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File metadata and controls

161 lines (119 loc) · 5.11 KB


A library that adds diff-powered change tracking to Rails projects with ActiveAdmin + Devise.


  • Ruby 2.0+
  • Rails 4.2+
  • ActiveAdmin 1.0.0pre2
  • Devise 3.5+


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'chronolog'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install chronolog

Then install the gem to your Rails project via:

$ rails g chronolog:install

This will create the following files:

  • Changeset model (app/models/chronolog/changeset.rb)
  • Changeset migration (db/migrate/*_create_chronolog_changesets.rb)
  • Chronolog initializer (config/initializers/chronolog.rb)
  • ActiveAdmin Changeset resource (app/admin/changeset.rb)
  • Changeset view partial for ActiveAdmin (app/views/admin/changesets/_changeset.html.erb)
  • Chronolog admin helper (app/helpers/active_admin/chronolog_helper.rb)


To take advantage of Chronolog, just add track_changes inside the register blocks for the ActiveAdmin resources you'd like to track:

ActiveAdmin.register Post do

Any time a resource with track_changes is created, updated, or deleted, Chronolog will generate a Chronolog::Changeset record. Each of these changesets captures the following information:

changeset = Chronolog::Changeset.first

changeset.changeable # Returns the record changed unless it has been deleted
changeset.identifier # Always returns a string capturing the object's #to_s and class type at the time of the change
changeset.action     # Returns the change action -- either create, update, or destroy
changeset.changeset  # Returns a hash that captures diff'd attributes/associations/methods and their previous and current values
changeset.admin_user # Returns the AdminUser that made the change unless it has been deleted
changeset.created_at # Timestamp for when the change occurred

It's recommended that any resource you include track_changes on should have a #to_s implementation as it's used to generate an identifier string for the record and model-type on any changeset. Without #to_s, you'll get a Ruby object pointer in the changeset identifier:

#<SomeClass:0x007fcfdc650640> (Some Class)

To query the admin user that either created or last modified a record, include Chronolog::Changesets in the model definition:

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  include Chronolog::Changesets

This allows you to call the following methods:

Post.first.created_by       #=> #<AdminUser>
Post.first.last_modified_by #=> #<AdminUser>


Diff Attributes

Probably the most important model-level customization involves defining diff_attributes. Chronolog has a sensible default for determining what attributes and associations to diff when tracking changes:

  • Ignore id, created_at, and updated_at attributes
  • Include any belongs_to dependencies

These defaults won't work for every case. Chronolog provides an interface for overriding what attributes, associations, and methods are evaluated when generating a changeset. Here's an example demonstrating the three options (ignored attributes, included associations, and methods to diff):

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :tags

  validates :title, :body, :published_date, presence: true

  def to_s
    "#{title} (Published on #{published_date.strftime('%A %B %e, %Y')})"

  def diff_attributes,
      ignore:  %i(published_date),
      include: %i(tags),
      methods: $i(to_s)

This would result in the following:

  • Exclude published_date from the diff
  • Include a post's associated tags in its diff (will use Tag#diff_attributes if defined, otherwise it will use Chronolog's default)
  • Include the post's #to_s in the changeset

Databases without the JSON Column Type

Chronolog's migration is generated (via rails g chronolog:install) with Postgres in mind, as it uses the json column type. If you're using a database that does not support the json type, change the following line from db/migrate/*create_chronolog_changesets.rb (* represents an auto-generated timestamp):

t.json :changeset, null: false


t.text :changeset, null: false

You'll also want to add the following line to app/models/chronolog/changeset.rb:

serialize :changeset, Hash

ActiveAdmin Dashboard

The dashboard in ActiveAdmin is a great place to display recent changes. Drop something like this inside the content block:

panel 'Activity Log' do
  header_action link_to 'View All', [:admin, :changesets]

  table_for Chronolog::Changeset.recent.limit(10) do
    column 'Date' do |changeset|

    column 'Time' do |changeset|
      changeset.created_at.strftime("%I:%M %P")

    column 'Message' do |changeset|
      change_summary changeset

    column 'Changes' do |changeset|
      link_to 'View Changes', admin_changeset_path(changeset)


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at