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Day 15 Cloud Computing

  • Compute means combining computation capabilities of CPU and RAM.
  • The computation power we dont have physically but we have a virtual computation power

Categories of Cloud Computing

  1. SAAS
    • Software As A Service
    • Running Softwares and all
  2. STAAS
    • Storage As A Service
  3. PAAS
    • It will give a enviorment to use a specific program or something, example If we want to use JAVA only then it will give only computation power for that particular thing.
  4. IAAS
    • Infrastructure As A Service
  5. DBAAS
    • Database As A Service
  6. NAAS
    • Network As A Service

Major Cloud Providers

  • AWS
    • 60% Market Share
    • Postpaid Money Model
    • 150+ Services.
  • Azure
  • Google
  • OpenStack
  • IBM
  • Rackspace

AWS Basic Information about EC2 Cloud

  • Hardware
    • A physical resource which is a combination of RAM, CPU, HDD and Networking Equipments.
  • Hypervisor
    • A program or a software which provides a service to host multiple operating systems on free hardware resources.
    • Example VMWARE or VirtualBox.
    • Hypervisors are of Two Types
      • Type 1 Bare Metel Hypervisors
      • Type 2 Hosted Hypervisors like VMware or Virtualbox.
    • Type 2 Hypervisors are dependent upon the base Operating system.
    • Type 1 Hypervisors are installed directly on Hardware which dont need an operating system to run on.
    • There are a lot of companies which develop Hypervisors like VmWare which develop both the types of hypervisors.
    • Citrix is the 2nd largest Hypervisor development company.
      • Type 1 Hypervisor named as XEN Server
      • Type 2 Hypervisor named as XEN
    • Redhat is the 3rd largest Hypervisor Development company.
      • Type 1 Hypervisor named as RHEVH
      • Type 2 Hypervisor named as KVM
    • Micorsoft is the 4th largest Hypervisor development company.
      • Type 1 Hypervisor named as Hyper-V
      • Type 2 Hypervisor named as VirtualPC
    • Oracle is the 5th largest Hypervisor development company.
      • Type 1 Hypervisor named as VM
      • Type 2 Hypervisor named as VirtualBox
    • In maximum cases we will be using Type 1 Hypervisors.
    • AWS uses Citrix XEN Server
  • Racks | Clusturs | Data Centers | Region
    • It is a collections of Motherboard(RAM and CPU) placed together in a group of stack.
    • NOTE: It dosent contain any HDD or SSD in computation Racks.
    • A physical place of combination of Racks is called a Clustur.
    • Collection of thousands of Clusturs is called as Data Center
    • Collection of Multiple Data Centers in a city is called as Region.
  • EC2 Basics
    • AWS uses a name Availability Zone for Region
    • The combination of RAM and CPU in AWS is called as ECU (Elastic Compute Unit)
    • When we ask for Storage is gives from EBS(Elastic Block Storage)
    • AMI (Amazon Machine Image) These are the operating system images which Amazon provide us.
    • VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) It gives us Networking Interface and Firewall Configuration.
    • Boot Straping in EC2 to plan something for automation like something installation or host a website or such.


  1. IAAS -> ec2 (ELastic Compute Cloud)

Need to know in AWS for AWS Certification Exam:-

  • Hardware ->

    • A physical Resource which is a combination of RAM, CPU, HDD and Networking Equipments
  • Hypervisor ->

    • A program or a software which provides a service to host multiple OS on the free h/w resources
    • VMM (Virtual Machine Manager)
    • Divides the RAM and CPU not the HDD in the Racks
    • Ex -> VMware, Virtual Box
    • Types:-
      • Type 1 or Bare Metal

        • Installed directly on the Hardware which don't need an OS to run on.
        • Ex ->
          • ESXI -> VMWare
          • XEN Server -> Citrix -> Used by AWS
          • RHEVH -> Redhat
          • Hyper-V -> Microsoft
          • Virtual Box -> Oracle
      • Type 2 or Hosted Hypervisor

        • Levels:-
          • Hardware
          • OS
          • Hypervisor
          • OS
        • Ex ->
          • VMWare/ VMP -> VMWare
          • XEN -> Citrix -> Used by AWS
          • KVM -> Redhat
          • Virtual PC-> Micrsoft
          • VM -> Oracle
  • Racks

    • Includes only Mother Board in Racks
    • NOTE:- It doesn't contain any HDD or SSD in computation Racks.
    • Smallest unit is Hardware then Rack then Cluster the Data Center then all Data Centers includes in Region as said by Amazon.
    • And Amazon said Data Center as Availability Zone
  • Data Center

    • Atleast 2 Data Centers are placed in a Region by Amazon
    • Regions are basically the physical space (City or a Country)
  • In Amazon, we say combination of RAM and CPU as ECU (Elastic Compute Unit)

  • And for HDD we take it from EBS (Elastic Block Storage)

  • And for OS Image it is AMI (Amazon Machine Images)

  • And for Network it is VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

[Advanced Details] Boot Straping:-

  • Does job whenever we launch an instance like create a user and set a password


  • How much Maximum we can choose instances and why Spot Instances
  • Can we change Subnet Avaliabilty zone after launch and can we change it before launch
  • What are the shutdown behaviours :- Stop, Terminate
  • What is Tenancy
  • T2/T3 Unlimited -> for using internet having very fast speed

PHP Installation in AWS

  • To install web server we use
yum install httpd
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd
  • To install php and restart httpd you can use
yum install php
systemctl restart httpd
  • To change configuration files of httpd use.
vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
  • To add your own virtual host add your IP Address and Host name in /etc/hosts file
<virtualhost *:80>
documentroot /var/www/adhoc
  • Add this at the end of the file.
  • Now add a Local DNS in your own system
[root@ip-172-31-44-37 adhoc]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6
  • Now if you want to access in your actual system then add this same entry in windows host file also.
  • Now add the entry in that file using administrator permissions via cmd -> Notepad
  • Now you can access in your windows system also.


  • How many instance we can launch in a single shot in AWS
  • What is Request Spot Instance
  • Can we change Subnet Availability Zone after instance Launch.

Machine Learning | Data Science

  • Data Science is distinguished in two forms
    • Big Data
    • Machine Learning
  • Big Data is a field where we store and manage huge amounts of data for storage and its processing.
  • Machine Learning is applying mathematical calculations or processing the data generated by big Data platforms use them and extract useful information form it.
  • Deep learning is a technology which is used to solve complex problems which Machine Learning cannot solve or handle.
  • Its more over your custom designed Machine Learning model.

NumPy Numerical Python

  • Tensorflow is the advanced version of NumPy.
  • The data would be atleast in two dimensions and can be in 100's of Dimensions.
  • To install numpy we use
pip install numpy
  • To use numpy we import it with a name to short the module name
import numpy as np
  • We can create array in numpy by calling a function only.
a = np.array([1,2,45,35,45])
  • We can print an array just by using the variable name or we can print a specific value also.
[ 2  7  1 99  4]
  • We can also perform operations on arrays
  • We can create multidimensional arrays just by adding list brackets inside the list.
x = np.array([[2,5,8],[3,6,1]])
[[2 5 8]
 [3 6 1]]
  • Now we have a full table and now we can access it by using matrix row x column
  • When we use x+7 it basically adds 7 in every element of the array.
  • If I want a specific row just use the 1st row index in array.
[2 5 8]
  • We can get the shape size or matrix dimensions by calling the shape() function with the matrix variable.
  • To get specific number of rows we use slicing tool