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FLEDGE has been renamed to Protected Audience API. To learn more about the name change, see the blog post

Priyanka Chatterjee, Google Privacy Sandbox
Alexandra White, Google Chrome
Joe Lewis, Google Android
Chanda Patel, Google
Peiwen Hu, Google Privacy Sandbox

Overview of FLEDGE Services

The Privacy Sandbox aims to develop technologies that reduce cross-site and cross-app tracking while helping to keep online content and services free for all on Android and Chrome. FLEDGE (Android, Chrome) provides a privacy-preserving way to serve personalized ads to users, based on their previous mobile app or web engagement, in ways that limit third-party data sharing. FLEDGE for Android and Chrome requires real-time services running in secure environments.

Ad remarketing is one of the primary uses of FLEDGE. Real-time services are critical for FLEDGE because:

  • Real-time signals from adtechs are required to serve remarketing ads.
  • Some computations may be overly-expensive or infeasible to execute on client devices. As these computations are necessary, they should be able to be offloaded to the cloud, without affecting the speed or privacy of the ad auction and bidding service proposed by FLEDGE.

In this document, you’ll find a high-level overview of the proposal for FLEDGE services.

Key terms and concepts

Before reading this document, familiarize yourself with these key terms and concepts:

  • Adtech: an enterprise company that develops technology to serve ads to users on different mediums. In this context, adtech may refer to:
    • Supply-side platform ("sellers"): A digital advertising company that works with publishers to determine what ads to show in the ad slots offered by the publisher.
    • Demand-side platform ("buyers"): A digital advertising company that works with advertisers to display ads across various ad slots made available by publishers.
  • Client / client software: An Android device or a Chrome browser that supports the Privacy Sandbox.
  • Trusted execution environment (TEE): A combination of hardware and software that provides a secure environment. TEEs allow code to execute in isolation and protect data that exists within it. TEEs allow external parties to verify that the software does exactly what the software manufacturer claims it does—nothing more or less. Communication between the client and the TEE is encrypted, as is communication between the TEE and another TEE.
  • FLEDGE service: A real-time service that runs inside of a TEE, that can’t be accessed by any other workload or process running on the same machine. The service code is open source and externally verifiable. These services are not modifiable by their operators or infrastructure admins.
  • Service operator: An entity that operates real-time services to support FLEDGE.
  • Key management system: A centralized component that generates, manages and distributes cryptographic keys to clients and services.
  • Attestation: A mechanism to authenticate software identity with cryptographic hashes or signatures.

Trusted execution environment

A trusted execution environment (TEE) provides a level of assurance for data integrity, data confidentiality, and code integrity. A hardware-based TEE uses hardware-backed techniques to provide increased security guarantees for code execution and data protection within that environment.

Some of the key properties of a TEE include:

  • Applications that run in a TEE cannot be observed or modified by any other process running on the host machine.
  • Protect data-in-use. Data processed in-memory within the service is encrypted.

Cloud platform

Services running in TEE should be deployed on a cloud platform that supports necessary security features. See the Public Cloud TEE requirements explainer for more details.

Details specific to cloud platform support will be published at a later date. We expect to support Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and other cloud providers in the future.

Privacy considerations

In the proposed architecture for the FLEDGE services, we’ve made the following privacy considerations:

  • Service operators can run real-time services on a public cloud platform that supports the necessary security features.
  • Privacy protection of the FLEDGE service and the binary version of the virtual machine’s guest operating system are externally verifiable.
  • The FLEDGE services run in a TEE.
  • Service code, APIs, and configurations are open source and externally verifiable.
    • Note: Closed-source proprietary code can run within a TEE. In this trust model, closed-source proprietary code execution is allowed for certain use cases where execution is limited to another sandbox in the same TEE that preserves the same privacy considerations and security goals.
  • The service code is attested.
  • Data sent from the client is not persisted.
  • Sensitive data will not be exfiltrated out of the service.
  • The service operator is not able to access any sensitive data processed by the service.
  • No single entity can act alone to gain access to data from clients used to facilitate the FLEDGE information flow.

Security goals

  • Data in transit from client to real-time service is encrypted (client to service communication is encrypted).
  • Communication between two different TEEs is encrypted.
  • Cloud providers and service operators can not observe anything in a TEE.
  • Sensitive data cannot be logged. Prevention of sensitive data logging is enforced by security policies that are attested at service startup.
  • Logs, core memory dumps, crashes, and stack traces do not reveal sensitive information.
  • Adtechs cannot access decryption keys in cleartext.

Trust model

This section describes the trust model for FLEDGE services. In this context, trust is based on cryptographic verification by external parties. The model is expected to be trusted by all entities, including adtechs and clients.

Illustration of the trust model

Root of trust

A root of trust in this context implies that all other trust in the system can be logically derived from it. For the FLEDGE services, the cloud platform and hardware manufacturers are at the root of trust.

Entities with trust

The cloud platform as an entity is considered trusted in this model:

  • Secure virtual machine backed by TEE hardware on which FLEDGE service will be hosted, is trusted.
  • Key management systems are trusted.

Entities without trust

The following entities are inherently without trust:

  • Service operators.
  • A client, such as an app or browser.
    • Note: We no longer expect to need any device attestation as protection for Bidding & Auction Service. As the design has evolved, requests to the B&A Service now pass through the existing untrusted seller's ad service, which can perform its own protections from invalid traffic. Also, Web Environment Integrity is an entirely unrelated effort.

System overview

Adtechs can use FLEDGE services to perform several different actions (such as lookup real-time data as well as executing programmatic bidding and auctions). There are several entities that operate together in the systems.

System overview diagram

  • The clients send encrypted requests to a FLEDGE service. To encrypt these requests, the client prefetches and caches the public key from a key management system.
  • The FLEDGE service communicates with the client to return encrypted responses.
  • The FLEDGE service runs within a TEE, and communicates with two key management systems to prefetch private keys to decrypt and process the request.
  • Two key management systems maintain services and databases to generate and distribute public and private keys.


Diagram showing a client prefetching keys from a hosting service

Client software periodically fetches a set of public keys from the public key hosting service.

Public keys are cached client-side with a fixed TTL (in order of days) and are considered valid by the service for sufficiently longer. New versions of keys are prefetched before the expiration time of the previous set.

The client encrypts the request payload with a version of the public key. Then, the client sends the request and the version of the public key to the FLEDGE service.

Client-to-service communication

Diagram showing encrypted request and response

Client to FLEDGE service communication is encrypted using Bidirectional Hybrid Public Key Encryption (HPKE).

Request encryption

To encrypt the request, the client establishes a connection with the FLEDGE service endpoint. This ensures that the client is talking to the correct operator and server instance. This alone does not guarantee that the operator can be trusted to handle the request.

The client encrypts the request with the public key. The client sends the request, which includes a clear text message indicating the version of the public key, to the FLEDGE service.

The client won't directly verify the identity of the destination service. Instead, the request remains secure because the private keys are only available to the service after it has been attested.

Request decryption

Upon receiving a request, the FLEDGE service checks the version of the public key and looks up corresponding private keys from its in-memory cache.

The FLEDGE service decrypts the request using split private keys, processes the request and then returns an encrypted response back to the client.

Response protection

The response is encrypted with a key material and nonce derived from HPKE context.

HPKE does not require additional round trips or have extra latency overhead.

FLEDGE services

Each FLEDGE service is hosted in a secure virtual machine (TEE). Secure virtual machines run on physical hosts powered by secure hardware processors.

FLEDGE key exchange diagram

The FLEDGE service sends requests to the key management system to fetch private keys and public keys at service bootstrap. Before such keys are granted to the service, the binary hash of the FLEDGE service and guest operating system running on the virtual machine is validated against a hash of the open source image; this validation process is termed an attestation.

  • The FLEDGE service sends requests to private key hosting services to pre-fetch private keys. Private keys are granted to a FLEDGE service only after attestation.
    • A private key is split into two fragments. These fragments are fetched from the private key hosting endpoints which belong to Key Management System A and Key Management System B.
    • Both fragments of private keys are required to decrypt requests from clients.
    • The FLEDGE service periodically fetches private keys corresponding to all valid key versions and caches them in-memory. This also ensures if clients encrypt requests using any valid public key, the service can decrypt the requests.
  • FLEDGE services can send requests to other FLEDGE services or other trusted entities. Requests to other FLEDGE services would be encrypted using a public key and decrypted at the destination using the corresponding private key. Refer to the Bidding and Auction Service explainer as an example of an architecture where a FLEDGE service communicates with other FLEDGE services.
  • Public and private keys are periodically prefetched and cached. The key caching TTL within the service is in the order of hours.

Key management systems

Diagram of key management systems

A key management system includes multiple services that are tasked with:

  • Generating a public-private key pair used for encryption and decryption.
  • Provisioning keys to end-user devices.
  • Provisioning key pairs to real-time services.

In this proposal, two separate trusted parties called Coordinators operate key management systems.

Key Management System A

Key Management System A includes:

  • A cloud database for encryption key storage.
  • A cloud key management service (cloud KMS) for encryption key management.
  • A key generation service.
    • The key generation service runs in a TEE. The key generation service generates public keys and splits private key pairs that are used to encrypt and decrypt each request and response. New keys are generated every 7 days.
  • A public key hosting service.
    • The public key hosting service exposes an API endpoint that returns active public keys.
  • A private key hosting service.
    • The private key hosting service exposes an API endpoint that returns an encrypted private key split fragment that belongs to "Key Management System A". The key fragment is encrypted using a cloud KMS.

Key Management System B

Key Management System B includes:

  • A cloud database for encryption key storage.
  • A cloud key management service (cloud KMS) for encryption key management.
  • A key storage service.
    • This service exposes an endpoint that is called by the key generation service to store one of the encrypted private key fragments.
  • A private key hosting service.
    • The private key hosting service exposes an API endpoint that returns an encrypted private key split fragment that belongs to "Key Management System B". The key fragment is encrypted using a cloud KMS.

Public and private keys

Every public and private key pair has a corresponding version number.

Public keys are used to encrypt requests. Private keys are used to decrypt the request. To perform decryption, the version of the private key must correspond to the version of the public key that is used for encryption.

Public keys have a client side time-to-live (TTL) of N days. Corresponding private keys should have a TTL of at least N+1 days.

Adtech authentication by Coordinator

When an adtech onboards to a cloud platform to deploy and operate FLEDGE services, they need to be enrolled with Coordinator. Refer here for more details.

Initial plans for release and deployment

Release by Google

  • Developers author open source Key Management Systems code and Google releases source code to an open source repository (GitHub).
  • Google Privacy Sandbox is publishing FLEDGE services source code and build artifacts to an open source repo in org. Refer here for the Github code repo of different Privacy Sandbox services.

Deployment by adtechs

Adtechs will deploy FLEDGE services from an open source repository that follow helper guides provided by Google. This includes running binaries of the service in the TEE setup specific to a cloud platform. Adtechs are responsible for the productionization of FLEDGE services operated by them.

Adtechs will define and be responsible for the Sevice Level Objective (SLO) and Service Level Agreement (SLA) of the system deployed by them.

Deployment by Coordinators

Two different Coordinators will deploy Key Management System A and Key Management System B on every Cloud Platform that is supported.

FLEDGE services

The Privacy Sandbox is proposing the following open source services for FLEDGE that run in TEEs and are operated by adtechs.

Key/value services

Lookup service for fetching real-time signals from adtechs. This is a critical path dependency for remarketing bidding & auctions.

Refer to the Key/Value service API explainer for more information.

Bidding and auction services

Programmatic bidding and auction can be computation heavy, such that it may be infeasible to execute on user's devices. This could be due to system health considerations and ad latency constraints. The FLEDGE Bidding and Auction service executes ad bidding and auctions remotely in the TEE.

Refer to the Bidding and auction services explainer for more information.

Refer to all Bidding and Auction explainers here.