- Basics
- Structural assignability
- Algebraic assignability
- Hacks and tricks
Assignability is the function that determines whether one variable can be assigned to another. It happens when the compiler checks assignments and function calls, but also return statements. For example:
var x: number;
var y: number;
x = y;
function f(s: string): number {
return s.length;
This code has three assignability checks:
x = y
, which checks thaty
can be assigned tox
.return s.length
, which checks thats.length
can be returned fromf
, which checks thatfalse
can be assigned tof
's first parameter.
To make this happen, we find the types of x
, y
, and s.length
as well as
the parameter and return types of f
. This allows us to make the
following judgements:
y: number
is assignable tox: number
.s.length: number
is assignable tof
's return: number
.false: boolean
is not assignable tos: string
For a simple type system consisting only of the primitive types, assignability would just be equality:
function isAssignableTo(source: Type, target: Type): boolean {
return source === target;
For brevity's sake, I'll often use the operator ⟹ to represent
, like this:
number ⟹ number
In fact, one common bug in the compiler is to use ===
is the correct check. This is a bug because Typescript
supports many more kinds of types than just the primitive
types. Good examples include classes and interfaces, unions and
intersections, and literal types and enums. Those 3 pairs are
examples of three categories which we’ll cover next:
- Structural types
- Types created using algebraic operators
- Special-cased types (literals and enums)
Note that generics are a complex topic that covers both structural and algebraic types so I’ll not cover them here.
Structural assignability is an feature of Typescript that most languages do not have. But it's expensive: it's the last assignability check because it's so slow and painstaking. Structural assignability functions as a fallback when all other kinds of assignability have failed to return true.
Structural assignability applies to anything that has properties or signatures: classes, interfaces, and object literal types, basically. Intersection types also try structural assignability if no other comparison works.
The comparison itself is not that complicated. It first checks that every property in the target is present in the source. Here's a failing example:
var source: { a, b };
var target: { a, b, c};
target = source;
But { a, b } ⟹ { a, b, c }
is not true because source
doesn't have
a property named c
. On the other hand, the source is allowed to have
extra properties, so { a, b, c } ⟹ { a, b }
is true:
var source: { a, b, c };
var target: { a, b };
target = source;
If every source property has a matching target property, then matching properties recursively check that their types are assignable from source to target:
var source: { a: number, b: string };
var target: { a: number };
target = source;
Here, while checking a
, we make a recursive call to check whether
is assignable to number
. We can write this like so:
{ a: number, b: string } ⟹ { a: number }
number ⟹ number
Of course, the second check returns true as soon as it hits the ===
fast path. But other types may recur several times before succeeding
or failing:
var source: { a: { b: { c: null } } };
var target: { a: { b: { c: string } } };
target = source;
Call, construct and index signatures all work similarly:
var source: (a: number, b: unknown) => boolean;
var target: (a: never, b: string) => void;
target = source;
Except that signatures check for correct parameter count instead of missing
properties, and iterate over parameters instead of properties. In
addition, parameters compare contravariantly, which is a fancy way to
say that the direction of source and target flips. That's
because when you assign a callback variable, you're not actually
assigning the parameters directly. You're assigning a callable thing
to another callable thing. Here's an example where string ⟹ unknown
but (a: unknown) => void ⟹ (a: string) => void
. For example:
var source: string;
var target: unknown;
target = source; // fine, target can be anything, including a string
var source: (a: string) => void;
var target: (a: unknown) => void;
target = source; // should be an error, because:
target(1); // oops, you can't pass numbers to source
Once you have structural assignability, you don't actually need to add special rules to handle inheritance. You just check that derived classes are assignable to their base classes. Same thing goes for implements. In other words, if you have classes like this:
class Base {
constructor(public b: number) {
class Derived extends Base {
b = 12
constructor(public d: string) {
Variable declarations that use these types:
var derived: Derived;
var base: Base;
base = derived;
Are compared just like this:
var derived: { b: number, d: string };
var base: { b: number };
base = derived;
There is no inherent relation between Derived
and Base
. Of course,
the assignability check caches its results so that once you know that
a Derived
is assignable to a Base
, you don't have to run the
expensive check again. In fact, this check runs as soon as the
compiler sees class Derived extends Base
, so the structural approach
ends up costing about the same as the nominal one.
Types with algebraic type operators can be checked algebraically. Sometimes this check is merely faster than a structural check, but if the type contains type variables, algebraic checks can succeed where a structural check would fail. For example:
function f<T>(source: T | never, target: T) {
target = source;
The checker knows that never
does not change a union it's part of,
so it can eliminate it and recur with a smaller type:
T | never ⟹ T
T ⟹ T
And since T===T
, T | never ⟹ T
is true.
Some algebraic relations are pretty obvious. For example, when a union is the target, the source is assignable when it's assignable to any element of the union:
B ⟹ A | B | C
B ⟹ B
But when a union is the source, every element needs to be assignable
to the target. So A | B | C ⟹ B
is not true in general. It's only
true when the target is a supertype of all elements of the source.
One example is with literal types: 'x' | 'y' | 'z' ⟹ string
More complicated relations exist as well. For example, intersection distributes across union:
A & (B | C) ⟹ (A & B) | (A & C)
(A & B) | (A & C) ⟹ (A & B) | (A & C)
Mapped types, index access types, and keyof types also interact in a number of ways. First, the keyof S is assignable to the keyof T if T is assignable to S:
keyof S ⟹ keyof T
T ⟹ S
You can see why the direction flips with an example:
S = { a, b, c }
T = { a, b }
Here, the source has an extra property, so it's OK to assign it to a
target with fewer properties. But for the keys, you have to assign the
source's "a" | "b" | "c"
to the target's "a" | "b"
because the
smaller union is missing "c"
For mapped types, any type T is assignable to the identity mapping:
T ⟹ { [P in X]: T[P] }
This follows from the definition of mapped types. Note that the reverse is not true because mapping a type loses some information.
Finally, some complex relations involve all three kinds of type. For
example, if you have some key type K
and a rewrite type X
, a
mapped type { [P in K]: X }
is assignable to T
if the keys of T
are assignable to K
and X
is assignable to all the
properties of T
{ [P in K]: X } ⟹ T
keyof T ⟹ K
andX ⟹ T[K]
This is true in the other direction too:
T ⟹ { [P in K]: X }
K ⟹ keyof T
andT[K] ⟹ X
You can see this is true if you try it with some example types:
T = { a: C, b: D, c: C | D }
K = "a" | "b"
X = C | D
T ⟹ { [P in K]: X }
{ a: C, b: D, c: C | D } ⟹ { [P in "a" | "b"]: C | D }
{ a: C, b: D, c: C | D } ⟹ { "a": C | D, "b": C | D }
is true whenever the following two things are true:
K ⟹ keyof T
"a" | "b" ⟹ "a" | "b" | "c"
T[K] ⟹ X
T["a" | "b"] ⟹ C | D
C | D ⟹ C | D
In between simple equality and structural comparison, Typescript has quite a few special cases to handle specific types quickly.
- Unit and primitive types
- Excess properties and weak types
- Recursion cutoffs
Primitive types and unit types are all compared with a long list of specific rules. The comparisons are quite fast because all of these types are marked with a bit flag, so the typical line of code looks like:
if (source.flags & TypeFlags.StringLike && target.flags & TypeFlags.String) return true;
A few of the rules are odd because of historical restrictions. For example, any number is assignable to a numeric enum, but this is not true for string enums. Only strings that are known to be part of a string enum are assignable to it. That's because numeric enums existed before union types and literal types, so their rules were originally looser.
Here are the types that are compared with simple rules:
- string
- number
- boolean
- symbol
- object
- any
- void
- null
- undefined
- never
- string enums
- number enums
- string literals
- number literals
- boolean literals
Note that both the source and target have to be simple for a simple comparison to succeed. If the source is a string and the target is some object type, then the compiler will have to use structural comparison, and it will first have to get all the string's methods and properties.
The excess property check and weak type check run right after the simple type check. The reason they run so early is that, although they are expensive, if they end up failing an assignability check early, they save time compared to doing a full structural comparison.
The excess property check applies only to the types of object
literals. Its only purpose is to fail otherwise-legal assignments.
With structural assignability, it's fine to have extra properties, so
{ a, b } ⟹ { a }
. However, when you assign an object literal to a
variable with a type like { a }
, it's very unlikely that you want to
include properties besides a
. So the excess property check disallows
this assignment.
The weak type check applies only if the source contains nothing but optional properties. With structural assignability, any type is assignable to a weak type. All these assignments are structurally sound:
{ a } ⟹ { a?, b? }
{ a, b, e } ⟹ { a?, b? }
{ c, d } ⟹ { a?, b? }
{ } ⟹ { a?, b? }
However, only the first two make any kind of sense, so the weak type check requires that the source share at least one property with a weak target.
Structural assignability has trouble with recursive types. Specifically, if you write a class like this:
declare class Box<T> {
t: T
m(b: Box<T>): void
var source = new Box<string>();
var target = new Box<unknown>();
target = source;
To find out whether target is assignable to source:
Box<string> ⟹ Box<unknown>
{ t: string, m(b: Box<string>): void } ⟹ { t: unknown, m(b: Box<unknown>): void }
Now we have to show that the types of t
and m
are assignable.
is easy enough:
string ⟹ unknown
But m
poses a problem:
(b: Box<string>) => void ⟹ (b: Box<unknown>) => void
Box<string> ⟹ Box<unknown>
{ t: string, m(b: Box<string>): void } ⟹ { t: unknown, m(b: Box<unknown>): void }
Oh no. Looks like we are going to loop forever!
Typescript actually has two solutions for this problem. The simplest
is to notice that Box === Box
treat type arguments as an algebraic
relation. Then it simplifies Box<T> ⟹ Box<U>
to T ⟹ U
. This is
much faster than using structural assigning ability to decide whether
is assignable to Box<U>.t
Box<string> ⟹ Box<unknown>
string ⟹ unknown
This works quite often because most of the time people write nominal
code, even in a structural type system. But what if somebody shows up
with a similar class that they just updated to work with Box
declare class Ref<T> {
private item: T
deref(): T
// for Box compatibility:
readonly t: T
m(b: Ref<T>): void
Now, if the source is Ref<string>
and target is Box<unknown>
, we
have to compare the whole thing structurally. Everything goes well
until we try to check other
Ref<string> ⟹ Box<unknown>
(b: Ref<string>) => void ⟹ (b: Box<unknown>) => void
Ref<string> ⟹ Box<unknown>
Even though Ref !== Box
, we can use the fact that this is the second
occurrence of Ref<string> ⟹ Box<unknown>
to infer that the second
check will not provide any new information. However, instead of
returning True, structural assignability return Maybe, a ternary
value. A Maybe result becomes true if all non-Maybe results are true.
Otherwise it stays Maybe.
This causes Ref<string> ⟹ Box<unknown>
to succeed because Ref.t
in fact assignable to Box.t
and item
and deref
don't matter for
However, you can still write types that these two checks don't catch. Specifically:
declare class Functor<T> {
fmap<U>(f: (t: T) => U): Functor<U>;
declare class Mappable<T> {
fmap<U>(f: (t: T) => U): Mappable<U>;
In this case, for Functor<string> ⟹ Mappable<unknown>
, you end up
having to check Functor<U> ⟹ Mappable<U>
while checking the return
type of fmap
. Once you get started checking
Functor<U> ⟹ Mappable<U>
, you're stuck: every recursive check of
creates a fresh U
, so you have to check
Functor<U> ⟹ Mappable<U>
for this fresh U
To prevent this, structural assignability has an arbitrary 5-deep
cutoff for comparing identical pairs of types, even if their arguments
are different. That is, if we compare the pair (Functor, Mappable)
times, that particular comparison will return Maybe.
In order to present concepts in order of least to most complex, I presented the parts of the assignability check in a different order than they actually occur. The actual algorithm proceeds as follows:
- If source === target, return true.
- If source and target are simple and are assignable, return true.
- If source is an object type and the target has excess properties, return false.
- If source type is weak and the target shares no properties, return false.
- If the source or target types are algebraic, simplify the types if possible and recur.
- If the source is structurally assignable to the target, return true.
- Otherwise, return false.
As we saw in the previous section, step 6 might return "Maybe", which counts as true.
I also skipped quite a few small details like how private properties
are handled. For the actual code, look at checkTypeRelatedTo
src/compiler/checker.ts in the TypeScript repository on github.
Finally, I did not cover other relations like comparability or identicality at all, because they are all variants of assignability.