Input components have two modes: Controlled and Uncontrolled.
Let's create two inputs using different modes and compare them:
// Uncontrolled
Input(type = InputType.Text) {
defaultValue("Initial Value") // optional
onInput { event -> println(event.value) }
// Controlled
Input(type = InputType.Text) {
value("Some value") // calling value(...) is necessary to make input "Controlled"
onInput { event -> println(event.value) }
If you try running these snippets you'll see following behaviour:
- Uncontrolled text input will show "Initial value". Typing will make corresponding changes to the input's state.
- Controlled text input will show "Some value". But typing will not cause any changes.
- Both inputs will receive an
inonInput { }
In the example above, we set hardcoded value
- value("Some value")
. Therefore, typing does nothing.
Under the hood, controlled input "restores" its state according to last known value
To make Controlled Input more useful we can use MutableState<*>
to keep input's value:
val inputState = remember { mutableStateOf("Some Text") }
Input(type = InputType.Text) {
onInput { event -> println(event.value) }
We can see that, inputState
never mutates. If we run such an example as is, we'll see the same behaviour
as when value(...)
was hardcoded. But if we had some code that updates inputState
, then Input would recompose and new value would be shown.
In most cases, inputState
needs to be changed in onInput
event handler:
val inputState = remember { mutableStateOf("Some Text") }
Input(type = InputType.Text) {
onInput { event -> inputState.value = event.value }
Uncontrolled input changes its content independently while Controlled input's content can be changed only by external state (such as MutableState).
Here is a list of Composable functions which represent controlled inputs of different types:
- CheckboxInput
- DateInput
- DateTimeLocalInput
- EmailInput
- FileInput
- MonthInput
- NumberInput
- PasswordInput
- RadioInput
- RangeInput
- SearchInput
- TelInput
- TextInput
- TimeInput
- UrlInput
- WeekInput
val inputState = remember { mutableStateOf("Some Text") }
TextInput(value = inputState.value) {
onInput { event -> inputState.value = event.value }