- Compute means combining computation capabilities of CPU and RAM.
- The computation power we dont have physically but we have a virtual computation power
- Software As A Service
- Running Softwares and all
- Storage As A Service
- It will give a enviorment to use a specific program or something, example If we want to use JAVA only then it will give only computation power for that particular thing.
- Infrastructure As A Service
- Database As A Service
- Network As A Service
- 60% Market Share
- Postpaid Money Model
- 150+ Services.
- Azure
- OpenStack
- Rackspace
- Hardware
- A physical resource which is a combination of RAM, CPU, HDD and Networking Equipments.
- Hypervisor
- A program or a software which provides a service to host multiple operating systems on free hardware resources.
- Example VMWARE or VirtualBox.
- Hypervisors are of Two Types
- Type 1 Bare Metel Hypervisors
- Type 2 Hosted Hypervisors like VMware or Virtualbox.
- Type 2 Hypervisors are dependent upon the base Operating system.
- Type 1 Hypervisors are installed directly on Hardware which dont need an operating system to run on.
- There are a lot of companies which develop Hypervisors like VmWare which develop both the types of hypervisors.
- Citrix is the 2nd largest Hypervisor development company.
- Type 1 Hypervisor named as XEN Server
- Type 2 Hypervisor named as XEN
- Redhat is the 3rd largest Hypervisor Development company.
- Type 1 Hypervisor named as RHEVH
- Type 2 Hypervisor named as KVM
- Micorsoft is the 4th largest Hypervisor development company.
- Type 1 Hypervisor named as Hyper-V
- Type 2 Hypervisor named as VirtualPC
- Oracle is the 5th largest Hypervisor development company.
- Type 1 Hypervisor named as VM
- Type 2 Hypervisor named as VirtualBox
- In maximum cases we will be using Type 1 Hypervisors.
- AWS uses Citrix XEN Server
- Racks | Clusturs | Data Centers | Region
- It is a collections of Motherboard(RAM and CPU) placed together in a group of stack.
- NOTE: It dosent contain any HDD or SSD in computation Racks.
- A physical place of combination of Racks is called a Clustur.
- Collection of thousands of Clusturs is called as Data Center
- Collection of Multiple Data Centers in a city is called as Region.
- EC2 Basics
- AWS uses a name Availability Zone for Region
- The combination of RAM and CPU in AWS is called as ECU (Elastic Compute Unit)
- When we ask for Storage is gives from EBS(Elastic Block Storage)
- AMI (Amazon Machine Image) These are the operating system images which Amazon provide us.
- VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) It gives us Networking Interface and Firewall Configuration.
- Boot Straping in EC2 to plan something for automation like something installation or host a website or such.
- IAAS -> ec2 (ELastic Compute Cloud)
Need to know in AWS for AWS Certification Exam:-
Hardware ->
- A physical Resource which is a combination of RAM, CPU, HDD and Networking Equipments
Hypervisor ->
- A program or a software which provides a service to host multiple OS on the free h/w resources
- VMM (Virtual Machine Manager)
- Divides the RAM and CPU not the HDD in the Racks
- Ex -> VMware, Virtual Box
- Types:-
Type 1 or Bare Metal
- Installed directly on the Hardware which don't need an OS to run on.
- Ex ->
- ESXI -> VMWare
- XEN Server -> Citrix -> Used by AWS
- RHEVH -> Redhat
- Hyper-V -> Microsoft
- Virtual Box -> Oracle
Type 2 or Hosted Hypervisor
- Levels:-
- Hardware
- OS
- Hypervisor
- OS
- Ex ->
- VMWare/ VMP -> VMWare
- XEN -> Citrix -> Used by AWS
- KVM -> Redhat
- Virtual PC-> Micrsoft
- VM -> Oracle
- Levels:-
- Includes only Mother Board in Racks
- NOTE:- It doesn't contain any HDD or SSD in computation Racks.
- Smallest unit is Hardware then Rack then Cluster the Data Center then all Data Centers includes in Region as said by Amazon.
- And Amazon said Data Center as Availability Zone
Data Center
- Atleast 2 Data Centers are placed in a Region by Amazon
- Regions are basically the physical space (City or a Country)
In Amazon, we say combination of RAM and CPU as ECU (Elastic Compute Unit)
And for HDD we take it from EBS (Elastic Block Storage)
And for OS Image it is AMI (Amazon Machine Images)
And for Network it is VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)
- Does job whenever we launch an instance like create a user and set a password
- How much Maximum we can choose instances and why Spot Instances
- Can we change Subnet Avaliabilty zone after launch and can we change it before launch
- What are the shutdown behaviours :- Stop, Terminate
- What is Tenancy
- T2/T3 Unlimited -> for using internet having very fast speed
- To install web server we use
yum install httpd
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd
- To install php and restart httpd you can use
yum install php
systemctl restart httpd
- To change configuration files of httpd use.
vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- To add your own virtual host add your
IP Address
andHost name
<virtualhost *:80>
documentroot /var/www/adhoc
servername adhoc.example.com
- Add this at the end of the file.
- Now add a Local DNS in your own system
[root@ip-172-31-44-37 adhoc]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 adhoc.example.com
- Now if you want to access in your actual system then add this same entry in windows host file also.
- Now add the entry in that file using administrator permissions via cmd -> Notepad adhoc.example.com
- Now you can access
in your windows system also.
- How many instance we can launch in a single shot in AWS
- What is Request Spot Instance
- Can we change Subnet Availability Zone after instance Launch.
- Data Science is distinguished in two forms
- Big Data
- Machine Learning
- Big Data is a field where we store and manage huge amounts of data for storage and its processing.
- Machine Learning is applying mathematical calculations or processing the data generated by big Data platforms use them and extract useful information form it.
- Deep learning is a technology which is used to solve complex problems which Machine Learning cannot solve or handle.
- Its more over your custom designed Machine Learning model.
- Tensorflow is the advanced version of NumPy.
- The data would be atleast in two dimensions and can be in 100's of Dimensions.
- To install numpy we use
pip install numpy
- To use numpy we import it with a name to short the module name
import numpy as np
- We can create array in
by calling a function only.
a = np.array([1,2,45,35,45])
- We can print an array just by using the variable name or we can print a specific value also.
[ 2 7 1 99 4]
- We can also perform operations on arrays
- We can create multidimensional arrays just by adding list brackets inside the list.
x = np.array([[2,5,8],[3,6,1]])
[[2 5 8]
[3 6 1]]
- Now we have a full table and now we can access it by using matrix
- When we use
it basically adds7
in every element of the array. - If I want a specific row just use the 1st row index in array.
[2 5 8]
- We can get the shape size or matrix dimensions by calling the shape() function with the matrix variable.
- To get specific number of rows we use slicing tool