Container properties define container environment, container data define container state and statistics.
- command - container start command
- env - environment of main container process, syntax: : ; ...
- group - gid of container processes (only root can change this property)
- user - uid of container processes (only root can change this property)
- isolate - whether to use (true) or not (false) PID isolation
- respawn - respawn container after it reached dead state (delay between respawns is 1 second)
- max_respawns - how many times container can be respawned (by default is unlimited, -1)
- private - this property is not interpreted by Porto and may be used by managing software to keep some private per-container information
- recharge_on_pgfault - when page fault occurs, current process becomes the owner of page
- stdout_path - path to the file where stdout of container will be redirected (if user redefines this property he is responsible for removal of the file); by default Porto provides some internal file which will be removed when container is stopped
- stderr_path - ditto for stderr
- stdin_path - container stdin path; by default is /dev/null
- stdout_limit - maximum number of bytes Porto will return when reading stdout/stderr data
- virt_mode - virtualization mode:
- app - (default) start process with specified user:group
- os - start process with user and group set to root with limited capabilities (should be used to run lxc/docker containers)
- aging_time - after specified time in seconds dead container is automatically destroyed (24 hours is default)
- exit_status - container exit status (see man 2 wait for format)
- oom_killed - true, if container has been OOM killed
- parent - parent container name
- respawn_count - how many times container has been respawned (using respawn property)
- root_pid - container root pid
- state - current container state (stopped/running/paused/dead)
- stderr - returns container stderr
- stdout - returns container stdout
- time - container running time in seconds
- cpu_usage - CPU time used in nanoseconds
- io_read - bytes read from disk, syntax: : ; ...
- io_write - ditto for bytes written to disk
- major_faults - number of major page faults occurred in container
- minor_faults - ditto for minor faults
- memory_usage - container memory usage (anon + page cache) in bytes
- max_rss - maximum anon memory usage in bytes
portoctl run container command='ps auxf' env='a=b; c=d' isolate=false
portoctl wait container
portoctl get exit_status oom_killed state time
portoctl get cpu_usage major_faults memory_usage
portoctl destroy container