I like to use Postman when I'm working with APIs for the time for new applications, it makes it easy for me to design my API calls, test and validate. I finally decided to take note of the reminder and sign into the Postman app. But then all of a sudden all of my existing work just disappeared. I was massively worried. I'd being building a new collection. Luckily I found a fix you can read below.
I also started to play around with JSON path, so when querying against an API for example, I can output just the information I want.
- Kubernetes Operators 101
- No one wants to manage Kubernetes anymore
- Free GitLab certification
- Be selective with Kubernetes RBAC permissions
- Infrastructure as Code’s Broken Promises
Interested in JSON Path? See this links
Make your Kubectl output look pretty with Kubecolour
- kubecolor colorizes your kubectl command output and does nothing else. kubecolor internally calls kubectl command and try to colorizes the output so you can use kubecolor as a complete alternative of kubectl.