From 26ef89665e46e37bfb5937493fb572564ca35acc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ryanabx <> Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 20:48:53 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] deploy: cf9a3c8808444262e43f9274129aa514d772a12c --- command_reference.html | 1294 +---------------------------------- index.html | 1294 +---------------------------------- notes/contact-ryanabx.html | 1294 +---------------------------------- notes/djot-example.html | 1294 +---------------------------------- notes/index.html | 4 + notes/markdown-example.html | 1294 +---------------------------------- templating.html | 1294 +---------------------------------- 7 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 7758 deletions(-) create mode 100644 notes/index.html diff --git a/command_reference.html b/command_reference.html index 35fc30a..909b32c 100644 --- a/command_reference.html +++ b/command_reference.html @@ -1,1289 +1,4 @@ - -<!DOCTYPE html> -<html> - -<head> - <style> - .content-body { - --base-size-4: 0.25rem; - --base-size-8: 0.5rem; - --base-size-16: 1rem; 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- margin-bottom: var(--base-size-16); - color: inherit; - border-left: .25em solid var(--borderColor-default); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert>:first-child { - margin-top: 0; - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert>:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert .markdown-alert-title { - display: flex; - font-weight: var(--base-text-weight-medium, 500); - align-items: center; - line-height: 1; - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-note { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-accent-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-note .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-accent); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-important { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-done-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-important .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-done); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-warning { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-attention-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-warning .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-attention); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-tip { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-success-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-tip .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-success); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-caution { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-danger-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-caution .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-danger); - } - - .content-body>*:first-child>.heading-element:first-child { - margin-top: 0 !important; - } - - body { - padding-left: 5%; - padding-right: 5%; - padding-top: 2%; - padding-bottom: 2%; - } - - .outer-content { - background-color: var(--bgColor-muted-2); - color: var(--fgColor-muted); - padding: 1%; - } - - .content-border { - display: flex; - flex: 1; - outline: var(--fgColor-muted); - outline-width: 5px; - outline-style: solid; - } - - .content-body { - padding: 1%; - flex: 1; - } - - .table-of-contents { - flex: 0 1 auto; - font-size: 12px; - padding: 1%; - } - - .my-container { - display: flex; - min-height: 100vh; - } - </style> -</head> - -<body class="outer-content content-body"> - <div class="my-container"> - <div class="table-of-contents"> - Contents: - <ul><li><a href="../templating.html">templating</a></li><li><b><u>notes:</u></b></li><ul><li><a href="../notes/markdown-example.html">markdown-example</a></li><li><a href="../notes/contact-ryanabx.html">contact-ryanabx</a></li><li><b>djot-example</b></li></ul><li><a href="../command_reference.html">command_reference</a></li><li><a href="../index.html">index</a></li></ul> - </div> - <div class="content-border"> - <div class="content-body"> - <h1>Djot example</h1> +<h1>Djot example</h1> <hr /> <p>This is a simple djot example to showcase this static site generator! It gets put into the template called <code>template.html</code> in the home directory of this documentation, and as a result it has some nice formatting and a simple table of contents! The template is of course not required though :)</p> <hr /> <p>For more, see the <a href="./markdown-example.html">Markdown example</a> and go to the command reference at <a href="../command_reference.html">../</a></p> - - </div> - </div> - </div> -</body> -</html> - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/notes/index.html b/notes/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f8411ab --- /dev/null +++ b/notes/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +<p><a href="../index.html">../</a></p> +<p><a href="./markdown-example.html"></a></p> +<p><a href="./contact-ryanabx.html"></a></p> +<p><a href="./djot-example.html"></a></p> diff --git a/notes/markdown-example.html b/notes/markdown-example.html index dfe9577..95af649 100644 --- a/notes/markdown-example.html +++ b/notes/markdown-example.html @@ -1,1296 +1,4 @@ - -<!DOCTYPE html> -<html> - -<head> - <style> - .content-body { - --base-size-4: 0.25rem; - --base-size-8: 0.5rem; - --base-size-16: 1rem; - --base-text-weight-normal: 400; - --base-text-weight-medium: 500; 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- } - - .content-body blockquote>:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; - } - - .content-body h1 .octicon-link, - .content-body h2 .octicon-link, - .content-body h3 .octicon-link, - .content-body h4 .octicon-link, - .content-body h5 .octicon-link, - .content-body h6 .octicon-link { - color: var(--fgColor-default); - vertical-align: middle; - visibility: hidden; - } - - .content-body h1:hover .anchor, - .content-body h2:hover .anchor, - .content-body h3:hover .anchor, - .content-body h4:hover .anchor, - .content-body h5:hover .anchor, - .content-body h6:hover .anchor { - text-decoration: none; - } - - .content-body h1:hover .anchor .octicon-link, - .content-body h2:hover .anchor .octicon-link, - .content-body h3:hover .anchor .octicon-link, - .content-body h4:hover .anchor .octicon-link, - .content-body h5:hover .anchor .octicon-link, - .content-body h6:hover .anchor .octicon-link { - visibility: visible; - } - - .content-body h1 tt, - .content-body h1 code, - .content-body h2 tt, - .content-body h2 code, - .content-body h3 tt, - .content-body h3 code, - .content-body h4 tt, - .content-body h4 code, - .content-body h5 tt, - .content-body h5 code, - .content-body h6 tt, - .content-body h6 code { - padding: 0 .2em; - font-size: inherit; - } - - .content-body summary h1, - .content-body summary h2, - .content-body summary h3, - .content-body summary h4, - .content-body summary h5, - .content-body summary h6 { - display: inline-block; - } - - .content-body summary h1 .anchor, - .content-body summary h2 .anchor, - .content-body summary h3 .anchor, - .content-body summary h4 .anchor, - .content-body summary h5 .anchor, - .content-body summary h6 .anchor { - margin-left: -40px; - } - - .content-body summary h1, - .content-body summary h2 { - padding-bottom: 0; - border-bottom: 0; - } - - .content-body, - .content-body { - padding: 0; - list-style-type: none; - } - - .content-body ol[type="a s"] { - list-style-type: lower-alpha; - } - - .content-body ol[type="A s"] { - list-style-type: upper-alpha; - } - - .content-body ol[type="i s"] { - list-style-type: lower-roman; - } - - .content-body ol[type="I s"] { - list-style-type: upper-roman; - } - - .content-body ol[type="1"] { - list-style-type: decimal; - } - - .content-body div>ol:not([type]) { - list-style-type: decimal; - } - - .content-body ul ul, - .content-body ul ol, - .content-body ol ol, - .content-body ol ul { - margin-top: 0; - margin-bottom: 0; - } - - .content-body li>p { - margin-top: 16px; - } - - .content-body li+li { - margin-top: .25em; - } - - .content-body dl { - padding: 0; - } - - .content-body dl dt { - padding: 0; - margin-top: 16px; - font-size: 1em; - font-style: italic; - font-weight: var(--base-text-weight-semibold, 600); - } - - .content-body dl dd { - padding: 0 16px; - margin-bottom: 16px; - } - - .content-body table th { - font-weight: var(--base-text-weight-semibold, 600); - } - - .content-body table th, - .content-body table td { - padding: 6px 13px; - border: 1px solid var(--borderColor-default); - } - - .content-body table td>:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; - } - - .content-body table tr { - background-color: var(--bgColor-default); - border-top: 1px solid var(--borderColor-muted); - } - - .content-body table tr:nth-child(2n) { - background-color: var(--bgColor-muted); 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- } - - .content-body code br, - .content-body tt br { - display: none; - } - - .content-body del code { - text-decoration: inherit; - } - - .content-body samp { - font-size: 85%; - } - - .content-body pre code { - font-size: 100%; - } - - .content-body pre>code { - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - word-break: normal; - white-space: pre; - background: transparent; - border: 0; - } - - .content-body .highlight { - margin-bottom: 16px; - } - - .content-body .highlight pre { - margin-bottom: 0; - word-break: normal; - } - - .content-body .highlight pre, - .content-body pre { - padding: 16px; - overflow: auto; - font-size: 85%; - line-height: 1.45; - color: var(--fgColor-default); - background-color: var(--bgColor-muted); - border-radius: 6px; - } - - .content-body pre code, - .content-body pre tt { - display: inline; - max-width: auto; - padding: 0; - margin: 0; - overflow: visible; - line-height: inherit; - word-wrap: normal; - background-color: transparent; - border: 0; - } - - .content-body .csv-data td, - .content-body .csv-data th { - padding: 5px; - overflow: hidden; - font-size: 12px; - line-height: 1; - text-align: left; - white-space: nowrap; - } - - .content-body .csv-data .blob-num { - padding: 10px 8px 9px; - text-align: right; - background: var(--bgColor-default); - border: 0; - } - - .content-body .csv-data tr { - border-top: 0; - } - - .content-body .csv-data th { - font-weight: var(--base-text-weight-semibold, 600); - background: var(--bgColor-muted); - border-top: 0; - } - - .content-body [data-footnote-ref]::before { - content: "["; - } - - .content-body [data-footnote-ref]::after { - content: "]"; - } - - .content-body .footnotes { - font-size: 12px; - color: var(--fgColor-muted); - border-top: 1px solid var(--borderColor-default); - } - - .content-body .footnotes ol { - padding-left: 16px; - } - - .content-body .footnotes ol ul { - display: inline-block; - padding-left: 16px; - margin-top: 16px; - } - - .content-body .footnotes li { - position: relative; - } - - .content-body .footnotes li:target::before { - position: absolute; - top: -8px; - right: -8px; - bottom: -8px; - left: -24px; - pointer-events: none; - content: ""; - border: 2px solid var(--borderColor-accent-emphasis); - border-radius: 6px; - } - - .content-body .footnotes li:target { - color: var(--fgColor-default); - } - - .content-body .footnotes .data-footnote-backref g-emoji { - font-family: monospace; - } - - .content-body .pl-c { - color: var(--color-prettylights-syntax-comment); - } - - .content-body .pl-c1, - .content-body .pl-s .pl-v { - color: var(--color-prettylights-syntax-constant); - } - - .content-body .pl-e, - .content-body .pl-en { - color: var(--color-prettylights-syntax-entity); - } - - .content-body .pl-smi, - .content-body .pl-s .pl-s1 { - color: var(--color-prettylights-syntax-storage-modifier-import); - } - - .content-body .pl-ent { - color: var(--color-prettylights-syntax-entity-tag); - } - - .content-body .pl-k { - color: var(--color-prettylights-syntax-keyword); - } - - .content-body .pl-s, - .content-body .pl-pds, - .content-body .pl-s .pl-pse .pl-s1, - .content-body .pl-sr, - .content-body .pl-sr .pl-cce, - .content-body .pl-sr .pl-sre, - .content-body .pl-sr .pl-sra { - color: var(--color-prettylights-syntax-string); 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- margin-bottom: var(--base-size-16); - color: inherit; - border-left: .25em solid var(--borderColor-default); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert>:first-child { - margin-top: 0; - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert>:last-child { - margin-bottom: 0; - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert .markdown-alert-title { - display: flex; - font-weight: var(--base-text-weight-medium, 500); - align-items: center; - line-height: 1; - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-note { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-accent-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-note .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-accent); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-important { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-done-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-important .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-done); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-warning { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-attention-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-warning .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-attention); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-tip { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-success-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-tip .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-success); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-caution { - border-left-color: var(--borderColor-danger-emphasis); - } - - .content-body .markdown-alert.markdown-alert-caution .markdown-alert-title { - color: var(--fgColor-danger); - } - - .content-body>*:first-child>.heading-element:first-child { - margin-top: 0 !important; - } - - body { - padding-left: 5%; - padding-right: 5%; - padding-top: 2%; - padding-bottom: 2%; - } - - .outer-content { - background-color: var(--bgColor-muted-2); - color: var(--fgColor-muted); - padding: 1%; - } - - .content-border { - display: flex; - flex: 1; - outline: var(--fgColor-muted); - outline-width: 5px; 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See: <a href="../index.html">../</a> for the home page, and <a href="../command_reference.html">../command_reference</a> for the command reference!</p> <p>Contact me <a href="contact-ryanabx.html">here</a></p> - - </div> - </div> - </div> -</body> -</html> - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/templating.html b/templating.html index 57083d2..5ad008d 100644 --- a/templating.html +++ b/templating.html @@ -1,1289 +1,4 @@ - -<!DOCTYPE html> -<html> - -<head> - <style> - .content-body { - --base-size-4: 0.25rem; - --base-size-8: 0.5rem; - --base-size-16: 1rem; - --base-text-weight-normal: 400; - --base-text-weight-medium: 500; - --base-text-weight-semibold: 600; - --fontStack-monospace: ui-monospace, SFMono-Regular, SF Mono, Menlo, Consolas, Liberation Mono, monospace; - - } - - @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { - - .content-body, - [data-theme="dark"] { - /*dark*/ - color-scheme: dark; - --focus-outlineColor: #1f6feb; - --fgColor-default: #e6edf3; - --fgColor-muted: #8d96a0; - --fgColor-accent: #4493f8; 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All you need to do is provide a <code>template.html</code> file in any directory of your documentation.</p> <blockquote> <p><strong>NOTE:</strong> A nested <code>template.html</code> will take priority over a parent folder's <code>template.html</code></p> @@ -1307,10 +22,3 @@ <h1>Templating</h1> <p>This template contains two macros, the <code><!-- {TABLE_OF_CONTENTS} --></code> macro which provides a simple bulleted list of all the page links for your static site, and <code><!-- {CONTENT} --></code>, which is where the output of the Markdown and Djot converters goes.</p> <h2>Built-in Templates</h2> <p>There is currently one built-in template: <code>github-markdown</code>. Use the <code>-t</code> option to specify this template. You may also use <code>-t force-none</code> to force a blank page without a template!</p> - - </div> - </div> - </div> -</body> -</html> - \ No newline at end of file