What if we took the SelfMotivator concept to the extreme. @Carsair posed the question on this repo as to whether using progress as the only factor might yeild some interesting results.
I tried this and was really surprised by the results. A similar function is included in the AWS documentation as a sort of basic example of a reward function.
I have not tried this model in a physical car, just in the simulator...all on the reInvent 2018 track. The first hour of training yeilded around 34% completion rate in validation. In the second hour, I got a 100% and two laps at 65%. On the third hour, I lowered the default learning rate to 0.0002. My learning wasn't great but I got 100% for all three validation laps at around 15s. Just with progress alone!
I think this might be a good "base model" to cross-train on other tracks and add in some speed factors. I really would like to form a sort of universal model as I think we'll be thrown lots of curves (figuratively and literally) on the tracks at reInvent.
Thus far, I've been treating models as purpose-built tools. What if I start treating them as things I need to expose to as much variety as possible to make them well-rounded?
def reward_function(params):
if params['all_wheels_on_track']:
reward = params['progress']
reward = 0.001
return float(reward)