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103 lines (81 loc) · 2.62 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (81 loc) · 2.62 KB


Maintain setup files across work environments.



Follow these steps to set up a work environment.



Store GitHub credentials in the home directory.

git config --global credential.helper store


Windowed terminal

  1. Install msys2 from
  2. In msys2 install tmux: pacman -S tmux
  3. Navigate to msys2 folder: C:\msys64/usr/bin.
  4. Copy these files to C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin:
  • msys-event-_-_-_.dll
  • msys-event_core-_-_-_.dll
  • tmux.exe


Define settings.

Establish vim settings by creating a symlink in C:/Users/$USERNAME to the _vimrc file in this repo and initializing all plugins.

cd ~
git clone ~/vimfiles
ln -s ~/vimfiles/_vimrc ~/_vimrc
cd ~/vimfiles

Then in vim run :PlugInstall.

Update environment variable PATH with location of gvim.exe.

  1. > Control Panel
  2. > System
  3. > Advanced System Settings
  4. > Environment Variables
  5. Under User Variables > Path
  6. > Edit
  7. > New
  8. > Browse
  9. Browse to folder that contains executable.

Editing the _vimrc

  1. Open ~/_vimrc or in vim type ,ev.
  2. Edit the file.
  3. Copy the file into ~/vimfiles.
  4. In ~/vimfiles run these commands from the command line:
  5. git add -A
  6. git commit -a -m 'description of the update'
  7. git push


  • adding
    1. Open ~/_vimrc.
    2. Add a line under the " declare plugins comment like so: Plug 'user/repo.
    3. Save the updated _vimrc file.
    4. Reload the updated _vimrc file or restart vim.
    5. In vim run :PlugInstall.
  • updating
    1. In vim run :PlugUpdate.
  • removing
    1. Open ~/_vimrc.
    2. Remove the line of the plugin to be removed.
    3. Reload the updated _vimrc file or restart vim.
    4. In vim run :PlugClean.

local server

Start up a local local server.

  1. Install http-sever: npm i -G http-server.
  2. In top-level development folder, create package.json: touch package.json.
  3. Add command to package.json: echo '{ "scripts": { "local": "http-server ." } }' > package.json.
  4. Start local server: npm run local.


Add a batch file that starts AutoHotKey, a keyboard macro program, to the Windows desktop.

cd C:/Users/$USERNAME/vimfiles
cp autoHotKey.bat ../Desktop
  • Run AutoHotKey initially by double clicking the batch file on the Windows desktop.
  • Edit AutoHotKey: CTRL + ALT + [
  • Run AutoHotKey after editing: CTRL + ALT + ]

Be sure to commit and push changes to setup files.