Tabu Search, introduce the idea of tabu-list that reduce picking repeat solution in every iterations, in order to gain the optimal solution.
- Reach more solution diversity
- Avoid continuously searching same solution
- Might caught into local optimal
- Tabulist size varies to different question
Random initialize v
Local_fitness = Global_fitness = Fitness(v)
while not met termination condition:
NeghborSolution(v) = p
# Tabu-list mechanism
while p in Tabulist:
NeghborSolution(v) = p
Local_fitness = Fitness(p)
if Local_fitness > Global_fitness:
Global_fitness = Local_fitness
return Global_fitness
- Transition: find next solution (neighbor solution) by only modify one bits in the solution (add slightly movement) and check whether the solution is in tabulist(regenerate a solution when there the solution duplicate)
- Evaluation: count the number of 1 bits in the solution
- Determination: compare with global optimal, update if it gain better evaluation
packages used in this projects:
- numpy==1.24.2
- matplotlib==3.7.1
Run code
# python -m Algorithm.TS [problem Type] [tabulist size] python -m Algorithm.TS Onemax 20
Folder organiation
- Each algorithm will generate two files:
- {filename}.png: show the trend/process of certain algo.
- {filename}.csv: record every global optimal in every iterations
- Check all the result in result folder
- Each algorithm will generate two files:
- Tabu search provides an alternative approach in transition by avoiding picking the same solution in a certain condition, tabu list size plays a crucial role in this condition. As a result, tabu search expands the search region, and decreases the possibility of falling into local optimum.