contain declarations and definitions respectively for C binding.
cuML relies on clang-format
to enforce code style across all C++ and CUDA source code. The coding style is based on the Google style guide. The only digressions from this style are the following.
- Do not split empty functions/records/namespaces.
- Two-space indentation everywhere, including the line continuations.
- Disable reflowing of comments. The reasons behind these deviations from the Google style guide are given in comments here.
All formatting checks are done by this python script: which is effectively a wrapper over clang-format
. An error is raised if the code diverges from the format suggested by clang-format. It is expected that the developers run this script to detect and fix formatting violations before creating PR. is executed as part of our gpuCI/cuml/style-check
CI test. If there are any formatting violations, PR author is expected to fix those to get CI passing. Steps needed to fix the formatting violations are described in the subsequent sub-section.
Developers can also manually (or setup this command as part of git pre-commit hook) run this check by executing:
python ./cpp/scripts/
From the root of the cuML repository.
When there are formatting errors, prints a diff
command, showing where there are formatting differences. Unfortunately, unlike flake8
, clang-format
does NOT print descriptions of the violations, but instead directly formats the code. So, the only way currently to know about formatting differences is to run the diff command as suggested by this script against each violating source file.
When there are formatting violations, prints at the end, the exact command that can be run by developers to fix them. This is the easiest way to fix formatting errors. This screencast shows how developers can check for formatting violations in their branches and also how to fix those, before sending out PRs.
In short, to bulk-fix all the formatting violations, execute the following command:
python ./cpp/scripts/ -inplace
From the root of the cuML repository.
To avoid spurious code style violations we specify the exact clang-format version required, currently 8.0.0
. This is enforced by the script itself. Refer here for the list of build-time dependencies.
Along with clang, there are are the include checker and copyright checker scripts for checking style, which can be performed as part of CI, as well as manually. is used to enforce the include style as follows:
#include "..."
should be used for referencing local files only. It is acceptable to be used for referencing files in a sub-folder/parent-folder of the same algorithm, but should never be used to include files in other algorithms or between algorithms and the primitives or other dependencies.#include <...>
should be used for referencing everything else
Manually, run the following to bulk-fix include style issues:
python ./cpp/scripts/ --inplace [cpp/include cpp/src cpp/src_prims cpp/test ... list of folders which you want to fix] checks the Copyright header for all git-modified files
Manually, you can run the following to bulk-fix the header if only the years need to be updated:
python ./ci/checks/ --update-current-year
Keep in mind that this only applies to files tracked by git and having been modified.
Call CUDA APIs via the provided helper macros CUDA_CHECK
. These macros take care of checking the return values of the used API calls and generate an exception when the command is not successful. If you need to avoid an exception, e.g. inside a destructor, use CUDA_CHECK_NO_THROW
(currently not available, see rapidsai#229). These macros log the error but do not throw an exception.
Anything and everything about logging is defined inside logger.hpp. It uses spdlog underneath, but this information is transparent to all.
#include <cuml/common/logger.hpp>
// Inside your method or function, use any of these macros
CUML_LOG_TRACE("Hello %s!", "world");
CUML_LOG_DEBUG("Hello %s!", "world");
CUML_LOG_INFO("Hello %s!", "world");
CUML_LOG_WARN("Hello %s!", "world");
CUML_LOG_ERROR("Hello %s!", "world");
CUML_LOG_CRITICAL("Hello %s!", "world");
There are 7 logging levels with each successive level becoming quieter:
Pass one of these as per your needs into the
method as follows:
// From now onwards, this will print only WARN and above kind of messages
Pass the format string as follows in order use a different logging pattern than the default.
One can also use the corresponding getPattern()
method to know the current format as well.
Sometimes, we need to temporarily change the log pattern (eg: for reporting decision tree structure). This can be achieved in a RAII-like approach as follows:
PatternSetter _(MyNewTempFormat);
// new log format is in effect from here onwards
// once the above temporary object goes out-of-scope, the old format will be restored
- Do NOT end your logging messages with a newline! It is automatically added by spdlog.
- The
is by default not compiled due to theCUML_ACTIVE_LEVEL
macro setup, for performance reasons. If you need it to be enabled, change this macro accordingly during compilation time
All external interfaces need to have a complete doxygen API documentation. This is also recommended for internal interfaces.
TODO: Add this
To enable
users to control how memory for temporary data is allocated, allocate device memory using the allocator provided:
template<typename T>
void foo(const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h, cudaStream_t stream, ... )
T* temp_h = h.getDeviceAllocator()->allocate(n*sizeof(T), stream);
h.getDeviceAllocator()->deallocate(temp_h, n*sizeof(T), stream);
The same rule applies to larger amounts of host heap memory:
template<typename T>
void foo(const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h, cudaStream_t stream, ... )
T* temp_h = h.getHostAllocator()->allocate(n*sizeof(T), stream);
h.getHostAllocator()->deallocate(temp_h, n*sizeof(T), stream);
Small host memory heap allocations, e.g. as internally done by STL containers, are fine, e.g. an std::vector
managing only a handful of integers.
Both the Host and the Device Allocators might allow asynchronous stream ordered allocation and deallocation. This can provide significant performance benefits so a stream always needs to be specified when allocating or deallocating (see Asynchronous operations and stream ordering). ML::deviceAllocator
returns pinned device memory on the current device, while ML::hostAllocator
returns host memory. A user of cuML can write customized allocators and pass them into cuML. If a cuML user does not provide custom allocators default allocators will be used. For ML::deviceAllocator
the default is to use cudaMalloc
. For ML::hostAllocator
the default is to use cudaMallocHost
There are two simple container classes compatible with the allocator interface MLCommon::device_buffer
available in ml-prims/src/common/device_buffer.hpp
and MLCommon::host_buffer
available in ml-prims/src/common/host_buffer.hpp
. These allow to follow the RAII idiom to avoid resources leaks and enable exception safe code. These containers also allow asynchronous allocation and deallocation using the resize
and release
member functions:
template<typename T>
void foo(const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h, ..., cudaStream_t stream )
MLCommon::device_buffer<T> temp( h.getDeviceAllocator(), stream, 0 )
temp.resize(n, stream);
kernelA<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(...,, ...);
kernelB<<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(...,, ...);
The motivation for MLCommon::host_buffer
and MLCommon::device_buffer
over using std::vector
or thrust::device_vector
(which would require thrust 1.9.4 or later) is to enable exception safe asynchronous allocation and deallocation following stream semantics with an explicit interface while avoiding the overhead of implicitly initializing the underlying allocation.
To use ML::hostAllocator
with a STL container the header src/common/allocatorAdapter.hpp
provides ML::stdAllocatorAdapter
template<typename T>
void foo(const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h, ..., cudaStream_t stream )
std::vector<T,ML::stdAllocatorAdapter<T> > temp( n, val, ML::stdAllocatorAdapter<T>(h.getHostAllocator(), stream) )
If thrust 1.9.4 or later is avaiable for use in cuML a similar allocator can be provided for thrust::device_vector
To ensure that thrust algorithms allocate temporary memory via the provided device memory allocator, use the ML::thrustAllocatorAdapter
available in src/common/allocatorAdapter.hpp
with the thrust::cuda::par
execution policy:
void foo(const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h, ..., cudaStream_t stream )
ML::thrustAllocatorAdapter alloc( h.getDeviceAllocator(), stream );
auto execution_policy = thrust::cuda::par(alloc).on(stream);
thrust::for_each(execution_policy, ... );
The header src/common/allocatorAdapter.hpp
also provides a helper function to create an execution policy:
void foo(const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h, ... , cudaStream_t stream )
auto execution_policy = ML::thrust_exec_policy(h.getDeviceAllocator(),stream);
thrust::for_each(execution_policy->on(stream), ... );
All ML algorithms should be as asynchronous as possible avoiding the use of the default stream (aka as NULL or 0
stream). Implementations that require only one CUDA Stream should use the stream from ML::cumlHandle_impl
void foo(const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h, ...)
cudaStream_t stream = h.getStream();
When multiple streams are needed, e.g. to manage a pipeline, use the internal streams available in ML::cumlHandle_impl
(see CUDA Resources). If multiple streams are used all operations still must be ordered according to ML::cumlHandle::getStream()
. Before any operation in any of the internal CUDA streams is started, all previous work in ML::cumlHandle::getStream()
must have completed. Any work enqueued in ML::cumlHandle::getStream()
after a cuML function returns should not start before all work enqueued in the internal streams has completed. E.g. if a cuML algorithm is called like this:
void foo(const double* const srcdata, double* const result)
ML::cumlHandle cumlHandle;
cudaStream_t stream;
CUDA_RT_CALL( cudaStreamCreate( &stream ) );
cumlHandle.setStream( stream );
CUDA_CHECK( cudaMemcpyAsync( srcdata,, n*sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream ) );
ML::algo(cumlHandle, dopredict, srcdata, result, ... );
CUDA_CHECK( cudaMemcpyAsync(, result, m*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream ) );
No work in any stream should start in ML::algo
before the cudaMemcpyAsync
in stream
launched before the call to ML::algo
is done. And all work in all streams used in ML::algo
should be done before the cudaMemcpyAsync
in stream
launched after the call to ML::algo
This can be ensured by introducing interstream dependencies with CUDA events and cudaStreamWaitEvent
. For convenience, the header cumlHandle.hpp
provides the class ML::detail::streamSyncer
which lets all ML::cumlHandle_impl
internal CUDA streams wait on ML::cumlHandle::getStream()
in its constructor and in its destructor and lets ML::cumlHandle::getStream()
wait on all work enqueued in the ML::cumlHandle_impl
internal CUDA streams. The intended use would be to create a ML::detail::streamSyncer
object as the first thing in a entry function of the public cuML API:
void cumlAlgo(const ML::cumlHandle& handle, ...)
ML::detail::streamSyncer _(handle.getImpl());
This ensures the stream ordering behavior described above.
To ensure that thrust algorithms are executed in the intended stream the thrust::cuda::par
execution policy should be used (see Using Thrust in Device and Host memory allocations).
Do not create reusable CUDA resources directly in implementations of ML algorithms. Instead, use the existing resources in ML::cumlHandle_impl
to avoid constant creation and deletion of reusable resources such as CUDA streams, CUDA events or library handles. Please file a feature request if a resource handle is missing in ML::cumlHandle_impl
The resources can be obtained like this
void foo(const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h, ...)
cublasHandle_t cublasHandle = h.getCublasHandle();
const int num_streams = h.getNumInternalStreams();
const int stream_idx = ...
cudaStream_t stream = h.getInternalStream(stream_idx);
The example below shows one way to create nStreams
number of internal cuda streams which can later be used by the algos inside cuML. For a full working example of how to use internal streams to schedule work on a single GPU, the reader is further referred to this PR. In this PR, the internal streams inside cumlHandle_impl
are used to schedule more work onto a GPU for Random Forest building.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
int nStreams = argc > 1 ? atoi(argv[1]) : 0;
ML::cumlHandle handle(nStreams);
foo(handle.getImpl(), ...);
The purpose of ML::cumlHandle
is to be the public interface of cuML, i.e. it is meant to be used by developers using cuML in their application. This is differentiated from ML::cumlHandle_impl
to avoid that the public interface of cuML depends on cuML internals, such as CUDA library handles, e.g. for cuBLAS. This is implemented via the "Pointer to implementation" or pImpl idiom. From a ML::cumlHandle
the implementation ML::cumlHandle_impl
can be obtained by calling ML::cumlHandle::getImpl()
. The implementation of cuML should use ML::cumlHandle_impl
and not ML::cumlHandle
. E.g. for the function ml_algo
from the public cuML interface an implementation calling the internal functions foo
and bar
could look like this:
void ml_algo(const ML::cumlHandle& handle, ...)
const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h = handle.getImpl();
ML::detail::streamSyncer _(h);
foo(h, ...);
bar(h, ...);
The multi GPU paradigm of cuML is One Process per GPU (OPG). Each algorithm should be implemented in a way that it can run with a single GPU without any specific dependencies to a particular communication library. A multi-GPU implementation should use the methods offered by the class MLCommon::cumlCommunicator
from cuml_comms_int.hpp for inter-rank/GPU communication. It is the responsibility of the user of cuML to create an initialized instance of MLCommon::cumlCommunicator
E.g. with a CUDA-aware MPI, a cuML user could use code like this to inject an initialized instance of MLCommon:cumlCommunicator
into a cumlHandle
#include <mpi.h>
#include <cuML.hpp>
#include <cuML_comms.hpp>
#include <mlalgo/mlalgo.hpp>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int rank = -1;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
int local_rank = -1;
MPI_Comm local_comm;
MPI_Comm_split_type(MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_COMM_TYPE_SHARED, rank, MPI_INFO_NULL, &local_comm);
MPI_Comm_rank(local_comm, &local_rank);
MPI_Comm cuml_mpi_comm;
MPI_Comm_dup(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &cuml_mpi_comm);
ML::cumlHandle cumlHandle;
inject_comms(cumlHandle, cuml_mpi_comm);
ML::mlalgo(cumlHandle, ... );
return 0;
A cuML developer can assume the following:
- A instance of
was correctly initialized. - All processes that are part of
call into the ML algorithm cooperatively.
The initialized instance of MLCommon::cumlCommunicator
can be accessed from the ML::cumlHandle_impl
void foo(const ML::cumlHandle_impl& h, ...)
const MLCommon::cumlCommunicator& communicator = h.getCommunicator();
const int rank = communicator.getRank();
const int size = communicator.getSize();