You can also try ApplePiBaker if you're on MacOS. Otherwise you may be looking at various arcane dd
Be sure you are using a good power supply. The Pi 3b+ needs a 5V 2.5A power supply. The Pi 4 requires a 5V 3A power supply. Buy one of the official Raspberry Pi power supplies if you're not sure.
Be sure you're using a good quality USB-C cable (and it's not just a "charging" cable)
DO NOT TRY TO POWER FATES FROM YOUR LAPTOP USB-C Ports. Use a dedicated 3A power supply.
This happens because the Jack Audio system is not starting properly. A number of things can cause this. There is a information and support thread on the "lines" forum here
Check the orientation of the 2.2K resistors. They should be horizontal, not vertical.
Check the 3.3v voltage regulator. This powers the DAC so if it's not right, the DAC won't initialize. See the "check your voltages" link above to test.
SSH to the pi/fates to conduct these tests. Have your audio outputs and inputs connected to speakers/mixer and a sound source.
A low level test…
Firstst stop jack, so we can test the DAC directly with ALSA
sudo systemctl stop norns-jack.service
Now use aplay
to play a wave file.
aplay ~/dust/audio/common/waves/01.wav
this should play a simple clean bell tone
An alternate test is speaker-test
speaker-test -t wav -c 2 -l 3 -D hw:0,0
This will play a female voice saying "front right" and "front left" in each channel 3 times.
Record 15 seconds of audio from the inputs and save to a .wav file
arecord -f dat -vv -V stereo -d 15 ~/audio-test.wav
Play back the same audio file
aplay -vv -V stereo ~/audio-test.wav
sudo reboot
to get things back to normal.
###Raspberry Pi LED status messages
See Frequently Asked Questions for other general info