All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Quality report scheduler format simplified
- New value for quality report scheduler format: All
- Jersey 3
- Frontend Updates
- Jackson for serialization and deserialization
- log4j 2.17.1
- switch from log4j to slf4j
- logged many Exceptions
- removed log4j Configurator
- log4j version 2.17.0
- log4j version 2.16.0
- hapi version 5.6.1
- no class def error found for jacksonStructure
- Quality Report for large amount of data
- Log4j version to 2.15.0
- New frequence for ReportToMonitoringJob: long frequence, only once a day
- Redirect url for the negotiator
- Share-dto version 5.1.0
- Referencequerry: Executiontime in dktk
- Quality Report Info Sheet: CCP-Office as contact
- Fixed statistics diagrams in inquery view
- enhanced export button in inquery view
- Workbook Window configurable in config database
- Export in Thread
- converter.dktk.patient 2.2.2
- Add timestamp to last export filename (correct table)
- set site name when registering at the searchbroker
- delete searchbroker registration in the searchbroker database
- feature property to activate or deactivate "set site name" feature
- CentraXX Job logs
- Apache POI 5.0.0
- Migrate Percentage Logger to share-common
- Add timestamp to last export filename
- share-common version 4.1.0
- parent pom 11.1.1
- improve detection of FHIR ids that have to be encrypted
- make nNGM encryption key configurable
- Bug 1: Check connection to the broker(s): Retrieve and execute test inquiry
- Bug 2: Check connection to the broker(s): Check reachability
- Bug 3: Check connection to the ID-Manager: Retrieve export ID
- Bug 4: InquiryBean.loadSelectedInquiry() handle if inquiryCriteria is null
- Code Style Fix
- Updated swagger-ui plugin
- share-common 4.0.1 fix for icinga
- load last inquiry result
- read EncId instead of returning jsonString
- check the headers jsonpaths and target-url before using it
- github actions for automatic docker image builds in different configuration (currently samply, c4 and dktk)
- Environment Variables for the configuration file _cts_info.xml.
- Environment Variables for the new patientlistUrl and projectPseudonymisationUrl. see this file
- Removed hard coded urls from samply_common_urls
- Moved JMX Exporter and to "/docker" in the container
- Base image of the container from 8.5.32-jre8-alpine to 9-jdk8-openjdk-slim
- send pseudonymised bundle as JSON only
- renamed some methods
- Automatic generation of java classes from xsd files
- added process 9b for CTS
- added JSONPath
- encryption/decryption of FHIR references
- read localIds from Mainzelliste
- Percentage Logger
- Java Doc
- Integrate projectpseudonymization and patientlist
- Github release
- Samply parent 11.1.0
- Github Actions
- Google Code Style
- fixed functional tests for BLAZE
- changed locale default from de to en
- Added to Dockerfile
- Fixed job config report
- Added open api
- Report inquiry count
- CheckScheduledInquiryJob
- Report job config
- Report job error message
- Added cts audit trail
- Changed some UI representation
- Add tests inquiry for CQL
- Sync between directory and bridgehead
- Add stratification to InquiryResult
- Add stratifications to reply (for Searchbroker)
- Update several dependencies share-dto (4.8.0) share-common (3.4.0) common-ldmclient.cql (1.3.0) common-ldmclient.centraxx (5.4.0) common-ldmclient.samplystore-biobank (2.4.0)
- Use QueryRTesultStatistic from common (not CentraXX)
- Adopt interval for collecting inquiries to 1 second
- Reduce log level of Utils class to disable proxy warnings
- Adopt interval for collecting inquiries to 10 seconds
- Update share-dto (Switch back to former xml format)
- Update share-dto (avoid using namespace)
- Use correct entity type for CQL queries
- Update dependencies
- cleaned up the config files
- Unify flyway scripts for projects DKTK and Samply. CAUTION: Breaking change for Samply (not DKTK) and should have been a new major version
- Introduce InquiryCriteria to allow 1-n relation for Inquiry to criteria
- Introduce LdmQueryResult as return value in LdmClient-API (replacing Object as return value)
- changed xsd form common_urls.xhtml
- changed startpage text
- stop query request if LDM is not available
- Use HttpConnector without LDM-Client credentials when credentials are missing
- Moved functionality to superclass AbstractLdmConnector
- Cleaner code
- secure all APIs with basic Auth
- Anonymization implemented in connector by adding random number and rounding up number of donors and samples plus testing
- samply parent 10.1 (Java 8 )
- Diverse Versionsupdates von Libraries (e.g. JQuery 1.12.4 => 3.3.1-1)
- Codebase re-written
- Database re-designed
- Use jsf2 templates and composite components consistently
- n/a
- samply.common.upgrade due to the change to Flyway
- Job/Task management via custom Future Tasks
- necessity for config file
- n/a
- n/a