ZenkoUI application uses a client (RP) that supports OAuth 2.0 and relies on the OpenID provider to authenticate the end user and to request claims about that user.
User tries to access ZenkoUI private routes1.
ZenkoUI loads configuration that contains OIDC, STS, S3 and Vault IAM client endpoints.
ZenkoUI loads any existing user session data (from sessionstorage) into the redux store.
ZenkoUI checks if a non-expired user is stored in the redux store.
If the user is not stored or has expired, the user is authenticated. An authorization code grant type with PKCE2 is used to obtain access token, ID token and refresh token.
Once the user is authenticated, ZenkoUI instantiates the management API client (using the ID token) as well as the STS client.
ZenkoUI calls
(with the ID token and a role ARN based on user’s role) that returns temporary security credentials. -
ZenkoUI instantiates S3 and Vault IAM clients with these temporary credentials.
ZenkoUI makes listing calls (e.g. list buckets, list accounts and list users) to validate that clients’ endpoints and credentials are correct #failfast.
Every time tokens are renewed3, ZenkoUI updates its clients using the new ID token.
If an authn/authz error occurs, the user can:
- Renew token and update clients
- Log out
1 private routes: routes only accessible to authenticated user
2 For now, we only support Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE).
3 ZenkoUI renews tokens prior to their expiration using the refresh token.