A collection of useful .Net Interactive Notebooks to do Power BI related stuff.
If you're unfamiliar with .Net Interactive Notebooks, be sure to checkout the VS Code Livestreams session here. It is a fantastic overview on the functionality available in these notebooks.
Official installation instructions can be found here.
Opening this repo in Visual Studio Code / Azure Data Studio will prompt to install the .Net Interactive Notebooks extension if not already installed.
Install the latest Visual Studio Code.
Install the latest .NET 6 SDK.
Install the .NET Interactive Notebooks extension from the marketplace.
Download notebooks from the latest release and open in Visual Studio Code.
Install the latest Azure Data Studio, or alternatively install the latest SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
Install the latest .NET 6 SDK.
Install the .NET Interactive Notebooks extension from the extension manager in Azure Data Studio.
Download notebooks from the latest release and open in Azure Data Studio.
Official GitHub page: https://github.com/dotnet/interactive
Official GitHub documentation: https://github.com/dotnet/interactive/tree/main/docs
NuGet packages for .Net Interactive: https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=DotNet.Interactive
VS Code Livestreams stream: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/shows/vs-code-livestreams/net-interactive-notebooks-with-csharp-fsharp