marp | size |
true |
14580 |
Acquire some [functional] MRI data in a simple, but real experiment
Analyze the data with two commonly used software packages
(matlab) andfsl
Learn a bit about
, organising data and code: version control, in particulargit
Use different tools to inspect and visualise data
[optional] anatomical, diffusion weighted +/- multi-echo data (T2*)
Build a better understanding of principles (and practice of) magnetic resonance imaging
Learn about state of the art analysis tools for (f)MRI
Appreciate usefulness of scripting,
, version control for reproducibility / transparency of work -
, toolboxes for data visualisation
Unit | Topic |
1 ⭐ | Introduction, Administrivia, computers, ... |
2 | Data acquisition (scanning on 3T at SPMIC) |
3 | Inspecting & analysing data in SPM |
4 | FSL + Version control (git and ) |
5 | Images in Matlab, display, analyze |
6 | Timeseries signals in Matlab |
7 | wrapup + Reading/writing text, CSV, data files Matlab |
Summarise the experimental setup, analysis methodology and results. Need to have clearly written abstract (250w), methods, results and discussions (and figures).
Aim: Get you thinking about journal-style writing, rather than essays. Plus: presenting your own data, identifying key points, a story/pitch.
Start as soon as we have the data
- explore your analysis ideas
- talk to us about questions you could address
- think about plots + data visualisations you'd like to make
Currently w/ Student Services, date to-be-confirmed
- turn-it-in submission on moodle page
- deadline: end of March (the week after last class of this module - check moodle page for details)
- 250w abstract
- plus a main document (max 1500w)
- references / citations as for standard written work
- max 5 figures1 illustrating
- details of the experimental setup
- analysis methodology
- results
1figures can have sub-panels or subplots
- sign up for 1 of 3 groups (max 7 people) -
- complete visitor screening form
- we also need a volunteer (~40 min in scanner)
Let's check log-ins and make sure we can find:
- Terminal
- Matlab & set up paths for SPM
Each user (at a particular machine) needs to make sure that Terminal/shell
is set up correctly – if you move machines between labs (or want to do things elsewhere, repeat the above step!)
alias ls='ls -G'
# or append to bash_profile
echo "alias ls='ls -G'" >> ~/.bash_profile
in Terminal ✔️
Look at some existing anatomies with fsleyes
which fsl # see anything?
fsleyes & # File -> Add Standard -> Pick 1st or 2nd
- get data from sessions
into a common folderdata
- make folders, copy files by "drag & drop"
- point & click version (like some of you have already done)
- digging into the details of how this is implemented
- inspecting analysis output, intermediate files, ...
cd ~/data/S001/ # for example
# run SPM analysis in matlab (JJ)
# run FSL analysis (DS)
- only basics needed for running
- lots of functionality is available through point-and-click
- but command line is helpful for organising data!
- more complex analysis, e.g.
, require some working knowledge
# navigate file system
# cd, ls, pwd, which, ...
# some powerful commands for organising your data
# cp, rm, touch, mkdir, rmdir
# some stuff to show of how powerful
# grep, "lists", "wildcards (*, ., ?)"
# "regular expressions"
- 30min lecture on principles of version control (
) - start using your (free)
id by working on a simple project - make your first modifications to a local copy of code and get it into a repo.
mkdir test && cd test # what does this do?
git init
# [[ create, edit a file, say ]]
git add # add it to "staging area"
git commit # enter commit message
# - OR -
git commit -m 'adds first version of file'
git log
Everyone should sign up for a free github
account, so we can work together on this from session 4 onwards:
- it's free and useful
- we'll want to play with this in lab #4
- once you have an username (pick one that I will recognise!), go to our github classroom ... details to follow
- we'll learn/revisirt how to read imaging data into
% > R2017b
data = niftiread('file_from_scanner.nii');
- revisit indexing of arrays, "slicing", etc.
data(12, 24, :, 1) % what is this?
data(:, 24, 24, 1) % ... and this?
data(34, 44, 12, :) % ... or that?
- we built a
function, to complete imageviewer:
% function signature
s = returnSlice(array, sliceNum, orientation);
- some more coding along these lines
function [ ] = makeMontage(fname, nSamples)
%makeMontage - make a montage from 3d/4d image
- glass brains
- SPMs, cluster maps on anatomical images.
- cut-aways, ...
- recap what have we covered in the last 7 weeks?
- where to go to from here (unleash your inner coding 🐯)
- try to approach each new problem, project where you find lots of repetition (analysis, writing, coding, ...):
- there must be a better way!
- what's the smallest unit that gets repeated all the time?
- can I use
or another tool to automate?
- just try things out - you'll learn tons in the process
make sure you complete screening form (and/or get in touch with any concerns)
to volunteer for a scan, send me an e-mail: [email protected]
next week: see you at
for your timeslot - if you don't know where on campus, googleSPMIC
... first hit is imaging centre w/ directions
Some notes of manipulating text files in the shell (using awk
) and (viz timing files, etc.)
Small awk
program for adding a counter n
and time t
and turn one column txt
file into csv
awk 'NF {print NR-1 ", " (NR-1)*1.5 ", " $1}' \
timecourse.txt > timecourse.csv
- with a headerline (matlab's
doesn't like!)
awk 'BEGIN {print "n, t, response"}
NF {print NR-1 ", " (NR-1)*1.5 ", " $1}' \
timecourse.txt > timecourse.csv
Turn timecourse.txt
(column of y-values), into timecourse.csv
- where first column is a counter that goes from
, - the second column is
(in s), which goes up from0..1.5s..
and - the third column is the
? Another cool idea that's worth having in your set of tools?