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Here is a 1-paragraph overview of the main content-oriented didactics (COD) in each chapter, and the associated CHIPS or other materials for hands-on practice.

1. Introduction to Software as a Service, Agile Development, and Cloud Computing

We contrast SaaS with shrink-wrapped software, Agile with other development methodologies, and cloud computing with earlier models of provisioning computing, and describe the synergy among the three. SaaS/cloud/agile are not necessarily always superior, but the learner should understand when each is appropriate to use. We describe techniques that programmers have developed over time to improve their productivity, such as software reuse, conciseness, and rich tooling. We introduce the fundamental architectural concepts of cloud computing and mobile clients. Finally, we emphasize the importance of the maligned term "legacy code," the relationship between legacy code and beautiful code (and refacotring), and why all software engineers should hope that their code becomes legacy code.

{% hint style="info" %} In describing cloud+client app architecture, we avoid diving into "client native" frameworks such as React Native or iOS, since these present significant learning-curve and maintainability challenges and all the concepts we need to teach can be embodied in mobile-first HTML/CSS/JavaScript apps. {% endhint %}

The next five chapters form Part I of the book, which covers SaaS architecture, a server-side SaaS language and framework (Ruby and Rails), and client-side SaaS language and framework (JavaScript and jQuery).

2. How to Learn a New Language

This quick introduction will get you up to speed on how to learn any new language and framework, using Ruby, a highly productive scripting language, as an example. We focus on the unique productivity-enhancing features of Ruby that may be unfamiliar to Python programmers, and we omit many details that are well covered by existing materials. As with all languages, becoming truly comfortable with Ruby's powerful features will require going beyond this material; the end of the chapter gives suggested resources.

  • CHIPS 2.5 Ruby Intro: a gentle intro to Ruby idioms, including running instructor-provided unit tests to check your answers

3. SaaS Application Architecture: Microservices, APIs, and REST

Fundamentally, a RESTful SaaS app is a collection of resources and operations on those resources. This chapter examines the basics of the client-server Web architecture for SaaS, which uses HTTP, HTML, and JSON as the mechanisms by which resources are represented and operations on them are carried out. We'll contrast Service-Oriented Architecture and its latest manifestations, microservices and serverless computing, with traditional monolithic SaaS. We'll put all these ideas together by building and deploying a simple SaaS app that plays a letter-guessing-based word game, using the simple Ruby-based framework Sinatra.

  • CHIPS 3.3 HTTP and URIs: intro to HTTP requests, URIs, and cookies, using curl and netcat to see raw data

  • CHIPS 3.7 Create and Deploy a Simple SaaS App de-mystifies the creation of a SaaS app (a simple word-guessing game using Sinatra) including use of an external service, and how to think about RESTfully "wrapping" application logic in SaaS.

4. SaaS Framework: Rails as a Model--View--Controller Framework

Rails is a Ruby-based framework that uses three patterns to organize SaaS apps: Model--View--Controller for the app as a whole, Active Record for models backed by a relational database in the persistence tier, and Template View for constructing HTML pages. For conciseness, DRYness and productivity, Rails makes pervasive use of Ruby's reflection and metaprogramming as well as convention over configuration, a design paradigm that automates some configuration based on the names of data structures and variables. Although Rails presents a lot of machinery for the simple examples developed in this chapter, you will quickly ``grow into'' these features as your apps become more sophisticated.

  • CHIPS 4.3 ActiveRecord Basics: write ActiveRecord queries against a provided seeded database.

  • CHIPS 4.5 Rails Routes: not actually a homework assignment, but a simple app that lets students enter syntactically valid Rails routes and understand the RESTful routes that Rails would generate for them.

  • CHIPS 4.7 Word Guesser on Rails: use the same Hangperson game logic and Cucumber scenarios as CHIPS 3.7, but scaffolds a walkthrough of how to deploy the app with Rails instead of Sinatra, as an on-ramp understanding the complex Rails framework.

  • CHIPS 4.9 Hello Rails: create a brand-new Rails app (RottenPotatoes) from scratch, including routes, database setup, using the debugger, and deploying to Heroku.

5. SaaS Framework: Advanced Programming Abstractions for SaaS

This chapter explores three sets of mechanisms for DRYing out your code, thereby making it more concise, beautiful and maintainable. Model validations and controller filters centralize what invariants must hold in order for a model object to be valid (for example, a movie must have a nonblank title) or for a controller action to proceed (for example, the user must be logged in as an admin). ActiveRecord Associations use Ruby language features to represent and manipulate relationships among different types of ActiveRecord models, while using relational-database functionality to represent these relationships as foreign-key associations.
Finally, scopes let you encapsulate different ActiveRecord queries into composable ``building blocks'' that you can easily reuse to add new query functionality to your app. In each case, tastefully-chosen language features and framework architecture support DRY and concise app code.

  • CHIPS 5.3 Rails Intro: enhance RottenPotatoes to filter and sort movie lists.

{% hint style="info" %} Coming soon: CHIPS 5.3 will be augmented to also add SSO login to RottenPotatoes, and a new CHIPS 5.7 on Associations will add Reviews to RottenPotatoes, where each review is associated with both a movie and a reviewer. {% endhint %}

6. Mobile and Desktop SaaS Clients: JavaScript Introduction

{% hint style="danger" %} This chapter topically belongs in Part I, but should perhaps be covered later, and can be excluded entirely. Many interesting SaaS apps are possible without JavaScript, and the advice on JavaScript TDD makes more sense if covered after Chapter 8. {% endhint %}

Proper use of JavaScript enhances the user experience and can make SaaS apps richer and more interactive. The Web's client-side programming language has a bad reputation because most people who use it lack the programming experience to use its unusual features to write beautiful code.
The approach that Chapter 2 introduced for learning Ruby and Rails is used here to quickly introduce JavaScript, jQuery,and AJAX. The approach to RSpec in Chapter 8 is mirrored in introducing Jasmine for test-driven development in JavaScript.

{% hint style="info" %} We deliberately avoid introducing "heavyweight" client-side frameworks such as React or Angular because they add significant complexity and learning curve that is unnecessary for many apps, and because our focus is on the cloud (SaaS) aspects of the app.
{% endhint %}

{% hint style="info" %} Coming soon: CHIPS 6.9 will add AJAX enhancements to RottenPotatoes. {% endhint %}

The next six chapters form Part II of the book, which covers software development. Each chapter first introduces and explains the Agile approach to the topic, plus a section at the end of the chapter that offers the contrasting approach from the Plan-and-Document perspective.

7. Requirements: Behavior-Driven Design and User Stories

The first step in the Agile cycle, and often the most difficult, is a dialogue with each of the stakeholders to understand the requirements. We first derive \w{user stories}, which are short narratives each describing a specific interaction between some stakeholder and the application. Velocity-based iteration planning, supported by tools such as Pivotal Tracker, use user stories to help estimate the difficulty of the work so as to produce a schedule and how to correct the schedule when actual progress differs from predicted progress. The Cucumber tool turns these stylized but informal English narratives into acceptance and integration tests. As SaaS usually involves end users, we also need a user interface. We do this with low-fidelity (Lo-Fi) drawings of the Web pages and combine them into storyboards before creating the UI in HTML. In this chapter you will learn requirements elicitation, cost estimation, project scheduling, and monitoring progress.

  • CHIPS 7.7 Intro to BDD and Cucumber: write Cucumber features (integration/acceptance tests) to test happy and sad paths of RottenPotatoes.

8. Testing: Test-Driven Development

In test-driven development, you first write failing tests for a small amount of nonexistent code and then fill in the code needed to make them pass, and look for opportunities to refactor (improve the code's structure) before going on to the next test case.
This cycle is sometimes called Red--Green--Refactor, since many testing tools print failed test results in red and passing results in green. To keep tests small and isolate them from the behavior of other classes, we introduce mock objects and stubs as examples of seams---places where you can change the behavior of your program at testing time without changing the source code itself.

{% hint style="info" %} Coming soon: revamped CHIPS 8.5 that scaffolds the process of learning to write RSpec tests. {% endhint %}

  • CHIPS 8.9 BDD/TDD Cycle: a complete pass through the BDD and TDD cycle of specifying a feature in terms of stories and then using TDD with RSpec to drive the development and deployment of the feature.

9. Software Maintenance: Enhancing Legacy Software Using Refactoring and Agile Methods

Out of every dollar spent on software, 36% is spent on enhancements, 10% on fixing bugs, 11% on adapting to environmental changes such as new library versions or API changes, and 3% on refactoring to make the software more maintainable. In total, therefore, about 60% of software expenses is devoted to software maintenance, so your first job is more likely to involve improving existing code than creating a brand-new system from a clean slate. Chapters 7--8 (BDD+TDD) looked at disciplined ways to evolve new code. Although thorough formal documentation of legacy systems may be lacking or inaccurate, the Agile techniques we already know can be pressed into service to help understand the structure of legacy software and create a foundation for extending and modifying it with confidence. We describe what good code looks like and why, and show how to apply refactoring techniques to legacy code both to make it more testable (and therefore modifiable with confidence) and to leave it in better shape than we found it for the next developers.

10. Agile Teams

Programming is now primarily a team sport, and this chapter covers techniques that can help teams succeed. Pair programming, design reviews, and code reviews can improve software quality. Good version control practices, supported by tools such as Git,
address code management. Distributed development using branch-per-feature, pull requests, and upstream merging allows ``teams of teams'' to collaborate on large projects. We outline successful workflows for small teams that keep everyone in sync and disseminates knowledge about different parts of the codebase to all team members.

  • CHIPS 10.5 Agile Iterations: Two (or more) full iterations of Agile adding features to an existing (legacy) app

{% hint style="info" %} Bluejay, a tool for scaffolding students through the Agile workflow (claim a story, make a feature branch, request code review via pull request, deliver feature to client) will be made available to instructors soon. {% endhint %}

11. Design Patterns for SaaS Apps

Besides reusability, programmer productivity requires concise, readable code with minimal clutter. In this chapter, we describe some concrete guidelines for making your class architecture DRY and maintainable: the SOLID principles of object-oriented design---Single Responsibility, Open/Closed, Liskov Substitution, Injection of Dependencies, and Demeter---and some design patterns supporting them. We will learn about design smells and metrics that may warn you of violations of SOLID, and explore some refactorings to fix those problems. In some cases, those refactorings will lead us to one of a collection a design patterns---proven ``templates'' for class interaction that capture successful structural solutions to common software problems.

12. Dev/Ops

Unlike shrink-wrapped software, SaaS developers are typically much closer to post-release operations and maintenance. This chapter covers what your SaaS app should not do when released: crash, become unresponsive when it experiences a surge in popularity, or compromise customer data. Since many of these concerns are greatly alleviated by deploying in a well-curated PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) environment such as Heroku, we focus on how to steward your app to leverage those benefits as long as possible by monitoring to identify problems that interfere with responsive service, addressing those problems with caching and efficient database usage, and thwarting common attacks against customer data.

  • CHIPS 12.8 Exploiting Caching and Indices: improve the performance of RottenPotatoes by adding database indices to speed up key queries.

13. Afterword

In this chapter we give perspectives on the big ideas in this book---Agile, Cloud Computing, Rails, SaaS, and SOA---and show how Berkeley students who have graduated and taken jobs in industry rank their importance.