From 5f11e5ca5a031ac936af563adc568ea51b480be1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Balitskyi <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:58:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 01/12] Add dependabot config

 .github/dependabot.yml | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .github/dependabot.yml

diff --git a/.github/dependabot.yml b/.github/dependabot.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0b1f29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/dependabot.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+version: 2
+  - package-ecosystem: npm
+    directory: '/'
+    schedule:
+      interval: daily
+    commit-message:
+      prefix: feat
+      include: scope
+    allow:
+      - dependency-type: development
+    ignore:
+      - dependency-name: '*'
+        update-types:
+          - 'version-update:semver-major'
+    groups:
+      seam:
+        dependency-type: development
+        patterns:
+          - '@seamapi/*'
+        update-types:
+          - patch
+          - minor

From 82b73ca967f9978fe502f7fd8a43e7946f42b325 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Balitskyi <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:59:07 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 02/12] Add automerge workflow

 .github/workflows/automerge.yml | 62 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 62 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .github/workflows/automerge.yml

diff --git a/.github/workflows/automerge.yml b/.github/workflows/automerge.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7089b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/automerge.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+name: Automerge
+  pull_request:
+    branches:
+      - main
+  changes:
+    name: Get changes
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    timeout-minutes: 30
+    if: == 'dependabot[bot]'
+    permissions:
+      checks: read
+    outputs:
+      has_changes: ${{ steps.changed.outputs.any_changed == 'true' }}
+      is_generation_successful: ${{ steps.checks.outputs.conclusion == 'success' }}
+    steps:
+      - name: Wait for checks
+        uses: fountainhead/action-wait-for-check@v1.2.0
+        id: checks
+        with:
+          checkName: Generate code
+          ref: ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
+          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+      - name: Get changed generated files
+        id: changed
+        uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v44
+        with:
+          files: |
+            src/**
+  merge:
+    name: Merge
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    timeout-minutes: 30
+    needs: changes
+    if: needs.changes.outputs.has_changes == 'true'
+    steps:
+      - name: Approve pull request
+        run: gh pr review --approve "$PR_URL"
+        env:
+          PR_URL: ${{ github.event.pull_request.html_url }}
+          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
+      - name: Merge pull request
+        run: gh pr merge --auto --merge "$PR_URL"
+        env:
+          PR_URL: ${{ github.event.pull_request.html_url }}
+          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
+  close:
+    name: Close
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    timeout-minutes: 30
+    needs: changes
+    if: needs.changes.outputs.has_changes == 'false' && needs.changes.outputs.is_generation_successful == 'true'
+    steps:
+      - name: Close pull request
+        run: gh pr close "$PR_URL"
+        env:
+          PR_URL: ${{ github.event.pull_request.html_url }}
+          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
\ No newline at end of file

From 61a0fbc3751510f1d86d09aeec20a621c3839301 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Balitskyi <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 13:59:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 03/12] Fix formatting

 .prettierrc      | 1 -
 .prettierrc.json | 2 ++
 package.json     | 3 ++-
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .prettierrc

diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 109a78d..0000000
--- a/.prettierrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-{ "semi": false }
diff --git a/.prettierrc.json b/.prettierrc.json
index 16003a1..39fa661 100644
--- a/.prettierrc.json
+++ b/.prettierrc.json
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+  "plugins": ["@prettier/plugin-php"],
+  "parser": "php",
   "semi": false,
   "endOfLine": "lf"
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 66e0325..6790991 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
   "scripts": {
     "postversion": "git push --follow-tags",
     "generate": "node ./scripts/generate.js",
-    "postgenerate": "prettier --write --ignore-path .gitignore ."
+    "postgenerate": "npm run format",
+    "format": "prettier --write --ignore-path .gitignore ."
   "devDependencies": {
     "@prettier/plugin-php": "^0.22.1",

From 2c41c1db1f18d3f725af8003c7a7abe0e39cfe81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Seam Bot <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 11:59:35 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 04/12] ci: Generate code

 src/Objects/AccessCode.php                    |   32 +-
 src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredential.php                 |   52 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php             |    8 +-
 .../AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php   |   13 +-
 .../AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php       |   17 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php                   |   18 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php |   17 +-
 src/Objects/AcsSystem.php                     |   21 +-
 src/Objects/AcsUser.php                       |   45 +-
 src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php         |   11 +-
 src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php                 |   18 +-
 src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php            |   15 +-
 src/Objects/ClientSession.php                 |   10 +-
 src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php        |   32 +-
 src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php                |   21 +-
 src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php              |   22 +-
 .../ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php        |   21 +-
 src/Objects/Device.php                        |   44 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php          |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php         |   14 +-
 .../DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php    |   37 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php              |   13 +-
 ...viceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php |   19 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php          |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php    |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php                 |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php           |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php         |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php    |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php   |   27 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php   |   27 +-
 .../DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php        |   25 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php          |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php               |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php                  |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php           |    8 +-
 .../DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php        |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php                |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php       |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php           |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php      |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php                |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php          |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php           |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceModel.php                   |   26 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php            |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php            |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php     |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DevicePressure.php                |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php              |  385 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php         |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php     |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSound.php                   |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php           |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php             |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php          |   11 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php            |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php            |   12 +-
 src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php          |    8 +-
 src/Objects/Event.php                         |   10 +-
 src/Objects/Network.php                       |    8 +-
 src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php                |   10 +-
 src/Objects/Phone.php                         |   44 +-
 ...honeAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php |   19 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php                   |    8 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php                 |   10 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php               |   14 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php                 |    8 +-
 src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php                 |    8 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php           |   16 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php               |   36 +-
 .../UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php        |   19 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php        |   13 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php          |   26 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php     |   41 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php       |    8 +-
 src/Objects/UserIdentity.php                  |   16 +-
 src/Objects/Webhook.php                       |   12 +-
 src/Objects/Workspace.php                     |   10 +-
 src/SeamClient.php                            | 7905 ++++++++---------
 src/Utils/PackageVersion.php                  |   61 +-
 tests/AccessCodesTest.php                     |   22 +-
 tests/ClimateSettingSchedulesTest.php         |    4 +-
 tests/ConnectedAccountsTest.php               |  124 +-
 tests/DevicesTest.php                         |    2 +-
 tests/SmokeTest.php                           |   31 +-
 102 files changed, 4570 insertions(+), 5399 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Objects/AccessCode.php b/src/Objects/AccessCode.php
index c63c6da..077b5b8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AccessCode.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AccessCode.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AccessCode
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AccessCode|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -25,41 +24,40 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AccessCode|null
             is_offline_access_code: $json->is_offline_access_code,
             is_one_time_use: $json->is_one_time_use,
             is_scheduled_on_device: $json->is_scheduled_on_device ?? null,
-            is_waiting_for_code_assignment: $json->is_waiting_for_code_assignment ?? null,
+            is_waiting_for_code_assignment: $json->is_waiting_for_code_assignment ??
+                null,
             name: $json->name ?? null,
-            pulled_backup_access_code_id: $json->pulled_backup_access_code_id ?? null,
+            pulled_backup_access_code_id: $json->pulled_backup_access_code_id ??
+                null,
             starts_at: $json->starts_at ?? null,
             status: $json->status,
             type: $json->type,
-            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null,
+            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_code_id,
-        public string | null $code,
-        public string | null $common_code_key,
+        public string|null $code,
+        public string|null $common_code_key,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
-        public string | null $ends_at,
+        public string|null $ends_at,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public bool | null $is_backup,
+        public bool|null $is_backup,
         public bool $is_backup_access_code_available,
         public bool $is_external_modification_allowed,
         public bool $is_managed,
         public bool $is_offline_access_code,
         public bool $is_one_time_use,
-        public bool | null $is_scheduled_on_device,
-        public bool | null $is_waiting_for_code_assignment,
-        public string | null $name,
-        public string | null $pulled_backup_access_code_id,
-        public string | null $starts_at,
+        public bool|null $is_scheduled_on_device,
+        public bool|null $is_waiting_for_code_assignment,
+        public string|null $name,
+        public string|null $pulled_backup_access_code_id,
+        public string|null $starts_at,
         public string $status,
         public string $type,
-        public mixed $warnings,
+        public mixed $warnings
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php b/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php
index 361f43d..05c2dc8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsAccessGroup
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsAccessGroup|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -19,12 +18,10 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsAccessGroup|null
             external_type: $json->external_type,
             external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name,
             name: $json->name,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_group_type,
         public string $access_group_type_display_name,
@@ -34,8 +31,7 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $external_type,
         public string $external_type_display_name,
         public string $name,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php
index 5363d1c..9f71852 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsCredential
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredential|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -21,45 +20,48 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredential|null
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             ends_at: $json->ends_at ?? null,
             errors: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => AcsCredentialErrors::from_json($e),
-          $json->errors ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($e) => AcsCredentialErrors::from_json($e),
+                $json->errors ?? []
+            ),
             external_type: $json->external_type ?? null,
-            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ?? null,
-            is_multi_phone_sync_credential: $json->is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?? null,
+            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ??
+                null,
+            is_multi_phone_sync_credential: $json->is_multi_phone_sync_credential ??
+                null,
             parent_acs_credential_id: $json->parent_acs_credential_id ?? null,
             starts_at: $json->starts_at ?? null,
-            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata) ? AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata::from_json($json->visionline_metadata) : null,
+            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata)
+                ? AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->visionline_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
             warnings: array_map(
-          fn ($w) => AcsCredentialWarnings::from_json($w),
-          $json->warnings ?? []
-        ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+                fn($w) => AcsCredentialWarnings::from_json($w),
+                $json->warnings ?? []
+            ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_method,
         public string $acs_credential_id,
-        public string | null $acs_credential_pool_id,
+        public string|null $acs_credential_pool_id,
         public string $acs_system_id,
-        public string | null $acs_user_id,
-        public string | null $code,
+        public string|null $acs_user_id,
+        public string|null $code,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public string | null $ends_at,
+        public string|null $ends_at,
         public array $errors,
-        public string | null $external_type,
-        public string | null $external_type_display_name,
-        public bool | null $is_multi_phone_sync_credential,
-        public string | null $parent_acs_credential_id,
-        public string | null $starts_at,
-        public AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata | null $visionline_metadata,
+        public string|null $external_type,
+        public string|null $external_type_display_name,
+        public bool|null $is_multi_phone_sync_credential,
+        public string|null $parent_acs_credential_id,
+        public string|null $starts_at,
+        public AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata|null $visionline_metadata,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php
index daece48..b6c34f3 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsCredentialErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php
index 0b783b5..84e790d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsCredentialPool
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialPool|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,12 +16,10 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialPool|null
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             external_type: $json->external_type,
             external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_credential_pool_id,
         public string $acs_system_id,
@@ -30,8 +27,7 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $display_name,
         public string $external_type,
         public string $external_type_display_name,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php
index 49880ab..fc2e775 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -15,19 +15,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomati
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             credential_manager_acs_system_id: $json->credential_manager_acs_system_id,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_credential_provisioning_automation_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
         public string $user_identity_id,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php
index 6066146..0534afc 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php
@@ -4,26 +4,23 @@
 class AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             common_acs_entrance_ids: $json->common_acs_entrance_ids ?? null,
             guest_acs_entrance_ids: $json->guest_acs_entrance_ids ?? null,
-            joiner_acs_credential_ids: $json->joiner_acs_credential_ids ?? null,
+            joiner_acs_credential_ids: $json->joiner_acs_credential_ids ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public array | null $common_acs_entrance_ids,
-        public array | null $guest_acs_entrance_ids,
-        public array | null $joiner_acs_credential_ids,
+        public array|null $common_acs_entrance_ids,
+        public array|null $guest_acs_entrance_ids,
+        public array|null $joiner_acs_credential_ids
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php
index 3146f05..3c0cc1a 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsCredentialWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php
index b66cf53..c837039 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsEntrance
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntrance|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,21 +14,24 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntrance|null
             acs_system_id: $json->acs_system_id,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
-            latch_metadata: isset($json->latch_metadata) ? AcsEntranceLatchMetadata::from_json($json->latch_metadata) : null,
-            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata) ? AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata::from_json($json->visionline_metadata) : null,
+            latch_metadata: isset($json->latch_metadata)
+                ? AcsEntranceLatchMetadata::from_json($json->latch_metadata)
+                : null,
+            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata)
+                ? AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->visionline_metadata
+                )
+                : null
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_entrance_id,
         public string $acs_system_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public AcsEntranceLatchMetadata | null $latch_metadata,
-        public AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata | null $visionline_metadata,
+        public AcsEntranceLatchMetadata|null $latch_metadata,
+        public AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|null $visionline_metadata
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php
index fab928c..b656285 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsEntranceLatchMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceLatchMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceLatchMetadata|null
             accessibility_type: $json->accessibility_type,
             door_name: $json->door_name,
             door_type: $json->door_type,
-            is_connected: $json->is_connected,
+            is_connected: $json->is_connected
     public function __construct(
         public string $accessibility_type,
         public string $door_name,
         public string $door_type,
-        public bool $is_connected,
+        public bool $is_connected
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php
index b9e0d5e..c94d918 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsEntranceProfiles
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceProfiles|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceProfiles|null
         return new self(
             visionline_door_profile_id: $json->visionline_door_profile_id,
-            visionline_door_profile_type: $json->visionline_door_profile_type,
+            visionline_door_profile_type: $json->visionline_door_profile_type
     public function __construct(
         public string $visionline_door_profile_id,
-        public string $visionline_door_profile_type,
+        public string $visionline_door_profile_type
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php
index df146da..eb024d9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|nul
             door_category: $json->door_category,
             door_name: $json->door_name,
             profiles: array_map(
-          fn ($p) => AcsEntranceProfiles::from_json($p),
-          $json->profiles ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($p) => AcsEntranceProfiles::from_json($p),
+                $json->profiles ?? []
+            )
     public function __construct(
         public string $door_category,
         public string $door_name,
-        public array | null $profiles,
+        public array|null $profiles
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php b/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php
index 6d51d37..c9285e7 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsSystem
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsSystem|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,32 +15,30 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsSystem|null
             connected_account_ids: $json->connected_account_ids,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             external_type: $json->external_type ?? null,
-            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ?? null,
+            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ??
+                null,
             image_alt_text: $json->image_alt_text,
             image_url: $json->image_url,
             name: $json->name,
             system_type: $json->system_type ?? null,
             system_type_display_name: $json->system_type_display_name ?? null,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_system_id,
-        public bool | null $can_automate_enrollment,
+        public bool|null $can_automate_enrollment,
         public array $connected_account_ids,
         public string $created_at,
-        public string | null $external_type,
-        public string | null $external_type_display_name,
+        public string|null $external_type,
+        public string|null $external_type_display_name,
         public string $image_alt_text,
         public string $image_url,
         public string $name,
-        public string | null $system_type,
-        public string | null $system_type_display_name,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string|null $system_type,
+        public string|null $system_type_display_name,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsUser.php b/src/Objects/AcsUser.php
index 6734976..af38ef9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsUser.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsUser.php
@@ -4,14 +4,15 @@
 class AcsUser
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsUser|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            access_schedule: isset($json->access_schedule) ? AcsUserAccessSchedule::from_json($json->access_schedule) : null,
+            access_schedule: isset($json->access_schedule)
+                ? AcsUserAccessSchedule::from_json($json->access_schedule)
+                : null,
             acs_system_id: $json->acs_system_id,
             acs_user_id: $json->acs_user_id,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
@@ -19,41 +20,41 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsUser|null
             email: $json->email ?? null,
             email_address: $json->email_address ?? null,
             external_type: $json->external_type ?? null,
-            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ?? null,
+            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ??
+                null,
             full_name: $json->full_name ?? null,
             hid_acs_system_id: $json->hid_acs_system_id ?? null,
             is_suspended: $json->is_suspended,
             phone_number: $json->phone_number ?? null,
-            user_identity_email_address: $json->user_identity_email_address ?? null,
+            user_identity_email_address: $json->user_identity_email_address ??
+                null,
             user_identity_full_name: $json->user_identity_full_name ?? null,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id ?? null,
-            user_identity_phone_number: $json->user_identity_phone_number ?? null,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            user_identity_phone_number: $json->user_identity_phone_number ??
+                null,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public AcsUserAccessSchedule | null $access_schedule,
+        public AcsUserAccessSchedule|null $access_schedule,
         public string $acs_system_id,
         public string $acs_user_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public string | null $email,
-        public string | null $email_address,
-        public string | null $external_type,
-        public string | null $external_type_display_name,
-        public string | null $full_name,
-        public string | null $hid_acs_system_id,
+        public string|null $email,
+        public string|null $email_address,
+        public string|null $external_type,
+        public string|null $external_type_display_name,
+        public string|null $full_name,
+        public string|null $hid_acs_system_id,
         public bool $is_suspended,
-        public string | null $phone_number,
-        public string | null $user_identity_email_address,
-        public string | null $user_identity_full_name,
-        public string | null $user_identity_id,
-        public string | null $user_identity_phone_number,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string|null $phone_number,
+        public string|null $user_identity_email_address,
+        public string|null $user_identity_full_name,
+        public string|null $user_identity_id,
+        public string|null $user_identity_phone_number,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php b/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php
index dcb2fc0..2d3fcde 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php
@@ -4,24 +4,17 @@
 class AcsUserAccessSchedule
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsUserAccessSchedule|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            ends_at: $json->ends_at,
-            starts_at: $json->starts_at,
-        );
+        return new self(ends_at: $json->ends_at, starts_at: $json->starts_at);
     public function __construct(
         public string $ends_at,
-        public string $starts_at,
+        public string $starts_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php b/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php
index a3ed7bc..6951b90 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ActionAttempt
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ActionAttempt|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,21 +12,20 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ActionAttempt|null
         return new self(
             action_attempt_id: $json->action_attempt_id ?? null,
             action_type: $json->action_type ?? null,
-            error: isset($json->error) ? ActionAttemptError::from_json($json->error) : null,
+            error: isset($json->error)
+                ? ActionAttemptError::from_json($json->error)
+                : null,
             result: $json->result ?? null,
-            status: $json->status ?? null,
+            status: $json->status ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $action_attempt_id,
-        public string | null $action_type,
-        public ActionAttemptError | null $error,
+        public string|null $action_attempt_id,
+        public string|null $action_type,
+        public ActionAttemptError|null $error,
         public mixed $result,
-        public string | null $status,
+        public string|null $status
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php b/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php
index d958baa..b9c7355 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class ActionAttemptError
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ActionAttemptError|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            message: $json->message,
-            type: $json->type,
-        );
+        return new self(message: $json->message, type: $json->type);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $message,
-        public string $type,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $message, public string $type)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ClientSession.php b/src/Objects/ClientSession.php
index 6401d2d..cc8fab2 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ClientSession.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ClientSession.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ClientSession
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClientSession|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -19,12 +18,10 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClientSession|null
             token: $json->token,
             user_identifier_key: $json->user_identifier_key ?? null,
             user_identity_ids: $json->user_identity_ids,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $client_session_id,
         public array $connect_webview_ids,
@@ -32,10 +29,9 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public float $device_count,
         public string $token,
-        public string | null $user_identifier_key,
+        public string|null $user_identifier_key,
         public array $user_identity_ids,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php b/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php
index deb832f..997e249 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ClimateSettingSchedule
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClimateSettingSchedule|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,41 +14,40 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClimateSettingSchedule|null
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled ?? null,
             climate_setting_schedule_id: $json->climate_setting_schedule_id,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             errors: $json->errors ?? null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting ?? null,
             manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed ?? null,
             name: $json->name ?? null,
             schedule_ends_at: $json->schedule_ends_at,
             schedule_starts_at: $json->schedule_starts_at,
-            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type,
+            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
-        public bool | null $automatic_heating_enabled,
+        public bool|null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
+        public bool|null $automatic_heating_enabled,
         public string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public string | null $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool | null $manual_override_allowed,
-        public string | null $name,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public string|null $hvac_mode_setting,
+        public bool|null $manual_override_allowed,
+        public string|null $name,
         public string $schedule_ends_at,
         public string $schedule_starts_at,
-        public string $schedule_type,
+        public string $schedule_type
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php b/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php
index a21b57c..dba1355 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ConnectWebview
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectWebview|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -21,7 +20,8 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectWebview|null
             connected_account_id: $json->connected_account_id ?? null,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             custom_metadata: $json->custom_metadata,
-            custom_redirect_failure_url: $json->custom_redirect_failure_url ?? null,
+            custom_redirect_failure_url: $json->custom_redirect_failure_url ??
+                null,
             custom_redirect_url: $json->custom_redirect_url ?? null,
             device_selection_mode: $json->device_selection_mode,
             login_successful: $json->login_successful,
@@ -29,33 +29,30 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectWebview|null
             status: $json->status,
             url: $json->url,
             wait_for_device_creation: $json->wait_for_device_creation,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public array $accepted_devices,
         public array $accepted_providers,
         public bool $any_device_allowed,
         public bool $any_provider_allowed,
-        public string | null $authorized_at,
+        public string|null $authorized_at,
         public bool $automatically_manage_new_devices,
         public string $connect_webview_id,
-        public string | null $connected_account_id,
+        public string|null $connected_account_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public mixed $custom_metadata,
-        public string | null $custom_redirect_failure_url,
-        public string | null $custom_redirect_url,
+        public string|null $custom_redirect_failure_url,
+        public string|null $custom_redirect_url,
         public string $device_selection_mode,
         public bool $login_successful,
-        public string | null $selected_provider,
+        public string|null $selected_provider,
         public string $status,
         public string $url,
         public bool $wait_for_device_creation,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php
index ed2a334..14a5e30 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ConnectedAccount
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccount|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -18,24 +17,25 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccount|null
             created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
             custom_metadata: $json->custom_metadata,
             errors: $json->errors ?? null,
-            user_identifier: isset($json->user_identifier) ? ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier::from_json($json->user_identifier) : null,
-            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null,
+            user_identifier: isset($json->user_identifier)
+                ? ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier::from_json(
+                    $json->user_identifier
+                )
+                : null,
+            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $account_type,
+        public string|null $account_type,
         public string $account_type_display_name,
         public bool $automatically_manage_new_devices,
-        public string | null $connected_account_id,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $connected_account_id,
+        public string|null $created_at,
         public mixed $custom_metadata,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier | null $user_identifier,
-        public mixed $warnings,
+        public ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|null $user_identifier,
+        public mixed $warnings
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php
index 2c81346..259f86b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -15,19 +15,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|nu
             email: $json->email ?? null,
             exclusive: $json->exclusive ?? null,
             phone: $json->phone ?? null,
-            username: $json->username ?? null,
+            username: $json->username ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $api_url,
-        public string | null $email,
-        public bool | null $exclusive,
-        public string | null $phone,
-        public string | null $username,
+        public string|null $api_url,
+        public string|null $email,
+        public bool|null $exclusive,
+        public string|null $phone,
+        public string|null $username
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Device.php b/src/Objects/Device.php
index 18d88f3..7255d0b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Device.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Device.php
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 class Device
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Device|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ?? null,
-            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ?? null,
+            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ??
+                null,
+            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ??
+                null,
             can_remotely_lock: $json->can_remotely_lock ?? null,
             can_remotely_unlock: $json->can_remotely_unlock ?? null,
             can_simulate_removal: $json->can_simulate_removal ?? null,
@@ -24,29 +25,29 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Device|null
             device_type: $json->device_type,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             errors: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => DeviceErrors::from_json($e),
-          $json->errors ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($e) => DeviceErrors::from_json($e),
+                $json->errors ?? []
+            ),
             is_managed: $json->is_managed,
-            location: isset($json->location) ? DeviceLocation::from_json($json->location) : null,
+            location: isset($json->location)
+                ? DeviceLocation::from_json($json->location)
+                : null,
             nickname: $json->nickname ?? null,
             properties: DeviceProperties::from_json($json->properties),
             warnings: array_map(
-          fn ($w) => DeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
-          $json->warnings ?? []
-        ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+                fn($w) => DeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
+                $json->warnings ?? []
+            ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_program_online_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_lock,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_unlock,
-        public bool | null $can_simulate_removal,
+        public bool|null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_program_online_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_lock,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_unlock,
+        public bool|null $can_simulate_removal,
         public array $capabilities_supported,
         public string $connected_account_id,
         public string $created_at,
@@ -56,12 +57,11 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $display_name,
         public array $errors,
         public bool $is_managed,
-        public DeviceLocation | null $location,
-        public string | null $nickname,
+        public DeviceLocation|null $location,
+        public string|null $nickname,
         public DeviceProperties $properties,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php
index d5952c9..214cb85 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceAccelerometerZ
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAccelerometerZ|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
index 8bd6d04..413c914 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
@@ -4,24 +4,22 @@
 class DeviceAccessoryKeypad
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAccessoryKeypad|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            battery: isset($json->battery) ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
-            is_connected: $json->is_connected,
+            battery: isset($json->battery)
+                ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
+                : null,
+            is_connected: $json->is_connected
     public function __construct(
-        public DeviceBattery | null $battery,
-        public bool $is_connected,
+        public DeviceBattery|null $battery,
+        public bool $is_connected
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php b/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php
index 275cc46..52ec8dc 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -15,41 +15,40 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedul
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled ?? null,
             climate_setting_schedule_id: $json->climate_setting_schedule_id,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             errors: $json->errors ?? null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting ?? null,
             manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed ?? null,
             name: $json->name ?? null,
             schedule_ends_at: $json->schedule_ends_at,
             schedule_starts_at: $json->schedule_starts_at,
-            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type,
+            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
-        public bool | null $automatic_heating_enabled,
+        public bool|null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
+        public bool|null $automatic_heating_enabled,
         public string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public string | null $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool | null $manual_override_allowed,
-        public string | null $name,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public string|null $hvac_mode_setting,
+        public bool|null $manual_override_allowed,
+        public string|null $name,
         public string $schedule_ends_at,
         public string $schedule_starts_at,
-        public string $schedule_type,
+        public string $schedule_type
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php
index f88db85..07ecae8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceAppearance
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAppearance|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            name: $json->name,
-        );
+        return new self(name: $json->name);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $name,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $name)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
index a1d033e..e5701b8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
@@ -4,27 +4,24 @@
 class DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             endpoints: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => DeviceEndpoints::from_json($e),
-          $json->endpoints ?? []
-        ),
-            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint,
+                fn($e) => DeviceEndpoints::from_json($e),
+                $json->endpoints ?? []
+            ),
+            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint
     public function __construct(
         public array $endpoints,
-        public bool $has_active_endpoint,
+        public bool $has_active_endpoint
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php
index 9f438ab..fe31006 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceAugustMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAugustMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,21 +16,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAugustMetadata|null
             keypad_battery_level: $json->keypad_battery_level ?? null,
             lock_id: $json->lock_id,
             lock_name: $json->lock_name,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public bool $has_keypad,
-        public string | null $house_id,
+        public string|null $house_id,
         public string $house_name,
-        public string | null $keypad_battery_level,
+        public string|null $keypad_battery_level,
         public string $lock_id,
         public string $lock_name,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php
index fb1ffbf..f09233b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -16,20 +16,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null
             site_id: $json->site_id,
             site_name: $json->site_name,
             zone_id: $json->zone_id,
-            zone_name: $json->zone_name,
+            zone_name: $json->zone_name
     public function __construct(
         public string $entry_name,
         public string $org_name,
         public float $site_id,
         public string $site_name,
         public float $zone_id,
-        public string $zone_name,
+        public string $zone_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php b/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php
index fb36697..ad41667 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceBattery
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceBattery|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            level: $json->level,
-        );
+        return new self(level: $json->level);
-    public function __construct(
-        public float $level,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public float $level)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php
index f72ce3c..9119d8b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceBrivoMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceBrivoMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            device_name: $json->device_name,
-        );
+        return new self(device_name: $json->device_name);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $device_name,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $device_name)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php b/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php
index 9e65ac9..cc582a0 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceCodeConstraints
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCodeConstraints|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCodeConstraints|null
         return new self(
             constraint_type: $json->constraint_type,
             max_length: $json->max_length ?? null,
-            min_length: $json->min_length ?? null,
+            min_length: $json->min_length ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $constraint_type,
-        public float | null $max_length,
-        public float | null $min_length,
+        public float|null $max_length,
+        public float|null $min_length
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php
index 9e38bd1..1d4ee88 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php
@@ -4,26 +4,23 @@
 class DeviceControlbywebMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceControlbywebMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceControlbywebMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            relay_name: $json->relay_name ?? null,
+            relay_name: $json->relay_name ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $relay_name,
+        public string|null $relay_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php b/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php
index 5351b09..0cf2bec 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceCurrentClimateSetting
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,26 +14,25 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null
             automatic_cooling_enabled: $json->automatic_cooling_enabled,
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting,
-            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed,
+            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed
     public function __construct(
         public bool $automatic_cooling_enabled,
         public bool $automatic_heating_enabled,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool $manual_override_allowed,
+        public bool $manual_override_allowed
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php b/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php
index 23c73a4..41c6689 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceDefaultClimateSetting
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,26 +14,25 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null
             automatic_cooling_enabled: $json->automatic_cooling_enabled,
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting,
-            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed,
+            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed
     public function __construct(
         public bool $automatic_cooling_enabled,
         public bool $automatic_heating_enabled,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool $manual_override_allowed,
+        public bool $manual_override_allowed
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php
index ca0e2a8..50795a3 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -17,26 +17,23 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|nu
             door_name: $json->door_name,
             iana_timezone: $json->iana_timezone ?? null,
             predefined_time_slots: array_map(
-          fn ($p) => DevicePredefinedTimeSlots::from_json($p),
-          $json->predefined_time_slots ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($p) => DevicePredefinedTimeSlots::from_json($p),
+                $json->predefined_time_slots ?? []
+            ),
             site_id: $json->site_id,
-            site_name: $json->site_name,
+            site_name: $json->site_name
     public function __construct(
-        public float | null $device_id,
+        public float|null $device_id,
         public float $door_id,
         public bool $door_is_wireless,
         public string $door_name,
-        public string | null $iana_timezone,
-        public array | null $predefined_time_slots,
+        public string|null $iana_timezone,
+        public array|null $predefined_time_slots,
         public float $site_id,
-        public string $site_name,
+        public string $site_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php
index 5582b1c..304c50c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceEcobeeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEcobeeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEcobeeMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            ecobee_device_id: $json->ecobee_device_id,
+            ecobee_device_id: $json->ecobee_device_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $ecobee_device_id,
+        public string $ecobee_device_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php b/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php
index 6df6381..2b2b6ea 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceEndpoints
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEndpoints|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEndpoints|null
         return new self(
             endpoint_id: $json->endpoint_id,
-            is_active: $json->is_active,
+            is_active: $json->is_active
     public function __construct(
         public string $endpoint_id,
-        public bool $is_active,
+        public bool $is_active
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php b/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php
index b3322de..fcb95c4 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php
index 46d34cc..6ff4695 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceFourSuitesMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceFourSuitesMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceFourSuitesMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            reclose_delay_in_seconds: $json->reclose_delay_in_seconds,
+            reclose_delay_in_seconds: $json->reclose_delay_in_seconds
     public function __construct(
         public float $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public float $reclose_delay_in_seconds,
+        public float $reclose_delay_in_seconds
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php
index fe16a73..0332ea0 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceGenieMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceGenieMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceGenieMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            door_name: $json->door_name,
+            door_name: $json->door_name
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $door_name,
+        public string $door_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php
index 4a9bca9..ff1372d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php
@@ -4,24 +4,21 @@
 class DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            honeywell_resideo_device_id: $json->honeywell_resideo_device_id,
+            honeywell_resideo_device_id: $json->honeywell_resideo_device_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $honeywell_resideo_device_id,
+        public string $honeywell_resideo_device_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php
index 3b1e500..30f4c71 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceHubitatMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHubitatMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHubitatMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_label: $json->device_label,
-            device_name: $json->device_name,
+            device_name: $json->device_name
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_label,
-        public string $device_name,
+        public string $device_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php b/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php
index ef401cd..c9019d1 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceHumidity
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHumidity|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php
index f87f21d..d6abbde 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceIglooMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIglooMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIglooMetadata|null
         return new self(
             bridge_id: $json->bridge_id,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $bridge_id,
         public string $device_id,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php
index 653ac3f..6330509 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceIgloohomeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIgloohomeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIgloohomeMetadata|null
             bridge_name: $json->bridge_name ?? null,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            keypad_id: $json->keypad_id ?? null,
+            keypad_id: $json->keypad_id ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $bridge_id,
-        public string | null $bridge_name,
+        public string|null $bridge_id,
+        public string|null $bridge_name,
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $keypad_id,
+        public string|null $keypad_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php b/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php
index 347e975..785a3e2 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceKeypadBattery
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceKeypadBattery|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            level: $json->level,
-        );
+        return new self(level: $json->level);
-    public function __construct(
-        public float $level,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public float $level)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php
index fbd01dd..013ac79 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceKwiksetMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceKwiksetMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceKwiksetMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            model_number: $json->model_number,
+            model_number: $json->model_number
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $model_number,
+        public string $model_number
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php b/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php
index c189843..df59f48 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php
@@ -4,30 +4,28 @@
 class DeviceLatestSensorValues
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLatestSensorValues|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accelerometer_z: DeviceAccelerometerZ::from_json($json->accelerometer_z),
+            accelerometer_z: DeviceAccelerometerZ::from_json(
+                $json->accelerometer_z
+            ),
             humidity: DeviceHumidity::from_json($json->humidity),
             pressure: DevicePressure::from_json($json->pressure),
             sound: DeviceSound::from_json($json->sound),
-            temperature: DeviceTemperature::from_json($json->temperature),
+            temperature: DeviceTemperature::from_json($json->temperature)
     public function __construct(
         public DeviceAccelerometerZ $accelerometer_z,
         public DeviceHumidity $humidity,
         public DevicePressure $pressure,
         public DeviceSound $sound,
-        public DeviceTemperature $temperature,
+        public DeviceTemperature $temperature
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php b/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php
index 62ec8ee..db99399 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceLocation
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocation|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocation|null
         return new self(
             location_name: $json->location_name ?? null,
-            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null,
+            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $location_name,
-        public string | null $timezone,
+        public string|null $location_name,
+        public string|null $timezone
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php
index 5ff72fb..0228d34 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceLocklyMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocklyMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocklyMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php
index 2d6443e..3727f84 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceMinutMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceMinutMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceMinutMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            latest_sensor_values: DeviceLatestSensorValues::from_json($json->latest_sensor_values),
+            latest_sensor_values: DeviceLatestSensorValues::from_json(
+                $json->latest_sensor_values
+            )
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public DeviceLatestSensorValues $latest_sensor_values,
+        public DeviceLatestSensorValues $latest_sensor_values
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php b/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php
index db79eaf..8e3d76c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php
@@ -4,34 +4,34 @@
 class DeviceModel
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceModel|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ?? null,
-            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ?? null,
+            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ??
+                null,
+            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ??
+                null,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             has_built_in_keypad: $json->has_built_in_keypad ?? null,
             manufacturer_display_name: $json->manufacturer_display_name,
-            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ?? null,
-            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ?? null,
+            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ??
+                null,
+            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ??
+                null
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $accessory_keypad_supported,
-        public bool | null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
+        public bool|null $accessory_keypad_supported,
+        public bool|null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
         public string $display_name,
-        public bool | null $has_built_in_keypad,
+        public bool|null $has_built_in_keypad,
         public string $manufacturer_display_name,
-        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_supported,
-        public bool | null $online_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool|null $online_access_codes_supported
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php
index 9b0ec57..1f138b9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceNestMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNestMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNestMetadata|null
         return new self(
             custom_name: $json->custom_name,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            nest_device_id: $json->nest_device_id,
+            nest_device_id: $json->nest_device_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $custom_name,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $nest_device_id,
+        public string $nest_device_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php
index aa3d2cc..46d1177 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceNoiseawareMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNoiseawareMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNoiseawareMetadata|null
             device_model: $json->device_model,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             noise_level_decibel: $json->noise_level_decibel,
-            noise_level_nrs: $json->noise_level_nrs,
+            noise_level_nrs: $json->noise_level_nrs
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_model,
         public string $device_name,
         public float $noise_level_decibel,
-        public float $noise_level_nrs,
+        public float $noise_level_nrs
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php
index 20c36d6..3d32229 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceNukiMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNukiMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNukiMetadata|null
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             keypad_2_paired: $json->keypad_2_paired ?? null,
             keypad_battery_critical: $json->keypad_battery_critical ?? null,
-            keypad_paired: $json->keypad_paired ?? null,
+            keypad_paired: $json->keypad_paired ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public bool | null $keypad_2_paired,
-        public bool | null $keypad_battery_critical,
-        public bool | null $keypad_paired,
+        public bool|null $keypad_2_paired,
+        public bool|null $keypad_battery_critical,
+        public bool|null $keypad_paired
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php b/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php
index fe2427d..1265644 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DevicePredefinedTimeSlots
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DevicePredefinedTimeSlots|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DevicePredefinedTimeSlots|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DevicePredefinedTimeSlots|null
             is_master: $json->is_master,
             is_one_shot: $json->is_one_shot,
             name: $json->name,
-            prefix: $json->prefix,
+            prefix: $json->prefix
     public function __construct(
         public string $check_in_time,
         public string $check_out_time,
@@ -36,8 +34,7 @@ public function __construct(
         public bool $is_master,
         public bool $is_one_shot,
         public string $name,
-        public float $prefix,
+        public float $prefix
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php b/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php
index d7e89e8..e56458a 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DevicePressure
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DevicePressure|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php b/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php
index 6c87b63..4f0cf4e 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php
@@ -4,16 +4,19 @@
 class DeviceProperties
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProperties|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad) ? DeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json($json->accessory_keypad) : null,
+            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad)
+                ? DeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json($json->accessory_keypad)
+                : null,
             appearance: DeviceAppearance::from_json($json->appearance),
-            battery: isset($json->battery) ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
+            battery: isset($json->battery)
+                ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
+                : null,
             battery_level: $json->battery_level ?? null,
             has_direct_power: $json->has_direct_power ?? null,
             image_alt_text: $json->image_alt_text ?? null,
@@ -21,164 +24,272 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProperties|null
             manufacturer: $json->manufacturer ?? null,
             model: DeviceModel::from_json($json->model),
             name: $json->name,
-            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
+            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ??
+                null,
             online: $json->online,
-            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
+            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ??
+                null,
             serial_number: $json->serial_number ?? null,
             supports_accessory_keypad: $json->supports_accessory_keypad ?? null,
-            supports_offline_access_codes: $json->supports_offline_access_codes ?? null,
-            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) ? DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) : null,
-            august_metadata: isset($json->august_metadata) ? DeviceAugustMetadata::from_json($json->august_metadata) : null,
-            avigilon_alta_metadata: isset($json->avigilon_alta_metadata) ? DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata::from_json($json->avigilon_alta_metadata) : null,
-            brivo_metadata: isset($json->brivo_metadata) ? DeviceBrivoMetadata::from_json($json->brivo_metadata) : null,
-            controlbyweb_metadata: isset($json->controlbyweb_metadata) ? DeviceControlbywebMetadata::from_json($json->controlbyweb_metadata) : null,
-            dormakaba_oracode_metadata: isset($json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata) ? DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata::from_json($json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata) : null,
-            ecobee_metadata: isset($json->ecobee_metadata) ? DeviceEcobeeMetadata::from_json($json->ecobee_metadata) : null,
-            four_suites_metadata: isset($json->four_suites_metadata) ? DeviceFourSuitesMetadata::from_json($json->four_suites_metadata) : null,
-            genie_metadata: isset($json->genie_metadata) ? DeviceGenieMetadata::from_json($json->genie_metadata) : null,
-            honeywell_resideo_metadata: isset($json->honeywell_resideo_metadata) ? DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata::from_json($json->honeywell_resideo_metadata) : null,
-            hubitat_metadata: isset($json->hubitat_metadata) ? DeviceHubitatMetadata::from_json($json->hubitat_metadata) : null,
-            igloo_metadata: isset($json->igloo_metadata) ? DeviceIglooMetadata::from_json($json->igloo_metadata) : null,
-            igloohome_metadata: isset($json->igloohome_metadata) ? DeviceIgloohomeMetadata::from_json($json->igloohome_metadata) : null,
-            kwikset_metadata: isset($json->kwikset_metadata) ? DeviceKwiksetMetadata::from_json($json->kwikset_metadata) : null,
-            lockly_metadata: isset($json->lockly_metadata) ? DeviceLocklyMetadata::from_json($json->lockly_metadata) : null,
-            minut_metadata: isset($json->minut_metadata) ? DeviceMinutMetadata::from_json($json->minut_metadata) : null,
-            nest_metadata: isset($json->nest_metadata) ? DeviceNestMetadata::from_json($json->nest_metadata) : null,
-            noiseaware_metadata: isset($json->noiseaware_metadata) ? DeviceNoiseawareMetadata::from_json($json->noiseaware_metadata) : null,
-            nuki_metadata: isset($json->nuki_metadata) ? DeviceNukiMetadata::from_json($json->nuki_metadata) : null,
-            salto_metadata: isset($json->salto_metadata) ? DeviceSaltoMetadata::from_json($json->salto_metadata) : null,
-            schlage_metadata: isset($json->schlage_metadata) ? DeviceSchlageMetadata::from_json($json->schlage_metadata) : null,
-            seam_bridge_metadata: isset($json->seam_bridge_metadata) ? DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata::from_json($json->seam_bridge_metadata) : null,
-            smartthings_metadata: isset($json->smartthings_metadata) ? DeviceSmartthingsMetadata::from_json($json->smartthings_metadata) : null,
-            tedee_metadata: isset($json->tedee_metadata) ? DeviceTedeeMetadata::from_json($json->tedee_metadata) : null,
-            ttlock_metadata: isset($json->ttlock_metadata) ? DeviceTtlockMetadata::from_json($json->ttlock_metadata) : null,
-            two_n_metadata: isset($json->two_n_metadata) ? DeviceTwoNMetadata::from_json($json->two_n_metadata) : null,
-            wyze_metadata: isset($json->wyze_metadata) ? DeviceWyzeMetadata::from_json($json->wyze_metadata) : null,
-            _experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths: $json->_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths ?? null,
+            supports_offline_access_codes: $json->supports_offline_access_codes ??
+                null,
+            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset(
+                $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
+            )
+                ? DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            august_metadata: isset($json->august_metadata)
+                ? DeviceAugustMetadata::from_json($json->august_metadata)
+                : null,
+            avigilon_alta_metadata: isset($json->avigilon_alta_metadata)
+                ? DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->avigilon_alta_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            brivo_metadata: isset($json->brivo_metadata)
+                ? DeviceBrivoMetadata::from_json($json->brivo_metadata)
+                : null,
+            controlbyweb_metadata: isset($json->controlbyweb_metadata)
+                ? DeviceControlbywebMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->controlbyweb_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            dormakaba_oracode_metadata: isset($json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata)
+                ? DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            ecobee_metadata: isset($json->ecobee_metadata)
+                ? DeviceEcobeeMetadata::from_json($json->ecobee_metadata)
+                : null,
+            four_suites_metadata: isset($json->four_suites_metadata)
+                ? DeviceFourSuitesMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->four_suites_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            genie_metadata: isset($json->genie_metadata)
+                ? DeviceGenieMetadata::from_json($json->genie_metadata)
+                : null,
+            honeywell_resideo_metadata: isset($json->honeywell_resideo_metadata)
+                ? DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->honeywell_resideo_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            hubitat_metadata: isset($json->hubitat_metadata)
+                ? DeviceHubitatMetadata::from_json($json->hubitat_metadata)
+                : null,
+            igloo_metadata: isset($json->igloo_metadata)
+                ? DeviceIglooMetadata::from_json($json->igloo_metadata)
+                : null,
+            igloohome_metadata: isset($json->igloohome_metadata)
+                ? DeviceIgloohomeMetadata::from_json($json->igloohome_metadata)
+                : null,
+            kwikset_metadata: isset($json->kwikset_metadata)
+                ? DeviceKwiksetMetadata::from_json($json->kwikset_metadata)
+                : null,
+            lockly_metadata: isset($json->lockly_metadata)
+                ? DeviceLocklyMetadata::from_json($json->lockly_metadata)
+                : null,
+            minut_metadata: isset($json->minut_metadata)
+                ? DeviceMinutMetadata::from_json($json->minut_metadata)
+                : null,
+            nest_metadata: isset($json->nest_metadata)
+                ? DeviceNestMetadata::from_json($json->nest_metadata)
+                : null,
+            noiseaware_metadata: isset($json->noiseaware_metadata)
+                ? DeviceNoiseawareMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->noiseaware_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            nuki_metadata: isset($json->nuki_metadata)
+                ? DeviceNukiMetadata::from_json($json->nuki_metadata)
+                : null,
+            salto_metadata: isset($json->salto_metadata)
+                ? DeviceSaltoMetadata::from_json($json->salto_metadata)
+                : null,
+            schlage_metadata: isset($json->schlage_metadata)
+                ? DeviceSchlageMetadata::from_json($json->schlage_metadata)
+                : null,
+            seam_bridge_metadata: isset($json->seam_bridge_metadata)
+                ? DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->seam_bridge_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            smartthings_metadata: isset($json->smartthings_metadata)
+                ? DeviceSmartthingsMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->smartthings_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            tedee_metadata: isset($json->tedee_metadata)
+                ? DeviceTedeeMetadata::from_json($json->tedee_metadata)
+                : null,
+            ttlock_metadata: isset($json->ttlock_metadata)
+                ? DeviceTtlockMetadata::from_json($json->ttlock_metadata)
+                : null,
+            two_n_metadata: isset($json->two_n_metadata)
+                ? DeviceTwoNMetadata::from_json($json->two_n_metadata)
+                : null,
+            wyze_metadata: isset($json->wyze_metadata)
+                ? DeviceWyzeMetadata::from_json($json->wyze_metadata)
+                : null,
+            _experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths: $json->_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths ??
+                null,
             code_constraints: array_map(
-          fn ($c) => DeviceCodeConstraints::from_json($c),
-          $json->code_constraints ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($c) => DeviceCodeConstraints::from_json($c),
+                $json->code_constraints ?? []
+            ),
             door_open: $json->door_open ?? null,
             has_native_entry_events: $json->has_native_entry_events ?? null,
-            keypad_battery: isset($json->keypad_battery) ? DeviceKeypadBattery::from_json($json->keypad_battery) : null,
+            keypad_battery: isset($json->keypad_battery)
+                ? DeviceKeypadBattery::from_json($json->keypad_battery)
+                : null,
             locked: $json->locked ?? null,
-            max_active_codes_supported: $json->max_active_codes_supported ?? null,
+            max_active_codes_supported: $json->max_active_codes_supported ??
+                null,
             supported_code_lengths: $json->supported_code_lengths ?? null,
-            supports_backup_access_code_pool: $json->supports_backup_access_code_pool ?? null,
-            active_climate_setting_schedule: isset($json->active_climate_setting_schedule) ? DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($json->active_climate_setting_schedule) : null,
-            available_hvac_mode_settings: $json->available_hvac_mode_settings ?? null,
-            can_enable_automatic_cooling: $json->can_enable_automatic_cooling ?? null,
-            can_enable_automatic_heating: $json->can_enable_automatic_heating ?? null,
-            current_climate_setting: isset($json->current_climate_setting) ? DeviceCurrentClimateSetting::from_json($json->current_climate_setting) : null,
-            default_climate_setting: isset($json->default_climate_setting) ? DeviceDefaultClimateSetting::from_json($json->default_climate_setting) : null,
+            supports_backup_access_code_pool: $json->supports_backup_access_code_pool ??
+                null,
+            active_climate_setting_schedule: isset(
+                $json->active_climate_setting_schedule
+            )
+                ? DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule::from_json(
+                    $json->active_climate_setting_schedule
+                )
+                : null,
+            available_hvac_mode_settings: $json->available_hvac_mode_settings ??
+                null,
+            can_enable_automatic_cooling: $json->can_enable_automatic_cooling ??
+                null,
+            can_enable_automatic_heating: $json->can_enable_automatic_heating ??
+                null,
+            current_climate_setting: isset($json->current_climate_setting)
+                ? DeviceCurrentClimateSetting::from_json(
+                    $json->current_climate_setting
+                )
+                : null,
+            default_climate_setting: isset($json->default_climate_setting)
+                ? DeviceDefaultClimateSetting::from_json(
+                    $json->default_climate_setting
+                )
+                : null,
             fan_mode_setting: $json->fan_mode_setting ?? null,
-            is_climate_setting_schedule_active: $json->is_climate_setting_schedule_active ?? null,
+            is_climate_setting_schedule_active: $json->is_climate_setting_schedule_active ??
+                null,
             is_cooling: $json->is_cooling ?? null,
             is_cooling_available: $json->is_cooling_available ?? null,
             is_fan_running: $json->is_fan_running ?? null,
             is_heating: $json->is_heating ?? null,
             is_heating_available: $json->is_heating_available ?? null,
-            is_temporary_manual_override_active: $json->is_temporary_manual_override_active ?? null,
-            max_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->max_cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
-            max_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->max_heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
-            min_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->min_cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
-            min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius ?? null,
-            min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit ?? null,
-            min_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->min_heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            is_temporary_manual_override_active: $json->is_temporary_manual_override_active ??
+                null,
+            max_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->max_cooling_set_point_celsius ??
+                null,
+            max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
+            max_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->max_heating_set_point_celsius ??
+                null,
+            max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
+            min_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->min_cooling_set_point_celsius ??
+                null,
+            min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
+            min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius ??
+                null,
+            min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
+            min_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->min_heating_set_point_celsius ??
+                null,
+            min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             relative_humidity: $json->relative_humidity ?? null,
             temperature_celsius: $json->temperature_celsius ?? null,
-            temperature_fahrenheit: $json->temperature_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            temperature_fahrenheit: $json->temperature_fahrenheit ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public DeviceAccessoryKeypad | null $accessory_keypad,
+        public DeviceAccessoryKeypad|null $accessory_keypad,
         public DeviceAppearance $appearance,
-        public DeviceBattery | null $battery,
-        public float | null $battery_level,
-        public bool | null $has_direct_power,
-        public string | null $image_alt_text,
-        public string | null $image_url,
-        public string | null $manufacturer,
+        public DeviceBattery|null $battery,
+        public float|null $battery_level,
+        public bool|null $has_direct_power,
+        public string|null $image_alt_text,
+        public string|null $image_url,
+        public string|null $manufacturer,
         public DeviceModel $model,
         public string $name,
-        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
+        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
         public bool $online,
-        public bool | null $online_access_codes_enabled,
-        public string | null $serial_number,
-        public bool | null $supports_accessory_keypad,
-        public bool | null $supports_offline_access_codes,
-        public DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata | null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata,
-        public DeviceAugustMetadata | null $august_metadata,
-        public DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata | null $avigilon_alta_metadata,
-        public DeviceBrivoMetadata | null $brivo_metadata,
-        public DeviceControlbywebMetadata | null $controlbyweb_metadata,
-        public DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata | null $dormakaba_oracode_metadata,
-        public DeviceEcobeeMetadata | null $ecobee_metadata,
-        public DeviceFourSuitesMetadata | null $four_suites_metadata,
-        public DeviceGenieMetadata | null $genie_metadata,
-        public DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata | null $honeywell_resideo_metadata,
-        public DeviceHubitatMetadata | null $hubitat_metadata,
-        public DeviceIglooMetadata | null $igloo_metadata,
-        public DeviceIgloohomeMetadata | null $igloohome_metadata,
-        public DeviceKwiksetMetadata | null $kwikset_metadata,
-        public DeviceLocklyMetadata | null $lockly_metadata,
-        public DeviceMinutMetadata | null $minut_metadata,
-        public DeviceNestMetadata | null $nest_metadata,
-        public DeviceNoiseawareMetadata | null $noiseaware_metadata,
-        public DeviceNukiMetadata | null $nuki_metadata,
-        public DeviceSaltoMetadata | null $salto_metadata,
-        public DeviceSchlageMetadata | null $schlage_metadata,
-        public DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata | null $seam_bridge_metadata,
-        public DeviceSmartthingsMetadata | null $smartthings_metadata,
-        public DeviceTedeeMetadata | null $tedee_metadata,
-        public DeviceTtlockMetadata | null $ttlock_metadata,
-        public DeviceTwoNMetadata | null $two_n_metadata,
-        public DeviceWyzeMetadata | null $wyze_metadata,
-        public array | null $_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths,
-        public array | null $code_constraints,
-        public bool | null $door_open,
-        public bool | null $has_native_entry_events,
-        public DeviceKeypadBattery | null $keypad_battery,
-        public bool | null $locked,
-        public float | null $max_active_codes_supported,
-        public array | null $supported_code_lengths,
-        public bool | null $supports_backup_access_code_pool,
-        public DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule | null $active_climate_setting_schedule,
-        public array | null $available_hvac_mode_settings,
-        public bool | null $can_enable_automatic_cooling,
-        public bool | null $can_enable_automatic_heating,
-        public DeviceCurrentClimateSetting | null $current_climate_setting,
-        public DeviceDefaultClimateSetting | null $default_climate_setting,
-        public string | null $fan_mode_setting,
-        public bool | null $is_climate_setting_schedule_active,
-        public bool | null $is_cooling,
-        public bool | null $is_cooling_available,
-        public bool | null $is_fan_running,
-        public bool | null $is_heating,
-        public bool | null $is_heating_available,
-        public bool | null $is_temporary_manual_override_active,
-        public float | null $max_cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $max_heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $min_cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius,
-        public float | null $min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $min_heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $relative_humidity,
-        public float | null $temperature_celsius,
-        public float | null $temperature_fahrenheit,
+        public bool|null $online_access_codes_enabled,
+        public string|null $serial_number,
+        public bool|null $supports_accessory_keypad,
+        public bool|null $supports_offline_access_codes,
+        public DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata,
+        public DeviceAugustMetadata|null $august_metadata,
+        public DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null $avigilon_alta_metadata,
+        public DeviceBrivoMetadata|null $brivo_metadata,
+        public DeviceControlbywebMetadata|null $controlbyweb_metadata,
+        public DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|null $dormakaba_oracode_metadata,
+        public DeviceEcobeeMetadata|null $ecobee_metadata,
+        public DeviceFourSuitesMetadata|null $four_suites_metadata,
+        public DeviceGenieMetadata|null $genie_metadata,
+        public DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata|null $honeywell_resideo_metadata,
+        public DeviceHubitatMetadata|null $hubitat_metadata,
+        public DeviceIglooMetadata|null $igloo_metadata,
+        public DeviceIgloohomeMetadata|null $igloohome_metadata,
+        public DeviceKwiksetMetadata|null $kwikset_metadata,
+        public DeviceLocklyMetadata|null $lockly_metadata,
+        public DeviceMinutMetadata|null $minut_metadata,
+        public DeviceNestMetadata|null $nest_metadata,
+        public DeviceNoiseawareMetadata|null $noiseaware_metadata,
+        public DeviceNukiMetadata|null $nuki_metadata,
+        public DeviceSaltoMetadata|null $salto_metadata,
+        public DeviceSchlageMetadata|null $schlage_metadata,
+        public DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata|null $seam_bridge_metadata,
+        public DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null $smartthings_metadata,
+        public DeviceTedeeMetadata|null $tedee_metadata,
+        public DeviceTtlockMetadata|null $ttlock_metadata,
+        public DeviceTwoNMetadata|null $two_n_metadata,
+        public DeviceWyzeMetadata|null $wyze_metadata,
+        public array|null $_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths,
+        public array|null $code_constraints,
+        public bool|null $door_open,
+        public bool|null $has_native_entry_events,
+        public DeviceKeypadBattery|null $keypad_battery,
+        public bool|null $locked,
+        public float|null $max_active_codes_supported,
+        public array|null $supported_code_lengths,
+        public bool|null $supports_backup_access_code_pool,
+        public DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule|null $active_climate_setting_schedule,
+        public array|null $available_hvac_mode_settings,
+        public bool|null $can_enable_automatic_cooling,
+        public bool|null $can_enable_automatic_heating,
+        public DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null $current_climate_setting,
+        public DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null $default_climate_setting,
+        public string|null $fan_mode_setting,
+        public bool|null $is_climate_setting_schedule_active,
+        public bool|null $is_cooling,
+        public bool|null $is_cooling_available,
+        public bool|null $is_fan_running,
+        public bool|null $is_heating,
+        public bool|null $is_heating_available,
+        public bool|null $is_temporary_manual_override_active,
+        public float|null $max_cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $max_heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $min_cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius,
+        public float|null $min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $min_heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $relative_humidity,
+        public float|null $temperature_celsius,
+        public float|null $temperature_fahrenheit
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php b/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php
index 4a59aec..7bbbcc9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceProvider
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProvider|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProvider|null
             device_provider_name: $json->device_provider_name,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             image_url: $json->image_url,
-            provider_categories: $json->provider_categories,
+            provider_categories: $json->provider_categories
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_provider_name,
         public string $display_name,
         public string $image_url,
-        public array $provider_categories,
+        public array $provider_categories
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php
index 91694f1..047845a 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceSaltoMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSaltoMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,20 +15,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSaltoMetadata|null
             lock_id: $json->lock_id,
             lock_type: $json->lock_type,
             locked_state: $json->locked_state,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $battery_level,
         public string $customer_reference,
         public string $lock_id,
         public string $lock_type,
         public string $locked_state,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php
index 4e9785e..1f0ffd5 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceSchlageMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSchlageMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSchlageMetadata|null
             access_code_length: $json->access_code_length ?? null,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public float | null $access_code_length,
+        public float|null $access_code_length,
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php
index 825a0ec..18d016a 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_num: $json->device_num,
             name: $json->name,
-            unlock_method: $json->unlock_method ?? null,
+            unlock_method: $json->unlock_method ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public float $device_num,
         public string $name,
-        public string | null $unlock_method,
+        public string|null $unlock_method
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php
index f4626ca..06b8eed 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceSmartthingsMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,18 +14,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             location_id: $json->location_id ?? null,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $location_id,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $location_id,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php
index a72f645..1138b4e 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceSound
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSound|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php
index 9394383..01439f7 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceTedeeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTedeeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,21 +16,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTedeeMetadata|null
             device_model: $json->device_model,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             keypad_id: $json->keypad_id ?? null,
-            serial_number: $json->serial_number,
+            serial_number: $json->serial_number
     public function __construct(
         public float $bridge_id,
         public string $bridge_name,
         public float $device_id,
         public string $device_model,
         public string $device_name,
-        public float | null $keypad_id,
-        public string $serial_number,
+        public float|null $keypad_id,
+        public string $serial_number
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php
index 0b59a8d..f88e4be 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceTemperature
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTemperature|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php
index e84e12d..4e9cd4f 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php
@@ -4,24 +4,17 @@
 class DeviceTtlockMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTtlockMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            lock_alias: $json->lock_alias,
-            lock_id: $json->lock_id,
-        );
+        return new self(lock_alias: $json->lock_alias, lock_id: $json->lock_id);
     public function __construct(
         public string $lock_alias,
-        public float $lock_id,
+        public float $lock_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php
index 45c3875..39da975 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceTwoNMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTwoNMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTwoNMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
-            device_name: $json->device_name,
+            device_name: $json->device_name
     public function __construct(
         public float $device_id,
-        public string $device_name,
+        public string $device_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php b/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php
index f8cea1d..fa29faf 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php
index 6a2743d..ad3d65d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceWyzeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWyzeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -18,22 +17,19 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWyzeMetadata|null
             locker_status_hardlock: $json->locker_status_hardlock ?? null,
             product_model: $json->product_model,
             product_name: $json->product_name,
-            product_type: $json->product_type,
+            product_type: $json->product_type
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_info_model,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $keypad_uuid,
-        public float | null $locker_status_hardlock,
+        public string|null $keypad_uuid,
+        public float|null $locker_status_hardlock,
         public string $product_model,
         public string $product_name,
-        public string $product_type,
+        public string $product_type
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php b/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php
index 4467d41..176ba37 100644
--- a/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class EnrollmentAutomation
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): EnrollmentAutomation|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): EnrollmentAutomation|null
             credential_manager_acs_system_id: $json->credential_manager_acs_system_id,
             enrollment_automation_id: $json->enrollment_automation_id,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
         public string $enrollment_automation_id,
         public string $user_identity_id,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Event.php b/src/Objects/Event.php
index 06697d4..1e58b30 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Event.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Event.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class Event
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Event|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,20 +15,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Event|null
             event_id: $json->event_id,
             event_type: $json->event_type,
             occurred_at: $json->occurred_at,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
-        public string | null $device_id,
+        public string|null $device_id,
         public string $event_id,
         public string $event_type,
         public string $occurred_at,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Network.php b/src/Objects/Network.php
index 463ad82..c17b16d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Network.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Network.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class Network
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Network|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Network|null
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             network_id: $json->network_id,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
         public string $network_id,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php b/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php
index 629bd97..0a3c962 100644
--- a/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php
+++ b/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class NoiseThreshold
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): NoiseThreshold|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,21 +16,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): NoiseThreshold|null
             noise_threshold_decibels: $json->noise_threshold_decibels,
             noise_threshold_id: $json->noise_threshold_id,
             noise_threshold_nrs: $json->noise_threshold_nrs ?? null,
-            starts_daily_at: $json->starts_daily_at,
+            starts_daily_at: $json->starts_daily_at
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $ends_daily_at,
         public string $name,
         public float $noise_threshold_decibels,
         public string $noise_threshold_id,
-        public float | null $noise_threshold_nrs,
-        public string $starts_daily_at,
+        public float|null $noise_threshold_nrs,
+        public string $starts_daily_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Phone.php b/src/Objects/Phone.php
index 8609361..9132a45 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Phone.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Phone.php
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 class Phone
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Phone|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ?? null,
-            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ?? null,
+            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ??
+                null,
+            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ??
+                null,
             can_remotely_lock: $json->can_remotely_lock ?? null,
             can_remotely_unlock: $json->can_remotely_unlock ?? null,
             can_simulate_removal: $json->can_simulate_removal ?? null,
@@ -23,29 +24,29 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Phone|null
             device_type: $json->device_type,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             errors: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => PhoneErrors::from_json($e),
-          $json->errors ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($e) => PhoneErrors::from_json($e),
+                $json->errors ?? []
+            ),
             is_managed: $json->is_managed,
-            location: isset($json->location) ? PhoneLocation::from_json($json->location) : null,
+            location: isset($json->location)
+                ? PhoneLocation::from_json($json->location)
+                : null,
             nickname: $json->nickname ?? null,
             properties: PhoneProperties::from_json($json->properties),
             warnings: array_map(
-          fn ($w) => PhoneWarnings::from_json($w),
-          $json->warnings ?? []
-        ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+                fn($w) => PhoneWarnings::from_json($w),
+                $json->warnings ?? []
+            ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_program_online_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_lock,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_unlock,
-        public bool | null $can_simulate_removal,
+        public bool|null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_program_online_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_lock,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_unlock,
+        public bool|null $can_simulate_removal,
         public array $capabilities_supported,
         public string $created_at,
         public mixed $custom_metadata,
@@ -54,12 +55,11 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $display_name,
         public array $errors,
         public bool $is_managed,
-        public PhoneLocation | null $location,
-        public string | null $nickname,
+        public PhoneLocation|null $location,
+        public string|null $nickname,
         public PhoneProperties $properties,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php b/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
index 2a7c01e..aaebfb0 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
@@ -4,27 +4,24 @@
 class PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             endpoints: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => PhoneEndpoints::from_json($e),
-          $json->endpoints ?? []
-        ),
-            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint,
+                fn($e) => PhoneEndpoints::from_json($e),
+                $json->endpoints ?? []
+            ),
+            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint
     public function __construct(
         public array $endpoints,
-        public bool $has_active_endpoint,
+        public bool $has_active_endpoint
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php b/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php
index 6e7c901..ef2497f 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class PhoneEndpoints
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneEndpoints|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneEndpoints|null
         return new self(
             endpoint_id: $json->endpoint_id,
-            is_active: $json->is_active,
+            is_active: $json->is_active
     public function __construct(
         public string $endpoint_id,
-        public bool $is_active,
+        public bool $is_active
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php b/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php
index 00396ce..a09d12f 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class PhoneErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php b/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php
index ba3e557..5af1657 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class PhoneLocation
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneLocation|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneLocation|null
         return new self(
             location_name: $json->location_name ?? null,
-            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null,
+            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $location_name,
-        public string | null $timezone,
+        public string|null $location_name,
+        public string|null $timezone
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php b/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php
index 0dea6a2..c6f02cc 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php
@@ -4,22 +4,24 @@
 class PhoneProperties
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneProperties|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) ? PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) : null,
+            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset(
+                $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
+            )
+                ? PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
+                )
+                : null
     public function __construct(
-        public PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata | null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata,
+        public PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php b/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php
index 9749b8d..965de6c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class PhoneWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php b/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php
index b0a8cd0..692d3ed 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ServiceHealth
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ServiceHealth|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ServiceHealth|null
         return new self(
             description: $json->description,
             service: $json->service,
-            status: $json->status,
+            status: $json->status
     public function __construct(
         public string $description,
         public string $service,
-        public string $status,
+        public string $status
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php
index a30cda5..2f14365 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class UnmanagedAccessCode
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedAccessCode|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -22,26 +21,23 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedAccessCode|null
             starts_at: $json->starts_at ?? null,
             status: $json->status,
             type: $json->type,
-            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null,
+            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_code_id,
-        public string | null $code,
+        public string|null $code,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
-        public string | null $ends_at,
+        public string|null $ends_at,
         public mixed $errors,
         public bool $is_managed,
-        public string | null $name,
-        public string | null $starts_at,
+        public string|null $name,
+        public string|null $starts_at,
         public string $status,
         public string $type,
-        public mixed $warnings,
+        public mixed $warnings
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php
index c398df6..cbfefbd 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 class UnmanagedDevice
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDevice|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ?? null,
-            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ?? null,
+            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ??
+                null,
+            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ??
+                null,
             can_remotely_lock: $json->can_remotely_lock ?? null,
             can_remotely_unlock: $json->can_remotely_unlock ?? null,
             can_simulate_removal: $json->can_simulate_removal ?? null,
@@ -22,27 +23,25 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDevice|null
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_type: $json->device_type,
             errors: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => UnmanagedDeviceErrors::from_json($e),
-          $json->errors ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($e) => UnmanagedDeviceErrors::from_json($e),
+                $json->errors ?? []
+            ),
             is_managed: $json->is_managed,
             properties: UnmanagedDeviceProperties::from_json($json->properties),
             warnings: array_map(
-          fn ($w) => UnmanagedDeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
-          $json->warnings ?? []
-        ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+                fn($w) => UnmanagedDeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
+                $json->warnings ?? []
+            ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_program_online_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_lock,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_unlock,
-        public bool | null $can_simulate_removal,
+        public bool|null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_program_online_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_lock,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_unlock,
+        public bool|null $can_simulate_removal,
         public array $capabilities_supported,
         public string $connected_account_id,
         public string $created_at,
@@ -52,8 +51,7 @@ public function __construct(
         public bool $is_managed,
         public UnmanagedDeviceProperties $properties,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
index 67f58a6..f231858 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
@@ -4,24 +4,23 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            battery: isset($json->battery) ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
-            is_connected: $json->is_connected,
+            battery: isset($json->battery)
+                ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
+                : null,
+            is_connected: $json->is_connected
     public function __construct(
-        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery | null $battery,
-        public bool $is_connected,
+        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery|null $battery,
+        public bool $is_connected
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php
index 178ee63..175aa6b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceBattery
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceBattery|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            level: $json->level,
-        );
+        return new self(level: $json->level);
-    public function __construct(
-        public float $level,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public float $level)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php
index 005e3bd..2792f54 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php
index bb2a0ce..f46c5db 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php
@@ -4,34 +4,34 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceModel
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceModel|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ?? null,
-            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ?? null,
+            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ??
+                null,
+            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ??
+                null,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             has_built_in_keypad: $json->has_built_in_keypad ?? null,
             manufacturer_display_name: $json->manufacturer_display_name,
-            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ?? null,
-            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ?? null,
+            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ??
+                null,
+            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ??
+                null
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $accessory_keypad_supported,
-        public bool | null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
+        public bool|null $accessory_keypad_supported,
+        public bool|null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
         public string $display_name,
-        public bool | null $has_built_in_keypad,
+        public bool|null $has_built_in_keypad,
         public string $manufacturer_display_name,
-        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_supported,
-        public bool | null $online_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool|null $online_access_codes_supported
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php
index ded524a..3970c94 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php
@@ -4,42 +4,47 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceProperties
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceProperties|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): UnmanagedDeviceProperties|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad) ? UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json($json->accessory_keypad) : null,
-            battery: isset($json->battery) ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
+            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad)
+                ? UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json(
+                    $json->accessory_keypad
+                )
+                : null,
+            battery: isset($json->battery)
+                ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
+                : null,
             battery_level: $json->battery_level ?? null,
             image_alt_text: $json->image_alt_text ?? null,
             image_url: $json->image_url ?? null,
             manufacturer: $json->manufacturer ?? null,
             model: UnmanagedDeviceModel::from_json($json->model),
             name: $json->name,
-            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
+            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ??
+                null,
             online: $json->online,
-            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
+            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ??
+                null
     public function __construct(
-        public UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad | null $accessory_keypad,
-        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery | null $battery,
-        public float | null $battery_level,
-        public string | null $image_alt_text,
-        public string | null $image_url,
-        public string | null $manufacturer,
+        public UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad|null $accessory_keypad,
+        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery|null $battery,
+        public float|null $battery_level,
+        public string|null $image_alt_text,
+        public string|null $image_url,
+        public string|null $manufacturer,
         public UnmanagedDeviceModel $model,
         public string $name,
-        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
+        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
         public bool $online,
-        public bool | null $online_access_codes_enabled,
+        public bool|null $online_access_codes_enabled
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php
index 8cad447..84cc664 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php b/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php
index 99f573b..c529a3c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class UserIdentity
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UserIdentity|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -18,22 +17,19 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UserIdentity|null
             phone_number: $json->phone_number ?? null,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id,
             user_identity_key: $json->user_identity_key ?? null,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public string | null $email_address,
-        public string | null $full_name,
-        public string | null $phone_number,
+        public string|null $email_address,
+        public string|null $full_name,
+        public string|null $phone_number,
         public string $user_identity_id,
-        public string | null $user_identity_key,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string|null $user_identity_key,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Webhook.php b/src/Objects/Webhook.php
index 7671fd6..0aa3975 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Webhook.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Webhook.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class Webhook
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Webhook|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Webhook|null
             event_types: $json->event_types ?? null,
             secret: $json->secret ?? null,
             url: $json->url,
-            webhook_id: $json->webhook_id,
+            webhook_id: $json->webhook_id
     public function __construct(
-        public array | null $event_types,
-        public string | null $secret,
+        public array|null $event_types,
+        public string|null $secret,
         public string $url,
-        public string $webhook_id,
+        public string $webhook_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Workspace.php b/src/Objects/Workspace.php
index 9e9941d..7122fba 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Workspace.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Workspace.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class Workspace
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Workspace|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Workspace|null
             connect_partner_name: $json->connect_partner_name ?? null,
             is_sandbox: $json->is_sandbox,
             name: $json->name,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $connect_partner_name,
+        public string|null $connect_partner_name,
         public bool $is_sandbox,
         public string $name,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/SeamClient.php b/src/SeamClient.php
index 50d0fda..63bafc2 100644
--- a/src/SeamClient.php
+++ b/src/SeamClient.php
@@ -33,4694 +33,4083 @@
 use GuzzleHttp\Client as HTTPClient;
 use \Exception as Exception;
-define('LTS_VERSION', '1.0.0');
+define("LTS_VERSION", "1.0.0");
 class SeamClient
-  public AccessCodesClient $access_codes;
-  public AcsClient $acs;
-  public ActionAttemptsClient $action_attempts;
-  public ClientSessionsClient $client_sessions;
-  public ConnectWebviewsClient $connect_webviews;
-  public ConnectedAccountsClient $connected_accounts;
-  public DevicesClient $devices;
-  public EventsClient $events;
-  public LocksClient $locks;
-  public NetworksClient $networks;
-  public NoiseSensorsClient $noise_sensors;
-  public PhonesClient $phones;
-  public ThermostatsClient $thermostats;
-  public UserIdentitiesClient $user_identities;
-  public WebhooksClient $webhooks;
-  public WorkspacesClient $workspaces;
-  public string $api_key;
-  public HTTPClient $client;
-  public string $ltsVersion = LTS_VERSION;
-  public function __construct(
-    $api_key,
-    $endpoint = "",
-    $throw_http_errors = false
-  ) {
-    $this->api_key = $api_key;
-    $seam_sdk_version = PackageVersion::get();
-    $this->client = new HTTPClient([
-      "base_uri" => $endpoint,
-      "timeout" => 60.0,
-      "headers" => [
-        "Authorization" => "Bearer " . $this->api_key,
-        "User-Agent" => "Seam PHP Client ". $seam_sdk_version,
-        "seam-sdk-name" => "seamapi/php",
-        "seam-sdk-version" => $seam_sdk_version,
-        "seam-lts-version" => $this->ltsVersion
-      ],
-      "http_errors" => $throw_http_errors,
-    ]);
-    $this->access_codes = new AccessCodesClient($this);
-    $this->acs = new AcsClient($this);
-    $this->action_attempts = new ActionAttemptsClient($this);
-    $this->client_sessions = new ClientSessionsClient($this);
-    $this->connect_webviews = new ConnectWebviewsClient($this);
-    $this->connected_accounts = new ConnectedAccountsClient($this);
-    $this->devices = new DevicesClient($this);
-    $this->events = new EventsClient($this);
-    $this->locks = new LocksClient($this);
-    $this->networks = new NetworksClient($this);
-    $this->noise_sensors = new NoiseSensorsClient($this);
-    $this->phones = new PhonesClient($this);
-    $this->thermostats = new ThermostatsClient($this);
-    $this->user_identities = new UserIdentitiesClient($this);
-    $this->webhooks = new WebhooksClient($this);
-    $this->workspaces = new WorkspacesClient($this);
-  }
-  public function request(
-    $method,
-    $path,
-    $json = null,
-    $query = null,
-    $inner_object = null
-  ) {
-    $options = [
-      "json" => $json,
-      "query" => $query,
-    ];
-    $options = array_filter($options, fn ($option) => $option !== null);
-    // TODO handle request errors
-    $response = $this->client->request($method, $path, $options);
-    $status_code = $response->getStatusCode();
-    $request_id = $response->getHeaderLine('seam-request-id');
-    $res_json = null;
-    try {
-      $res_json = json_decode($response->getBody());
-    } catch (Exception $ignoreError) {
-    }
-    if (($res_json->error ?? null) != null) {
-      throw new Exception(
-        "Error Calling \"" .
-          $method .
-          " " .
-          $path .
-          "\" : " .
-          ($res_json->error->type ?? "") .
-          ": " .
-          $res_json->error->message .
-          " [Request ID: " . $request_id . "]"
-      );
-    }
-    if ($status_code >= 400) {
-      $error_message = $response->getReasonPhrase();
-      throw new Exception(
-        "HTTP Error: " . $error_message . " [" . $status_code . "] " . $method . " " . $path .
-        " [Request ID: " . $request_id . "]"
-      );
-    }
-    if ($inner_object) {
-      if (!is_array($res_json->$inner_object) && ($res_json->$inner_object ?? null) == null) {
-        throw new Exception(
-          'Missing Inner Object "' .
-            $inner_object .
-            '" for ' .
-            $method .
-            " " .
-            $path .
-            " [Request ID: " . $request_id . "]"
-        );
-      }
-      return $res_json->$inner_object;
-    }
-    return $res_json;
-  }
-class AccessCodesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public AccessCodesSimulateClient $simulate;
-  public AccessCodesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->simulate = new AccessCodesSimulateClient($seam);
-$this->unmanaged = new AccessCodesUnmanagedClient($seam);
-  }
-  public function create(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $common_code_key = null,
-    string $ends_at = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-    bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
-    bool $is_one_time_use = null,
-    string $max_time_rounding = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
-    string $starts_at = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
-    bool $use_offline_access_code = null
-  ): AccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
-      $request_payload["attempt_for_offline_device"] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($common_code_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["common_code_key"] = $common_code_key;
-    }
-    if ($ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_offline_access_code"] = $is_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
-    }
-    if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
-      $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
-      $request_payload["prefer_native_scheduling"] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
-    }
-    if ($starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_backup_access_code_pool"] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
-    }
-    if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_offline_access_code"] = $use_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_code",
-    );
-    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function create_multiple(
-    array $device_ids,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
-    string $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $ends_at = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-    bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
-    bool $is_one_time_use = null,
-    string $max_time_rounding = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
-    float $preferred_code_length = null,
-    string $starts_at = null,
-    bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
-    bool $use_offline_access_code = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
-      $request_payload["attempt_for_offline_device"] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
-    }
-    if ($behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared !== null) {
-      $request_payload["behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared"] = $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_offline_access_code"] = $is_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
-    }
-    if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
-      $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
-      $request_payload["prefer_native_scheduling"] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
-    }
-    if ($preferred_code_length !== null) {
-      $request_payload["preferred_code_length"] = $preferred_code_length;
-    }
-    if ($starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_backup_access_code_pool"] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
-    }
-    if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_offline_access_code"] = $use_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/create_multiple",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_codes",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    string $device_id = null,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function generate_code(
-    string $device_id
-  ): AccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/generate_code",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "generated_code",
-    );
-    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $access_code_id = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $device_id = null
-  ): AccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_code",
-    );
-    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    array $access_code_ids = null,
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_codes",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function pull_backup_access_code(
-    string $access_code_id
-  ): AccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/pull_backup_access_code",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "backup_access_code",
-    );
-    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $ends_at = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-    bool $is_managed = null,
-    bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
-    bool $is_one_time_use = null,
-    string $max_time_rounding = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
-    string $starts_at = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    string $type = null,
-    bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
-    bool $use_offline_access_code = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
-      $request_payload["attempt_for_offline_device"] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($is_managed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-    }
-    if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_offline_access_code"] = $is_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
-    }
-    if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
-      $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
-      $request_payload["prefer_native_scheduling"] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
-    }
-    if ($starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    if ($type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["type"] = $type;
-    }
-    if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_backup_access_code_pool"] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
-    }
-    if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_offline_access_code"] = $use_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class AccessCodesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function create_unmanaged_access_code(
-    string $code,
-    string $device_id,
-    string $name
-  ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/simulate/create_unmanaged_access_code",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_code",
-    );
-    return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-class AccessCodesUnmanagedClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function convert_to_managed(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $force = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($force !== null) {
-      $request_payload["force"] = $force;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/convert_to_managed",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $access_code_id = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $device_id = null
-  ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_code",
-    );
-    return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_codes",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    bool $is_managed,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $force = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($is_managed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($force !== null) {
-      $request_payload["force"] = $force;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class AcsAccessGroupsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function add_user(
-    string $acs_access_group_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/add_user",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_access_group_id
-  ): AcsAccessGroup {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_access_group",
-    );
-    return AcsAccessGroup::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_system_id = null,
-    string $acs_user_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_access_groups",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsAccessGroup::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function list_users(
-    string $acs_access_group_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/list_users",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_users",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function remove_user(
-    string $acs_access_group_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/remove_user",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class AcsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public AcsAccessGroupsClient $access_groups;
-  public AcsCredentialPoolsClient $credential_pools;
-  public AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient $credential_provisioning_automations;
-  public AcsCredentialsClient $credentials;
-  public AcsEntrancesClient $entrances;
-  public AcsSystemsClient $systems;
-  public AcsUsersClient $users;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->access_groups = new AcsAccessGroupsClient($seam);
-$this->credential_pools = new AcsCredentialPoolsClient($seam);
-$this->credential_provisioning_automations = new AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient($seam);
-$this->credentials = new AcsCredentialsClient($seam);
-$this->entrances = new AcsEntrancesClient($seam);
-$this->systems = new AcsSystemsClient($seam);
-$this->users = new AcsUsersClient($seam);
-  }
-class AcsCredentialPoolsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_system_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credential_pools/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credential_pools",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsCredentialPool::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function launch(
-    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
-    string $user_identity_id,
-    string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
-    bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
-    string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
-  ): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_pool_id"] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
-    }
-    if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
-      $request_payload["create_credential_manager_user"] = $create_credential_manager_user;
-    }
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_user_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credential_provisioning_automations/launch",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credential_provisioning_automation",
-    );
-    return AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation::from_json($res);
-  }
-class AcsCredentialsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function assign(
-    string $acs_credential_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/assign",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function create(
-    string $access_method,
-    string $acs_user_id,
-    array $allowed_acs_entrance_ids = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null,
-    string $ends_at = null,
-    bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null,
-    string $starts_at = null,
-    mixed $visionline_metadata = null
-  ): AcsCredential {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_method !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_method"] = $access_method;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($allowed_acs_entrance_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allowed_acs_entrance_ids"] = $allowed_acs_entrance_ids;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_multi_phone_sync_credential"] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
-    }
-    if ($starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($visionline_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["visionline_metadata"] = $visionline_metadata;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credential",
-    );
-    return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $acs_credential_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_credential_id
-  ): AcsCredential {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credential",
-    );
-    return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_user_id = null,
-    string $acs_system_id = null,
-    string $user_identity_id = null,
-    bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_multi_phone_sync_credential"] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credentials",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function unassign(
-    string $acs_credential_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/unassign",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $acs_credential_id,
-    string $code
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class AcsEntrancesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_entrance_id
-  ): AcsEntrance {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/entrances/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_entrance",
-    );
-    return AcsEntrance::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function grant_access(
-    string $acs_entrance_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/entrances/grant_access",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_credential_id = null,
-    string $acs_system_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/entrances/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_entrances",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function list_credentials_with_access(
-    string $acs_entrance_id,
-    array $include_if = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/entrances/list_credentials_with_access",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credentials",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class AcsSystemsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_system_id
-  ): AcsSystem {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/systems/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_system",
-    );
-    return AcsSystem::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $connected_account_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/systems/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_systems",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class AcsUsersClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function add_to_access_group(
-    string $acs_access_group_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/add_to_access_group",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function create(
-    string $acs_system_id,
-    mixed $access_schedule = null,
-    array $acs_access_group_ids = null,
-    string $email = null,
-    string $email_address = null,
-    string $full_name = null,
-    string $phone_number = null,
-    string $user_identity_id = null
-  ): AcsUser {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($access_schedule !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
-    }
-    if ($acs_access_group_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_ids"] = $acs_access_group_ids;
-    }
-    if ($email !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email"] = $email;
-    }
-    if ($email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-    }
-    if ($full_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-    }
-    if ($phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_user",
-    );
-    return AcsUser::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): AcsUser {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_user",
-    );
-    return AcsUser::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_system_id = null,
-    string $user_identity_email_address = null,
-    string $user_identity_id = null,
-    string $user_identity_phone_number = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_email_address"] = $user_identity_email_address;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_phone_number"] = $user_identity_phone_number;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_users",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function list_accessible_entrances(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/list_accessible_entrances",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_entrances",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function remove_from_access_group(
-    string $acs_access_group_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/remove_from_access_group",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function revoke_access_to_all_entrances(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/revoke_access_to_all_entrances",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function suspend(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/suspend",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function unsuspend(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/unsuspend",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $acs_user_id,
-    mixed $access_schedule = null,
-    string $email = null,
-    string $email_address = null,
-    string $full_name = null,
-    string $hid_acs_system_id = null,
-    string $phone_number = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($access_schedule !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
-    }
-    if ($email !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email"] = $email;
-    }
-    if ($email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-    }
-    if ($full_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-    }
-    if ($hid_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["hid_acs_system_id"] = $hid_acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class ActionAttemptsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $action_attempt_id
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($action_attempt_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["action_attempt_id"] = $action_attempt_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/action_attempts/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
-    return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    array $action_attempt_ids
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($action_attempt_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["action_attempt_ids"] = $action_attempt_ids;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/action_attempts/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempts",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ActionAttempt::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function poll_until_ready(string $action_attempt_id): ActionAttempt
-  {
-    $seam = $this->seam;
-    $time_waiting = 0.0;
-    $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get($action_attempt_id);
-    while ($action_attempt->status == "pending") {
-      $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get(
-        $action_attempt->action_attempt_id
-      );
-      if ($time_waiting > 20.0) {
-        throw new Exception("Timed out waiting for action attempt to be ready");
-      }
-      $time_waiting += 0.4;
-      usleep(400000); // sleep for 0.4 seconds
-    }
-    if ($action_attempt->status == "failed") {
-      throw new Exception(
-        "Action Attempt failed: " . $action_attempt->error->message
-      );
-    }
-    return $action_attempt;
-  }
-class ClientSessionsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function create(
-    array $connect_webview_ids = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $expires_at = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null,
-    array $user_identity_ids = null
-  ): ClientSession {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($expires_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "client_session",
-    );
-    return ClientSession::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $client_session_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $client_session_id = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): ClientSession {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "client_session",
-    );
-    return ClientSession::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function get_or_create(
-    array $connect_webview_ids = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $expires_at = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null,
-    array $user_identity_ids = null
-  ): ClientSession {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($expires_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/get_or_create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "client_session",
-    );
-    return ClientSession::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function grant_access(
-    string $client_session_id = null,
-    array $connect_webview_ids = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null,
-    array $user_identity_ids = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/grant_access",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $client_session_id = null,
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null,
-    string $user_identity_id = null,
-    bool $without_user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($without_user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["without_user_identifier_key"] = $without_user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "client_sessions",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ClientSession::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function revoke(
-    string $client_session_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/revoke",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class ConnectWebviewsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function create(
-    array $accepted_providers = null,
-    bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata = null,
-    string $custom_redirect_failure_url = null,
-    string $custom_redirect_url = null,
-    string $device_selection_mode = null,
-    string $provider_category = null,
-    bool $wait_for_device_creation = null
-  ): ConnectWebview {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($accepted_providers !== null) {
-      $request_payload["accepted_providers"] = $accepted_providers;
-    }
-    if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatically_manage_new_devices"] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
-    }
-    if ($custom_redirect_failure_url !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_redirect_failure_url"] = $custom_redirect_failure_url;
-    }
-    if ($custom_redirect_url !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_redirect_url"] = $custom_redirect_url;
-    }
-    if ($device_selection_mode !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_selection_mode"] = $device_selection_mode;
-    }
-    if ($provider_category !== null) {
-      $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
-    }
-    if ($wait_for_device_creation !== null) {
-      $request_payload["wait_for_device_creation"] = $wait_for_device_creation;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connect_webviews/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connect_webview",
-    );
-    return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $connect_webview_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connect_webviews/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $connect_webview_id
-  ): ConnectWebview {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connect_webviews/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connect_webview",
-    );
-    return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connect_webviews/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connect_webviews",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ConnectWebview::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class ConnectedAccountsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $connected_account_id,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connected_accounts/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    string $email = null
-  ): ConnectedAccount {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($email !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email"] = $email;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connected_accounts/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connected_account",
-    );
-    return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connected_accounts/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connected_accounts",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ConnectedAccount::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $connected_account_id,
-    bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata = null
-  ): ConnectedAccount {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatically_manage_new_devices"] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connected_accounts/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connected_account",
-    );
-    return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
-  }
-class DevicesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public DevicesSimulateClient $simulate;
-  public DevicesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->simulate = new DevicesSimulateClient($seam);
-$this->unmanaged = new DevicesUnmanagedClient($seam);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $name = null
-  ): Device {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "device",
-    );
-    return Device::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $created_before = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $device_type = null,
-    array $device_types = null,
-    array $exclude_if = null,
-    array $include_if = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $manufacturer = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($created_before !== null) {
-      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-    }
-    if ($device_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-    }
-    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "devices",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function list_device_providers(
-    string $provider_category = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($provider_category !== null) {
-      $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/list_device_providers",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "device_providers",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => DeviceProvider::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $device_id,
-    mixed $custom_metadata = null,
-    bool $is_managed = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    mixed $properties = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
-    }
-    if ($is_managed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($properties !== null) {
-      $request_payload["properties"] = $properties;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class DevicesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function remove(
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/simulate/remove",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class DevicesUnmanagedClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $name = null
-  ): UnmanagedDevice {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/unmanaged/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "device",
-    );
-    return UnmanagedDevice::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $created_before = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $device_type = null,
-    array $device_types = null,
-    array $exclude_if = null,
-    array $include_if = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $manufacturer = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($created_before !== null) {
-      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-    }
-    if ($device_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-    }
-    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/unmanaged/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "devices",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => UnmanagedDevice::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $is_managed
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($is_managed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/unmanaged/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class EventsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $event_id = null,
-    string $event_type = null
-  ): Event {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($event_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_id"] = $event_id;
-    }
-    if ($event_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/events/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "event",
-    );
-    return Event::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $access_code_id = null,
-    array $access_code_ids = null,
-    array $between = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    string $device_id = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $event_type = null,
-    array $event_types = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $since = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
-    }
-    if ($between !== null) {
-      $request_payload["between"] = $between;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($event_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
-    }
-    if ($event_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($since !== null) {
-      $request_payload["since"] = $since;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/events/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "events",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Event::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class LocksClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $name = null
-  ): Device {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/locks/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "device",
-    );
-    return Device::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $created_before = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $device_type = null,
-    array $device_types = null,
-    array $exclude_if = null,
-    array $include_if = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $manufacturer = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($created_before !== null) {
-      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-    }
-    if ($device_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-    }
-    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/locks/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "devices",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function lock_door(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/locks/lock_door",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-    }
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
-    return $action_attempt;
-  }
-  public function unlock_door(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/locks/unlock_door",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+    public AccessCodesClient $access_codes;
+    public AcsClient $acs;
+    public ActionAttemptsClient $action_attempts;
+    public ClientSessionsClient $client_sessions;
+    public ConnectWebviewsClient $connect_webviews;
+    public ConnectedAccountsClient $connected_accounts;
+    public DevicesClient $devices;
+    public EventsClient $events;
+    public LocksClient $locks;
+    public NetworksClient $networks;
+    public NoiseSensorsClient $noise_sensors;
+    public PhonesClient $phones;
+    public ThermostatsClient $thermostats;
+    public UserIdentitiesClient $user_identities;
+    public WebhooksClient $webhooks;
+    public WorkspacesClient $workspaces;
+    public string $api_key;
+    public HTTPClient $client;
+    public string $ltsVersion = LTS_VERSION;
+    public function __construct(
+        $api_key,
+        $endpoint = "",
+        $throw_http_errors = false
+    ) {
+        $this->api_key = $api_key;
+        $seam_sdk_version = PackageVersion::get();
+        $this->client = new HTTPClient([
+            "base_uri" => $endpoint,
+            "timeout" => 60.0,
+            "headers" => [
+                "Authorization" => "Bearer " . $this->api_key,
+                "User-Agent" => "Seam PHP Client " . $seam_sdk_version,
+                "seam-sdk-name" => "seamapi/php",
+                "seam-sdk-version" => $seam_sdk_version,
+                "seam-lts-version" => $this->ltsVersion,
+            ],
+            "http_errors" => $throw_http_errors,
+        ]);
+        $this->access_codes = new AccessCodesClient($this);
+        $this->acs = new AcsClient($this);
+        $this->action_attempts = new ActionAttemptsClient($this);
+        $this->client_sessions = new ClientSessionsClient($this);
+        $this->connect_webviews = new ConnectWebviewsClient($this);
+        $this->connected_accounts = new ConnectedAccountsClient($this);
+        $this->devices = new DevicesClient($this);
+        $this->events = new EventsClient($this);
+        $this->locks = new LocksClient($this);
+        $this->networks = new NetworksClient($this);
+        $this->noise_sensors = new NoiseSensorsClient($this);
+        $this->phones = new PhonesClient($this);
+        $this->thermostats = new ThermostatsClient($this);
+        $this->user_identities = new UserIdentitiesClient($this);
+        $this->webhooks = new WebhooksClient($this);
+        $this->workspaces = new WorkspacesClient($this);
+    }
+    public function request(
+        $method,
+        $path,
+        $json = null,
+        $query = null,
+        $inner_object = null
+    ) {
+        $options = [
+            "json" => $json,
+            "query" => $query,
+        ];
+        $options = array_filter($options, fn($option) => $option !== null);
+        // TODO handle request errors
+        $response = $this->client->request($method, $path, $options);
+        $status_code = $response->getStatusCode();
+        $request_id = $response->getHeaderLine("seam-request-id");
+        $res_json = null;
+        try {
+            $res_json = json_decode($response->getBody());
+        } catch (Exception $ignoreError) {
+        }
+        if (($res_json->error ?? null) != null) {
+            throw new Exception(
+                "Error Calling \"" .
+                    $method .
+                    " " .
+                    $path .
+                    "\" : " .
+                    ($res_json->error->type ?? "") .
+                    ": " .
+                    $res_json->error->message .
+                    " [Request ID: " .
+                    $request_id .
+                    "]"
+            );
+        }
+        if ($status_code >= 400) {
+            $error_message = $response->getReasonPhrase();
+            throw new Exception(
+                "HTTP Error: " .
+                    $error_message .
+                    " [" .
+                    $status_code .
+                    "] " .
+                    $method .
+                    " " .
+                    $path .
+                    " [Request ID: " .
+                    $request_id .
+                    "]"
+            );
+        }
+        if ($inner_object) {
+            if (
+                !is_array($res_json->$inner_object) &&
+                ($res_json->$inner_object ?? null) == null
+            ) {
+                throw new Exception(
+                    'Missing Inner Object "' .
+                        $inner_object .
+                        '" for ' .
+                        $method .
+                        " " .
+                        $path .
+                        " [Request ID: " .
+                        $request_id .
+                        "]"
+                );
+            }
+            return $res_json->$inner_object;
+        }
+        return $res_json;
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
-    return $action_attempt;
-  }
-class NetworksClient
+class AccessCodesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public AccessCodesSimulateClient $simulate;
+    public AccessCodesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->simulate = new AccessCodesSimulateClient($seam);
+        $this->unmanaged = new AccessCodesUnmanagedClient($seam);
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $device_id,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $common_code_key = null,
+        string $ends_at = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+        bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
+        bool $is_one_time_use = null,
+        string $max_time_rounding = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
+        string $starts_at = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
+        bool $use_offline_access_code = null
+    ): AccessCode {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "attempt_for_offline_device"
+            ] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($common_code_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["common_code_key"] = $common_code_key;
+        }
+        if ($ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $is_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
+        }
+        if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
+            $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "prefer_native_scheduling"
+            ] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
+        }
+        if ($starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_backup_access_code_pool"
+            ] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
+        }
+        if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $use_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_code"
+        );
-  public function get(
-    string $network_id
-  ): Network {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function create_multiple(
+        array $device_ids,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
+        string $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $ends_at = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+        bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
+        bool $is_one_time_use = null,
+        string $max_time_rounding = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
+        float $preferred_code_length = null,
+        string $starts_at = null,
+        bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
+        bool $use_offline_access_code = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "attempt_for_offline_device"
+            ] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
+        }
+        if ($behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared"
+            ] = $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $is_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
+        }
+        if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
+            $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "prefer_native_scheduling"
+            ] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
+        }
+        if ($preferred_code_length !== null) {
+            $request_payload["preferred_code_length"] = $preferred_code_length;
+        }
+        if ($starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_backup_access_code_pool"
+            ] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
+        }
+        if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $use_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/create_multiple",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_codes"
+        );
-    if ($network_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["network_id"] = $network_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function delete(
+        string $access_code_id,
+        string $device_id = null,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/networks/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "network",
-    );
-    return Network::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function generate_code(string $device_id): AccessCode
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/generate_code",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "generated_code"
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/networks/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "networks",
-    );
+        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $access_code_id = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $device_id = null
+    ): AccessCode {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_code"
+        );
+        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        array $access_code_ids = null,
+        string $device_id = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_codes"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function pull_backup_access_code(string $access_code_id): AccessCode
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Network::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/pull_backup_access_code",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "backup_access_code"
+        );
+        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $access_code_id,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $device_id = null,
+        string $ends_at = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+        bool $is_managed = null,
+        bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
+        bool $is_one_time_use = null,
+        string $max_time_rounding = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
+        string $starts_at = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        string $type = null,
+        bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
+        bool $use_offline_access_code = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "attempt_for_offline_device"
+            ] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($is_managed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+        }
+        if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $is_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
+        }
+        if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
+            $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "prefer_native_scheduling"
+            ] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
+        }
+        if ($starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        if ($type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["type"] = $type;
+        }
+        if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_backup_access_code_pool"
+            ] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
+        }
+        if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $use_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-class NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient
+class AccessCodesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function create(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $ends_daily_at,
-    string $starts_daily_at,
-    string $name = null,
-    float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
-    float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): NoiseThreshold {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create_unmanaged_access_code(
+        string $code,
+        string $device_id,
+        string $name
+    ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/simulate/create_unmanaged_access_code",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_code"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
-    }
-    if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
+        return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_decibels"] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "noise_threshold",
-    );
-    return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $noise_threshold_id,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+class AccessCodesUnmanagedClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function convert_to_managed(
+        string $access_code_id,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $force = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($force !== null) {
+            $request_payload["force"] = $force;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/convert_to_managed",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function delete(string $access_code_id, bool $sync = null): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $noise_threshold_id
-  ): NoiseThreshold {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "noise_threshold",
-    );
+    public function get(
+        string $access_code_id = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $device_id = null
+    ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_code"
+        );
+        return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
-  }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
-  public function list(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $is_programmed = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_codes"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $access_code_id,
+        bool $is_managed,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $force = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($is_managed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($force !== null) {
+            $request_payload["force"] = $force;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    if ($is_programmed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_programmed"] = $is_programmed;
+class AcsAccessGroupsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function add_user(
+        string $acs_access_group_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/add_user",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "noise_thresholds",
-    );
+    public function get(string $acs_access_group_id): AcsAccessGroup
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_access_group"
+        );
+        return AcsAccessGroup::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $acs_system_id = null,
+        string $acs_user_id = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => NoiseThreshold::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-  public function update(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $noise_threshold_id,
-    string $ends_daily_at = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
-    float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
-    string $starts_daily_at = null,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_access_groups"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
-    }
-    if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsAccessGroup::from_json($r), $res);
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_decibels"] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
-    }
-    if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function list_users(string $acs_access_group_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/list_users",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_users"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function remove_user(
+        string $acs_access_group_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/remove_user",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-class NoiseSensorsClient
+class AcsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient $noise_thresholds;
-  public NoiseSensorsSimulateClient $simulate;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->noise_thresholds = new NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient($seam);
-$this->simulate = new NoiseSensorsSimulateClient($seam);
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public AcsAccessGroupsClient $access_groups;
+    public AcsCredentialPoolsClient $credential_pools;
+    public AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient $credential_provisioning_automations;
+    public AcsCredentialsClient $credentials;
+    public AcsEntrancesClient $entrances;
+    public AcsSystemsClient $systems;
+    public AcsUsersClient $users;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->access_groups = new AcsAccessGroupsClient($seam);
+        $this->credential_pools = new AcsCredentialPoolsClient($seam);
+        $this->credential_provisioning_automations = new AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient(
+            $seam
+        );
+        $this->credentials = new AcsCredentialsClient($seam);
+        $this->entrances = new AcsEntrancesClient($seam);
+        $this->systems = new AcsSystemsClient($seam);
+        $this->users = new AcsUsersClient($seam);
+    }
-class NoiseSensorsSimulateClient
+class AcsCredentialPoolsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function trigger_noise_threshold(
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/simulate/trigger_noise_threshold",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function list(string $acs_system_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credential_pools/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credential_pools"
+        );
-  }
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsCredentialPool::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-class PhonesClient
+class AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public PhonesSimulateClient $simulate;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->simulate = new PhonesSimulateClient($seam);
-  }
-  public function deactivate(
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function launch(
+        string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
+        string $user_identity_id,
+        string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
+        bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
+        string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
+    ): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "acs_credential_pool_id"
+            ] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
+        }
+        if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "create_credential_manager_user"
+            ] = $create_credential_manager_user;
+        }
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_user_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credential_provisioning_automations/launch",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credential_provisioning_automation"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        return AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/phones/deactivate",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+class AcsCredentialsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
-  }
+    public function assign(string $acs_credential_id, string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function list(
-    string $owner_user_identity_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    if ($owner_user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["owner_user_identity_id"] = $owner_user_identity_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/assign",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/phones/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "phones",
-    );
+    public function create(
+        string $access_method,
+        string $acs_user_id,
+        array $allowed_acs_entrance_ids = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null,
+        string $ends_at = null,
+        bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null,
+        string $starts_at = null,
+        mixed $visionline_metadata = null
+    ): AcsCredential {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_method !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_method"] = $access_method;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($allowed_acs_entrance_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allowed_acs_entrance_ids"
+            ] = $allowed_acs_entrance_ids;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_multi_phone_sync_credential"
+            ] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
+        }
+        if ($starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($visionline_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["visionline_metadata"] = $visionline_metadata;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credential"
+        );
+        return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function delete(string $acs_credential_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Phone::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(string $acs_credential_id): AcsCredential
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-class PhonesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credential"
+        );
-  public function create_sandbox_phone(
-    string $user_identity_id,
-    mixed $assa_abloy_metadata = null,
-    string $custom_sdk_installation_id = null,
-    mixed $phone_metadata = null
-  ): Phone {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $acs_user_id = null,
+        string $acs_system_id = null,
+        string $user_identity_id = null,
+        bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_multi_phone_sync_credential"
+            ] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credentials"
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($assa_abloy_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["assa_abloy_metadata"] = $assa_abloy_metadata;
-    }
-    if ($custom_sdk_installation_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_sdk_installation_id"] = $custom_sdk_installation_id;
-    }
-    if ($phone_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_metadata"] = $phone_metadata;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/phones/simulate/create_sandbox_phone",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "phone",
-    );
+    public function unassign(
+        string $acs_credential_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/unassign",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function update(string $acs_credential_id, string $code): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return Phone::from_json($res);
-  }
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-class ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient
+class AcsEntrancesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function create(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $schedule_ends_at,
-    string $schedule_starts_at,
-    bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
-    bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
-    bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    string $schedule_type = null
-  ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatic_cooling_enabled"] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
-    }
-    if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatic_heating_enabled"] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
-      $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
-    }
-    if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manual_override_allowed"] = $manual_override_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule",
-    );
+    public function get(string $acs_entrance_id): AcsEntrance
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
+        }
-    return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $climate_setting_schedule_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/entrances/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_entrance"
+        );
-    if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["climate_setting_schedule_id"] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+        return AcsEntrance::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
+    public function grant_access(
+        string $acs_entrance_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function get(
-    string $climate_setting_schedule_id = null,
-    string $device_id = null
-  ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["climate_setting_schedule_id"] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/entrances/grant_access",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule",
-    );
-    return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list(
+        string $acs_credential_id = null,
+        string $acs_system_id = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/entrances/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_entrances"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "climate_setting_schedules",
-    );
+    public function list_credentials_with_access(
+        string $acs_entrance_id,
+        array $include_if = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/entrances/list_credentials_with_access",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credentials"
+        );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-  public function update(
-    string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
-    bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
-    bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
-    bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    string $schedule_ends_at = null,
-    string $schedule_starts_at = null,
-    string $schedule_type = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+class AcsSystemsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-    if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["climate_setting_schedule_id"] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
-    }
-    if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatic_cooling_enabled"] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
-    }
-    if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatic_heating_enabled"] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
-      $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
-    }
-    if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manual_override_allowed"] = $manual_override_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function get(string $acs_system_id): AcsSystem
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/systems/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_system"
+        );
+        return AcsSystem::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(string $connected_account_id = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/systems/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_systems"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-class ThermostatsClient
+class AcsUsersClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient $climate_setting_schedules;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->climate_setting_schedules = new ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient($seam);
-  }
-  public function cool(
-    string $device_id,
-    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function add_to_access_group(
+        string $acs_access_group_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/add_to_access_group",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/cool",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+    public function create(
+        string $acs_system_id,
+        mixed $access_schedule = null,
+        array $acs_access_group_ids = null,
+        string $email = null,
+        string $email_address = null,
+        string $full_name = null,
+        string $phone_number = null,
+        string $user_identity_id = null
+    ): AcsUser {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($access_schedule !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
+        }
+        if ($acs_access_group_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_ids"] = $acs_access_group_ids;
+        }
+        if ($email !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email"] = $email;
+        }
+        if ($email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        }
+        if ($full_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+        }
+        if ($phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_user"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return AcsUser::from_json($res);
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
+    public function delete(string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return $action_attempt;
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $name = null
-  ): Device {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "thermostat",
-    );
+    public function get(string $acs_user_id): AcsUser
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    return Device::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function heat(
-    string $device_id,
-    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_user"
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/heat",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+        return AcsUser::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $acs_system_id = null,
+        string $user_identity_email_address = null,
+        string $user_identity_id = null,
+        string $user_identity_phone_number = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "user_identity_email_address"
+            ] = $user_identity_email_address;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "user_identity_phone_number"
+            ] = $user_identity_phone_number;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_users"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
-    return $action_attempt;
-  }
-  public function heat_cool(
-    string $device_id,
-    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list_accessible_entrances(string $acs_user_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/heat_cool",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/list_accessible_entrances",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_entrances"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
+    public function remove_from_access_group(
+        string $acs_access_group_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return $action_attempt;
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/remove_from_access_group",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-  }
+    public function revoke_access_to_all_entrances(string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function list(
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $created_before = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $device_type = null,
-    array $device_types = null,
-    array $exclude_if = null,
-    array $include_if = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $manufacturer = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($created_before !== null) {
-      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-    }
-    if ($device_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-    }
-    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/revoke_access_to_all_entrances",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "thermostats",
-    );
+    public function suspend(string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/suspend",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+    public function unsuspend(string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function off(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/unsuspend",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    public function update(
+        string $acs_user_id,
+        mixed $access_schedule = null,
+        string $email = null,
+        string $email_address = null,
+        string $full_name = null,
+        string $hid_acs_system_id = null,
+        string $phone_number = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($access_schedule !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
+        }
+        if ($email !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email"] = $email;
+        }
+        if ($email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        }
+        if ($full_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+        }
+        if ($hid_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["hid_acs_system_id"] = $hid_acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/off",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+class ActionAttemptsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
+    public function get(string $action_attempt_id): ActionAttempt
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return $action_attempt;
+        if ($action_attempt_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["action_attempt_id"] = $action_attempt_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/action_attempts/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
-  }
+        return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+    }
-  public function set_fan_mode(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $fan_mode = null,
-    string $fan_mode_setting = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list(array $action_attempt_ids): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($fan_mode !== null) {
-      $request_payload["fan_mode"] = $fan_mode;
-    }
-    if ($fan_mode_setting !== null) {
-      $request_payload["fan_mode_setting"] = $fan_mode_setting;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
+        if ($action_attempt_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["action_attempt_ids"] = $action_attempt_ids;
+        }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/set_fan_mode",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/action_attempts/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempts"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ActionAttempt::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function poll_until_ready(string $action_attempt_id): ActionAttempt
+    {
+        $seam = $this->seam;
+        $time_waiting = 0.0;
+        $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get($action_attempt_id);
+        while ($action_attempt->status == "pending") {
+            $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get(
+                $action_attempt->action_attempt_id
+            );
+            if ($time_waiting > 20.0) {
+                throw new Exception(
+                    "Timed out waiting for action attempt to be ready"
+                );
+            }
+            $time_waiting += 0.4;
+            usleep(400000); // sleep for 0.4 seconds
+        }
+        if ($action_attempt->status == "failed") {
+            throw new Exception(
+                "Action Attempt failed: " . $action_attempt->error->message
+            );
+        }
+        return $action_attempt;
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
-    return $action_attempt;
+class ClientSessionsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        array $connect_webview_ids = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $expires_at = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null,
+        array $user_identity_ids = null
+    ): ClientSession {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($expires_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "client_session"
+        );
+        return ClientSession::from_json($res);
+    }
-  }
+    public function delete(string $client_session_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function update(
-    mixed $default_climate_setting,
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
-    if ($default_climate_setting !== null) {
-      $request_payload["default_climate_setting"] = $default_climate_setting;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function get(
+        string $client_session_id = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): ClientSession {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "client_session"
+        );
+        return ClientSession::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function get_or_create(
+        array $connect_webview_ids = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $expires_at = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null,
+        array $user_identity_ids = null
+    ): ClientSession {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($expires_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/get_or_create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "client_session"
+        );
+        return ClientSession::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function grant_access(
+        string $client_session_id = null,
+        array $connect_webview_ids = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null,
+        array $user_identity_ids = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
+        if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/grant_access",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $client_session_id = null,
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null,
+        string $user_identity_id = null,
+        bool $without_user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($without_user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "without_user_identifier_key"
+            ] = $without_user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "client_sessions"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ClientSession::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function revoke(string $client_session_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/revoke",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-class UserIdentitiesClient
+class ConnectWebviewsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient $enrollment_automations;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->enrollment_automations = new UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient($seam);
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        array $accepted_providers = null,
+        bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata = null,
+        string $custom_redirect_failure_url = null,
+        string $custom_redirect_url = null,
+        string $device_selection_mode = null,
+        string $provider_category = null,
+        bool $wait_for_device_creation = null
+    ): ConnectWebview {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($accepted_providers !== null) {
+            $request_payload["accepted_providers"] = $accepted_providers;
+        }
+        if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatically_manage_new_devices"
+            ] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
+        }
+        if ($custom_redirect_failure_url !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "custom_redirect_failure_url"
+            ] = $custom_redirect_failure_url;
+        }
+        if ($custom_redirect_url !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_redirect_url"] = $custom_redirect_url;
+        }
+        if ($device_selection_mode !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_selection_mode"] = $device_selection_mode;
+        }
+        if ($provider_category !== null) {
+            $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
+        }
+        if ($wait_for_device_creation !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "wait_for_device_creation"
+            ] = $wait_for_device_creation;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connect_webviews/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connect_webview"
+        );
+        return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function delete(string $connect_webview_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function add_acs_user(
-    string $acs_user_id,
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connect_webviews/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/add_acs_user",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function get(string $connect_webview_id): ConnectWebview
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connect_webviews/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connect_webview"
+        );
+        return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
-  public function create(
-    string $email_address = null,
-    string $full_name = null,
-    string $phone_number = null,
-    string $user_identity_key = null
-  ): UserIdentity {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connect_webviews/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connect_webviews"
+        );
-    if ($email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-    }
-    if ($full_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-    }
-    if ($phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ConnectWebview::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "user_identity",
-    );
+class ConnectedAccountsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function delete(
+        string $connected_account_id,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connected_accounts/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        string $email = null
+    ): ConnectedAccount {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($email !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email"] = $email;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connected_accounts/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connected_account"
+        );
+        return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(mixed $custom_metadata_has = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
-    return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connected_accounts/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connected_accounts"
+        );
-  public function delete(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ConnectedAccount::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $connected_account_id,
+        bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata = null
+    ): ConnectedAccount {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatically_manage_new_devices"
+            ] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connected_accounts/update",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connected_account"
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+class DevicesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public DevicesSimulateClient $simulate;
+    public DevicesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->simulate = new DevicesSimulateClient($seam);
+        $this->unmanaged = new DevicesUnmanagedClient($seam);
+    }
+    public function delete(string $device_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request("POST", "/devices/delete", json: $request_payload);
+    }
+    public function get(string $device_id = null, string $name = null): Device
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "device"
+        );
-  public function get(
-    string $user_identity_id = null,
-    string $user_identity_key = null
-  ): UserIdentity {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return Device::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $created_before = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $device_type = null,
+        array $device_types = null,
+        array $exclude_if = null,
+        array $include_if = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $manufacturer = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($created_before !== null) {
+            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+        }
+        if ($device_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+        }
+        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "devices"
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "user_identity",
-    );
+    public function list_device_providers(
+        string $provider_category = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($provider_category !== null) {
+            $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/list_device_providers",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "device_providers"
+        );
-    return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
-  }
+        return array_map(fn($r) => DeviceProvider::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $device_id,
+        mixed $custom_metadata = null,
+        bool $is_managed = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        mixed $properties = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
+        }
+        if ($is_managed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($properties !== null) {
+            $request_payload["properties"] = $properties;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request("POST", "/devices/update", json: $request_payload);
+    }
-  public function grant_access_to_device(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+class DevicesSimulateClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/grant_access_to_device",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function remove(string $device_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/simulate/remove",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+class DevicesUnmanagedClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $device_id = null,
+        string $name = null
+    ): UnmanagedDevice {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/unmanaged/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "device"
+        );
+        return UnmanagedDevice::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $created_before = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $device_type = null,
+        array $device_types = null,
+        array $exclude_if = null,
+        array $include_if = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $manufacturer = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($created_before !== null) {
+            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+        }
+        if ($device_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+        }
+        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/unmanaged/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "devices"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => UnmanagedDevice::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-  }
+    public function update(string $device_id, bool $is_managed): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function list(
-    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($is_managed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+        }
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/unmanaged/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "user_identities",
-    );
+class EventsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $device_id = null,
+        string $event_id = null,
+        string $event_type = null
+    ): Event {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($event_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_id"] = $event_id;
+        }
+        if ($event_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/events/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "event"
+        );
+        return Event::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $access_code_id = null,
+        array $access_code_ids = null,
+        array $between = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        string $device_id = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $event_type = null,
+        array $event_types = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $since = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
+        }
+        if ($between !== null) {
+            $request_payload["between"] = $between;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($event_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
+        }
+        if ($event_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($since !== null) {
+            $request_payload["since"] = $since;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/events/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "events"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Event::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+class LocksClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => UserIdentity::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+    public function get(string $device_id = null, string $name = null): Device
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function list_accessible_devices(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/locks/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "device"
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/list_accessible_devices",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "devices",
-    );
+        return Device::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $created_before = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $device_type = null,
+        array $device_types = null,
+        array $exclude_if = null,
+        array $include_if = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $manufacturer = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($created_before !== null) {
+            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+        }
+        if ($device_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+        }
+        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/locks/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "devices"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function lock_door(
+        string $device_id,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/locks/lock_door",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
-  public function list_acs_systems(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return $action_attempt;
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/list_acs_systems",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_systems",
-    );
+    public function unlock_door(
+        string $device_id,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/locks/unlock_door",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
-  public function list_acs_users(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return $action_attempt;
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/list_acs_users",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_users",
-    );
+class NetworksClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function get(string $network_id): Network
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if ($network_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["network_id"] = $network_id;
+        }
-  public function remove_acs_user(
-    string $acs_user_id,
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/networks/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "network"
+        );
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return Network::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/remove_acs_user",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function list(): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/networks/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "networks"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Network::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+class NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $ends_daily_at,
+        string $starts_daily_at,
+        string $name = null,
+        float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
+        float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): NoiseThreshold {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
+        }
+        if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "noise_threshold_decibels"
+            ] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "noise_threshold"
+        );
+        return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function delete(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $noise_threshold_id,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(string $noise_threshold_id): NoiseThreshold
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+        }
-  public function revoke_access_to_device(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "noise_threshold"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/revoke_access_to_device",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function list(string $device_id, bool $is_programmed = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($is_programmed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_programmed"] = $is_programmed;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "noise_thresholds"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => NoiseThreshold::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $noise_threshold_id,
+        string $ends_daily_at = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
+        float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
+        string $starts_daily_at = null,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+        }
+        if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "noise_threshold_decibels"
+            ] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
+        }
+        if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+class NoiseSensorsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient $noise_thresholds;
+    public NoiseSensorsSimulateClient $simulate;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->noise_thresholds = new NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient($seam);
+        $this->simulate = new NoiseSensorsSimulateClient($seam);
+    }
+class NoiseSensorsSimulateClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
-  }
+    public function trigger_noise_threshold(string $device_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function update(
-    string $user_identity_id,
-    string $email_address = null,
-    string $full_name = null,
-    string $phone_number = null,
-    string $user_identity_key = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-    }
-    if ($full_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-    }
-    if ($phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/simulate/trigger_noise_threshold",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+class PhonesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public PhonesSimulateClient $simulate;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->simulate = new PhonesSimulateClient($seam);
+    }
+    public function deactivate(string $device_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/phones/deactivate",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function list(string $owner_user_identity_id = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($owner_user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "owner_user_identity_id"
+            ] = $owner_user_identity_id;
+        }
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/phones/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "phones"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Phone::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-class UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient
+class PhonesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create_sandbox_phone(
+        string $user_identity_id,
+        mixed $assa_abloy_metadata = null,
+        string $custom_sdk_installation_id = null,
+        mixed $phone_metadata = null
+    ): Phone {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($assa_abloy_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["assa_abloy_metadata"] = $assa_abloy_metadata;
+        }
+        if ($custom_sdk_installation_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "custom_sdk_installation_id"
+            ] = $custom_sdk_installation_id;
+        }
+        if ($phone_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_metadata"] = $phone_metadata;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/phones/simulate/create_sandbox_phone",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "phone"
+        );
+        return Phone::from_json($res);
+    }
-  public function delete(
-    string $enrollment_automation_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+class ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $schedule_ends_at,
+        string $schedule_starts_at,
+        bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
+        bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
+        bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        string $schedule_type = null
+    ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatic_cooling_enabled"
+            ] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
+        }
+        if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatic_heating_enabled"
+            ] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
+            $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
+        }
+        if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "manual_override_allowed"
+            ] = $manual_override_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule"
+        );
-    if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["enrollment_automation_id"] = $enrollment_automation_id;
+        return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function delete(string $climate_setting_schedule_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "climate_setting_schedule_id"
+            ] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $climate_setting_schedule_id = null,
+        string $device_id = null
+    ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "climate_setting_schedule_id"
+            ] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule"
+        );
+        return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
-  public function get(
-    string $enrollment_automation_id
-  ): EnrollmentAutomation {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "climate_setting_schedules"
+        );
-    if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["enrollment_automation_id"] = $enrollment_automation_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
+        bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
+        bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
+        bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        string $schedule_ends_at = null,
+        string $schedule_starts_at = null,
+        string $schedule_type = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "climate_setting_schedule_id"
+            ] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+        }
+        if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatic_cooling_enabled"
+            ] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
+        }
+        if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatic_heating_enabled"
+            ] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
+            $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
+        }
+        if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "manual_override_allowed"
+            ] = $manual_override_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "enrollment_automation",
-    );
+class ThermostatsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient $climate_setting_schedules;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->climate_setting_schedules = new ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient(
+            $seam
+        );
+    }
+    public function cool(
+        string $device_id,
+        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/cool",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-    return EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($res);
-  }
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
-  public function launch(
-    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
-    string $user_identity_id,
-    string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
-    bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
-    string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function get(string $device_id = null, string $name = null): Device
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_pool_id"] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
-    }
-    if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
-      $request_payload["create_credential_manager_user"] = $create_credential_manager_user;
-    }
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_user_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
-    }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/launch",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "enrollment_automation",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "thermostat"
+        );
+        return Device::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function heat(
+        string $device_id,
+        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/heat",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
+    public function heat_cool(
+        string $device_id,
+        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/heat_cool",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
-  }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-  public function list(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $created_before = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $device_type = null,
+        array $device_types = null,
+        array $exclude_if = null,
+        array $include_if = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $manufacturer = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($created_before !== null) {
+            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+        }
+        if ($device_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+        }
+        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "thermostats"
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "enrollment_automations",
-    );
+    public function off(
+        string $device_id,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/off",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
+    public function set_fan_mode(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $fan_mode = null,
+        string $fan_mode_setting = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($fan_mode !== null) {
+            $request_payload["fan_mode"] = $fan_mode;
+        }
+        if ($fan_mode_setting !== null) {
+            $request_payload["fan_mode_setting"] = $fan_mode_setting;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/set_fan_mode",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-class WebhooksClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
+    public function update(
+        mixed $default_climate_setting,
+        string $device_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function create(
-    string $url,
-    array $event_types = null
-  ): Webhook {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($default_climate_setting !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "default_climate_setting"
+            ] = $default_climate_setting;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
-    if ($url !== null) {
-      $request_payload["url"] = $url;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    if ($event_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
+class UserIdentitiesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient $enrollment_automations;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->enrollment_automations = new UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient(
+            $seam
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "webhook",
-    );
+    public function add_acs_user(
+        string $acs_user_id,
+        string $user_identity_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/add_acs_user",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $email_address = null,
+        string $full_name = null,
+        string $phone_number = null,
+        string $user_identity_key = null
+    ): UserIdentity {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        }
+        if ($full_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+        }
+        if ($phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "user_identity"
+        );
+        return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
+    }
-    return Webhook::from_json($res);
-  }
+    public function delete(string $user_identity_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function delete(
-    string $webhook_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
-    if ($webhook_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function get(
+        string $user_identity_id = null,
+        string $user_identity_key = null
+    ): UserIdentity {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "user_identity"
+        );
+        return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function grant_access_to_device(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $user_identity_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/grant_access_to_device",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function list(string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        }
-  public function get(
-    string $webhook_id
-  ): Webhook {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "user_identities"
+        );
-    if ($webhook_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => UserIdentity::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "webhook",
-    );
+    public function list_accessible_devices(string $user_identity_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/list_accessible_devices",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "devices"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function list_acs_systems(string $user_identity_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return Webhook::from_json($res);
-  }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
-  public function list(
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/list_acs_systems",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_systems"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function list_acs_users(string $user_identity_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "webhooks",
-    );
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/list_acs_users",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_users"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function remove_acs_user(
+        string $acs_user_id,
+        string $user_identity_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Webhook::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/remove_acs_user",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-  public function update(
-    array $event_types,
-    string $webhook_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function revoke_access_to_device(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $user_identity_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($event_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
-    }
-    if ($webhook_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/revoke_access_to_device",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function update(
+        string $user_identity_id,
+        string $email_address = null,
+        string $full_name = null,
+        string $phone_number = null,
+        string $user_identity_key = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        }
+        if ($full_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+        }
+        if ($phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+class UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function delete(string $enrollment_automation_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "enrollment_automation_id"
+            ] = $enrollment_automation_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-  }
+    public function get(string $enrollment_automation_id): EnrollmentAutomation
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "enrollment_automation_id"
+            ] = $enrollment_automation_id;
+        }
-class WorkspacesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "enrollment_automation"
+        );
+        return EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function launch(
+        string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
+        string $user_identity_id,
+        string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
+        bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
+        string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "acs_credential_pool_id"
+            ] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
+        }
+        if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "create_credential_manager_user"
+            ] = $create_credential_manager_user;
+        }
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_user_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/launch",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "enrollment_automation"
+        );
+    }
-  public function create(
-    string $connect_partner_name,
-    string $name,
-    bool $is_sandbox = null,
-    string $webview_logo_shape = null,
-    string $webview_primary_button_color = null
-  ): Workspace {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list(string $user_identity_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_partner_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_partner_name"] = $connect_partner_name;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($is_sandbox !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_sandbox"] = $is_sandbox;
-    }
-    if ($webview_logo_shape !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webview_logo_shape"] = $webview_logo_shape;
-    }
-    if ($webview_primary_button_color !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webview_primary_button_color"] = $webview_primary_button_color;
-    }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/workspaces/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "workspace",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "enrollment_automations"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+class WebhooksClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(string $url, array $event_types = null): Webhook
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return Workspace::from_json($res);
-  }
+        if ($url !== null) {
+            $request_payload["url"] = $url;
+        }
+        if ($event_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
+        }
-  public function get(
-  ): Workspace {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "webhook"
+        );
+        return Webhook::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function delete(string $webhook_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/workspaces/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "workspace",
-    );
+        if ($webhook_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(string $webhook_id): Webhook
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($webhook_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "webhook"
+        );
-    return Workspace::from_json($res);
-  }
+        return Webhook::from_json($res);
+    }
-  public function list(
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list(): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "webhooks"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Webhook::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/workspaces/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "workspaces",
-    );
+    public function update(array $event_types, string $webhook_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($event_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
+        }
+        if ($webhook_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+class WorkspacesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $connect_partner_name,
+        string $name,
+        bool $is_sandbox = null,
+        string $webview_logo_shape = null,
+        string $webview_primary_button_color = null
+    ): Workspace {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_partner_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_partner_name"] = $connect_partner_name;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($is_sandbox !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_sandbox"] = $is_sandbox;
+        }
+        if ($webview_logo_shape !== null) {
+            $request_payload["webview_logo_shape"] = $webview_logo_shape;
+        }
+        if ($webview_primary_button_color !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "webview_primary_button_color"
+            ] = $webview_primary_button_color;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/workspaces/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "workspace"
+        );
+        return Workspace::from_json($res);
+    }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Workspace::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+    public function get(): Workspace
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function reset_sandbox(
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/workspaces/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "workspace"
+        );
+        return Workspace::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/workspaces/reset_sandbox",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/workspaces/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "workspaces"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Workspace::from_json($r), $res);
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
+    public function reset_sandbox(
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return $action_attempt;
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/workspaces/reset_sandbox",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
-  }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
diff --git a/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php b/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php
index 852c79b..8c6665b 100644
--- a/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php
+++ b/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php
@@ -8,34 +8,37 @@ class PackageVersionException extends \Exception
 class PackageVersion
-  public static function get()
-  {
-    $filePath = __DIR__ . "/../../package.json";
-    if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
-      throw new PackageVersionException(
-        "Can't get package version. File package.json does not exist."
-      );
+    public static function get()
+    {
+        $filePath = __DIR__ . "/../../package.json";
+        if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
+            throw new PackageVersionException(
+                "Can't get package version. File package.json does not exist."
+            );
+        }
+        $content = file_get_contents($filePath);
+        if ($content === false) {
+            throw new PackageVersionException(
+                "Unable to read package.json file to get package version."
+            );
+        }
+        $json = json_decode($content, true);
+        if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
+            throw new PackageVersionException(
+                "JSON decode error occurred when decoding package.json: " .
+                    json_last_error_msg()
+            );
+        }
+        if (!isset($json["version"])) {
+            throw new PackageVersionException(
+                "Version not set in package.json"
+            );
+        }
+        return $json["version"];
-    $content = file_get_contents($filePath);
-    if ($content === false) {
-      throw new PackageVersionException(
-        "Unable to read package.json file to get package version."
-      );
-    }
-    $json = json_decode($content, true);
-    if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
-      throw new PackageVersionException(
-        "JSON decode error occurred when decoding package.json: " . json_last_error_msg()
-      );
-    }
-    if (!isset($json["version"])) {
-      throw new PackageVersionException("Version not set in package.json");
-    }
-    return $json["version"];
-  }
diff --git a/tests/AccessCodesTest.php b/tests/AccessCodesTest.php
index d767cc4..8781896 100644
--- a/tests/AccessCodesTest.php
+++ b/tests/AccessCodesTest.php
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ public function testAccessCodes(): void
             code: "5679"
         $access_code = $seam->access_codes->get(
-           access_code_id: $access_code_id
+            access_code_id: $access_code_id
         $this->assertTrue($access_code->code === "5679");
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ public function testAccessCodes(): void
         $this->assertTrue($formatted_ends_at === $end_date->format("Y-m-d"));
         $access_codes = $seam->access_codes->create_multiple(
-           device_ids: [$first_device_id, $second_device_id]
+            device_ids: [$first_device_id, $second_device_id]
         $this->assertTrue(count($access_codes) === 2);
@@ -136,18 +136,20 @@ public function testUnmanagedAccessCodes(): void
         $current_managed_access_codes = $seam->access_codes->list(
-           device_id: $device_id
+            device_id: $device_id
-            count($managed_access_codes_before_update) + 1 === count($current_managed_access_codes)
+            count($managed_access_codes_before_update) + 1 ===
+                count($current_managed_access_codes)
-          !empty(array_filter(
-              $current_managed_access_codes,
-              function ($ac) use ($unmanaged_access_code_id) {
-                return $ac->access_code_id === $unmanaged_access_code_id;
-              }
-            ))
+            !empty(
+                array_filter($current_managed_access_codes, function ($ac) use (
+                    $unmanaged_access_code_id
+                ) {
+                    return $ac->access_code_id === $unmanaged_access_code_id;
+                })
+            )
diff --git a/tests/ClimateSettingSchedulesTest.php b/tests/ClimateSettingSchedulesTest.php
index 1c84421..42d94dd 100644
--- a/tests/ClimateSettingSchedulesTest.php
+++ b/tests/ClimateSettingSchedulesTest.php
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ public function testClimateSettingSchedules(): void
             manual_override_allowed: true
         $updated_climate_setting_schedule = $seam->thermostats->climate_setting_schedules->get(
-          climate_setting_schedule_id: $climate_setting_schedule_id
-      );
+            climate_setting_schedule_id: $climate_setting_schedule_id
+        );
             $updated_climate_setting_schedule->cooling_set_point_celsius == 21
diff --git a/tests/ConnectedAccountsTest.php b/tests/ConnectedAccountsTest.php
index 5139e48..5c1c989 100644
--- a/tests/ConnectedAccountsTest.php
+++ b/tests/ConnectedAccountsTest.php
@@ -8,78 +8,78 @@
 final class ConnectedAccountsTest extends TestCase
-  public function testGetAndListConnectedAccounts(): void
-  {
-    $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
-    $connected_accounts = $seam->connected_accounts->list();
-    $this->assertIsArray($connected_accounts);
+    public function testGetAndListConnectedAccounts(): void
+    {
+        $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
+        $connected_accounts = $seam->connected_accounts->list();
+        $this->assertIsArray($connected_accounts);
-    $connected_account_id = $connected_accounts[0]->connected_account_id;
-    $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
-      connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
-    );
-    $this->assertTrue(
-      $connected_account->connected_account_id === $connected_account_id
-    );
-  }
+        $connected_account_id = $connected_accounts[0]->connected_account_id;
+        $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
+            connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
+        );
+        $this->assertTrue(
+            $connected_account->connected_account_id === $connected_account_id
+        );
+    }
-  public function testDeleteConnectedAccount(): void
-  {
-    $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
-    $connected_accounts = $seam->connected_accounts->list();
+    public function testDeleteConnectedAccount(): void
+    {
+        $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
+        $connected_accounts = $seam->connected_accounts->list();
-    $connected_account_id = $connected_accounts[0]->connected_account_id;
+        $connected_account_id = $connected_accounts[0]->connected_account_id;
-    $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
-      connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
-    );
-    $this->assertTrue(
-      $connected_account->connected_account_id === $connected_account_id
-    );
+        $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
+            connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
+        );
+        $this->assertTrue(
+            $connected_account->connected_account_id === $connected_account_id
+        );
-    $seam->connected_accounts->delete(
-      connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
-    );
+        $seam->connected_accounts->delete(
+            connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
+        );
-    try {
-      $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
-        connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
-      );
-      $this->fail("Expected the account to be deleted");
-    } catch (Exception $exception) {
-      $this->assertTrue(
-        str_contains(
-          $exception->getMessage(),
-          "connected_account_not_found"
-        )
-      );
+        try {
+            $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
+                connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
+            );
+            $this->fail("Expected the account to be deleted");
+        } catch (Exception $exception) {
+            $this->assertTrue(
+                str_contains(
+                    $exception->getMessage(),
+                    "connected_account_not_found"
+                )
+            );
+        }
-  }
-  public function testUpdateConnectedAccount(): void
-  {
-    $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
-    $connected_accounts = $seam->connected_accounts->list();
+    public function testUpdateConnectedAccount(): void
+    {
+        $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
+        $connected_accounts = $seam->connected_accounts->list();
-    $connected_account_id = $connected_accounts[0]->connected_account_id;
+        $connected_account_id = $connected_accounts[0]->connected_account_id;
-    $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
-      connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
-    );
-    $this->assertTrue(
-      $connected_account->automatically_manage_new_devices === true
-    );
+        $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
+            connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
+        );
+        $this->assertTrue(
+            $connected_account->automatically_manage_new_devices === true
+        );
-    $seam->connected_accounts->update(
-      connected_account_id: $connected_account_id,
-      automatically_manage_new_devices: false
-    );
+        $seam->connected_accounts->update(
+            connected_account_id: $connected_account_id,
+            automatically_manage_new_devices: false
+        );
-    $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
-      connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
-    );
-    $this->assertTrue(
-      $connected_account->automatically_manage_new_devices === false
-    );
-  }
+        $connected_account = $seam->connected_accounts->get(
+            connected_account_id: $connected_account_id
+        );
+        $this->assertTrue(
+            $connected_account->automatically_manage_new_devices === false
+        );
+    }
diff --git a/tests/DevicesTest.php b/tests/DevicesTest.php
index c78fda9..272e879 100644
--- a/tests/DevicesTest.php
+++ b/tests/DevicesTest.php
@@ -110,4 +110,4 @@ public function testUnmanagedDevices(): void
         $unmanaged_devices = $seam->devices->unmanaged->list();
         $this->assertTrue(count($unmanaged_devices) == 0);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/SmokeTest.php b/tests/SmokeTest.php
index e6f0b1e..ab51e6e 100644
--- a/tests/SmokeTest.php
+++ b/tests/SmokeTest.php
@@ -7,22 +7,23 @@
 final class SmokeTest extends TestCase
-  public function testGetDevices(): void
-  {
-    $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
+    public function testGetDevices(): void
+    {
+        $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
-    $devices_response = $seam->devices->list();
-    $this->assertIsString($devices_response[0]->device_id);
-  }
-  public function testCreateAccessCode(): void
-  {
-    $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
+        $devices_response = $seam->devices->list();
+        $this->assertIsString($devices_response[0]->device_id);
+    }
+    public function testCreateAccessCode(): void
+    {
+        $seam = Fixture::getTestServer();
-    $access_code = $seam->access_codes->create(
-      device_id:"august_device_1", code:"1234"
-    );
+        $access_code = $seam->access_codes->create(
+            device_id: "august_device_1",
+            code: "1234"
+        );
-    $this->assertTrue($access_code->status === "setting");
-    $this->assertTrue($access_code->code === "1234");
-  }
+        $this->assertTrue($access_code->status === "setting");
+        $this->assertTrue($access_code->code === "1234");
+    }

From 4ee7790124b1e5f6365732d4cf685da0967e2f0d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Balitskyi <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:13:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 05/12] Update .prettierrc.json

 .prettierrc.json | 4 +---
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.prettierrc.json b/.prettierrc.json
index 39fa661..993864e 100644
--- a/.prettierrc.json
+++ b/.prettierrc.json
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
   "plugins": ["@prettier/plugin-php"],
-  "parser": "php",
-  "semi": false,
-  "endOfLine": "lf"
+  "parser": "php"

From 45e931bc6f4dac0c1868bc3b0c07c89a6788ef67 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Balitskyi <>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:31:16 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 06/12] Simplify generate

 generate-routes.js  | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 package.json        |  2 +-
 scripts/generate.js | 37 -------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 generate-routes.js
 delete mode 100644 scripts/generate.js

diff --git a/generate-routes.js b/generate-routes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be3e9bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/generate-routes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { dirname, resolve } from 'node:path'
+import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
+import {
+  generatePhpSDK as generateSdk,
+  writeFs,
+} from '@seamapi/nextlove-sdk-generator'
+import { openapi } from '@seamapi/types/connect'
+import { deleteAsync } from 'del'
+const libDirName = 'src'
+const rootPath = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
+const outputPath = resolve(rootPath, libDirName)
+await deleteAsync(outputPath)
+const fileSystem = await generateSdk({
+  openApiSpecObject: openapi,
+const files = Object.entries(fileSystem).filter(([fileName]) =>
+  fileName.startsWith(`${libDirName}/`),
+writeFs(rootPath, Object.fromEntries(files))
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 6790991..6853d44 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   "license": "MIT",
   "scripts": {
     "postversion": "git push --follow-tags",
-    "generate": "node ./scripts/generate.js",
+    "generate": "node generate-routes.js",
     "postgenerate": "npm run format",
     "format": "prettier --write --ignore-path .gitignore ."
diff --git a/scripts/generate.js b/scripts/generate.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 69ab231..0000000
--- a/scripts/generate.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-import { generatePhpSDK, writeFs } from "@seamapi/nextlove-sdk-generator"
-import { openapi } from "@seamapi/types/connect"
-import path from "node:path"
-import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"
-import { deleteAsync } from "del"
-const PROJECT_ROOT_PATH = path.resolve(
-  path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)),
-  "../",
-const MAIN_SEAM_DIR_PATH = path.resolve(
-const main = async () => {
-  try {
-    await deleteAsync(MAIN_SEAM_DIR_PATH)
-    const pythonSdkFileSystem = await generatePhpSDK({
-      openApiSpecObject: openapi,
-    })
-    const seamFiles = Object.entries(pythonSdkFileSystem).filter(([fileName]) =>
-      fileName.startsWith(PHP_SDK_DIRECTORY_PREFIX),
-    )
-    writeFs(PROJECT_ROOT_PATH, Object.fromEntries(seamFiles))
-    console.log("PHP SDK generated successfully!")
-  } catch (error) {
-    console.error("Failed to generate SDK:", error)
-  }
-await main()

From d376f0b901b7cf1fe26dbe7a9bb2d6a2c24b8c4b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Balitskyi <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:11:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 07/12] Add ..editorconfig

 .editorconfig | 15 +++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 .editorconfig

diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76878d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+root = true
+charset = utf-8
+end_of_line = lf
+insert_final_newline = true
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+indent_size = 4
+indent_style = tab
\ No newline at end of file

From 84be02a124f7422815aa5820a202c95378f9bcda Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Balitskyi <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:16:08 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 08/12] Add .prettierrc for all non-PHP file types

 .github/actions/setup/action.yml | 4 ++--
 .github/workflows/automerge.yml  | 2 +-
 .github/workflows/generate.yml   | 4 ++--
 .github/workflows/publish.yml    | 2 +-
 .github/workflows/test.yml       | 4 ++--
 .prettierrc                      | 6 ++++++
 6 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .prettierrc

diff --git a/.github/actions/setup/action.yml b/.github/actions/setup/action.yml
index 02e9280..977019b 100644
--- a/.github/actions/setup/action.yml
+++ b/.github/actions/setup/action.yml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ inputs:
     description: The Node.js version.
     required: false
-    default: "20"
+    default: '20'
     description: The Node.js package registry URL.
     required: false
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ inputs:
     description: Install dependencies.
     required: false
-    default: "true"
+    default: 'true'
   using: composite
diff --git a/.github/workflows/automerge.yml b/.github/workflows/automerge.yml
index 7089b4c..2e9062b 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/automerge.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/automerge.yml
@@ -59,4 +59,4 @@ jobs:
         run: gh pr close "$PR_URL"
           PR_URL: ${{ github.event.pull_request.html_url }}
-          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
\ No newline at end of file
+          GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/generate.yml b/.github/workflows/generate.yml
index 2c02903..9826974 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/generate.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/generate.yml
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: Setup
         uses: ./.github/actions/setup
-          install_dependencies: "false"
+          install_dependencies: 'false'
       - name: Normalize package-lock.json
         run: npm install
       - name: Generate SDK
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: Commit
         uses: stefanzweifel/git-auto-commit-action@v5
-          commit_message: "ci: Generate code"
+          commit_message: 'ci: Generate code'
           commit_user_name: ${{ secrets.GIT_USER_NAME }}
           commit_user_email: ${{ secrets.GIT_USER_EMAIL }}
           commit_author: ${{ secrets.GIT_USER_NAME }} <${{ secrets.GIT_USER_EMAIL }}>
diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish.yml b/.github/workflows/publish.yml
index 7958347..8ae5119 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/publish.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish.yml
@@ -32,5 +32,5 @@ jobs:
           token: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
           prerelease: ${{ contains(github.ref_name, '-') }}
-          files: ""
+          files: ''
           body_path: ${{ github.workspace }}/${{ steps.changelog.outputs.outfile }}
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test.yml b/.github/workflows/test.yml
index e51426b..996d9db 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 name: PHP Test
-on: ["pull_request"]
+on: ['pull_request']
     if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'skip ci')"
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ jobs:
       - name: Setup PHP
         uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
-          php-version: "8.0"
+          php-version: '8.0'
       - run: composer install
       - run: composer exec phpunit tests
diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14c717d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.prettierrc
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+  "semi": false,
+  "singleQuote": true,
+  "jsxSingleQuote": true,
+  "endOfLine": "lf"

From d28a6b3a6488be0a781a7d5ee68d6cf4cf3c0dec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Seam Bot <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:16:29 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 09/12] ci: Generate code

 src/Objects/AccessCode.php                    |   32 +-
 src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredential.php                 |   52 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php             |    8 +-
 .../AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php   |   13 +-
 .../AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php       |   17 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php                   |   18 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php |   17 +-
 src/Objects/AcsSystem.php                     |   21 +-
 src/Objects/AcsUser.php                       |   45 +-
 src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php         |   11 +-
 src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php                 |   18 +-
 src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php            |   15 +-
 src/Objects/ClientSession.php                 |   10 +-
 src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php        |   32 +-
 src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php                |   21 +-
 src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php              |   22 +-
 .../ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php        |   21 +-
 src/Objects/Device.php                        |   44 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php          |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php         |   14 +-
 .../DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php    |   37 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php              |   13 +-
 ...viceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php |   19 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php          |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php    |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php                 |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php           |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php         |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php    |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php   |   27 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php   |   27 +-
 .../DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php        |   25 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php          |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php               |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php                  |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php           |    8 +-
 .../DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php        |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php                |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php       |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php           |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php      |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php                |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php          |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php           |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceModel.php                   |   26 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php            |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php            |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php     |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DevicePressure.php                |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php              |  385 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php         |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php     |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSound.php                   |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php           |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php             |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php          |   11 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php            |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php            |   12 +-
 src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php          |    8 +-
 src/Objects/Event.php                         |   10 +-
 src/Objects/Network.php                       |    8 +-
 src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php                |   10 +-
 src/Objects/Phone.php                         |   44 +-
 ...honeAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php |   19 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php                   |    8 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php                 |   10 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php               |   14 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php                 |    8 +-
 src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php                 |    8 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php           |   16 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php               |   36 +-
 .../UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php        |   19 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php        |   13 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php          |   26 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php     |   41 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php       |    8 +-
 src/Objects/UserIdentity.php                  |   16 +-
 src/Objects/Webhook.php                       |   12 +-
 src/Objects/Workspace.php                     |   10 +-
 src/SeamClient.php                            | 7905 +++++++++--------
 src/Utils/PackageVersion.php                  |   61 +-
 97 files changed, 5309 insertions(+), 4477 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Objects/AccessCode.php b/src/Objects/AccessCode.php
index 077b5b8..c63c6da 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AccessCode.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AccessCode.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AccessCode
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AccessCode|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -24,40 +25,41 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AccessCode|null
             is_offline_access_code: $json->is_offline_access_code,
             is_one_time_use: $json->is_one_time_use,
             is_scheduled_on_device: $json->is_scheduled_on_device ?? null,
-            is_waiting_for_code_assignment: $json->is_waiting_for_code_assignment ??
-                null,
+            is_waiting_for_code_assignment: $json->is_waiting_for_code_assignment ?? null,
             name: $json->name ?? null,
-            pulled_backup_access_code_id: $json->pulled_backup_access_code_id ??
-                null,
+            pulled_backup_access_code_id: $json->pulled_backup_access_code_id ?? null,
             starts_at: $json->starts_at ?? null,
             status: $json->status,
             type: $json->type,
-            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null
+            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_code_id,
-        public string|null $code,
-        public string|null $common_code_key,
+        public string | null $code,
+        public string | null $common_code_key,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
-        public string|null $ends_at,
+        public string | null $ends_at,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public bool|null $is_backup,
+        public bool | null $is_backup,
         public bool $is_backup_access_code_available,
         public bool $is_external_modification_allowed,
         public bool $is_managed,
         public bool $is_offline_access_code,
         public bool $is_one_time_use,
-        public bool|null $is_scheduled_on_device,
-        public bool|null $is_waiting_for_code_assignment,
-        public string|null $name,
-        public string|null $pulled_backup_access_code_id,
-        public string|null $starts_at,
+        public bool | null $is_scheduled_on_device,
+        public bool | null $is_waiting_for_code_assignment,
+        public string | null $name,
+        public string | null $pulled_backup_access_code_id,
+        public string | null $starts_at,
         public string $status,
         public string $type,
-        public mixed $warnings
+        public mixed $warnings,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php b/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php
index 05c2dc8..361f43d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AcsAccessGroup
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsAccessGroup|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -18,10 +19,12 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsAccessGroup|null
             external_type: $json->external_type,
             external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name,
             name: $json->name,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_group_type,
         public string $access_group_type_display_name,
@@ -31,7 +34,8 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $external_type,
         public string $external_type_display_name,
         public string $name,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php
index 9f71852..5363d1c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AcsCredential
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredential|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -20,48 +21,45 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredential|null
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             ends_at: $json->ends_at ?? null,
             errors: array_map(
-                fn($e) => AcsCredentialErrors::from_json($e),
-                $json->errors ?? []
-            ),
+          fn ($e) => AcsCredentialErrors::from_json($e),
+          $json->errors ?? []
+        ),
             external_type: $json->external_type ?? null,
-            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ??
-                null,
-            is_multi_phone_sync_credential: $json->is_multi_phone_sync_credential ??
-                null,
+            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ?? null,
+            is_multi_phone_sync_credential: $json->is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?? null,
             parent_acs_credential_id: $json->parent_acs_credential_id ?? null,
             starts_at: $json->starts_at ?? null,
-            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata)
-                ? AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->visionline_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
+            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata) ? AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata::from_json($json->visionline_metadata) : null,
             warnings: array_map(
-                fn($w) => AcsCredentialWarnings::from_json($w),
-                $json->warnings ?? []
-            ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+          fn ($w) => AcsCredentialWarnings::from_json($w),
+          $json->warnings ?? []
+        ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_method,
         public string $acs_credential_id,
-        public string|null $acs_credential_pool_id,
+        public string | null $acs_credential_pool_id,
         public string $acs_system_id,
-        public string|null $acs_user_id,
-        public string|null $code,
+        public string | null $acs_user_id,
+        public string | null $code,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public string|null $ends_at,
+        public string | null $ends_at,
         public array $errors,
-        public string|null $external_type,
-        public string|null $external_type_display_name,
-        public bool|null $is_multi_phone_sync_credential,
-        public string|null $parent_acs_credential_id,
-        public string|null $starts_at,
-        public AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata|null $visionline_metadata,
+        public string | null $external_type,
+        public string | null $external_type_display_name,
+        public bool | null $is_multi_phone_sync_credential,
+        public string | null $parent_acs_credential_id,
+        public string | null $starts_at,
+        public AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata | null $visionline_metadata,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php
index b6c34f3..daece48 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AcsCredentialErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string|null $created_at
+        public string | null $created_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php
index 84e790d..0b783b5 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AcsCredentialPool
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialPool|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,10 +17,12 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialPool|null
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             external_type: $json->external_type,
             external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_credential_pool_id,
         public string $acs_system_id,
@@ -27,7 +30,8 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $display_name,
         public string $external_type,
         public string $external_type_display_name,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php
index fc2e775..49880ab 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -15,16 +15,19 @@ public static function from_json(
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             credential_manager_acs_system_id: $json->credential_manager_acs_system_id,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_credential_provisioning_automation_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
         public string $user_identity_id,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php
index 0534afc..6066146 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php
@@ -4,23 +4,26 @@
 class AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             common_acs_entrance_ids: $json->common_acs_entrance_ids ?? null,
             guest_acs_entrance_ids: $json->guest_acs_entrance_ids ?? null,
-            joiner_acs_credential_ids: $json->joiner_acs_credential_ids ?? null
+            joiner_acs_credential_ids: $json->joiner_acs_credential_ids ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public array|null $common_acs_entrance_ids,
-        public array|null $guest_acs_entrance_ids,
-        public array|null $joiner_acs_credential_ids
+        public array | null $common_acs_entrance_ids,
+        public array | null $guest_acs_entrance_ids,
+        public array | null $joiner_acs_credential_ids,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php
index 3c0cc1a..3146f05 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AcsCredentialWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string|null $created_at
+        public string | null $created_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php
index c837039..b66cf53 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AcsEntrance
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntrance|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,24 +15,21 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntrance|null
             acs_system_id: $json->acs_system_id,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
-            latch_metadata: isset($json->latch_metadata)
-                ? AcsEntranceLatchMetadata::from_json($json->latch_metadata)
-                : null,
-            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata)
-                ? AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->visionline_metadata
-                )
-                : null
+            latch_metadata: isset($json->latch_metadata) ? AcsEntranceLatchMetadata::from_json($json->latch_metadata) : null,
+            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata) ? AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata::from_json($json->visionline_metadata) : null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_entrance_id,
         public string $acs_system_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public AcsEntranceLatchMetadata|null $latch_metadata,
-        public AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|null $visionline_metadata
+        public AcsEntranceLatchMetadata | null $latch_metadata,
+        public AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata | null $visionline_metadata,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php
index b656285..fab928c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AcsEntranceLatchMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceLatchMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,15 +14,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceLatchMetadata|null
             accessibility_type: $json->accessibility_type,
             door_name: $json->door_name,
             door_type: $json->door_type,
-            is_connected: $json->is_connected
+            is_connected: $json->is_connected,
     public function __construct(
         public string $accessibility_type,
         public string $door_name,
         public string $door_type,
-        public bool $is_connected
+        public bool $is_connected,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php
index c94d918..b9e0d5e 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AcsEntranceProfiles
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceProfiles|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -11,13 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceProfiles|null
         return new self(
             visionline_door_profile_id: $json->visionline_door_profile_id,
-            visionline_door_profile_type: $json->visionline_door_profile_type
+            visionline_door_profile_type: $json->visionline_door_profile_type,
     public function __construct(
         public string $visionline_door_profile_id,
-        public string $visionline_door_profile_type
+        public string $visionline_door_profile_type,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php
index eb024d9..df146da 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,16 +14,19 @@ public static function from_json(
             door_category: $json->door_category,
             door_name: $json->door_name,
             profiles: array_map(
-                fn($p) => AcsEntranceProfiles::from_json($p),
-                $json->profiles ?? []
-            )
+          fn ($p) => AcsEntranceProfiles::from_json($p),
+          $json->profiles ?? []
+        ),
     public function __construct(
         public string $door_category,
         public string $door_name,
-        public array|null $profiles
+        public array | null $profiles,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php b/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php
index c9285e7..6d51d37 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class AcsSystem
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsSystem|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,30 +16,32 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsSystem|null
             connected_account_ids: $json->connected_account_ids,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             external_type: $json->external_type ?? null,
-            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ??
-                null,
+            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ?? null,
             image_alt_text: $json->image_alt_text,
             image_url: $json->image_url,
             name: $json->name,
             system_type: $json->system_type ?? null,
             system_type_display_name: $json->system_type_display_name ?? null,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_system_id,
-        public bool|null $can_automate_enrollment,
+        public bool | null $can_automate_enrollment,
         public array $connected_account_ids,
         public string $created_at,
-        public string|null $external_type,
-        public string|null $external_type_display_name,
+        public string | null $external_type,
+        public string | null $external_type_display_name,
         public string $image_alt_text,
         public string $image_url,
         public string $name,
-        public string|null $system_type,
-        public string|null $system_type_display_name,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string | null $system_type,
+        public string | null $system_type_display_name,
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsUser.php b/src/Objects/AcsUser.php
index af38ef9..6734976 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsUser.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsUser.php
@@ -4,15 +4,14 @@
 class AcsUser
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsUser|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            access_schedule: isset($json->access_schedule)
-                ? AcsUserAccessSchedule::from_json($json->access_schedule)
-                : null,
+            access_schedule: isset($json->access_schedule) ? AcsUserAccessSchedule::from_json($json->access_schedule) : null,
             acs_system_id: $json->acs_system_id,
             acs_user_id: $json->acs_user_id,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
@@ -20,41 +19,41 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsUser|null
             email: $json->email ?? null,
             email_address: $json->email_address ?? null,
             external_type: $json->external_type ?? null,
-            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ??
-                null,
+            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ?? null,
             full_name: $json->full_name ?? null,
             hid_acs_system_id: $json->hid_acs_system_id ?? null,
             is_suspended: $json->is_suspended,
             phone_number: $json->phone_number ?? null,
-            user_identity_email_address: $json->user_identity_email_address ??
-                null,
+            user_identity_email_address: $json->user_identity_email_address ?? null,
             user_identity_full_name: $json->user_identity_full_name ?? null,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id ?? null,
-            user_identity_phone_number: $json->user_identity_phone_number ??
-                null,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            user_identity_phone_number: $json->user_identity_phone_number ?? null,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
-        public AcsUserAccessSchedule|null $access_schedule,
+        public AcsUserAccessSchedule | null $access_schedule,
         public string $acs_system_id,
         public string $acs_user_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public string|null $email,
-        public string|null $email_address,
-        public string|null $external_type,
-        public string|null $external_type_display_name,
-        public string|null $full_name,
-        public string|null $hid_acs_system_id,
+        public string | null $email,
+        public string | null $email_address,
+        public string | null $external_type,
+        public string | null $external_type_display_name,
+        public string | null $full_name,
+        public string | null $hid_acs_system_id,
         public bool $is_suspended,
-        public string|null $phone_number,
-        public string|null $user_identity_email_address,
-        public string|null $user_identity_full_name,
-        public string|null $user_identity_id,
-        public string|null $user_identity_phone_number,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string | null $phone_number,
+        public string | null $user_identity_email_address,
+        public string | null $user_identity_full_name,
+        public string | null $user_identity_id,
+        public string | null $user_identity_phone_number,
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php b/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php
index 2d3fcde..dcb2fc0 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php
@@ -4,17 +4,24 @@
 class AcsUserAccessSchedule
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsUserAccessSchedule|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(ends_at: $json->ends_at, starts_at: $json->starts_at);
+        return new self(
+            ends_at: $json->ends_at,
+            starts_at: $json->starts_at,
+        );
     public function __construct(
         public string $ends_at,
-        public string $starts_at
+        public string $starts_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php b/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php
index 6951b90..a3ed7bc 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class ActionAttempt
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ActionAttempt|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,20 +13,21 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ActionAttempt|null
         return new self(
             action_attempt_id: $json->action_attempt_id ?? null,
             action_type: $json->action_type ?? null,
-            error: isset($json->error)
-                ? ActionAttemptError::from_json($json->error)
-                : null,
+            error: isset($json->error) ? ActionAttemptError::from_json($json->error) : null,
             result: $json->result ?? null,
-            status: $json->status ?? null
+            status: $json->status ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public string|null $action_attempt_id,
-        public string|null $action_type,
-        public ActionAttemptError|null $error,
+        public string | null $action_attempt_id,
+        public string | null $action_type,
+        public ActionAttemptError | null $error,
         public mixed $result,
-        public string|null $status
+        public string | null $status,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php b/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php
index b9c7355..d958baa 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php
@@ -4,15 +4,24 @@
 class ActionAttemptError
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ActionAttemptError|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(message: $json->message, type: $json->type);
+        return new self(
+            message: $json->message,
+            type: $json->type,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public string $message, public string $type)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public string $message,
+        public string $type,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ClientSession.php b/src/Objects/ClientSession.php
index cc8fab2..6401d2d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ClientSession.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ClientSession.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class ClientSession
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClientSession|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -18,10 +19,12 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClientSession|null
             token: $json->token,
             user_identifier_key: $json->user_identifier_key ?? null,
             user_identity_ids: $json->user_identity_ids,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $client_session_id,
         public array $connect_webview_ids,
@@ -29,9 +32,10 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public float $device_count,
         public string $token,
-        public string|null $user_identifier_key,
+        public string | null $user_identifier_key,
         public array $user_identity_ids,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php b/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php
index 997e249..deb832f 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class ClimateSettingSchedule
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClimateSettingSchedule|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,40 +15,41 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClimateSettingSchedule|null
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled ?? null,
             climate_setting_schedule_id: $json->climate_setting_schedule_id,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             errors: $json->errors ?? null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting ?? null,
             manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed ?? null,
             name: $json->name ?? null,
             schedule_ends_at: $json->schedule_ends_at,
             schedule_starts_at: $json->schedule_starts_at,
-            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type
+            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type,
     public function __construct(
-        public bool|null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
-        public bool|null $automatic_heating_enabled,
+        public bool | null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
+        public bool | null $automatic_heating_enabled,
         public string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
-        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public string|null $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool|null $manual_override_allowed,
-        public string|null $name,
+        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public string | null $hvac_mode_setting,
+        public bool | null $manual_override_allowed,
+        public string | null $name,
         public string $schedule_ends_at,
         public string $schedule_starts_at,
-        public string $schedule_type
+        public string $schedule_type,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php b/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php
index dba1355..a21b57c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class ConnectWebview
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectWebview|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -20,8 +21,7 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectWebview|null
             connected_account_id: $json->connected_account_id ?? null,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             custom_metadata: $json->custom_metadata,
-            custom_redirect_failure_url: $json->custom_redirect_failure_url ??
-                null,
+            custom_redirect_failure_url: $json->custom_redirect_failure_url ?? null,
             custom_redirect_url: $json->custom_redirect_url ?? null,
             device_selection_mode: $json->device_selection_mode,
             login_successful: $json->login_successful,
@@ -29,30 +29,33 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectWebview|null
             status: $json->status,
             url: $json->url,
             wait_for_device_creation: $json->wait_for_device_creation,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public array $accepted_devices,
         public array $accepted_providers,
         public bool $any_device_allowed,
         public bool $any_provider_allowed,
-        public string|null $authorized_at,
+        public string | null $authorized_at,
         public bool $automatically_manage_new_devices,
         public string $connect_webview_id,
-        public string|null $connected_account_id,
+        public string | null $connected_account_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public mixed $custom_metadata,
-        public string|null $custom_redirect_failure_url,
-        public string|null $custom_redirect_url,
+        public string | null $custom_redirect_failure_url,
+        public string | null $custom_redirect_url,
         public string $device_selection_mode,
         public bool $login_successful,
-        public string|null $selected_provider,
+        public string | null $selected_provider,
         public string $status,
         public string $url,
         public bool $wait_for_device_creation,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php
index 14a5e30..ed2a334 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class ConnectedAccount
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccount|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,25 +18,24 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccount|null
             created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
             custom_metadata: $json->custom_metadata,
             errors: $json->errors ?? null,
-            user_identifier: isset($json->user_identifier)
-                ? ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier::from_json(
-                    $json->user_identifier
-                )
-                : null,
-            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null
+            user_identifier: isset($json->user_identifier) ? ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier::from_json($json->user_identifier) : null,
+            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public string|null $account_type,
+        public string | null $account_type,
         public string $account_type_display_name,
         public bool $automatically_manage_new_devices,
-        public string|null $connected_account_id,
-        public string|null $created_at,
+        public string | null $connected_account_id,
+        public string | null $created_at,
         public mixed $custom_metadata,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|null $user_identifier,
-        public mixed $warnings
+        public ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier | null $user_identifier,
+        public mixed $warnings,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php
index 259f86b..2c81346 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -15,16 +15,19 @@ public static function from_json(
             email: $json->email ?? null,
             exclusive: $json->exclusive ?? null,
             phone: $json->phone ?? null,
-            username: $json->username ?? null
+            username: $json->username ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public string|null $api_url,
-        public string|null $email,
-        public bool|null $exclusive,
-        public string|null $phone,
-        public string|null $username
+        public string | null $api_url,
+        public string | null $email,
+        public bool | null $exclusive,
+        public string | null $phone,
+        public string | null $username,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Device.php b/src/Objects/Device.php
index 7255d0b..18d88f3 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Device.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Device.php
@@ -4,16 +4,15 @@
 class Device
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Device|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ??
-                null,
-            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ??
-                null,
+            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ?? null,
+            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ?? null,
             can_remotely_lock: $json->can_remotely_lock ?? null,
             can_remotely_unlock: $json->can_remotely_unlock ?? null,
             can_simulate_removal: $json->can_simulate_removal ?? null,
@@ -25,29 +24,29 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Device|null
             device_type: $json->device_type,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             errors: array_map(
-                fn($e) => DeviceErrors::from_json($e),
-                $json->errors ?? []
-            ),
+          fn ($e) => DeviceErrors::from_json($e),
+          $json->errors ?? []
+        ),
             is_managed: $json->is_managed,
-            location: isset($json->location)
-                ? DeviceLocation::from_json($json->location)
-                : null,
+            location: isset($json->location) ? DeviceLocation::from_json($json->location) : null,
             nickname: $json->nickname ?? null,
             properties: DeviceProperties::from_json($json->properties),
             warnings: array_map(
-                fn($w) => DeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
-                $json->warnings ?? []
-            ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+          fn ($w) => DeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
+          $json->warnings ?? []
+        ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
-        public bool|null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
-        public bool|null $can_program_online_access_codes,
-        public bool|null $can_remotely_lock,
-        public bool|null $can_remotely_unlock,
-        public bool|null $can_simulate_removal,
+        public bool | null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
+        public bool | null $can_program_online_access_codes,
+        public bool | null $can_remotely_lock,
+        public bool | null $can_remotely_unlock,
+        public bool | null $can_simulate_removal,
         public array $capabilities_supported,
         public string $connected_account_id,
         public string $created_at,
@@ -57,11 +56,12 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $display_name,
         public array $errors,
         public bool $is_managed,
-        public DeviceLocation|null $location,
-        public string|null $nickname,
+        public DeviceLocation | null $location,
+        public string | null $nickname,
         public DeviceProperties $properties,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php
index 214cb85..d5952c9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php
@@ -4,15 +4,24 @@
 class DeviceAccelerometerZ
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAccelerometerZ|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
+        return new self(
+            time: $json->time,
+            value: $json->value,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public string $time,
+        public float $value,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
index 413c914..8bd6d04 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
@@ -4,22 +4,24 @@
 class DeviceAccessoryKeypad
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAccessoryKeypad|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            battery: isset($json->battery)
-                ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
-                : null,
-            is_connected: $json->is_connected
+            battery: isset($json->battery) ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
+            is_connected: $json->is_connected,
     public function __construct(
-        public DeviceBattery|null $battery,
-        public bool $is_connected
+        public DeviceBattery | null $battery,
+        public bool $is_connected,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php b/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php
index 52ec8dc..275cc46 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -15,40 +15,41 @@ public static function from_json(
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled ?? null,
             climate_setting_schedule_id: $json->climate_setting_schedule_id,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             errors: $json->errors ?? null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting ?? null,
             manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed ?? null,
             name: $json->name ?? null,
             schedule_ends_at: $json->schedule_ends_at,
             schedule_starts_at: $json->schedule_starts_at,
-            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type
+            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type,
     public function __construct(
-        public bool|null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
-        public bool|null $automatic_heating_enabled,
+        public bool | null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
+        public bool | null $automatic_heating_enabled,
         public string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
-        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public string|null $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool|null $manual_override_allowed,
-        public string|null $name,
+        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public string | null $hvac_mode_setting,
+        public bool | null $manual_override_allowed,
+        public string | null $name,
         public string $schedule_ends_at,
         public string $schedule_starts_at,
-        public string $schedule_type
+        public string $schedule_type,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php
index 07ecae8..f88db85 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php
@@ -4,15 +4,22 @@
 class DeviceAppearance
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAppearance|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(name: $json->name);
+        return new self(
+            name: $json->name,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public string $name)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public string $name,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
index e5701b8..a1d033e 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
@@ -4,24 +4,27 @@
 class DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             endpoints: array_map(
-                fn($e) => DeviceEndpoints::from_json($e),
-                $json->endpoints ?? []
-            ),
-            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint
+          fn ($e) => DeviceEndpoints::from_json($e),
+          $json->endpoints ?? []
+        ),
+            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint,
     public function __construct(
         public array $endpoints,
-        public bool $has_active_endpoint
+        public bool $has_active_endpoint,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php
index fe31006..9f438ab 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceAugustMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAugustMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,18 +17,21 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAugustMetadata|null
             keypad_battery_level: $json->keypad_battery_level ?? null,
             lock_id: $json->lock_id,
             lock_name: $json->lock_name,
-            model: $json->model ?? null
+            model: $json->model ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public bool $has_keypad,
-        public string|null $house_id,
+        public string | null $house_id,
         public string $house_name,
-        public string|null $keypad_battery_level,
+        public string | null $keypad_battery_level,
         public string $lock_id,
         public string $lock_name,
-        public string|null $model
+        public string | null $model,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php
index f09233b..fb1ffbf 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -16,17 +16,20 @@ public static function from_json(
             site_id: $json->site_id,
             site_name: $json->site_name,
             zone_id: $json->zone_id,
-            zone_name: $json->zone_name
+            zone_name: $json->zone_name,
     public function __construct(
         public string $entry_name,
         public string $org_name,
         public float $site_id,
         public string $site_name,
         public float $zone_id,
-        public string $zone_name
+        public string $zone_name,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php b/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php
index ad41667..fb36697 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php
@@ -4,15 +4,22 @@
 class DeviceBattery
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceBattery|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(level: $json->level);
+        return new self(
+            level: $json->level,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public float $level)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public float $level,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php
index 9119d8b..f72ce3c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php
@@ -4,15 +4,22 @@
 class DeviceBrivoMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceBrivoMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(device_name: $json->device_name);
+        return new self(
+            device_name: $json->device_name,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public string $device_name)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public string $device_name,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php b/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php
index cc582a0..9e65ac9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceCodeConstraints
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCodeConstraints|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCodeConstraints|null
         return new self(
             constraint_type: $json->constraint_type,
             max_length: $json->max_length ?? null,
-            min_length: $json->min_length ?? null
+            min_length: $json->min_length ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $constraint_type,
-        public float|null $max_length,
-        public float|null $min_length
+        public float | null $max_length,
+        public float | null $min_length,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php
index 1d4ee88..9e38bd1 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php
@@ -4,23 +4,26 @@
 class DeviceControlbywebMetadata
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DeviceControlbywebMetadata|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceControlbywebMetadata|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            relay_name: $json->relay_name ?? null
+            relay_name: $json->relay_name ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string|null $relay_name
+        public string | null $relay_name,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php b/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php
index 0cf2bec..5351b09 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceCurrentClimateSetting
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,25 +14,26 @@ public static function from_json(
             automatic_cooling_enabled: $json->automatic_cooling_enabled,
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting,
-            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed
+            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed,
     public function __construct(
         public bool $automatic_cooling_enabled,
         public bool $automatic_heating_enabled,
-        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool $manual_override_allowed
+        public bool $manual_override_allowed,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php b/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php
index 41c6689..23c73a4 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceDefaultClimateSetting
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,25 +14,26 @@ public static function from_json(
             automatic_cooling_enabled: $json->automatic_cooling_enabled,
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting,
-            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed
+            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed,
     public function __construct(
         public bool $automatic_cooling_enabled,
         public bool $automatic_heating_enabled,
-        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool $manual_override_allowed
+        public bool $manual_override_allowed,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php
index 50795a3..ca0e2a8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -17,23 +17,26 @@ public static function from_json(
             door_name: $json->door_name,
             iana_timezone: $json->iana_timezone ?? null,
             predefined_time_slots: array_map(
-                fn($p) => DevicePredefinedTimeSlots::from_json($p),
-                $json->predefined_time_slots ?? []
-            ),
+          fn ($p) => DevicePredefinedTimeSlots::from_json($p),
+          $json->predefined_time_slots ?? []
+        ),
             site_id: $json->site_id,
-            site_name: $json->site_name
+            site_name: $json->site_name,
     public function __construct(
-        public float|null $device_id,
+        public float | null $device_id,
         public float $door_id,
         public bool $door_is_wireless,
         public string $door_name,
-        public string|null $iana_timezone,
-        public array|null $predefined_time_slots,
+        public string | null $iana_timezone,
+        public array | null $predefined_time_slots,
         public float $site_id,
-        public string $site_name
+        public string $site_name,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php
index 304c50c..5582b1c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceEcobeeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEcobeeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -11,13 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEcobeeMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            ecobee_device_id: $json->ecobee_device_id
+            ecobee_device_id: $json->ecobee_device_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $ecobee_device_id
+        public string $ecobee_device_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php b/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php
index 2b2b6ea..6df6381 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceEndpoints
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEndpoints|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -11,13 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEndpoints|null
         return new self(
             endpoint_id: $json->endpoint_id,
-            is_active: $json->is_active
+            is_active: $json->is_active,
     public function __construct(
         public string $endpoint_id,
-        public bool $is_active
+        public bool $is_active,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php b/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php
index fcb95c4..b3322de 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string|null $created_at
+        public string | null $created_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php
index 6ff4695..46d34cc 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceFourSuitesMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceFourSuitesMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceFourSuitesMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            reclose_delay_in_seconds: $json->reclose_delay_in_seconds
+            reclose_delay_in_seconds: $json->reclose_delay_in_seconds,
     public function __construct(
         public float $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public float $reclose_delay_in_seconds
+        public float $reclose_delay_in_seconds,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php
index 0332ea0..fe16a73 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceGenieMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceGenieMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -11,13 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceGenieMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            door_name: $json->door_name
+            door_name: $json->door_name,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $door_name
+        public string $door_name,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php
index ff1372d..4a9bca9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php
@@ -4,21 +4,24 @@
 class DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            honeywell_resideo_device_id: $json->honeywell_resideo_device_id
+            honeywell_resideo_device_id: $json->honeywell_resideo_device_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $honeywell_resideo_device_id
+        public string $honeywell_resideo_device_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php
index 30f4c71..3b1e500 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceHubitatMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHubitatMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHubitatMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_label: $json->device_label,
-            device_name: $json->device_name
+            device_name: $json->device_name,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_label,
-        public string $device_name
+        public string $device_name,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php b/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php
index c9019d1..ef401cd 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php
@@ -4,15 +4,24 @@
 class DeviceHumidity
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHumidity|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
+        return new self(
+            time: $json->time,
+            value: $json->value,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public string $time,
+        public float $value,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php
index d6abbde..f87f21d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceIglooMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIglooMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIglooMetadata|null
         return new self(
             bridge_id: $json->bridge_id,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
-            model: $json->model ?? null
+            model: $json->model ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $bridge_id,
         public string $device_id,
-        public string|null $model
+        public string | null $model,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php
index 6330509..653ac3f 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceIgloohomeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIgloohomeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,16 +15,19 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIgloohomeMetadata|null
             bridge_name: $json->bridge_name ?? null,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            keypad_id: $json->keypad_id ?? null
+            keypad_id: $json->keypad_id ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public string|null $bridge_id,
-        public string|null $bridge_name,
+        public string | null $bridge_id,
+        public string | null $bridge_name,
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string|null $keypad_id
+        public string | null $keypad_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php b/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php
index 785a3e2..347e975 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php
@@ -4,15 +4,22 @@
 class DeviceKeypadBattery
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceKeypadBattery|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(level: $json->level);
+        return new self(
+            level: $json->level,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public float $level)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public float $level,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php
index 013ac79..fbd01dd 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceKwiksetMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceKwiksetMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceKwiksetMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            model_number: $json->model_number
+            model_number: $json->model_number,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $model_number
+        public string $model_number,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php b/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php
index df59f48..c189843 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php
@@ -4,28 +4,30 @@
 class DeviceLatestSensorValues
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLatestSensorValues|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accelerometer_z: DeviceAccelerometerZ::from_json(
-                $json->accelerometer_z
-            ),
+            accelerometer_z: DeviceAccelerometerZ::from_json($json->accelerometer_z),
             humidity: DeviceHumidity::from_json($json->humidity),
             pressure: DevicePressure::from_json($json->pressure),
             sound: DeviceSound::from_json($json->sound),
-            temperature: DeviceTemperature::from_json($json->temperature)
+            temperature: DeviceTemperature::from_json($json->temperature),
     public function __construct(
         public DeviceAccelerometerZ $accelerometer_z,
         public DeviceHumidity $humidity,
         public DevicePressure $pressure,
         public DeviceSound $sound,
-        public DeviceTemperature $temperature
+        public DeviceTemperature $temperature,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php b/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php
index db99399..62ec8ee 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceLocation
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocation|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -11,13 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocation|null
         return new self(
             location_name: $json->location_name ?? null,
-            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null
+            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public string|null $location_name,
-        public string|null $timezone
+        public string | null $location_name,
+        public string | null $timezone,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php
index 0228d34..5ff72fb 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceLocklyMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocklyMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocklyMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            model: $json->model ?? null
+            model: $json->model ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string|null $model
+        public string | null $model,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php
index 3727f84..2d6443e 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceMinutMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceMinutMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceMinutMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            latest_sensor_values: DeviceLatestSensorValues::from_json(
-                $json->latest_sensor_values
-            )
+            latest_sensor_values: DeviceLatestSensorValues::from_json($json->latest_sensor_values),
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public DeviceLatestSensorValues $latest_sensor_values
+        public DeviceLatestSensorValues $latest_sensor_values,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php b/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php
index 8e3d76c..db79eaf 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php
@@ -4,34 +4,34 @@
 class DeviceModel
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceModel|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ??
-                null,
-            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ??
-                null,
+            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ?? null,
+            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ?? null,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             has_built_in_keypad: $json->has_built_in_keypad ?? null,
             manufacturer_display_name: $json->manufacturer_display_name,
-            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ??
-                null,
-            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ??
-                null
+            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ?? null,
+            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public bool|null $accessory_keypad_supported,
-        public bool|null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
+        public bool | null $accessory_keypad_supported,
+        public bool | null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
         public string $display_name,
-        public bool|null $has_built_in_keypad,
+        public bool | null $has_built_in_keypad,
         public string $manufacturer_display_name,
-        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_supported,
-        public bool|null $online_access_codes_supported
+        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool | null $online_access_codes_supported,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php
index 1f138b9..9b0ec57 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceNestMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNestMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNestMetadata|null
         return new self(
             custom_name: $json->custom_name,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            nest_device_id: $json->nest_device_id
+            nest_device_id: $json->nest_device_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $custom_name,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $nest_device_id
+        public string $nest_device_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php
index 46d1177..aa3d2cc 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceNoiseawareMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNoiseawareMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,16 +15,19 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNoiseawareMetadata|null
             device_model: $json->device_model,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             noise_level_decibel: $json->noise_level_decibel,
-            noise_level_nrs: $json->noise_level_nrs
+            noise_level_nrs: $json->noise_level_nrs,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_model,
         public string $device_name,
         public float $noise_level_decibel,
-        public float $noise_level_nrs
+        public float $noise_level_nrs,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php
index 3d32229..20c36d6 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceNukiMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNukiMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,16 +15,19 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNukiMetadata|null
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             keypad_2_paired: $json->keypad_2_paired ?? null,
             keypad_battery_critical: $json->keypad_battery_critical ?? null,
-            keypad_paired: $json->keypad_paired ?? null
+            keypad_paired: $json->keypad_paired ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public bool|null $keypad_2_paired,
-        public bool|null $keypad_battery_critical,
-        public bool|null $keypad_paired
+        public bool | null $keypad_2_paired,
+        public bool | null $keypad_battery_critical,
+        public bool | null $keypad_paired,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php b/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php
index 1265644..fe2427d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DevicePredefinedTimeSlots
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DevicePredefinedTimeSlots|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DevicePredefinedTimeSlots|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ public static function from_json(
             is_master: $json->is_master,
             is_one_shot: $json->is_one_shot,
             name: $json->name,
-            prefix: $json->prefix
+            prefix: $json->prefix,
     public function __construct(
         public string $check_in_time,
         public string $check_out_time,
@@ -34,7 +36,8 @@ public function __construct(
         public bool $is_master,
         public bool $is_one_shot,
         public string $name,
-        public float $prefix
+        public float $prefix,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php b/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php
index e56458a..d7e89e8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php
@@ -4,15 +4,24 @@
 class DevicePressure
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DevicePressure|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
+        return new self(
+            time: $json->time,
+            value: $json->value,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public string $time,
+        public float $value,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php b/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php
index 4f0cf4e..6c87b63 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php
@@ -4,19 +4,16 @@
 class DeviceProperties
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProperties|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad)
-                ? DeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json($json->accessory_keypad)
-                : null,
+            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad) ? DeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json($json->accessory_keypad) : null,
             appearance: DeviceAppearance::from_json($json->appearance),
-            battery: isset($json->battery)
-                ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
-                : null,
+            battery: isset($json->battery) ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
             battery_level: $json->battery_level ?? null,
             has_direct_power: $json->has_direct_power ?? null,
             image_alt_text: $json->image_alt_text ?? null,
@@ -24,272 +21,164 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProperties|null
             manufacturer: $json->manufacturer ?? null,
             model: DeviceModel::from_json($json->model),
             name: $json->name,
-            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ??
-                null,
+            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
             online: $json->online,
-            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ??
-                null,
+            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
             serial_number: $json->serial_number ?? null,
             supports_accessory_keypad: $json->supports_accessory_keypad ?? null,
-            supports_offline_access_codes: $json->supports_offline_access_codes ??
-                null,
-            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset(
-                $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
-            )
-                ? DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
-            august_metadata: isset($json->august_metadata)
-                ? DeviceAugustMetadata::from_json($json->august_metadata)
-                : null,
-            avigilon_alta_metadata: isset($json->avigilon_alta_metadata)
-                ? DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->avigilon_alta_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
-            brivo_metadata: isset($json->brivo_metadata)
-                ? DeviceBrivoMetadata::from_json($json->brivo_metadata)
-                : null,
-            controlbyweb_metadata: isset($json->controlbyweb_metadata)
-                ? DeviceControlbywebMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->controlbyweb_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
-            dormakaba_oracode_metadata: isset($json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata)
-                ? DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
-            ecobee_metadata: isset($json->ecobee_metadata)
-                ? DeviceEcobeeMetadata::from_json($json->ecobee_metadata)
-                : null,
-            four_suites_metadata: isset($json->four_suites_metadata)
-                ? DeviceFourSuitesMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->four_suites_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
-            genie_metadata: isset($json->genie_metadata)
-                ? DeviceGenieMetadata::from_json($json->genie_metadata)
-                : null,
-            honeywell_resideo_metadata: isset($json->honeywell_resideo_metadata)
-                ? DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->honeywell_resideo_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
-            hubitat_metadata: isset($json->hubitat_metadata)
-                ? DeviceHubitatMetadata::from_json($json->hubitat_metadata)
-                : null,
-            igloo_metadata: isset($json->igloo_metadata)
-                ? DeviceIglooMetadata::from_json($json->igloo_metadata)
-                : null,
-            igloohome_metadata: isset($json->igloohome_metadata)
-                ? DeviceIgloohomeMetadata::from_json($json->igloohome_metadata)
-                : null,
-            kwikset_metadata: isset($json->kwikset_metadata)
-                ? DeviceKwiksetMetadata::from_json($json->kwikset_metadata)
-                : null,
-            lockly_metadata: isset($json->lockly_metadata)
-                ? DeviceLocklyMetadata::from_json($json->lockly_metadata)
-                : null,
-            minut_metadata: isset($json->minut_metadata)
-                ? DeviceMinutMetadata::from_json($json->minut_metadata)
-                : null,
-            nest_metadata: isset($json->nest_metadata)
-                ? DeviceNestMetadata::from_json($json->nest_metadata)
-                : null,
-            noiseaware_metadata: isset($json->noiseaware_metadata)
-                ? DeviceNoiseawareMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->noiseaware_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
-            nuki_metadata: isset($json->nuki_metadata)
-                ? DeviceNukiMetadata::from_json($json->nuki_metadata)
-                : null,
-            salto_metadata: isset($json->salto_metadata)
-                ? DeviceSaltoMetadata::from_json($json->salto_metadata)
-                : null,
-            schlage_metadata: isset($json->schlage_metadata)
-                ? DeviceSchlageMetadata::from_json($json->schlage_metadata)
-                : null,
-            seam_bridge_metadata: isset($json->seam_bridge_metadata)
-                ? DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->seam_bridge_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
-            smartthings_metadata: isset($json->smartthings_metadata)
-                ? DeviceSmartthingsMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->smartthings_metadata
-                )
-                : null,
-            tedee_metadata: isset($json->tedee_metadata)
-                ? DeviceTedeeMetadata::from_json($json->tedee_metadata)
-                : null,
-            ttlock_metadata: isset($json->ttlock_metadata)
-                ? DeviceTtlockMetadata::from_json($json->ttlock_metadata)
-                : null,
-            two_n_metadata: isset($json->two_n_metadata)
-                ? DeviceTwoNMetadata::from_json($json->two_n_metadata)
-                : null,
-            wyze_metadata: isset($json->wyze_metadata)
-                ? DeviceWyzeMetadata::from_json($json->wyze_metadata)
-                : null,
-            _experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths: $json->_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths ??
-                null,
+            supports_offline_access_codes: $json->supports_offline_access_codes ?? null,
+            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) ? DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) : null,
+            august_metadata: isset($json->august_metadata) ? DeviceAugustMetadata::from_json($json->august_metadata) : null,
+            avigilon_alta_metadata: isset($json->avigilon_alta_metadata) ? DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata::from_json($json->avigilon_alta_metadata) : null,
+            brivo_metadata: isset($json->brivo_metadata) ? DeviceBrivoMetadata::from_json($json->brivo_metadata) : null,
+            controlbyweb_metadata: isset($json->controlbyweb_metadata) ? DeviceControlbywebMetadata::from_json($json->controlbyweb_metadata) : null,
+            dormakaba_oracode_metadata: isset($json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata) ? DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata::from_json($json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata) : null,
+            ecobee_metadata: isset($json->ecobee_metadata) ? DeviceEcobeeMetadata::from_json($json->ecobee_metadata) : null,
+            four_suites_metadata: isset($json->four_suites_metadata) ? DeviceFourSuitesMetadata::from_json($json->four_suites_metadata) : null,
+            genie_metadata: isset($json->genie_metadata) ? DeviceGenieMetadata::from_json($json->genie_metadata) : null,
+            honeywell_resideo_metadata: isset($json->honeywell_resideo_metadata) ? DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata::from_json($json->honeywell_resideo_metadata) : null,
+            hubitat_metadata: isset($json->hubitat_metadata) ? DeviceHubitatMetadata::from_json($json->hubitat_metadata) : null,
+            igloo_metadata: isset($json->igloo_metadata) ? DeviceIglooMetadata::from_json($json->igloo_metadata) : null,
+            igloohome_metadata: isset($json->igloohome_metadata) ? DeviceIgloohomeMetadata::from_json($json->igloohome_metadata) : null,
+            kwikset_metadata: isset($json->kwikset_metadata) ? DeviceKwiksetMetadata::from_json($json->kwikset_metadata) : null,
+            lockly_metadata: isset($json->lockly_metadata) ? DeviceLocklyMetadata::from_json($json->lockly_metadata) : null,
+            minut_metadata: isset($json->minut_metadata) ? DeviceMinutMetadata::from_json($json->minut_metadata) : null,
+            nest_metadata: isset($json->nest_metadata) ? DeviceNestMetadata::from_json($json->nest_metadata) : null,
+            noiseaware_metadata: isset($json->noiseaware_metadata) ? DeviceNoiseawareMetadata::from_json($json->noiseaware_metadata) : null,
+            nuki_metadata: isset($json->nuki_metadata) ? DeviceNukiMetadata::from_json($json->nuki_metadata) : null,
+            salto_metadata: isset($json->salto_metadata) ? DeviceSaltoMetadata::from_json($json->salto_metadata) : null,
+            schlage_metadata: isset($json->schlage_metadata) ? DeviceSchlageMetadata::from_json($json->schlage_metadata) : null,
+            seam_bridge_metadata: isset($json->seam_bridge_metadata) ? DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata::from_json($json->seam_bridge_metadata) : null,
+            smartthings_metadata: isset($json->smartthings_metadata) ? DeviceSmartthingsMetadata::from_json($json->smartthings_metadata) : null,
+            tedee_metadata: isset($json->tedee_metadata) ? DeviceTedeeMetadata::from_json($json->tedee_metadata) : null,
+            ttlock_metadata: isset($json->ttlock_metadata) ? DeviceTtlockMetadata::from_json($json->ttlock_metadata) : null,
+            two_n_metadata: isset($json->two_n_metadata) ? DeviceTwoNMetadata::from_json($json->two_n_metadata) : null,
+            wyze_metadata: isset($json->wyze_metadata) ? DeviceWyzeMetadata::from_json($json->wyze_metadata) : null,
+            _experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths: $json->_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths ?? null,
             code_constraints: array_map(
-                fn($c) => DeviceCodeConstraints::from_json($c),
-                $json->code_constraints ?? []
-            ),
+          fn ($c) => DeviceCodeConstraints::from_json($c),
+          $json->code_constraints ?? []
+        ),
             door_open: $json->door_open ?? null,
             has_native_entry_events: $json->has_native_entry_events ?? null,
-            keypad_battery: isset($json->keypad_battery)
-                ? DeviceKeypadBattery::from_json($json->keypad_battery)
-                : null,
+            keypad_battery: isset($json->keypad_battery) ? DeviceKeypadBattery::from_json($json->keypad_battery) : null,
             locked: $json->locked ?? null,
-            max_active_codes_supported: $json->max_active_codes_supported ??
-                null,
+            max_active_codes_supported: $json->max_active_codes_supported ?? null,
             supported_code_lengths: $json->supported_code_lengths ?? null,
-            supports_backup_access_code_pool: $json->supports_backup_access_code_pool ??
-                null,
-            active_climate_setting_schedule: isset(
-                $json->active_climate_setting_schedule
-            )
-                ? DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule::from_json(
-                    $json->active_climate_setting_schedule
-                )
-                : null,
-            available_hvac_mode_settings: $json->available_hvac_mode_settings ??
-                null,
-            can_enable_automatic_cooling: $json->can_enable_automatic_cooling ??
-                null,
-            can_enable_automatic_heating: $json->can_enable_automatic_heating ??
-                null,
-            current_climate_setting: isset($json->current_climate_setting)
-                ? DeviceCurrentClimateSetting::from_json(
-                    $json->current_climate_setting
-                )
-                : null,
-            default_climate_setting: isset($json->default_climate_setting)
-                ? DeviceDefaultClimateSetting::from_json(
-                    $json->default_climate_setting
-                )
-                : null,
+            supports_backup_access_code_pool: $json->supports_backup_access_code_pool ?? null,
+            active_climate_setting_schedule: isset($json->active_climate_setting_schedule) ? DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($json->active_climate_setting_schedule) : null,
+            available_hvac_mode_settings: $json->available_hvac_mode_settings ?? null,
+            can_enable_automatic_cooling: $json->can_enable_automatic_cooling ?? null,
+            can_enable_automatic_heating: $json->can_enable_automatic_heating ?? null,
+            current_climate_setting: isset($json->current_climate_setting) ? DeviceCurrentClimateSetting::from_json($json->current_climate_setting) : null,
+            default_climate_setting: isset($json->default_climate_setting) ? DeviceDefaultClimateSetting::from_json($json->default_climate_setting) : null,
             fan_mode_setting: $json->fan_mode_setting ?? null,
-            is_climate_setting_schedule_active: $json->is_climate_setting_schedule_active ??
-                null,
+            is_climate_setting_schedule_active: $json->is_climate_setting_schedule_active ?? null,
             is_cooling: $json->is_cooling ?? null,
             is_cooling_available: $json->is_cooling_available ?? null,
             is_fan_running: $json->is_fan_running ?? null,
             is_heating: $json->is_heating ?? null,
             is_heating_available: $json->is_heating_available ?? null,
-            is_temporary_manual_override_active: $json->is_temporary_manual_override_active ??
-                null,
-            max_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->max_cooling_set_point_celsius ??
-                null,
-            max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
-            max_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->max_heating_set_point_celsius ??
-                null,
-            max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
-            min_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->min_cooling_set_point_celsius ??
-                null,
-            min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
-            min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius ??
-                null,
-            min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
-            min_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->min_heating_set_point_celsius ??
-                null,
-            min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
-                null,
+            is_temporary_manual_override_active: $json->is_temporary_manual_override_active ?? null,
+            max_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->max_cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
+            max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            max_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->max_heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
+            max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            min_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->min_cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
+            min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius ?? null,
+            min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            min_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->min_heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
+            min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
             relative_humidity: $json->relative_humidity ?? null,
             temperature_celsius: $json->temperature_celsius ?? null,
-            temperature_fahrenheit: $json->temperature_fahrenheit ?? null
+            temperature_fahrenheit: $json->temperature_fahrenheit ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public DeviceAccessoryKeypad|null $accessory_keypad,
+        public DeviceAccessoryKeypad | null $accessory_keypad,
         public DeviceAppearance $appearance,
-        public DeviceBattery|null $battery,
-        public float|null $battery_level,
-        public bool|null $has_direct_power,
-        public string|null $image_alt_text,
-        public string|null $image_url,
-        public string|null $manufacturer,
+        public DeviceBattery | null $battery,
+        public float | null $battery_level,
+        public bool | null $has_direct_power,
+        public string | null $image_alt_text,
+        public string | null $image_url,
+        public string | null $manufacturer,
         public DeviceModel $model,
         public string $name,
-        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
+        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
         public bool $online,
-        public bool|null $online_access_codes_enabled,
-        public string|null $serial_number,
-        public bool|null $supports_accessory_keypad,
-        public bool|null $supports_offline_access_codes,
-        public DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata,
-        public DeviceAugustMetadata|null $august_metadata,
-        public DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null $avigilon_alta_metadata,
-        public DeviceBrivoMetadata|null $brivo_metadata,
-        public DeviceControlbywebMetadata|null $controlbyweb_metadata,
-        public DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|null $dormakaba_oracode_metadata,
-        public DeviceEcobeeMetadata|null $ecobee_metadata,
-        public DeviceFourSuitesMetadata|null $four_suites_metadata,
-        public DeviceGenieMetadata|null $genie_metadata,
-        public DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata|null $honeywell_resideo_metadata,
-        public DeviceHubitatMetadata|null $hubitat_metadata,
-        public DeviceIglooMetadata|null $igloo_metadata,
-        public DeviceIgloohomeMetadata|null $igloohome_metadata,
-        public DeviceKwiksetMetadata|null $kwikset_metadata,
-        public DeviceLocklyMetadata|null $lockly_metadata,
-        public DeviceMinutMetadata|null $minut_metadata,
-        public DeviceNestMetadata|null $nest_metadata,
-        public DeviceNoiseawareMetadata|null $noiseaware_metadata,
-        public DeviceNukiMetadata|null $nuki_metadata,
-        public DeviceSaltoMetadata|null $salto_metadata,
-        public DeviceSchlageMetadata|null $schlage_metadata,
-        public DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata|null $seam_bridge_metadata,
-        public DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null $smartthings_metadata,
-        public DeviceTedeeMetadata|null $tedee_metadata,
-        public DeviceTtlockMetadata|null $ttlock_metadata,
-        public DeviceTwoNMetadata|null $two_n_metadata,
-        public DeviceWyzeMetadata|null $wyze_metadata,
-        public array|null $_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths,
-        public array|null $code_constraints,
-        public bool|null $door_open,
-        public bool|null $has_native_entry_events,
-        public DeviceKeypadBattery|null $keypad_battery,
-        public bool|null $locked,
-        public float|null $max_active_codes_supported,
-        public array|null $supported_code_lengths,
-        public bool|null $supports_backup_access_code_pool,
-        public DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule|null $active_climate_setting_schedule,
-        public array|null $available_hvac_mode_settings,
-        public bool|null $can_enable_automatic_cooling,
-        public bool|null $can_enable_automatic_heating,
-        public DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null $current_climate_setting,
-        public DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null $default_climate_setting,
-        public string|null $fan_mode_setting,
-        public bool|null $is_climate_setting_schedule_active,
-        public bool|null $is_cooling,
-        public bool|null $is_cooling_available,
-        public bool|null $is_fan_running,
-        public bool|null $is_heating,
-        public bool|null $is_heating_available,
-        public bool|null $is_temporary_manual_override_active,
-        public float|null $max_cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float|null $max_heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float|null $min_cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float|null $min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius,
-        public float|null $min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit,
-        public float|null $min_heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float|null $min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float|null $relative_humidity,
-        public float|null $temperature_celsius,
-        public float|null $temperature_fahrenheit
+        public bool | null $online_access_codes_enabled,
+        public string | null $serial_number,
+        public bool | null $supports_accessory_keypad,
+        public bool | null $supports_offline_access_codes,
+        public DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata | null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata,
+        public DeviceAugustMetadata | null $august_metadata,
+        public DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata | null $avigilon_alta_metadata,
+        public DeviceBrivoMetadata | null $brivo_metadata,
+        public DeviceControlbywebMetadata | null $controlbyweb_metadata,
+        public DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata | null $dormakaba_oracode_metadata,
+        public DeviceEcobeeMetadata | null $ecobee_metadata,
+        public DeviceFourSuitesMetadata | null $four_suites_metadata,
+        public DeviceGenieMetadata | null $genie_metadata,
+        public DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata | null $honeywell_resideo_metadata,
+        public DeviceHubitatMetadata | null $hubitat_metadata,
+        public DeviceIglooMetadata | null $igloo_metadata,
+        public DeviceIgloohomeMetadata | null $igloohome_metadata,
+        public DeviceKwiksetMetadata | null $kwikset_metadata,
+        public DeviceLocklyMetadata | null $lockly_metadata,
+        public DeviceMinutMetadata | null $minut_metadata,
+        public DeviceNestMetadata | null $nest_metadata,
+        public DeviceNoiseawareMetadata | null $noiseaware_metadata,
+        public DeviceNukiMetadata | null $nuki_metadata,
+        public DeviceSaltoMetadata | null $salto_metadata,
+        public DeviceSchlageMetadata | null $schlage_metadata,
+        public DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata | null $seam_bridge_metadata,
+        public DeviceSmartthingsMetadata | null $smartthings_metadata,
+        public DeviceTedeeMetadata | null $tedee_metadata,
+        public DeviceTtlockMetadata | null $ttlock_metadata,
+        public DeviceTwoNMetadata | null $two_n_metadata,
+        public DeviceWyzeMetadata | null $wyze_metadata,
+        public array | null $_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths,
+        public array | null $code_constraints,
+        public bool | null $door_open,
+        public bool | null $has_native_entry_events,
+        public DeviceKeypadBattery | null $keypad_battery,
+        public bool | null $locked,
+        public float | null $max_active_codes_supported,
+        public array | null $supported_code_lengths,
+        public bool | null $supports_backup_access_code_pool,
+        public DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule | null $active_climate_setting_schedule,
+        public array | null $available_hvac_mode_settings,
+        public bool | null $can_enable_automatic_cooling,
+        public bool | null $can_enable_automatic_heating,
+        public DeviceCurrentClimateSetting | null $current_climate_setting,
+        public DeviceDefaultClimateSetting | null $default_climate_setting,
+        public string | null $fan_mode_setting,
+        public bool | null $is_climate_setting_schedule_active,
+        public bool | null $is_cooling,
+        public bool | null $is_cooling_available,
+        public bool | null $is_fan_running,
+        public bool | null $is_heating,
+        public bool | null $is_heating_available,
+        public bool | null $is_temporary_manual_override_active,
+        public float | null $max_cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $max_heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $min_cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius,
+        public float | null $min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $min_heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float | null $min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float | null $relative_humidity,
+        public float | null $temperature_celsius,
+        public float | null $temperature_fahrenheit,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php b/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php
index 7bbbcc9..4a59aec 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceProvider
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProvider|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,15 +14,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProvider|null
             device_provider_name: $json->device_provider_name,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             image_url: $json->image_url,
-            provider_categories: $json->provider_categories
+            provider_categories: $json->provider_categories,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_provider_name,
         public string $display_name,
         public string $image_url,
-        public array $provider_categories
+        public array $provider_categories,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php
index 047845a..91694f1 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceSaltoMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSaltoMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,17 +16,20 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSaltoMetadata|null
             lock_id: $json->lock_id,
             lock_type: $json->lock_type,
             locked_state: $json->locked_state,
-            model: $json->model ?? null
+            model: $json->model ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $battery_level,
         public string $customer_reference,
         public string $lock_id,
         public string $lock_type,
         public string $locked_state,
-        public string|null $model
+        public string | null $model,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php
index 1f0ffd5..4e9785e 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceSchlageMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSchlageMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,15 +14,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSchlageMetadata|null
             access_code_length: $json->access_code_length ?? null,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            model: $json->model ?? null
+            model: $json->model ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public float|null $access_code_length,
+        public float | null $access_code_length,
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string|null $model
+        public string | null $model,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php
index 18d016a..825a0ec 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_num: $json->device_num,
             name: $json->name,
-            unlock_method: $json->unlock_method ?? null
+            unlock_method: $json->unlock_method ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public float $device_num,
         public string $name,
-        public string|null $unlock_method
+        public string | null $unlock_method,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php
index 06b8eed..f4626ca 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceSmartthingsMetadata
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,15 +14,18 @@ public static function from_json(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             location_id: $json->location_id ?? null,
-            model: $json->model ?? null
+            model: $json->model ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string|null $location_id,
-        public string|null $model
+        public string | null $location_id,
+        public string | null $model,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php
index 1138b4e..a72f645 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php
@@ -4,15 +4,24 @@
 class DeviceSound
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSound|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
+        return new self(
+            time: $json->time,
+            value: $json->value,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public string $time,
+        public float $value,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php
index 01439f7..9394383 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceTedeeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTedeeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,18 +17,21 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTedeeMetadata|null
             device_model: $json->device_model,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             keypad_id: $json->keypad_id ?? null,
-            serial_number: $json->serial_number
+            serial_number: $json->serial_number,
     public function __construct(
         public float $bridge_id,
         public string $bridge_name,
         public float $device_id,
         public string $device_model,
         public string $device_name,
-        public float|null $keypad_id,
-        public string $serial_number
+        public float | null $keypad_id,
+        public string $serial_number,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php
index f88e4be..0b59a8d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php
@@ -4,15 +4,24 @@
 class DeviceTemperature
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTemperature|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
+        return new self(
+            time: $json->time,
+            value: $json->value,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public string $time,
+        public float $value,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php
index 4e9cd4f..e84e12d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php
@@ -4,17 +4,24 @@
 class DeviceTtlockMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTtlockMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(lock_alias: $json->lock_alias, lock_id: $json->lock_id);
+        return new self(
+            lock_alias: $json->lock_alias,
+            lock_id: $json->lock_id,
+        );
     public function __construct(
         public string $lock_alias,
-        public float $lock_id
+        public float $lock_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php
index 39da975..45c3875 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceTwoNMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTwoNMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -11,13 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTwoNMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
-            device_name: $json->device_name
+            device_name: $json->device_name,
     public function __construct(
         public float $device_id,
-        public string $device_name
+        public string $device_name,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php b/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php
index fa29faf..f8cea1d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string|null $created_at
+        public string | null $created_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php
index ad3d65d..6a2743d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class DeviceWyzeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWyzeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,19 +18,22 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWyzeMetadata|null
             locker_status_hardlock: $json->locker_status_hardlock ?? null,
             product_model: $json->product_model,
             product_name: $json->product_name,
-            product_type: $json->product_type
+            product_type: $json->product_type,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_info_model,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string|null $keypad_uuid,
-        public float|null $locker_status_hardlock,
+        public string | null $keypad_uuid,
+        public float | null $locker_status_hardlock,
         public string $product_model,
         public string $product_name,
-        public string $product_type
+        public string $product_type,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php b/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php
index 176ba37..4467d41 100644
--- a/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class EnrollmentAutomation
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): EnrollmentAutomation|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,16 +15,19 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): EnrollmentAutomation|null
             credential_manager_acs_system_id: $json->credential_manager_acs_system_id,
             enrollment_automation_id: $json->enrollment_automation_id,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
         public string $enrollment_automation_id,
         public string $user_identity_id,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Event.php b/src/Objects/Event.php
index 1e58b30..06697d4 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Event.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Event.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class Event
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Event|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,17 +16,20 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Event|null
             event_id: $json->event_id,
             event_type: $json->event_type,
             occurred_at: $json->occurred_at,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
-        public string|null $device_id,
+        public string | null $device_id,
         public string $event_id,
         public string $event_type,
         public string $occurred_at,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Network.php b/src/Objects/Network.php
index c17b16d..463ad82 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Network.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Network.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class Network
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Network|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,15 +14,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Network|null
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             network_id: $json->network_id,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
         public string $network_id,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php b/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php
index 0a3c962..629bd97 100644
--- a/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php
+++ b/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class NoiseThreshold
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): NoiseThreshold|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,18 +17,21 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): NoiseThreshold|null
             noise_threshold_decibels: $json->noise_threshold_decibels,
             noise_threshold_id: $json->noise_threshold_id,
             noise_threshold_nrs: $json->noise_threshold_nrs ?? null,
-            starts_daily_at: $json->starts_daily_at
+            starts_daily_at: $json->starts_daily_at,
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $ends_daily_at,
         public string $name,
         public float $noise_threshold_decibels,
         public string $noise_threshold_id,
-        public float|null $noise_threshold_nrs,
-        public string $starts_daily_at
+        public float | null $noise_threshold_nrs,
+        public string $starts_daily_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Phone.php b/src/Objects/Phone.php
index 9132a45..8609361 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Phone.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Phone.php
@@ -4,16 +4,15 @@
 class Phone
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Phone|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ??
-                null,
-            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ??
-                null,
+            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ?? null,
+            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ?? null,
             can_remotely_lock: $json->can_remotely_lock ?? null,
             can_remotely_unlock: $json->can_remotely_unlock ?? null,
             can_simulate_removal: $json->can_simulate_removal ?? null,
@@ -24,29 +23,29 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Phone|null
             device_type: $json->device_type,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             errors: array_map(
-                fn($e) => PhoneErrors::from_json($e),
-                $json->errors ?? []
-            ),
+          fn ($e) => PhoneErrors::from_json($e),
+          $json->errors ?? []
+        ),
             is_managed: $json->is_managed,
-            location: isset($json->location)
-                ? PhoneLocation::from_json($json->location)
-                : null,
+            location: isset($json->location) ? PhoneLocation::from_json($json->location) : null,
             nickname: $json->nickname ?? null,
             properties: PhoneProperties::from_json($json->properties),
             warnings: array_map(
-                fn($w) => PhoneWarnings::from_json($w),
-                $json->warnings ?? []
-            ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+          fn ($w) => PhoneWarnings::from_json($w),
+          $json->warnings ?? []
+        ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
-        public bool|null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
-        public bool|null $can_program_online_access_codes,
-        public bool|null $can_remotely_lock,
-        public bool|null $can_remotely_unlock,
-        public bool|null $can_simulate_removal,
+        public bool | null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
+        public bool | null $can_program_online_access_codes,
+        public bool | null $can_remotely_lock,
+        public bool | null $can_remotely_unlock,
+        public bool | null $can_simulate_removal,
         public array $capabilities_supported,
         public string $created_at,
         public mixed $custom_metadata,
@@ -55,11 +54,12 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $display_name,
         public array $errors,
         public bool $is_managed,
-        public PhoneLocation|null $location,
-        public string|null $nickname,
+        public PhoneLocation | null $location,
+        public string | null $nickname,
         public PhoneProperties $properties,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php b/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
index aaebfb0..2a7c01e 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
@@ -4,24 +4,27 @@
 class PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             endpoints: array_map(
-                fn($e) => PhoneEndpoints::from_json($e),
-                $json->endpoints ?? []
-            ),
-            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint
+          fn ($e) => PhoneEndpoints::from_json($e),
+          $json->endpoints ?? []
+        ),
+            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint,
     public function __construct(
         public array $endpoints,
-        public bool $has_active_endpoint
+        public bool $has_active_endpoint,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php b/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php
index ef2497f..6e7c901 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class PhoneEndpoints
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneEndpoints|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -11,13 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneEndpoints|null
         return new self(
             endpoint_id: $json->endpoint_id,
-            is_active: $json->is_active
+            is_active: $json->is_active,
     public function __construct(
         public string $endpoint_id,
-        public bool $is_active
+        public bool $is_active,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php b/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php
index a09d12f..00396ce 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class PhoneErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string|null $created_at
+        public string | null $created_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php b/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php
index 5af1657..ba3e557 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class PhoneLocation
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneLocation|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -11,13 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneLocation|null
         return new self(
             location_name: $json->location_name ?? null,
-            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null
+            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public string|null $location_name,
-        public string|null $timezone
+        public string | null $location_name,
+        public string | null $timezone,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php b/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php
index c6f02cc..0dea6a2 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php
@@ -4,24 +4,22 @@
 class PhoneProperties
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneProperties|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset(
-                $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
-            )
-                ? PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json(
-                    $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
-                )
-                : null
+            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) ? PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) : null,
     public function __construct(
-        public PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
+        public PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata | null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php b/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php
index 965de6c..9749b8d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class PhoneWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string|null $created_at
+        public string | null $created_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php b/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php
index 692d3ed..b0a8cd0 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class ServiceHealth
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ServiceHealth|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ServiceHealth|null
         return new self(
             description: $json->description,
             service: $json->service,
-            status: $json->status
+            status: $json->status,
     public function __construct(
         public string $description,
         public string $service,
-        public string $status
+        public string $status,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php
index 2f14365..a30cda5 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class UnmanagedAccessCode
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedAccessCode|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -21,23 +22,26 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedAccessCode|null
             starts_at: $json->starts_at ?? null,
             status: $json->status,
             type: $json->type,
-            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null
+            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_code_id,
-        public string|null $code,
+        public string | null $code,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
-        public string|null $ends_at,
+        public string | null $ends_at,
         public mixed $errors,
         public bool $is_managed,
-        public string|null $name,
-        public string|null $starts_at,
+        public string | null $name,
+        public string | null $starts_at,
         public string $status,
         public string $type,
-        public mixed $warnings
+        public mixed $warnings,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php
index cbfefbd..c398df6 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php
@@ -4,16 +4,15 @@
 class UnmanagedDevice
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDevice|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ??
-                null,
-            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ??
-                null,
+            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ?? null,
+            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ?? null,
             can_remotely_lock: $json->can_remotely_lock ?? null,
             can_remotely_unlock: $json->can_remotely_unlock ?? null,
             can_simulate_removal: $json->can_simulate_removal ?? null,
@@ -23,25 +22,27 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDevice|null
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_type: $json->device_type,
             errors: array_map(
-                fn($e) => UnmanagedDeviceErrors::from_json($e),
-                $json->errors ?? []
-            ),
+          fn ($e) => UnmanagedDeviceErrors::from_json($e),
+          $json->errors ?? []
+        ),
             is_managed: $json->is_managed,
             properties: UnmanagedDeviceProperties::from_json($json->properties),
             warnings: array_map(
-                fn($w) => UnmanagedDeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
-                $json->warnings ?? []
-            ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+          fn ($w) => UnmanagedDeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
+          $json->warnings ?? []
+        ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
-        public bool|null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
-        public bool|null $can_program_online_access_codes,
-        public bool|null $can_remotely_lock,
-        public bool|null $can_remotely_unlock,
-        public bool|null $can_simulate_removal,
+        public bool | null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
+        public bool | null $can_program_online_access_codes,
+        public bool | null $can_remotely_lock,
+        public bool | null $can_remotely_unlock,
+        public bool | null $can_simulate_removal,
         public array $capabilities_supported,
         public string $connected_account_id,
         public string $created_at,
@@ -51,7 +52,8 @@ public function __construct(
         public bool $is_managed,
         public UnmanagedDeviceProperties $properties,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
index f231858..67f58a6 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
@@ -4,23 +4,24 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            battery: isset($json->battery)
-                ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
-                : null,
-            is_connected: $json->is_connected
+            battery: isset($json->battery) ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
+            is_connected: $json->is_connected,
     public function __construct(
-        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery|null $battery,
-        public bool $is_connected
+        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery | null $battery,
+        public bool $is_connected,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php
index 175aa6b..178ee63 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php
@@ -4,15 +4,22 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceBattery
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceBattery|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(level: $json->level);
+        return new self(
+            level: $json->level,
+        );
-    public function __construct(public float $level)
-    {
+    public function __construct(
+        public float $level,
+    ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php
index 2792f54..005e3bd 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string|null $created_at
+        public string | null $created_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php
index f46c5db..bb2a0ce 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php
@@ -4,34 +4,34 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceModel
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceModel|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ??
-                null,
-            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ??
-                null,
+            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ?? null,
+            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ?? null,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             has_built_in_keypad: $json->has_built_in_keypad ?? null,
             manufacturer_display_name: $json->manufacturer_display_name,
-            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ??
-                null,
-            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ??
-                null
+            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ?? null,
+            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public bool|null $accessory_keypad_supported,
-        public bool|null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
+        public bool | null $accessory_keypad_supported,
+        public bool | null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
         public string $display_name,
-        public bool|null $has_built_in_keypad,
+        public bool | null $has_built_in_keypad,
         public string $manufacturer_display_name,
-        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_supported,
-        public bool|null $online_access_codes_supported
+        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool | null $online_access_codes_supported,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php
index 3970c94..ded524a 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php
@@ -4,47 +4,42 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceProperties
-    public static function from_json(
-        mixed $json
-    ): UnmanagedDeviceProperties|null {
+    public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceProperties|null
+    {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad)
-                ? UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json(
-                    $json->accessory_keypad
-                )
-                : null,
-            battery: isset($json->battery)
-                ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
-                : null,
+            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad) ? UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json($json->accessory_keypad) : null,
+            battery: isset($json->battery) ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
             battery_level: $json->battery_level ?? null,
             image_alt_text: $json->image_alt_text ?? null,
             image_url: $json->image_url ?? null,
             manufacturer: $json->manufacturer ?? null,
             model: UnmanagedDeviceModel::from_json($json->model),
             name: $json->name,
-            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ??
-                null,
+            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
             online: $json->online,
-            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ??
-                null
+            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
     public function __construct(
-        public UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad|null $accessory_keypad,
-        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery|null $battery,
-        public float|null $battery_level,
-        public string|null $image_alt_text,
-        public string|null $image_url,
-        public string|null $manufacturer,
+        public UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad | null $accessory_keypad,
+        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery | null $battery,
+        public float | null $battery_level,
+        public string | null $image_alt_text,
+        public string | null $image_url,
+        public string | null $manufacturer,
         public UnmanagedDeviceModel $model,
         public string $name,
-        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
+        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
         public bool $online,
-        public bool|null $online_access_codes_enabled
+        public bool | null $online_access_codes_enabled,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php
index 84cc664..8cad447 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,14 +13,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string|null $created_at
+        public string | null $created_at,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php b/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php
index c529a3c..99f573b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class UserIdentity
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UserIdentity|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,19 +18,22 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UserIdentity|null
             phone_number: $json->phone_number ?? null,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id,
             user_identity_key: $json->user_identity_key ?? null,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public string|null $email_address,
-        public string|null $full_name,
-        public string|null $phone_number,
+        public string | null $email_address,
+        public string | null $full_name,
+        public string | null $phone_number,
         public string $user_identity_id,
-        public string|null $user_identity_key,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string | null $user_identity_key,
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Webhook.php b/src/Objects/Webhook.php
index 0aa3975..7671fd6 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Webhook.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Webhook.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class Webhook
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Webhook|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,15 +14,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Webhook|null
             event_types: $json->event_types ?? null,
             secret: $json->secret ?? null,
             url: $json->url,
-            webhook_id: $json->webhook_id
+            webhook_id: $json->webhook_id,
     public function __construct(
-        public array|null $event_types,
-        public string|null $secret,
+        public array | null $event_types,
+        public string | null $secret,
         public string $url,
-        public string $webhook_id
+        public string $webhook_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Workspace.php b/src/Objects/Workspace.php
index 7122fba..9e9941d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Workspace.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Workspace.php
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 class Workspace
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Workspace|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,15 +14,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Workspace|null
             connect_partner_name: $json->connect_partner_name ?? null,
             is_sandbox: $json->is_sandbox,
             name: $json->name,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
     public function __construct(
-        public string|null $connect_partner_name,
+        public string | null $connect_partner_name,
         public bool $is_sandbox,
         public string $name,
-        public string $workspace_id
+        public string $workspace_id,
     ) {
diff --git a/src/SeamClient.php b/src/SeamClient.php
index 63bafc2..50d0fda 100644
--- a/src/SeamClient.php
+++ b/src/SeamClient.php
@@ -33,4083 +33,4694 @@
 use GuzzleHttp\Client as HTTPClient;
 use \Exception as Exception;
-define("LTS_VERSION", "1.0.0");
+define('LTS_VERSION', '1.0.0');
 class SeamClient
-    public AccessCodesClient $access_codes;
-    public AcsClient $acs;
-    public ActionAttemptsClient $action_attempts;
-    public ClientSessionsClient $client_sessions;
-    public ConnectWebviewsClient $connect_webviews;
-    public ConnectedAccountsClient $connected_accounts;
-    public DevicesClient $devices;
-    public EventsClient $events;
-    public LocksClient $locks;
-    public NetworksClient $networks;
-    public NoiseSensorsClient $noise_sensors;
-    public PhonesClient $phones;
-    public ThermostatsClient $thermostats;
-    public UserIdentitiesClient $user_identities;
-    public WebhooksClient $webhooks;
-    public WorkspacesClient $workspaces;
-    public string $api_key;
-    public HTTPClient $client;
-    public string $ltsVersion = LTS_VERSION;
-    public function __construct(
-        $api_key,
-        $endpoint = "",
-        $throw_http_errors = false
-    ) {
-        $this->api_key = $api_key;
-        $seam_sdk_version = PackageVersion::get();
-        $this->client = new HTTPClient([
-            "base_uri" => $endpoint,
-            "timeout" => 60.0,
-            "headers" => [
-                "Authorization" => "Bearer " . $this->api_key,
-                "User-Agent" => "Seam PHP Client " . $seam_sdk_version,
-                "seam-sdk-name" => "seamapi/php",
-                "seam-sdk-version" => $seam_sdk_version,
-                "seam-lts-version" => $this->ltsVersion,
-            ],
-            "http_errors" => $throw_http_errors,
-        ]);
-        $this->access_codes = new AccessCodesClient($this);
-        $this->acs = new AcsClient($this);
-        $this->action_attempts = new ActionAttemptsClient($this);
-        $this->client_sessions = new ClientSessionsClient($this);
-        $this->connect_webviews = new ConnectWebviewsClient($this);
-        $this->connected_accounts = new ConnectedAccountsClient($this);
-        $this->devices = new DevicesClient($this);
-        $this->events = new EventsClient($this);
-        $this->locks = new LocksClient($this);
-        $this->networks = new NetworksClient($this);
-        $this->noise_sensors = new NoiseSensorsClient($this);
-        $this->phones = new PhonesClient($this);
-        $this->thermostats = new ThermostatsClient($this);
-        $this->user_identities = new UserIdentitiesClient($this);
-        $this->webhooks = new WebhooksClient($this);
-        $this->workspaces = new WorkspacesClient($this);
-    }
-    public function request(
-        $method,
-        $path,
-        $json = null,
-        $query = null,
-        $inner_object = null
-    ) {
-        $options = [
-            "json" => $json,
-            "query" => $query,
-        ];
-        $options = array_filter($options, fn($option) => $option !== null);
-        // TODO handle request errors
-        $response = $this->client->request($method, $path, $options);
-        $status_code = $response->getStatusCode();
-        $request_id = $response->getHeaderLine("seam-request-id");
-        $res_json = null;
-        try {
-            $res_json = json_decode($response->getBody());
-        } catch (Exception $ignoreError) {
-        }
-        if (($res_json->error ?? null) != null) {
-            throw new Exception(
-                "Error Calling \"" .
-                    $method .
-                    " " .
-                    $path .
-                    "\" : " .
-                    ($res_json->error->type ?? "") .
-                    ": " .
-                    $res_json->error->message .
-                    " [Request ID: " .
-                    $request_id .
-                    "]"
-            );
-        }
-        if ($status_code >= 400) {
-            $error_message = $response->getReasonPhrase();
-            throw new Exception(
-                "HTTP Error: " .
-                    $error_message .
-                    " [" .
-                    $status_code .
-                    "] " .
-                    $method .
-                    " " .
-                    $path .
-                    " [Request ID: " .
-                    $request_id .
-                    "]"
-            );
-        }
-        if ($inner_object) {
-            if (
-                !is_array($res_json->$inner_object) &&
-                ($res_json->$inner_object ?? null) == null
-            ) {
-                throw new Exception(
-                    'Missing Inner Object "' .
-                        $inner_object .
-                        '" for ' .
-                        $method .
-                        " " .
-                        $path .
-                        " [Request ID: " .
-                        $request_id .
-                        "]"
-                );
-            }
-            return $res_json->$inner_object;
-        }
-        return $res_json;
+  public AccessCodesClient $access_codes;
+  public AcsClient $acs;
+  public ActionAttemptsClient $action_attempts;
+  public ClientSessionsClient $client_sessions;
+  public ConnectWebviewsClient $connect_webviews;
+  public ConnectedAccountsClient $connected_accounts;
+  public DevicesClient $devices;
+  public EventsClient $events;
+  public LocksClient $locks;
+  public NetworksClient $networks;
+  public NoiseSensorsClient $noise_sensors;
+  public PhonesClient $phones;
+  public ThermostatsClient $thermostats;
+  public UserIdentitiesClient $user_identities;
+  public WebhooksClient $webhooks;
+  public WorkspacesClient $workspaces;
+  public string $api_key;
+  public HTTPClient $client;
+  public string $ltsVersion = LTS_VERSION;
+  public function __construct(
+    $api_key,
+    $endpoint = "",
+    $throw_http_errors = false
+  ) {
+    $this->api_key = $api_key;
+    $seam_sdk_version = PackageVersion::get();
+    $this->client = new HTTPClient([
+      "base_uri" => $endpoint,
+      "timeout" => 60.0,
+      "headers" => [
+        "Authorization" => "Bearer " . $this->api_key,
+        "User-Agent" => "Seam PHP Client ". $seam_sdk_version,
+        "seam-sdk-name" => "seamapi/php",
+        "seam-sdk-version" => $seam_sdk_version,
+        "seam-lts-version" => $this->ltsVersion
+      ],
+      "http_errors" => $throw_http_errors,
+    ]);
+    $this->access_codes = new AccessCodesClient($this);
+    $this->acs = new AcsClient($this);
+    $this->action_attempts = new ActionAttemptsClient($this);
+    $this->client_sessions = new ClientSessionsClient($this);
+    $this->connect_webviews = new ConnectWebviewsClient($this);
+    $this->connected_accounts = new ConnectedAccountsClient($this);
+    $this->devices = new DevicesClient($this);
+    $this->events = new EventsClient($this);
+    $this->locks = new LocksClient($this);
+    $this->networks = new NetworksClient($this);
+    $this->noise_sensors = new NoiseSensorsClient($this);
+    $this->phones = new PhonesClient($this);
+    $this->thermostats = new ThermostatsClient($this);
+    $this->user_identities = new UserIdentitiesClient($this);
+    $this->webhooks = new WebhooksClient($this);
+    $this->workspaces = new WorkspacesClient($this);
+  }
+  public function request(
+    $method,
+    $path,
+    $json = null,
+    $query = null,
+    $inner_object = null
+  ) {
+    $options = [
+      "json" => $json,
+      "query" => $query,
+    ];
+    $options = array_filter($options, fn ($option) => $option !== null);
+    // TODO handle request errors
+    $response = $this->client->request($method, $path, $options);
+    $status_code = $response->getStatusCode();
+    $request_id = $response->getHeaderLine('seam-request-id');
+    $res_json = null;
+    try {
+      $res_json = json_decode($response->getBody());
+    } catch (Exception $ignoreError) {
+    }
+    if (($res_json->error ?? null) != null) {
+      throw new Exception(
+        "Error Calling \"" .
+          $method .
+          " " .
+          $path .
+          "\" : " .
+          ($res_json->error->type ?? "") .
+          ": " .
+          $res_json->error->message .
+          " [Request ID: " . $request_id . "]"
+      );
+    }
+    if ($status_code >= 400) {
+      $error_message = $response->getReasonPhrase();
+      throw new Exception(
+        "HTTP Error: " . $error_message . " [" . $status_code . "] " . $method . " " . $path .
+        " [Request ID: " . $request_id . "]"
+      );
+    }
+    if ($inner_object) {
+      if (!is_array($res_json->$inner_object) && ($res_json->$inner_object ?? null) == null) {
+        throw new Exception(
+          'Missing Inner Object "' .
+            $inner_object .
+            '" for ' .
+            $method .
+            " " .
+            $path .
+            " [Request ID: " . $request_id . "]"
+        );
+      }
+      return $res_json->$inner_object;
+    }
+    return $res_json;
+  }
+class AccessCodesClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+    public AccessCodesSimulateClient $simulate;
+  public AccessCodesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+    $this->simulate = new AccessCodesSimulateClient($seam);
+$this->unmanaged = new AccessCodesUnmanagedClient($seam);
+  }
+  public function create(
+    string $device_id,
+    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+    bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
+    string $code = null,
+    string $common_code_key = null,
+    string $ends_at = null,
+    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+    bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
+    bool $is_one_time_use = null,
+    string $max_time_rounding = null,
+    string $name = null,
+    bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
+    string $starts_at = null,
+    bool $sync = null,
+    bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
+    bool $use_offline_access_code = null
+  ): AccessCode {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
+    }
+    if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
+      $request_payload["attempt_for_offline_device"] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
+    }
+    if ($code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+    }
+    if ($common_code_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["common_code_key"] = $common_code_key;
+    }
+    if ($ends_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+    }
+    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+    }
+    if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_offline_access_code"] = $is_offline_access_code;
+    }
+    if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
+    }
+    if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
+      $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
+      $request_payload["prefer_native_scheduling"] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
+    }
+    if ($starts_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
+      $request_payload["use_backup_access_code_pool"] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
+    }
+    if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["use_offline_access_code"] = $use_offline_access_code;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "access_code",
+    );
+    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function create_multiple(
+    array $device_ids,
+    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+    bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
+    string $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared = null,
+    string $code = null,
+    string $ends_at = null,
+    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+    bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
+    bool $is_one_time_use = null,
+    string $max_time_rounding = null,
+    string $name = null,
+    bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
+    float $preferred_code_length = null,
+    string $starts_at = null,
+    bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
+    bool $use_offline_access_code = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+    }
+    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
+    }
+    if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
+      $request_payload["attempt_for_offline_device"] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
+    }
+    if ($behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared !== null) {
+      $request_payload["behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared"] = $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared;
+    }
+    if ($code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+    }
+    if ($ends_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+    }
+    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+    }
+    if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_offline_access_code"] = $is_offline_access_code;
+    }
+    if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
+    }
+    if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
+      $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
+      $request_payload["prefer_native_scheduling"] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
+    }
+    if ($preferred_code_length !== null) {
+      $request_payload["preferred_code_length"] = $preferred_code_length;
+    }
+    if ($starts_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+    }
+    if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
+      $request_payload["use_backup_access_code_pool"] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
+    }
+    if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["use_offline_access_code"] = $use_offline_access_code;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/create_multiple",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "access_codes",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function delete(
+    string $access_code_id,
+    string $device_id = null,
+    bool $sync = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+    }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function generate_code(
+    string $device_id
+  ): AccessCode {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/generate_code",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "generated_code",
+    );
+    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $access_code_id = null,
+    string $code = null,
+    string $device_id = null
+  ): AccessCode {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+    }
+    if ($code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+    }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "access_code",
+    );
+    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    array $access_code_ids = null,
+    string $device_id = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
+    }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "access_codes",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function pull_backup_access_code(
+    string $access_code_id
+  ): AccessCode {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/pull_backup_access_code",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "backup_access_code",
+    );
+    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function update(
+    string $access_code_id,
+    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+    bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
+    string $code = null,
+    string $device_id = null,
+    string $ends_at = null,
+    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+    bool $is_managed = null,
+    bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
+    bool $is_one_time_use = null,
+    string $max_time_rounding = null,
+    string $name = null,
+    bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
+    string $starts_at = null,
+    bool $sync = null,
+    string $type = null,
+    bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
+    bool $use_offline_access_code = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+    }
+    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
+    }
+    if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
+      $request_payload["attempt_for_offline_device"] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
+    }
+    if ($code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+    }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($ends_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+    }
+    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+    }
+    if ($is_managed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+    }
+    if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_offline_access_code"] = $is_offline_access_code;
+    }
+    if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
+    }
+    if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
+      $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
+      $request_payload["prefer_native_scheduling"] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
+    }
+    if ($starts_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    if ($type !== null) {
+      $request_payload["type"] = $type;
+    }
+    if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
+      $request_payload["use_backup_access_code_pool"] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
+    }
+    if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["use_offline_access_code"] = $use_offline_access_code;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+class AccessCodesSimulateClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function create_unmanaged_access_code(
+    string $code,
+    string $device_id,
+    string $name
+  ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+    }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/simulate/create_unmanaged_access_code",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "access_code",
+    );
+    return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
+  }
+class AccessCodesUnmanagedClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function convert_to_managed(
+    string $access_code_id,
+    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+    bool $force = null,
+    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+    bool $sync = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+    }
+    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
+    }
+    if ($force !== null) {
+      $request_payload["force"] = $force;
+    }
+    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/unmanaged/convert_to_managed",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function delete(
+    string $access_code_id,
+    bool $sync = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/unmanaged/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $access_code_id = null,
+    string $code = null,
+    string $device_id = null
+  ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+    }
+    if ($code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+    }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/unmanaged/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "access_code",
+    );
+    return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $device_id,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/unmanaged/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "access_codes",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function update(
+    string $access_code_id,
+    bool $is_managed,
+    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+    bool $force = null,
+    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+    }
+    if ($is_managed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+    }
+    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
+    }
+    if ($force !== null) {
+      $request_payload["force"] = $force;
+    }
+    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/access_codes/unmanaged/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+class AcsAccessGroupsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function add_user(
+    string $acs_access_group_id,
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/access_groups/add_user",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $acs_access_group_id
+  ): AcsAccessGroup {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/access_groups/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_access_group",
+    );
+    return AcsAccessGroup::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $acs_system_id = null,
+    string $acs_user_id = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/access_groups/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_access_groups",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsAccessGroup::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function list_users(
+    string $acs_access_group_id
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/access_groups/list_users",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_users",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function remove_user(
+    string $acs_access_group_id,
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/access_groups/remove_user",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+class AcsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+    public AcsAccessGroupsClient $access_groups;
+  public AcsCredentialPoolsClient $credential_pools;
+  public AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient $credential_provisioning_automations;
+  public AcsCredentialsClient $credentials;
+  public AcsEntrancesClient $entrances;
+  public AcsSystemsClient $systems;
+  public AcsUsersClient $users;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+    $this->access_groups = new AcsAccessGroupsClient($seam);
+$this->credential_pools = new AcsCredentialPoolsClient($seam);
+$this->credential_provisioning_automations = new AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient($seam);
+$this->credentials = new AcsCredentialsClient($seam);
+$this->entrances = new AcsEntrancesClient($seam);
+$this->systems = new AcsSystemsClient($seam);
+$this->users = new AcsUsersClient($seam);
+  }
+class AcsCredentialPoolsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $acs_system_id
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/credential_pools/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_credential_pools",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsCredentialPool::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+class AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function launch(
+    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
+    string $user_identity_id,
+    string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
+    bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
+    string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
+  ): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_credential_pool_id"] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
+    }
+    if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
+      $request_payload["create_credential_manager_user"] = $create_credential_manager_user;
+    }
+    if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_user_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/credential_provisioning_automations/launch",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_credential_provisioning_automation",
+    );
+    return AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation::from_json($res);
+  }
+class AcsCredentialsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function assign(
+    string $acs_credential_id,
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/credentials/assign",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function create(
+    string $access_method,
+    string $acs_user_id,
+    array $allowed_acs_entrance_ids = null,
+    string $code = null,
+    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null,
+    string $ends_at = null,
+    bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null,
+    string $starts_at = null,
+    mixed $visionline_metadata = null
+  ): AcsCredential {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_method !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_method"] = $access_method;
+    }
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    if ($allowed_acs_entrance_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["allowed_acs_entrance_ids"] = $allowed_acs_entrance_ids;
+    }
+    if ($code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+    }
+    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+    }
+    if ($ends_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+    }
+    if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_multi_phone_sync_credential"] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
+    }
+    if ($starts_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+    }
+    if ($visionline_metadata !== null) {
+      $request_payload["visionline_metadata"] = $visionline_metadata;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/credentials/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_credential",
+    );
+    return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function delete(
+    string $acs_credential_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/credentials/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $acs_credential_id
+  ): AcsCredential {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/credentials/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_credential",
+    );
+    return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $acs_user_id = null,
+    string $acs_system_id = null,
+    string $user_identity_id = null,
+    bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
+    if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_multi_phone_sync_credential"] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/credentials/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_credentials",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function unassign(
+    string $acs_credential_id,
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/credentials/unassign",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function update(
+    string $acs_credential_id,
+    string $code
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+    }
+    if ($code !== null) {
+      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/credentials/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+class AcsEntrancesClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $acs_entrance_id
+  ): AcsEntrance {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/entrances/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_entrance",
+    );
+    return AcsEntrance::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function grant_access(
+    string $acs_entrance_id,
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/entrances/grant_access",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $acs_credential_id = null,
+    string $acs_system_id = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/entrances/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_entrances",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function list_credentials_with_access(
+    string $acs_entrance_id,
+    array $include_if = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
+    }
+    if ($include_if !== null) {
+      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/entrances/list_credentials_with_access",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_credentials",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+class AcsSystemsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $acs_system_id
+  ): AcsSystem {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/systems/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_system",
+    );
+    return AcsSystem::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $connected_account_id = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/systems/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_systems",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+class AcsUsersClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function add_to_access_group(
+    string $acs_access_group_id,
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/add_to_access_group",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function create(
+    string $acs_system_id,
+    mixed $access_schedule = null,
+    array $acs_access_group_ids = null,
+    string $email = null,
+    string $email_address = null,
+    string $full_name = null,
+    string $phone_number = null,
+    string $user_identity_id = null
+  ): AcsUser {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+    }
+    if ($access_schedule !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
+    }
+    if ($acs_access_group_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_access_group_ids"] = $acs_access_group_ids;
+    }
+    if ($email !== null) {
+      $request_payload["email"] = $email;
+    }
+    if ($email_address !== null) {
+      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+    }
+    if ($full_name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+    }
+    if ($phone_number !== null) {
+      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_user",
+    );
+    return AcsUser::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function delete(
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): AcsUser {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_user",
+    );
+    return AcsUser::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $acs_system_id = null,
+    string $user_identity_email_address = null,
+    string $user_identity_id = null,
+    string $user_identity_phone_number = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_email_address !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_email_address"] = $user_identity_email_address;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_phone_number !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_phone_number"] = $user_identity_phone_number;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_users",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function list_accessible_entrances(
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/list_accessible_entrances",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_entrances",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function remove_from_access_group(
+    string $acs_access_group_id,
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/remove_from_access_group",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function revoke_access_to_all_entrances(
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/revoke_access_to_all_entrances",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function suspend(
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/suspend",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function unsuspend(
+    string $acs_user_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/unsuspend",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function update(
+    string $acs_user_id,
+    mixed $access_schedule = null,
+    string $email = null,
+    string $email_address = null,
+    string $full_name = null,
+    string $hid_acs_system_id = null,
+    string $phone_number = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    if ($access_schedule !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
+    }
+    if ($email !== null) {
+      $request_payload["email"] = $email;
+    }
+    if ($email_address !== null) {
+      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+    }
+    if ($full_name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+    }
+    if ($hid_acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["hid_acs_system_id"] = $hid_acs_system_id;
+    }
+    if ($phone_number !== null) {
+      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/acs/users/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+class ActionAttemptsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $action_attempt_id
+  ): ActionAttempt {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($action_attempt_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["action_attempt_id"] = $action_attempt_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/action_attempts/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempt",
+    );
+    return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    array $action_attempt_ids
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($action_attempt_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["action_attempt_ids"] = $action_attempt_ids;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/action_attempts/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempts",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => ActionAttempt::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function poll_until_ready(string $action_attempt_id): ActionAttempt
+  {
+    $seam = $this->seam;
+    $time_waiting = 0.0;
+    $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get($action_attempt_id);
+    while ($action_attempt->status == "pending") {
+      $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get(
+        $action_attempt->action_attempt_id
+      );
+      if ($time_waiting > 20.0) {
+        throw new Exception("Timed out waiting for action attempt to be ready");
+      }
+      $time_waiting += 0.4;
+      usleep(400000); // sleep for 0.4 seconds
+    }
+    if ($action_attempt->status == "failed") {
+      throw new Exception(
+        "Action Attempt failed: " . $action_attempt->error->message
+      );
+    }
+    return $action_attempt;
+  }
+class ClientSessionsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function create(
+    array $connect_webview_ids = null,
+    array $connected_account_ids = null,
+    string $expires_at = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null,
+    array $user_identity_ids = null
+  ): ClientSession {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+    }
+    if ($expires_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/client_sessions/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "client_session",
+    );
+    return ClientSession::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function delete(
+    string $client_session_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/client_sessions/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $client_session_id = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null
+  ): ClientSession {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/client_sessions/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "client_session",
+    );
+    return ClientSession::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function get_or_create(
+    array $connect_webview_ids = null,
+    array $connected_account_ids = null,
+    string $expires_at = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null,
+    array $user_identity_ids = null
+  ): ClientSession {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+    }
+    if ($expires_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/client_sessions/get_or_create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "client_session",
+    );
+    return ClientSession::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function grant_access(
+    string $client_session_id = null,
+    array $connect_webview_ids = null,
+    array $connected_account_ids = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null,
+    array $user_identity_ids = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+    }
+    if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/client_sessions/grant_access",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $client_session_id = null,
+    string $connect_webview_id = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null,
+    string $user_identity_id = null,
+    bool $without_user_identifier_key = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+    }
+    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
+    if ($without_user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["without_user_identifier_key"] = $without_user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/client_sessions/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "client_sessions",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => ClientSession::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function revoke(
+    string $client_session_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/client_sessions/revoke",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+class ConnectWebviewsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function create(
+    array $accepted_providers = null,
+    bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
+    mixed $custom_metadata = null,
+    string $custom_redirect_failure_url = null,
+    string $custom_redirect_url = null,
+    string $device_selection_mode = null,
+    string $provider_category = null,
+    bool $wait_for_device_creation = null
+  ): ConnectWebview {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($accepted_providers !== null) {
+      $request_payload["accepted_providers"] = $accepted_providers;
+    }
+    if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
+      $request_payload["automatically_manage_new_devices"] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
+    }
+    if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
+    }
+    if ($custom_redirect_failure_url !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_redirect_failure_url"] = $custom_redirect_failure_url;
+    }
+    if ($custom_redirect_url !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_redirect_url"] = $custom_redirect_url;
+    }
+    if ($device_selection_mode !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_selection_mode"] = $device_selection_mode;
+    }
+    if ($provider_category !== null) {
+      $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
+    }
+    if ($wait_for_device_creation !== null) {
+      $request_payload["wait_for_device_creation"] = $wait_for_device_creation;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/connect_webviews/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "connect_webview",
+    );
+    return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function delete(
+    string $connect_webview_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/connect_webviews/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $connect_webview_id
+  ): ConnectWebview {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/connect_webviews/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "connect_webview",
+    );
+    return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/connect_webviews/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "connect_webviews",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => ConnectWebview::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+class ConnectedAccountsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function delete(
+    string $connected_account_id,
+    bool $sync = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/connected_accounts/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $connected_account_id = null,
+    string $email = null
+  ): ConnectedAccount {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+    }
+    if ($email !== null) {
+      $request_payload["email"] = $email;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/connected_accounts/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "connected_account",
+    );
+    return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/connected_accounts/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "connected_accounts",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => ConnectedAccount::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function update(
+    string $connected_account_id,
+    bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
+    mixed $custom_metadata = null
+  ): ConnectedAccount {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+    }
+    if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
+      $request_payload["automatically_manage_new_devices"] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
+    }
+    if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/connected_accounts/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "connected_account",
+    );
+    return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
+  }
+class DevicesClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+    public DevicesSimulateClient $simulate;
+  public DevicesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+    $this->simulate = new DevicesSimulateClient($seam);
+$this->unmanaged = new DevicesUnmanagedClient($seam);
+  }
+  public function delete(
+    string $device_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/devices/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $device_id = null,
+    string $name = null
+  ): Device {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/devices/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "device",
+    );
+    return Device::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $connect_webview_id = null,
+    string $connected_account_id = null,
+    array $connected_account_ids = null,
+    string $created_before = null,
+    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+    array $device_ids = null,
+    string $device_type = null,
+    array $device_types = null,
+    array $exclude_if = null,
+    array $include_if = null,
+    float $limit = null,
+    string $manufacturer = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+    }
+    if ($created_before !== null) {
+      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+    }
+    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+    }
+    if ($device_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+    }
+    if ($device_type !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+    }
+    if ($device_types !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+    }
+    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+    }
+    if ($include_if !== null) {
+      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+    }
+    if ($limit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+    }
+    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/devices/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "devices",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function list_device_providers(
+    string $provider_category = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($provider_category !== null) {
+      $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/devices/list_device_providers",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "device_providers",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => DeviceProvider::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function update(
+    string $device_id,
+    mixed $custom_metadata = null,
+    bool $is_managed = null,
+    string $name = null,
+    mixed $properties = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
+    }
+    if ($is_managed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    if ($properties !== null) {
+      $request_payload["properties"] = $properties;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/devices/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+class DevicesSimulateClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function remove(
+    string $device_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/devices/simulate/remove",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+class DevicesUnmanagedClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $device_id = null,
+    string $name = null
+  ): UnmanagedDevice {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/devices/unmanaged/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "device",
+    );
+    return UnmanagedDevice::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $connect_webview_id = null,
+    string $connected_account_id = null,
+    array $connected_account_ids = null,
+    string $created_before = null,
+    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+    array $device_ids = null,
+    string $device_type = null,
+    array $device_types = null,
+    array $exclude_if = null,
+    array $include_if = null,
+    float $limit = null,
+    string $manufacturer = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+    }
+    if ($created_before !== null) {
+      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+    }
+    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+    }
+    if ($device_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+    }
+    if ($device_type !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+    }
+    if ($device_types !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+    }
+    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+    }
+    if ($include_if !== null) {
+      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+    }
+    if ($limit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+    }
+    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/devices/unmanaged/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "devices",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => UnmanagedDevice::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function update(
+    string $device_id,
+    bool $is_managed
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($is_managed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/devices/unmanaged/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
+class EventsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $device_id = null,
+    string $event_id = null,
+    string $event_type = null
+  ): Event {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($event_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["event_id"] = $event_id;
+    }
+    if ($event_type !== null) {
+      $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/events/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "event",
+    );
+    return Event::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $access_code_id = null,
+    array $access_code_ids = null,
+    array $between = null,
+    string $connected_account_id = null,
+    string $device_id = null,
+    array $device_ids = null,
+    string $event_type = null,
+    array $event_types = null,
+    float $limit = null,
+    string $since = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+    }
+    if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
+    }
+    if ($between !== null) {
+      $request_payload["between"] = $between;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+    }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($device_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+    }
+    if ($event_type !== null) {
+      $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
+    }
+    if ($event_types !== null) {
+      $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
+    }
+    if ($limit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+    }
+    if ($since !== null) {
+      $request_payload["since"] = $since;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/events/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "events",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => Event::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+class LocksClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $device_id = null,
+    string $name = null
+  ): Device {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/locks/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "device",
+    );
+    return Device::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $connect_webview_id = null,
+    string $connected_account_id = null,
+    array $connected_account_ids = null,
+    string $created_before = null,
+    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+    array $device_ids = null,
+    string $device_type = null,
+    array $device_types = null,
+    array $exclude_if = null,
+    array $include_if = null,
+    float $limit = null,
+    string $manufacturer = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+    }
+    if ($created_before !== null) {
+      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+    }
+    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+    }
+    if ($device_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+    }
+    if ($device_type !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+    }
+    if ($device_types !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+    }
+    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+    }
+    if ($include_if !== null) {
+      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+    }
+    if ($limit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+    }
+    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/locks/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "devices",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function lock_door(
+    string $device_id,
+    bool $sync = null,
+    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+  ): ActionAttempt {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/locks/lock_door",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempt",
+    );
+    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+    }
+    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+      $res->action_attempt_id
+    );
+    return $action_attempt;
+  }
+  public function unlock_door(
+    string $device_id,
+    bool $sync = null,
+    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+  ): ActionAttempt {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/locks/unlock_door",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempt",
+    );
+    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+      $res->action_attempt_id
+    );
+    return $action_attempt;
+  }
-class AccessCodesClient
+class NetworksClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public AccessCodesSimulateClient $simulate;
-    public AccessCodesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-        $this->simulate = new AccessCodesSimulateClient($seam);
-        $this->unmanaged = new AccessCodesUnmanagedClient($seam);
-    }
-    public function create(
-        string $device_id,
-        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-        bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
-        string $code = null,
-        string $common_code_key = null,
-        string $ends_at = null,
-        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-        bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
-        bool $is_one_time_use = null,
-        string $max_time_rounding = null,
-        string $name = null,
-        bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
-        string $starts_at = null,
-        bool $sync = null,
-        bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
-        bool $use_offline_access_code = null
-    ): AccessCode {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "allow_external_modification"
-            ] = $allow_external_modification;
-        }
-        if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "attempt_for_offline_device"
-            ] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
-        }
-        if ($code !== null) {
-            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-        }
-        if ($common_code_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["common_code_key"] = $common_code_key;
-        }
-        if ($ends_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-        }
-        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_external_modification_allowed"
-            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-        }
-        if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_offline_access_code"
-            ] = $is_offline_access_code;
-        }
-        if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
-            $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
-        }
-        if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
-            $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "prefer_native_scheduling"
-            ] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
-        }
-        if ($starts_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "use_backup_access_code_pool"
-            ] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
-        }
-        if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "use_offline_access_code"
-            ] = $use_offline_access_code;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "access_code"
-        );
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
-        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function create_multiple(
-        array $device_ids,
-        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-        bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
-        string $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared = null,
-        string $code = null,
-        string $ends_at = null,
-        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-        bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
-        bool $is_one_time_use = null,
-        string $max_time_rounding = null,
-        string $name = null,
-        bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
-        float $preferred_code_length = null,
-        string $starts_at = null,
-        bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
-        bool $use_offline_access_code = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-        }
-        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "allow_external_modification"
-            ] = $allow_external_modification;
-        }
-        if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "attempt_for_offline_device"
-            ] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
-        }
-        if ($behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared"
-            ] = $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared;
-        }
-        if ($code !== null) {
-            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-        }
-        if ($ends_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-        }
-        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_external_modification_allowed"
-            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-        }
-        if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_offline_access_code"
-            ] = $is_offline_access_code;
-        }
-        if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
-            $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
-        }
-        if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
-            $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "prefer_native_scheduling"
-            ] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
-        }
-        if ($preferred_code_length !== null) {
-            $request_payload["preferred_code_length"] = $preferred_code_length;
-        }
-        if ($starts_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-        }
-        if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "use_backup_access_code_pool"
-            ] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
-        }
-        if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "use_offline_access_code"
-            ] = $use_offline_access_code;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/create_multiple",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "access_codes"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function delete(
-        string $access_code_id,
-        string $device_id = null,
-        bool $sync = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-        }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+  public function get(
+    string $network_id
+  ): Network {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($network_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["network_id"] = $network_id;
-    public function generate_code(string $device_id): AccessCode
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/networks/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "network",
+    );
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/generate_code",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "generated_code"
-        );
-        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function get(
-        string $access_code_id = null,
-        string $code = null,
-        string $device_id = null
-    ): AccessCode {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-        }
-        if ($code !== null) {
-            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-        }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "access_code"
-        );
-        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        array $access_code_ids = null,
-        string $device_id = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
-        }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "access_codes"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
+    return Network::from_json($res);
+  }
-    public function pull_backup_access_code(string $access_code_id): AccessCode
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+  public function list(
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/pull_backup_access_code",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "backup_access_code"
-        );
-        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function update(
-        string $access_code_id,
-        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-        bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
-        string $code = null,
-        string $device_id = null,
-        string $ends_at = null,
-        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-        bool $is_managed = null,
-        bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
-        bool $is_one_time_use = null,
-        string $max_time_rounding = null,
-        string $name = null,
-        bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
-        string $starts_at = null,
-        bool $sync = null,
-        string $type = null,
-        bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
-        bool $use_offline_access_code = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-        }
-        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "allow_external_modification"
-            ] = $allow_external_modification;
-        }
-        if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "attempt_for_offline_device"
-            ] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
-        }
-        if ($code !== null) {
-            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-        }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($ends_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-        }
-        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_external_modification_allowed"
-            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-        }
-        if ($is_managed !== null) {
-            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-        }
-        if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_offline_access_code"
-            ] = $is_offline_access_code;
-        }
-        if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
-            $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
-        }
-        if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
-            $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "prefer_native_scheduling"
-            ] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
-        }
-        if ($starts_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        if ($type !== null) {
-            $request_payload["type"] = $type;
-        }
-        if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "use_backup_access_code_pool"
-            ] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
-        }
-        if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "use_offline_access_code"
-            ] = $use_offline_access_code;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/networks/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "networks",
+    );
-class AccessCodesSimulateClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function create_unmanaged_access_code(
-        string $code,
-        string $device_id,
-        string $name
-    ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($code !== null) {
-            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-        }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/simulate/create_unmanaged_access_code",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "access_code"
-        );
-        return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
-    }
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => Network::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
-class AccessCodesUnmanagedClient
+class NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function convert_to_managed(
-        string $access_code_id,
-        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-        bool $force = null,
-        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-        bool $sync = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-        }
-        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "allow_external_modification"
-            ] = $allow_external_modification;
-        }
-        if ($force !== null) {
-            $request_payload["force"] = $force;
-        }
-        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_external_modification_allowed"
-            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/unmanaged/convert_to_managed",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
-    public function delete(string $access_code_id, bool $sync = null): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
+  public function create(
+    string $device_id,
+    string $ends_daily_at,
+    string $starts_daily_at,
+    string $name = null,
+    float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
+    float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
+    bool $sync = null
+  ): NoiseThreshold {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/unmanaged/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
+    }
+    if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
+      $request_payload["noise_threshold_decibels"] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
+    }
+    if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
+      $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    public function get(
-        string $access_code_id = null,
-        string $code = null,
-        string $device_id = null
-    ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-        }
-        if ($code !== null) {
-            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-        }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/unmanaged/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "access_code"
-        );
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "noise_threshold",
+    );
-        return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $device_id,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/unmanaged/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "access_codes"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function update(
-        string $access_code_id,
-        bool $is_managed,
-        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-        bool $force = null,
-        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-        }
-        if ($is_managed !== null) {
-            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-        }
-        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "allow_external_modification"
-            ] = $allow_external_modification;
-        }
-        if ($force !== null) {
-            $request_payload["force"] = $force;
-        }
-        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_external_modification_allowed"
-            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/access_codes/unmanaged/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
+    return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
+  }
-class AcsAccessGroupsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function add_user(
-        string $acs_access_group_id,
-        string $acs_user_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/access_groups/add_user",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+  public function delete(
+    string $device_id,
+    string $noise_threshold_id,
+    bool $sync = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    public function get(string $acs_access_group_id): AcsAccessGroup
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/access_groups/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_access_group"
-        );
-        return AcsAccessGroup::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $acs_system_id = null,
-        string $acs_user_id = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/access_groups/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_access_groups"
-        );
+  }
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsAccessGroup::from_json($r), $res);
+  public function get(
+    string $noise_threshold_id
+  ): NoiseThreshold {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
-    public function list_users(string $acs_access_group_id): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "noise_threshold",
+    );
-        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/access_groups/list_users",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_users"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
+    return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $device_id,
+    bool $is_programmed = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($is_programmed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_programmed"] = $is_programmed;
-    public function remove_user(
-        string $acs_access_group_id,
-        string $acs_user_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "noise_thresholds",
+    );
-        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/access_groups/remove_user",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => NoiseThreshold::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function update(
+    string $device_id,
+    string $noise_threshold_id,
+    string $ends_daily_at = null,
+    string $name = null,
+    float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
+    float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
+    string $starts_daily_at = null,
+    bool $sync = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+    }
+    if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
+      $request_payload["noise_threshold_decibels"] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
+    }
+    if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
+      $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
+    if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
-class AcsClient
+class NoiseSensorsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public AcsAccessGroupsClient $access_groups;
-    public AcsCredentialPoolsClient $credential_pools;
-    public AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient $credential_provisioning_automations;
-    public AcsCredentialsClient $credentials;
-    public AcsEntrancesClient $entrances;
-    public AcsSystemsClient $systems;
-    public AcsUsersClient $users;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-        $this->access_groups = new AcsAccessGroupsClient($seam);
-        $this->credential_pools = new AcsCredentialPoolsClient($seam);
-        $this->credential_provisioning_automations = new AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient(
-            $seam
-        );
-        $this->credentials = new AcsCredentialsClient($seam);
-        $this->entrances = new AcsEntrancesClient($seam);
-        $this->systems = new AcsSystemsClient($seam);
-        $this->users = new AcsUsersClient($seam);
-    }
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+    public NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient $noise_thresholds;
+  public NoiseSensorsSimulateClient $simulate;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+    $this->noise_thresholds = new NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient($seam);
+$this->simulate = new NoiseSensorsSimulateClient($seam);
+  }
-class AcsCredentialPoolsClient
+class NoiseSensorsSimulateClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
+  public function trigger_noise_threshold(
+    string $device_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    public function list(string $acs_system_id): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/noise_sensors/simulate/trigger_noise_threshold",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/credential_pools/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_credential_pools"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsCredentialPool::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-class AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function launch(
-        string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
-        string $user_identity_id,
-        string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
-        bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
-        string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
-    ): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
-            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "acs_credential_pool_id"
-            ] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
-        }
-        if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "create_credential_manager_user"
-            ] = $create_credential_manager_user;
-        }
-        if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "credential_manager_acs_user_id"
-            ] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/credential_provisioning_automations/launch",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_credential_provisioning_automation"
-        );
-        return AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation::from_json($res);
-    }
+  }
-class AcsCredentialsClient
+class PhonesClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+    public PhonesSimulateClient $simulate;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+    $this->simulate = new PhonesSimulateClient($seam);
+  }
+  public function deactivate(
+    string $device_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    public function assign(string $acs_credential_id, string $acs_user_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/phones/deactivate",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/credentials/assign",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-    public function create(
-        string $access_method,
-        string $acs_user_id,
-        array $allowed_acs_entrance_ids = null,
-        string $code = null,
-        string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null,
-        string $ends_at = null,
-        bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null,
-        string $starts_at = null,
-        mixed $visionline_metadata = null
-    ): AcsCredential {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_method !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_method"] = $access_method;
-        }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        if ($allowed_acs_entrance_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "allowed_acs_entrance_ids"
-            ] = $allowed_acs_entrance_ids;
-        }
-        if ($code !== null) {
-            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-        }
-        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
-            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-        }
-        if ($ends_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-        }
-        if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_multi_phone_sync_credential"
-            ] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
-        }
-        if ($starts_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-        }
-        if ($visionline_metadata !== null) {
-            $request_payload["visionline_metadata"] = $visionline_metadata;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/credentials/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_credential"
-        );
-        return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function delete(string $acs_credential_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-        }
+  }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/credentials/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+  public function list(
+    string $owner_user_identity_id = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($owner_user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["owner_user_identity_id"] = $owner_user_identity_id;
-    public function get(string $acs_credential_id): AcsCredential
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/phones/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "phones",
+    );
-        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/credentials/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_credential"
-        );
-        return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $acs_user_id = null,
-        string $acs_system_id = null,
-        string $user_identity_id = null,
-        bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "is_multi_phone_sync_credential"
-            ] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/credentials/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_credentials"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function unassign(
-        string $acs_credential_id,
-        string $acs_user_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => Phone::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
-        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/credentials/unassign",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
+class PhonesSimulateClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
-    public function update(string $acs_credential_id, string $code): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-        }
-        if ($code !== null) {
-            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-        }
+  public function create_sandbox_phone(
+    string $user_identity_id,
+    mixed $assa_abloy_metadata = null,
+    string $custom_sdk_installation_id = null,
+    mixed $phone_metadata = null
+  ): Phone {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/credentials/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
+    if ($assa_abloy_metadata !== null) {
+      $request_payload["assa_abloy_metadata"] = $assa_abloy_metadata;
+    if ($custom_sdk_installation_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_sdk_installation_id"] = $custom_sdk_installation_id;
+    }
+    if ($phone_metadata !== null) {
+      $request_payload["phone_metadata"] = $phone_metadata;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/phones/simulate/create_sandbox_phone",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "phone",
+    );
+    return Phone::from_json($res);
+  }
-class AcsEntrancesClient
+class ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
+  public function create(
+    string $device_id,
+    string $schedule_ends_at,
+    string $schedule_starts_at,
+    bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
+    bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
+    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+    string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
+    bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
+    string $name = null,
+    string $schedule_type = null
+  ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
+    }
+    if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
+    }
+    if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
+      $request_payload["automatic_cooling_enabled"] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
+    }
+    if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
+      $request_payload["automatic_heating_enabled"] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
+    }
+    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+    }
+    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+    }
+    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+    }
+    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+    }
+    if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
+      $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
+    }
+    if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["manual_override_allowed"] = $manual_override_allowed;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    if ($schedule_type !== null) {
+      $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
-    public function get(string $acs_entrance_id): AcsEntrance
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule",
+    );
-        if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/entrances/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_entrance"
-        );
-        return AcsEntrance::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function grant_access(
-        string $acs_entrance_id,
-        string $acs_user_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
+    return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
+  }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/entrances/grant_access",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+  public function delete(
+    string $climate_setting_schedule_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["climate_setting_schedule_id"] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
-    public function list(
-        string $acs_credential_id = null,
-        string $acs_system_id = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/entrances/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_entrances"
-        );
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function list_credentials_with_access(
-        string $acs_entrance_id,
-        array $include_if = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
-        }
-        if ($include_if !== null) {
-            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/entrances/list_credentials_with_access",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_credentials"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-class AcsSystemsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+  }
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
+  public function get(
+    string $climate_setting_schedule_id = null,
+    string $device_id = null
+  ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["climate_setting_schedule_id"] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+    }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    public function get(string $acs_system_id): AcsSystem
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule",
+    );
-        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/systems/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_system"
-        );
-        return AcsSystem::from_json($res);
+    return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $device_id,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    public function list(string $connected_account_id = null): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "climate_setting_schedules",
+    );
-        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/systems/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_systems"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function update(
+    string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
+    bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
+    bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
+    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+    string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
+    bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
+    string $name = null,
+    string $schedule_ends_at = null,
+    string $schedule_starts_at = null,
+    string $schedule_type = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["climate_setting_schedule_id"] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+    }
+    if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
+      $request_payload["automatic_cooling_enabled"] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
+    }
+    if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
+      $request_payload["automatic_heating_enabled"] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
+    }
+    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+    }
+    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+    }
+    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+    }
+    if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
+      $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
+    }
+    if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
+      $request_payload["manual_override_allowed"] = $manual_override_allowed;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
+    }
+    if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
+      $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
+    }
+    if ($schedule_type !== null) {
+      $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
+    }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
+  }
-class AcsUsersClient
+class ThermostatsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function add_to_access_group(
-        string $acs_access_group_id,
-        string $acs_user_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/add_to_access_group",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+    public ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient $climate_setting_schedules;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+    $this->climate_setting_schedules = new ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient($seam);
+  }
+  public function cool(
+    string $device_id,
+    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+    bool $sync = null,
+    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+  ): ActionAttempt {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+    }
+    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    public function create(
-        string $acs_system_id,
-        mixed $access_schedule = null,
-        array $acs_access_group_ids = null,
-        string $email = null,
-        string $email_address = null,
-        string $full_name = null,
-        string $phone_number = null,
-        string $user_identity_id = null
-    ): AcsUser {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-        }
-        if ($access_schedule !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
-        }
-        if ($acs_access_group_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_access_group_ids"] = $acs_access_group_ids;
-        }
-        if ($email !== null) {
-            $request_payload["email"] = $email;
-        }
-        if ($email_address !== null) {
-            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-        }
-        if ($full_name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-        }
-        if ($phone_number !== null) {
-            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_user"
-        );
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/cool",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempt",
+    );
-        return AcsUser::from_json($res);
+    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-    public function delete(string $acs_user_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+      $res->action_attempt_id
+    );
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
+    return $action_attempt;
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+  }
+  public function get(
+    string $device_id = null,
+    string $name = null
+  ): Device {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    public function get(string $acs_user_id): AcsUser
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "thermostat",
+    );
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_user"
-        );
-        return AcsUser::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $acs_system_id = null,
-        string $user_identity_email_address = null,
-        string $user_identity_id = null,
-        string $user_identity_phone_number = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_email_address !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "user_identity_email_address"
-            ] = $user_identity_email_address;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_phone_number !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "user_identity_phone_number"
-            ] = $user_identity_phone_number;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_users"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function list_accessible_entrances(string $acs_user_id): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    return Device::from_json($res);
+  }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
+  public function heat(
+    string $device_id,
+    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+    bool $sync = null,
+    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+  ): ActionAttempt {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/list_accessible_entrances",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_entrances"
-        );
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+    }
+    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/heat",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempt",
+    );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
+    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-    public function remove_from_access_group(
-        string $acs_access_group_id,
-        string $acs_user_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+      $res->action_attempt_id
+    );
-        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
+    return $action_attempt;
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/remove_from_access_group",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-    public function revoke_access_to_all_entrances(string $acs_user_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+  }
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
+  public function heat_cool(
+    string $device_id,
+    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+    bool $sync = null,
+    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+  ): ActionAttempt {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/revoke_access_to_all_entrances",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+    }
+    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+    }
+    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+    }
+    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    public function suspend(string $acs_user_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/heat_cool",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempt",
+    );
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/suspend",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-    public function unsuspend(string $acs_user_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+      $res->action_attempt_id
+    );
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
+    return $action_attempt;
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/unsuspend",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+  }
+  public function list(
+    string $connect_webview_id = null,
+    string $connected_account_id = null,
+    array $connected_account_ids = null,
+    string $created_before = null,
+    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+    array $device_ids = null,
+    string $device_type = null,
+    array $device_types = null,
+    array $exclude_if = null,
+    array $include_if = null,
+    float $limit = null,
+    string $manufacturer = null,
+    string $user_identifier_key = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+    }
+    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+    }
+    if ($created_before !== null) {
+      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+    }
+    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+    }
+    if ($device_ids !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+    }
+    if ($device_type !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+    }
+    if ($device_types !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+    }
+    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+    }
+    if ($include_if !== null) {
+      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+    }
+    if ($limit !== null) {
+      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+    }
+    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+    }
+    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    public function update(
-        string $acs_user_id,
-        mixed $access_schedule = null,
-        string $email = null,
-        string $email_address = null,
-        string $full_name = null,
-        string $hid_acs_system_id = null,
-        string $phone_number = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        if ($access_schedule !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
-        }
-        if ($email !== null) {
-            $request_payload["email"] = $email;
-        }
-        if ($email_address !== null) {
-            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-        }
-        if ($full_name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-        }
-        if ($hid_acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["hid_acs_system_id"] = $hid_acs_system_id;
-        }
-        if ($phone_number !== null) {
-            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/acs/users/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "thermostats",
+    );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function off(
+    string $device_id,
+    bool $sync = null,
+    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+  ): ActionAttempt {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-class ActionAttemptsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/off",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempt",
+    );
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
+    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-    public function get(string $action_attempt_id): ActionAttempt
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+      $res->action_attempt_id
+    );
-        if ($action_attempt_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["action_attempt_id"] = $action_attempt_id;
-        }
+    return $action_attempt;
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/action_attempts/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempt"
-        );
-        return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-    }
+  }
-    public function list(array $action_attempt_ids): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+  public function set_fan_mode(
+    string $device_id,
+    string $fan_mode = null,
+    string $fan_mode_setting = null,
+    bool $sync = null,
+    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+  ): ActionAttempt {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        if ($action_attempt_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["action_attempt_ids"] = $action_attempt_ids;
-        }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($fan_mode !== null) {
+      $request_payload["fan_mode"] = $fan_mode;
+    }
+    if ($fan_mode_setting !== null) {
+      $request_payload["fan_mode_setting"] = $fan_mode_setting;
+    }
+    if ($sync !== null) {
+      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/action_attempts/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempts"
-        );
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/set_fan_mode",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempt",
+    );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => ActionAttempt::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function poll_until_ready(string $action_attempt_id): ActionAttempt
-    {
-        $seam = $this->seam;
-        $time_waiting = 0.0;
-        $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get($action_attempt_id);
-        while ($action_attempt->status == "pending") {
-            $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get(
-                $action_attempt->action_attempt_id
-            );
-            if ($time_waiting > 20.0) {
-                throw new Exception(
-                    "Timed out waiting for action attempt to be ready"
-                );
-            }
-            $time_waiting += 0.4;
-            usleep(400000); // sleep for 0.4 seconds
-        }
-        if ($action_attempt->status == "failed") {
-            throw new Exception(
-                "Action Attempt failed: " . $action_attempt->error->message
-            );
-        }
-        return $action_attempt;
+    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-class ClientSessionsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function create(
-        array $connect_webview_ids = null,
-        array $connected_account_ids = null,
-        string $expires_at = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null,
-        array $user_identity_ids = null
-    ): ClientSession {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-        }
-        if ($expires_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/client_sessions/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "client_session"
-        );
+    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+      $res->action_attempt_id
+    );
-        return ClientSession::from_json($res);
-    }
+    return $action_attempt;
-    public function delete(string $client_session_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-        }
+  }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/client_sessions/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+  public function update(
+    mixed $default_climate_setting,
+    string $device_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($default_climate_setting !== null) {
+      $request_payload["default_climate_setting"] = $default_climate_setting;
+    }
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    public function get(
-        string $client_session_id = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null
-    ): ClientSession {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/client_sessions/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "client_session"
-        );
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/thermostats/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        return ClientSession::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function get_or_create(
-        array $connect_webview_ids = null,
-        array $connected_account_ids = null,
-        string $expires_at = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null,
-        array $user_identity_ids = null
-    ): ClientSession {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-        }
-        if ($expires_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/client_sessions/get_or_create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "client_session"
-        );
-        return ClientSession::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function grant_access(
-        string $client_session_id = null,
-        array $connect_webview_ids = null,
-        array $connected_account_ids = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null,
-        array $user_identity_ids = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-        }
-        if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/client_sessions/grant_access",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $client_session_id = null,
-        string $connect_webview_id = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null,
-        string $user_identity_id = null,
-        bool $without_user_identifier_key = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-        }
-        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        if ($without_user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "without_user_identifier_key"
-            ] = $without_user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/client_sessions/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "client_sessions"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => ClientSession::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function revoke(string $client_session_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-        }
+  }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/client_sessions/revoke",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-class ConnectWebviewsClient
+class UserIdentitiesClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function create(
-        array $accepted_providers = null,
-        bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
-        mixed $custom_metadata = null,
-        string $custom_redirect_failure_url = null,
-        string $custom_redirect_url = null,
-        string $device_selection_mode = null,
-        string $provider_category = null,
-        bool $wait_for_device_creation = null
-    ): ConnectWebview {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($accepted_providers !== null) {
-            $request_payload["accepted_providers"] = $accepted_providers;
-        }
-        if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "automatically_manage_new_devices"
-            ] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
-        }
-        if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
-        }
-        if ($custom_redirect_failure_url !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "custom_redirect_failure_url"
-            ] = $custom_redirect_failure_url;
-        }
-        if ($custom_redirect_url !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_redirect_url"] = $custom_redirect_url;
-        }
-        if ($device_selection_mode !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_selection_mode"] = $device_selection_mode;
-        }
-        if ($provider_category !== null) {
-            $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
-        }
-        if ($wait_for_device_creation !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "wait_for_device_creation"
-            ] = $wait_for_device_creation;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/connect_webviews/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "connect_webview"
-        );
-        return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
-    }
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+    public UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient $enrollment_automations;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+    $this->enrollment_automations = new UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient($seam);
+  }
-    public function delete(string $connect_webview_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-        }
+  public function add_acs_user(
+    string $acs_user_id,
+    string $user_identity_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/connect_webviews/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    public function get(string $connect_webview_id): ConnectWebview
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/add_acs_user",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/connect_webviews/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "connect_webview"
-        );
-        return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/connect_webviews/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "connect_webviews"
-        );
+  }
-        return array_map(fn($r) => ConnectWebview::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
+  public function create(
+    string $email_address = null,
+    string $full_name = null,
+    string $phone_number = null,
+    string $user_identity_key = null
+  ): UserIdentity {
+    $request_payload = [];
-class ConnectedAccountsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function delete(
-        string $connected_account_id,
-        bool $sync = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/connected_accounts/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($email_address !== null) {
+      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+    }
+    if ($full_name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+    }
+    if ($phone_number !== null) {
+      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
-    public function get(
-        string $connected_account_id = null,
-        string $email = null
-    ): ConnectedAccount {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-        }
-        if ($email !== null) {
-            $request_payload["email"] = $email;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/connected_accounts/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "connected_account"
-        );
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "user_identity",
+    );
-        return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(mixed $custom_metadata_has = null): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/connected_accounts/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "connected_accounts"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => ConnectedAccount::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function update(
-        string $connected_account_id,
-        bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
-        mixed $custom_metadata = null
-    ): ConnectedAccount {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-        }
-        if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "automatically_manage_new_devices"
-            ] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
-        }
-        if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/connected_accounts/update",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "connected_account"
-        );
+    return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
+  }
-        return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
-    }
+  public function delete(
+    string $user_identity_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-class DevicesClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public DevicesSimulateClient $simulate;
-    public DevicesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-        $this->simulate = new DevicesSimulateClient($seam);
-        $this->unmanaged = new DevicesUnmanagedClient($seam);
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    public function delete(string $device_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request("POST", "/devices/delete", json: $request_payload);
-    }
-    public function get(string $device_id = null, string $name = null): Device
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/devices/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "device"
-        );
-        return Device::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $connect_webview_id = null,
-        string $connected_account_id = null,
-        array $connected_account_ids = null,
-        string $created_before = null,
-        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-        array $device_ids = null,
-        string $device_type = null,
-        array $device_types = null,
-        array $exclude_if = null,
-        array $include_if = null,
-        float $limit = null,
-        string $manufacturer = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-        }
-        if ($created_before !== null) {
-            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-        }
-        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-        }
-        if ($device_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-        }
-        if ($device_type !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-        }
-        if ($device_types !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-        }
-        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-        }
-        if ($include_if !== null) {
-            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-        }
-        if ($limit !== null) {
-            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-        }
-        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/devices/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "devices"
-        );
+  }
-        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
+  public function get(
+    string $user_identity_id = null,
+    string $user_identity_key = null
+  ): UserIdentity {
+    $request_payload = [];
-    public function list_device_providers(
-        string $provider_category = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+    }
-        if ($provider_category !== null) {
-            $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
-        }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "user_identity",
+    );
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/devices/list_device_providers",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "device_providers"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => DeviceProvider::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function update(
-        string $device_id,
-        mixed $custom_metadata = null,
-        bool $is_managed = null,
-        string $name = null,
-        mixed $properties = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
-        }
-        if ($is_managed !== null) {
-            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($properties !== null) {
-            $request_payload["properties"] = $properties;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request("POST", "/devices/update", json: $request_payload);
-    }
-class DevicesSimulateClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function remove(string $device_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
+  }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
+  public function grant_access_to_device(
+    string $device_id,
+    string $user_identity_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/devices/simulate/remove",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-class DevicesUnmanagedClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function get(
-        string $device_id = null,
-        string $name = null
-    ): UnmanagedDevice {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/devices/unmanaged/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "device"
-        );
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/grant_access_to_device",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        return UnmanagedDevice::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $connect_webview_id = null,
-        string $connected_account_id = null,
-        array $connected_account_ids = null,
-        string $created_before = null,
-        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-        array $device_ids = null,
-        string $device_type = null,
-        array $device_types = null,
-        array $exclude_if = null,
-        array $include_if = null,
-        float $limit = null,
-        string $manufacturer = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-        }
-        if ($created_before !== null) {
-            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-        }
-        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-        }
-        if ($device_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-        }
-        if ($device_type !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-        }
-        if ($device_types !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-        }
-        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-        }
-        if ($include_if !== null) {
-            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-        }
-        if ($limit !== null) {
-            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-        }
-        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/devices/unmanaged/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "devices"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => UnmanagedDevice::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function update(string $device_id, bool $is_managed): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($is_managed !== null) {
-            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/devices/unmanaged/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-class EventsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function get(
-        string $device_id = null,
-        string $event_id = null,
-        string $event_type = null
-    ): Event {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($event_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["event_id"] = $event_id;
-        }
-        if ($event_type !== null) {
-            $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/events/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "event"
-        );
+  }
-        return Event::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $access_code_id = null,
-        array $access_code_ids = null,
-        array $between = null,
-        string $connected_account_id = null,
-        string $device_id = null,
-        array $device_ids = null,
-        string $event_type = null,
-        array $event_types = null,
-        float $limit = null,
-        string $since = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-        }
-        if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
-        }
-        if ($between !== null) {
-            $request_payload["between"] = $between;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-        }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($device_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-        }
-        if ($event_type !== null) {
-            $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
-        }
-        if ($event_types !== null) {
-            $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
-        }
-        if ($limit !== null) {
-            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-        }
-        if ($since !== null) {
-            $request_payload["since"] = $since;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/events/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "events"
-        );
+  public function list(
+    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        return array_map(fn($r) => Event::from_json($r), $res);
+    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-class LocksClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "user_identities",
+    );
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function get(string $device_id = null, string $name = null): Device
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/locks/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "device"
-        );
-        return Device::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $connect_webview_id = null,
-        string $connected_account_id = null,
-        array $connected_account_ids = null,
-        string $created_before = null,
-        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-        array $device_ids = null,
-        string $device_type = null,
-        array $device_types = null,
-        array $exclude_if = null,
-        array $include_if = null,
-        float $limit = null,
-        string $manufacturer = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-        }
-        if ($created_before !== null) {
-            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-        }
-        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-        }
-        if ($device_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-        }
-        if ($device_type !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-        }
-        if ($device_types !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-        }
-        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-        }
-        if ($include_if !== null) {
-            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-        }
-        if ($limit !== null) {
-            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-        }
-        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/locks/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "devices"
-        );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => UserIdentity::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
-        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+  public function list_accessible_devices(
+    string $user_identity_id
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    public function lock_door(
-        string $device_id,
-        bool $sync = null,
-        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-    ): ActionAttempt {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/list_accessible_devices",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "devices",
+    );
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/locks/lock_door",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempt"
-        );
-        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-        }
-        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-            $res->action_attempt_id
-        );
-        return $action_attempt;
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function list_acs_systems(
+    string $user_identity_id
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    public function unlock_door(
-        string $device_id,
-        bool $sync = null,
-        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-    ): ActionAttempt {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/list_acs_systems",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_systems",
+    );
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/locks/unlock_door",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempt"
-        );
-        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-        }
-        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-            $res->action_attempt_id
-        );
-        return $action_attempt;
-    }
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
-class NetworksClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function list_acs_users(
+    string $user_identity_id
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    public function get(string $network_id): Network
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($network_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["network_id"] = $network_id;
-        }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/list_acs_users",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "acs_users",
+    );
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/networks/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "network"
-        );
-        return Network::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/networks/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "networks"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => Network::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
-class NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function create(
-        string $device_id,
-        string $ends_daily_at,
-        string $starts_daily_at,
-        string $name = null,
-        float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
-        float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
-        bool $sync = null
-    ): NoiseThreshold {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
-        }
-        if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "noise_threshold_decibels"
-            ] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
-        }
-        if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
-            $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "noise_threshold"
-        );
+  public function remove_acs_user(
+    string $acs_user_id,
+    string $user_identity_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function delete(
-        string $device_id,
-        string $noise_threshold_id,
-        bool $sync = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    public function get(string $noise_threshold_id): NoiseThreshold
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/remove_acs_user",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "noise_threshold"
-        );
-        return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(string $device_id, bool $is_programmed = null): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($is_programmed !== null) {
-            $request_payload["is_programmed"] = $is_programmed;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "noise_thresholds"
-        );
+  }
-        return array_map(fn($r) => NoiseThreshold::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function update(
-        string $device_id,
-        string $noise_threshold_id,
-        string $ends_daily_at = null,
-        string $name = null,
-        float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
-        float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
-        string $starts_daily_at = null,
-        bool $sync = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
-        }
-        if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "noise_threshold_decibels"
-            ] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
-        }
-        if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
-            $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
-        }
-        if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
+  public function revoke_access_to_device(
+    string $device_id,
+    string $user_identity_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-class NoiseSensorsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient $noise_thresholds;
-    public NoiseSensorsSimulateClient $simulate;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-        $this->noise_thresholds = new NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient($seam);
-        $this->simulate = new NoiseSensorsSimulateClient($seam);
+    if ($device_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-class NoiseSensorsSimulateClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/revoke_access_to_device",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function trigger_noise_threshold(string $device_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/noise_sensors/simulate/trigger_noise_threshold",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-class PhonesClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public PhonesSimulateClient $simulate;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-        $this->simulate = new PhonesSimulateClient($seam);
-    }
-    public function deactivate(string $device_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+  }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
+  public function update(
+    string $user_identity_id,
+    string $email_address = null,
+    string $full_name = null,
+    string $phone_number = null,
+    string $user_identity_key = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/phones/deactivate",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
+    if ($email_address !== null) {
+      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+    }
+    if ($full_name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+    }
+    if ($phone_number !== null) {
+      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
-    public function list(string $owner_user_identity_id = null): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($owner_user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "owner_user_identity_id"
-            ] = $owner_user_identity_id;
-        }
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/phones/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "phones"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => Phone::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-class PhonesSimulateClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function create_sandbox_phone(
-        string $user_identity_id,
-        mixed $assa_abloy_metadata = null,
-        string $custom_sdk_installation_id = null,
-        mixed $phone_metadata = null
-    ): Phone {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        if ($assa_abloy_metadata !== null) {
-            $request_payload["assa_abloy_metadata"] = $assa_abloy_metadata;
-        }
-        if ($custom_sdk_installation_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "custom_sdk_installation_id"
-            ] = $custom_sdk_installation_id;
-        }
-        if ($phone_metadata !== null) {
-            $request_payload["phone_metadata"] = $phone_metadata;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/phones/simulate/create_sandbox_phone",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "phone"
-        );
-        return Phone::from_json($res);
-    }
-class ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function create(
-        string $device_id,
-        string $schedule_ends_at,
-        string $schedule_starts_at,
-        bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
-        bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
-        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-        string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
-        bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
-        string $name = null,
-        string $schedule_type = null
-    ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
-        }
-        if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
-        }
-        if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "automatic_cooling_enabled"
-            ] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
-        }
-        if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "automatic_heating_enabled"
-            ] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
-        }
-        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
-            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-        }
-        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
-            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-        }
-        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "heating_set_point_celsius"
-            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-        }
-        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
-            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-        }
-        if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
-            $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
-        }
-        if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "manual_override_allowed"
-            ] = $manual_override_allowed;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($schedule_type !== null) {
-            $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule"
-        );
-        return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
-    }
+  }
-    public function delete(string $climate_setting_schedule_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "climate_setting_schedule_id"
-            ] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
-        }
+class UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-    public function get(
-        string $climate_setting_schedule_id = null,
-        string $device_id = null
-    ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "climate_setting_schedule_id"
-            ] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
-        }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule"
-        );
+  public function delete(
+    string $enrollment_automation_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
+    if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["enrollment_automation_id"] = $enrollment_automation_id;
-    public function list(
-        string $device_id,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "climate_setting_schedules"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function update(
-        string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
-        bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
-        bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
-        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-        string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
-        bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
-        string $name = null,
-        string $schedule_ends_at = null,
-        string $schedule_starts_at = null,
-        string $schedule_type = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "climate_setting_schedule_id"
-            ] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
-        }
-        if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "automatic_cooling_enabled"
-            ] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
-        }
-        if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "automatic_heating_enabled"
-            ] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
-        }
-        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
-            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-        }
-        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
-            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-        }
-        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "heating_set_point_celsius"
-            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-        }
-        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
-            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-        }
-        if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
-            $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
-        }
-        if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "manual_override_allowed"
-            ] = $manual_override_allowed;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
-        }
-        if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
-            $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
-        }
-        if ($schedule_type !== null) {
-            $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-class ThermostatsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient $climate_setting_schedules;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-        $this->climate_setting_schedules = new ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient(
-            $seam
-        );
-    }
-    public function cool(
-        string $device_id,
-        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-        bool $sync = null,
-        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-    ): ActionAttempt {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
-            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-        }
-        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
-            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/cool",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempt"
-        );
-        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-        }
+  }
-        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-            $res->action_attempt_id
-        );
+  public function get(
+    string $enrollment_automation_id
+  ): EnrollmentAutomation {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        return $action_attempt;
+    if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["enrollment_automation_id"] = $enrollment_automation_id;
-    public function get(string $device_id = null, string $name = null): Device
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "enrollment_automation",
+    );
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "thermostat"
-        );
-        return Device::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function heat(
-        string $device_id,
-        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-        bool $sync = null,
-        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-    ): ActionAttempt {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "heating_set_point_celsius"
-            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-        }
-        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
-            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/heat",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempt"
-        );
-        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-        }
-        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-            $res->action_attempt_id
-        );
+    return EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($res);
+  }
-        return $action_attempt;
-    }
-    public function heat_cool(
-        string $device_id,
-        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-        bool $sync = null,
-        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-    ): ActionAttempt {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
-            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-        }
-        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
-            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-        }
-        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "heating_set_point_celsius"
-            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-        }
-        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
-            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/heat_cool",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempt"
-        );
+  public function launch(
+    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
+    string $user_identity_id,
+    string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
+    bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
+    string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-        }
+    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+    }
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
+    if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["acs_credential_pool_id"] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
+    }
+    if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
+      $request_payload["create_credential_manager_user"] = $create_credential_manager_user;
+    }
+    if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_user_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
+    }
-        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-            $res->action_attempt_id
-        );
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/launch",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "enrollment_automation",
+    );
-        return $action_attempt;
-    }
-    public function list(
-        string $connect_webview_id = null,
-        string $connected_account_id = null,
-        array $connected_account_ids = null,
-        string $created_before = null,
-        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-        array $device_ids = null,
-        string $device_type = null,
-        array $device_types = null,
-        array $exclude_if = null,
-        array $include_if = null,
-        float $limit = null,
-        string $manufacturer = null,
-        string $user_identifier_key = null
-    ): array {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-        }
-        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-        }
-        if ($created_before !== null) {
-            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-        }
-        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-        }
-        if ($device_ids !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-        }
-        if ($device_type !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-        }
-        if ($device_types !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-        }
-        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-        }
-        if ($include_if !== null) {
-            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-        }
-        if ($limit !== null) {
-            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-        }
-        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-        }
-        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "thermostats"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function off(
-        string $device_id,
-        bool $sync = null,
-        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-    ): ActionAttempt {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/off",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempt"
-        );
-        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-        }
+  }
-        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-            $res->action_attempt_id
-        );
+  public function list(
+    string $user_identity_id
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        return $action_attempt;
-    }
-    public function set_fan_mode(
-        string $device_id,
-        string $fan_mode = null,
-        string $fan_mode_setting = null,
-        bool $sync = null,
-        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-    ): ActionAttempt {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($fan_mode !== null) {
-            $request_payload["fan_mode"] = $fan_mode;
-        }
-        if ($fan_mode_setting !== null) {
-            $request_payload["fan_mode_setting"] = $fan_mode_setting;
-        }
-        if ($sync !== null) {
-            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/set_fan_mode",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempt"
-        );
+    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    }
-        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-        }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "enrollment_automations",
+    );
-        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-            $res->action_attempt_id
-        );
-        return $action_attempt;
-    }
-    public function update(
-        mixed $default_climate_setting,
-        string $device_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($default_climate_setting !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "default_climate_setting"
-            ] = $default_climate_setting;
-        }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/thermostats/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
-class UserIdentitiesClient
+class WebhooksClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient $enrollment_automations;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-        $this->enrollment_automations = new UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient(
-            $seam
-        );
-    }
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
-    public function add_acs_user(
-        string $acs_user_id,
-        string $user_identity_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
+  public function create(
+    string $url,
+    array $event_types = null
+  ): Webhook {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/add_acs_user",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($url !== null) {
+      $request_payload["url"] = $url;
-    public function create(
-        string $email_address = null,
-        string $full_name = null,
-        string $phone_number = null,
-        string $user_identity_key = null
-    ): UserIdentity {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($email_address !== null) {
-            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-        }
-        if ($full_name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-        }
-        if ($phone_number !== null) {
-            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "user_identity"
-        );
-        return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
+    if ($event_types !== null) {
+      $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
-    public function delete(string $user_identity_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/webhooks/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "webhook",
+    );
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-    public function get(
-        string $user_identity_id = null,
-        string $user_identity_key = null
-    ): UserIdentity {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "user_identity"
-        );
-        return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function grant_access_to_device(
-        string $device_id,
-        string $user_identity_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    return Webhook::from_json($res);
+  }
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
+  public function delete(
+    string $webhook_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/grant_access_to_device",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($webhook_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
-    public function list(string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/webhooks/delete",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
-            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "user_identities"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => UserIdentity::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function list_accessible_devices(string $user_identity_id): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/list_accessible_devices",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "devices"
-        );
+  }
-        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+  public function get(
+    string $webhook_id
+  ): Webhook {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($webhook_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
-    public function list_acs_systems(string $user_identity_id): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/webhooks/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "webhook",
+    );
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/list_acs_systems",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_systems"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function list_acs_users(string $user_identity_id): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
+    return Webhook::from_json($res);
+  }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/list_acs_users",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "acs_users"
-        );
+  public function list(
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function remove_acs_user(
-        string $acs_user_id,
-        string $user_identity_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/webhooks/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "webhooks",
+    );
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/remove_acs_user",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-    public function revoke_access_to_device(
-        string $device_id,
-        string $user_identity_id
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($device_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/revoke_access_to_device",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-    public function update(
-        string $user_identity_id,
-        string $email_address = null,
-        string $full_name = null,
-        string $phone_number = null,
-        string $user_identity_key = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        if ($email_address !== null) {
-            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-        }
-        if ($full_name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-        }
-        if ($phone_number !== null) {
-            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => Webhook::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
-class UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function update(
+    array $event_types,
+    string $webhook_id
+  ): void {
+    $request_payload = [];
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
+    if ($event_types !== null) {
+      $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
-    public function delete(string $enrollment_automation_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "enrollment_automation_id"
-            ] = $enrollment_automation_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
+    if ($webhook_id !== null) {
+      $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
-    public function get(string $enrollment_automation_id): EnrollmentAutomation
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/webhooks/update",
+      json: $request_payload,
+    );
-        if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "enrollment_automation_id"
-            ] = $enrollment_automation_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "enrollment_automation"
-        );
-        return EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function launch(
-        string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
-        string $user_identity_id,
-        string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
-        bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
-        string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
-    ): void {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
-            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-        }
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "acs_credential_pool_id"
-            ] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
-        }
-        if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "create_credential_manager_user"
-            ] = $create_credential_manager_user;
-        }
-        if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "credential_manager_acs_user_id"
-            ] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
-        }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/launch",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "enrollment_automation"
-        );
-    }
-    public function list(string $user_identity_id): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "enrollment_automations"
-        );
+  }
-        return array_map(fn($r) => EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-class WebhooksClient
+class WorkspacesClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
+  private SeamClient $seam;
+  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+  {
+    $this->seam = $seam;
+  }
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
+  public function create(
+    string $connect_partner_name,
+    string $name,
+    bool $is_sandbox = null,
+    string $webview_logo_shape = null,
+    string $webview_primary_button_color = null
+  ): Workspace {
+    $request_payload = [];
+    if ($connect_partner_name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["connect_partner_name"] = $connect_partner_name;
+    }
+    if ($name !== null) {
+      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+    }
+    if ($is_sandbox !== null) {
+      $request_payload["is_sandbox"] = $is_sandbox;
+    }
+    if ($webview_logo_shape !== null) {
+      $request_payload["webview_logo_shape"] = $webview_logo_shape;
+    }
+    if ($webview_primary_button_color !== null) {
+      $request_payload["webview_primary_button_color"] = $webview_primary_button_color;
-    public function create(string $url, array $event_types = null): Webhook
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/workspaces/create",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "workspace",
+    );
-        if ($url !== null) {
-            $request_payload["url"] = $url;
-        }
-        if ($event_types !== null) {
-            $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/webhooks/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "webhook"
-        );
-        return Webhook::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function delete(string $webhook_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($webhook_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
-        }
+    return Workspace::from_json($res);
+  }
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/webhooks/delete",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
+  public function get(
+  ): Workspace {
+    $request_payload = [];
-    public function get(string $webhook_id): Webhook
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($webhook_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/webhooks/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "webhook"
-        );
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/workspaces/get",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "workspace",
+    );
-        return Webhook::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/webhooks/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "webhooks"
-        );
-        return array_map(fn($r) => Webhook::from_json($r), $res);
-    }
-    public function update(array $event_types, string $webhook_id): void
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    return Workspace::from_json($res);
+  }
-        if ($event_types !== null) {
-            $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
-        }
-        if ($webhook_id !== null) {
-            $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
-        }
+  public function list(
+  ): array {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/webhooks/update",
-            json: $request_payload
-        );
-    }
-class WorkspacesClient
-    private SeamClient $seam;
-    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-    {
-        $this->seam = $seam;
-    }
-    public function create(
-        string $connect_partner_name,
-        string $name,
-        bool $is_sandbox = null,
-        string $webview_logo_shape = null,
-        string $webview_primary_button_color = null
-    ): Workspace {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        if ($connect_partner_name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["connect_partner_name"] = $connect_partner_name;
-        }
-        if ($name !== null) {
-            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-        }
-        if ($is_sandbox !== null) {
-            $request_payload["is_sandbox"] = $is_sandbox;
-        }
-        if ($webview_logo_shape !== null) {
-            $request_payload["webview_logo_shape"] = $webview_logo_shape;
-        }
-        if ($webview_primary_button_color !== null) {
-            $request_payload[
-                "webview_primary_button_color"
-            ] = $webview_primary_button_color;
-        }
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/workspaces/create",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "workspace"
-        );
-        return Workspace::from_json($res);
-    }
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/workspaces/list",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "workspaces",
+    );
-    public function get(): Workspace
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/workspaces/get",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "workspace"
-        );
-        return Workspace::from_json($res);
-    }
-    public function list(): array
-    {
-        $request_payload = [];
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/workspaces/list",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "workspaces"
-        );
+    return array_map(fn ($r) => Workspace::from_json($r), $res);
+  }
+  public function reset_sandbox(
+    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+  ): ActionAttempt {
+    $request_payload = [];
-        return array_map(fn($r) => Workspace::from_json($r), $res);
+    $res = $this->seam->request(
+      "POST",
+      "/workspaces/reset_sandbox",
+      json: $request_payload,
+      inner_object: "action_attempt",
+    );
+    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-    public function reset_sandbox(
-        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-    ): ActionAttempt {
-        $request_payload = [];
+    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+      $res->action_attempt_id
+    );
-        $res = $this->seam->request(
-            "POST",
-            "/workspaces/reset_sandbox",
-            json: $request_payload,
-            inner_object: "action_attempt"
-        );
+    return $action_attempt;
-        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-        }
-        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-            $res->action_attempt_id
-        );
+  }
-        return $action_attempt;
-    }
diff --git a/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php b/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php
index 8c6665b..852c79b 100644
--- a/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php
+++ b/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php
@@ -8,37 +8,34 @@ class PackageVersionException extends \Exception
 class PackageVersion
-    public static function get()
-    {
-        $filePath = __DIR__ . "/../../package.json";
-        if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
-            throw new PackageVersionException(
-                "Can't get package version. File package.json does not exist."
-            );
-        }
-        $content = file_get_contents($filePath);
-        if ($content === false) {
-            throw new PackageVersionException(
-                "Unable to read package.json file to get package version."
-            );
-        }
-        $json = json_decode($content, true);
-        if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
-            throw new PackageVersionException(
-                "JSON decode error occurred when decoding package.json: " .
-                    json_last_error_msg()
-            );
-        }
-        if (!isset($json["version"])) {
-            throw new PackageVersionException(
-                "Version not set in package.json"
-            );
-        }
-        return $json["version"];
+  public static function get()
+  {
+    $filePath = __DIR__ . "/../../package.json";
+    if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
+      throw new PackageVersionException(
+        "Can't get package version. File package.json does not exist."
+      );
+    $content = file_get_contents($filePath);
+    if ($content === false) {
+      throw new PackageVersionException(
+        "Unable to read package.json file to get package version."
+      );
+    }
+    $json = json_decode($content, true);
+    if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
+      throw new PackageVersionException(
+        "JSON decode error occurred when decoding package.json: " . json_last_error_msg()
+      );
+    }
+    if (!isset($json["version"])) {
+      throw new PackageVersionException("Version not set in package.json");
+    }
+    return $json["version"];
+  }

From 892274a87e4636e02759a4ff0c9bc4be7f47e901 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Balitskyi <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:19:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 10/12] End .editorconfig file with a newline

 .editorconfig | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
index 76878d2..61ea5dd 100644
--- a/.editorconfig
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -12,4 +12,4 @@ indent_size = 2
 indent_size = 4
-indent_style = tab
\ No newline at end of file
+indent_style = tab

From d07c7debac4d9e126173390a39025a104e102e5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrii Balitskyi <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:41:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 11/12] Use .prettierrc.json for both php and non-php files

 .prettierrc      |  6 ------
 .prettierrc.json | 14 +++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .prettierrc

diff --git a/.prettierrc b/.prettierrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 14c717d..0000000
--- a/.prettierrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-  "semi": false,
-  "singleQuote": true,
-  "jsxSingleQuote": true,
-  "endOfLine": "lf"
diff --git a/.prettierrc.json b/.prettierrc.json
index 993864e..38ef1f6 100644
--- a/.prettierrc.json
+++ b/.prettierrc.json
@@ -1,4 +1,16 @@
   "plugins": ["@prettier/plugin-php"],
-  "parser": "php"
+  "parser": "php",
+  "overrides": [
+    {
+      "files": "**/*.{js,json,yml,md}",
+      "options": {
+        "semi": false,
+        "singleQuote": true,
+        "jsxSingleQuote": true,
+        "endOfLine": "lf"
+      }
+    }
+  ]

From 65a362c9284f41e25301ba4dc079a4389343e4ea Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Seam Bot <>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 16:42:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 12/12] ci: Generate code

 src/Objects/AccessCode.php                    |   32 +-
 src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredential.php                 |   52 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php             |    8 +-
 .../AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php   |   13 +-
 .../AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php       |   17 +-
 src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php                   |   18 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php |   17 +-
 src/Objects/AcsSystem.php                     |   21 +-
 src/Objects/AcsUser.php                       |   45 +-
 src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php         |   11 +-
 src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php                 |   18 +-
 src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php            |   15 +-
 src/Objects/ClientSession.php                 |   10 +-
 src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php        |   32 +-
 src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php                |   21 +-
 src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php              |   22 +-
 .../ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php        |   21 +-
 src/Objects/Device.php                        |   44 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php          |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php         |   14 +-
 .../DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php    |   37 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php              |   13 +-
 ...viceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php |   19 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php          |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php    |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php                 |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php           |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php         |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php    |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php   |   27 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php   |   27 +-
 .../DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php        |   25 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php          |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php               |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php                  |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php           |    8 +-
 .../DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php        |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php                |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php       |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php           |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php      |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php                |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php          |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php           |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceModel.php                   |   26 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php            |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php            |   12 +-
 src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php     |   13 +-
 src/Objects/DevicePressure.php                |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php              |  385 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php           |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php         |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php      |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php     |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceSound.php                   |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php           |   10 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php             |   15 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php          |   11 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php            |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php            |   12 +-
 src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php          |    8 +-
 src/Objects/Event.php                         |   10 +-
 src/Objects/Network.php                       |    8 +-
 src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php                |   10 +-
 src/Objects/Phone.php                         |   44 +-
 ...honeAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php |   19 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php                |    8 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php                   |    8 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php                 |   10 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php               |   14 +-
 src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php                 |    8 +-
 src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php                 |    8 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php           |   16 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php               |   36 +-
 .../UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php        |   19 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php        |   13 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php         |    8 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php          |   26 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php     |   41 +-
 src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php       |    8 +-
 src/Objects/UserIdentity.php                  |   16 +-
 src/Objects/Webhook.php                       |   12 +-
 src/Objects/Workspace.php                     |   10 +-
 src/SeamClient.php                            | 7905 ++++++++---------
 src/Utils/PackageVersion.php                  |   61 +-
 97 files changed, 4477 insertions(+), 5309 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/Objects/AccessCode.php b/src/Objects/AccessCode.php
index c63c6da..077b5b8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AccessCode.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AccessCode.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AccessCode
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AccessCode|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -25,41 +24,40 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AccessCode|null
             is_offline_access_code: $json->is_offline_access_code,
             is_one_time_use: $json->is_one_time_use,
             is_scheduled_on_device: $json->is_scheduled_on_device ?? null,
-            is_waiting_for_code_assignment: $json->is_waiting_for_code_assignment ?? null,
+            is_waiting_for_code_assignment: $json->is_waiting_for_code_assignment ??
+                null,
             name: $json->name ?? null,
-            pulled_backup_access_code_id: $json->pulled_backup_access_code_id ?? null,
+            pulled_backup_access_code_id: $json->pulled_backup_access_code_id ??
+                null,
             starts_at: $json->starts_at ?? null,
             status: $json->status,
             type: $json->type,
-            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null,
+            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_code_id,
-        public string | null $code,
-        public string | null $common_code_key,
+        public string|null $code,
+        public string|null $common_code_key,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
-        public string | null $ends_at,
+        public string|null $ends_at,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public bool | null $is_backup,
+        public bool|null $is_backup,
         public bool $is_backup_access_code_available,
         public bool $is_external_modification_allowed,
         public bool $is_managed,
         public bool $is_offline_access_code,
         public bool $is_one_time_use,
-        public bool | null $is_scheduled_on_device,
-        public bool | null $is_waiting_for_code_assignment,
-        public string | null $name,
-        public string | null $pulled_backup_access_code_id,
-        public string | null $starts_at,
+        public bool|null $is_scheduled_on_device,
+        public bool|null $is_waiting_for_code_assignment,
+        public string|null $name,
+        public string|null $pulled_backup_access_code_id,
+        public string|null $starts_at,
         public string $status,
         public string $type,
-        public mixed $warnings,
+        public mixed $warnings
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php b/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php
index 361f43d..05c2dc8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsAccessGroup.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsAccessGroup
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsAccessGroup|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -19,12 +18,10 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsAccessGroup|null
             external_type: $json->external_type,
             external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name,
             name: $json->name,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_group_type,
         public string $access_group_type_display_name,
@@ -34,8 +31,7 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $external_type,
         public string $external_type_display_name,
         public string $name,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php
index 5363d1c..9f71852 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredential.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsCredential
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredential|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -21,45 +20,48 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredential|null
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             ends_at: $json->ends_at ?? null,
             errors: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => AcsCredentialErrors::from_json($e),
-          $json->errors ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($e) => AcsCredentialErrors::from_json($e),
+                $json->errors ?? []
+            ),
             external_type: $json->external_type ?? null,
-            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ?? null,
-            is_multi_phone_sync_credential: $json->is_multi_phone_sync_credential ?? null,
+            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ??
+                null,
+            is_multi_phone_sync_credential: $json->is_multi_phone_sync_credential ??
+                null,
             parent_acs_credential_id: $json->parent_acs_credential_id ?? null,
             starts_at: $json->starts_at ?? null,
-            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata) ? AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata::from_json($json->visionline_metadata) : null,
+            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata)
+                ? AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->visionline_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
             warnings: array_map(
-          fn ($w) => AcsCredentialWarnings::from_json($w),
-          $json->warnings ?? []
-        ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+                fn($w) => AcsCredentialWarnings::from_json($w),
+                $json->warnings ?? []
+            ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_method,
         public string $acs_credential_id,
-        public string | null $acs_credential_pool_id,
+        public string|null $acs_credential_pool_id,
         public string $acs_system_id,
-        public string | null $acs_user_id,
-        public string | null $code,
+        public string|null $acs_user_id,
+        public string|null $code,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public string | null $ends_at,
+        public string|null $ends_at,
         public array $errors,
-        public string | null $external_type,
-        public string | null $external_type_display_name,
-        public bool | null $is_multi_phone_sync_credential,
-        public string | null $parent_acs_credential_id,
-        public string | null $starts_at,
-        public AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata | null $visionline_metadata,
+        public string|null $external_type,
+        public string|null $external_type_display_name,
+        public bool|null $is_multi_phone_sync_credential,
+        public string|null $parent_acs_credential_id,
+        public string|null $starts_at,
+        public AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata|null $visionline_metadata,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php
index daece48..b6c34f3 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialErrors.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsCredentialErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php
index 0b783b5..84e790d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialPool.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsCredentialPool
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialPool|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,12 +16,10 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialPool|null
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             external_type: $json->external_type,
             external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_credential_pool_id,
         public string $acs_system_id,
@@ -30,8 +27,7 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $display_name,
         public string $external_type,
         public string $external_type_display_name,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php
index 49880ab..fc2e775 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -15,19 +15,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomati
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             credential_manager_acs_system_id: $json->credential_manager_acs_system_id,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_credential_provisioning_automation_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
         public string $user_identity_id,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php
index 6066146..0534afc 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata.php
@@ -4,26 +4,23 @@
 class AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): AcsCredentialVisionlineMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             common_acs_entrance_ids: $json->common_acs_entrance_ids ?? null,
             guest_acs_entrance_ids: $json->guest_acs_entrance_ids ?? null,
-            joiner_acs_credential_ids: $json->joiner_acs_credential_ids ?? null,
+            joiner_acs_credential_ids: $json->joiner_acs_credential_ids ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public array | null $common_acs_entrance_ids,
-        public array | null $guest_acs_entrance_ids,
-        public array | null $joiner_acs_credential_ids,
+        public array|null $common_acs_entrance_ids,
+        public array|null $guest_acs_entrance_ids,
+        public array|null $joiner_acs_credential_ids
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php
index 3146f05..3c0cc1a 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsCredentialWarnings.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsCredentialWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsCredentialWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php
index b66cf53..c837039 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntrance.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsEntrance
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntrance|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,21 +14,24 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntrance|null
             acs_system_id: $json->acs_system_id,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
-            latch_metadata: isset($json->latch_metadata) ? AcsEntranceLatchMetadata::from_json($json->latch_metadata) : null,
-            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata) ? AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata::from_json($json->visionline_metadata) : null,
+            latch_metadata: isset($json->latch_metadata)
+                ? AcsEntranceLatchMetadata::from_json($json->latch_metadata)
+                : null,
+            visionline_metadata: isset($json->visionline_metadata)
+                ? AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->visionline_metadata
+                )
+                : null
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_entrance_id,
         public string $acs_system_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public AcsEntranceLatchMetadata | null $latch_metadata,
-        public AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata | null $visionline_metadata,
+        public AcsEntranceLatchMetadata|null $latch_metadata,
+        public AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|null $visionline_metadata
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php
index fab928c..b656285 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceLatchMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsEntranceLatchMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceLatchMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceLatchMetadata|null
             accessibility_type: $json->accessibility_type,
             door_name: $json->door_name,
             door_type: $json->door_type,
-            is_connected: $json->is_connected,
+            is_connected: $json->is_connected
     public function __construct(
         public string $accessibility_type,
         public string $door_name,
         public string $door_type,
-        public bool $is_connected,
+        public bool $is_connected
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php
index b9e0d5e..c94d918 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceProfiles.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsEntranceProfiles
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceProfiles|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceProfiles|null
         return new self(
             visionline_door_profile_id: $json->visionline_door_profile_id,
-            visionline_door_profile_type: $json->visionline_door_profile_type,
+            visionline_door_profile_type: $json->visionline_door_profile_type
     public function __construct(
         public string $visionline_door_profile_id,
-        public string $visionline_door_profile_type,
+        public string $visionline_door_profile_type
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php
index df146da..eb024d9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsEntranceVisionlineMetadata|nul
             door_category: $json->door_category,
             door_name: $json->door_name,
             profiles: array_map(
-          fn ($p) => AcsEntranceProfiles::from_json($p),
-          $json->profiles ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($p) => AcsEntranceProfiles::from_json($p),
+                $json->profiles ?? []
+            )
     public function __construct(
         public string $door_category,
         public string $door_name,
-        public array | null $profiles,
+        public array|null $profiles
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php b/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php
index 6d51d37..c9285e7 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsSystem.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class AcsSystem
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsSystem|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,32 +15,30 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsSystem|null
             connected_account_ids: $json->connected_account_ids,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             external_type: $json->external_type ?? null,
-            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ?? null,
+            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ??
+                null,
             image_alt_text: $json->image_alt_text,
             image_url: $json->image_url,
             name: $json->name,
             system_type: $json->system_type ?? null,
             system_type_display_name: $json->system_type_display_name ?? null,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $acs_system_id,
-        public bool | null $can_automate_enrollment,
+        public bool|null $can_automate_enrollment,
         public array $connected_account_ids,
         public string $created_at,
-        public string | null $external_type,
-        public string | null $external_type_display_name,
+        public string|null $external_type,
+        public string|null $external_type_display_name,
         public string $image_alt_text,
         public string $image_url,
         public string $name,
-        public string | null $system_type,
-        public string | null $system_type_display_name,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string|null $system_type,
+        public string|null $system_type_display_name,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsUser.php b/src/Objects/AcsUser.php
index 6734976..af38ef9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsUser.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsUser.php
@@ -4,14 +4,15 @@
 class AcsUser
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsUser|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            access_schedule: isset($json->access_schedule) ? AcsUserAccessSchedule::from_json($json->access_schedule) : null,
+            access_schedule: isset($json->access_schedule)
+                ? AcsUserAccessSchedule::from_json($json->access_schedule)
+                : null,
             acs_system_id: $json->acs_system_id,
             acs_user_id: $json->acs_user_id,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
@@ -19,41 +20,41 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsUser|null
             email: $json->email ?? null,
             email_address: $json->email_address ?? null,
             external_type: $json->external_type ?? null,
-            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ?? null,
+            external_type_display_name: $json->external_type_display_name ??
+                null,
             full_name: $json->full_name ?? null,
             hid_acs_system_id: $json->hid_acs_system_id ?? null,
             is_suspended: $json->is_suspended,
             phone_number: $json->phone_number ?? null,
-            user_identity_email_address: $json->user_identity_email_address ?? null,
+            user_identity_email_address: $json->user_identity_email_address ??
+                null,
             user_identity_full_name: $json->user_identity_full_name ?? null,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id ?? null,
-            user_identity_phone_number: $json->user_identity_phone_number ?? null,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            user_identity_phone_number: $json->user_identity_phone_number ??
+                null,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public AcsUserAccessSchedule | null $access_schedule,
+        public AcsUserAccessSchedule|null $access_schedule,
         public string $acs_system_id,
         public string $acs_user_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public string | null $email,
-        public string | null $email_address,
-        public string | null $external_type,
-        public string | null $external_type_display_name,
-        public string | null $full_name,
-        public string | null $hid_acs_system_id,
+        public string|null $email,
+        public string|null $email_address,
+        public string|null $external_type,
+        public string|null $external_type_display_name,
+        public string|null $full_name,
+        public string|null $hid_acs_system_id,
         public bool $is_suspended,
-        public string | null $phone_number,
-        public string | null $user_identity_email_address,
-        public string | null $user_identity_full_name,
-        public string | null $user_identity_id,
-        public string | null $user_identity_phone_number,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string|null $phone_number,
+        public string|null $user_identity_email_address,
+        public string|null $user_identity_full_name,
+        public string|null $user_identity_id,
+        public string|null $user_identity_phone_number,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php b/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php
index dcb2fc0..2d3fcde 100644
--- a/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php
+++ b/src/Objects/AcsUserAccessSchedule.php
@@ -4,24 +4,17 @@
 class AcsUserAccessSchedule
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): AcsUserAccessSchedule|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            ends_at: $json->ends_at,
-            starts_at: $json->starts_at,
-        );
+        return new self(ends_at: $json->ends_at, starts_at: $json->starts_at);
     public function __construct(
         public string $ends_at,
-        public string $starts_at,
+        public string $starts_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php b/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php
index a3ed7bc..6951b90 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ActionAttempt.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ActionAttempt
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ActionAttempt|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,21 +12,20 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ActionAttempt|null
         return new self(
             action_attempt_id: $json->action_attempt_id ?? null,
             action_type: $json->action_type ?? null,
-            error: isset($json->error) ? ActionAttemptError::from_json($json->error) : null,
+            error: isset($json->error)
+                ? ActionAttemptError::from_json($json->error)
+                : null,
             result: $json->result ?? null,
-            status: $json->status ?? null,
+            status: $json->status ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $action_attempt_id,
-        public string | null $action_type,
-        public ActionAttemptError | null $error,
+        public string|null $action_attempt_id,
+        public string|null $action_type,
+        public ActionAttemptError|null $error,
         public mixed $result,
-        public string | null $status,
+        public string|null $status
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php b/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php
index d958baa..b9c7355 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ActionAttemptError.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class ActionAttemptError
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ActionAttemptError|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            message: $json->message,
-            type: $json->type,
-        );
+        return new self(message: $json->message, type: $json->type);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $message,
-        public string $type,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $message, public string $type)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ClientSession.php b/src/Objects/ClientSession.php
index 6401d2d..cc8fab2 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ClientSession.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ClientSession.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ClientSession
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClientSession|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -19,12 +18,10 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClientSession|null
             token: $json->token,
             user_identifier_key: $json->user_identifier_key ?? null,
             user_identity_ids: $json->user_identity_ids,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $client_session_id,
         public array $connect_webview_ids,
@@ -32,10 +29,9 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public float $device_count,
         public string $token,
-        public string | null $user_identifier_key,
+        public string|null $user_identifier_key,
         public array $user_identity_ids,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php b/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php
index deb832f..997e249 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ClimateSettingSchedule.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ClimateSettingSchedule
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClimateSettingSchedule|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,41 +14,40 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ClimateSettingSchedule|null
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled ?? null,
             climate_setting_schedule_id: $json->climate_setting_schedule_id,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             errors: $json->errors ?? null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting ?? null,
             manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed ?? null,
             name: $json->name ?? null,
             schedule_ends_at: $json->schedule_ends_at,
             schedule_starts_at: $json->schedule_starts_at,
-            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type,
+            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
-        public bool | null $automatic_heating_enabled,
+        public bool|null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
+        public bool|null $automatic_heating_enabled,
         public string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public string | null $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool | null $manual_override_allowed,
-        public string | null $name,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public string|null $hvac_mode_setting,
+        public bool|null $manual_override_allowed,
+        public string|null $name,
         public string $schedule_ends_at,
         public string $schedule_starts_at,
-        public string $schedule_type,
+        public string $schedule_type
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php b/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php
index a21b57c..dba1355 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ConnectWebview.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ConnectWebview
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectWebview|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -21,7 +20,8 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectWebview|null
             connected_account_id: $json->connected_account_id ?? null,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             custom_metadata: $json->custom_metadata,
-            custom_redirect_failure_url: $json->custom_redirect_failure_url ?? null,
+            custom_redirect_failure_url: $json->custom_redirect_failure_url ??
+                null,
             custom_redirect_url: $json->custom_redirect_url ?? null,
             device_selection_mode: $json->device_selection_mode,
             login_successful: $json->login_successful,
@@ -29,33 +29,30 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectWebview|null
             status: $json->status,
             url: $json->url,
             wait_for_device_creation: $json->wait_for_device_creation,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public array $accepted_devices,
         public array $accepted_providers,
         public bool $any_device_allowed,
         public bool $any_provider_allowed,
-        public string | null $authorized_at,
+        public string|null $authorized_at,
         public bool $automatically_manage_new_devices,
         public string $connect_webview_id,
-        public string | null $connected_account_id,
+        public string|null $connected_account_id,
         public string $created_at,
         public mixed $custom_metadata,
-        public string | null $custom_redirect_failure_url,
-        public string | null $custom_redirect_url,
+        public string|null $custom_redirect_failure_url,
+        public string|null $custom_redirect_url,
         public string $device_selection_mode,
         public bool $login_successful,
-        public string | null $selected_provider,
+        public string|null $selected_provider,
         public string $status,
         public string $url,
         public bool $wait_for_device_creation,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php
index ed2a334..14a5e30 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccount.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ConnectedAccount
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccount|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -18,24 +17,25 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccount|null
             created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
             custom_metadata: $json->custom_metadata,
             errors: $json->errors ?? null,
-            user_identifier: isset($json->user_identifier) ? ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier::from_json($json->user_identifier) : null,
-            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null,
+            user_identifier: isset($json->user_identifier)
+                ? ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier::from_json(
+                    $json->user_identifier
+                )
+                : null,
+            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $account_type,
+        public string|null $account_type,
         public string $account_type_display_name,
         public bool $automatically_manage_new_devices,
-        public string | null $connected_account_id,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $connected_account_id,
+        public string|null $created_at,
         public mixed $custom_metadata,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier | null $user_identifier,
-        public mixed $warnings,
+        public ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|null $user_identifier,
+        public mixed $warnings
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php
index 2c81346..259f86b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -15,19 +15,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ConnectedAccountUserIdentifier|nu
             email: $json->email ?? null,
             exclusive: $json->exclusive ?? null,
             phone: $json->phone ?? null,
-            username: $json->username ?? null,
+            username: $json->username ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $api_url,
-        public string | null $email,
-        public bool | null $exclusive,
-        public string | null $phone,
-        public string | null $username,
+        public string|null $api_url,
+        public string|null $email,
+        public bool|null $exclusive,
+        public string|null $phone,
+        public string|null $username
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Device.php b/src/Objects/Device.php
index 18d88f3..7255d0b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Device.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Device.php
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 class Device
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Device|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ?? null,
-            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ?? null,
+            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ??
+                null,
+            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ??
+                null,
             can_remotely_lock: $json->can_remotely_lock ?? null,
             can_remotely_unlock: $json->can_remotely_unlock ?? null,
             can_simulate_removal: $json->can_simulate_removal ?? null,
@@ -24,29 +25,29 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Device|null
             device_type: $json->device_type,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             errors: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => DeviceErrors::from_json($e),
-          $json->errors ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($e) => DeviceErrors::from_json($e),
+                $json->errors ?? []
+            ),
             is_managed: $json->is_managed,
-            location: isset($json->location) ? DeviceLocation::from_json($json->location) : null,
+            location: isset($json->location)
+                ? DeviceLocation::from_json($json->location)
+                : null,
             nickname: $json->nickname ?? null,
             properties: DeviceProperties::from_json($json->properties),
             warnings: array_map(
-          fn ($w) => DeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
-          $json->warnings ?? []
-        ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+                fn($w) => DeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
+                $json->warnings ?? []
+            ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_program_online_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_lock,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_unlock,
-        public bool | null $can_simulate_removal,
+        public bool|null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_program_online_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_lock,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_unlock,
+        public bool|null $can_simulate_removal,
         public array $capabilities_supported,
         public string $connected_account_id,
         public string $created_at,
@@ -56,12 +57,11 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $display_name,
         public array $errors,
         public bool $is_managed,
-        public DeviceLocation | null $location,
-        public string | null $nickname,
+        public DeviceLocation|null $location,
+        public string|null $nickname,
         public DeviceProperties $properties,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php
index d5952c9..214cb85 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAccelerometerZ.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceAccelerometerZ
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAccelerometerZ|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
index 8bd6d04..413c914 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
@@ -4,24 +4,22 @@
 class DeviceAccessoryKeypad
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAccessoryKeypad|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            battery: isset($json->battery) ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
-            is_connected: $json->is_connected,
+            battery: isset($json->battery)
+                ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
+                : null,
+            is_connected: $json->is_connected
     public function __construct(
-        public DeviceBattery | null $battery,
-        public bool $is_connected,
+        public DeviceBattery|null $battery,
+        public bool $is_connected
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php b/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php
index 275cc46..52ec8dc 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -15,41 +15,40 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedul
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled ?? null,
             climate_setting_schedule_id: $json->climate_setting_schedule_id,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             errors: $json->errors ?? null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting ?? null,
             manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed ?? null,
             name: $json->name ?? null,
             schedule_ends_at: $json->schedule_ends_at,
             schedule_starts_at: $json->schedule_starts_at,
-            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type,
+            schedule_type: $json->schedule_type
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
-        public bool | null $automatic_heating_enabled,
+        public bool|null $automatic_cooling_enabled,
+        public bool|null $automatic_heating_enabled,
         public string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
         public mixed $errors,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public string | null $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool | null $manual_override_allowed,
-        public string | null $name,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public string|null $hvac_mode_setting,
+        public bool|null $manual_override_allowed,
+        public string|null $name,
         public string $schedule_ends_at,
         public string $schedule_starts_at,
-        public string $schedule_type,
+        public string $schedule_type
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php
index f88db85..07ecae8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAppearance.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceAppearance
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAppearance|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            name: $json->name,
-        );
+        return new self(name: $json->name);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $name,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $name)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
index a1d033e..e5701b8 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
@@ -4,27 +4,24 @@
 class DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             endpoints: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => DeviceEndpoints::from_json($e),
-          $json->endpoints ?? []
-        ),
-            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint,
+                fn($e) => DeviceEndpoints::from_json($e),
+                $json->endpoints ?? []
+            ),
+            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint
     public function __construct(
         public array $endpoints,
-        public bool $has_active_endpoint,
+        public bool $has_active_endpoint
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php
index 9f438ab..fe31006 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAugustMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceAugustMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAugustMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,21 +16,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAugustMetadata|null
             keypad_battery_level: $json->keypad_battery_level ?? null,
             lock_id: $json->lock_id,
             lock_name: $json->lock_name,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public bool $has_keypad,
-        public string | null $house_id,
+        public string|null $house_id,
         public string $house_name,
-        public string | null $keypad_battery_level,
+        public string|null $keypad_battery_level,
         public string $lock_id,
         public string $lock_name,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php
index fb1ffbf..f09233b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -16,20 +16,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null
             site_id: $json->site_id,
             site_name: $json->site_name,
             zone_id: $json->zone_id,
-            zone_name: $json->zone_name,
+            zone_name: $json->zone_name
     public function __construct(
         public string $entry_name,
         public string $org_name,
         public float $site_id,
         public string $site_name,
         public float $zone_id,
-        public string $zone_name,
+        public string $zone_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php b/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php
index fb36697..ad41667 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceBattery.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceBattery
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceBattery|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            level: $json->level,
-        );
+        return new self(level: $json->level);
-    public function __construct(
-        public float $level,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public float $level)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php
index f72ce3c..9119d8b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceBrivoMetadata.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceBrivoMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceBrivoMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            device_name: $json->device_name,
-        );
+        return new self(device_name: $json->device_name);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $device_name,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $device_name)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php b/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php
index 9e65ac9..cc582a0 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceCodeConstraints.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceCodeConstraints
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCodeConstraints|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCodeConstraints|null
         return new self(
             constraint_type: $json->constraint_type,
             max_length: $json->max_length ?? null,
-            min_length: $json->min_length ?? null,
+            min_length: $json->min_length ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $constraint_type,
-        public float | null $max_length,
-        public float | null $min_length,
+        public float|null $max_length,
+        public float|null $min_length
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php
index 9e38bd1..1d4ee88 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceControlbywebMetadata.php
@@ -4,26 +4,23 @@
 class DeviceControlbywebMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceControlbywebMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceControlbywebMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            relay_name: $json->relay_name ?? null,
+            relay_name: $json->relay_name ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $relay_name,
+        public string|null $relay_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php b/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php
index 5351b09..0cf2bec 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceCurrentClimateSetting.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceCurrentClimateSetting
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,26 +14,25 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null
             automatic_cooling_enabled: $json->automatic_cooling_enabled,
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting,
-            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed,
+            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed
     public function __construct(
         public bool $automatic_cooling_enabled,
         public bool $automatic_heating_enabled,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool $manual_override_allowed,
+        public bool $manual_override_allowed
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php b/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php
index 23c73a4..41c6689 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceDefaultClimateSetting.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceDefaultClimateSetting
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,26 +14,25 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null
             automatic_cooling_enabled: $json->automatic_cooling_enabled,
             automatic_heating_enabled: $json->automatic_heating_enabled,
             cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             heating_set_point_celsius: $json->heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             hvac_mode_setting: $json->hvac_mode_setting,
-            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed,
+            manual_override_allowed: $json->manual_override_allowed
     public function __construct(
         public bool $automatic_cooling_enabled,
         public bool $automatic_heating_enabled,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
         public string $hvac_mode_setting,
-        public bool $manual_override_allowed,
+        public bool $manual_override_allowed
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php
index ca0e2a8..50795a3 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -17,26 +17,23 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|nu
             door_name: $json->door_name,
             iana_timezone: $json->iana_timezone ?? null,
             predefined_time_slots: array_map(
-          fn ($p) => DevicePredefinedTimeSlots::from_json($p),
-          $json->predefined_time_slots ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($p) => DevicePredefinedTimeSlots::from_json($p),
+                $json->predefined_time_slots ?? []
+            ),
             site_id: $json->site_id,
-            site_name: $json->site_name,
+            site_name: $json->site_name
     public function __construct(
-        public float | null $device_id,
+        public float|null $device_id,
         public float $door_id,
         public bool $door_is_wireless,
         public string $door_name,
-        public string | null $iana_timezone,
-        public array | null $predefined_time_slots,
+        public string|null $iana_timezone,
+        public array|null $predefined_time_slots,
         public float $site_id,
-        public string $site_name,
+        public string $site_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php
index 5582b1c..304c50c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceEcobeeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceEcobeeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEcobeeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEcobeeMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            ecobee_device_id: $json->ecobee_device_id,
+            ecobee_device_id: $json->ecobee_device_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $ecobee_device_id,
+        public string $ecobee_device_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php b/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php
index 6df6381..2b2b6ea 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceEndpoints.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceEndpoints
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEndpoints|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceEndpoints|null
         return new self(
             endpoint_id: $json->endpoint_id,
-            is_active: $json->is_active,
+            is_active: $json->is_active
     public function __construct(
         public string $endpoint_id,
-        public bool $is_active,
+        public bool $is_active
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php b/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php
index b3322de..fcb95c4 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceErrors.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php
index 46d34cc..6ff4695 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceFourSuitesMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceFourSuitesMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceFourSuitesMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceFourSuitesMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            reclose_delay_in_seconds: $json->reclose_delay_in_seconds,
+            reclose_delay_in_seconds: $json->reclose_delay_in_seconds
     public function __construct(
         public float $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public float $reclose_delay_in_seconds,
+        public float $reclose_delay_in_seconds
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php
index fe16a73..0332ea0 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceGenieMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceGenieMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceGenieMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceGenieMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            door_name: $json->door_name,
+            door_name: $json->door_name
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $door_name,
+        public string $door_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php
index 4a9bca9..ff1372d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata.php
@@ -4,24 +4,21 @@
 class DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            honeywell_resideo_device_id: $json->honeywell_resideo_device_id,
+            honeywell_resideo_device_id: $json->honeywell_resideo_device_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $honeywell_resideo_device_id,
+        public string $honeywell_resideo_device_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php
index 3b1e500..30f4c71 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceHubitatMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceHubitatMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHubitatMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHubitatMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_label: $json->device_label,
-            device_name: $json->device_name,
+            device_name: $json->device_name
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_label,
-        public string $device_name,
+        public string $device_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php b/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php
index ef401cd..c9019d1 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceHumidity.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceHumidity
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceHumidity|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php
index f87f21d..d6abbde 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceIglooMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceIglooMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIglooMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIglooMetadata|null
         return new self(
             bridge_id: $json->bridge_id,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $bridge_id,
         public string $device_id,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php
index 653ac3f..6330509 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceIgloohomeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceIgloohomeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIgloohomeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceIgloohomeMetadata|null
             bridge_name: $json->bridge_name ?? null,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            keypad_id: $json->keypad_id ?? null,
+            keypad_id: $json->keypad_id ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $bridge_id,
-        public string | null $bridge_name,
+        public string|null $bridge_id,
+        public string|null $bridge_name,
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $keypad_id,
+        public string|null $keypad_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php b/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php
index 347e975..785a3e2 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceKeypadBattery.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceKeypadBattery
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceKeypadBattery|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            level: $json->level,
-        );
+        return new self(level: $json->level);
-    public function __construct(
-        public float $level,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public float $level)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php
index fbd01dd..013ac79 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceKwiksetMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceKwiksetMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceKwiksetMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceKwiksetMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            model_number: $json->model_number,
+            model_number: $json->model_number
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $model_number,
+        public string $model_number
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php b/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php
index c189843..df59f48 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceLatestSensorValues.php
@@ -4,30 +4,28 @@
 class DeviceLatestSensorValues
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLatestSensorValues|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accelerometer_z: DeviceAccelerometerZ::from_json($json->accelerometer_z),
+            accelerometer_z: DeviceAccelerometerZ::from_json(
+                $json->accelerometer_z
+            ),
             humidity: DeviceHumidity::from_json($json->humidity),
             pressure: DevicePressure::from_json($json->pressure),
             sound: DeviceSound::from_json($json->sound),
-            temperature: DeviceTemperature::from_json($json->temperature),
+            temperature: DeviceTemperature::from_json($json->temperature)
     public function __construct(
         public DeviceAccelerometerZ $accelerometer_z,
         public DeviceHumidity $humidity,
         public DevicePressure $pressure,
         public DeviceSound $sound,
-        public DeviceTemperature $temperature,
+        public DeviceTemperature $temperature
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php b/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php
index 62ec8ee..db99399 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceLocation.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceLocation
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocation|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocation|null
         return new self(
             location_name: $json->location_name ?? null,
-            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null,
+            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $location_name,
-        public string | null $timezone,
+        public string|null $location_name,
+        public string|null $timezone
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php
index 5ff72fb..0228d34 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceLocklyMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceLocklyMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocklyMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceLocklyMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php
index 2d6443e..3727f84 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceMinutMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceMinutMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceMinutMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceMinutMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            latest_sensor_values: DeviceLatestSensorValues::from_json($json->latest_sensor_values),
+            latest_sensor_values: DeviceLatestSensorValues::from_json(
+                $json->latest_sensor_values
+            )
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public DeviceLatestSensorValues $latest_sensor_values,
+        public DeviceLatestSensorValues $latest_sensor_values
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php b/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php
index db79eaf..8e3d76c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceModel.php
@@ -4,34 +4,34 @@
 class DeviceModel
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceModel|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ?? null,
-            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ?? null,
+            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ??
+                null,
+            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ??
+                null,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             has_built_in_keypad: $json->has_built_in_keypad ?? null,
             manufacturer_display_name: $json->manufacturer_display_name,
-            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ?? null,
-            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ?? null,
+            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ??
+                null,
+            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ??
+                null
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $accessory_keypad_supported,
-        public bool | null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
+        public bool|null $accessory_keypad_supported,
+        public bool|null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
         public string $display_name,
-        public bool | null $has_built_in_keypad,
+        public bool|null $has_built_in_keypad,
         public string $manufacturer_display_name,
-        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_supported,
-        public bool | null $online_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool|null $online_access_codes_supported
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php
index 9b0ec57..1f138b9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceNestMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceNestMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNestMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNestMetadata|null
         return new self(
             custom_name: $json->custom_name,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            nest_device_id: $json->nest_device_id,
+            nest_device_id: $json->nest_device_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $custom_name,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string $nest_device_id,
+        public string $nest_device_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php
index aa3d2cc..46d1177 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceNoiseawareMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceNoiseawareMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNoiseawareMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNoiseawareMetadata|null
             device_model: $json->device_model,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             noise_level_decibel: $json->noise_level_decibel,
-            noise_level_nrs: $json->noise_level_nrs,
+            noise_level_nrs: $json->noise_level_nrs
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_model,
         public string $device_name,
         public float $noise_level_decibel,
-        public float $noise_level_nrs,
+        public float $noise_level_nrs
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php
index 20c36d6..3d32229 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceNukiMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceNukiMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNukiMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceNukiMetadata|null
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             keypad_2_paired: $json->keypad_2_paired ?? null,
             keypad_battery_critical: $json->keypad_battery_critical ?? null,
-            keypad_paired: $json->keypad_paired ?? null,
+            keypad_paired: $json->keypad_paired ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public bool | null $keypad_2_paired,
-        public bool | null $keypad_battery_critical,
-        public bool | null $keypad_paired,
+        public bool|null $keypad_2_paired,
+        public bool|null $keypad_battery_critical,
+        public bool|null $keypad_paired
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php b/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php
index fe2427d..1265644 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DevicePredefinedTimeSlots.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DevicePredefinedTimeSlots
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DevicePredefinedTimeSlots|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DevicePredefinedTimeSlots|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DevicePredefinedTimeSlots|null
             is_master: $json->is_master,
             is_one_shot: $json->is_one_shot,
             name: $json->name,
-            prefix: $json->prefix,
+            prefix: $json->prefix
     public function __construct(
         public string $check_in_time,
         public string $check_out_time,
@@ -36,8 +34,7 @@ public function __construct(
         public bool $is_master,
         public bool $is_one_shot,
         public string $name,
-        public float $prefix,
+        public float $prefix
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php b/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php
index d7e89e8..e56458a 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DevicePressure.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DevicePressure
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DevicePressure|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php b/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php
index 6c87b63..4f0cf4e 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceProperties.php
@@ -4,16 +4,19 @@
 class DeviceProperties
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProperties|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad) ? DeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json($json->accessory_keypad) : null,
+            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad)
+                ? DeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json($json->accessory_keypad)
+                : null,
             appearance: DeviceAppearance::from_json($json->appearance),
-            battery: isset($json->battery) ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
+            battery: isset($json->battery)
+                ? DeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
+                : null,
             battery_level: $json->battery_level ?? null,
             has_direct_power: $json->has_direct_power ?? null,
             image_alt_text: $json->image_alt_text ?? null,
@@ -21,164 +24,272 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProperties|null
             manufacturer: $json->manufacturer ?? null,
             model: DeviceModel::from_json($json->model),
             name: $json->name,
-            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
+            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ??
+                null,
             online: $json->online,
-            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
+            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ??
+                null,
             serial_number: $json->serial_number ?? null,
             supports_accessory_keypad: $json->supports_accessory_keypad ?? null,
-            supports_offline_access_codes: $json->supports_offline_access_codes ?? null,
-            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) ? DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) : null,
-            august_metadata: isset($json->august_metadata) ? DeviceAugustMetadata::from_json($json->august_metadata) : null,
-            avigilon_alta_metadata: isset($json->avigilon_alta_metadata) ? DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata::from_json($json->avigilon_alta_metadata) : null,
-            brivo_metadata: isset($json->brivo_metadata) ? DeviceBrivoMetadata::from_json($json->brivo_metadata) : null,
-            controlbyweb_metadata: isset($json->controlbyweb_metadata) ? DeviceControlbywebMetadata::from_json($json->controlbyweb_metadata) : null,
-            dormakaba_oracode_metadata: isset($json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata) ? DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata::from_json($json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata) : null,
-            ecobee_metadata: isset($json->ecobee_metadata) ? DeviceEcobeeMetadata::from_json($json->ecobee_metadata) : null,
-            four_suites_metadata: isset($json->four_suites_metadata) ? DeviceFourSuitesMetadata::from_json($json->four_suites_metadata) : null,
-            genie_metadata: isset($json->genie_metadata) ? DeviceGenieMetadata::from_json($json->genie_metadata) : null,
-            honeywell_resideo_metadata: isset($json->honeywell_resideo_metadata) ? DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata::from_json($json->honeywell_resideo_metadata) : null,
-            hubitat_metadata: isset($json->hubitat_metadata) ? DeviceHubitatMetadata::from_json($json->hubitat_metadata) : null,
-            igloo_metadata: isset($json->igloo_metadata) ? DeviceIglooMetadata::from_json($json->igloo_metadata) : null,
-            igloohome_metadata: isset($json->igloohome_metadata) ? DeviceIgloohomeMetadata::from_json($json->igloohome_metadata) : null,
-            kwikset_metadata: isset($json->kwikset_metadata) ? DeviceKwiksetMetadata::from_json($json->kwikset_metadata) : null,
-            lockly_metadata: isset($json->lockly_metadata) ? DeviceLocklyMetadata::from_json($json->lockly_metadata) : null,
-            minut_metadata: isset($json->minut_metadata) ? DeviceMinutMetadata::from_json($json->minut_metadata) : null,
-            nest_metadata: isset($json->nest_metadata) ? DeviceNestMetadata::from_json($json->nest_metadata) : null,
-            noiseaware_metadata: isset($json->noiseaware_metadata) ? DeviceNoiseawareMetadata::from_json($json->noiseaware_metadata) : null,
-            nuki_metadata: isset($json->nuki_metadata) ? DeviceNukiMetadata::from_json($json->nuki_metadata) : null,
-            salto_metadata: isset($json->salto_metadata) ? DeviceSaltoMetadata::from_json($json->salto_metadata) : null,
-            schlage_metadata: isset($json->schlage_metadata) ? DeviceSchlageMetadata::from_json($json->schlage_metadata) : null,
-            seam_bridge_metadata: isset($json->seam_bridge_metadata) ? DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata::from_json($json->seam_bridge_metadata) : null,
-            smartthings_metadata: isset($json->smartthings_metadata) ? DeviceSmartthingsMetadata::from_json($json->smartthings_metadata) : null,
-            tedee_metadata: isset($json->tedee_metadata) ? DeviceTedeeMetadata::from_json($json->tedee_metadata) : null,
-            ttlock_metadata: isset($json->ttlock_metadata) ? DeviceTtlockMetadata::from_json($json->ttlock_metadata) : null,
-            two_n_metadata: isset($json->two_n_metadata) ? DeviceTwoNMetadata::from_json($json->two_n_metadata) : null,
-            wyze_metadata: isset($json->wyze_metadata) ? DeviceWyzeMetadata::from_json($json->wyze_metadata) : null,
-            _experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths: $json->_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths ?? null,
+            supports_offline_access_codes: $json->supports_offline_access_codes ??
+                null,
+            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset(
+                $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
+            )
+                ? DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            august_metadata: isset($json->august_metadata)
+                ? DeviceAugustMetadata::from_json($json->august_metadata)
+                : null,
+            avigilon_alta_metadata: isset($json->avigilon_alta_metadata)
+                ? DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->avigilon_alta_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            brivo_metadata: isset($json->brivo_metadata)
+                ? DeviceBrivoMetadata::from_json($json->brivo_metadata)
+                : null,
+            controlbyweb_metadata: isset($json->controlbyweb_metadata)
+                ? DeviceControlbywebMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->controlbyweb_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            dormakaba_oracode_metadata: isset($json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata)
+                ? DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->dormakaba_oracode_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            ecobee_metadata: isset($json->ecobee_metadata)
+                ? DeviceEcobeeMetadata::from_json($json->ecobee_metadata)
+                : null,
+            four_suites_metadata: isset($json->four_suites_metadata)
+                ? DeviceFourSuitesMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->four_suites_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            genie_metadata: isset($json->genie_metadata)
+                ? DeviceGenieMetadata::from_json($json->genie_metadata)
+                : null,
+            honeywell_resideo_metadata: isset($json->honeywell_resideo_metadata)
+                ? DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->honeywell_resideo_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            hubitat_metadata: isset($json->hubitat_metadata)
+                ? DeviceHubitatMetadata::from_json($json->hubitat_metadata)
+                : null,
+            igloo_metadata: isset($json->igloo_metadata)
+                ? DeviceIglooMetadata::from_json($json->igloo_metadata)
+                : null,
+            igloohome_metadata: isset($json->igloohome_metadata)
+                ? DeviceIgloohomeMetadata::from_json($json->igloohome_metadata)
+                : null,
+            kwikset_metadata: isset($json->kwikset_metadata)
+                ? DeviceKwiksetMetadata::from_json($json->kwikset_metadata)
+                : null,
+            lockly_metadata: isset($json->lockly_metadata)
+                ? DeviceLocklyMetadata::from_json($json->lockly_metadata)
+                : null,
+            minut_metadata: isset($json->minut_metadata)
+                ? DeviceMinutMetadata::from_json($json->minut_metadata)
+                : null,
+            nest_metadata: isset($json->nest_metadata)
+                ? DeviceNestMetadata::from_json($json->nest_metadata)
+                : null,
+            noiseaware_metadata: isset($json->noiseaware_metadata)
+                ? DeviceNoiseawareMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->noiseaware_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            nuki_metadata: isset($json->nuki_metadata)
+                ? DeviceNukiMetadata::from_json($json->nuki_metadata)
+                : null,
+            salto_metadata: isset($json->salto_metadata)
+                ? DeviceSaltoMetadata::from_json($json->salto_metadata)
+                : null,
+            schlage_metadata: isset($json->schlage_metadata)
+                ? DeviceSchlageMetadata::from_json($json->schlage_metadata)
+                : null,
+            seam_bridge_metadata: isset($json->seam_bridge_metadata)
+                ? DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->seam_bridge_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            smartthings_metadata: isset($json->smartthings_metadata)
+                ? DeviceSmartthingsMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->smartthings_metadata
+                )
+                : null,
+            tedee_metadata: isset($json->tedee_metadata)
+                ? DeviceTedeeMetadata::from_json($json->tedee_metadata)
+                : null,
+            ttlock_metadata: isset($json->ttlock_metadata)
+                ? DeviceTtlockMetadata::from_json($json->ttlock_metadata)
+                : null,
+            two_n_metadata: isset($json->two_n_metadata)
+                ? DeviceTwoNMetadata::from_json($json->two_n_metadata)
+                : null,
+            wyze_metadata: isset($json->wyze_metadata)
+                ? DeviceWyzeMetadata::from_json($json->wyze_metadata)
+                : null,
+            _experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths: $json->_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths ??
+                null,
             code_constraints: array_map(
-          fn ($c) => DeviceCodeConstraints::from_json($c),
-          $json->code_constraints ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($c) => DeviceCodeConstraints::from_json($c),
+                $json->code_constraints ?? []
+            ),
             door_open: $json->door_open ?? null,
             has_native_entry_events: $json->has_native_entry_events ?? null,
-            keypad_battery: isset($json->keypad_battery) ? DeviceKeypadBattery::from_json($json->keypad_battery) : null,
+            keypad_battery: isset($json->keypad_battery)
+                ? DeviceKeypadBattery::from_json($json->keypad_battery)
+                : null,
             locked: $json->locked ?? null,
-            max_active_codes_supported: $json->max_active_codes_supported ?? null,
+            max_active_codes_supported: $json->max_active_codes_supported ??
+                null,
             supported_code_lengths: $json->supported_code_lengths ?? null,
-            supports_backup_access_code_pool: $json->supports_backup_access_code_pool ?? null,
-            active_climate_setting_schedule: isset($json->active_climate_setting_schedule) ? DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($json->active_climate_setting_schedule) : null,
-            available_hvac_mode_settings: $json->available_hvac_mode_settings ?? null,
-            can_enable_automatic_cooling: $json->can_enable_automatic_cooling ?? null,
-            can_enable_automatic_heating: $json->can_enable_automatic_heating ?? null,
-            current_climate_setting: isset($json->current_climate_setting) ? DeviceCurrentClimateSetting::from_json($json->current_climate_setting) : null,
-            default_climate_setting: isset($json->default_climate_setting) ? DeviceDefaultClimateSetting::from_json($json->default_climate_setting) : null,
+            supports_backup_access_code_pool: $json->supports_backup_access_code_pool ??
+                null,
+            active_climate_setting_schedule: isset(
+                $json->active_climate_setting_schedule
+            )
+                ? DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule::from_json(
+                    $json->active_climate_setting_schedule
+                )
+                : null,
+            available_hvac_mode_settings: $json->available_hvac_mode_settings ??
+                null,
+            can_enable_automatic_cooling: $json->can_enable_automatic_cooling ??
+                null,
+            can_enable_automatic_heating: $json->can_enable_automatic_heating ??
+                null,
+            current_climate_setting: isset($json->current_climate_setting)
+                ? DeviceCurrentClimateSetting::from_json(
+                    $json->current_climate_setting
+                )
+                : null,
+            default_climate_setting: isset($json->default_climate_setting)
+                ? DeviceDefaultClimateSetting::from_json(
+                    $json->default_climate_setting
+                )
+                : null,
             fan_mode_setting: $json->fan_mode_setting ?? null,
-            is_climate_setting_schedule_active: $json->is_climate_setting_schedule_active ?? null,
+            is_climate_setting_schedule_active: $json->is_climate_setting_schedule_active ??
+                null,
             is_cooling: $json->is_cooling ?? null,
             is_cooling_available: $json->is_cooling_available ?? null,
             is_fan_running: $json->is_fan_running ?? null,
             is_heating: $json->is_heating ?? null,
             is_heating_available: $json->is_heating_available ?? null,
-            is_temporary_manual_override_active: $json->is_temporary_manual_override_active ?? null,
-            max_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->max_cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
-            max_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->max_heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
-            min_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->min_cooling_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
-            min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius ?? null,
-            min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit ?? null,
-            min_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->min_heating_set_point_celsius ?? null,
-            min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            is_temporary_manual_override_active: $json->is_temporary_manual_override_active ??
+                null,
+            max_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->max_cooling_set_point_celsius ??
+                null,
+            max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
+            max_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->max_heating_set_point_celsius ??
+                null,
+            max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
+            min_cooling_set_point_celsius: $json->min_cooling_set_point_celsius ??
+                null,
+            min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
+            min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius ??
+                null,
+            min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
+            min_heating_set_point_celsius: $json->min_heating_set_point_celsius ??
+                null,
+            min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit: $json->min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit ??
+                null,
             relative_humidity: $json->relative_humidity ?? null,
             temperature_celsius: $json->temperature_celsius ?? null,
-            temperature_fahrenheit: $json->temperature_fahrenheit ?? null,
+            temperature_fahrenheit: $json->temperature_fahrenheit ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public DeviceAccessoryKeypad | null $accessory_keypad,
+        public DeviceAccessoryKeypad|null $accessory_keypad,
         public DeviceAppearance $appearance,
-        public DeviceBattery | null $battery,
-        public float | null $battery_level,
-        public bool | null $has_direct_power,
-        public string | null $image_alt_text,
-        public string | null $image_url,
-        public string | null $manufacturer,
+        public DeviceBattery|null $battery,
+        public float|null $battery_level,
+        public bool|null $has_direct_power,
+        public string|null $image_alt_text,
+        public string|null $image_url,
+        public string|null $manufacturer,
         public DeviceModel $model,
         public string $name,
-        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
+        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
         public bool $online,
-        public bool | null $online_access_codes_enabled,
-        public string | null $serial_number,
-        public bool | null $supports_accessory_keypad,
-        public bool | null $supports_offline_access_codes,
-        public DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata | null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata,
-        public DeviceAugustMetadata | null $august_metadata,
-        public DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata | null $avigilon_alta_metadata,
-        public DeviceBrivoMetadata | null $brivo_metadata,
-        public DeviceControlbywebMetadata | null $controlbyweb_metadata,
-        public DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata | null $dormakaba_oracode_metadata,
-        public DeviceEcobeeMetadata | null $ecobee_metadata,
-        public DeviceFourSuitesMetadata | null $four_suites_metadata,
-        public DeviceGenieMetadata | null $genie_metadata,
-        public DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata | null $honeywell_resideo_metadata,
-        public DeviceHubitatMetadata | null $hubitat_metadata,
-        public DeviceIglooMetadata | null $igloo_metadata,
-        public DeviceIgloohomeMetadata | null $igloohome_metadata,
-        public DeviceKwiksetMetadata | null $kwikset_metadata,
-        public DeviceLocklyMetadata | null $lockly_metadata,
-        public DeviceMinutMetadata | null $minut_metadata,
-        public DeviceNestMetadata | null $nest_metadata,
-        public DeviceNoiseawareMetadata | null $noiseaware_metadata,
-        public DeviceNukiMetadata | null $nuki_metadata,
-        public DeviceSaltoMetadata | null $salto_metadata,
-        public DeviceSchlageMetadata | null $schlage_metadata,
-        public DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata | null $seam_bridge_metadata,
-        public DeviceSmartthingsMetadata | null $smartthings_metadata,
-        public DeviceTedeeMetadata | null $tedee_metadata,
-        public DeviceTtlockMetadata | null $ttlock_metadata,
-        public DeviceTwoNMetadata | null $two_n_metadata,
-        public DeviceWyzeMetadata | null $wyze_metadata,
-        public array | null $_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths,
-        public array | null $code_constraints,
-        public bool | null $door_open,
-        public bool | null $has_native_entry_events,
-        public DeviceKeypadBattery | null $keypad_battery,
-        public bool | null $locked,
-        public float | null $max_active_codes_supported,
-        public array | null $supported_code_lengths,
-        public bool | null $supports_backup_access_code_pool,
-        public DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule | null $active_climate_setting_schedule,
-        public array | null $available_hvac_mode_settings,
-        public bool | null $can_enable_automatic_cooling,
-        public bool | null $can_enable_automatic_heating,
-        public DeviceCurrentClimateSetting | null $current_climate_setting,
-        public DeviceDefaultClimateSetting | null $default_climate_setting,
-        public string | null $fan_mode_setting,
-        public bool | null $is_climate_setting_schedule_active,
-        public bool | null $is_cooling,
-        public bool | null $is_cooling_available,
-        public bool | null $is_fan_running,
-        public bool | null $is_heating,
-        public bool | null $is_heating_available,
-        public bool | null $is_temporary_manual_override_active,
-        public float | null $max_cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $max_heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $min_cooling_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius,
-        public float | null $min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $min_heating_set_point_celsius,
-        public float | null $min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
-        public float | null $relative_humidity,
-        public float | null $temperature_celsius,
-        public float | null $temperature_fahrenheit,
+        public bool|null $online_access_codes_enabled,
+        public string|null $serial_number,
+        public bool|null $supports_accessory_keypad,
+        public bool|null $supports_offline_access_codes,
+        public DeviceAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata,
+        public DeviceAugustMetadata|null $august_metadata,
+        public DeviceAvigilonAltaMetadata|null $avigilon_alta_metadata,
+        public DeviceBrivoMetadata|null $brivo_metadata,
+        public DeviceControlbywebMetadata|null $controlbyweb_metadata,
+        public DeviceDormakabaOracodeMetadata|null $dormakaba_oracode_metadata,
+        public DeviceEcobeeMetadata|null $ecobee_metadata,
+        public DeviceFourSuitesMetadata|null $four_suites_metadata,
+        public DeviceGenieMetadata|null $genie_metadata,
+        public DeviceHoneywellResideoMetadata|null $honeywell_resideo_metadata,
+        public DeviceHubitatMetadata|null $hubitat_metadata,
+        public DeviceIglooMetadata|null $igloo_metadata,
+        public DeviceIgloohomeMetadata|null $igloohome_metadata,
+        public DeviceKwiksetMetadata|null $kwikset_metadata,
+        public DeviceLocklyMetadata|null $lockly_metadata,
+        public DeviceMinutMetadata|null $minut_metadata,
+        public DeviceNestMetadata|null $nest_metadata,
+        public DeviceNoiseawareMetadata|null $noiseaware_metadata,
+        public DeviceNukiMetadata|null $nuki_metadata,
+        public DeviceSaltoMetadata|null $salto_metadata,
+        public DeviceSchlageMetadata|null $schlage_metadata,
+        public DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata|null $seam_bridge_metadata,
+        public DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null $smartthings_metadata,
+        public DeviceTedeeMetadata|null $tedee_metadata,
+        public DeviceTtlockMetadata|null $ttlock_metadata,
+        public DeviceTwoNMetadata|null $two_n_metadata,
+        public DeviceWyzeMetadata|null $wyze_metadata,
+        public array|null $_experimental_supported_code_from_access_codes_lengths,
+        public array|null $code_constraints,
+        public bool|null $door_open,
+        public bool|null $has_native_entry_events,
+        public DeviceKeypadBattery|null $keypad_battery,
+        public bool|null $locked,
+        public float|null $max_active_codes_supported,
+        public array|null $supported_code_lengths,
+        public bool|null $supports_backup_access_code_pool,
+        public DeviceActiveClimateSettingSchedule|null $active_climate_setting_schedule,
+        public array|null $available_hvac_mode_settings,
+        public bool|null $can_enable_automatic_cooling,
+        public bool|null $can_enable_automatic_heating,
+        public DeviceCurrentClimateSetting|null $current_climate_setting,
+        public DeviceDefaultClimateSetting|null $default_climate_setting,
+        public string|null $fan_mode_setting,
+        public bool|null $is_climate_setting_schedule_active,
+        public bool|null $is_cooling,
+        public bool|null $is_cooling_available,
+        public bool|null $is_fan_running,
+        public bool|null $is_heating,
+        public bool|null $is_heating_available,
+        public bool|null $is_temporary_manual_override_active,
+        public float|null $max_cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $max_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $max_heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $max_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $min_cooling_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $min_cooling_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $min_heating_cooling_delta_celsius,
+        public float|null $min_heating_cooling_delta_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $min_heating_set_point_celsius,
+        public float|null $min_heating_set_point_fahrenheit,
+        public float|null $relative_humidity,
+        public float|null $temperature_celsius,
+        public float|null $temperature_fahrenheit
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php b/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php
index 4a59aec..7bbbcc9 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceProvider.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceProvider
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProvider|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceProvider|null
             device_provider_name: $json->device_provider_name,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             image_url: $json->image_url,
-            provider_categories: $json->provider_categories,
+            provider_categories: $json->provider_categories
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_provider_name,
         public string $display_name,
         public string $image_url,
-        public array $provider_categories,
+        public array $provider_categories
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php
index 91694f1..047845a 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSaltoMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceSaltoMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSaltoMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,20 +15,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSaltoMetadata|null
             lock_id: $json->lock_id,
             lock_type: $json->lock_type,
             locked_state: $json->locked_state,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $battery_level,
         public string $customer_reference,
         public string $lock_id,
         public string $lock_type,
         public string $locked_state,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php
index 4e9785e..1f0ffd5 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSchlageMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceSchlageMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSchlageMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSchlageMetadata|null
             access_code_length: $json->access_code_length ?? null,
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public float | null $access_code_length,
+        public float|null $access_code_length,
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php
index 825a0ec..18d016a 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSeamBridgeMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_num: $json->device_num,
             name: $json->name,
-            unlock_method: $json->unlock_method ?? null,
+            unlock_method: $json->unlock_method ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public float $device_num,
         public string $name,
-        public string | null $unlock_method,
+        public string|null $unlock_method
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php
index f4626ca..06b8eed 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSmartthingsMetadata.php
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
 class DeviceSmartthingsMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
@@ -14,18 +14,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSmartthingsMetadata|null
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             location_id: $json->location_id ?? null,
-            model: $json->model ?? null,
+            model: $json->model ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $location_id,
-        public string | null $model,
+        public string|null $location_id,
+        public string|null $model
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php b/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php
index a72f645..1138b4e 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceSound.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceSound
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceSound|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php
index 9394383..01439f7 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTedeeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceTedeeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTedeeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,21 +16,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTedeeMetadata|null
             device_model: $json->device_model,
             device_name: $json->device_name,
             keypad_id: $json->keypad_id ?? null,
-            serial_number: $json->serial_number,
+            serial_number: $json->serial_number
     public function __construct(
         public float $bridge_id,
         public string $bridge_name,
         public float $device_id,
         public string $device_model,
         public string $device_name,
-        public float | null $keypad_id,
-        public string $serial_number,
+        public float|null $keypad_id,
+        public string $serial_number
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php
index 0b59a8d..f88e4be 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTemperature.php
@@ -4,24 +4,15 @@
 class DeviceTemperature
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTemperature|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            time: $json->time,
-            value: $json->value,
-        );
+        return new self(time: $json->time, value: $json->value);
-    public function __construct(
-        public string $time,
-        public float $value,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public string $time, public float $value)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php
index e84e12d..4e9cd4f 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTtlockMetadata.php
@@ -4,24 +4,17 @@
 class DeviceTtlockMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTtlockMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            lock_alias: $json->lock_alias,
-            lock_id: $json->lock_id,
-        );
+        return new self(lock_alias: $json->lock_alias, lock_id: $json->lock_id);
     public function __construct(
         public string $lock_alias,
-        public float $lock_id,
+        public float $lock_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php
index 45c3875..39da975 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceTwoNMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceTwoNMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTwoNMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceTwoNMetadata|null
         return new self(
             device_id: $json->device_id,
-            device_name: $json->device_name,
+            device_name: $json->device_name
     public function __construct(
         public float $device_id,
-        public string $device_name,
+        public string $device_name
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php b/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php
index f8cea1d..fa29faf 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceWarnings.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php b/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php
index 6a2743d..ad3d65d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/DeviceWyzeMetadata.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class DeviceWyzeMetadata
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWyzeMetadata|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -18,22 +17,19 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): DeviceWyzeMetadata|null
             locker_status_hardlock: $json->locker_status_hardlock ?? null,
             product_model: $json->product_model,
             product_name: $json->product_name,
-            product_type: $json->product_type,
+            product_type: $json->product_type
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $device_info_model,
         public string $device_name,
-        public string | null $keypad_uuid,
-        public float | null $locker_status_hardlock,
+        public string|null $keypad_uuid,
+        public float|null $locker_status_hardlock,
         public string $product_model,
         public string $product_name,
-        public string $product_type,
+        public string $product_type
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php b/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php
index 4467d41..176ba37 100644
--- a/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/EnrollmentAutomation.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class EnrollmentAutomation
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): EnrollmentAutomation|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -15,19 +14,16 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): EnrollmentAutomation|null
             credential_manager_acs_system_id: $json->credential_manager_acs_system_id,
             enrollment_automation_id: $json->enrollment_automation_id,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
         public string $enrollment_automation_id,
         public string $user_identity_id,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Event.php b/src/Objects/Event.php
index 06697d4..1e58b30 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Event.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Event.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class Event
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Event|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -16,20 +15,17 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Event|null
             event_id: $json->event_id,
             event_type: $json->event_type,
             occurred_at: $json->occurred_at,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
-        public string | null $device_id,
+        public string|null $device_id,
         public string $event_id,
         public string $event_type,
         public string $occurred_at,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Network.php b/src/Objects/Network.php
index 463ad82..c17b16d 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Network.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Network.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class Network
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Network|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Network|null
             created_at: $json->created_at,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             network_id: $json->network_id,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
         public string $network_id,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php b/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php
index 629bd97..0a3c962 100644
--- a/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php
+++ b/src/Objects/NoiseThreshold.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class NoiseThreshold
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): NoiseThreshold|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -17,21 +16,18 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): NoiseThreshold|null
             noise_threshold_decibels: $json->noise_threshold_decibels,
             noise_threshold_id: $json->noise_threshold_id,
             noise_threshold_nrs: $json->noise_threshold_nrs ?? null,
-            starts_daily_at: $json->starts_daily_at,
+            starts_daily_at: $json->starts_daily_at
     public function __construct(
         public string $device_id,
         public string $ends_daily_at,
         public string $name,
         public float $noise_threshold_decibels,
         public string $noise_threshold_id,
-        public float | null $noise_threshold_nrs,
-        public string $starts_daily_at,
+        public float|null $noise_threshold_nrs,
+        public string $starts_daily_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Phone.php b/src/Objects/Phone.php
index 8609361..9132a45 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Phone.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Phone.php
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 class Phone
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Phone|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ?? null,
-            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ?? null,
+            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ??
+                null,
+            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ??
+                null,
             can_remotely_lock: $json->can_remotely_lock ?? null,
             can_remotely_unlock: $json->can_remotely_unlock ?? null,
             can_simulate_removal: $json->can_simulate_removal ?? null,
@@ -23,29 +24,29 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Phone|null
             device_type: $json->device_type,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             errors: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => PhoneErrors::from_json($e),
-          $json->errors ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($e) => PhoneErrors::from_json($e),
+                $json->errors ?? []
+            ),
             is_managed: $json->is_managed,
-            location: isset($json->location) ? PhoneLocation::from_json($json->location) : null,
+            location: isset($json->location)
+                ? PhoneLocation::from_json($json->location)
+                : null,
             nickname: $json->nickname ?? null,
             properties: PhoneProperties::from_json($json->properties),
             warnings: array_map(
-          fn ($w) => PhoneWarnings::from_json($w),
-          $json->warnings ?? []
-        ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+                fn($w) => PhoneWarnings::from_json($w),
+                $json->warnings ?? []
+            ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_program_online_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_lock,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_unlock,
-        public bool | null $can_simulate_removal,
+        public bool|null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_program_online_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_lock,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_unlock,
+        public bool|null $can_simulate_removal,
         public array $capabilities_supported,
         public string $created_at,
         public mixed $custom_metadata,
@@ -54,12 +55,11 @@ public function __construct(
         public string $display_name,
         public array $errors,
         public bool $is_managed,
-        public PhoneLocation | null $location,
-        public string | null $nickname,
+        public PhoneLocation|null $location,
+        public string|null $nickname,
         public PhoneProperties $properties,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php b/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
index 2a7c01e..aaebfb0 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata.php
@@ -4,27 +4,24 @@
 class PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
             endpoints: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => PhoneEndpoints::from_json($e),
-          $json->endpoints ?? []
-        ),
-            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint,
+                fn($e) => PhoneEndpoints::from_json($e),
+                $json->endpoints ?? []
+            ),
+            has_active_endpoint: $json->has_active_endpoint
     public function __construct(
         public array $endpoints,
-        public bool $has_active_endpoint,
+        public bool $has_active_endpoint
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php b/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php
index 6e7c901..ef2497f 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneEndpoints.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class PhoneEndpoints
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneEndpoints|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneEndpoints|null
         return new self(
             endpoint_id: $json->endpoint_id,
-            is_active: $json->is_active,
+            is_active: $json->is_active
     public function __construct(
         public string $endpoint_id,
-        public bool $is_active,
+        public bool $is_active
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php b/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php
index 00396ce..a09d12f 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneErrors.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class PhoneErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php b/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php
index ba3e557..5af1657 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneLocation.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class PhoneLocation
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneLocation|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -12,16 +11,13 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneLocation|null
         return new self(
             location_name: $json->location_name ?? null,
-            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null,
+            timezone: $json->timezone ?? null
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $location_name,
-        public string | null $timezone,
+        public string|null $location_name,
+        public string|null $timezone
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php b/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php
index 0dea6a2..c6f02cc 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneProperties.php
@@ -4,22 +4,24 @@
 class PhoneProperties
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneProperties|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) ? PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json($json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata) : null,
+            assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata: isset(
+                $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
+            )
+                ? PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata::from_json(
+                    $json->assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
+                )
+                : null
     public function __construct(
-        public PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata | null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata,
+        public PhoneAssaAbloyCredentialServiceMetadata|null $assa_abloy_credential_service_metadata
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php b/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php
index 9749b8d..965de6c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/PhoneWarnings.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class PhoneWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): PhoneWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php b/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php
index b0a8cd0..692d3ed 100644
--- a/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php
+++ b/src/Objects/ServiceHealth.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class ServiceHealth
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): ServiceHealth|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): ServiceHealth|null
         return new self(
             description: $json->description,
             service: $json->service,
-            status: $json->status,
+            status: $json->status
     public function __construct(
         public string $description,
         public string $service,
-        public string $status,
+        public string $status
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php
index a30cda5..2f14365 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedAccessCode.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class UnmanagedAccessCode
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedAccessCode|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -22,26 +21,23 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedAccessCode|null
             starts_at: $json->starts_at ?? null,
             status: $json->status,
             type: $json->type,
-            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null,
+            warnings: $json->warnings ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $access_code_id,
-        public string | null $code,
+        public string|null $code,
         public string $created_at,
         public string $device_id,
-        public string | null $ends_at,
+        public string|null $ends_at,
         public mixed $errors,
         public bool $is_managed,
-        public string | null $name,
-        public string | null $starts_at,
+        public string|null $name,
+        public string|null $starts_at,
         public string $status,
         public string $type,
-        public mixed $warnings,
+        public mixed $warnings
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php
index c398df6..cbfefbd 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDevice.php
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 class UnmanagedDevice
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDevice|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ?? null,
-            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ?? null,
+            can_program_offline_access_codes: $json->can_program_offline_access_codes ??
+                null,
+            can_program_online_access_codes: $json->can_program_online_access_codes ??
+                null,
             can_remotely_lock: $json->can_remotely_lock ?? null,
             can_remotely_unlock: $json->can_remotely_unlock ?? null,
             can_simulate_removal: $json->can_simulate_removal ?? null,
@@ -22,27 +23,25 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDevice|null
             device_id: $json->device_id,
             device_type: $json->device_type,
             errors: array_map(
-          fn ($e) => UnmanagedDeviceErrors::from_json($e),
-          $json->errors ?? []
-        ),
+                fn($e) => UnmanagedDeviceErrors::from_json($e),
+                $json->errors ?? []
+            ),
             is_managed: $json->is_managed,
             properties: UnmanagedDeviceProperties::from_json($json->properties),
             warnings: array_map(
-          fn ($w) => UnmanagedDeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
-          $json->warnings ?? []
-        ),
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+                fn($w) => UnmanagedDeviceWarnings::from_json($w),
+                $json->warnings ?? []
+            ),
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_program_online_access_codes,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_lock,
-        public bool | null $can_remotely_unlock,
-        public bool | null $can_simulate_removal,
+        public bool|null $can_program_offline_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_program_online_access_codes,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_lock,
+        public bool|null $can_remotely_unlock,
+        public bool|null $can_simulate_removal,
         public array $capabilities_supported,
         public string $connected_account_id,
         public string $created_at,
@@ -52,8 +51,7 @@ public function __construct(
         public bool $is_managed,
         public UnmanagedDeviceProperties $properties,
         public array $warnings,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
index 67f58a6..f231858 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad.php
@@ -4,24 +4,23 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            battery: isset($json->battery) ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
-            is_connected: $json->is_connected,
+            battery: isset($json->battery)
+                ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
+                : null,
+            is_connected: $json->is_connected
     public function __construct(
-        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery | null $battery,
-        public bool $is_connected,
+        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery|null $battery,
+        public bool $is_connected
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php
index 178ee63..175aa6b 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceBattery.php
@@ -4,22 +4,15 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceBattery
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceBattery|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
-        return new self(
-            level: $json->level,
-        );
+        return new self(level: $json->level);
-    public function __construct(
-        public float $level,
-    ) {
+    public function __construct(public float $level)
+    {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php
index 005e3bd..2792f54 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceErrors.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceErrors
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceErrors|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceErrors|null
         return new self(
             error_code: $json->error_code,
             message: $json->message,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $error_code,
         public string $message,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php
index bb2a0ce..f46c5db 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceModel.php
@@ -4,34 +4,34 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceModel
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceModel|null
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ?? null,
-            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ?? null,
+            accessory_keypad_supported: $json->accessory_keypad_supported ??
+                null,
+            can_connect_accessory_keypad: $json->can_connect_accessory_keypad ??
+                null,
             display_name: $json->display_name,
             has_built_in_keypad: $json->has_built_in_keypad ?? null,
             manufacturer_display_name: $json->manufacturer_display_name,
-            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ?? null,
-            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ?? null,
+            offline_access_codes_supported: $json->offline_access_codes_supported ??
+                null,
+            online_access_codes_supported: $json->online_access_codes_supported ??
+                null
     public function __construct(
-        public bool | null $accessory_keypad_supported,
-        public bool | null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
+        public bool|null $accessory_keypad_supported,
+        public bool|null $can_connect_accessory_keypad,
         public string $display_name,
-        public bool | null $has_built_in_keypad,
+        public bool|null $has_built_in_keypad,
         public string $manufacturer_display_name,
-        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_supported,
-        public bool | null $online_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_supported,
+        public bool|null $online_access_codes_supported
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php
index ded524a..3970c94 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceProperties.php
@@ -4,42 +4,47 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceProperties
-    public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceProperties|null
-    {
+    public static function from_json(
+        mixed $json
+    ): UnmanagedDeviceProperties|null {
         if (!$json) {
             return null;
         return new self(
-            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad) ? UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json($json->accessory_keypad) : null,
-            battery: isset($json->battery) ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery) : null,
+            accessory_keypad: isset($json->accessory_keypad)
+                ? UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad::from_json(
+                    $json->accessory_keypad
+                )
+                : null,
+            battery: isset($json->battery)
+                ? UnmanagedDeviceBattery::from_json($json->battery)
+                : null,
             battery_level: $json->battery_level ?? null,
             image_alt_text: $json->image_alt_text ?? null,
             image_url: $json->image_url ?? null,
             manufacturer: $json->manufacturer ?? null,
             model: UnmanagedDeviceModel::from_json($json->model),
             name: $json->name,
-            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
+            offline_access_codes_enabled: $json->offline_access_codes_enabled ??
+                null,
             online: $json->online,
-            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ?? null,
+            online_access_codes_enabled: $json->online_access_codes_enabled ??
+                null
     public function __construct(
-        public UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad | null $accessory_keypad,
-        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery | null $battery,
-        public float | null $battery_level,
-        public string | null $image_alt_text,
-        public string | null $image_url,
-        public string | null $manufacturer,
+        public UnmanagedDeviceAccessoryKeypad|null $accessory_keypad,
+        public UnmanagedDeviceBattery|null $battery,
+        public float|null $battery_level,
+        public string|null $image_alt_text,
+        public string|null $image_url,
+        public string|null $manufacturer,
         public UnmanagedDeviceModel $model,
         public string $name,
-        public bool | null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
+        public bool|null $offline_access_codes_enabled,
         public bool $online,
-        public bool | null $online_access_codes_enabled,
+        public bool|null $online_access_codes_enabled
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php
index 8cad447..84cc664 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UnmanagedDeviceWarnings.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class UnmanagedDeviceWarnings
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceWarnings|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -13,17 +12,14 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UnmanagedDeviceWarnings|null
         return new self(
             message: $json->message,
             warning_code: $json->warning_code,
-            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null,
+            created_at: $json->created_at ?? null
     public function __construct(
         public string $message,
         public string $warning_code,
-        public string | null $created_at,
+        public string|null $created_at
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php b/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php
index 99f573b..c529a3c 100644
--- a/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php
+++ b/src/Objects/UserIdentity.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class UserIdentity
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): UserIdentity|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -18,22 +17,19 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): UserIdentity|null
             phone_number: $json->phone_number ?? null,
             user_identity_id: $json->user_identity_id,
             user_identity_key: $json->user_identity_key ?? null,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
         public string $created_at,
         public string $display_name,
-        public string | null $email_address,
-        public string | null $full_name,
-        public string | null $phone_number,
+        public string|null $email_address,
+        public string|null $full_name,
+        public string|null $phone_number,
         public string $user_identity_id,
-        public string | null $user_identity_key,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string|null $user_identity_key,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Webhook.php b/src/Objects/Webhook.php
index 7671fd6..0aa3975 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Webhook.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Webhook.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class Webhook
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Webhook|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Webhook|null
             event_types: $json->event_types ?? null,
             secret: $json->secret ?? null,
             url: $json->url,
-            webhook_id: $json->webhook_id,
+            webhook_id: $json->webhook_id
     public function __construct(
-        public array | null $event_types,
-        public string | null $secret,
+        public array|null $event_types,
+        public string|null $secret,
         public string $url,
-        public string $webhook_id,
+        public string $webhook_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/Objects/Workspace.php b/src/Objects/Workspace.php
index 9e9941d..7122fba 100644
--- a/src/Objects/Workspace.php
+++ b/src/Objects/Workspace.php
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 class Workspace
     public static function from_json(mixed $json): Workspace|null
         if (!$json) {
@@ -14,18 +13,15 @@ public static function from_json(mixed $json): Workspace|null
             connect_partner_name: $json->connect_partner_name ?? null,
             is_sandbox: $json->is_sandbox,
             name: $json->name,
-            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id,
+            workspace_id: $json->workspace_id
     public function __construct(
-        public string | null $connect_partner_name,
+        public string|null $connect_partner_name,
         public bool $is_sandbox,
         public string $name,
-        public string $workspace_id,
+        public string $workspace_id
     ) {
diff --git a/src/SeamClient.php b/src/SeamClient.php
index 50d0fda..63bafc2 100644
--- a/src/SeamClient.php
+++ b/src/SeamClient.php
@@ -33,4694 +33,4083 @@
 use GuzzleHttp\Client as HTTPClient;
 use \Exception as Exception;
-define('LTS_VERSION', '1.0.0');
+define("LTS_VERSION", "1.0.0");
 class SeamClient
-  public AccessCodesClient $access_codes;
-  public AcsClient $acs;
-  public ActionAttemptsClient $action_attempts;
-  public ClientSessionsClient $client_sessions;
-  public ConnectWebviewsClient $connect_webviews;
-  public ConnectedAccountsClient $connected_accounts;
-  public DevicesClient $devices;
-  public EventsClient $events;
-  public LocksClient $locks;
-  public NetworksClient $networks;
-  public NoiseSensorsClient $noise_sensors;
-  public PhonesClient $phones;
-  public ThermostatsClient $thermostats;
-  public UserIdentitiesClient $user_identities;
-  public WebhooksClient $webhooks;
-  public WorkspacesClient $workspaces;
-  public string $api_key;
-  public HTTPClient $client;
-  public string $ltsVersion = LTS_VERSION;
-  public function __construct(
-    $api_key,
-    $endpoint = "",
-    $throw_http_errors = false
-  ) {
-    $this->api_key = $api_key;
-    $seam_sdk_version = PackageVersion::get();
-    $this->client = new HTTPClient([
-      "base_uri" => $endpoint,
-      "timeout" => 60.0,
-      "headers" => [
-        "Authorization" => "Bearer " . $this->api_key,
-        "User-Agent" => "Seam PHP Client ". $seam_sdk_version,
-        "seam-sdk-name" => "seamapi/php",
-        "seam-sdk-version" => $seam_sdk_version,
-        "seam-lts-version" => $this->ltsVersion
-      ],
-      "http_errors" => $throw_http_errors,
-    ]);
-    $this->access_codes = new AccessCodesClient($this);
-    $this->acs = new AcsClient($this);
-    $this->action_attempts = new ActionAttemptsClient($this);
-    $this->client_sessions = new ClientSessionsClient($this);
-    $this->connect_webviews = new ConnectWebviewsClient($this);
-    $this->connected_accounts = new ConnectedAccountsClient($this);
-    $this->devices = new DevicesClient($this);
-    $this->events = new EventsClient($this);
-    $this->locks = new LocksClient($this);
-    $this->networks = new NetworksClient($this);
-    $this->noise_sensors = new NoiseSensorsClient($this);
-    $this->phones = new PhonesClient($this);
-    $this->thermostats = new ThermostatsClient($this);
-    $this->user_identities = new UserIdentitiesClient($this);
-    $this->webhooks = new WebhooksClient($this);
-    $this->workspaces = new WorkspacesClient($this);
-  }
-  public function request(
-    $method,
-    $path,
-    $json = null,
-    $query = null,
-    $inner_object = null
-  ) {
-    $options = [
-      "json" => $json,
-      "query" => $query,
-    ];
-    $options = array_filter($options, fn ($option) => $option !== null);
-    // TODO handle request errors
-    $response = $this->client->request($method, $path, $options);
-    $status_code = $response->getStatusCode();
-    $request_id = $response->getHeaderLine('seam-request-id');
-    $res_json = null;
-    try {
-      $res_json = json_decode($response->getBody());
-    } catch (Exception $ignoreError) {
-    }
-    if (($res_json->error ?? null) != null) {
-      throw new Exception(
-        "Error Calling \"" .
-          $method .
-          " " .
-          $path .
-          "\" : " .
-          ($res_json->error->type ?? "") .
-          ": " .
-          $res_json->error->message .
-          " [Request ID: " . $request_id . "]"
-      );
-    }
-    if ($status_code >= 400) {
-      $error_message = $response->getReasonPhrase();
-      throw new Exception(
-        "HTTP Error: " . $error_message . " [" . $status_code . "] " . $method . " " . $path .
-        " [Request ID: " . $request_id . "]"
-      );
-    }
-    if ($inner_object) {
-      if (!is_array($res_json->$inner_object) && ($res_json->$inner_object ?? null) == null) {
-        throw new Exception(
-          'Missing Inner Object "' .
-            $inner_object .
-            '" for ' .
-            $method .
-            " " .
-            $path .
-            " [Request ID: " . $request_id . "]"
-        );
-      }
-      return $res_json->$inner_object;
-    }
-    return $res_json;
-  }
-class AccessCodesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public AccessCodesSimulateClient $simulate;
-  public AccessCodesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->simulate = new AccessCodesSimulateClient($seam);
-$this->unmanaged = new AccessCodesUnmanagedClient($seam);
-  }
-  public function create(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $common_code_key = null,
-    string $ends_at = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-    bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
-    bool $is_one_time_use = null,
-    string $max_time_rounding = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
-    string $starts_at = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
-    bool $use_offline_access_code = null
-  ): AccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
-      $request_payload["attempt_for_offline_device"] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($common_code_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["common_code_key"] = $common_code_key;
-    }
-    if ($ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_offline_access_code"] = $is_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
-    }
-    if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
-      $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
-      $request_payload["prefer_native_scheduling"] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
-    }
-    if ($starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_backup_access_code_pool"] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
-    }
-    if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_offline_access_code"] = $use_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_code",
-    );
-    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function create_multiple(
-    array $device_ids,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
-    string $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $ends_at = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-    bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
-    bool $is_one_time_use = null,
-    string $max_time_rounding = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
-    float $preferred_code_length = null,
-    string $starts_at = null,
-    bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
-    bool $use_offline_access_code = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
-      $request_payload["attempt_for_offline_device"] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
-    }
-    if ($behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared !== null) {
-      $request_payload["behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared"] = $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_offline_access_code"] = $is_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
-    }
-    if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
-      $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
-      $request_payload["prefer_native_scheduling"] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
-    }
-    if ($preferred_code_length !== null) {
-      $request_payload["preferred_code_length"] = $preferred_code_length;
-    }
-    if ($starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_backup_access_code_pool"] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
-    }
-    if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_offline_access_code"] = $use_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/create_multiple",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_codes",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    string $device_id = null,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function generate_code(
-    string $device_id
-  ): AccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/generate_code",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "generated_code",
-    );
-    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $access_code_id = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $device_id = null
-  ): AccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_code",
-    );
-    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    array $access_code_ids = null,
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_codes",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function pull_backup_access_code(
-    string $access_code_id
-  ): AccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/pull_backup_access_code",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "backup_access_code",
-    );
-    return AccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $ends_at = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-    bool $is_managed = null,
-    bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
-    bool $is_one_time_use = null,
-    string $max_time_rounding = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
-    string $starts_at = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    string $type = null,
-    bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
-    bool $use_offline_access_code = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
-      $request_payload["attempt_for_offline_device"] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($is_managed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-    }
-    if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_offline_access_code"] = $is_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
-    }
-    if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
-      $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
-      $request_payload["prefer_native_scheduling"] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
-    }
-    if ($starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    if ($type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["type"] = $type;
-    }
-    if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_backup_access_code_pool"] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
-    }
-    if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["use_offline_access_code"] = $use_offline_access_code;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class AccessCodesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function create_unmanaged_access_code(
-    string $code,
-    string $device_id,
-    string $name
-  ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/simulate/create_unmanaged_access_code",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_code",
-    );
-    return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-class AccessCodesUnmanagedClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function convert_to_managed(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $force = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($force !== null) {
-      $request_payload["force"] = $force;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/convert_to_managed",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $access_code_id = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $device_id = null
-  ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_code",
-    );
-    return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "access_codes",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $access_code_id,
-    bool $is_managed,
-    bool $allow_external_modification = null,
-    bool $force = null,
-    bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($is_managed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-    }
-    if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allow_external_modification"] = $allow_external_modification;
-    }
-    if ($force !== null) {
-      $request_payload["force"] = $force;
-    }
-    if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_external_modification_allowed"] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/access_codes/unmanaged/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class AcsAccessGroupsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function add_user(
-    string $acs_access_group_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/add_user",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_access_group_id
-  ): AcsAccessGroup {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_access_group",
-    );
-    return AcsAccessGroup::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_system_id = null,
-    string $acs_user_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_access_groups",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsAccessGroup::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function list_users(
-    string $acs_access_group_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/list_users",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_users",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function remove_user(
-    string $acs_access_group_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/access_groups/remove_user",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class AcsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public AcsAccessGroupsClient $access_groups;
-  public AcsCredentialPoolsClient $credential_pools;
-  public AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient $credential_provisioning_automations;
-  public AcsCredentialsClient $credentials;
-  public AcsEntrancesClient $entrances;
-  public AcsSystemsClient $systems;
-  public AcsUsersClient $users;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->access_groups = new AcsAccessGroupsClient($seam);
-$this->credential_pools = new AcsCredentialPoolsClient($seam);
-$this->credential_provisioning_automations = new AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient($seam);
-$this->credentials = new AcsCredentialsClient($seam);
-$this->entrances = new AcsEntrancesClient($seam);
-$this->systems = new AcsSystemsClient($seam);
-$this->users = new AcsUsersClient($seam);
-  }
-class AcsCredentialPoolsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_system_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credential_pools/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credential_pools",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsCredentialPool::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function launch(
-    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
-    string $user_identity_id,
-    string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
-    bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
-    string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
-  ): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_pool_id"] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
-    }
-    if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
-      $request_payload["create_credential_manager_user"] = $create_credential_manager_user;
-    }
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_user_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credential_provisioning_automations/launch",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credential_provisioning_automation",
-    );
-    return AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation::from_json($res);
-  }
-class AcsCredentialsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function assign(
-    string $acs_credential_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/assign",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function create(
-    string $access_method,
-    string $acs_user_id,
-    array $allowed_acs_entrance_ids = null,
-    string $code = null,
-    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null,
-    string $ends_at = null,
-    bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null,
-    string $starts_at = null,
-    mixed $visionline_metadata = null
-  ): AcsCredential {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_method !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_method"] = $access_method;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($allowed_acs_entrance_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["allowed_acs_entrance_ids"] = $allowed_acs_entrance_ids;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_multi_phone_sync_credential"] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
-    }
-    if ($starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($visionline_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["visionline_metadata"] = $visionline_metadata;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credential",
-    );
-    return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $acs_credential_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_credential_id
-  ): AcsCredential {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credential",
-    );
-    return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_user_id = null,
-    string $acs_system_id = null,
-    string $user_identity_id = null,
-    bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_multi_phone_sync_credential"] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credentials",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function unassign(
-    string $acs_credential_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/unassign",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $acs_credential_id,
-    string $code
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    if ($code !== null) {
-      $request_payload["code"] = $code;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/credentials/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class AcsEntrancesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_entrance_id
-  ): AcsEntrance {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/entrances/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_entrance",
-    );
-    return AcsEntrance::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function grant_access(
-    string $acs_entrance_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/entrances/grant_access",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_credential_id = null,
-    string $acs_system_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/entrances/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_entrances",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function list_credentials_with_access(
-    string $acs_entrance_id,
-    array $include_if = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/entrances/list_credentials_with_access",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_credentials",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class AcsSystemsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_system_id
-  ): AcsSystem {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/systems/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_system",
-    );
-    return AcsSystem::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $connected_account_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/systems/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_systems",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class AcsUsersClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function add_to_access_group(
-    string $acs_access_group_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/add_to_access_group",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function create(
-    string $acs_system_id,
-    mixed $access_schedule = null,
-    array $acs_access_group_ids = null,
-    string $email = null,
-    string $email_address = null,
-    string $full_name = null,
-    string $phone_number = null,
-    string $user_identity_id = null
-  ): AcsUser {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($access_schedule !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
-    }
-    if ($acs_access_group_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_ids"] = $acs_access_group_ids;
-    }
-    if ($email !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email"] = $email;
-    }
-    if ($email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-    }
-    if ($full_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-    }
-    if ($phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_user",
-    );
-    return AcsUser::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): AcsUser {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_user",
-    );
-    return AcsUser::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $acs_system_id = null,
-    string $user_identity_email_address = null,
-    string $user_identity_id = null,
-    string $user_identity_phone_number = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_email_address"] = $user_identity_email_address;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_phone_number"] = $user_identity_phone_number;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_users",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function list_accessible_entrances(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/list_accessible_entrances",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_entrances",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function remove_from_access_group(
-    string $acs_access_group_id,
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/remove_from_access_group",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function revoke_access_to_all_entrances(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/revoke_access_to_all_entrances",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function suspend(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/suspend",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function unsuspend(
-    string $acs_user_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/unsuspend",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $acs_user_id,
-    mixed $access_schedule = null,
-    string $email = null,
-    string $email_address = null,
-    string $full_name = null,
-    string $hid_acs_system_id = null,
-    string $phone_number = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($access_schedule !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
-    }
-    if ($email !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email"] = $email;
-    }
-    if ($email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-    }
-    if ($full_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-    }
-    if ($hid_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["hid_acs_system_id"] = $hid_acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/acs/users/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class ActionAttemptsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $action_attempt_id
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($action_attempt_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["action_attempt_id"] = $action_attempt_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/action_attempts/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
-    return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    array $action_attempt_ids
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($action_attempt_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["action_attempt_ids"] = $action_attempt_ids;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/action_attempts/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempts",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ActionAttempt::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function poll_until_ready(string $action_attempt_id): ActionAttempt
-  {
-    $seam = $this->seam;
-    $time_waiting = 0.0;
-    $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get($action_attempt_id);
-    while ($action_attempt->status == "pending") {
-      $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get(
-        $action_attempt->action_attempt_id
-      );
-      if ($time_waiting > 20.0) {
-        throw new Exception("Timed out waiting for action attempt to be ready");
-      }
-      $time_waiting += 0.4;
-      usleep(400000); // sleep for 0.4 seconds
-    }
-    if ($action_attempt->status == "failed") {
-      throw new Exception(
-        "Action Attempt failed: " . $action_attempt->error->message
-      );
-    }
-    return $action_attempt;
-  }
-class ClientSessionsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function create(
-    array $connect_webview_ids = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $expires_at = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null,
-    array $user_identity_ids = null
-  ): ClientSession {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($expires_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "client_session",
-    );
-    return ClientSession::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $client_session_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $client_session_id = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): ClientSession {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "client_session",
-    );
-    return ClientSession::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function get_or_create(
-    array $connect_webview_ids = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $expires_at = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null,
-    array $user_identity_ids = null
-  ): ClientSession {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($expires_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/get_or_create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "client_session",
-    );
-    return ClientSession::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function grant_access(
-    string $client_session_id = null,
-    array $connect_webview_ids = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null,
-    array $user_identity_ids = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/grant_access",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $client_session_id = null,
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null,
-    string $user_identity_id = null,
-    bool $without_user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($without_user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["without_user_identifier_key"] = $without_user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "client_sessions",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ClientSession::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function revoke(
-    string $client_session_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($client_session_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/client_sessions/revoke",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class ConnectWebviewsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function create(
-    array $accepted_providers = null,
-    bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata = null,
-    string $custom_redirect_failure_url = null,
-    string $custom_redirect_url = null,
-    string $device_selection_mode = null,
-    string $provider_category = null,
-    bool $wait_for_device_creation = null
-  ): ConnectWebview {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($accepted_providers !== null) {
-      $request_payload["accepted_providers"] = $accepted_providers;
-    }
-    if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatically_manage_new_devices"] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
-    }
-    if ($custom_redirect_failure_url !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_redirect_failure_url"] = $custom_redirect_failure_url;
-    }
-    if ($custom_redirect_url !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_redirect_url"] = $custom_redirect_url;
-    }
-    if ($device_selection_mode !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_selection_mode"] = $device_selection_mode;
-    }
-    if ($provider_category !== null) {
-      $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
-    }
-    if ($wait_for_device_creation !== null) {
-      $request_payload["wait_for_device_creation"] = $wait_for_device_creation;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connect_webviews/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connect_webview",
-    );
-    return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $connect_webview_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connect_webviews/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $connect_webview_id
-  ): ConnectWebview {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connect_webviews/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connect_webview",
-    );
-    return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connect_webviews/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connect_webviews",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ConnectWebview::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class ConnectedAccountsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $connected_account_id,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connected_accounts/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    string $email = null
-  ): ConnectedAccount {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($email !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email"] = $email;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connected_accounts/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connected_account",
-    );
-    return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connected_accounts/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connected_accounts",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ConnectedAccount::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $connected_account_id,
-    bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata = null
-  ): ConnectedAccount {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatically_manage_new_devices"] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/connected_accounts/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "connected_account",
-    );
-    return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
-  }
-class DevicesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public DevicesSimulateClient $simulate;
-  public DevicesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->simulate = new DevicesSimulateClient($seam);
-$this->unmanaged = new DevicesUnmanagedClient($seam);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $name = null
-  ): Device {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "device",
-    );
-    return Device::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $created_before = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $device_type = null,
-    array $device_types = null,
-    array $exclude_if = null,
-    array $include_if = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $manufacturer = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($created_before !== null) {
-      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-    }
-    if ($device_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-    }
-    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "devices",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function list_device_providers(
-    string $provider_category = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($provider_category !== null) {
-      $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/list_device_providers",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "device_providers",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => DeviceProvider::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $device_id,
-    mixed $custom_metadata = null,
-    bool $is_managed = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    mixed $properties = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
-    }
-    if ($is_managed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($properties !== null) {
-      $request_payload["properties"] = $properties;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class DevicesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function remove(
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/simulate/remove",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class DevicesUnmanagedClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $name = null
-  ): UnmanagedDevice {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/unmanaged/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "device",
-    );
-    return UnmanagedDevice::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $created_before = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $device_type = null,
-    array $device_types = null,
-    array $exclude_if = null,
-    array $include_if = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $manufacturer = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($created_before !== null) {
-      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-    }
-    if ($device_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-    }
-    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/unmanaged/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "devices",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => UnmanagedDevice::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function update(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $is_managed
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($is_managed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/devices/unmanaged/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
-class EventsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $event_id = null,
-    string $event_type = null
-  ): Event {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($event_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_id"] = $event_id;
-    }
-    if ($event_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/events/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "event",
-    );
-    return Event::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $access_code_id = null,
-    array $access_code_ids = null,
-    array $between = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    string $device_id = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $event_type = null,
-    array $event_types = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $since = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($access_code_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
-    }
-    if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
-    }
-    if ($between !== null) {
-      $request_payload["between"] = $between;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($event_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
-    }
-    if ($event_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($since !== null) {
-      $request_payload["since"] = $since;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/events/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "events",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Event::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-class LocksClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $name = null
-  ): Device {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/locks/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "device",
-    );
-    return Device::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $created_before = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $device_type = null,
-    array $device_types = null,
-    array $exclude_if = null,
-    array $include_if = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $manufacturer = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($created_before !== null) {
-      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-    }
-    if ($device_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-    }
-    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/locks/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "devices",
-    );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
-  public function lock_door(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/locks/lock_door",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
-    }
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
-    return $action_attempt;
-  }
-  public function unlock_door(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/locks/unlock_door",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+    public AccessCodesClient $access_codes;
+    public AcsClient $acs;
+    public ActionAttemptsClient $action_attempts;
+    public ClientSessionsClient $client_sessions;
+    public ConnectWebviewsClient $connect_webviews;
+    public ConnectedAccountsClient $connected_accounts;
+    public DevicesClient $devices;
+    public EventsClient $events;
+    public LocksClient $locks;
+    public NetworksClient $networks;
+    public NoiseSensorsClient $noise_sensors;
+    public PhonesClient $phones;
+    public ThermostatsClient $thermostats;
+    public UserIdentitiesClient $user_identities;
+    public WebhooksClient $webhooks;
+    public WorkspacesClient $workspaces;
+    public string $api_key;
+    public HTTPClient $client;
+    public string $ltsVersion = LTS_VERSION;
+    public function __construct(
+        $api_key,
+        $endpoint = "",
+        $throw_http_errors = false
+    ) {
+        $this->api_key = $api_key;
+        $seam_sdk_version = PackageVersion::get();
+        $this->client = new HTTPClient([
+            "base_uri" => $endpoint,
+            "timeout" => 60.0,
+            "headers" => [
+                "Authorization" => "Bearer " . $this->api_key,
+                "User-Agent" => "Seam PHP Client " . $seam_sdk_version,
+                "seam-sdk-name" => "seamapi/php",
+                "seam-sdk-version" => $seam_sdk_version,
+                "seam-lts-version" => $this->ltsVersion,
+            ],
+            "http_errors" => $throw_http_errors,
+        ]);
+        $this->access_codes = new AccessCodesClient($this);
+        $this->acs = new AcsClient($this);
+        $this->action_attempts = new ActionAttemptsClient($this);
+        $this->client_sessions = new ClientSessionsClient($this);
+        $this->connect_webviews = new ConnectWebviewsClient($this);
+        $this->connected_accounts = new ConnectedAccountsClient($this);
+        $this->devices = new DevicesClient($this);
+        $this->events = new EventsClient($this);
+        $this->locks = new LocksClient($this);
+        $this->networks = new NetworksClient($this);
+        $this->noise_sensors = new NoiseSensorsClient($this);
+        $this->phones = new PhonesClient($this);
+        $this->thermostats = new ThermostatsClient($this);
+        $this->user_identities = new UserIdentitiesClient($this);
+        $this->webhooks = new WebhooksClient($this);
+        $this->workspaces = new WorkspacesClient($this);
+    }
+    public function request(
+        $method,
+        $path,
+        $json = null,
+        $query = null,
+        $inner_object = null
+    ) {
+        $options = [
+            "json" => $json,
+            "query" => $query,
+        ];
+        $options = array_filter($options, fn($option) => $option !== null);
+        // TODO handle request errors
+        $response = $this->client->request($method, $path, $options);
+        $status_code = $response->getStatusCode();
+        $request_id = $response->getHeaderLine("seam-request-id");
+        $res_json = null;
+        try {
+            $res_json = json_decode($response->getBody());
+        } catch (Exception $ignoreError) {
+        }
+        if (($res_json->error ?? null) != null) {
+            throw new Exception(
+                "Error Calling \"" .
+                    $method .
+                    " " .
+                    $path .
+                    "\" : " .
+                    ($res_json->error->type ?? "") .
+                    ": " .
+                    $res_json->error->message .
+                    " [Request ID: " .
+                    $request_id .
+                    "]"
+            );
+        }
+        if ($status_code >= 400) {
+            $error_message = $response->getReasonPhrase();
+            throw new Exception(
+                "HTTP Error: " .
+                    $error_message .
+                    " [" .
+                    $status_code .
+                    "] " .
+                    $method .
+                    " " .
+                    $path .
+                    " [Request ID: " .
+                    $request_id .
+                    "]"
+            );
+        }
+        if ($inner_object) {
+            if (
+                !is_array($res_json->$inner_object) &&
+                ($res_json->$inner_object ?? null) == null
+            ) {
+                throw new Exception(
+                    'Missing Inner Object "' .
+                        $inner_object .
+                        '" for ' .
+                        $method .
+                        " " .
+                        $path .
+                        " [Request ID: " .
+                        $request_id .
+                        "]"
+                );
+            }
+            return $res_json->$inner_object;
+        }
+        return $res_json;
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
-    return $action_attempt;
-  }
-class NetworksClient
+class AccessCodesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public AccessCodesSimulateClient $simulate;
+    public AccessCodesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->simulate = new AccessCodesSimulateClient($seam);
+        $this->unmanaged = new AccessCodesUnmanagedClient($seam);
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $device_id,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $common_code_key = null,
+        string $ends_at = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+        bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
+        bool $is_one_time_use = null,
+        string $max_time_rounding = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
+        string $starts_at = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
+        bool $use_offline_access_code = null
+    ): AccessCode {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "attempt_for_offline_device"
+            ] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($common_code_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["common_code_key"] = $common_code_key;
+        }
+        if ($ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $is_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
+        }
+        if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
+            $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "prefer_native_scheduling"
+            ] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
+        }
+        if ($starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_backup_access_code_pool"
+            ] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
+        }
+        if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $use_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_code"
+        );
-  public function get(
-    string $network_id
-  ): Network {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function create_multiple(
+        array $device_ids,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
+        string $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $ends_at = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+        bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
+        bool $is_one_time_use = null,
+        string $max_time_rounding = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
+        float $preferred_code_length = null,
+        string $starts_at = null,
+        bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
+        bool $use_offline_access_code = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "attempt_for_offline_device"
+            ] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
+        }
+        if ($behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared"
+            ] = $behavior_when_code_cannot_be_shared;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $is_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
+        }
+        if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
+            $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "prefer_native_scheduling"
+            ] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
+        }
+        if ($preferred_code_length !== null) {
+            $request_payload["preferred_code_length"] = $preferred_code_length;
+        }
+        if ($starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_backup_access_code_pool"
+            ] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
+        }
+        if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $use_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/create_multiple",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_codes"
+        );
-    if ($network_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["network_id"] = $network_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function delete(
+        string $access_code_id,
+        string $device_id = null,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/networks/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "network",
-    );
-    return Network::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function generate_code(string $device_id): AccessCode
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/generate_code",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "generated_code"
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/networks/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "networks",
-    );
+        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $access_code_id = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $device_id = null
+    ): AccessCode {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_code"
+        );
+        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        array $access_code_ids = null,
+        string $device_id = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_codes"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function pull_backup_access_code(string $access_code_id): AccessCode
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Network::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/pull_backup_access_code",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "backup_access_code"
+        );
+        return AccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $access_code_id,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $attempt_for_offline_device = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $device_id = null,
+        string $ends_at = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+        bool $is_managed = null,
+        bool $is_offline_access_code = null,
+        bool $is_one_time_use = null,
+        string $max_time_rounding = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        bool $prefer_native_scheduling = null,
+        string $starts_at = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        string $type = null,
+        bool $use_backup_access_code_pool = null,
+        bool $use_offline_access_code = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($attempt_for_offline_device !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "attempt_for_offline_device"
+            ] = $attempt_for_offline_device;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($is_managed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+        }
+        if ($is_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $is_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        if ($is_one_time_use !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_one_time_use"] = $is_one_time_use;
+        }
+        if ($max_time_rounding !== null) {
+            $request_payload["max_time_rounding"] = $max_time_rounding;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($prefer_native_scheduling !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "prefer_native_scheduling"
+            ] = $prefer_native_scheduling;
+        }
+        if ($starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        if ($type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["type"] = $type;
+        }
+        if ($use_backup_access_code_pool !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_backup_access_code_pool"
+            ] = $use_backup_access_code_pool;
+        }
+        if ($use_offline_access_code !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "use_offline_access_code"
+            ] = $use_offline_access_code;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-class NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient
+class AccessCodesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
-  public function create(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $ends_daily_at,
-    string $starts_daily_at,
-    string $name = null,
-    float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
-    float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): NoiseThreshold {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create_unmanaged_access_code(
+        string $code,
+        string $device_id,
+        string $name
+    ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/simulate/create_unmanaged_access_code",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_code"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
-    }
-    if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
+        return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_decibels"] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "noise_threshold",
-    );
-    return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $noise_threshold_id,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+class AccessCodesUnmanagedClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function convert_to_managed(
+        string $access_code_id,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $force = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($force !== null) {
+            $request_payload["force"] = $force;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/convert_to_managed",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function delete(string $access_code_id, bool $sync = null): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $noise_threshold_id
-  ): NoiseThreshold {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "noise_threshold",
-    );
+    public function get(
+        string $access_code_id = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $device_id = null
+    ): UnmanagedAccessCode {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_code"
+        );
+        return UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
-  }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
-  public function list(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $is_programmed = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "access_codes"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => UnmanagedAccessCode::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $access_code_id,
+        bool $is_managed,
+        bool $allow_external_modification = null,
+        bool $force = null,
+        bool $is_external_modification_allowed = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($is_managed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+        }
+        if ($allow_external_modification !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allow_external_modification"
+            ] = $allow_external_modification;
+        }
+        if ($force !== null) {
+            $request_payload["force"] = $force;
+        }
+        if ($is_external_modification_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_external_modification_allowed"
+            ] = $is_external_modification_allowed;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/access_codes/unmanaged/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    if ($is_programmed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_programmed"] = $is_programmed;
+class AcsAccessGroupsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function add_user(
+        string $acs_access_group_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/add_user",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "noise_thresholds",
-    );
+    public function get(string $acs_access_group_id): AcsAccessGroup
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_access_group"
+        );
+        return AcsAccessGroup::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $acs_system_id = null,
+        string $acs_user_id = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => NoiseThreshold::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-  public function update(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $noise_threshold_id,
-    string $ends_daily_at = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
-    float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
-    string $starts_daily_at = null,
-    bool $sync = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_access_groups"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
-    }
-    if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsAccessGroup::from_json($r), $res);
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_decibels"] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
-    }
-    if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
-      $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
-    }
-    if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function list_users(string $acs_access_group_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/list_users",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_users"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function remove_user(
+        string $acs_access_group_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/access_groups/remove_user",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-class NoiseSensorsClient
+class AcsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient $noise_thresholds;
-  public NoiseSensorsSimulateClient $simulate;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->noise_thresholds = new NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient($seam);
-$this->simulate = new NoiseSensorsSimulateClient($seam);
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public AcsAccessGroupsClient $access_groups;
+    public AcsCredentialPoolsClient $credential_pools;
+    public AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient $credential_provisioning_automations;
+    public AcsCredentialsClient $credentials;
+    public AcsEntrancesClient $entrances;
+    public AcsSystemsClient $systems;
+    public AcsUsersClient $users;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->access_groups = new AcsAccessGroupsClient($seam);
+        $this->credential_pools = new AcsCredentialPoolsClient($seam);
+        $this->credential_provisioning_automations = new AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient(
+            $seam
+        );
+        $this->credentials = new AcsCredentialsClient($seam);
+        $this->entrances = new AcsEntrancesClient($seam);
+        $this->systems = new AcsSystemsClient($seam);
+        $this->users = new AcsUsersClient($seam);
+    }
-class NoiseSensorsSimulateClient
+class AcsCredentialPoolsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function trigger_noise_threshold(
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/noise_sensors/simulate/trigger_noise_threshold",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function list(string $acs_system_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credential_pools/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credential_pools"
+        );
-  }
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsCredentialPool::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-class PhonesClient
+class AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomationsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public PhonesSimulateClient $simulate;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->simulate = new PhonesSimulateClient($seam);
-  }
-  public function deactivate(
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function launch(
+        string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
+        string $user_identity_id,
+        string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
+        bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
+        string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
+    ): AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "acs_credential_pool_id"
+            ] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
+        }
+        if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "create_credential_manager_user"
+            ] = $create_credential_manager_user;
+        }
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_user_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credential_provisioning_automations/launch",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credential_provisioning_automation"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        return AcsCredentialProvisioningAutomation::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/phones/deactivate",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+class AcsCredentialsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
-  }
+    public function assign(string $acs_credential_id, string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function list(
-    string $owner_user_identity_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    if ($owner_user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["owner_user_identity_id"] = $owner_user_identity_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/assign",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/phones/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "phones",
-    );
+    public function create(
+        string $access_method,
+        string $acs_user_id,
+        array $allowed_acs_entrance_ids = null,
+        string $code = null,
+        string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null,
+        string $ends_at = null,
+        bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null,
+        string $starts_at = null,
+        mixed $visionline_metadata = null
+    ): AcsCredential {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_method !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_method"] = $access_method;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($allowed_acs_entrance_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "allowed_acs_entrance_ids"
+            ] = $allowed_acs_entrance_ids;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_at"] = $ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_multi_phone_sync_credential"
+            ] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
+        }
+        if ($starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_at"] = $starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($visionline_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["visionline_metadata"] = $visionline_metadata;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credential"
+        );
+        return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function delete(string $acs_credential_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Phone::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(string $acs_credential_id): AcsCredential
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-class PhonesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credential"
+        );
-  public function create_sandbox_phone(
-    string $user_identity_id,
-    mixed $assa_abloy_metadata = null,
-    string $custom_sdk_installation_id = null,
-    mixed $phone_metadata = null
-  ): Phone {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return AcsCredential::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $acs_user_id = null,
+        string $acs_system_id = null,
+        string $user_identity_id = null,
+        bool $is_multi_phone_sync_credential = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($is_multi_phone_sync_credential !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "is_multi_phone_sync_credential"
+            ] = $is_multi_phone_sync_credential;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credentials"
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($assa_abloy_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["assa_abloy_metadata"] = $assa_abloy_metadata;
-    }
-    if ($custom_sdk_installation_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_sdk_installation_id"] = $custom_sdk_installation_id;
-    }
-    if ($phone_metadata !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_metadata"] = $phone_metadata;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/phones/simulate/create_sandbox_phone",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "phone",
-    );
+    public function unassign(
+        string $acs_credential_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/unassign",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function update(string $acs_credential_id, string $code): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return Phone::from_json($res);
-  }
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        if ($code !== null) {
+            $request_payload["code"] = $code;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/credentials/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-class ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient
+class AcsEntrancesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function create(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $schedule_ends_at,
-    string $schedule_starts_at,
-    bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
-    bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
-    bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    string $schedule_type = null
-  ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatic_cooling_enabled"] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
-    }
-    if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatic_heating_enabled"] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
-      $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
-    }
-    if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manual_override_allowed"] = $manual_override_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
-    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule",
-    );
+    public function get(string $acs_entrance_id): AcsEntrance
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
+        }
-    return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function delete(
-    string $climate_setting_schedule_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/entrances/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_entrance"
+        );
-    if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["climate_setting_schedule_id"] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+        return AcsEntrance::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
-  }
+    public function grant_access(
+        string $acs_entrance_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function get(
-    string $climate_setting_schedule_id = null,
-    string $device_id = null
-  ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["climate_setting_schedule_id"] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/entrances/grant_access",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule",
-    );
-    return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function list(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list(
+        string $acs_credential_id = null,
+        string $acs_system_id = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_credential_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_credential_id"] = $acs_credential_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/entrances/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_entrances"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "climate_setting_schedules",
-    );
+    public function list_credentials_with_access(
+        string $acs_entrance_id,
+        array $include_if = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_entrance_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_entrance_id"] = $acs_entrance_id;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/entrances/list_credentials_with_access",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_credentials"
+        );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsCredential::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-  public function update(
-    string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
-    bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
-    bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
-    bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
-    string $name = null,
-    string $schedule_ends_at = null,
-    string $schedule_starts_at = null,
-    string $schedule_type = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+class AcsSystemsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-    if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["climate_setting_schedule_id"] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
-    }
-    if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatic_cooling_enabled"] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
-    }
-    if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
-      $request_payload["automatic_heating_enabled"] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
-      $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
-    }
-    if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manual_override_allowed"] = $manual_override_allowed;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
-    }
-    if ($schedule_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function get(string $acs_system_id): AcsSystem
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/systems/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_system"
+        );
+        return AcsSystem::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(string $connected_account_id = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/systems/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_systems"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-class ThermostatsClient
+class AcsUsersClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient $climate_setting_schedules;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->climate_setting_schedules = new ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient($seam);
-  }
-  public function cool(
-    string $device_id,
-    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function add_to_access_group(
+        string $acs_access_group_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/add_to_access_group",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/cool",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+    public function create(
+        string $acs_system_id,
+        mixed $access_schedule = null,
+        array $acs_access_group_ids = null,
+        string $email = null,
+        string $email_address = null,
+        string $full_name = null,
+        string $phone_number = null,
+        string $user_identity_id = null
+    ): AcsUser {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($access_schedule !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
+        }
+        if ($acs_access_group_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_ids"] = $acs_access_group_ids;
+        }
+        if ($email !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email"] = $email;
+        }
+        if ($email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        }
+        if ($full_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+        }
+        if ($phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_user"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return AcsUser::from_json($res);
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
+    public function delete(string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return $action_attempt;
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-  }
-  public function get(
-    string $device_id = null,
-    string $name = null
-  ): Device {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "thermostat",
-    );
+    public function get(string $acs_user_id): AcsUser
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    return Device::from_json($res);
-  }
-  public function heat(
-    string $device_id,
-    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_user"
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/heat",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+        return AcsUser::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $acs_system_id = null,
+        string $user_identity_email_address = null,
+        string $user_identity_id = null,
+        string $user_identity_phone_number = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_system_id"] = $acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "user_identity_email_address"
+            ] = $user_identity_email_address;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "user_identity_phone_number"
+            ] = $user_identity_phone_number;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_users"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
-    return $action_attempt;
-  }
-  public function heat_cool(
-    string $device_id,
-    float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
-    float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list_accessible_entrances(string $acs_user_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_celsius"] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_celsius"] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
-    }
-    if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["heating_set_point_fahrenheit"] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/heat_cool",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/list_accessible_entrances",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_entrances"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsEntrance::from_json($r), $res);
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
+    public function remove_from_access_group(
+        string $acs_access_group_id,
+        string $acs_user_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return $action_attempt;
+        if ($acs_access_group_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_access_group_id"] = $acs_access_group_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/remove_from_access_group",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-  }
+    public function revoke_access_to_all_entrances(string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function list(
-    string $connect_webview_id = null,
-    string $connected_account_id = null,
-    array $connected_account_ids = null,
-    string $created_before = null,
-    mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
-    array $device_ids = null,
-    string $device_type = null,
-    array $device_types = null,
-    array $exclude_if = null,
-    array $include_if = null,
-    float $limit = null,
-    string $manufacturer = null,
-    string $user_identifier_key = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
-    }
-    if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
-    }
-    if ($created_before !== null) {
-      $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
-    }
-    if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
-      $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
-    }
-    if ($device_ids !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
-    }
-    if ($device_type !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
-    }
-    if ($device_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
-    }
-    if ($exclude_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
-    }
-    if ($include_if !== null) {
-      $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
-    }
-    if ($limit !== null) {
-      $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
-    }
-    if ($manufacturer !== null) {
-      $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
-    }
-    if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/revoke_access_to_all_entrances",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "thermostats",
-    );
+    public function suspend(string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/suspend",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+    public function unsuspend(string $acs_user_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function off(
-    string $device_id,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/unsuspend",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+    public function update(
+        string $acs_user_id,
+        mixed $access_schedule = null,
+        string $email = null,
+        string $email_address = null,
+        string $full_name = null,
+        string $hid_acs_system_id = null,
+        string $phone_number = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($access_schedule !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_schedule"] = $access_schedule;
+        }
+        if ($email !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email"] = $email;
+        }
+        if ($email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        }
+        if ($full_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+        }
+        if ($hid_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["hid_acs_system_id"] = $hid_acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/acs/users/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/off",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+class ActionAttemptsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
+    public function get(string $action_attempt_id): ActionAttempt
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return $action_attempt;
+        if ($action_attempt_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["action_attempt_id"] = $action_attempt_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/action_attempts/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
-  }
+        return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+    }
-  public function set_fan_mode(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $fan_mode = null,
-    string $fan_mode_setting = null,
-    bool $sync = null,
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list(array $action_attempt_ids): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($fan_mode !== null) {
-      $request_payload["fan_mode"] = $fan_mode;
-    }
-    if ($fan_mode_setting !== null) {
-      $request_payload["fan_mode_setting"] = $fan_mode_setting;
-    }
-    if ($sync !== null) {
-      $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
-    }
+        if ($action_attempt_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["action_attempt_ids"] = $action_attempt_ids;
+        }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/set_fan_mode",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/action_attempts/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempts"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ActionAttempt::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function poll_until_ready(string $action_attempt_id): ActionAttempt
+    {
+        $seam = $this->seam;
+        $time_waiting = 0.0;
+        $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get($action_attempt_id);
+        while ($action_attempt->status == "pending") {
+            $action_attempt = $seam->action_attempts->get(
+                $action_attempt->action_attempt_id
+            );
+            if ($time_waiting > 20.0) {
+                throw new Exception(
+                    "Timed out waiting for action attempt to be ready"
+                );
+            }
+            $time_waiting += 0.4;
+            usleep(400000); // sleep for 0.4 seconds
+        }
+        if ($action_attempt->status == "failed") {
+            throw new Exception(
+                "Action Attempt failed: " . $action_attempt->error->message
+            );
+        }
+        return $action_attempt;
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
-    return $action_attempt;
+class ClientSessionsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        array $connect_webview_ids = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $expires_at = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null,
+        array $user_identity_ids = null
+    ): ClientSession {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($expires_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "client_session"
+        );
+        return ClientSession::from_json($res);
+    }
-  }
+    public function delete(string $client_session_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function update(
-    mixed $default_climate_setting,
-    string $device_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
-    if ($default_climate_setting !== null) {
-      $request_payload["default_climate_setting"] = $default_climate_setting;
-    }
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/thermostats/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function get(
+        string $client_session_id = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): ClientSession {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "client_session"
+        );
+        return ClientSession::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function get_or_create(
+        array $connect_webview_ids = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $expires_at = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null,
+        array $user_identity_ids = null
+    ): ClientSession {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($expires_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["expires_at"] = $expires_at;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/get_or_create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "client_session"
+        );
+        return ClientSession::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function grant_access(
+        string $client_session_id = null,
+        array $connect_webview_ids = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null,
+        array $user_identity_ids = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
+        if ($connect_webview_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_ids"] = $connect_webview_ids;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_ids"] = $user_identity_ids;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/grant_access",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $client_session_id = null,
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null,
+        string $user_identity_id = null,
+        bool $without_user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($without_user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "without_user_identifier_key"
+            ] = $without_user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "client_sessions"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ClientSession::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function revoke(string $client_session_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($client_session_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["client_session_id"] = $client_session_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/client_sessions/revoke",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-class UserIdentitiesClient
+class ConnectWebviewsClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-    public UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient $enrollment_automations;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->enrollment_automations = new UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient($seam);
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        array $accepted_providers = null,
+        bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata = null,
+        string $custom_redirect_failure_url = null,
+        string $custom_redirect_url = null,
+        string $device_selection_mode = null,
+        string $provider_category = null,
+        bool $wait_for_device_creation = null
+    ): ConnectWebview {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($accepted_providers !== null) {
+            $request_payload["accepted_providers"] = $accepted_providers;
+        }
+        if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatically_manage_new_devices"
+            ] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
+        }
+        if ($custom_redirect_failure_url !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "custom_redirect_failure_url"
+            ] = $custom_redirect_failure_url;
+        }
+        if ($custom_redirect_url !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_redirect_url"] = $custom_redirect_url;
+        }
+        if ($device_selection_mode !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_selection_mode"] = $device_selection_mode;
+        }
+        if ($provider_category !== null) {
+            $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
+        }
+        if ($wait_for_device_creation !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "wait_for_device_creation"
+            ] = $wait_for_device_creation;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connect_webviews/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connect_webview"
+        );
+        return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function delete(string $connect_webview_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function add_acs_user(
-    string $acs_user_id,
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connect_webviews/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/add_acs_user",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function get(string $connect_webview_id): ConnectWebview
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connect_webviews/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connect_webview"
+        );
+        return ConnectWebview::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
-  public function create(
-    string $email_address = null,
-    string $full_name = null,
-    string $phone_number = null,
-    string $user_identity_key = null
-  ): UserIdentity {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connect_webviews/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connect_webviews"
+        );
-    if ($email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-    }
-    if ($full_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-    }
-    if ($phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ConnectWebview::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "user_identity",
-    );
+class ConnectedAccountsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function delete(
+        string $connected_account_id,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connected_accounts/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        string $email = null
+    ): ConnectedAccount {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($email !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email"] = $email;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connected_accounts/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connected_account"
+        );
+        return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(mixed $custom_metadata_has = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
-    return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connected_accounts/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connected_accounts"
+        );
-  public function delete(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ConnectedAccount::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $connected_account_id,
+        bool $automatically_manage_new_devices = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata = null
+    ): ConnectedAccount {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($automatically_manage_new_devices !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatically_manage_new_devices"
+            ] = $automatically_manage_new_devices;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/connected_accounts/update",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "connected_account"
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return ConnectedAccount::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+class DevicesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public DevicesSimulateClient $simulate;
+    public DevicesUnmanagedClient $unmanaged;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->simulate = new DevicesSimulateClient($seam);
+        $this->unmanaged = new DevicesUnmanagedClient($seam);
+    }
+    public function delete(string $device_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request("POST", "/devices/delete", json: $request_payload);
+    }
+    public function get(string $device_id = null, string $name = null): Device
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "device"
+        );
-  public function get(
-    string $user_identity_id = null,
-    string $user_identity_key = null
-  ): UserIdentity {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return Device::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $created_before = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $device_type = null,
+        array $device_types = null,
+        array $exclude_if = null,
+        array $include_if = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $manufacturer = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($created_before !== null) {
+            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+        }
+        if ($device_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+        }
+        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "devices"
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "user_identity",
-    );
+    public function list_device_providers(
+        string $provider_category = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($provider_category !== null) {
+            $request_payload["provider_category"] = $provider_category;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/list_device_providers",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "device_providers"
+        );
-    return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
-  }
+        return array_map(fn($r) => DeviceProvider::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $device_id,
+        mixed $custom_metadata = null,
+        bool $is_managed = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        mixed $properties = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata"] = $custom_metadata;
+        }
+        if ($is_managed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($properties !== null) {
+            $request_payload["properties"] = $properties;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request("POST", "/devices/update", json: $request_payload);
+    }
-  public function grant_access_to_device(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+class DevicesSimulateClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/grant_access_to_device",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function remove(string $device_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/simulate/remove",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+class DevicesUnmanagedClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $device_id = null,
+        string $name = null
+    ): UnmanagedDevice {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/unmanaged/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "device"
+        );
+        return UnmanagedDevice::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $created_before = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $device_type = null,
+        array $device_types = null,
+        array $exclude_if = null,
+        array $include_if = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $manufacturer = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($created_before !== null) {
+            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+        }
+        if ($device_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+        }
+        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/unmanaged/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "devices"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => UnmanagedDevice::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-  }
+    public function update(string $device_id, bool $is_managed): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function list(
-    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($is_managed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_managed"] = $is_managed;
+        }
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/devices/unmanaged/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "user_identities",
-    );
+class EventsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $device_id = null,
+        string $event_id = null,
+        string $event_type = null
+    ): Event {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($event_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_id"] = $event_id;
+        }
+        if ($event_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/events/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "event"
+        );
+        return Event::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $access_code_id = null,
+        array $access_code_ids = null,
+        array $between = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        string $device_id = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $event_type = null,
+        array $event_types = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $since = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($access_code_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_id"] = $access_code_id;
+        }
+        if ($access_code_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["access_code_ids"] = $access_code_ids;
+        }
+        if ($between !== null) {
+            $request_payload["between"] = $between;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($event_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_type"] = $event_type;
+        }
+        if ($event_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($since !== null) {
+            $request_payload["since"] = $since;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/events/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "events"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Event::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+class LocksClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => UserIdentity::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+    public function get(string $device_id = null, string $name = null): Device
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function list_accessible_devices(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/locks/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "device"
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/list_accessible_devices",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "devices",
-    );
+        return Device::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $created_before = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $device_type = null,
+        array $device_types = null,
+        array $exclude_if = null,
+        array $include_if = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $manufacturer = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($created_before !== null) {
+            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+        }
+        if ($device_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+        }
+        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/locks/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "devices"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function lock_door(
+        string $device_id,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/locks/lock_door",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
-  public function list_acs_systems(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return $action_attempt;
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/list_acs_systems",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_systems",
-    );
+    public function unlock_door(
+        string $device_id,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/locks/unlock_door",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
-  public function list_acs_users(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return $action_attempt;
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/list_acs_users",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "acs_users",
-    );
+class NetworksClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function get(string $network_id): Network
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if ($network_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["network_id"] = $network_id;
+        }
-  public function remove_acs_user(
-    string $acs_user_id,
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/networks/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "network"
+        );
-    if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return Network::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/remove_acs_user",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function list(): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/networks/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "networks"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Network::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+class NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $ends_daily_at,
+        string $starts_daily_at,
+        string $name = null,
+        float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
+        float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): NoiseThreshold {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
+        }
+        if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "noise_threshold_decibels"
+            ] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "noise_threshold"
+        );
+        return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function delete(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $noise_threshold_id,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(string $noise_threshold_id): NoiseThreshold
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+        }
-  public function revoke_access_to_device(
-    string $device_id,
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "noise_threshold"
+        );
-    if ($device_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return NoiseThreshold::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/revoke_access_to_device",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function list(string $device_id, bool $is_programmed = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($is_programmed !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_programmed"] = $is_programmed;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "noise_thresholds"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => NoiseThreshold::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $noise_threshold_id,
+        string $ends_daily_at = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        float $noise_threshold_decibels = null,
+        float $noise_threshold_nrs = null,
+        string $starts_daily_at = null,
+        bool $sync = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_id"] = $noise_threshold_id;
+        }
+        if ($ends_daily_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["ends_daily_at"] = $ends_daily_at;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_decibels !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "noise_threshold_decibels"
+            ] = $noise_threshold_decibels;
+        }
+        if ($noise_threshold_nrs !== null) {
+            $request_payload["noise_threshold_nrs"] = $noise_threshold_nrs;
+        }
+        if ($starts_daily_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["starts_daily_at"] = $starts_daily_at;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/noise_thresholds/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+class NoiseSensorsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient $noise_thresholds;
+    public NoiseSensorsSimulateClient $simulate;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->noise_thresholds = new NoiseSensorsNoiseThresholdsClient($seam);
+        $this->simulate = new NoiseSensorsSimulateClient($seam);
+    }
+class NoiseSensorsSimulateClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
-  }
+    public function trigger_noise_threshold(string $device_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function update(
-    string $user_identity_id,
-    string $email_address = null,
-    string $full_name = null,
-    string $phone_number = null,
-    string $user_identity_key = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($email_address !== null) {
-      $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
-    }
-    if ($full_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
-    }
-    if ($phone_number !== null) {
-      $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/noise_sensors/simulate/trigger_noise_threshold",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+class PhonesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public PhonesSimulateClient $simulate;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->simulate = new PhonesSimulateClient($seam);
+    }
+    public function deactivate(string $device_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/phones/deactivate",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function list(string $owner_user_identity_id = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($owner_user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "owner_user_identity_id"
+            ] = $owner_user_identity_id;
+        }
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/phones/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "phones"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Phone::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-class UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient
+class PhonesSimulateClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create_sandbox_phone(
+        string $user_identity_id,
+        mixed $assa_abloy_metadata = null,
+        string $custom_sdk_installation_id = null,
+        mixed $phone_metadata = null
+    ): Phone {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($assa_abloy_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["assa_abloy_metadata"] = $assa_abloy_metadata;
+        }
+        if ($custom_sdk_installation_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "custom_sdk_installation_id"
+            ] = $custom_sdk_installation_id;
+        }
+        if ($phone_metadata !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_metadata"] = $phone_metadata;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/phones/simulate/create_sandbox_phone",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "phone"
+        );
+        return Phone::from_json($res);
+    }
-  public function delete(
-    string $enrollment_automation_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+class ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $schedule_ends_at,
+        string $schedule_starts_at,
+        bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
+        bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
+        bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        string $schedule_type = null
+    ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatic_cooling_enabled"
+            ] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
+        }
+        if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatic_heating_enabled"
+            ] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
+            $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
+        }
+        if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "manual_override_allowed"
+            ] = $manual_override_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule"
+        );
-    if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["enrollment_automation_id"] = $enrollment_automation_id;
+        return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function delete(string $climate_setting_schedule_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "climate_setting_schedule_id"
+            ] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(
+        string $climate_setting_schedule_id = null,
+        string $device_id = null
+    ): ClimateSettingSchedule {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "climate_setting_schedule_id"
+            ] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "climate_setting_schedule"
+        );
+        return ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
-  public function get(
-    string $enrollment_automation_id
-  ): EnrollmentAutomation {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "climate_setting_schedules"
+        );
-    if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["enrollment_automation_id"] = $enrollment_automation_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => ClimateSettingSchedule::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function update(
+        string $climate_setting_schedule_id,
+        bool $automatic_cooling_enabled = null,
+        bool $automatic_heating_enabled = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        string $hvac_mode_setting = null,
+        bool $manual_override_allowed = null,
+        string $name = null,
+        string $schedule_ends_at = null,
+        string $schedule_starts_at = null,
+        string $schedule_type = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($climate_setting_schedule_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "climate_setting_schedule_id"
+            ] = $climate_setting_schedule_id;
+        }
+        if ($automatic_cooling_enabled !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatic_cooling_enabled"
+            ] = $automatic_cooling_enabled;
+        }
+        if ($automatic_heating_enabled !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "automatic_heating_enabled"
+            ] = $automatic_heating_enabled;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($hvac_mode_setting !== null) {
+            $request_payload["hvac_mode_setting"] = $hvac_mode_setting;
+        }
+        if ($manual_override_allowed !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "manual_override_allowed"
+            ] = $manual_override_allowed;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_ends_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_ends_at"] = $schedule_ends_at;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_starts_at !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_starts_at"] = $schedule_starts_at;
+        }
+        if ($schedule_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["schedule_type"] = $schedule_type;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/climate_setting_schedules/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "enrollment_automation",
-    );
+class ThermostatsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient $climate_setting_schedules;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->climate_setting_schedules = new ThermostatsClimateSettingSchedulesClient(
+            $seam
+        );
+    }
+    public function cool(
+        string $device_id,
+        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/cool",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-    return EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($res);
-  }
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
-  public function launch(
-    string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
-    string $user_identity_id,
-    string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
-    bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
-    string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function get(string $device_id = null, string $name = null): Device
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_system_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
-    }
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
-    }
-    if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["acs_credential_pool_id"] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
-    }
-    if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
-      $request_payload["create_credential_manager_user"] = $create_credential_manager_user;
-    }
-    if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["credential_manager_acs_user_id"] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
-    }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/launch",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "enrollment_automation",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "thermostat"
+        );
+        return Device::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function heat(
+        string $device_id,
+        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/heat",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
+    public function heat_cool(
+        string $device_id,
+        float $cooling_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_celsius = null,
+        float $heating_set_point_fahrenheit = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($cooling_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "cooling_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $cooling_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_celsius !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_celsius"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_celsius;
+        }
+        if ($heating_set_point_fahrenheit !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "heating_set_point_fahrenheit"
+            ] = $heating_set_point_fahrenheit;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/heat_cool",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
-  }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-  public function list(
-    string $user_identity_id
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
+    public function list(
+        string $connect_webview_id = null,
+        string $connected_account_id = null,
+        array $connected_account_ids = null,
+        string $created_before = null,
+        mixed $custom_metadata_has = null,
+        array $device_ids = null,
+        string $device_type = null,
+        array $device_types = null,
+        array $exclude_if = null,
+        array $include_if = null,
+        float $limit = null,
+        string $manufacturer = null,
+        string $user_identifier_key = null
+    ): array {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_webview_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_webview_id"] = $connect_webview_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_id"] = $connected_account_id;
+        }
+        if ($connected_account_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connected_account_ids"] = $connected_account_ids;
+        }
+        if ($created_before !== null) {
+            $request_payload["created_before"] = $created_before;
+        }
+        if ($custom_metadata_has !== null) {
+            $request_payload["custom_metadata_has"] = $custom_metadata_has;
+        }
+        if ($device_ids !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_ids"] = $device_ids;
+        }
+        if ($device_type !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_type"] = $device_type;
+        }
+        if ($device_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_types"] = $device_types;
+        }
+        if ($exclude_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["exclude_if"] = $exclude_if;
+        }
+        if ($include_if !== null) {
+            $request_payload["include_if"] = $include_if;
+        }
+        if ($limit !== null) {
+            $request_payload["limit"] = $limit;
+        }
+        if ($manufacturer !== null) {
+            $request_payload["manufacturer"] = $manufacturer;
+        }
+        if ($user_identifier_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identifier_key"] = $user_identifier_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "thermostats"
+        );
-    if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "enrollment_automations",
-    );
+    public function off(
+        string $device_id,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/off",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
+    public function set_fan_mode(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $fan_mode = null,
+        string $fan_mode_setting = null,
+        bool $sync = null,
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($fan_mode !== null) {
+            $request_payload["fan_mode"] = $fan_mode;
+        }
+        if ($fan_mode_setting !== null) {
+            $request_payload["fan_mode_setting"] = $fan_mode_setting;
+        }
+        if ($sync !== null) {
+            $request_payload["sync"] = $sync;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/set_fan_mode",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
-class WebhooksClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
+    public function update(
+        mixed $default_climate_setting,
+        string $device_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function create(
-    string $url,
-    array $event_types = null
-  ): Webhook {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($default_climate_setting !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "default_climate_setting"
+            ] = $default_climate_setting;
+        }
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
-    if ($url !== null) {
-      $request_payload["url"] = $url;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/thermostats/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    if ($event_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
+class UserIdentitiesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient $enrollment_automations;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+        $this->enrollment_automations = new UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient(
+            $seam
+        );
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "webhook",
-    );
+    public function add_acs_user(
+        string $acs_user_id,
+        string $user_identity_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/add_acs_user",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $email_address = null,
+        string $full_name = null,
+        string $phone_number = null,
+        string $user_identity_key = null
+    ): UserIdentity {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        }
+        if ($full_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+        }
+        if ($phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "user_identity"
+        );
+        return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
+    }
-    return Webhook::from_json($res);
-  }
+    public function delete(string $user_identity_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function delete(
-    string $webhook_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
-    if ($webhook_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/delete",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function get(
+        string $user_identity_id = null,
+        string $user_identity_key = null
+    ): UserIdentity {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "user_identity"
+        );
+        return UserIdentity::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function grant_access_to_device(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $user_identity_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/grant_access_to_device",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function list(string $credential_manager_acs_system_id = null): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  }
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        }
-  public function get(
-    string $webhook_id
-  ): Webhook {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "user_identities"
+        );
-    if ($webhook_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        return array_map(fn($r) => UserIdentity::from_json($r), $res);
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "webhook",
-    );
+    public function list_accessible_devices(string $user_identity_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/list_accessible_devices",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "devices"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Device::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function list_acs_systems(string $user_identity_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return Webhook::from_json($res);
-  }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
-  public function list(
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/list_acs_systems",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_systems"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsSystem::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function list_acs_users(string $user_identity_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "webhooks",
-    );
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/list_acs_users",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "acs_users"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => AcsUser::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+    public function remove_acs_user(
+        string $acs_user_id,
+        string $user_identity_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["acs_user_id"] = $acs_user_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Webhook::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/remove_acs_user",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-  public function update(
-    array $event_types,
-    string $webhook_id
-  ): void {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function revoke_access_to_device(
+        string $device_id,
+        string $user_identity_id
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($event_types !== null) {
-      $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
-    }
-    if ($webhook_id !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        if ($device_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["device_id"] = $device_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/revoke_access_to_device",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
-    $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/webhooks/update",
-      json: $request_payload,
-    );
+    public function update(
+        string $user_identity_id,
+        string $email_address = null,
+        string $full_name = null,
+        string $phone_number = null,
+        string $user_identity_key = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($email_address !== null) {
+            $request_payload["email_address"] = $email_address;
+        }
+        if ($full_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["full_name"] = $full_name;
+        }
+        if ($phone_number !== null) {
+            $request_payload["phone_number"] = $phone_number;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_key !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_key"] = $user_identity_key;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+class UserIdentitiesEnrollmentAutomationsClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function delete(string $enrollment_automation_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "enrollment_automation_id"
+            ] = $enrollment_automation_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
-  }
+    public function get(string $enrollment_automation_id): EnrollmentAutomation
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($enrollment_automation_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "enrollment_automation_id"
+            ] = $enrollment_automation_id;
+        }
-class WorkspacesClient
-  private SeamClient $seam;
-  public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
-  {
-    $this->seam = $seam;
-  }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "enrollment_automation"
+        );
+        return EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function launch(
+        string $credential_manager_acs_system_id,
+        string $user_identity_id,
+        string $acs_credential_pool_id = null,
+        bool $create_credential_manager_user = null,
+        string $credential_manager_acs_user_id = null
+    ): void {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_system_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_system_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_system_id;
+        }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
+        if ($acs_credential_pool_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "acs_credential_pool_id"
+            ] = $acs_credential_pool_id;
+        }
+        if ($create_credential_manager_user !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "create_credential_manager_user"
+            ] = $create_credential_manager_user;
+        }
+        if ($credential_manager_acs_user_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "credential_manager_acs_user_id"
+            ] = $credential_manager_acs_user_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/launch",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "enrollment_automation"
+        );
+    }
-  public function create(
-    string $connect_partner_name,
-    string $name,
-    bool $is_sandbox = null,
-    string $webview_logo_shape = null,
-    string $webview_primary_button_color = null
-  ): Workspace {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list(string $user_identity_id): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    if ($connect_partner_name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["connect_partner_name"] = $connect_partner_name;
-    }
-    if ($name !== null) {
-      $request_payload["name"] = $name;
-    }
-    if ($is_sandbox !== null) {
-      $request_payload["is_sandbox"] = $is_sandbox;
-    }
-    if ($webview_logo_shape !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webview_logo_shape"] = $webview_logo_shape;
-    }
-    if ($webview_primary_button_color !== null) {
-      $request_payload["webview_primary_button_color"] = $webview_primary_button_color;
-    }
+        if ($user_identity_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["user_identity_id"] = $user_identity_id;
+        }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/workspaces/create",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "workspace",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/user_identities/enrollment_automations/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "enrollment_automations"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => EnrollmentAutomation::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
+class WebhooksClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(string $url, array $event_types = null): Webhook
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return Workspace::from_json($res);
-  }
+        if ($url !== null) {
+            $request_payload["url"] = $url;
+        }
+        if ($event_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
+        }
-  public function get(
-  ): Workspace {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "webhook"
+        );
+        return Webhook::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function delete(string $webhook_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/workspaces/get",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "workspace",
-    );
+        if ($webhook_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/delete",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+    public function get(string $webhook_id): Webhook
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($webhook_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "webhook"
+        );
-    return Workspace::from_json($res);
-  }
+        return Webhook::from_json($res);
+    }
-  public function list(
-  ): array {
-    $request_payload = [];
+    public function list(): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "webhooks"
+        );
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Webhook::from_json($r), $res);
+    }
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/workspaces/list",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "workspaces",
-    );
+    public function update(array $event_types, string $webhook_id): void
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($event_types !== null) {
+            $request_payload["event_types"] = $event_types;
+        }
+        if ($webhook_id !== null) {
+            $request_payload["webhook_id"] = $webhook_id;
+        }
+        $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/webhooks/update",
+            json: $request_payload
+        );
+    }
+class WorkspacesClient
+    private SeamClient $seam;
+    public function __construct(SeamClient $seam)
+    {
+        $this->seam = $seam;
+    }
+    public function create(
+        string $connect_partner_name,
+        string $name,
+        bool $is_sandbox = null,
+        string $webview_logo_shape = null,
+        string $webview_primary_button_color = null
+    ): Workspace {
+        $request_payload = [];
+        if ($connect_partner_name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["connect_partner_name"] = $connect_partner_name;
+        }
+        if ($name !== null) {
+            $request_payload["name"] = $name;
+        }
+        if ($is_sandbox !== null) {
+            $request_payload["is_sandbox"] = $is_sandbox;
+        }
+        if ($webview_logo_shape !== null) {
+            $request_payload["webview_logo_shape"] = $webview_logo_shape;
+        }
+        if ($webview_primary_button_color !== null) {
+            $request_payload[
+                "webview_primary_button_color"
+            ] = $webview_primary_button_color;
+        }
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/workspaces/create",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "workspace"
+        );
+        return Workspace::from_json($res);
+    }
-    return array_map(fn ($r) => Workspace::from_json($r), $res);
-  }
+    public function get(): Workspace
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-  public function reset_sandbox(
-    bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
-  ): ActionAttempt {
-    $request_payload = [];
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/workspaces/get",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "workspace"
+        );
+        return Workspace::from_json($res);
+    }
+    public function list(): array
+    {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    $res = $this->seam->request(
-      "POST",
-      "/workspaces/reset_sandbox",
-      json: $request_payload,
-      inner_object: "action_attempt",
-    );
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/workspaces/list",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "workspaces"
+        );
-    if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
-      return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        return array_map(fn($r) => Workspace::from_json($r), $res);
-    $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
-      $res->action_attempt_id
-    );
+    public function reset_sandbox(
+        bool $wait_for_action_attempt = true
+    ): ActionAttempt {
+        $request_payload = [];
-    return $action_attempt;
+        $res = $this->seam->request(
+            "POST",
+            "/workspaces/reset_sandbox",
+            json: $request_payload,
+            inner_object: "action_attempt"
+        );
+        if (!$wait_for_action_attempt) {
+            return ActionAttempt::from_json($res);
+        }
-  }
+        $action_attempt = $this->seam->action_attempts->poll_until_ready(
+            $res->action_attempt_id
+        );
+        return $action_attempt;
+    }
diff --git a/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php b/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php
index 852c79b..8c6665b 100644
--- a/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php
+++ b/src/Utils/PackageVersion.php
@@ -8,34 +8,37 @@ class PackageVersionException extends \Exception
 class PackageVersion
-  public static function get()
-  {
-    $filePath = __DIR__ . "/../../package.json";
-    if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
-      throw new PackageVersionException(
-        "Can't get package version. File package.json does not exist."
-      );
+    public static function get()
+    {
+        $filePath = __DIR__ . "/../../package.json";
+        if (!file_exists($filePath)) {
+            throw new PackageVersionException(
+                "Can't get package version. File package.json does not exist."
+            );
+        }
+        $content = file_get_contents($filePath);
+        if ($content === false) {
+            throw new PackageVersionException(
+                "Unable to read package.json file to get package version."
+            );
+        }
+        $json = json_decode($content, true);
+        if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
+            throw new PackageVersionException(
+                "JSON decode error occurred when decoding package.json: " .
+                    json_last_error_msg()
+            );
+        }
+        if (!isset($json["version"])) {
+            throw new PackageVersionException(
+                "Version not set in package.json"
+            );
+        }
+        return $json["version"];
-    $content = file_get_contents($filePath);
-    if ($content === false) {
-      throw new PackageVersionException(
-        "Unable to read package.json file to get package version."
-      );
-    }
-    $json = json_decode($content, true);
-    if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
-      throw new PackageVersionException(
-        "JSON decode error occurred when decoding package.json: " . json_last_error_msg()
-      );
-    }
-    if (!isset($json["version"])) {
-      throw new PackageVersionException("Version not set in package.json");
-    }
-    return $json["version"];
-  }