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A Bayesian estimate of the 5hmC bsgin

Closely following the method in bayesian_estimate_of_5mC_5hmC

Prepare data


## Data preparation
bs<- fread('zcat ear042_M8BS.cpg.bedGraph.gz') 
oxbs<- fread('zcat ear043_M8oxBS.cpg.bedGraph.gz')

stopifnot(all(bs$V3 - bs$V2 == 2))
stopifnot(all(oxbs$V3 - oxbs$V2 == 2))

bs[, V3 := NULL]
oxbs[, V3 := NULL]

xn<- c('chrom', 'start', 'cnt_met', 'cnt_tot')
setnames(bs, names(bs), xn)
setnames(oxbs, names(oxbs), xn)
bdg<- merge(bs, oxbs, by= c('chrom', 'start'), suffixes= c('_bs', '_oxbs'))
rm(bs, oxbs)

Methylation tends to follow a bimodal distribution:

xn<- sample(1:nrow(bdg), size= nrow(bdg)/100, replace= FALSE)
gg<- ggplot(data= bdg[xn]) +
    geom_histogram(aes(x= 100 * cnt_met_oxbs/cnt_tot_oxbs), fill= 'blue', alpha= 0.4) +
    geom_histogram(aes(x= 100 * cnt_met_bs/cnt_tot_bs), fill= 'red', alpha= 0.4) +
    ylab('N. CpG x1000') +
    xlab('% 5mC') +
    annotate("text", x = c(0, 0), y = c(40000, 38000), label = c("oxBS", 'BS'), 
        colour= c('blue', 'red'), vjust= 1) +
    ggtitle('Distribution of C-modification in margin')
ggsave('hist_bs_oxbs_margin.png', w= 14, h= 12, units= 'cm')

Prepare prior distribution

CUTOFF<- 0.5

## oxBS, high and low
pct_met<- bdg[cnt_met_oxbs/cnt_tot_oxbs > CUTOFF, cnt_met_oxbs/cnt_tot_oxbs]
priorBetaParam_oxbs_High<- fitdist(pct_met[sample(1:length(pct_met), 
    size= length(pct_met)/100)], 'beta', method= 'qme', probs= c(0.1, 0.9))

pct_met<- bdg[cnt_met_oxbs/cnt_tot_oxbs <= CUTOFF, cnt_met_oxbs/cnt_tot_oxbs]
priorBetaParam_oxbs_Low<- fitdist(pct_met[sample(1:length(pct_met), 
    size= length(pct_met)/100)], 'beta', method= 'qme', probs= c(0.1, 0.9))

## BS, high and low
pct_met<- bdg[cnt_met_bs/cnt_tot_bs > CUTOFF, cnt_met_bs/cnt_tot_bs]
priorBetaParam_bs_High<- fitdist(pct_met[sample(1:length(pct_met), 
    size= length(pct_met)/100)], 'beta', method= 'qme', probs= c(0.1, 0.9))

pct_met<- bdg[cnt_met_bs/cnt_tot_bs <= CUTOFF, cnt_met_bs/cnt_tot_bs]
priorBetaParam_bs_Low<- fitdist(pct_met[sample(1:length(pct_met), 
    size= length(pct_met)/100)], 'beta', method= 'qme', probs= c(0.1, 0.9))
   Parameter | oxBS   | BS 

---------------- | ------ | ----- αlow | 0.25 | 0.21 βlow | 1.48 | 1.42 αhigh | 11.72 | 11.74 βhigh | 4.97 | 2.55

Plot prior

prop_oxbs_high<- nrow(bdg[cnt_met_oxbs/cnt_tot_oxbs > CUTOFF]) / nrow(bdg)
prop_bs_high<- nrow(bdg[cnt_met_bs/cnt_tot_bs > CUTOFF]) / nrow(bdg)

NSIM<- 100000
rndPrior_oxbs<- c(
    rbeta(10 * NSIM * prop_oxbs_high, priorBetaParam_oxbs_High$estimate[1], priorBetaParam_oxbs_High$estimate[2]),
    rbeta(10 * NSIM * (1-prop_oxbs_high), priorBetaParam_oxbs_Low$estimate[1], priorBetaParam_oxbs_Low$estimate[2]))
rndPrior_bs<- c(
    rbeta(10 * NSIM * prop_bs_high, priorBetaParam_bs_High$estimate[1], priorBetaParam_bs_High$estimate[2]),
    rbeta(10 * NSIM * (1-prop_bs_high), priorBetaParam_bs_Low$estimate[1], priorBetaParam_bs_Low$estimate[2]))

## Plot priors:
gg<- ggplot(data= NULL) +
    geom_histogram(aes(x= 100 * rndPrior_oxbs, y= ..density..), fill= 'blue', alpha= 0.4) +
    geom_histogram(aes(x= 100 * rndPrior_bs, y= ..density..), fill= 'red', alpha= 0.4) +
    xlab('% 5mC') + 
    ggtitle('Prior distributions of 5mC in oxbsgin and bsor')
ggsave('bimodalBetaPrior_bs_oxbs_margin.png', w= 14, h= 12, units= 'cm')

Posterior 5mC (oxBS) and 5hmC (BS - oxBS)

The posterior 5mC is redundant as it is the same as in bayesian_estimate_of_5mC_5hmC

Mode<- function(x) {
  ## Helper function to get mode of vector x. I.e. find the max of the 
  ## kernel density of x
  ## Default bandwidth is not the best, but it's fast
  z<- density(x)    
  return( z$x[z$y==max(z$y)] )

simPostDiff<- function(x, priorBetaParam_bs_High, priorBetaParam_bs_Low, 
                          priorBetaParam_oxbs_High, priorBetaParam_oxbs_Low,
                          prop_bs_high, prop_oxbs_high, nsim= 20000){
    ## Update priors given data in x
    ## x: 
    ##      Vectors of length 4 giving the observed data: 
    ##      1) count methylated in oxbs 2) count total in oxbs
    ##      3) count methylated bs 4) count total bs
    ## priorBetaParam_bs/Low:
    ##      Parameters of the beta distribution of the low and high mC tails, 
    ##      for bs and oxbs
    ## prop_bs/high: 
    ##      Proportion of the entire mC distribution belonging to the 'high' tail
    ## nsim:
    ##      Number of random samples to draw for simulation
    ## Returns:
    ##      List of 3 vectors: Quantiles and mode of the posteriors of: 
    ##      1) bs 5mC, 2) oxbs 5mC, 3) difference BS-oxBS

    ## Vector of quantile probabilities.
    p<- c(0.005, 0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975, 0.995)
    x<- unlist(x)
    stopifnot(length(x) == 4)

    yM = x[1]   # Met in oxbs
    nM = x[2]   # Counts
    yT = x[3]   # Met in bs
    nT = x[4]

    ## Some simple sanity check
    stopifnot(yT <= nT)
    stopifnot(yM <= nM)

    post_bs<- c(
        rbeta(nsim * prop_bs_high, yT + priorBetaParam_bs_High$estimate[1], (nT - yT) + priorBetaParam_bs_High$estimate[2]),
        rbeta(nsim * (1-prop_bs_high), yT + priorBetaParam_bs_Low$estimate[1], (nT - yT) + priorBetaParam_bs_Low$estimate[2]))
    post_oxbs<- c(
        rbeta(nsim * prop_oxbs_high, yM + priorBetaParam_oxbs_High$estimate[1], (nM - yM) + priorBetaParam_oxbs_High$estimate[2]),
        rbeta(nsim * (1-prop_oxbs_high), yM + priorBetaParam_oxbs_Low$estimate[1], (nM - yM) + priorBetaParam_oxbs_Low$estimate[2]))

    nn<- sprintf('p%s', p)
    ## Quantile and mode of bsor posterior
    Tq<- quantile(post_bs, p);
    names(Tq)<- nn
    Tq<- c(Tq, mode= Mode(post_bs))
    ## Quantile and mode of oxbsgin posterior
    Mq<- quantile(post_oxbs, p)
    names(Mq)<- nn
    Mq<- c(Mq, mode= Mode(post_oxbs))
    ## Quantiles and mode of the difference
    Dq<- quantile(post_bs - post_oxbs, p)
    names(Dq)<- nn
    Dq<- c(Dq, mode= Mode(post_bs - post_oxbs))
    qq<- list(post_bs= Tq, post_oxbs= Mq, post_D= Dq)

## Apply simPostDiff to all CpGs:
datOxBS<- bdg[, list(cnt_met_oxbs,
                     cnt_tot_bs)] ## Order of columns matters!
clus<- makeCluster(24)
clusterExport(clus, list('simPostDiff', 'Mode', 'priorBetaParam_bs_High', 'priorBetaParam_bs_Low', 'priorBetaParam_oxbs_High', 'priorBetaParam_oxbs_Low',
    'prop_bs_high', 'prop_oxbs_high'))
outqq<- parRapply(clus, datOxBS, 
    function(x) simPostDiff(x, 
        priorBetaParam_bs_High, priorBetaParam_bs_Low, priorBetaParam_oxbs_High, priorBetaParam_oxbs_Low,
        prop_bs_high, prop_oxbs_high, nsim= 20000))
save(outqq, file= 'outqq.tmp.Rdata')

## Convert to data.table
cnames<- names(outqq[[1]][[1]])
slots<- names(outqq[[1]])
postDT<- data.table(matrix(unlist(outqq), ncol= length(cnames) * length(slots), byrow= TRUE))
rm(outqq); gc()

xnames<-  apply(expand.grid(cnames, slots), 1, paste, collapse= '_')
setnames(postDT, names(postDT), xnames)
write.table(x= postDT, file= 'postDT.tmp.txt', row.names= FALSE, quote= FALSE)

# You might want to quit R and reload this obj to clean up the memory. You need to reload also bdg
postDT<- fread('postDT.tmp.txt')

# Add to posterior datatable the position and raw counts
postDT<- cbind(bdg, postDT)
rm(bdg); gc()

# Write out tables
  postDT[, list(chrom,
                p0.005= 100 * round(p0.005_post_D, 4),
                p0.025= 100 * round(p0.025_post_D, 4),
                p0.25=  100 * round(p0.25_post_D, 4),
                p0.5=   100 * round(p0.5_post_D, 4),
                p0.75=  100 * round(p0.75_post_D, 4),
                p0.975= 100 * round(p0.975_post_D, 4),
                p0.995= 100 * round(p0.995_post_D, 4),
                mode= 100 * round(mode_post_D, 4))],
  file= 'posterior_5hmC_margin.txt', row.names= FALSE, quote= FALSE, sep= '\t')

  postDT[, list(chrom,
                p0.005= 100 * round(p0.005_post_bs, 4),
                p0.025= 100 * round(p0.025_post_bs, 4),
                p0.25=  100 * round(p0.25_post_bs, 4),
                p0.5=   100 * round(p0.5_post_bs, 4),
                p0.75=  100 * round(p0.75_post_bs, 4),
                p0.975= 100 * round(p0.975_post_bs, 4),
                p0.995= 100 * round(p0.995_post_bs, 4),
                mode= 100 * round(mode_post_bs, 4))],
  file= 'posterior_bs_margin.txt', row.names= FALSE, quote= FALSE, sep= '\t')

  postDT[, list(chrom,
                p0.005= 100 * round(p0.005_post_oxbs, 4),
                p0.025= 100 * round(p0.025_post_oxbs, 4),
                p0.25=  100 * round(p0.25_post_oxbs, 4),
                p0.5=   100 * round(p0.5_post_oxbs, 4),
                p0.75=  100 * round(p0.75_post_oxbs, 4),
                p0.975= 100 * round(p0.975_post_oxbs, 4),
                p0.995= 100 * round(p0.995_post_oxbs, 4),
                mode= 100 * round(mode_post_oxbs, 4))],
  file= 'posterior_oxbs_margin.txt', row.names= FALSE, quote= FALSE, sep= '\t')
system('gzip posterior_*.txt')

Probability of the posterior distribution to include zero (i.e. probability that the difference between is not different from zero).

This part should be included in the calculation of the posterior above!

xfile<- 'posterior_5hmC_margin.txt'
postDiff<- fread(sprintf('zcat %s.gz', xfile))

inv.logit<- function(x){
getQAtZero<- function(x, p){
    ## Fit a (quasi)binomial regression as prob ~ quantile. 
    ## Then extract the probability where the quantile is zero.
    xlm<- glm(p ~ x, family= quasibinomial)
    qz<- inv.logit(xlm$coefficients[1])
dat<- as.matrix((postDiff[, list(p0.005, p0.025, p0.25, p0.5, p0.75, p0.975, p0.995)]))
p<- c(0.005, 0.025, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.975, 0.995)
clus<- makeCluster(24)
clusterExport(clus, list('getQAtZero', 'inv.logit', 'p'))
q0<- parRapply(clus, dat, function(x) getQAtZero(x, p))

## Convert quantile to a p-value stats. The smallest the more far in the tail
## the zero point is.
postDiff[, prob0 := ifelse(q0 > 0.5, 1-q0, q0)]

## NB: Previous file overwritten!
write.table(x= postDiff, file= xfile, row.names= FALSE, quote= FALSE, sep= '\t')
system(sprintf('gzip %s', xfile))

Inspection of 5hmC


postDiff<- fread('zcat posterior_5hmC_margin.txt.gz')
xn<- seq(1, nrow(postDiff), length.out= 50000)
gg<- ggplot(data= postDiff[xn, ], aes(x= 100 * ((cnt_met_bs/cnt_tot_bs) - (cnt_met_oxbs/cnt_tot_oxbs)), y= mode,
    colour= ifelse(cnt_tot_oxbs + cnt_tot_bs > 200, 200, cnt_tot_oxbs + cnt_tot_bs))) +
    scale_colour_gradient2('Read count', low=muted("blue"), high=muted("red"), midpoint= 75, mid= muted('blue')) +
    geom_point(alpha= 0.50, size= 0.15) +
    geom_abline(intercept= 0, slope= 1, linetype= 'dashed') +
    xlab('Observed 5hmC difference') +
    ylab('Bayesian posterior 5hmC') +
    ggtitle('5hmC in margin\nObserved from raw counts vs Bayesian estimate')
ggsave('posterior_difference_h5mc_margin.png', w= 14, h= 12, units= 'cm')