Focker 2 has been redesigned from the ground up to be more modular, better structured and create a solid foundation for future development. At the top level, the code is grouped into 4 major categories - cmdmodule, core, jailconf and misc, which bring together the business logic responsible for respectively: CLI functionality delivered as plugins, image/volume/jail management, roundtrip /etc/jail.conf parser and miscellaneous/helper functions.
The most fundamental part of the API to understand is the focker.core module. It is very likely that regardless of the functionality you are trying to achieve, you will be compelled to reach out to focker.core on one or more occassions. A couple of examples follow.
from focker.core import ImageBuilder
bld = ImageBuilder(focker_dir='/path/to/some/directory', squeeze=True)
im =
im.add_tags([ 'my-fancy-image-tag' ])
from focker.core import ( clone_image_jailspec, OSJailSpec )
with clone_image_jailspec({ 'image': 'my-fancy-image-tag' }) as (spec, _, jfs_take_ownership):
_ = jfs_take_ownership()
ospec = OSJailSpec.from_jailspec(spec)
jail = ospec.add()
from focker.core import Volume
v = Volume.create()
v.add_tags([ 'my-fancy-volume-tag' ])
from focker.core import ( Volume, clone_image_jailspec, OSJailSpec )
im = Image.clone_from(Image.from_tag('freebsd-latest'))
im.add_tags([ 'my-image' ])
v = Volume.create()
with clone_image_jailspec({ 'image': 'my-image' }) as (spec, _, jfs_take_ownership):
_ = jfs_take_ownership()
ospec = OSJailSpec.from_jailspec(spec)
jail_1 = ospec.add()
with clone_image_jailspec({ 'image': 'my-image',
'depend': [ ], 'mounts': { v: '/mnt' } }) as (spec, _, jfs_take_ownership):
jfs = jfs_take_ownership()
ospec = OSJailSpec.from_jailspec(spec)
jail_2 = ospec.add()
jfs.add_tags([ 'jail-2' ])