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File metadata and controls

111 lines (99 loc) · 4.87 KB


initiated with a video over ways of communication , ways to easily communicate and develop a network Application/Software -> Interpreter -> Kernel -> RAM,CPU,HardDisk (Kernel interacts with the hardwareand checks for space availability. operating systems @Student's point of view~:

  • Windows(Closed Source)
  • Linux (Open Source)--> its a kernel and not an OS
  • Mac(Costly)

To change backend code of Firefox~:

$ gedit /usr/bin/Firefox -> Change the Code

Kernal(3 types)~:

1.NT(Windows) ~: .exe(extension) && Examples ~ (Windows 7,8,10) 2.LINUX -> RPM(.rpm) { used for bigdata in redhat } Debian(.deb) {used for ML in Ubuntu/mint} 3.DARWIN ~ :.dmg && Examples ~ (OSX , SNOWL)

Few useful Linux Commands~:

  • $ mkdir folder-name{1..50} # {} encloses a range and creates 50 folder in linux
  • $ useradd user-name # Creates a new user
  • $ pinky # shows information of all available users
  • $ rm -f # Forcefully remove files
  • $ rm -fv # forcefully remove file with an action responding work done
  • $press F2 # used to rename a file
  • $ cal September 1752 # shows september calendar with dates missing from 3 to 13
  • $ date +%Y # Current year
  • $ date +%A # Current Weekday
  • $ date +%T # Current Time
  • $ date --help # all options available with date command
  • $ cal -j # Shows Julean Calendar
  • $ bc # opens a calculator
  • $ ls -F # check which is folder and which is file in a directory
  • $ mkdir -p folder1/folder2 #both folders will be created together
  • $ rm -rf pi* #deletes all folders starting with 'pi' , use anything instead of 'pi'
  • $ su #switch users through command line

Default Architecture of Windows~:

Main Account ~: Admin Text Editor ~: Notepad CMD Internet Explorer .exe based OS OS Storage ~: C Drive C:\user\user-name #Stores info about environment of seperate users(Desktop,Downloads,Videos etc..)

Default Architecture of Linux(Red Hat)~:

Main Account ~: root Text editor ~: Gedit Terminal Firefox .rpm based OS Storage ~: /(backslash) /home #Stores folders of different users each with seperate data /root ~> Admin

Python Integration in Various Technologies~:

  • Pi (meu)python ~> Raspberyy pi
  • Web-App ~> Django,FLask
  • All Databases
  • OS ~> Linux,Windows,Mac
  • Network --> Devices (Router,Switch,etc)
  • Bigdata
  • Cloud Computing
  • NET ~> ironpython
  • JAVA ~> Jython

To install Python 3.6 in rhel 7.5 server~ :

  • move to etc directory (using cd command)
  • move to yum.repos.d/ directory
  • create a new repo ~ > gedit adhoc.repo
  • write~ : [ad] #[]these brackets can enclose anything, you can write Pykid instead as well. baseurl= # online repository created by adhoc networks gpgcheck=0
  • save it and run command yum install python3* -y
  • Python installed successully.


  • Calendar used by linux is called Georgian andd other available is Julean
  • CNCF ~ : A great open source Community
  • Python is an interpreted language.
  • Python provides reusability of memory ~ > (Stores the value and not the variable)
  • Each website we run on browser, temporarily stores all its information on local pc RAM
  • (75~80) % of the data in the world is stored in string format.
  • ML and AI both uses int/float values

Data-Types~ :

1.Immutable * Python is strictly binded * examples ( int,float,str,byte,tuple) 2.Mutable *examples (list,set,dictionary)


  • show files and folders of different folders other then desktop as default on monitor {open \home\adhoc.config ~ > gedit user-dirs.dirs ~ > swap Desktop with Downloads ~ > Restart}
  • First time run Command should always give some error
  • Study Concept of Recycle Bin -- how it works {done, keeps some memory from origin storage and tacks recycle.bin from each dir merging all}
  • Make different copies of a >5MB file in a directory using only 5MB storage.
  • why 3 to 13 dates are missing from september 1752 calendar? {To get the calendar back in sync with astronomical events like the vernal equinox or the winter solstice, a number of days were dropped}
  • Create 100 folders and delete them in Windows { use os module and make python code }
  • Find the part of RAM where how much byte of data is actually stored or provided to a variable can be checked
  • Make 500 variables and check change in size of RAM then replace variable's value with 'None' and re-check the RAM.