Particle Swarm Optimization, a population-based approach, generates several solutions in every evaluation and intended for simulating social behaviour, as a stylized representation of the movement of organisms in a bird flock or fish school. The algorithm was simplified and it was observed to be performing optimization.(cited from Wikipedia)
Initialize position s & velocities v of all particles
Initialize the personal best of particles pb and global best gb
while not met termination condition:
v_{t+1} = new_velocity(s_{t},v_{t},pb_{t},gb_{t})
s_{t+1} = new_position(s_{t}, v_{t+1})
pb = update_velocity(s_{t+1})
gb = update_position(v_{t+1})
Local_fitness = argmin(pb)
if Local_fitness < Global_fitness:
Global_fitness = Local_fitness
return Global_fitness
packages used in this projects:
- numpy==1.24.2
- matplotlib==3.7.1
#python -m Algorithm.PSO [Dimension][a1][a2] python -m Algorithm.PSO 0.8 2.0 4 3
Folder organiation
- Each algorithm will generate two files:
- {filename}.png: show the trend/process of certain algo.
- {filename}.csv: record every global optimal in every iterations
- Check all the result in result folder
- Each algorithm will generate two files: