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The distance that a cap can move within a turn is influenced by its speed skill.
The pass range of a cap is influenced by the pass skill.
The angle of the pass cone of a cap is influenced by the talent skill.
The pass range is limited by the presence of a rival cap in the pass cone.
A pass is attempted from a passing cap to a target point.
An ongoing pass has a green zone (near pass) and a red zone (far pass).
If made to the green zone, the ball will arrive to the exact previewed target point.
If made to the red zone, the ball final position will be distorted by an error, that is larger as the pass is attempted farther.
When the user selects pass, for all rivals, a circle will appear. Its radio is influenced by the defense skill. For all teammates a circle will appear based on the control skill.
Inside the green area, if the aiming point is not covered by any defender area, the ball will end in that exact point.
Inside the green area, if the A team aims to another A player and this new player lays inside the "defense" area, based on a roll dice (0.75 factor to the D): the ball will arrive to the A player, it will be deflected or the D player will recover it. This roll dice is based on the control skill for the A player, and the tackle skill for the D player.
Inside the green area, when the A team aims to a point where there is not an A player. If point is covered by both a D area and a A area, a roll dice (1 factor for both), tackle vs control. If A player wins, the ball will arrive where directed, otherwise it will be more deflected. If the point is only covered by a D player area, a random 20 dice will be rolled. If the tackle skill is > roll, D gains control. Otherwise more deflection.
Inside the red area, after the random factor applied to any pass in the red area, if it lays only inside a D area, a 20 dice is rolled. if tackle skill > roll, D gains control, otherwise more deflection. If it lays inside A area and D area, a roll dice tackle vs control. If D wins, more deflection.
A cap with ball possession can dribble another cap in his control area. The control area is defined by the control skill. The player chooses the cap to dribble inside his own cap control area.
In order to dribble, the "dribble" skill is compared to the "tackle" skill, rolling a dice.
If the dribbling cap loses, the tackling cap gains ball possession.
If the dribbling cap wins, the tackling cap is stunned for 1 turn.
When a cap is stunned, it doesn't interfere in any of the other attacking actions, like pass, shoot,...
All defensive players can tackle the opposing player that controls the ball if it is inside their defensive area.
A roll dice is done comparing defensive tackle skill vs offensive dribbling skill.
If defender wins, he gains the ball. Otherwise he will be stunned for 1 turn.
A defensive player can cover an offensive player. While the D player covers the A player, the cap will follow automatically the A player wherever it goes.
Visually, the cover is marked in the canvas by a line between both caps.
This movement is bounded by the D speed parameter. If the A player moves more than what the D player can move, the D player will only move a fraction.
If the distance between the A player and the D player that is covering A is bigger than the D defense skill, the cover is broken.
When the cap A moves the cap D follows it automatically, but if the end cap position would place if over another cap, the D cap won't move. This is called "block".
Only D caps can cover. When the D team recovers the possesion, all the covers are broken.