Installing dependencies
For Debian based distributions:
apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev pkg-config libglib2.0-dev binutils-dev libboost-all-dev autoconf libtool libssl-dev libpixman-1-dev libpython-dev python-pip virtualenv python-capstone
Required python packages (see the next paragraph for installation instructions):
ipython>=5,<6 sphinx sphinx-autobuild prettytable pefile capstone distorm3 pycrypto pytz
We strongly recommend to use a virtual env to install your python dependencies. If you have a local installation of volatility, it will intefere with the volatility package used by PyREBox.
Create the virtual env:
virtualenv pyrebox_venv
Once it has been created, activate it in order to install your python dependencies:
source pyrebox_venv/bin/activate
To install the python dependencies you can use pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Do not forget to activate your virtual env every time you want to start PyREBox!
source pyrebox_venv/bin/activate
Project configuration and building
PyREBox package installation is not yet supported.