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318 lines (210 loc) · 7.37 KB

File metadata and controls

318 lines (210 loc) · 7.37 KB


  1. kubectl create -f yml file
  2. kubectl edit
  3. kubectl replace -f yml file
  4. k replace --force -f yml file


  1. k get ns
  2. k get pods -n=nameofns
  3. k run --image=redis -n=nameofns
  4. k create ns/namespace nameofns


  1. k expose pod pod-name --port=port-number --name=svc-name


  1. k create deployment deployment-name --image=img-name --replicas=nofreplica

Expose a Pod as a service

  1. k run httpd --image=httpd:alpine --port=80
    k expose pod httpd --type=ClusterIP --target-port=80
    kubectl run httpd --image=httpd:alpine --port=80 --expose


  1. k taint node node-name key=value:taint-effect
  2. To remove the taint (impt) : k taint nodes controlplane
  3. k label node node01 color=blue

Static Pods

  1. docker ps (to view it as kubectl use api server)

  2. To find static Pod: Run the command kubectl get pods --all-namespaces and look for those with -controlplane appended in the name


kubectl top is a command in Kubernetes that provides resource usage statistics (CPU and memory) for nodes and pods in your cluster

  1. kubectl top pod

  2. kubectl top node explain

  3. To view the logs

kubectl logs -f <pod-name>

If there are multiple containers in a pod then you must specify the name of the container explicitly in the command.

kubectl logs -f <pod-name> <container-name>


  • k rollout status deployment/deploy-name
  • k rollout history deployment/deploy-name
  • k rollout undo deployment/myapp-deployment
  • k set image deployment/myapp-deployment nginx=nginx:1.9.1

Env variable

  1. k run webapp-green --image=kodecloud/webapp -- --color green // -- separates kubectl arguments from arguments passed to the container


  1. kubectl create configmap my-config

  2. kubectl create configmap webapp-config-map --from-literal=APP_COLOR=darkblue --from-literal=APP_OTHER=disregard



  1. You can purposefully drain the node of all the workloads so that the workloads are moved to other nodes.
kubectl drain node-1
  1. The node is also cordoned or marked as unschedulable.
k cordon node-1
  1. When the node is back online after a maintenance, it is still unschedulable. You then need to uncordon it.
kubectl uncordon node-1


  1. kubeadm upgrade plans // to see the lastest v available

  2. apt-get upgrade -y kubeadm=1.12.0 // to upgrade to a version or kubeadm upgrade apply v1.12.0

  3. apt-get upgrade -y kubelet=1.12.0

  4. kubectl drain node01 --ignore-daemonsets

To take a snapshot of etcd database
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl | snapshot save <path/name-snapshot>
To restore backup
ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl | snapshot restore snapshot.db | --data-dir /var/lib/etcd-from-backup

when etcd restore, it initialize a new cluster

To switch between cluster

kubectl config use-context nameofcluster

Q) What is the IP address of the External ETCD datastore used in cluster2?

you can inspect the process on the controlplane node on cluster2 as shown below:

ssh cluster2-controlplane ps -ef | grep --color=auto etcd

Alternatively, inspect the kube-apiserver pod and look at the value used for --etcd-servers

Q2) How many nodes are part of the ETCD cluster that etcd-server is a part of?

Check the members of the cluster:

etcd-server ~ ➜ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl
member list 59ee55985632d394, started, etcd-server,,, false

etcd-server ~ ➜
This shows that there is only one member in this cluster.


To manage user account

k create serviceaccount sa

To authenticate using basic curl command (use username and password) or tokens

curl -v -k http..... "user1:pass"

To send a req for validationa nd signing

openssl req -new -key mybank.key -out my-bank.csr -subj "/C=US/ST=CA/O=MyOrg, Inc./"

To view detail of cert

if you are looking for the actual certificate details, you may need to check the referenced certificate file, typically found in

cat /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml

To see logs

journalctl -u etcd.service -l

Certificate API

  • k get csr
  • k certificate approve/deny csr-name
  • k get csr csr-name -o yaml

Kube Config

  • k config view
  • k config view --kubeconfig=my-custom-config
  • k config --kubeconfig=/path/my-kube-config use-context nameofcontext
  • k config --kubeconfig=/path/my-kube-config current-context


  • k get roles
  • k get rolebinding
  • k describe rolebinding rb-name

Check Access

  • kubectl auth can-i create deployments
  • kubectl auth can-i delete nodes
  • kubectl auth can-i create deployments --as dev-user
  • kubectl auth can-i create pods --as dev-user
  • kubectl auth can-i create pods --as dev-user --namespace test

To see resources


  • k api-resources -n true


  • k api-resources -n false

To see common name (CN) of the certificate and name of the issuer

  • The below make the certificate details visible in human readable format
openssl x509 -in file-path.crt -text -noout

Lab Certificate API

  • kubectl certificate deny agent-smith
  • kubectl certificate approve agent-smith

Lab Cluster role

  • k get clusterrole --no-headers | wc -l ## wc -l to count no of lines

Lab Service account

  • kubectl create serviceaccount dashboard-sa

Image security

  • kubectl create secret docker-registry name --docker-server= --docker-username= --docker-password= --docker-email=

Security context

  • kubectl exec ubuntu-sleeper -- whoami and check the user that is running the container.

Q3. Edit the pod ubuntu-sleeper to run the sleep process with user ID 1010.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: ubuntu-sleeper
    runAsUser: 1010   # Set at pod level (already present)
  - name: ubuntu
    image: ubuntu
    command: ["sleep", "4800"]
      runAsUser: 1010   # Explicitly set at container level

Network Policy

  • kubectl get networkpolicy or kubectl get netpol



To view interface in a host

ip link

To add ip address

ip addr add dev eth0 ip-addrs ## dev eth0 is the interface

Checking the reachability of the IP Addr on the Network

ping ip-addrs


To see kernel routing table


Add a route to the routing table

ip route add <ip-1> via <ip-2>

  • ip route add → This is the command to add a new route.
  • <ip-1> → This is the destination IP address or subnet you want to route traffic to.
  • via <ip-2> → This specifies the next-hop IP address (gateway) through which traffic for should be sent.

Create Network Namespace

ip netns add <name>

To list Network Namespace

ip netns

To list Interface

ip link

To list interface in a ns

ip netns exec <name of ns> ip link or ip -n <nameofns> link