- Changes to README.md
- Package Maintenance.
- Minor improvements.
- Added: Multicast support !
- Change: the 'timeout' parameter of 'UDP.listen' is now optional. UDP instances can listen indefinitely now.
- Change: 'Endpoint.IsBroadcast' is now a readonly property.
- Change: in 'Endpoint.unicast', port is now optional.
- Change: 'UDP.listen' returns a Future.
- Added: 'UDP.closed' property: readonly property that is True on closed UDP instances.
- Added: It is not possible to call 'UDP.listen' on a udp instance that was already listening.
- Added: 'UDP.send' returns -1 on closed instances.
- Change: UDPReceiveCallback renamed to DatagramCallback.
- Package Maintenance: description rewritten.
- Minor improvements.
- Initial version.