This was my first venture outside the examples provided by AWS. I quite literally opened up a browser and googled "how to train your self-driving car". After sifting through the results, I happened upon an acedemic paper from 1992 by R. Craig Coulter titled "Implementation of the Pure Pursuit Tracking Algorithm" and it just made sense to me.
When we drive a real car, we don't look out the side window and ensure we're a distance from the side of the road...rather, we identify a point down the road and use that to orient ourselves. Pure Pursuit made sense to me so I tried to implement it.
It was developed using SageMaker, RoboMaker and the Jupyter Notebook provided by AWS for those hell-bent on playing with DeepRacer before the console was released. In that version, the reward function was a little different in how the parameters were passed in so if you want to use this code in the current DeepRacer console, you'll need to modify it a bit.
I left all the hyperparameters default and trained for about 4 hours. I walk through the function in the presentation I gave at the AWS Summit in Atlanta.
The AWS Summit in Santa Clara was the first time the model ran in a real DeepRacer car and managed to earn 4th place at the end of the day.
def reward_function(self, on_track, x, y, distance_from_center, car_orientation, progress, steps,
throttle, steering, track_width, waypoints, closest_waypoints):
reward = 1e-3
rabbit = [0,0]
pointing = [0,0]
# Reward when yaw (car_orientation) is pointed to the next waypoint IN FRONT.
# Find nearest waypoint coordinates
rabbit = [waypoints[closest_waypoints+1][0],waypoints[closest_waypoints+1][1]]
radius = math.hypot(x - rabbit[0], y - rabbit[1])
pointing[0] = x + (radius * math.cos(car_orientation))
pointing[1] = y + (radius * math.sin(car_orientation))
vector_delta = math.hypot(pointing[0] - rabbit[0], pointing[1] - rabbit[1])
# Max distance for pointing away will be the radius * 2
# Min distance means we are pointing directly at the next waypoint
# We can setup a reward that is a ratio to this max.
if vector_delta == 0:
reward += 1
reward += ( 1 - ( vector_delta / (radius * 2)))
return reward