Name | Type | Description | Notes |
links | list[Link] | [optional] | |
id | int | ID of the Project | [optional] |
name | str | Name of the Project | [optional] |
description | str | Description of the Project | [optional] |
status_id | int | Status of the Project | [optional] |
start_date | datetime | Start date of the Project | [optional] |
end_date | datetime | End date of the Project | [optional] |
admins | list[str] | Arrays of admin user | [optional] |
sample | bool | Is sample or not | [optional] [default to False] |
user_profile | UserProfile | Arrays of User Profile in Project | [optional] |
defect_tracking_systems | list[DefectTrackingSystem] | Arrays of External Defect Tracking Connection | [optional] |
x_explorer_access_level | int | Can access Explorer | [optional] |
date_format | str | Client date time format | [optional] |
automation | bool | Automation enabled or not | [optional] [default to False] |