- Add the
- (Alpha) add the Live feature
- Fix to use local time for index array format
- Frontend: disable extrapolation in index array
- Add the default operator to the data source settings
- Frontend: Operator and function parameters can't set custom value
- Migrate @grafana/toolkit to @grafana/plugin-tools
- Frontend: Update components in the query editor with Segment UI and Select UI components
- Frontend: Update components to use InlineSwitch and InlineField instead of LegacyForms.Switch
- Frontend: Debounce the loading of PV names in 200 msec to reduce the number of requests made to the Archiver Appliance server
- Backend: Return frames even if a response error occurs
- Frontend: Fix the alias pattern label so that it appears as just Pattern
- Backend: Support a string value response
- Backend: Return an error response when the plugin received an invalid response from AA server.
- Backend: Dataframes are not sorted by name
- Backend: Go Backed is crashed when Archiver Appliance returns empty array response
- Backend: Backend may return duplicated pv data
- Backend: Alternative pattern doesn't work correctly
- Backend: Add alias feature
- Backend: Add array feature
- Frontend: Add array format option function
- Backend: Support template variables in Backend
- Backend: Add Array to Scalar functions in Backend
- Backend: Support last operator in backend
- Backend: Add disableAutoRaw and maxNumPVs function support in Backend
- Backend: Add array format option function for Backend
- Backend: Fix Scale and Offset functions to return data with PV name
- Backend: Don't show hidden target in Backend
- Backend: Enable auto binning interval for specified operator
- Backend: Fix backend regex mode to support alternation
- Backend: Enable extrapolation even if operator is not raw
- Use tooltip UI for function control popup
- Backend: Fix "json: cannot unmarshal" error
- Grafana v7.X.X or earlier is not supported from this version
- Build system for documentaion uses myst-parser instead of commonmark
- Frontend: Fix initial value of function add button
- Backend: Add pvname label to timeseries dataframe for multi-dimensional alerting
- Backend: Fix dataframe name from response to its PV name
- Backend: Add display name to dataframe config to properly display legend
- Frontend: Fix function adding button
- Backend / Frontend: Support PV name with recursive alternation
- Backend: Support Extrapolation for visualization
- Backend:
function faulted on 1-length datasets
- Reduce query size when using backend data source for visualization
- Support alternation pattern like
with backend data source
- Fix stream parameters to be able to use variables
- Fix the problem that all plots were displayed with the name "values" when using the back end data source
- Add stream feature for live updating
- Add Go Backend and alerts feature
- Add "Use Backend" button for configuration
- Add help text for the query fields
- Fix text width of Function parmeter during focusing on it
- Support array data
- Add
Array to Scalar
functions - Add
function - Improve query process to retrieve data from Archiver Appliance efficiently
- Add disableExtrapol function
- Fix testDatasource for datasource test
- Change retrieving data format from json to qw
- Add extrapolation feature for raw operator
- Add disableAutoRaw function
- Add sort functions
- Add
- Add name field to DataFrame to use PV name in Data link
- Grafana v6.X.X or earlier is not supported from this version
- Installation and update process is changed since
folder was removed from master branch
- Support Grafana v7.0.0 or later
- Development process is changed with grafana-toolkit
- Source codes are migrated from JavaScript to TypeScript
- UI library is migrated from AngularJS to React
- Support variables for alias field and Functions parameter
- Support limit parameter for variable query
- Add binInterval option function to set a binning interval for processing of data
- Add exclude option to exclude matched PV data
- Support variables for
field - Add maxNumPVs option function to set a maximum number of PVs for a target
- Select multiple PVs by using Regex (Only supports wildcard pattern like
and alternation pattern likePV(1|2)
) - Legend alias with regular expression pattern
- Data retrieval with data processing (See Archiver Appliance User Guide for processing of data)
- Using PV names for Grafana variables
- Transform your data with processing functions