diff --git a/FPGA_SETUP.bat b/FPGA_SETUP_LAN.bat
similarity index 100%
rename from FPGA_SETUP.bat
rename to FPGA_SETUP_LAN.bat
diff --git a/FPGA_SETUP_Wifi.bat b/FPGA_SETUP_WAN.bat
similarity index 100%
rename from FPGA_SETUP_Wifi.bat
rename to FPGA_SETUP_WAN.bat
diff --git a/ReadMe.md b/ReadMe.md
index a4a49fa..c83814f 100644
--- a/ReadMe.md
+++ b/ReadMe.md
@@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ In this package we supply specific mw, laser, and readout pulsing code to charac
## Hardware
- Either [RFSoC4x2](https://www.xilinx.com/support/university/xup-boards/RFSoC4x2.html) or [ZCU111](https://www.xilinx.com/products/boards-and-kits/zcu111.html)
-- Router [(example)](https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-Integrated-Lightening-Protection-TL-R605/dp/B08QTXNWZ1/ref=asc_df_B08QTXNWZ1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475692076734&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3761702075041011209&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1022494&hvtargid=pla-1149738264234&psc=1) and ethernet cords
- Control Computer
- Low Frequency Differential Amplifier such as [Texas Instruments LMH5401EVM](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/texas-instruments/LMH5401EVM/5031896?s=N4IgTCBcDaIDIFkASBWALABgIwFEBqCIAugL5A)
- 3 Voltage supplies to power the differential amplifier
+- Router (required if using LAN connection) [(example)](https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-Integrated-Lightening-Protection-TL-R605/dp/B08QTXNWZ1/ref=asc_df_B08QTXNWZ1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475692076734&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3761702075041011209&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1022494&hvtargid=pla-1149738264234&psc=1) and ethernet cords
## Installation
To install QICKDAWG software follow the README found [here](./installation/Readme.md). Software installation includes:
+- necessary hardware modifications to the RFSoC4x2
+- cloning QICK-DAWG
+- installing necessary packages for the control computer/RFSoC4x2
+- connecting to the RFSoC4x2
## Usage
QICKDAWG has programs for the characterization of:
@@ -32,6 +36,7 @@ QICKDAWG has programs for the characterization of:
- Rabi Oscillations
- Hanhn Echo T2
- T1 Relaxation
+- Ramsey Interferometry
using a ZCU111 or RFSoC4x2. Support for the ZCU216 coming soon.
@@ -74,10 +79,11 @@ To raise an issue use the Issues button on the side bar. Email Andy Mounce at am
## Authors and acknowledgment
-Andy Mounce[1](#CINT), Emmeline Riendeau[1](#CINT),[2](#Hav)
+Andy Mounce[1](#CINT), Emmeline Riendeau[1](#CINT),[2](#Hav),[3](#Chi)
1: Center for Integrated Nanotechnology (CINT), Sandia National Laboratories
-2: Haverford College '24
+2: Haverford College '24
+3: UChicago Physics Graduate Program
Thank you to Sho Uemura at Fermi Labs for helping us edit the QICK firmware.
diff --git a/installation/Install_Packages.ipynb b/installation/Install_Packages.ipynb
index ca2374e..2a50083 100644
--- a/installation/Install_Packages.ipynb
+++ b/installation/Install_Packages.ipynb
@@ -36,135 +36,16 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "Archive: Serpent-master.zip\n",
- "8e886b22bccc7458e71184265ec74a537a347e33\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/.github/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/.github/workflows/\n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/.github/workflows/main-ci.yml \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/.gitignore \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/.pylintrc \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/LICENSE \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/MANIFEST.in \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/Makefile \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/README.md \n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/dotnet/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/\n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Ast.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/ComplexNumber.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/DebugVisitor.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/ObjectifyVisitor.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/ParseException.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Parser.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent.csproj \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/SeekableStringReader.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Serializer.cs \n",
- " extracting: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Serpent.snk \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Version.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Serpent.sln \n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/\n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/CycleTest.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/Example.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/ParserTest.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/SerializeTest.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/SlowPerformanceTest.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/StringreaderTest.cs \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/Tests.csproj \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/testserpent.utf8.bin \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/nuget-pack.sh \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/test.sh \n",
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- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/compiler.xml \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/encodings.xml \n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/libraries/\n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/libraries/Maven__org_hamcrest_hamcrest_core_1_3.xml \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/misc.xml \n",
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- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/serpent.iml \n",
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- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/\n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ComplexNumber.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/DebugVisitor.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/IClassSerializer.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/IDictToInstance.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/LibraryVersion.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ObjectifyVisitor.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ParseException.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/Parser.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/SeekableStringReader.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/Serializer.java \n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/\n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/Ast.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/BigIntNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/BooleanNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/BytesNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/ComplexNumberNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/DictNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/DoubleNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/INode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/INodeVisitor.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/IntegerNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/KeyValueNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/ListNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/LongNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/NoneNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/PrimitiveNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/SequenceNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/SetNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/StringNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/TupleNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/UnorderedSequenceNode.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/package-info.java \n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/\n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/SerpentExample.java \n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/\n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/\n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/CycleTest.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/ParserTest.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/SerializationHelperClass.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/SerializeTest.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/SlowPerformanceTest.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/StringreaderTest.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/VisitorTest.java \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/testserpent.utf8.bin \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/serpent.py \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/setup.cfg \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/setup.py \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/syntax.bnf \n",
- " creating: Serpent-master/tests/\n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/example.py \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/performance.py \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/test_serpent.py \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/test_unicode.py \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/test_unicode_parse.py \n",
- " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/testserpent.utf8.bin \n",
- "Obtaining file:///home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Serpent-master\n",
- " Checking if build backend supports build_editable ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
- "\u001b[?25h Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
- "\u001b[?25hInstalling collected packages: serpent\n",
- " Running setup.py develop for serpent\n",
+ "Collecting serpent\n",
+ " Downloading serpent-1.41-py3-none-any.whl (9.6 kB)\n",
+ "Installing collected packages: serpent\n",
"Successfully installed serpent-1.41\n"
"source": [
"# installing Serpent\n",
- "!unzip Serpent-master.zip ; cd Serpent-master; pip install --no-index --no-build-isolation ./\n"
+ "!pip install serpent "
@@ -184,7 +65,7 @@
"Author: Irmen de Jong\r\n",
"Author-email: irmen@razorvine.net\r\n",
"License: MIT\r\n",
- "Location: /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Serpent-master\r\n",
+ "Location: /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages\r\n",
"Requires: \r\n",
"Required-by: \r\n"
@@ -204,7 +85,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
+ "execution_count": 3,
"id": "205cea28",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -212,438 +93,17 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "Archive: Pyro4-master.zip\r\n",
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- " inflating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/config.rst \r\n",
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- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/\r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/client_batch.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/client_callchain.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/attributes/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/attributes/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/attributes/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/attributes/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/server.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/thingy.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/clientNS.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/server.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/serverNS.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoretry/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoretry/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoretry/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoretry/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/banks.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/batchedcalls/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/batchedcalls/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/batchedcalls/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/batchedcalls/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/bench.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/connections.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/client/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/client/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/client/customdata.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/dispatcher/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/dispatcher/dispatcher.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/listeners/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/listeners/customdata.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/listeners/listener.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/listeners/main.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/client2.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/server.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/server2.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/callcontext/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callcontext/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callcontext/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callcontext/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/chatbox/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/chatbox/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/chatbox/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/chatbox/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/chain.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/servA.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/servB.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/servC.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/bouncer.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/diffiehellman.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/disconnects/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/disconnects/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/disconnects/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/disconnects/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/dispatcher.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/worker.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/workitem.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " extracting: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/alice.zip \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/servers.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing3/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing3/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing3/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing3/worker.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/client_asciizoom.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/client_graphics.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/launch_servers.sh \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/normal.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/normal_graphics.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/echoserver/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/echoserver/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/echoserver/client.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/server_multiplexed.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/server_threads.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/excep.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/extended-pickle/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/extended-pickle/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/extended-pickle/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/extended-pickle/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/filetransfer/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/filetransfer/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/filetransfer/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/filetransfer/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/flame/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/flame/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/flame/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/flame/stuff.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/futures/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/futures/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/futures/futures.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/gui_nothreads.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/gui_threads.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/handshake/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/handshake/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/handshake/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/handshake/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/http/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/http/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/http/client.js \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/http/client.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/hugetransfer/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/hugetransfer/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/hugetransfer/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/hugetransfer/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/instancemode/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/instancemode/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/instancemode/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/instancemode/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/itunes/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/itunes/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/itunes/itunescontroller.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/itunes/remote.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/maxsize/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/maxsize/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/maxsize/client.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/manytopics_publisher.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/manytopics_subscriber.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/messagebus/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/messagebus/__init__.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/messagebus/messagebus.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/messagebus/server.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/publisher.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/subscriber.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/subscriber_manual_consume.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/nameserverstress/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nameserverstress/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nameserverstress/stress.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/nonameserver/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nonameserver/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nonameserver/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nonameserver/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/ns-metadata/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ns-metadata/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ns-metadata/example.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ns-metadata/resources.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/oneway/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/oneway/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/oneway/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/oneway/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/proxysharing/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/proxysharing/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/proxysharing/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/proxysharing/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/resourcetracking/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/resourcetracking/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/resourcetracking/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/resourcetracking/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/gameserver.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/remote.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/robot.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/mycustomclasses.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/servertypes/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/servertypes/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/servertypes/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/servertypes/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/clients.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/shoppingcart.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/shopserver.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/socketpair/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/socketpair/pair-fork.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/socketpair/pair-thread.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/socketpair/readme.txt \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/ssl/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ssl/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ssl/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ssl/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/aggregator.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/main.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/stockmarket.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/viewer.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/aggregator.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/main.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/stockmarket.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/viewer.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase3/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase3/aggregator.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase3/stockmarket.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase3/viewer.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase1/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase1/stockmarket.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase1/viewer.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase2/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase2/stockmarket.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase2/viewer.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase3/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase3/stockmarket.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase3/viewer.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/streaming/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/streaming/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/streaming/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/streaming/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/awesome_thirdparty_library.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/server.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/server2.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/timeout/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timeout/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timeout/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timeout/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/timezones/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timezones/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timezones/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timezones/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/abstract_namespace_server.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/client.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/database.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/server.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/Readme.txt \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase1/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase1/person.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase1/visit.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase1/warehouse.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase2/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase2/person.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase2/visit.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase2/warehouse.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase3/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase3/person.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase3/visit.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase3/warehouse.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/requirements.txt \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/setup.cfg \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/setup.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/src/\r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/__init__.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/configuration.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/constants.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/core.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/errors.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/futures.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/message.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/naming.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/naming_storage.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/nsc.py \r\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/\r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/__init__.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/existingconnectionserver.py \r\n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/multiplexserver.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/threadpool.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/threadpoolserver.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketutil.py \n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/test/\n",
- " extracting: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/test/__init__.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/test/echoserver.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/util.py \n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/\n",
- " extracting: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/__init__.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/flame.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/flameserver.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/httpgateway.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/test_requirements.txt \n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/tests/\n",
- " creating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/\n",
- " extracting: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/__init__.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_core.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_daemon.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_echoserver.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_flame.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_httpgateway.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_ironpython.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_message.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_naming.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_naming2.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_package.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_serialize.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_server.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_server_timeout.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_socket.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_threadpool.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_util.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/testsupport.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/run_ser_performance.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/run_syntaxcheck.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/run_testsuite.py \n",
- " inflating: Pyro4-master/tox.ini \n",
- "Obtaining file:///home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Pyro4-master\n",
- " Checking if build backend supports build_editable ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
- "\u001b[?25h Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
- "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: serpent>=1.27 in /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Serpent-master (from Pyro4==4.82) (1.41)\n",
- "Installing collected packages: Pyro4\n",
- " Running setup.py develop for Pyro4\n",
- "Successfully installed Pyro4-4.82\n"
+ "Collecting pyro4\n",
+ " Downloading Pyro4-4.82-py2.py3-none-any.whl (89 kB)\n",
+ "\u001b[2K \u001b[90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\u001b[0m \u001b[32m90.0/90.0 KB\u001b[0m \u001b[31m921.7 kB/s\u001b[0m eta \u001b[36m0:00:00\u001b[0m \u001b[36m0:00:01\u001b[0m\n",
+ "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: serpent>=1.27 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pyro4) (1.41)\n",
+ "Installing collected packages: pyro4\n",
+ "Successfully installed pyro4-4.82\n"
"source": [
- "!unzip Pyro4-master.zip ;cd Pyro4-master; pip install --no-index --no-build-isolation ./"
+ "!pip install pyro4"
@@ -656,16 +116,16 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "Name: Pyro4\n",
- "Version: 4.82\n",
- "Summary: distributed object middleware for Python (RPC)\n",
- "Home-page: http://pyro4.readthedocs.io\n",
- "Author: Irmen de Jong\n",
- "Author-email: irmen@razorvine.net\n",
- "License: MIT\n",
- "Location: /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Pyro4-master/src\n",
- "Requires: serpent\n",
- "Required-by: \n"
+ "Name: Pyro4\r\n",
+ "Version: 4.82\r\n",
+ "Summary: distributed object middleware for Python (RPC)\r\n",
+ "Home-page: http://pyro4.readthedocs.io\r\n",
+ "Author: Irmen de Jong\r\n",
+ "Author-email: irmen@razorvine.net\r\n",
+ "License: MIT\r\n",
+ "Location: /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages\r\n",
+ "Requires: serpent\r\n",
+ "Required-by: \r\n"
@@ -678,12 +138,14 @@
"id": "ce8c3de1",
"metadata": {},
"source": [
- "### Installing QICK"
+ "### Installing QICK\n",
+ "\n",
+ "We install QICK from a local file since it is important to install a QICK-DAWG compatitible version (currently 0.2.160). "
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 3,
+ "execution_count": 5,
"id": "1b3ae8fc",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -691,22 +153,22 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
- "Obtaining file:///home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/qick\n",
+ "Obtaining file:///home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/qick-dawg/qick\n",
" Checking if build backend supports build_editable ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
"\u001b[?25h Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
"\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from qick==0.2.160) (4.64.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from qick==0.2.160) (1.21.5)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pynq>=2.6 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from qick==0.2.160) (3.0.1)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: nest-asyncio in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (1.5.5)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: pynqmetadata>=0.0.1 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.3.1)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=24.2.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (59.6.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: cffi in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (1.15.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=24.2.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (59.6.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pynqmetadata>=0.0.1 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.3.1)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pynqutils>=0.0.1 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.1.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema>=3.2.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (4.9.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pydantic in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (1.9.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema>=3.2.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (4.9.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: python-magic>=0.4.25 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqutils>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.4.27)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: pyrsistent!=0.17.0,!=0.17.1,!=0.17.2,>=0.14.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from jsonschema>=3.2.0->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.18.1)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.4.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=3.2.0->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (21.2.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=3.2.0->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (23.1.0)\n",
"Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pydantic->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (4.3.0)\n",
"Installing collected packages: qick\n",
" Running setup.py develop for qick\n",
@@ -720,7 +182,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 10,
+ "execution_count": 7,
"id": "5999dcba",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@@ -735,7 +197,7 @@
"Author: Open Quantum Hardware\r\n",
"Author-email: openquantumhardware@gmail.com\r\n",
"License: UNKNOWN\r\n",
- "Location: /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/qick/qick_lib\r\n",
+ "Location: /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/qick-dawg/qick/qick_lib\r\n",
"Requires: numpy, pynq, tqdm\r\n",
"Required-by: \r\n"
@@ -744,33 +206,6 @@
"source": [
"!pip show qick"
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "id": "b456d67d",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### Organizing Necessary Folders "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
- "id": "38a4b76c",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": [
- "!mv run_server ../\n",
- "!mv alternative_firmware ../qick\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": null,
- "id": "707d20e0",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [],
- "source": []
"metadata": {
diff --git a/installation/Install_Packages_LAN.ipynb b/installation/Install_Packages_LAN.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca2374e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/installation/Install_Packages_LAN.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "8d5701cc",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Getting Started "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "5cad0899",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "The following code installs Serpent, Pyro4, and QICK. Sperent and Pyro4 are required to run the RFSoC FPGA as an object. QICK, the Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit, created in partnership between Princeton, UChicago, and Fermi lab is a superconducting qubit controller that supports the synthesis of control pulses up to 6 GHz. \n",
+ "\n",
+ "This code also moves the alternative_firmware and run_server folders out of the installation folder to the main jupyter_notebooks branch. "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "6731c5ec",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Installing Serpent"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 1,
+ "id": "31a8a1e8",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Archive: Serpent-master.zip\n",
+ "8e886b22bccc7458e71184265ec74a537a347e33\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/.github/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/.github/workflows/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/.github/workflows/main-ci.yml \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/.gitignore \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/.pylintrc \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/LICENSE \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/MANIFEST.in \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/Makefile \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/README.md \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/dotnet/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Ast.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/ComplexNumber.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/DebugVisitor.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/ObjectifyVisitor.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/ParseException.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Parser.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent.csproj \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/SeekableStringReader.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Serializer.cs \n",
+ " extracting: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Serpent.snk \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Razorvine.Serpent/Version.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Serpent.sln \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/CycleTest.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/Example.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/ParserTest.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/SerializeTest.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/SlowPerformanceTest.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/StringreaderTest.cs \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/Tests.csproj \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/Serpent/Tests/testserpent.utf8.bin \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/nuget-pack.sh \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/dotnet/test.sh \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.gitignore \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/\n",
+ " extracting: Serpent-master/java/.idea/.name \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/Serpent.iml \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/compiler.xml \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/encodings.xml \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/libraries/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/libraries/Maven__org_hamcrest_hamcrest_core_1_3.xml \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/misc.xml \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/modules.xml \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/.idea/vcs.xml \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/mvn-release-readme.txt \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/pom.xml \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/serpent.iml \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ComplexNumber.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/DebugVisitor.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/IClassSerializer.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/IDictToInstance.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/LibraryVersion.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ObjectifyVisitor.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ParseException.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/Parser.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/SeekableStringReader.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/Serializer.java \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/Ast.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/BigIntNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/BooleanNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/BytesNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/ComplexNumberNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/DictNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/DoubleNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/INode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/INodeVisitor.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/IntegerNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/KeyValueNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/ListNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/LongNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/NoneNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/PrimitiveNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/SequenceNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/SetNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/StringNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/TupleNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/ast/UnorderedSequenceNode.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/main/java/net/razorvine/serpent/package-info.java \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/SerpentExample.java \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/\n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/CycleTest.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/ParserTest.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/SerializationHelperClass.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/SerializeTest.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/SlowPerformanceTest.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/StringreaderTest.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/net/razorvine/serpent/test/VisitorTest.java \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/java/src/test/java/testserpent.utf8.bin \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/serpent.py \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/setup.cfg \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/setup.py \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/syntax.bnf \n",
+ " creating: Serpent-master/tests/\n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/example.py \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/performance.py \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/test_serpent.py \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/test_unicode.py \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/test_unicode_parse.py \n",
+ " inflating: Serpent-master/tests/testserpent.utf8.bin \n",
+ "Obtaining file:///home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Serpent-master\n",
+ " Checking if build backend supports build_editable ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
+ "\u001b[?25h Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
+ "\u001b[?25hInstalling collected packages: serpent\n",
+ " Running setup.py develop for serpent\n",
+ "Successfully installed serpent-1.41\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "# installing Serpent\n",
+ "!unzip Serpent-master.zip ; cd Serpent-master; pip install --no-index --no-build-isolation ./\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "id": "192b3e5a",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Name: serpent\r\n",
+ "Version: 1.41\r\n",
+ "Summary: Serialization based on ast.literal_eval\r\n",
+ "Home-page: https://github.com/irmen/Serpent\r\n",
+ "Author: Irmen de Jong\r\n",
+ "Author-email: irmen@razorvine.net\r\n",
+ "License: MIT\r\n",
+ "Location: /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Serpent-master\r\n",
+ "Requires: \r\n",
+ "Required-by: \r\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip show Serpent "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "2b062fe1",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Installing Pyro4"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 2,
+ "id": "205cea28",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Archive: Pyro4-master.zip\r\n",
+ "8ec0db055d76ae1512239710b1e30883ee6bd74b\r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/.gitattributes \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/.github/\r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/.github/workflows/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/.github/workflows/main-ci.yml \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/.gitignore \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/.lgtm.yml \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/LICENSE \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/MANIFEST.in \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/Makefile \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/README.md \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/certs/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/certs/client_cert.pem \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/certs/client_key.pem \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/certs/readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/certs/server_cert.pem \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/certs/server_key.pem \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/contrib/\r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/contrib/init.d/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/contrib/init.d/pyro4-nsd \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/docs/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/docs/Makefile \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/docs/make.bat \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/\r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/_static/\r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/_static/css/\r\n",
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+ " creating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/api/\r\n",
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+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/api/core.rst \r\n",
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+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/api/errors.rst \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/api/flame.rst \r\n",
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+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/api/message.rst \r\n",
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+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/docs/source/config.rst \r\n",
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+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/\r\n",
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+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/client_batch.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/client_callchain.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/async/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/attributes/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/attributes/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/attributes/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/attributes/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/server.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoproxy/thingy.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/clientNS.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/server.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoreconnect/serverNS.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoretry/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoretry/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoretry/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/autoretry/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/banks.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/banks/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/batchedcalls/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/batchedcalls/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/batchedcalls/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/batchedcalls/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/bench.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/connections.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/benchmark/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/client/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/client/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/client/customdata.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/dispatcher/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/dispatcher/dispatcher.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/listeners/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/listeners/customdata.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/listeners/listener.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/blob-dispatch/listeners/main.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/client2.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/server.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callback/server2.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/callcontext/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callcontext/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callcontext/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/callcontext/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/chatbox/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/chatbox/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/chatbox/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/chatbox/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/chain.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/servA.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/servB.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/circular/servC.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/bouncer.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/deadlock/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/diffiehellman.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/diffie-hellman/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/disconnects/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/disconnects/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/disconnects/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/disconnects/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/dispatcher.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/worker.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing/workitem.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " extracting: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/alice.zip \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing2/servers.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing3/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing3/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing3/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-computing3/worker.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/client_asciizoom.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/client_graphics.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/launch_servers.sh \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/normal.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/normal_graphics.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/distributed-mandelbrot/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/echoserver/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/echoserver/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/echoserver/client.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/server_multiplexed.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/eventloop/server_threads.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/excep.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/exceptions/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/extended-pickle/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/extended-pickle/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/extended-pickle/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/extended-pickle/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/filetransfer/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/filetransfer/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/filetransfer/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/filetransfer/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/flame/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/flame/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/flame/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/flame/stuff.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/futures/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/futures/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/futures/futures.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/gui_nothreads.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/gui_eventloop/gui_threads.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/handshake/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/handshake/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/handshake/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/handshake/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/http/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/http/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/http/client.js \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/http/client.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/hugetransfer/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/hugetransfer/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/hugetransfer/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/hugetransfer/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/instancemode/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/instancemode/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/instancemode/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/instancemode/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/itunes/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/itunes/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/itunes/itunescontroller.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/itunes/remote.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/maxsize/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/maxsize/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/maxsize/client.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/manytopics_publisher.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/manytopics_subscriber.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/messagebus/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/messagebus/__init__.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/messagebus/messagebus.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/messagebus/server.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/publisher.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/subscriber.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/messagebus/subscriber_manual_consume.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/nameserverstress/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nameserverstress/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nameserverstress/stress.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/nonameserver/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nonameserver/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nonameserver/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/nonameserver/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/ns-metadata/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ns-metadata/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ns-metadata/example.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ns-metadata/resources.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/oneway/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/oneway/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/oneway/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/oneway/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/proxysharing/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/proxysharing/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/proxysharing/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/proxysharing/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/resourcetracking/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/resourcetracking/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/resourcetracking/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/resourcetracking/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/gameserver.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/remote.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/robots/robot.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/mycustomclasses.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ser_custom/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/servertypes/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/servertypes/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/servertypes/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/servertypes/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/clients.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/shoppingcart.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/shoppingcart/shopserver.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/socketpair/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/socketpair/pair-fork.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/socketpair/pair-thread.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/socketpair/readme.txt \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/ssl/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ssl/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ssl/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/ssl/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/aggregator.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/main.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/stockmarket.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase1/viewer.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/aggregator.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/main.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/stockmarket.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase2/viewer.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase3/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase3/aggregator.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase3/stockmarket.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes-old/phase3/viewer.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase1/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase1/stockmarket.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase1/viewer.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase2/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase2/stockmarket.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase2/viewer.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase3/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase3/stockmarket.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/stockquotes/phase3/viewer.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/streaming/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/streaming/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/streaming/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/streaming/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/awesome_thirdparty_library.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/server.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/thirdpartylib/server2.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/timeout/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timeout/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timeout/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timeout/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/timezones/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timezones/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timezones/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/timezones/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/abstract_namespace_server.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/unixdomainsock/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/client.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/database.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/usersession/server.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/Readme.txt \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase1/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase1/person.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase1/visit.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase1/warehouse.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase2/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase2/person.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase2/visit.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase2/warehouse.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase3/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase3/person.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase3/visit.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/examples/warehouse/phase3/warehouse.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/requirements.txt \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/setup.cfg \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/setup.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/src/\r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/__init__.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/configuration.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/constants.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/core.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/errors.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/futures.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/message.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/naming.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/naming_storage.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/nsc.py \r\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/\r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/__init__.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/existingconnectionserver.py \r\n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/multiplexserver.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/threadpool.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketserver/threadpoolserver.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/socketutil.py \n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/test/\n",
+ " extracting: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/test/__init__.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/test/echoserver.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/util.py \n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/\n",
+ " extracting: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/__init__.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/flame.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/flameserver.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/src/Pyro4/utils/httpgateway.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/test_requirements.txt \n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/tests/\n",
+ " creating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/\n",
+ " extracting: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/__init__.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_core.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_daemon.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_echoserver.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_flame.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_httpgateway.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_ironpython.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_message.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_naming.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_naming2.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_package.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_serialize.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_server.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_server_timeout.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_socket.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_threadpool.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/test_util.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/PyroTests/testsupport.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/run_ser_performance.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/run_syntaxcheck.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tests/run_testsuite.py \n",
+ " inflating: Pyro4-master/tox.ini \n",
+ "Obtaining file:///home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Pyro4-master\n",
+ " Checking if build backend supports build_editable ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
+ "\u001b[?25h Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
+ "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: serpent>=1.27 in /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Serpent-master (from Pyro4==4.82) (1.41)\n",
+ "Installing collected packages: Pyro4\n",
+ " Running setup.py develop for Pyro4\n",
+ "Successfully installed Pyro4-4.82\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!unzip Pyro4-master.zip ;cd Pyro4-master; pip install --no-index --no-build-isolation ./"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "id": "99fa4b7e",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Name: Pyro4\n",
+ "Version: 4.82\n",
+ "Summary: distributed object middleware for Python (RPC)\n",
+ "Home-page: http://pyro4.readthedocs.io\n",
+ "Author: Irmen de Jong\n",
+ "Author-email: irmen@razorvine.net\n",
+ "License: MIT\n",
+ "Location: /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/installation/Pyro4-master/src\n",
+ "Requires: serpent\n",
+ "Required-by: \n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip show Pyro4"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "ce8c3de1",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Installing QICK"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 3,
+ "id": "1b3ae8fc",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Obtaining file:///home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/qick\n",
+ " Checking if build backend supports build_editable ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
+ "\u001b[?25h Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
+ "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from qick==0.2.160) (4.64.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from qick==0.2.160) (1.21.5)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pynq>=2.6 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from qick==0.2.160) (3.0.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: nest-asyncio in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (1.5.5)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pynqmetadata>=0.0.1 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.3.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=24.2.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (59.6.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: cffi in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (1.15.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pynqutils>=0.0.1 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.1.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema>=3.2.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (4.9.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pydantic in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (1.9.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: python-magic>=0.4.25 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqutils>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.4.27)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: pyrsistent!=0.17.0,!=0.17.1,!=0.17.2,>=0.14.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from jsonschema>=3.2.0->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.18.1)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.4.0 in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=3.2.0->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (21.2.0)\n",
+ "Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pydantic->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (4.3.0)\n",
+ "Installing collected packages: qick\n",
+ " Running setup.py develop for qick\n",
+ "Successfully installed qick\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!cd ../qick; pip install --no-index --no-build-isolation -e ./\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 10,
+ "id": "5999dcba",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "name": "stdout",
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "Name: qick\r\n",
+ "Version: 0.2.160\r\n",
+ "Summary: Quantum Instrumentation Controller Kit software library\r\n",
+ "Home-page: https://github.com/openquantumhardware/qick\r\n",
+ "Author: Open Quantum Hardware\r\n",
+ "Author-email: openquantumhardware@gmail.com\r\n",
+ "License: UNKNOWN\r\n",
+ "Location: /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/qick/qick_lib\r\n",
+ "Requires: numpy, pynq, tqdm\r\n",
+ "Required-by: \r\n"
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "source": [
+ "!pip show qick"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "id": "b456d67d",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "### Organizing Necessary Folders "
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": 4,
+ "id": "38a4b76c",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": [
+ "!mv run_server ../\n",
+ "!mv alternative_firmware ../qick\n"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "id": "707d20e0",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "outputs": [],
+ "source": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "metadata": {
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
+ "language": "python",
+ "name": "python3"
+ },
+ "language_info": {
+ "codemirror_mode": {
+ "name": "ipython",
+ "version": 3
+ },
+ "file_extension": ".py",
+ "mimetype": "text/x-python",
+ "name": "python",
+ "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
+ "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
+ "version": "3.10.4"
+ }
+ },
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 5
diff --git a/installation/Install_Packages_Wifi.ipynb b/installation/Install_Packages_Wifi.ipynb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a50083..0000000
--- a/installation/Install_Packages_Wifi.ipynb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
- "cells": [
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "id": "8d5701cc",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "## Getting Started "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "id": "5cad0899",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "The following code installs Serpent, Pyro4, and QICK. Sperent and Pyro4 are required to run the RFSoC FPGA as an object. QICK, the Quantum Instrumentation Control Kit, created in partnership between Princeton, UChicago, and Fermi lab is a superconducting qubit controller that supports the synthesis of control pulses up to 6 GHz. \n",
- "\n",
- "This code also moves the alternative_firmware and run_server folders out of the installation folder to the main jupyter_notebooks branch. "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "id": "6731c5ec",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### Installing Serpent"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 1,
- "id": "31a8a1e8",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Collecting serpent\n",
- " Downloading serpent-1.41-py3-none-any.whl (9.6 kB)\n",
- "Installing collected packages: serpent\n",
- "Successfully installed serpent-1.41\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "# installing Serpent\n",
- "!pip install serpent "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 2,
- "id": "192b3e5a",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Name: serpent\r\n",
- "Version: 1.41\r\n",
- "Summary: Serialization based on ast.literal_eval\r\n",
- "Home-page: https://github.com/irmen/Serpent\r\n",
- "Author: Irmen de Jong\r\n",
- "Author-email: irmen@razorvine.net\r\n",
- "License: MIT\r\n",
- "Location: /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages\r\n",
- "Requires: \r\n",
- "Required-by: \r\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "!pip show Serpent "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "id": "2b062fe1",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### Installing Pyro4"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 3,
- "id": "205cea28",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Collecting pyro4\n",
- " Downloading Pyro4-4.82-py2.py3-none-any.whl (89 kB)\n",
- "\u001b[2K \u001b[90m━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\u001b[0m \u001b[32m90.0/90.0 KB\u001b[0m \u001b[31m921.7 kB/s\u001b[0m eta \u001b[36m0:00:00\u001b[0m \u001b[36m0:00:01\u001b[0m\n",
- "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: serpent>=1.27 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pyro4) (1.41)\n",
- "Installing collected packages: pyro4\n",
- "Successfully installed pyro4-4.82\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "!pip install pyro4"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 4,
- "id": "99fa4b7e",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Name: Pyro4\r\n",
- "Version: 4.82\r\n",
- "Summary: distributed object middleware for Python (RPC)\r\n",
- "Home-page: http://pyro4.readthedocs.io\r\n",
- "Author: Irmen de Jong\r\n",
- "Author-email: irmen@razorvine.net\r\n",
- "License: MIT\r\n",
- "Location: /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages\r\n",
- "Requires: serpent\r\n",
- "Required-by: \r\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "!pip show Pyro4"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "markdown",
- "id": "ce8c3de1",
- "metadata": {},
- "source": [
- "### Installing QICK\n",
- "\n",
- "We install QICK from a local file since it is important to install a QICK-DAWG compatitible version (currently 0.2.160). "
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 5,
- "id": "1b3ae8fc",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Obtaining file:///home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/qick-dawg/qick\n",
- " Checking if build backend supports build_editable ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
- "\u001b[?25h Preparing metadata (pyproject.toml) ... \u001b[?25ldone\n",
- "\u001b[?25hRequirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from qick==0.2.160) (4.64.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: numpy in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from qick==0.2.160) (1.21.5)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: pynq>=2.6 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from qick==0.2.160) (3.0.1)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: nest-asyncio in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (1.5.5)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: cffi in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (1.15.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: setuptools>=24.2.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (59.6.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: pynqmetadata>=0.0.1 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.3.1)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: pynqutils>=0.0.1 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.1.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: pydantic in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (1.9.1)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: jsonschema>=3.2.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (4.9.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: python-magic>=0.4.25 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pynqutils>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.4.27)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: pyrsistent!=0.17.0,!=0.17.1,!=0.17.2,>=0.14.0 in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from jsonschema>=3.2.0->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (0.18.1)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: attrs>=17.4.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages (from jsonschema>=3.2.0->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (23.1.0)\n",
- "Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from pydantic->pynqmetadata>=0.0.1->pynq>=2.6->qick==0.2.160) (4.3.0)\n",
- "Installing collected packages: qick\n",
- " Running setup.py develop for qick\n",
- "Successfully installed qick\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "!cd ../qick; pip install --no-index --no-build-isolation -e ./\n"
- ]
- },
- {
- "cell_type": "code",
- "execution_count": 7,
- "id": "5999dcba",
- "metadata": {},
- "outputs": [
- {
- "name": "stdout",
- "output_type": "stream",
- "text": [
- "Name: qick\r\n",
- "Version: 0.2.160\r\n",
- "Summary: Quantum Instrumentation Controller Kit software library\r\n",
- "Home-page: https://github.com/openquantumhardware/qick\r\n",
- "Author: Open Quantum Hardware\r\n",
- "Author-email: openquantumhardware@gmail.com\r\n",
- "License: UNKNOWN\r\n",
- "Location: /home/xilinx/jupyter_notebooks/qick-dawg/qick/qick_lib\r\n",
- "Requires: numpy, pynq, tqdm\r\n",
- "Required-by: \r\n"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "source": [
- "!pip show qick"
- ]
- }
- ],
- "metadata": {
- "kernelspec": {
- "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
- "language": "python",
- "name": "python3"
- },
- "language_info": {
- "codemirror_mode": {
- "name": "ipython",
- "version": 3
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- "file_extension": ".py",
- "mimetype": "text/x-python",
- "name": "python",
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diff --git a/installation/Readme.md b/installation/Readme.md
index b83a6c8..cf20403 100644
--- a/installation/Readme.md
+++ b/installation/Readme.md
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-# RFSoC4x2 Setup (RFSoC4x2 no Wifi - managed router connection)
-This Readme supports setting up your RFSoC4x2 where the RFSoC4x2 is not connected directly to the internet. Instead, here, the RFSoC4x2 is connected to a lab control computer through a managed router connection. There is an alternative Readme in the installation folder for labs where the RFSoC4x2 is permitted to be connected directly to the internet.
+# RFSoC4x2 setup (WAN, direct internet connection)
+This Readme supports setting up your RFSoC4x2, where the RFSoC4x2 is connected directly to the internet--Wide Area Network (WAN). We have an alternative Readme for labs where the RFSoC4x2 is not permitted to be directly connected to the internet.
The RFSoC4x2, as shown in the image below, is a board built and sold by [Real Digital](https://www.realdigital.org/) using AMD’s ZYNQ Ultrascale+ Gen 3 RFSoC ZU48DR chip. While the ZU48DR has eight digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), the RFSOC4x2 only uses four DACs (5 GSa/s) and two ADCs (9.85 GSa/s). Nonetheless, this number of inputs and outputs is nearly perfect for NV and quantum defect control. However, as the RFSOC4x2 is sold, the ADCs have a high frequency 1GHz high-pass balun inline which is typically too high frequency for our measurements and thus must be modified.
a. Remove the balun and bypass capacitors
- b. Connect the low-frequency differential amplifier
+ b. Connect the low frequency differential amplifier
c. Connect PMOD digital outputs
- d. Assemble and power on your RFSoC4x2 board
+ d. Assemble and power on your RFSoC4x2
e. (Optional) Full enclosure
-2. Upload and install QICK-DAWG and other software to you RFSoC4x2 board
+2. Setup lab control computer
+ a. Download/clone QICK-DAWG
+ b. Install necessary packages
+3. Upload and install QICK-DAWG and other software to you RFSoC4x2
a. Flash your microSD card
- b. Remotely connect to your RFSoC4x2 through SSH
- c. Copy required files
- d. Install necessary packages
+ b. Clone QICK-DAWG on your RFSoC4x2
+ c. Install necessary packages on your RFSOC4x2
+ d. Run the Pyro server to remotely connect to QICK and the RFSoC4x2
+ e. (Supplemental) Establish SSH Remote Connection with the RFSoC4x2
-# 1. Setup RFSoC4x2 hardware
+# 1. Setup RFSoC4x2 Hardware
## ***Prerequisites***
- [RFSoC4x2](https://www.xilinx.com/support/university/xup-boards/RFSoC4x2.html) (with 12 volt 50 watt power supply)
-- Managed router [(example)](https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-Integrated-Lightening-Protection-TL-R605/dp/B08QTXNWZ1/ref=asc_df_B08QTXNWZ1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475692076734&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3761702075041011209&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1022494&hvtargid=pla-1149738264234&psc=1)
- Low frequency differential amplifier [Texas Instruments LMH5401EVM](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/texas-instruments/LMH5401EVM/5031896?s=N4IgTCBcDaIDIFkASBWALABgIwFEBqCIAugL5A)
- 3 x DC output voltage supply (+3.2, +0.7, -1.8V for biasing the differential amplifier)
- SMA cables
-- Computer with Ethernet port or Ethernet adaptor
-- Ethernet cord(s) (at least one from RFSoC to router)
+- Ethernet cord
- Micro SD card reader
### Software
- [Win32DiskImager](https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/) for Windows or Disk Manager on MacOS
-- Dependent packages (follow `Installing Necessary Packages` section--included in batch file setup)
+- Dependent packages (follow `Installing Necessary Packages` section--included in the setup batch file)
- [QICK](https://github.com/openquantumhardware/qick)
- [Pyro4](https://pypi.org/project/Pyro4/)
- [Serpent](https://pypi.org/project/serpent/)
@@ -53,7 +54,8 @@ In this document we outline the setup for using QICK-DAWG with a RFSoC4x2. Speci
## 1a. Remove the balun and bypass capacitors
-The signal measured by the photodiodes cannot be directly connected to the ADCs on the board, thus requiring modification the to the RFSoC4x2. The ADCs on the RFSoC4x2 have baluns and capacitors that act as high pass filters. When using photodiodes for photoluminesence detection, the signal is at low frequency thus the balun needs to be removed and the capacitors need to be bypassed in order to get the signal into the ADC. Furthermore, as the ADCs take in a differential voltage signal, we have to add a differential amplifier which takes the signal from the photodetector in and outputs a biased signal to the ADCs for digitization (see section 1.b below).
+The ADCs on the RFSoC must be modified because the signal measured by the photodiodes cannot be directly connected to the ADCs on the board.
+The ADCs on the RFSoC4x2 have baluns and capacitors that act as high pass filters. When using photodiodes for photoluminesence detection, the signal is low frequency, therefore unmodified ADCs do not let the signal from the photodiodes pass. Given this, the balun must be removed and the capacitors bypassed to readout the signal from the photodiodes with the ADCs. Furthermore, as the ADCs take in a differential voltage signal, we have to add a differential amplifier which takes the signal from the photodetector in and outputs a biased signal to the ADCs for digitization (see section 1.b below).
The input electronics for one ADC channel on the RFSoC4x2 is shown in the figure below.
@@ -107,12 +109,12 @@ The image below is the circuit diagram for the RFSoC4x2 ADC modification.
RFSoC4x2 Schematic [1](#RFSoc4x2_Schematic)
-Note if you are worried about removing the balun from your RFSoC4x2, marketplaces such as Digikey sell replacement baluns, if you wanted to restore the functionality of the ADC in the future.
+Note if you are worried about removing the balun from your RFSoC4x2, marketplaces such as Digikey sell replacement baluns which can be used to restore the functionality of modified ADCs in the future.
## 1c. Connect PMOD digial outputs
-To control the laser through TTL you must connect your laser to the PMOD located on the corner of the board. To connect, we cut the female head off a PMOD cable and soldered on a female BNC head instead. PMOD A 1-8 are enabled for QICK-DAWG (in the demo we use PMOD 1). The image below provides a schematic of the PMOD on the RFSoC4x2.
+To control the laser with TTLs you must connect your laser to the PMOD located on the corner of the board. To connect, we cut the female head off a PMOD cable and soldered on a female BNC head instead. PMOD A 0-7 are enabled for QICK-DAWG (in the demo we use PMOD 0). The image below provides a schematic of the PMOD on the RFSoC4x2.
## 1e. (Optional) Full enclosure -In our lab, we have assembled all the necessary components into a custom rack box with screw holes and 3D printed cages for fastening components down. We modified [Bud Industries CH-14404 Enclosure](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/bud-industries/CH-14404/428959). The following files are found in `qickdawg/installation/enclosure` -- Enclosure_Front.SLDPRT, CAD for custom enclsoure front panel holes for SMA and BNC pass through + +In our lab, we have assembled all the necessary components into a custom rack box ([Bud Industries CH-14404 Enclosure](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/bud-industries/CH-14404/428959)) with screw holes and 3D printed cages for fastening components. Hardware setup instructions for the enclosure can be found on our [QICK-DAWG Read the Docs](https://qick-dawg.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) site. The following CAD files for the enclosure are found in `qickdawg/installation/enclosure`: + +- Enclosure_Front.SLDPRT, CAD for custom enclosure front panel holes for SMA and BNC pass through - Enclosure_Main.SLDPRT, CAD for custom enclosure drill holes to secure components - Low_Freq_Diff_Amp_Base.SLDRT, CAD for 3D printable differential amplifier support for mounting the differential amplifier near the RFSoC 4x2 board - Low-Freq_Diff_Amp_Top.SLDPRT, CAD for 3D printable differential amplifier top @@ -151,11 +153,26 @@ In our lab, we have assembled all the necessary components into a custom rack bo width="800px"/> -# 2. Install QICK-DAWG and other software to you RFSoC4x2 board + +# 2. Setup lab control computer + +## 2a. Download/clone QICK-DAWG +You need a local copy of QICK-DAWG on your lab control computer. There are two options for obtaining a local copy of QICK-DAWGm, 1) use a git manager to clone QICK-DAWG, found at `https://github.com/sandialabs/qick-dawg` or 2) download QICK-DAWG as a .zip file from the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/sandialabs/qick-dawg) and unzip it. + +## 2b. Install Necessary Packages +To run your RFSoC4x2 from your lab computer you need to install QICK-DAWG. To install QICK-DAWG, on your lab computer: + +- Install Setuptools if not installed --> `pip install Setuptools` +- In the command prompt navigate to `*\qick-dawg` +- Enter `pip install -e ./` + +This will install QICK-DAWG and it's dependent packages. + +# 3. Install QICK-DAWG and other software to your RFSoC4x2 (Getting started directions adapted from [QICK ZCU111 quick-start-guide](https://github.com/openquantumhardware/qick/blob/main/quick_start/README_ZCU111.md)) -## 2a. ***Flash your Micro SD Card*** +## 3a. ***Flash your Micro SD Card*** - First, you will need to flash the micro SD card with the **RFSoC4x2 PYNQ** image found [here](http://www.pynq.io/board.html). Download the RFSoC4x2 PYNQ image and unzip the file if it is a .zip file. (Windows) @@ -167,30 +184,21 @@ In our lab, we have assembled all the necessary components into a custom rack bo width="500px"/> -## 2b. Remotely connect to your RFSoC4x2 - -To connect to your RFSoC4x2, you first need to find the IP address assigned to your board. Conveniently, the RFSoC4x2 has an LED screen on the top of the board that displays the IP address. -Alternatively, you can log into your router and find the IP address and/or assign a static IP address. +## 3b. Clone QICK-DAWG on your RFSoC4x2 +We clone QICK-DAWG from the GitHub repository by establishing a ssh connect with the RFSoC4x2 and running a git clone command. To simplify the process we have a batch file that you can run `FPGA_SETUP_WAN.bat`. -### Copy Necessary Files to the RFSoC4x2 ### -We have written our own .bat file and jupyter notebook to streamline the installation process. The first step is to run the .bat file which copies all of the required files to the RFSoC4x2. To do so: +To run this file +- open the command prompt in your computer +- change directories to `*\qick-dawg\installation` +- enter `FPFA_SETUP.bat` +- enter the IP address of your RFSoC4x2 when prompted -- clone QICK-DAWG to your computer; -- open the command prompt; -- navigate to the folder that contains the QICK-DAWG file `FPGA_SETUP.bat`; -- in the command prompt type `FPGA_SETUP.bat` and hit enter; -- and when prompted enter the IP address of your FPGA and password (`xilinx`). -`FPGA_SETUP.bat` copies the following files to your RFSoC4x2: -- QICK -- Serpent and Pyro4 packages -- run_server and qick_daemon Jupyter Notebook files -- QICK-DAWG specific firmware -### Connect to the Jupyter server +### 3c. Install necessary Packages on your RFSoC4x2 With the required files copied to your RFSoC4x2, we will now install the required packages by running an .ipynb though the RFSoC4x2's Jupyter Notebook server. To connect to the jupyter notebook server: -- In a browser window type your RFSoC4x2 IP address as shown on the board's LED screen and use password `xilinx` as shown in the graphic below +- in a browser window type your RFSoC4x2 IP address as shown on the board's LED screen and use password `xilinx` as shown in the graphic below-From the home page, navigate to the installation folder, open Installation_Packages.ipynb and run all of the cells in install the packages. This should install QICK, Serpent, and Pyro4 to your python environment, which should be sufficient to run a Pyro server and remotely connect to your RFSoC4x2 +From the home page, navigate to the installation folder, open Installation_Packages_WAN.ipynb and run all of the cells to install the packages. This should install QICK, Serpent, and Pyro4 to your python environment, which should be sufficient to run a Pyro server and remotely connect to your RFSoC4x2 -### Run the Pyro server to remotely connect to QICK and the RFSoC4x2 + + +### 3d. Run the Pyro server to remotely connect to QICK and the RFSoC4x2 With all of the packages installed, you can now run your Pyro server to connect to an instance of QICK. This is accomplished by running two jupyter notebooks. -- First we run `run_server/name_server.ipynb` which starts a Pyro server. In this notebook, you need to change the IP address to the IP address to the board. +- First we run `run_server/name_server.ipynb` which starts a Pyro server. In this notebook, you need to change the IP address to the IP address of your board.
- - Second, we run the `run_server/qick_daemon.ipynb` notebook, which uploads firmware to the RFSoC4x2 and creates a python socket to communicate with the board. This notebook has a string which contains the path to our alternative firmware and has a `ns_host` variable which needs to be assigned to the IP address of your RFSoC4x2 board.
1: [RFSoC4x2 Schematic](https://www.realdigital.org/downloads/3ae3a2552d7da46e9041196c654cd63d.pdf) diff --git a/installation/Readme_Wifi.md b/installation/Readme_LAN.md similarity index 79% rename from installation/Readme_Wifi.md rename to installation/Readme_LAN.md index 108b6c9..86f213f 100644 --- a/installation/Readme_Wifi.md +++ b/installation/Readme_LAN.md @@ -1,9 +1,11 @@ -# RFSoC4x2 setup (RFSoC4x2 on Wifi) -This Readme supports setting up your RFSoC4x2 where the RFSoC4x2 is connected directly to the internet. We have an alternative Readme for labs where the RFSoC4x2 is not permitted to be connected directly to the internet.s +# RFSoC4x2 Setup (LAN - managed router connection) + +This Readme supports setting up your RFSoC4x2 where the RFSoC4x2 is not connected directly to the internet. Instead, here, the RFSoC4x2 is connected to a lab control computer through a managed router connection. There is an alternative Readme in the installation folder for labs where the RFSoC4x2 is permitted to be connected directly to the internet. The RFSoC4x2, as shown in the image below, is a board built and sold by [Real Digital](https://www.realdigital.org/) using AMD’s ZYNQ Ultrascale+ Gen 3 RFSoC ZU48DR chip. While the ZU48DR has eight digital-to-analog converters (DACs) and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs), the RFSOC4x2 only uses four DACs (5 GSa/s) and two ADCs (9.85 GSa/s). Nonetheless, this number of inputs and outputs is nearly perfect for NV and quantum defect control. However, as the RFSOC4x2 is sold, the ADCs have a high frequency 1GHz high-pass balun inline which is typically too high frequency for our measurements and thus must be modified. +
a. Remove the balun and bypass capacitors
- b. Connect the low frequency differential amplifier
+ b. Connect the low-frequency differential amplifier
c. Connect PMOD digital outputs
- d. Assembling and powering on your RFSoC4x2
+ d. Assemble and power on your RFSoC4x2 board
e. (Optional) Full enclosure
-2. Setup lab control computer
- a. Download/clone QICK-DAWG
- b. Install necessary packages
+2. Upload and install QICK-DAWG and other software to you RFSoC4x2 board
+ a. Flash your microSD card
+ b. Remotely connect to your RFSoC4x2 through SSH
+ c. Copy required files
+ d. Install necessary packages
-3. Upload and install QICK-DAWG and other software to you RFSoC4x2
- a. Flashing your microSD card
- b. Cloning QICK-DAWG on your RFSoC4x2
- c. Installing necessary packages on your RFSOC4x2
- d. Running the Pyro server to remotely connect to QICK and the RFSoC4x2
- e. (Supplemental) Establishing SSH Remote Connection with the RFSoC4x2
-# 1. Setup RFSoC4x2 Hardware
+# 1. Setup RFSoC4x2 hardware
## ***Prerequisites***
- [RFSoC4x2](https://www.xilinx.com/support/university/xup-boards/RFSoC4x2.html) (with 12 volt 50 watt power supply)
+- Managed router [(example)](https://www.amazon.com/TP-Link-Integrated-Lightening-Protection-TL-R605/dp/B08QTXNWZ1/ref=asc_df_B08QTXNWZ1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475692076734&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3761702075041011209&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1022494&hvtargid=pla-1149738264234&psc=1)
- Low frequency differential amplifier [Texas Instruments LMH5401EVM](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/texas-instruments/LMH5401EVM/5031896?s=N4IgTCBcDaIDIFkASBWALABgIwFEBqCIAugL5A)
- 3 x DC output voltage supply (+3.2, +0.7, -1.8V for biasing the differential amplifier)
- SMA cables
+- Computer with Ethernet port or Ethernet adaptor
- Ethernet cord(s) (at least one from RFSoC to router)
- Micro SD card reader
### Software
@@ -139,8 +138,9 @@ You should hear the fan above the RFSoC chip begin to whir and you should see gr
## 1e. (Optional) Full enclosure
-In our lab, we have assembled all the necessary components into a custom rack box with screw holes and 3D printed cages for fastening components down. We modified [Bud Industries CH-14404 Enclosure](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/bud-industries/CH-14404/428959). The following files are found in `qickdawg/installation/enclosure`
-- Enclosure_Front.SLDPRT, CAD for custom enclsoure front panel holes for SMA and BNC pass through
+In our lab, we have assembled all the necessary components into a custom rack box ([Bud Industries CH-14404 Enclosure](https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/bud-industries/CH-14404/428959)) with screw holes and 3D printed cages for fastening components. Hardware setup instructions for the enclosure can be found on our [QICK-DAWG Read the Docs](https://qick-dawg.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html). The following CAD files for the enclosure are found in `qickdawg/installation/enclosure`:
+- Enclosure_Front.SLDPRT, CAD for custom enclosure front panel holes for SMA and BNC pass through
- Enclosure_Main.SLDPRT, CAD for custom enclosure drill holes to secure components
- Low_Freq_Diff_Amp_Base.SLDRT, CAD for 3D printable differential amplifier support for mounting the differential amplifier near the RFSoC 4x2 board
- Low-Freq_Diff_Amp_Top.SLDPRT, CAD for 3D printable differential amplifier top
@@ -152,25 +152,11 @@ In our lab, we have assembled all the necessary components into a custom rack bo
1: [RFSoC4x2 Schematic](https://www.realdigital.org/downloads/3ae3a2552d7da46e9041196c654cd63d.pdf) diff --git a/installation/graphics/PMOD.png b/installation/graphics/PMOD.png index 829d74d..112767c 100644 Binary files a/installation/graphics/PMOD.png and b/installation/graphics/PMOD.png differ diff --git a/installation/graphics/RFSoC_Diagram_WAN.PNG.png b/installation/graphics/RFSoC_Diagram_WAN.PNG.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb07e67 Binary files /dev/null and b/installation/graphics/RFSoC_Diagram_WAN.PNG.png differ diff --git a/installation/graphics/RFSoC_Diagram_WAN.png b/installation/graphics/RFSoC_Diagram_WAN.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cb07e67 Binary files /dev/null and b/installation/graphics/RFSoC_Diagram_WAN.png differ diff --git a/installation/graphics/RFSoC_Diagram_WAN.svg b/installation/graphics/RFSoC_Diagram_WAN.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c6cfa4e --- /dev/null +++ b/installation/graphics/RFSoC_Diagram_WAN.svg @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ + + + +